A: Draft Minutes of September 28, 2021 — original pdf

PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD September 28, 2021 MINUTES The Parks and Recreation Board convened in a regular meeting on Tuesday, September 28, 2021 at 301 W. Second Street in Austin, Texas. Chair Lewis called the meeting to order at 6:06pm. Board Members in Attendance: Dawn Lewis, Richard DePalma, Nancy Barnard, Laura Cottam Sajbel, Sarah Faust, Nina Rinaldi and Kimberly Taylor. Board Members in Attendance Remotely: Anna Di Carlo and Lisa Hugman. Board Member Di Carlo joined the meeting at 6:48pm. Board Member Hugman departed the meeting at approximately 8:15pm. Staff in Attendance: Kimberly McNeeley, Liana Kallivoka, Lucas Massie, Suzanne Piper, Scott Grantham, Denisha Cox, Christina Bies, Gregory Montes, Grishma Shah, George Maldonado, Steven Prather, Jennifer Massie-Gore, David Hernandez, Ron Crane, Brent Bassett and Sammi Curless. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Kevin Reinis – Austin Rowing Club update. A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes from the special called meeting of September 14, 2021 were approved on Board Member Taylor motion, Board Member Faust second on a 7-0 with Board Member Rinaldi abstaining, Board Member Di Carlo absent and two vacancies. Due to potential time constraints and the number of interested speakers, Chair Lewis moved Item B4 to be heard as the first New Business item. B. NEW BUSINESS: PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ITEMS 1. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding a recommendation to the Planning Commission related to a Conditional Use Permit for the sale of wine and beer at the Zilker Cafe. Board Member Faust made a motion that the Parks and Recreation Board recommend to the Planning Commission that the Conditional Use Permit for the sale of wine and beer at Zilker Café be denied and further move that the recommendation applies to any other City Council or Board that considers the item; Chair Lewis seconded the motion. The Page 1 of 4 motion passed on an 8-1 vote with two vacancies. Those voting aye were: Chair Lewis, Vice Chair DePalma, Board Members Barnard, Cottam Sajbel, Di Carlo, Faust, Hugman and Taylor. Those voting nay were Board Member Rinaldi. 2. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding a recommendation to the Director for approval of Temporary Use Work and Staging Area (7,204 sq. ft.), not to exceed 30 Calendar Days on parkland located at Lower Bull Creek Greenbelt (7806 N Capital of Texas Hwy). Total Mitigation Value is $2,251. Vice Chair DePalma made a motion to recommend to the Director the approval of Temporary Use Work and Staging Area (7,204 sq. ft.), not to exceed 30 Calendar Days on parkland located at Lower Bull Creek Greenbelt (7806 N Capital of Texas Hwy) for a Total Mitigation Value of $2,251; Chair Lewis seconded the motion. The motion passed on a vote of 8-0 with Board Member Hugman absent and two vacancies. 9:50pm Vice Chair DePalma made a motion to extend the meeting to 10:30pm; Board Member Cottam Sajbel seconded the motion. The motion passed 7-1 with Board Member Hugman absent and two vacancies. Those voting aye were: Chair Lewis, Vice Chair DePalma, Board Members Barnard, Cottam Sajbel, Di Carlo, Faust, Hugman and Rinaldi. Those voting nay were Board Member Taylor. 3. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding a recommendation to the Planning Commission related to the superiority of the 305 S. Congress "Statesman" PUD Amendment as it relates to parks. The motion to deny the PUD and give the list of recommendations as set forth in the draft resolution to the City Council and the Planning Commission failed on Board Member Cottam Sajbal motion, Board Member Faust second on a 5-2 vote with Board Member Taylor abstaining, Board Member Hugman absent and two vacancies. Those voting aye were: Chair Lewis, Board Members Barnard, Cottam Sajbel, Di Carlo and Faust. Those voting nay were: Vice Chair DePalma and Board Member Rinaldi. The motion that the item be reset at a special called meeting prior to the scheduled Planning Commission and if that is not possible the Board invoke the provision requesting the City Council return the item to the Parks and Recreation Board for further consideration by Board Member Faust failed due to the lack of a second. Board Member Cottam Sajbel made a motion to recommend to the Planning Commission that the Statesman PUD, the 305 S. Congress PUD, is not superior with further recommendation for staff to continue to work with the applicant to negotiate the items listed in the