B4: B-Survey Results Memo — original pdf
M E M O R A N D U M TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Parks and Recreation Board Members Kimberly A. McNeeley, M. Ed., CPRP, Director Austin Parks and Recreation Department May 9, 2021 Hancock Golf Course Survey Results The purpose of this memorandum is to provide you with results from the recent Hancock Golf Course survey and outline the next steps related to engagement associated with the Golf Course. Attached is the final report and appendixes that provide responses to all the questions and comments received from the open-ended questions. As you may recall, the Parks and Recreation Department (Department) completed online community engagement meetings in November 2020, regarding the financial status of the Hancock Golf Course. This included meeting with multiple Neighborhood Associations, Conservancy groups and Golf partners. At the conclusion, the Department determined a need to obtain additional information regarding community views related to the future uses of Hancock Golf Course. The property associated with Hancock Golf Course is unique in that it is the size of a district park, includes the city-wide activity of golf and offers recreation center programming that attracts individuals beyond the immediate neighborhood. March Hancock Golf Course Survey In March, the Department engaged Austin Energy’s Data Analytics and Business Intelligence (DABI) group to conduct research on community sentiment regarding Hancock Golf Course. The surveys were launched on March 9 and closed two weeks later, on March 23. To allow for input from multiple sources, three survey delivery methods were developed: • Email with a Unique Link • Open Link • QR Code posted around the municipal golf courses Austin Energy deployed an email link to approximately 40,000 citizens across all 10 Council Districts from a random list of survey participants created from an analysis based upon the demographics and psychographics of those likely to engage in outdoor activities. The analytics and the selection process allowed for a statistically valid analysis of the survey data. The Open Link provided anyone the opportunity to share their comments and was shared with Neighborhood Associations, Conservancy groups and our Golf partners. Lastly, the QR Code was for golfing patrons that allowed them to take the survey at the golf courses. All questions in the survey were the same irrespective of delivery method. The DABI team monitored all received responses to these surveys for duplication or replication of responses so that they could ensure fairness and equity across the survey data. The three surveys received the following number of responses: • Email – 3,629 responses received • Open Link – 4,754 responses received • QR Code – 721 responses received Responses received regarding support for continuing Hancock Golf Course as a public course, were overwhelmingly positive. The survey results highlight the public’s desire to maintain Hancock as a golf course regardless of survey delivery method. Additionally, the email survey to citizens across all 10 Council Districts included continued support for maintaining golf from non-golfer respondents. Q4 – Hancock Golf Course is one of the oldest public golf courses in the United States, having been established in 1899. Do you support continuing Hancock Golf Course as a public course open to all? Email Open Link QR Code Yes 71.28% 60.29% 92.19% No 8.37% 34.02% 2.89% I Don’t Have an Opinion 20.35% 5.69% 4.92% Stakeholder Feedback Results Reviewing the feedback in totality (feedback gathered via the initial Department-led community engagement efforts, a community-driven survey distributed independent of the Department and the most recent city-wide survey) it is clear the community supports a golf course component and traditional public park use. In other words, there is support for a shared use configuration. Next Steps The survey results will be shared with Neighborhood Associations, Conservancy groups and Golf partners via multiple community meetings. Because the City of Austin financial forecasts predict continued near term impacts from the pandemic and impacts associated with the State statutorily imposed 3.5% property tax cap on future General Fund spending capabilities, the Department will also engage the community to gather feedback related to the financial strategies. For your awareness, the Golf Fund has received $1.0M annually from the General Fund to cover the financial shortfall and the Hancock Golf Course has specifically recorded between $150,000 to $250,000 shortfall over the past five years. Engagement questions may include but are not limited to: • How might the Department address the financial challenges associated with Hancock Golf Course operations and public park maintenance? • How might a concession agreement address financial challenges? • How might a partnership agreement address financial challenges? • How might the past financial strategies associated with Hancock Golf Course inform future strategies? • How might the golf course and a public park space coexistence be improved? Should you have any questions, please contact Anthony Segura, Assistant Director, at (512) 974-7015 or Anthony.Segura@austintexas.gov. Anthony Segura, MPA, MS, Assistant Director Kevin Gomillion, Golf Services Division Manager Liana Kallivoka, PhD, PE, LEED Fellow, Assistant Director Lucas Massie, M.Ed., CPRP, Assistant Director Suzanne Piper, DBA, Chief Administrative Officer cc: enc. Report on Hancock Golf Course Survey Findings Austin Energy’s Data Analytics and Business Intelligence group Prepared by: Introduction In March, the City of Austin’s Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) engaged Austin Energy’s Data Analytics and Business Intelligence (DABI) group to conduct research on citizen sentiment regarding Hancock Municipal Golf Course. To allow for input from multiple sources, three survey delivery methods were developed: email with a unique link, open link, and a QR code posted around municipal golf courses. A detailed discussion of the methodology for each is contained in the Methodology section that follows this Introduction. The surveys were launched on March 9th and closed two weeks later on March 23rd. Partial responses are counted, so counting all who responded (but not necessarily to all questions) the three surveys received the following number of responses: Delivery Method Email Open Link QR Code Responses 3,629 4,754 721 All questions in the survey were the same irrespective of delivery method, with the exception of asking for a home zip code on the QR code and open link and asking for an email address on the open link. The questions focused on the use of Hancock Golf Course but also touched on the recreation center at the municipal golf course. Appendices D, E, and F provide full details of the responses to all questions in each respective survey delivery method. Please note that due to logic and respondents not answering all questions, the number of responses to each question varies within each survey report. Methodology Email Survey The email survey was a unique link sent to individuals chosen through a randomized process. This link could only be used by the email recipient. The survey could be responded to only once; it could not be forwarded or shared with others. As the survey was sent to a valid email, we are confident in the responses coming from valid respondents. The results of this survey will contain the most statistically valid responses due to the randomization and controls included in the research design. While the open link and QR code surveys described will have useful data, the data from the email survey should be considered representative of a randomly selected sample. The email survey utilized a stratified random methodology of survey distribution. Potential respondents were selected using criteria that was deemed appropriate for the survey – hobbies and activities related to outdoor activities, representation across the city, and representation across incomes. This selection process is done using the ESRI Tapestry database, a third-party geospatial analytics tool that allows for the tying of demographic and psychographic data to addresses. Survey respondents were selected based on the top 50% of psychographic segments who identified outdoor activities as enjoyable hobbies. Additionally, these segments were further selected by zip code across the Austin area. Of the 50 zip codes in and around the Austin MSA, 28 were represented in the sample. This process represents the “stratified random” process. Data was first stratified by outdoor activities and zip code and then 40,000+ potential respondents were randomly selected to participate in the email survey. Open Link Survey To allow for additional survey responses, an open link survey was created. It contained the same questions as the randomized email survey described above, but also requested an email address and home zip code. The primary difference is the “openness” of the link. In other words, respondents have the ability to respond to the survey multiple times. We have noted that duplicity in the open link survey data, seeing multiple responses from the same email or geolocation or IP address. Additionally, the open link allows for respondents to enter invalid emails, thus responding to the survey multiple times. Because of this and the process noted above, we keep the analysis of the randomized survey and the open link separate, as the controls over the survey process are not the same. There are fewer controls over the open link, thus allowing for duplicity in responses. QR Code Survey The final survey option was via a QR code posted in and around municipal golf courses in Austin. Again, these surveys were the same as the previously described surveys. While similar to the open link, in that multiple responses could have occurred, the likelihood is less as the individuals were completing the surveys on their phones via a QR reader app. These surveys will be analyzed separately because of the nature of the respondents. This group is most likely to have the highest bias toward the golf course. While their input is valuable, it should not be used to skew the overall data. Summary of Results Email Note- Full reports of survey findings on all questions can be found in the appendices. These summaries highlight the most important questions. As mentioned in the Methodology section, the results from the survey distributed via email containing a unique link to take the survey should be considered the most valid. The initial question posed on all surveys asked if respondents had been to a municipal golf course in Austin in the past two years. In the emailed survey, the vast majority (68%) responded “No”. However, as is common to all three surveys, the overwhelming majority responded “Yes” when asked if they supported keeping Hancock Golf Course as a public course open to all. Figure 1. Visited municipal golf course past 2 years- email 1,087 Yes No 2,469 Don't know, unsure 73 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Figure 2. Support keeping Hancock a public course- email Yes 2,452 No 288 I have no opinion. 