Parks and Recreation BoardMarch 28, 2022

B6-1: Draft ARC Recommendation — original pdf

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BOARD RECOMMENDATION PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Recommendation Number: 20220328-B6: Austin Rowing Center Agreement WHEREAS, Austin Rowing Club (ARC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the sport of rowing in Austin; and WHEREAS, ARC offers a variety of low-cost and no-cost rowing programs for eligible youth and adult rowers; and WHEREAS, ARC has a contract, No. NR120000004, with the City for the management and operation of the Waller Creek Boathouse; and WHEREAS, the contract along with all available contract extensions expire on March 1, 2023; and WHEREAS, the Waller Creek Boathouse may be demolished in the near future to implement the Blue Line light rail identified in Austin Transit Partnership’s Project Connect program; and WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Board values, when possible, the continuity of services and programs to the public; and WHEREAS, the uncertainty of the timing of a future demolition and the current contract may impact rowing concessions available to the public. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Parks and Recreation Board recommends to the Parks and Recreation Department Director to either 1) Extend Contract No. NR120000004 until a Demolition Permit application is submitted on the Waller Creek Boathouse located at 74 Trinity Street or a decision is made that the Waller Creek Boathouse located at 74 Trinity Street will not be demolished; and/or 2) enter into a Park Operations, Maintenance and Programming Agreement for the current and future boathouse and related facilities with ARC once an approved Operations & Maintenance Plan is approved by the Parks and Recreation Board and the Austin City Council. Date of Approval: _____________________________ Record of the vote: Attest: _____________________________________________ (Staff or board member can sign)