resolution which include the following: • Signature parkland must be properly deeded to the City of Austin, rather than left as easement in the PUD amendment, and the deeding of that parkland must be triggered by specific deadlines or progress in new development. Parkland dedicated to the City must be approximately nine acres. Six of the acres offered in the PUD Amendment are on land that is unbuildable, due to the waterfront overlay. Control over programming of the public parkland and trail must be awarded to the City of Austin, for public transparency. • • Page 2 of 4 • • • • • • • The Grand Staircase, with ADA compliance, must remain located next to Ann Richards Congress Avenue Bridge for public visibility and access to the parkland. Retention ponds with runoff from the development must be mitigated; As currently shown, one large pond under the bats would be deep enough to require fencing, and all three retention ponds locate runoff from the development on public land, taking valuable land from the signature park. The proposed 70-foot landing must be moved away from the sensitive area below the bats and shortened to 30 feet, the length required by the ordinance governing building on Lady Bird Lake. The trail must be adjusted according to recommendations set by the recently completed Safety and Mobility Study. Parkland dedication must increase by 20% per unit, as developers propose additional height and density, in addition to the full nine acres designated in the approved Vision Plan. The PUD amendment must provide for appropriate parkland amenities, such as playscapes. The PUD must comply with the updated land development code and with the codified rules and regulations for the South Central Waterfront. and on the staff’s list of concerns which include the following: 1. Land Dedication Lake. a. Dedicate by deed as public parkland at least 6.78 acres along Lady Bird b. Remove from deed any conditions regarding park programming. c. Dedicate by park easement, granting public access at least 1.59 acres of plazas and connections; this will need to increase to include all ROW and street connections. 2. Park Development a. Include investment of at least $100 / per unit beyond current code (not expressed as a fixed amount). b. Include in the PUD a park plan that commits to specific improvements. i. Committed to even if they are beyond investment in A, above. ii. Tied to and triggered by a phase of development. 3. Triggering a. Set trigger for full dedication of park segments. b. Trigger for each phase, in the first half of each phase. 1. Circulation 4. Provide pedestrian access from S. Congress to trail and bat viewing area that is fully public, direct, and ADA accessible. (Great Steps does not meet all criteria). 5. Water parkland. 6. Land Uses a. Remove pond from bat viewing area. b. Demonstrate an amenitized design for ponds and rain gardens within c. Include in PUD, cap on square footage of ponds in park area. a. Remove the following land uses permitted in parkland: Personal Services, Personal Improvement Services, Pet Services; Chair Lewis seconded the motion. The motion passed on a vote of 6-1 with Board Member Rinaldi abstaining, Board Member Hugman absent and two vacancies. Those Page 3 of 4 voting aye were: Chair Lewis, Board Members Barnard, Cottam Sajbel, Di Carlo, Faust and Taylor. Those voting nay were Board Member DePalma. 4. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding a recommendation to the Parks and Recreation Director supporting the naming of the ballfield at Oswald A.B. Cantu/Pan American Neighborhood Park in honor of Rosalio “Rabbit” Duran. Chair Lewis made a motion to make no recommendation to the Director and requested the item return at the October meeting to address the two applications for renaming; Vice Chair DePalma seconded the motion. The motion passed on an 8-0 vote with Board Member Di Carlo absent and two vacancies. C. ITEMS FROM BOARD MEMBERS 1. Update from Zilker Park Vision Plan Working Group. (Lewis, DePalma, Faust, Taylor) 2. Update from Joint Working Group with the Animal Advisory Commission. (Lewis, No report due to time constraints. Barnard) No report due to time constraints. 3. Update from Downtown Commission. (Taylor) No report due to time constraints. 4. Update from Joint Sustainability Committee. (DePalma, Rinaldi) No report due to time constraints. D. DIRECTOR’S REPORT ON PROGRAM AND PROJECT UPDATES AND EVENTS No report due to time constraints. E. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None. Chair Lewis adjourned the meeting at 10:30pm. 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