700 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 To further analyze the response data, responses that answered “No” or “Don’t know, unsure” to having visited a municipal golf course in the past 2 years were isolated. Somewhat surprisingly, those respondents also answered overwhelmingly (62%) in support of keeping Hancock a public golf course, while 27% responded that they have no opinion and just 11% responded they do not support its continued use as a public golf course. Please note that approximately 100 respondents of the subgroup answered the first question but did not answer the second. Figure 3. Responses indicating had not or don’t know if visited municipal golf course in past 2 years, support keeping Hancock public golf course- email Yes 1501 No 254 I have no opinion. 650 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 The follow-up question asked of all respondents was what would they prefer Hancock be used for? The answer was an open text box, so all responses can not be included here but are included in the appendices. Below is a “word cloud” of the top 20 most frequent words among the responses. Figure 4. Word cloud of 20 most common words in text responses- email Open Link The responses that came via the open link do not have any controls to ensure that each respondent only responds once and each person’s voice holds equal value. There are two ways to gauge if there are repeat respondents. First, the open link survey first asked respondents to enter an email. A quick review of the emails entered identify 161 duplicate emails. We also can not confirm if the email addresses entered are valid. The other way to identify multiple responses from the same person is through repeated IP addresses. Although duplicate IP addresses may be inexact as two people can use the same computer to respond, there were 474 duplicate IP addresses identified. For the sake of simplicity, no responses were removed from the data. Unlike the email survey, the majority of respondents to the open link survey stated that they had visited a municipal golf course in the past year. However, consistent with the email and QR code surveys the majority (~60%) indicated that they supported keeping Hancock Golf Course as a public course. A similar isolation of the “No” answers to having visited a municipal golf course in the past 2 years, however, did not show the same results as in the email survey. About 60% of the “No” responses indicated they do not support keeping Hancock Golf Course a public golf course. Figure 5. Visited municipal golf course past 2 years- open link Yes No 3,040 1,641 Don't know, unsure 73 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Figure 6. Support keeping Hancock a public course- open link Yes No 2,772 1,536 I have no opinion. 257 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Figure 7. Word cloud of 20 most common words in text responses- open link QR Code at Municipal Golf Courses In an effort to ensure actual users of municipal golf courses had an opportunity to share their opinions, PARD staff posted a QR code link to the survey in and around municipal golf courses. Obviously this inserts a strong bias into the responses and the results reflect that. However, there is still value in asking the users of an amenity or service for their opinion of the amenity or service. With that in mind, 98% responded that they had visited a municipal golf course in the past 2 years and 92% support keeping Hancock Golf Course a public golf course. Figure 8. Word cloud of 20 most common words in text responses- QR code at golf courses Conclusion The results of the survey strongly indicate respondents desire to maintain Hancock Golf Course as a public course. Respondents to the emailed survey especially preferred to keep Hancock a public course with over 71 percent answering “Yes” and just 8 percent answering “No”. Some of the frequent comments (included in the appendices) reference the course’s historical legacy, accessibility to all, and the open space among many others. Appendix A. Sentiment Analysis of all Open Text Responses from Email and Open Link Surveys Please note, all unedited comments can be found in the Appendices D, E, and F. Sentiment analysis allows a large number of comments to be analyzed that otherwise might be too many to process. In the case of this survey, there were several thousand open text comments. This analysis was performed on two open comment questions: “What would you prefer the space at Hancock Golf Course be used for?” and “Please add any other thoughts you have on the use of Hancock Golf Course.” As there was no discernable difference in the analysis, the comments were combined but kept separated by Email and Open Link. Email About 65% of respondents provided a free-text response to one of the two questions. Median length of response was 5 words. Longest comment was 142 words. 79% of the sentiment in the comments was positive (969/1225 words), 21% negative (256/1225 words). Here are the most frequently used words by sentiment (words with >5 occurrences in comments) 25 Most Frequently Used Words Note that “Golf” and “Course” are top words. “Park” is third. Open Link About 35% of respondents provided a free-text response to one of the two questions. Median length of response was 9 words. Longest comment was 500 words. 80% of the sentiment in the comments was positive (4338/5488 words), 20% negative (1150/5488 words). Here are the most frequently used words by sentiment (words with >25 occurrences). Note that “Passive” likely refers to passive park and does not necessarily have a negative sentiment in this context. Most Frequently Used Words Overall in Open Link Survey Note that “Park” then “Golf” are top words. Appendices B and C. Zip code maps of “Yes” responses to keep Hancock as a public golf course The following maps depict the percent of “Yes” responses to the question: “Hancock Golf Course is one of the oldest public golf courses in the United States, having been established in 1899. Do you support continuing Hancock Golf Course as a public course open to all?” The percentages omit responses that chose “I have no opinion.” Also, please note that the scales are different on the 2 maps and are broken into quintiles starting with the lowest percent in any zip code. Appendix B. Zip code map of percent responses “Yes” keep Hancock as a public golf course-email survey Appendix C. Zip code map of percent responses “Yes” keep Hancock as a public golf course- open link survey Appendix D. Full report of responses email survey Hancock Golf Course-email Please note, questions with open text responses can be found at the end of this report. Q1 - In the past 2 years, have you visited one of Austin's Municipal Golf Courses (Lions, Hancock, Morris Williams, Jimmy Clay, Roy Kizer, Grey Rock, Butler Pitch and Putt)? # 1 2 3 Answer % Count Yes No Total Don't know, unsure 29.95% 68.04% 2.01% 100% 1087 2469 73 3629 Q2 - In that time, have you visited Hancock Golf Course at 41st and Red River Streets? # 1 2 3 Answer % Count Yes No Total Don't know, unsure 57.80% 40.41% 1.79% 100% 615 430 19 1064 Q3 - Did you visit the recreation center at Hancock Golf Course? # 1 2 3 Answer % Count Yes No Total Don't know, unsure 36.50% 54.99% 8.51% 100% 223 336 52 611 Q4 - Hancock Golf Course is one of the oldest public golf courses in the United States, having been established in 1899. Do you support continuing Hancock Golf Course as a public course open to all? # 1 2 3 Answer Yes No Total I have no opinion. % 71.28% 8.37% 20.35% 100% Count 2452 288 700 3440 Please note, comments are unedited and may contain grammatical errors and/or foul language. Q5- In what activities did you participate at the Hancock Recreation Center? - comments begin on p. 5 Q6- What would you prefer the space at Hancock Golf Course be used for? - comments begin on p. 11 Q7- PARD has identified several necessary improvements to the golf course. If funding is available, what kind of improvements to the golf course would you support? - comments begin on p. 60 Q8- Please add any other thoughts you have on the use of the Hancock Golf Course. - comments begin on p. 97 Q5 - In what activities did you participate at the Hancock Recreation Center? Walked around Golf Dance Class Golf Walking golf running Golf Several activities Everty things none just visiting Watched, Inquired Golf Party and golfing My kids play soccer Played golf None Community class: drawing Golf and Disc Golf Play golf visiting with friends and acquaintances Picking up grandkids in after school care. I used the bathrooms and visited with the staff about programs Dance Basketball and golf Golf Golf golf Unk Walking - golfing Just sightseeing Basketball court Walking, golf A friend’s birthday party walk, run Clean up and field day Basketball Dance lessons Golf Walking Sons concert Golf runner Golf Golf Contra dancing Golf, birthday party, community events Gold, exercise, family time, outdoor sports, Pool table Attended dance classes Relaxation/family time I watched others Golf Golf Golf drinks Contra dance Playground, picnic just relaxed and people watched Austin Ballroom Dancers dance classes Walk and a gathering two years ago Folk Dance, Geocaching Golf Dance, golf Basketball and soccer Basketball Walking and golf A wedding. Golf. Basketball shade N/A Golf Golf board game Spanish lessons golf Basketball None Golf, Child Care I had an opportunity walk the grounds Mostly senior activities. I frequent the center when playing golf to use the facilities. Used the bathroom, bought water for round of golf Golf, yoga, summer camps & youth sports growing up. I'm an Austinite. Please keep Austin, Austin. Golf golf and hanging out Golf Ball field Dance lesson Ballroom dance Playing with my kids. Shooting hoops Unsure what it was golf golf. hanging out. After school care Fun Dances Meet and greet with fellow golfers just visited and talked to some of the kids that were there Tiny Tots sight seeing Golf Basketball Golf Golf golf Golf Golf A private event in one of the rooms. Golf and basketball Talked about the golf course. youth golf in the past Golf and Soccer Golf a few times Visiting people at one of the oldest golf courses Dancing Prior to Covid. Fit & fun i was just exploring until my tee time. I was curious what was there. Utilized the benches and facilities Fitness and kids recreation Party bar Swimming Golf and Basketball All Walking area We just walked met friends Golf None looking to book for a local event Golfing, hanging out with friends Threw frisbee, hit golf balls Golf Basketball social events Party walking with kids Golfing Had lunch at a picnic table. golf, office party, separate activities Recreation Basketball Golf, meeting new austinites. Have been coming here since i started undergraduate studies at UT in 2006. Leisure Walking basketball golf green fee Clubhouse Austin Ballroom Dance hiking jogging playing golf Sporting events basketball, swimming Visit Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Barn Dancing Basketball Walking Exercise Social Golf All dancing Golf Looking around the Greene space Running, working out More for pets Q6 - What would you prefer the space at Hancock Golf Course be used for? general green park space Park Golf Park Golf Park For family activities park land Public park park for kids general recreation Keep the land mark Golf course Public Park Keep it. Open park space Disc golf course public golf Mixed Use outdoors space. Not necessarily just a golf course. Diferentes sports practice A state of the art public park that encourages people to get outside and engage their community with their families Depends on the usage. If usage is on the decline make it a park with mountain biking and running trails. Keep as course with times for public use Literally anything else. Golf courses are terrible for the environment. affordable housing for low income persons/families