Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD October 26, 2021 MINUTES The Parks and Recreation Board convened in a regular meeting on Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at 301 W. Second Street, Austin, Texas. Chair Lewis called the meeting to order at 6:05pm. Board Members in Attendance: Dawn Lewis, Nancy Barnard, Laura Cottam Sajbel, Sarah Faust, Lisa Hugman and Nina Rinaldi. Board Members in Attendance Remotely: Richard DePalma, Anna Di Carlo and Kimberly Taylor. Board Member Di Carlo joined the meeting at approximately 7:58pm. Staff in Attendance: Kimberly McNeeley, Liana Kallivoka, Lucas Massie, Suzanne Piper, Lana Denkeler, Bianca Galvan, Charles Mabry, Jason Walker, Tonja Walls, Diana Wang, and Sammi Curless. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL August Harris – Preservation Texas 2021 award for the Shipe Cabin Sharon Blythe – Austin Memorial Park Kevin Reinis – Austin Rowing Club Frederick DeWorken –Foundation Communities development and need for green space Scott Cobb – memorializing Joan Khabele A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Board Member Cottam Sajbel made a motion to correct the minutes to reflect clarification of the final motion related to item B3. The clarification is to strike the following language: “Board Member Cottam Sajbel made a motion to recommend to the Planning Commission that the Statesman PUD…;” Board Member Faust seconded the motion. The motion passed on a vote of 8-0 vote with Board Member Di Carlo absent and two vacancies. The corrected minutes from the regular meeting of September 28, 2021 were approved on Board Member Taylor motion, Board Member Cottam Sajbel second on a vote of 8-0 with Board Member Di Carlo absent and two vacancies. Page 1 of 3 Due to the number of interested speakers, Chair Lewis moved Items B3 and B5 to be heard following approval of the minutes. Items B1 and B2 were taken up after Item B5 and were followed by Items B4 and B6. B. NEW BUSINESS: PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ITEMS CONSENT 1. Discussion and possible action regarding a recommendation to the City Council regarding an ordinance waiving up to $9,315 in Parks and Recreation Department Asian American Resource Center rental fees for Austin Community College; and authorizing the negotiation and execution of an Interlocal Agreement with Austin Community College to provide classrooms at the Asian American Resource Center for English as a Second Language classes and potentially other adult education programs free of charge. Chair Lewis made a motion to recommend to the City Council approval of an ordinance waiving up to $9,315 in Parks and Recreation Department Asian American Resource Center rental fees for Austin Community College; and authorization of the negotiation and execution of an Interlocal Agreement with Austin Community College to provide classrooms at the Asian American Resource Center for English as a Second Language classes and potentially other adult education programs free of charge; Board Member Cottam Sajbel seconded the motion. The motion passed on a vote of 8-0 with Vice Chair DePalma abstaining and two vacancies. 2. Discussion and possible action regarding a recommendation to the City Council regarding the negotiation and execution of an amendment to an existing contract with Interment Services, Inc. for continued interment services at city cemeteries and to extend the term by two years. Board Member Hugman pulled from the Consent agenda for further discussion. Vice Chair DePalma made a motion to recommend to the City Council the negotiation and execution of an amendment to an existing contract with Interment Services, Inc. for continued interment services at city cemeteries and to extend the term by two years; Board Member Cottam Sajbel seconded the motion. The motion passed on a vote of 9-0 with two vacancies. NON-CONSENT 3. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding a recommendation to the Parks and Recreation Director supporting the naming of the ballfield at Pan American Neighborhood Park. Chair Lewis made a motion to recommend that the Director make the decision regarding naming and to consider recognition of features for both individuals; Vice Chair DePalma seconded the motion. The motion passed on an 8-0 vote with Board Member Di Carlo absent and two vacancies. 4. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding a recommendation to the Planning Commission for the approval of a Conditional Use Permit required for all site development permits on public land over 1 acre, related to the Waterloo Greenway Creek Delta Project. Page 2 of 3 Board Member Rinaldi made a motion to recommend support of the Creek Delta Project and the Conditional Use Permit for “P” Zoning; Board Member Hugman seconded the motion. The motion passed on a vote of 9-0 with two vacancies. 5. Presentation and discussion regarding the pond concept development as part of the vision plan process for Beverly S. Sheffield Northwest District Park. Charles Mabry, Parks and Recreation Department and Drew Carmen, RVi, made a presentation and answered questions. No action was taken on the item. 6. Discussion regarding parkland dedication. Board Members discussed the item. No action was taken on this item. C. ITEMS FROM BOARD MEMBERS 1. Update from Zilker Park Vision Plan Working Group. (Lewis, DePalma, Faust, Taylor) 2. Update from Joint Working Group with the Animal Advisory Commission. (Lewis, Barnard) 3. Update from Downtown Commission. (Taylor) 4. Update from South Central Waterfront Advisory Board. (Cottam Sajbel) 5. Update from Joint Sustainability Committee. (DePalma, Rinaldi) D. DIRECTOR’S REPORT ON PROGRAM AND PROJECT UPDATES AND EVENTS No reports due to time constraints. No report due to time constraints. E. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS • Faust – explanation of procedure for honoring Joan Khabele mentioned in citizen communication; report on accounting from ACL including payments to the Department from 2021 event • Faust/Cottam Sajbel – financial assistance for vision plan mentioned by Frederick DeWorken • Cottam Sajbel/DePalma – Austin Rowing Center and Blue Line discussion including transit partnership reimbursement of facility and land • DePalma – impact of Proposition A on parks if it passes • DePalma/Lewis – Proposition B including if the Lakeshore property can be rezoned before it goes out for solicitation • Lewis – Zilker Boat and Rowing Dock contracts Chair Lewis adjourned the meeting at 10:04pm. Page 3 of 3