B1: B-Fact Sheet — original pdf

INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN AUSTIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE AND THE CITY OF AUSTIN FOR FACILITY USE AND ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAMMING AT THE ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER Agreement Overview Austin Community College (ACC) has received federal and state grant funding to provide Adult Education Programming including English as a Second Language (“ESL”) course instruction at the City of Austin’s Asian American Resource Center (“AARC”). ACC wishes to hold ESL classes and potentially other Adult Education Programs at the AARC, and the City wishes to provide space for such classes at mutually agreed upon dates and times. ACC’s Adult Education Programming provides classes in English as a Second Language, literacy and civics, and GED preparation. The purpose of the ESL Program is to help Austin residents learn basic English in order to succeed. These are survival classes for beginner students, who primarily want to learn English for everyday life, employment skills enhancement, and to assist in situations such as obtaining housing, shopping, and communicating at work. What is the Purpose of the Agreement? This is an interlocal agreement between the City of Austin and Austin Community College to establish the roles and responsibilities of the parties. What Programs Are Provided? • Up to three levels of ESL classes (Basic - Level 4), free of charge. What is the Term of the Agreement? The initial term for this agreement is one year and will be renewed automatically on the anniversary date for five successive 12-month terms. What Services and Deliverables Will ACC Provide? • ACC will offer ESL classes and potentially other Adult Education programs free of charge. • ACC will manage student registrations and provide any necessary class materials and • ACC will secure qualified instructors, as well as any other personnel needed to effectively equipment. conduct each class. What Services and Deliverables Will the City Provide? • The City may promote the classes at the AARC. Page 1 of 2 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN AUSTIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE AND THE CITY OF AUSTIN FOR FACILITY USE AND ADULT EDUCATION AT THE ASIAN AMERICAN RESOURCE CENTER • The City will provide access to the facility, classrooms and reasonable assistance with room set-up. What are the Next Steps? • Request for City Council Action – November 18, 2021 • ACC Board of Trustees Action - TBD • Negotiate and Execute Agreement with ACC Page 2 of 2