I am not familiar with the area and cannot say. It should no long be used for that. The city could build a shelter for the homeless and stop wasting money on buying hotels No opinion A beautiful park for photographers. Either a golf course open to all or a public park open to all Stay the same Public park for families with no homeless allowed. public park Community garden I prefer space for golf course. Golf Yes No preference A park with bird sanctuary Public use, parks No opinion Golf Golf course Public park A golf course Golf course Family gatherings No comment Continue as a golf course. Golf golf Picnics Keep as it...love it! Keep it a golf course A park if it will no longer be utilized as a golf course. I don't golf, but people who like to should use Hancock Golf Course to golf. Other stores, walmart,target,walgreens h.e.b. Burying the bodies of people who oppose public parks Golf Course. Keep it there. Keep the history. It's intended purpose as a golf course Community park n amusement area Leave it a golf course or turn it into a public park for all Continue remain as Hancock Golf Course and open for public with entry fees. Just golf Golf Retain its history No opinion golf A park Park Low income housing A golf course Golf Golfcoarse golf Golfing I have no idea. Golf course Park for kids Park Golf Golf Golf Elementary School Golfing Tennis courts I thought I answered yes to a public golf course Whatever would provide the most joy to the most people, any type of leisure activity. golf course Anything other than golf Golf. open field park Maintain green space Plantings trees Parks / Recreation City park Public use park Golf Golf course as it is Space X Residential Airport Not familiar with current condition or potential uses for the land. Revert back to wildlife. Plant trees and wildflowers A park or green space for everyone to enjoy. That is a central location and lots more people could use the space if it wasn’t so specific! Helping the homeless, public events, food resource center (teaching how to cook, how to garden) I don’t think it should be changed-if it is being used. Walking train. Skating and biking path. Middle-income housing for those making between $100K-200K :) Park Golfing No idea Golf course Public park A public park Golf Golf Public well organized Park like Zilker Park Park and Educational/Recreational Facility for school children. Public Park- more areas of play for young children and families Public space and development park for all to enjoy, not just golfers Public Park open for all activities Traffic assistance Housing same use No opinion Disc Golf Course public park As a golf course Golf Course Water Park Concerts Nothing N/A Park No idea Rental space golf Park space Dog park the public good Golf outdoor preserve space for possibly hosting outdoor events and maybe converted into a park. Public Golf Course Something for kids in chronic poverty Please keep as a golf course. Perfect for young and old players alike just getting into the game. Very accessible to all. I would rather see a community garden, or anything instead of just grass. Homeless shelter, dog park, arts n crafts for kids, the list goes on with what Austin needs and a gold course that takes a major amount of water to maintain isn’t one of them. Public Park - Roller hockey rinks A park, or a new bike park like the velloway Continue as a golf course Golf Public park Not sure, probably golf Leave it alone Golf Park GOLF Recreational Park Stay the same, please! If not a golf course, a wildlife sanctuary Golf course as it was intended for public park Golfers Housing a park or housing for low income have no opinion A park maybe. Based on the location - and pending usage as a golf course - it could be an ideal Central Park with running and bike trails, a dog park, picnic grounds and practice fields with artificial turf for year round multi-sport usage especially soccer, little leagues, and maybe even public tennis courts. Something the whole public can enjoy. A general purpose park Keep it as it is!!! Losing every piece of Austin to buildings!! Golf Golf course Other type of entertainment Public golf course open to all Green space, urban garden, community garden, etc. Golf is an old white guy thing Frisbee golf, volleyball, grilling area. NA Golf Park Golf I don’t have an opinion Community Space Golf course only Park Recreational Green space for everyone. For all the homeless in Austin, Texas, to gave a place to live Botanical garden with enough parking lot and café, dining, and other facilities so that more wider generation can visit and entertain. Would be nice if could be used as a green space similar to zilker. The area needs this. A park that accessible to all people, not just those who want to golf. Community park soccer field Turn it into a park Golf As a public park I don't know As it currently is Golf A park A small park. A public park homeless shelter N/A park Strip clubs A golf course. golf Park Mixed use like the Triangle w 100 yr lease putt putt golf courses I prefer keeping Hancock as a golf course. Just a park. A green space that can used by all, not just golfers. My Grandaughter looks forward to using the Hancock golf course every year for golf camp. It’s perfect for our young golfers This is a terribly worded question. Are you asking whether the golf course should be made private? Are you asking if it shouldn't be a golf course at all? I'd prefer many things other than a golf course, as those are a very inefficient use of space. I would prefer to do away with the golf, and just make it a park area available to everyone. I don't have any comments regarding this public course since I don't play golf. Golf Public parks. Golf is a sport for super Apartment complex, school, hospital/clinics I feel you may have good ideas for specifics. I grew up in Austin and have seen too many public spaces be turned over for private or restricted use. Please keep the space open for all - not just the "elite." And having it remain a green space would be great too. Don't build it up. Walking paths A park Golf What it is already! Historical landmark Golf Course a park Golf course Literally anything else with a museum to preserve the important history. Public park and recreation center Golf, community events Public Parks, or something for family and kids can go to Affordable housing A park NA hammock park, public park and mini golf Continued use as a golf course. Golf course No idea where thats located, so can't speak to that. Please keep Muny and Hancock Golfing. Please DO NOT sell property for more greedy developments. Leave some of old character which makes Austin unique. Maybe a park for everyone. With trails and playgrounds and lots of green space You can't close it -- it's like a Historical Monument and important to those who need it! I am honk it should continue to be a public golf course. Housing and/or commercial real estate When I lived in Hyde Park while working/attending grad school at UT, I used the trail around the park for walking and running a couple of times per week. I loved having the green space there close to where I lived/worked. A park, or orchard, or flower garden, or soccer field Soccer, but leaving golf on a side LEAVE IT ALONE Public Central Park. Affordable housing Park Land Leave it as it is. Homeless shelter Trail N/a Park Existing golf use No idea Community events Ecological, environmental, sustainable open public spaces with bike trails! Don’t even know where this is. No opinion Make it a good public gym, library and kids park. Enough space for all of it! A golf course, see above. Are you stupid? Park Golf Public Trail and Park A park and recreation A public park. Affordable housing, shopping and restaurants Preserve the heritage of golf in Austin public space PICKEL BALL AND TENNIS COURTS New stadium Golf A public park (non-golf). Just golf, quit developing every square foot of green space in Austin If not a golf course, a park. Remain as is Protected wildlife area Public greenspace parkland. Tennis and squash. Keep it going as is.... free food forest No opinion. Park tennis, open space, disk golf, walking trails, biking trails. Green Space, concert space, food court, whatever if not course Dog park I prefer it to be a public park that supports native vegetation and wildlife. Single-family residential would be a better use. It also shouldn't be purely low-income housing. I would rather see such a large piece of downtown land used as a mix of low-income and market-rate housing and limited commercial uses.. Wedding reception, partying and golfing A park for everyone. Park for everyone Children's park, picnic and waking trails How about a homeless shelter to get them off my street corner? Sports that arent for only rich people Please leave it as is a city park, community garden, walking trails, etc. Parks No idea park na The same Golf. I don't support making the land private but no strong public use opinions sell it for private development. cities and public utilities should not operate golf courses. NOTHING!! Leave it as a place where people gather to hit a round of golf, walk or run with friends, do yoga, etc. There are no a lot of places in such a dense residential areas to do such. I’m am 71 yrs old and don’t utilize the parks. I am the wrong person to take this survey. Public golf Course or park No preference Golf Affordable housing Public park with trails to hike Public Park open to all Golf course Golf Park Space and wild flower garden walking trails and kids play area I would prefer it be used for exactly what it’s currently being used for. It’s a great place and very dear to the hearts of many local golf enthusiast. It would be a shame if this space was used for anything else besides a public golf course open to all. Open park space rather than a golf course dog park or leave it as it is. we're overpopulated and crowded. A family park Golf Park space. Regular park. No golf. Park keep it as is Housing/parks/retail A park with putting. Public recreational space greenspace Centro de recreación A park open to all AFFORDABLE HOUSING Park Keep it is Garden N/A. Please build it into a park. Public park open to all Public swimming pool and sports If not a golf course, maybe a kids park & dog park with walking trail around it? I think the course and the community would really benefit from dual you use on the course itself, namely using it for disc Golf also. I really like the idea of it being used for a couple different sports. Golf is not a very popular sport compared to what most families would enjoy doing together. Austin needs more parks with playgrounds and walking trails. Public golf with park area and concession. Keeping it maintained What even made me a target for this survey? A place for public art or something more environmentally friendly than a golf course. I would support continuing it if the City found a way to make it a national leader in operating in an eco-friendly and sustainable way. It should continue as a golf course that is open to all. We cannot all afford high priced country club tee off fees. Keep it restored and functioning. Amazing I was unaware and totally feel with Austin's Growth we need to maintain that historical Value a large public park would be nice Ultimate frisbee, picnic area, or park land and trail development Would love for it to continue being public. A lot of the courses in Austin are private and providing public access to golf is great. Keeping green space is a must. If not a golf course, perhaps a park or hike an bike trail. Golfing A play park for older kids. Most