Parks and Recreation BoardJune 27, 2022

B6-1: Pan American Neighborhood Park Renaming Proposal — original pdf

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Parks and Recreation Board Consideration for Pan American Neighborhood Park Renaming Proposal Kimberly McNeeley, Director Parks and Recreation Department June 27, 2022 Austin Municipal Code Process initiated to rename the Pan American Neighborhood Park (located at 307 Chicon St.) to Tony Castillo Pan American Neighborhood Park. Austin Municipal Code § 14-1-36 - REQUIREMENTS FOR NAMING OR RENAMING A PARK FACILITY. (1) PARK FACILITY means a park, significant building, sports complex, pool facility, or trail owned by the City and dedicated or used for park purposes. Significant building includes recreation, senior, cultural centers and other significant facilities used for parks and recreational purposes. (2) PARK FEATURE means a recreational improvement that is not considered a park facility and is a major component in the park facility. (3) DIRECTOR means the director of the Parks and Recreation Department. Austin Municipal Code § 14-1-37 - PARK NAMING POLICY. (A) Subject to a valid agreement governing the naming of a park facility or park feature, a park feature in a park facility may be dedicated to an individual or group to recognize a culturally significant contribution, other valuable contribution, or creditable service to the park system or the community without naming or renaming the park facility in which the feature is located. A plaque recognizing a deserving individual or group may be placed by the park feature without naming or renaming the park facility in which the plaque is placed. Additional plaques recognizing other individuals or groups may be placed at the same feature location. Each plaque may be removed only when the park feature is removed and repurposed into another park feature. Naming a park feature can be done administratively without City Council approval. Austin Municipal Code § 14-1-37 - PARK NAMING POLICY. (B) A park facility may be named for: (1) an individual who has provided a valuable contribution and creditable service to the park system and the City; (2) an individual or entity that deeds the land to the City for a park facility, contributes the estimated cost of at least 50% of the development of the park facility, and provides an endowment for the estimated 20-year maintenance costs of the park facility as estimated by the director; or (3) an individual or entity that has provided a culturally significant contribution to the surrounding area or community in which the facility exists. Austin Municipal Code § 14-1-37 - PARK NAMING POLICY. (C) A non-refundable application fee must be paid at the time of submission of the application for naming or renaming a feature or facility. (D) If a name is approved by council or the director, a sign fabrication, plaque and installation fee must be paid prior to fabrication. Austin Municipal Code § 14-1-37 - PARK NAMING POLICY. (E) The application must contain documentation of public support for the proposed name. Public support materials must be provided to the Parks and Recreation Department. (F) If the city has financed the park facility or feature with the proceeds of obligations, the interest on which is excludable from gross income for federal income tax purposes, the city may reject a name to preserve the exemption from federal income taxation of the interest on the proceeds of the obligations. Austin Municipal Code § 14-1-39 - PROCEDURE FOR NAMING OR RENAMING A FACILITY (C) Not later than the date construction of a new facility begins, the director shall notify the council, the city manager, the Parks and Recreation Board, and the City's public information officer that a new facility is to be named. To promote community engagement and input from the stakeholders in the geographic (D) area surrounding the facility prior to referral to the Parks and Recreation Board, immediately on receipt of notice from the director, the City's public information officer shall take reasonable steps to inform persons who are likely to have an interest in the naming of the facility. The public information officer shall consider the nature and location of the facility and whether a particular community is likely to be especially interested in the process, and disseminate the information to reach those communities. Information disseminated under this subsection shall include a statement of the deadline for submitting nominations (E) A nomination or endorsement must be received by the director not later than the 90th day after date of the director's notice under Subsection (C) Austin Municipal Code § 14-1-39 - PROCEDURE FOR NAMING OR RENAMING A FACILITY (F) As soon as practicable after the deadline for receiving nominations and endorsements, the director shall submit completed nominations and endorsements to the chair of the Parks and Recreation Board that the director finds to have appropriate justification (G) On receipt of the nominations and endorsements, the Parks and Recreation Board shall schedule and conduct a public hearing on naming or renaming the facility. The Parks and Recreation Board shall make a written recommendation to the Council not later than the 45th day after the date the chair receives the nominations and endorsements, and shall provide a copy of the recommendation to the city manager. If the Parks and Recreation Board fails to meet the deadline prescribed in this section, the board is deemed to have made no recommendation. (H) The city manager shall provide each council member a copy of the Parks and Recreation Board's recommendation, if any, and the nominations and endorsements received by the director. The city manager shall place an item regarding the naming or renaming of the facility on the council's agenda as soon as practicable after the Parks and Recreation Board makes its recommendation, or after the period prescribed by Subsection (G) expires, whichever is earlier. • Initiated by Application and notice to PARB • Survey and community comments ended June 5 90 days • Parks and Recreation Board received comments • Public hearing on June 27th • Parks and Recreation Board sends Recommendation to Council PARB • City Council receives PARB recommendation • City Council makes final decision (Suggested Meeting July 28th or Council September 2st) Pan American Neighborhood Park 1940: National Youth Association’s Latin American Community Center near today’s Comal Park in 1940. 1942: PARD began management under Raul “Roy” Guerrero. 1956: Moved to present-day location. Naming competition held, naming Center and surrounding park “Pan American” Recreation Center and Park. 1958: Iconic Hillside Theater added with many notable concerts over the years. 1996: Rec Center added Cantu’s name to become Oswaldo A.B. Cantu Pan American Recreation Center. Augustine “Tony” Castillo • Born in East Austin • Served community for 65 years. • One of founders of Jokers softball team and basketball team. • Hosted numerous sports functions and tournaments. • Longtime AISD educator and coached at Johnston and Akins High Schools. • Expanded community’s political voice through LUCHA and support of East Austin candidates. Induction to the Pan Am Fastpitch Softball Hall of Honor, 2021 (photo courtesy of Derek Castillo) Community Engagement Feedback Do you support the renaming of Pan American Neighborhood Park to Tony Castillo Pan American Neighborhood Park? 79% - Yes, I support the renaming 19% - No, I do not support the renaming 2% - No opinion or unsure 379 respondents Community Engagement Feedback Do you support the renaming of Pan American Neighborhood Park to Tony Castillo Pan American Neighborhood Park? (District 3 residents) 49% - Yes, I support the renaming 51% - No, I do not support the renaming 0% - No opinion or unsure 35 respondents Community Engagement Feedback Approximately 90% of the collected survey comments acknowledged support for the renaming to the Tony Castillo Pan American Neighborhood Park. Approximately 10% of the collected survey comments did not support the renaming Tony Castillo Pan American Neighborhood Park. Community Meeting comments demonstrated a split in support with a majority of comments not in favor of renaming. Next Steps Parks and Recreation Board to make a recommendation Request for Council Action to be place on Council Agenda for final consideration and action Questions ?