playgrounds in town are targeted at very young kids. The space doesn't have to be a golf course. But, definitely a public park space open to all. NOT CONDOS, OR STORES. Recreational park would be best Expand Dell medical facilities Golf golf golf a park Exercise park Various recreation A golf course I live that it is used for community events and classes I would hope that continues. Public park with play areas for children, performance space, community pool, tennis and volleyball courts Keep the golf course. The city has become too dense with buildings. Housing for homeless Public park A more versatile space for families to enjoy Golf Course Golf Or park Splash pad for children and pets Park for the public Keep it the way it is! outdoor theater, cowboy themed playground for kids with a maze Affordable home ownership and vertical mixed-use development apartments for Blacks earning 60-80% AMI since Col. Monroe Shipe developed Hyde Park "exclusively for whites." Please keep the golf course. There are plenty of other parks around the area to use. This is such a big part of Austin history and it is nice to play a round of golf in town. Mixed use housing & shops I don't play golf I think it could just be a regular park. maybe a really big playground Public park with water pond and walking trails. Golf Park Park Golf If not a golf course then an open park. Natural area or park that is hospitable to birds If you destroy Hancock I will literally destroy the city of Austin! Probably more condos. We don't have enough of those Public park space. I'm not a golfer, but I love greenery and open spaces for recreation. a park for all-not just golfers No opinion Golf Community Garden A gun range. Public park A park that my kids could enjoy! Golfing for families park w/ walking trails and features for children Golf course and recreation center. Enlarge and improve rec center. Continue as is or enhanced. I use to live in the Hyde Park neighborhood, played 6 or 7 times a month. I moved about 4 years ago to northeast Austin. I still play golf at Hancock any time I can. A few times a month. I also support the Junior Gold Academy held at Hancock. Hate to see that go away. Make time for people to walk the course, not just play golf. Expand it's use beyond just people who play golf, to those who enjoy the outdoors. Just leave it alone Tennis courts Disc Golf An actual park that the entire public can enjoy. a public park Golf. Golfing Park Golf course only. Park space trails Park Golf course MMA Golf course Golf Open to other options - as long as they are public. A golf course is fine, but I think there are better options. But if the choice is between public and private golf course, definitely keep it public. My understanding is that golf courses are generally environmentally costly and expensive to maintain. I'd rather see a wildflower garden, or some other environmentally friendly recreational area. there are so much better uses for that much land, especially for the public good. Most people don't play golf, but alternative courses are available for those who do. What else could that be used for? let people do things that aren’t golf-related! let them use it as a park The space could be used for recreation area for children with handicaps golf course; just needs better up keep specifically the greens A golf course. Please don't plow this absolute gem of a course for more mixed use nonsense. I think it should remain a golf course city camping Keep it as a public golf course. As a golf course Golf course Exactly what it is Golf course keep as is Nothing but golf! Keep it the same. I learned how to play golf on that course and am taking and teaching my nephew. Just needs to be updated. Golf- if it can be rented out as a green space for occasions that would be ok, if it can’t be used as a golf course anymore it can be a dog park/park Development and a smaller park that can be used by all citizens rather than a select few that play and can pay for golfing. Picnic tables, sports courts, walking trails would be more preferable. Nothing Golf only and please do not close Muny!! Better golf, nicer condition Concert venue Park space and Golf Golf Golf Golf Stay as a golf course Left as it is - a public golf course. Leave it alone. Keep Hancock Hold Course Park, open space, trees Golf course, we need places like this to thrive in a day that everything is Tech driven. Just upgrade the course. Parents can take their kids to learn this wonderful sport. I think it is a lovely golf course. If you are going to do away with that, I would like to see it as a multi-use park or green space. Leave it as a public course Golf course DO NOT BUILD ON THAT SPACE. IT IS HISTORIC, IT IS CALMING, IT IS A SPACE FOR ALL Stay as a public golf course- continue to offer summer camps for kids Public park / outdoor rec area To continue being the Hancock Golf course Golf, Child Care N/a Leave it alone. Do not build on that space. Other public sports facilities: soccer, baseball, archery Golfing and teaching golf to youth and beginners. Disc Golf Course Trick question, right? Golf Golf Walking: exercising Stay the same Park- obviously that would be used by all taxpayers and not just golfers A safe, public park. Playing golf TRUE PUBLIC LOW INCOME HOUSING As the Public Golf course (open to all) that it was created as. Developed as a general use park - perhaps disk golf? NOT just a dog park Golf; Family picnics and light use Hancock Golf Course Remain the same Keep Hancock for public use as a golf course Stay open for all to enjoy golf. Golf Nothing GOLF Golf Golf General park Golf BIKE HIKE TRAIL Keep golf People golf Stay Golf course Golf course Golf as well as wedding events The golf course that is there! Golf Unsure IF there are plans to do away with the golf course, then I would like to see a park with walking trails and green space. NO Condos, apartments or high rises. This is a residential single family neighborhood. Golf, ,maybe convert it to a pitch n putt It should stay as a public golf course so options are open to golfers not belonging to a private club. Golf Course A gold course. Tell the developers to get lost. Austin NEEDS GREEN SPACE. Its what makes this city great. Stop selling it. We ALL will regret it. Stop giving developers the TRUMP multi-decade tax abatement. Its enough already. Our property taxes are horrible. The Austin City Government should be washed down the toilet. Tax and Spend, Tax and Spend, sell it all while Adler gets richer by the day. Progressive... what a joke. Development for large shelter a golf course open to all More camping space for the fucking junkies the city Clowncil, mayor s’Adler and the communist Casar invited to our city who urinate in public, steal, and litter our formerly beautiful city with heroin needles. Leaving this city and never coming back GOLF. Please don't change it. the Austin I grew up knowing is slowly going away. I'm already against going downtown due to safety reasons. Please leave Hancock alone! Continuing as a golf course, may add some running trails An activity center for youth and place to workout for adults. golf, wonderful Tiger Wood First Tee Program and lots of retired golfers Golf Kids park Stay as is Golf Nothing just a golf course Got course golf and public space Keep it as a golf course Continue as a golf course Golf Sell it Homeless Shelter Golf course Homeless camp Public park Golf Course What we DON"T need is more development, more concrete and tall buildings. If anything let it be a green space or park area, but leave the golf course as is is my preference. Golf / Disc Golf / Outdoor space for everyone to enjoy More park land that everyone who does NOT play golf can use. Nature walk with trees and birds, maybe courts for volleyball, basketball... Softball fields. Open recreational city park with walking/jogging trails, picnic areas. I am so tired of Austin tearing down our historic locations for more apartments we don't need, full of people we can't provide service for, Like water. golf Golf course A golf course Public Golf Course Golf course afordable living homes Use of it as a park with picnic tables No preference Golf Golf Golf golf Park Golf Golf A public park. Disc golf course Public access golf course Keep it as is Golf Park space A better golf course golf maybe a dog park? Nothing - keep it a golf course. If not that, then a park. Do NOT develop it. It should stay a golf course.... not sure why this is even up for debate. The city is growing at a tremendous pace and is losing many of the things that make Austin unique. New developments, condos, houses, restaurants etc are great, but not at the expense of great public resources such as Hancock Golf Course. Save the course! Golf course sports, community centers, etc.. Golf golf course open to all nothing- keep the golf course Homeless Shelter Stay the same Golf, weddings/events Golf A. Golf. Course? KEEP as a golf course No thoughts golf Golf only Golf GOLF! Golf Golf Course! golf course Golf Nothing Soccer field, tennis court, dog park the only thing I would like them to use would be to make it a public park. is that a f****** trick question. I wanted to be a golf course I wanted to continue to be a golf course I wanted to stay ever a f****** Golf Course the f*** is your problem asking the same f****** question Part of it on the west side can be used for a park and dog park, but having a few holes for golf remain works together with this idea. It should be left unchanged or at least kept as an open green space for the public. open green space. a golf course is perfect. and I don't play golf nothing it need to stay a golf course Improving hancock golf course, better maintenance Nothing. I think it should stay a golf course. I grew up nearby and think it is important to have a free rec space for all. Open air markets, music, family entertainment, theater screen movies when weather permits, seasonal ice skating rink COMMUNITY GARDEN SPACE. GOLFING IS A HUGE WASTE OF LAND AND WATER. A golf course Rec center for kids Golf course. Open space/park Golf course Nature Preserve Keep it as a golf course! Don’t destroy history! park for children with playground No change keep it as a Golf course. Golf course Golf More restaurants or shopping center What it is used for today - a public golf course parkland No opinion Redevelopment by private developers Continue as an open golf course. Sounds like you’ve already decided to replace it A public golf course Live music performances, markets Living shelters for all the homeless in Austin. Keep as a public course,I love golf Golf Golf retain golf As it is now Golf course A public golf course for kids. The one on 183 is too far. This would be life changing for so many kids and introducing them to golf! Lead, don't follow! Cheers and good luck... A Golf Course Golf golf coures I want it to continue to be Hancock Golf Course. Keep it the same use golf It should continue as a golf course. Leave as is or open park space Partial kiddie park; partial soccer, encircled by a soft track.; Partial volleyball with sand; partial fenced dog area. Nothing, but if it has to be something else a guess a safe space relax or a disc golf course Can't it be both a golf course and public space? I have used it as a park even though it offers golf Public open space with native gardens and rest benches A magical portal that ships all of the homeless back to the cities from which they came. Golf! Same as it is now. keep it the same A golf course A golf course Golf Golf It's OK like it is Golf course Golf golf Golf Public park Soccer Fields Public parkland and housing I support continuing to use this space as a golf course and rec center. As Austin continues to grow the need for public options (such as Hancock) increases while the available of land for these purposes becomes more limited A golf course Less homeless and drugs around the park area Do not change it Anything that doesn’t require tons of chemicals to be dumped on the lawn! Golf Golf Golf Golf dog park Golf course None. Keep as course. Keep it as a golf course. Golf course Golf Golf Course Golfing Preservation Golf Course Hancock Golf Course Golf a hike and bike trail A park with live music Golf It should be a public area. A park with a bandshell some paths etc. A park or a sports ground or a public swimming pool Nothing! Keep the course! Present use as a golf course. Municipal food forest, agricultural center. Anything that produces food-security and sustainability value. Grass/turf upkeep is a wasteful use of water and other resources that only benefits those who can afford to play golf, regardless of if access is free, as equipment buy-in is not free. converted into park &/or nature preserve with walking paths with art/sculptures, etc., and a space for music and theater performances Golf Course if at all possible. But if we have to "trade" Hancock for Lions then we should consider it I think it is well used. Tiny Tots is an amazing program, because of it, I was able to afford to work part time and feel like my toddler was well taken care of. I always saw the building being used by older people, chess clubs and yoga etc. The grounds and trees are spectacular. It should remain the same Golf Umm, golfing. Public park Golfing for the young, the novice, and the elderly Homeless Shelter Golf for the public and its other current uses Keep it as is Golf course Hancock Golf Course!! If not a public golf course, then a public park. Golf & slow pace games Golf course leave it as is Public golf course City Park continue as existing Golf Golf and disc golf Keep as is Golf course Keep it as a public Golf course Golf and possibly disc golf Golf Housing Golf If not used as a gold course keep the green space and use the property as a park. Golf Golf pubic use Park Public golf course Golf Golf golf golf golf Golf ?? Golf Golf Park mixed use dev A Golf Course of course!!! Whatever is the most important Park and golf course Keep it as a golf course!!!! Please do not develop every open space. Plus that course is historic, like Lions. A community park and trail system with an enlarged playground and splash pad. A more open generalized park with tennis courts public park keep it as a golf course and invest in new irrigation, fairways and greens. It should remain a public course open to all. It is a unique course that makes the game of gold accessible to people of all ages and skill levels. Disc golf course. a golf course! i dont care, im not rich enough to live near it Keep it as a golf course Leave it alone. Let it be. Money grabbing developers really suck. Golf course or park A golf course Gofl Golf course House homeless Pitch and putt Golf Parks and recreation A golf course is just fine? Golf great A public golf course or park. Same as now keep it as a golf course ? Frsbee golf Golf Walking trail and dog park or community center of some sort for ALL citizens. golf and basketball. Definitely not another high rise A gold course and if room, walking trails I would prefer a public, fenced in, off leash dog park along with a walking and jogging trail around the perimeter of the park. Hiking and biking trails, or an off-leash dog walking area. Park with playground, walking trails, dog park, picnic tables, disc golf, public swimming pool A golf course. Don't need more condos/apartments. Elevated hike and bike with low pitch ramps at the top to cross major roads I have a strong preference to keep Hancock Gold Course a public golf course. I have very fond memories of playing this course during college and know that many people continue to enjoy the course. Green space, mixed use park like Zilker, dog park, etc Why are we worrying about a golf course when this city couldn't even handld cold weather for a week. Would love a multiuse area, space to have a picnic or enjoy the outdoors. multi-family housing. It makes no sense to have a golf course inside the city center like that unless you convert it to a park Full Servive Golf Course with Bar and Resturant Public Park for RC flying Regular park Golf course, of course! Keep it a golf course. Tennis Courts Golf course Keep it a golf course! Golf Park golf Golf Park Golf Golf... Golf course REaminas a public golf curse Preserve golf course Golf and fun Public park As a golf course. Golf Golf course Golf Keep it like it is or similar. No development whatsoever. Austin needs green spaces like Hancock. Spends some bucks and fix it up nice please! If you are going to repurpose this golf course, I would only support it being used as a park space. Let it continue to be a golf course!! It is ALWAYS Busy!!! It should stay a golf course, it is a historic site Public swimming pools. BBQ/picnic areas. Food trucks and entertainment. Outdoor music venue. Public golf courses provide affordable options for beginners and many long time golfers. I prefer it continue being used as a public golf course. It should stay a golf course. A multi purpose green park space Affordable housing. Golf course geared toward beginners and children Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf HANCOCK GOLF COURSE Public Golf Course Community park Parkland Trade the land to UT in exchange for Lions It should remain a golf course Taxpayer recreational purposes No preference at this time Golf course or public park I like the way it’s currently being used. Just as it is. A public golf course. I stated I prefer it remain a public golf course open to all. Dogs and other pets should be "prohibited" on the grounds of the park and course Parks and recreational areas. It's a huge landmass in the middle of East Austin and it's a shame that only a few people who have golf clubs can use it. I don't live in that area so I have no opinion. If it's needed go for it. large dog park, something where kids can play, anything not golf If, instead of a gold course, it could be a large open greenspace to take pressure off of Zilker, that would probably work well. a public golf course. I just said that. maybe some park area for families, as well? No way Jose - keep Hancock! Even though it’s a 9 hole course I’ve been playing it since 1996. Don’t California or New York our Austin. The same as it’s always been Park A golf course. Leave it alone Anything but golf Actual park golf and kids play area with picnic spots Golf course Public park golf Golf Golf Park for kids there to many golf course out there Golfing and as a park for the neighborhood A greenspace/park I want it to stay a golf course. It is an important historical site. Multi-use community park with native landscaping. Pitch and putt Keep it as a golf course Keep it a muni. Do Not Sell for Development Community Golf City park or public green space A golf course Park space, golf or not. No preference KEEP IT THE WAY IT IS YA GREEDY BASTIDS Leave this Historic landmark alone! In 1977 when I was in high school our golf team played at Hancock. If there's something that could serve more people than golf, that would be fine, but please keep it as close to "open space" as you can. please don't remove the golf course. Fantastic experience and easy to get going. Good exercise to walk the course as well. Perfect and beautiful as is Cheap accessible golf I don't even know where it is and have never used it, so I guess it can be whatever? If Hancock is not maintained as a golf course, I would support it being repurposed as a public park or green space. The grounds are lovely and it would be a tragedy if it was developed - both to lose the existing plant life and green space and also to contribute to the congestion and density in central Austin. Public golf course tailored to attract people of color Hiking activity People gathering, dog park, trails Commercial Development Leave it as is! Leave Hancock as it is a park with lots of trees and native plants Green space, hiking, running, and play A neighborhood park with trail and picnic tables golf course Keep for golf Public park golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf course or a pyblic park Include Footgolf holes The golf space Open Park Land Preserving it as is due to it's historical and "green space" value is first preference. If not, then the land should be given a historical marker and used as a public park. DO NOT BUILD ON IT. LET'S PRESERVE AS MUCH OF "ORIGINAL AUSTIN" AS POSSIBLE. Leave it as a golf course, back when I played it was my couse of choice. Plus the open space in the middle of city is nice. Dog Park or open area park for families Something less exclusive. Not everyone can afford golfing equipment. Hiking trails, splash pad, botanical garden Great place for city kids to learn the great game of 'golf Multi-sport facility including shuttle badminton, tennis and cricket golf golf Keep the golf course. Low income high density housing Keep it up as a golf course. Stay a gold course open space, park A golf course that’s affordable to all Waterfall garden play area for families with kids More activities for children. Golf course with walking trail for all. Green Space !!!!!! something that benefits the largest portion of the community A golf course park space Golf Golf Golf!! Golf course Golf Golf course park space Years ago nine holes were sold for an ugly mall. If not used as a golf course make it into a park like Zilker. No more condos, please! open park with benches/fountains/better jogging trail/etc.........please no playscape or dog park, make a peaceful space! keep as the oldest golf course sports for adults and kids Homeless camps Green space unchanged I don't know N/A more recreation, a track, park Low income housing Off leash dog park No opinion Disc golf course GOLF nothing, keep it a golf course Parking lot Golf Course Only Keep it as is A museum!!! Golf course not sure Not sure of location for Hancock Golf Course.. keeping for public use would be great Broader family activities, not just something that appeals to men. Something for kids, dogs, and families. Something fun and educational, especially for for under the age of 20. I thought I answered to keep it for golf on the previous question. Definitely keep it for golf. Leave it as a golf course Free housing for the homeless community For the golf course. It's historic and important Texas and Austin. 9 hole golf course gold and public access I said I support keeping it open to the public as-is... A challenge course for kids & adults to promote health, fitness, and build families. Being raised and a single parent myself, we need more activities that don't cost a lot of money to spend and do fun activities with our children. Here's a link I found on-line- https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Kids+Challenge+Course&mmreqh=redLEJkafcDzYLkKYGDPO34XQVvBKk 1biQTm2nDKavM%3d&first=1&tsc=ImageBasicHover a 9 hole golf course and a recreation area for dogs and a recreation area for humans I have no opinion on this. Hiking trail I think it is fine as is. An open park like Zilker. Golf City park Golf a park A golf course golf golf As is!!! Golf no opinion Golf Golf A golf course Golf Course A facility to convert plastic back into oil--major job creation Nothing. It should stay a public golf course in perpetuity. If public recreation center and public golf course is no longer an option, public park would be great, but no camping allowed! Nothing. I like it as a golf course Stay a golf course reasonably priced golf for all continue to be used as 9 hole course facility but upgrade the property to accomodate the Austin Junior Golf Academy with technique resources to make it enjoyable for local junior golfers. Keep it a golf course. It’s be around for 120+ years... Continue to be a golf course... stop taking parks/rec areas away for condos Bike Park/Skate Park/ if river has access tubing area. No alcohol allowed. Less holes but add tee boxes possible 2 holes per fairway. Rethink golf and other 1/2 kid/adult friendly park Keep it open and green. Too much of Austin has been built over - PLEASE leave some green space in the city I thought I said I would like to see Hancock Golf Course remain as a public golf course well, I meant to pick "No Opinion / I think its great that it is open to the public, but I cannot go back in the survey" walking trails City Park Stay as is. No buildings A park Hancock golf course Leave it as a public golf course Golf - make improvements Golf Golf It should remain open to golf and soccer golf Golf Edges of course could be housing or other uses Golf Course Golf Course I think it should remain as a golf course. Public Golf Golf Course and recreation for the public Building homes for homeless green space Golf and disc golf Establish a Golf academy for youth of color. Nothing Golf Nothing I've never heard of it or been so it wouldn't be fair for me to have an opinion. I'd prefer golf, but if it has to be redeveloped, a mixed-use development with housing (for rent and for sale) combined with office, retail and green space would be preferable. The golf course Golf Golf Housing Leave as it is. Golf golf Golf Golf Golf na Environmental preservation Golf course Remain a PUBLIC golf course Unknown I have no opinion. Golf, walking, green space Leave as is Hancock Golf Course No change Golf A Golf course should remain as is public park space is always welcome Golf course Golf umm...playing golf? (I'm not sure why I am being presented this question this way. Unless I accidentally selected that I did not support in the previous question) leave as is, please don't let developers get their hands on it to build a mall or housing. public nature park using ecologically sound and sustainable practices A Golf Course? People who do not have the money to go to private courses should still be able to play. Offer free courses to kids in neighborhoods that need help. Literally anything open to the public. City vegetable garden and farmers market. NOT developed into any form of housing or leased or sold to a commercial or residential developer. Keep it green!! Nothing. Should remain a golf course. Nothing. It is a nice little course that is still affordable. exhibits Stay as is Golf Course Public golf park Park Golf Golf course Golf No opinion Family and public events Community outside social activities Golf events sponsored by local companies Lower income resources Stay as is Public art space Open, public, free greenspace. Play golf at a golf course Golf Golf Golf Golf Elaborate children's playground Change it to a regular activity park with swings, basketball courts, volleyball, this enables residents to be happy with Austin I would love for it to continue as a Golf Course. I've played it many times and enjoy it's location and layout. Golf or a park Anything that is open and free to the public Keep it as a golf course Keep it a golf course! OR use it as a community park/rec center/community events! Golf ESports Arena Keep it a golf course Golf Park space For a public golf course Keep using it as a golf course. public golf course Golf Golf Trails Golf A golf course Golf Course Golf open parkland golfing the golf course Golf Nothing but golf Keep as golf! Golf like it was intended for. Rent-free housing for those homeless Something reasonable public golf & tennis area Park if not a golf course then only park space - we should NOT give up parklands! Hancock Golf Course is an Austin Institution and should remain so. Golf Golf course Not sure Park Golf golf I'm neutral if the land is still used for public activities. i would prefer it be a golf course As it is - preserve as golf for citizens Golf. We need to invest a bit more smartly into Hancock muny. The value of intown and the ability to play 9 holes quickly is a special place. As a 21 year resident of Austin, we need to cherish and maintain our history and historic spaces. Once gone it can’t come back. A restaurant with views over the golf course would probably do very well. Not a club house, a restaurant and bar. nothing else - the golf course Recreational area golf only Don't know Remain golf course A gold course Skateboard park public park space Golf Golf I like it as it is a place to walk around family recreation, children play area what it were originally intended to be use for golf + community activities It is fine as a golf course Public park Mixed use public park space Playing fields: soccer and basketball The golf course is great, I'd only ask that it be taken care of a little better. This is the first I've heard of the course, so I'd like to learn more to make an informed statement. I'm not a golfer but appreciate historic public places. Nothing. Please keep this institution of Austin. So many great institutions are gone already. another mueller area as is, the golf course HANCOCK GOLF COURSE Keep it as a Golf course keep it as it is Disc golf course Keep it as it is. Public use Golf course Golf golf Golf A golf course Golf Golfing Golfing park N/A It should remain as is. Preferably, as an historic landmark. School. Playground. Park. Homeless shelter. Multi-use recreation area serving more residents a Public Park, keep it green to have a small "lung" in downtown area Hancock Golf Course. A public place. Anything but the homeless encampment that it probably is at this point Leave as public golf course Urban green space or open space reserve Park with green space, picnic tables. House homeless people on it. A Golf Course Golf Golf Public golf Golf course A public golf course Golfing, open to all. Anything public Keep it the way it is. Low-income housing community gardens A golf course Leave it alone I would prefer that it remain as is. Same Stay Golf golf No N/A Golf A public dog park might be nice. I don't play golf so I don't really have an opinion towards its use. Turn it into a public recreation space. Something like a skate plaza in the middle (something like the Blanton museum setup), a dirt walking path accompanied by a bike path around the parimeter, another disk golf course (low cost, low maintanance, high demand, low barrier to entry), and populate the rest of the course real estate with activities popular in the austin area. keep as golf course. okay if it is made similar to Penick course & okay if stays the same layout. Bird sanctuary, walking trail, meditation area Community center We should keep Hancock Golf Course as a golf course. Historically important. Close other courses and put funds into Hancock to make it the best public course in the Southern US. I think the gold course could be reduced and the space along 41st St opened more as a park As a public golf course. Entry fees must be kept low, subsidized by the city council. I love the idea of using the space for holes 1 to 3 for park space on open land and using holes 4-9 to be reallocated into a pitch and putt for those who not only appreciate the history but also the geographical proximity for golf at a decent price. If it doesn’t continue to be a golf course, then I would prefer the area to be converted to protected green space with hiking trails A golf course. Get minority interest in the game and get them out there. Public park no opinion Golf the community to enjoy Nothing but golf Nothing Golf Golf course Public park Nothing but golf. Nothing A municipal park, open to all. Leave it as is golf course Golf Park Golf Golf Park recreational golf and family picnic Nature trails and play area for children Hancock Public Golf Course Public Park Please keep Hancock a golf course Mountain Biking & BMX courses - something that is more family friendly. Golfing is bad for environment and not accessible to all due to socio-economic issues. Public Park with neighborhood fishing I have no strong opinion, but I love having green space downtown everything involving outdoor activates and recreational use. If you change it away from a golf course, at least keep it a public park. disc golf Golf as it is Sell it and reduce taxes Keep it Hancock Golf Course Golf course golf Golf golf Golf NA A golf course leave it alone Nothing other than what it is already Large homeless camp. Continue golf Walking 9 holes nothing-it should stay a golf course Park Disc golf dog park and people park A Park wildlife preservation A park Remain the same Communal All purpose Park, Alternative to Zilker I have no option regarding the use of Hancock Golf Course. I’d like it to remain a public golf course Leave it alone Keep it as a golf course. Golf Course botanical gardens Disc golf Golfing Keep it a golf course mixed use Golf and public gardens It should remain as it is. Golf course A golf course More of a park, maybe just a driving range for golf Golf course. Continued golf course Continuing as a public golf course. A better golf course Golf Golf leave it the same as is More Golf A nice playground! Golf Golf course Disc Golf Course Leave alone Walking and cycling similar to mueller district a recreation center for everyone with many support services for young kids and adults Variety of outdoor activities, not just conventional golf. Disc golf, trails, bodyweight fitness, etc! A golf course; definitely not a homeless encampment. I prefer golf there. please don't close the golf course. I would like it to stay as a golf course Public park Golf course Resident housing A Golf Course (don't change it) golf/recreation Golf Course Golf Never been Golf picnic areas, golf, foot golf Keep it as a golf course, please! Park for recreational activities Keep as golf course Golf course accessible to all Park for all. Rec center. Park Kids golf course It should remain a municipal golf course. Nothing. Keep it a golf course or green space. Park with recreational activities Nothing Golf Keep it as is park Making America Great Again. Disc golf course Something way more sustainable than a golf course like a nature preserve or literally anything else Golf - update it. Kid friendly, par 3 course Maintain as a golf course or establish another city park. Keep the golf course. Austin’s history is disappearing under the weight of all of these companies and carpetbaggers buying property. Leave it alone, it’s a landmark. Needs to be made a state landmark so that it’s not taken over for condos, etc. Don’t be greedy COA. Something that uses less water. Keep it the same! Something we can enjoy outdoor. Or free golf course. Golf Golf Park Park golf golf Golf course Keep it as is. 9 hole golf course Executive golf course Remain a golf course I don't have a preference Leave as is Golf Park golf only!!! Public space Disc golf Tennis Golf What it is now a running path/ exercise park, not exclusive to golf I thought I just responded that I wanted to keep it a golf course! Just keep the space public! Golf or park. Public golf course keep your hands off our golf courses Austin Energy Golf although it can use some upkeep. Leave it as a golf course Something to do with the kids Housing golf Park space for all people. Not just golfers Greenbelt /hike and bike area A Park Golf Homeless Shelter Stay as a public course Golf Public park public access golfing park space or high density housing Mountain bike park Golf open to the public 1 - public golf course; 2 - park Disc Golf I like keeping it as a public golf course animal/nature sanctuary Golf Golf I would prefer the space stay as is, however add more amenities for all to enjoy, not just people who enjoy golfing. Golf, though maybe a soccer field on the side would be nice. stay the same as a public golf course Golf Course I would love to keep this open space. If being a golf course isn’t possible, then using the area as a park would be great. add solar panels n/a Continue golf Golf Course For golf Golf Not apartments For public park. Housing for the homeless. I'd like it to remain as a golf course. Golf! Golf! Golf! Stop tearing down green spaces! As long as it remains green space I don’t really care Park None. Keep it as is Golf and only Golf. Keep using it for golf, do not change it I would like it to continue to be a golf course. Public golf course! recreational activities disc golf Golf a golf course Pet friendly park Leave it alone Public use Leave as is Golf Golf Put the damned ACL fest there instead of ruining our treasured Zilker Park with that crowd of wretched drunks. Let ANOTHER part of town put up with the traffic jams and parking problems. Golf. We need to continue to offer everyone access to the game especially with how expensive many courses are, and the municipal courses offer them a viable option. Public Golf Course and possible venue for Youth Golf associations (such as the First Tee) A public park, if it is not kept as a public golf course Keep the golf course! golf N/a. Leave it alone Public golf and recreation Leave the golf course Play area for kids. Golf as a golf course Kept as is! Hancock Golf Course Keep the same Golf! Golf Golf Course Recreational Facilities and a Park Anything wellness related! prefer to see it continue its dual function as a small course and a public park I think it should be left as a golf course, with the bldg used for groups such as AIFD. keep it as is golf course Public park, nature preserve Tennis courts incorporated within Public family green areas, open parks and walking trails. a golf course Park or trail Golf Park A public park. Yes n/a - I think it should continue as a golf course Regular park Golf Golf course Tennis Golf Course If it will not remain a golf course, then public space accessible to all. Please no more development of homes or light-commercial centers. Q7 - PARD has identified several necessary improvements to the golf course. If funding is available, what kind of improvements to the golf course would you support? Letting people know how the golf course was conceived, and putting more effort into displaying that information :) More shade, public bathrooms and showers, water fountains and a disc golf day Better restroom Tree trimming Better facilities Any improving greens and tee boxes, updating maintenance equipment Better greens and fairways New open park space, restructuring some of the holes, water conversation efforts, tree planting, renovation of the existing structures, addition of new structures/new interiors, addition of new public park area. General support of improving the property as a whole. I would follow recommendations by the Green Keeper. not sure More staff Any need maintenace and upkeep Overall upgrade to the golf course!!!! Restoration of the grounds. Greener course Changing 9th hole to Par 3. all necessary Don’t know All necessary improvements Irrigation system Water improved parking Would align with your priority list, am not particular Overall upkeep of the course and potentially a restoration. scheduled times to avoid overcrowding Any All Yes Club room All necessary to maintain Green and fairway maintenance Better green. Improve the surrounding Keep it the same and give it historical protection. whatever is necessary. greens smooth and quick Any improvements needed to continue open to public. Grounds keeping, especially the greens. Maybe updated club house. New fairways and greens More golf carts.. Better greens maintenance I know nothing about golf! Better fairways and greens Better greens No to Dogs in the premises Work on the greens Bigger clubhouse and concessions Add food Benches Any Irrigation and green keeping More water and maintenance 18 holes, not just 9 Landscaping and community center improvements. I would support better tee off areas and greens. Do not close Hancock. So many people go there to have fun. Maybe add carts? Improve greens and fairways All Keep it as it is & repair/ but restore!!!! groundskeepers Its good as it is I don’t care. I don’t golf. All needs to support the golf course staying open. Driving range Better delineation between parallel fairways. replace turf grass in places Any thing necessary. Green condition, clubhouse facility (bar & food), Not a golfer None Any improvements No opinion The greens See prior comment. Ground repair, club house Not sure. Better greens Na Golf course maintenance. Anything will help Improve the upkeep Public health and unhoused people-friendly facilities Course improvements and cart paths I love the golf course and would support improvements recommended by pros Golf sucks. Replace it with solar panels and a park. Keep non-golfers from using the course as a park. I’ve had several instances of pedestrians wandering across the fairways. I’m not sure. It depends on what necessary improvements PARD has identified, and if they truly are necessary. The holes are too short and there are some dangerous situations with errant tee shots balls flying onto Red River General maintenance ongoing grass, green, landscaping maintenance Clubhouse and care for greens Greens and cart paths more trees, more native plantings Just keep it like it is. The final green needs a lot of work done on it. Additional T boxes to nake it 18 holes with only 9 greens. More trails All. Better facilities Better greens Better fairways General up keep 9-hole pitch and putt Mowing Parking space Upgrade greens Nice club house better grass, if possible Better putting surfaces and fairway condition Softer greens Improving club house It’s fine the way it is Defined walking paths for exercise ???? Keeping Coarse conditions in good shape is important The golf course is a waste of resources for only those with money. Public funds should be for the public. Turf maintenance, tee box improvement, bunkers driving range clean up the fairways with nicer grass. Maintain it for youth programs and High School teams Cart paths (or limiting carts to disabled and elderly golfers) right now, carts are destroying the course. It could also use some erosion control. And the lines above the practice green should be buried or rerouted. An additional bathroom would be nice. Or ball cleaning stations at the tee box Perhaps nets? I saw someone get hit by a gold ball at the bus stop on red river & people’s cars get hit sometimes. I would like to see some more water friendly features on the course as well as it being used as a disc golf course. I would like to see something done with the open space that is just past 41st and Red River. I know this area is used for campus, but it would be great to see it purposed for additional usage. better public restrooms Turf Management/update the greens Any and all Necessary as prioritized N/A yes All All Drainage issues when it rains; New hole signage It's an awesome short course as it is Soccer field grass improvement Keep it green greens maintenance and facilities improvements any improvement is a + Improve the sprinkler systems Anything PARD would like to do is okay with me. Landscaping, out buildings; repair of older structures Sprinkler system Re do greens / fairways None improve landscape and feed and trim the trees to start The parking lot at the community center is awful! It needs expansion and filling in the potholed Just keep the grass green and it works well. No major renovations needed. Use the funds for other parts of town. With new irrigation, really a pretty good 9-hole course—problem, reputation & a 9-hole course. Planting and landscape preservation, building maintenance, etc better layout any and all Updated make it clearer Yes, overall update What are the necessary improvements? Better greens, updated pro shop General maintenance and upkeep Green up keep Widen road to parking lot What ever is necessary to keep the course open for everyone. GREENS MAINTNENANCE, SPRIKLER SYSTEM, LANDSCAPING Keeping it green Intentional xeiroscaping along the fairways General course maintenance Overall improvements and updating protection from homeless Better greens and a more sophisticated parking system that doesn’t shut down at 7 pm 1.-a net mid 2nd. fairway to prvent stray ball's into red river st.2.-water on hole 5 creek/pond 3.-and finally some pavement driveway improvements in and out for cars. Keeping the course as original as possible. Adding more dirt to fairways to cover the gravel is some areas would be the best improvement. If anything improving the club house and repaving the entrance to the course and recreation center. Whatever it takes to keep it going. A net between the street and course Improve the clubhouse and rec center water system and greens None, perfect as is. Improving the greens. Keeping costs low is ideal, however. There are already many nice expensive courses, and few that kids can afford. protective screens for the streets around it. Update facilities for restrooms General maintenance + greens No opinion Golf carts All of them but in particular better maintenance and grass composition. Increase youth program outreach within the city. Improving and enlarging the recreation center and improve the walking track around the course. Attention to the grounds, fairways, greens, modernize rec center, Management has improved, but better overall management of grounds, greens, and facilities. Even though only 9 hole course, better restroom facilities and access. I walk the outer trail around Hancock several times a week and it could use some upgrades and improvement. Anything to keep it open. Low spots need to be filled / add drainage. But generally, the course is great. landscaping/greens and clubhouse upgrades lighting, appropriate modernization, landscape Some of the ground can be rock hard. Trying to grass it up. Necessary tees, greens, and fairways improvements. club house. parking. grass. none keeping the greens in good shape Lawn Care Improvements the greens The course. Not the buildings Greens Fairways Rest rooms Durable but nice Only environmentally friendly ones Not sure never have played there Just main upkeep No money should be spent on public parks until the camping ban has been reinstated. Better greens Whatever is necessary to keep it viable. Additional bunkers, better greens Whatever PARD has recommended. I don’t know nothing about golf. No opinion, I just don’t want to see it developed with more pollution and traffic. Neither all any No clue Greens No None Renovation All none - No golfing Clean restrooms A wider path for joggers updating the facilities and improving the grass Covered areas for resting Encouraging lower income people to use it. Offer incentives Anything that doesn't use cement. Carts and cart paths Better food options, allow food trucks around the perimeter of the course or around the club house. As deemed necessary in the oorder of priority given by professionals in charge of the course NONE GIVE THE FUNDS TO LOW INCOME RESIDENTS Grounds maintainence, Youth engagement/education/opportunites Improvement of the greens accessibility; benches Play to strengths: Historical, rustic, central, model for water use. Please don't pave more Na No sure Need to have tee boxes and greens with holes to hold the flag and get your ball in. I like that it is not perfect - I think a relatively simple and easy to access course is appropriate for the center of town. If anything - just like any public course - it could do with improved t boxes, fairways, and greens. In regards to revenue, COA would be well served to have beverage carts on the course. Lessons for children who can not afford thr private lessons Ensure the history of the course is preserved Upkeep and modernized. No improvement better greens NA NONE No opinion as long as it improve the Golf Course General upkeep to keep this a viable option add trail bike trail or runners trail additional trees Events better turf None None Nets reg course updates, new greens. As many can the funds may cover Not sure Electric golf cart It has been several years since I played it but I would say the overall quality of the course could be improved. I have not had the opportunity to play the Hancock course yet so I’m not qualified to comment on improvements. HOW is funding not available? If it isn't, then City Council needs to find the money and allocate it. NO MORE BONDS. Our taxes are already ridiculous. Where is all that money going? I have not been to the course so can't comment Tents for the junkies. Don’t forget to add space for thier heroin dealers. better club house, better practice facilities Anything necessary that will actually improve the course vs waste unnecessary money for the sake of it None - remove the golf course and replace it with public open space with paths and trails Fewer holes such that other uses are possible. Don't know what it needs. Nothing Any Taco stands . Greens All of them none I would like to see a list of the necessary improvements. Make improvements to the club house so you can generate more income. Minimal, parking, irrigation & groundskeepers equipment Like it the way it is none All No more as a golf course Turf and clubhouse I’m not familiar with the needs Sculptures by local artists refined greens None Na Maintenance Clubhouse for food and soft drinks. Automated tee time scheduler Maintenance of the club house. I've never played there, so i don't know what needs attention Better trails for walking, It’s fine as it is. improved greens and fairways Greens update, fairway trees, better maintence Ground maintenance , irrigation upgrades, parking/infrastructure landscape the outside of the property unsure New greens with sand traps Entry road is steep None I would like the greens and fairway to give them better maintenance. shelters - areas to sit out of the sun More homeless shelters Quality of grass health and better exposure to the community Continue to keep it good for the environment . Lawn prep Decrease price to play Beautification whatever it takes to keep it a f****** golf course Anything that kept it functional as a golf course and an open public green space 0 probably better screening along 38th street Better greens. Make push carts available again. Better tee boxes Whatever is needed to make greens and fairways nice - not rocky, dried out, etc Maintain the greens Pollution remediation No opinion Nicer fairways and greens. Restoration Whatever is recommend Fixing the greens - there were sand traps on the green I'd like to see it optimized for less water usage. Improve course conditions, greens, tee boxes Clubhouse, driving range. walking paths around the golf course. Recommended so long as it costs me nothing CONVERSION TO GARDENSPACE None Not sure none None Fairways and greens rework the greens Golf House N\A never been Safety nets along the road holes. Erosion mitigation. Updating and maintenance Golf carts None No opinion fencing No idea maintenance We just moved here will let you know Updated and current Build a new medical center for the homeless and those without health insurance to provide completely free health care. Any and all improvements are welcome so long as user fees remain reasonable Haven’t been there in 20 years (bc I’m not a golfer my bf at the time was) but I love the game of golf and am sad you’re taking away that lovely time to be in nature and competing with yourself to do better. Keeping it as near the way it originally was, and as ‘classic’ as possible. Necessary improvements for safety and environmental protections Stop spending money on something that a small percentage of people use. See last answer. Make it a Flordia style short course and teaching institution for kids. Making the course family friendly All just keep it up it's fine as it is Landscape, update the facilities Trails, goals for soccer, and recreational changes rebuild of greens, tee boxes, adding traps, clearing out the creek of invasive species I trust those entrusted with this responsibility whatever needsnto be done to improve the quality of the park for golfers All Minimal it does not seem like an up to date golf course Clean up the bunkers, host some junior golf clinics there. Is an easy course to play, develop the next generation. Green improvement Whatever it takes Any updates necessary. any improvements The club house Better watering and turf None Better quality green Better trails, water fountain Staff Improved course (tee box, fairway, greens) I don't know what improvements are needed, no response. General grounds maintenance to improve the quality of playing surfaces (greens, fairways, etc) Any that would be necessary to continue the positive space. maintenance only Reconfigure holes, improve greens Modernize while keeping any historical context Nice maintenance N/a None No comment Sorry. I don't golf. A pro shop attendedant & cart availability No idea, y’all. Better greens dunno, never been there Adding a fence near Red River to prevent balls from hitting cars. Improved cart paths and greens. Upgrade the facilities. The ones PARD have identified Keeping the outdoor space inviting. Preservation Better grass, overall improvements Maintaining grounds and facilities Make all the necessary improvements. Do not let a public course become even more dilapidated. That’s disrespectful to those who can only afford to use a public course! Barriers between the course and road. More funding for green management. Changing the golf course to a sustainable multi-use park / food forest. significantly upgrading the facilities and the course itself. Recyclable water supply walking paths and park benches Anything that would maintain it for long term sustainability Improved fairways and add bunkers on some of the holes. Erect a fence along Red River to stop errant shots from hitting cars Remove golf course and build deeply affordable housing Net to block balls going to the street. Signs to tell people it's a golf course, not a park. Too many people taking strolls in the middle of the course, which is dangerous. Complete the improvements as identified by PARD. Whatever is needed to get it to a place where it is safe and usable. I have no specific opinion on improvements needed. What has been identified Maintain greens na Greens None None Those related to safety Water saving improvements Maintain grass & trees Better greens Don’t know. None maintenance better maintenance Make it accessible to all Necessary improvements Unknown All None shaded benches at each tee area what ever is necessary Improve grounds, make permanent disc golf course General improvements, whatever is needed to bring it back to glory days! necessary improvements and maintenance to maintain course and attract users Safety nets, blocks. Green improvements, golf cart paths Better tees and Greens accessibility features for those people in wheelchairs Better greens Walking trail (dirt) around it. Level tee boxes, sand traps, beauty it. Bring in a pro golf course designer and redo and rethink the whole space. If the city redos it people will come. Too much history to just build some more condos on it. Got enough of that going on in Austin. I think it’s fine the way it is. I’ve played there and my sons too. Maintenance of course Total renovation You may want to add higher fence barriers around the edges of the course. I'm not sure, it depends upon the costs of the improvements Better greens none irrigation, fairways and greens improvements to the grounds and upkeep for trees... Trimming of some tree's turf enrichment with dillo dirt I would support the necessary improvements. Whatever is needed More tournaments Don't care All of them None Better greens Disc golf baskets The ones suggested by PARD tax the nearby homes but dont make citizens that are not privileged enough to live near it pay for it. Anything to make it an appealing place to play Increased green maintenance! Possible netting blocking traffic on Red River. To become a public park Any All Improved Facilities, and upkeep of the grounds parking and lights to turn on when evening begins Can't think of any None None Better parking A nice clubhouse No idea. I have never been. I’ve never played golf so I have no idea ? na na N A Can the course not pay for its own improvements? Whatever needed to make it amenable. There is a small venue that I think should be used more. I don't knows enough to make a recommendation Fix the elecric grid and find a solution to the homeless problem. netting alongside the holes near a road, improved greens, improved fairways conversion to something else (like housing) N/A I don't golf Better maintenance Drainage issues, Irrigation improvements, Club House renovations. NA Automatic Meme Dispenser Improving fairway Water fountains, tennis courts Not supported better greens, flag placement and landscaping Adding trees and a water feature... Any and all need improvements general maintenance and upkeep Improvements to the fairways and around the greens would be great. Add a lot of mulch to the unimproved areas. make is safe Whatever PARD recommends Course maintenance maintenance to keep original plan New tee box informational maps Fairways and cart paths Maintaining it accessible. Turf and pro shop improvement I don't play golf, so I don't know. Preserve the natural flora and fauna. improved greens Greens Keep the landscaping up, keep it beautiful NIGHT golf! Better manicured course More kid friendly park Better upkeep Public access N/A ALL None The necessary ones Course condition. No need for ancillary services like snack bars, etc. Upgrade the greens and fairways Environmentally sustainable improvements to the extent possible. Making it an actual park, or make sports equipment accessible to everyone. Make it an inviting space for families. Eliminate forced carries to make it friendly and fun for beginners and children. Benches, shade, water fountains Grounds keeping, beautification/protection for its creek, and water features No need to keep the golf course. Golf courses are huge pollutants and consume too much water. It should be turned into an actual park instead I recommend to create more parks in Austin or nearby city instead of spending on the existing parks None. I would prefer if the space were open to the public and not just golfers. prohibit pets grow grass no opinion None None Safety less golf it's a rich man's sport General modernization Upkeep the fairways and greens Clearer pathways from one hole to the next Using it as a public park Unsure Tennis courts better greens Greens and facilities not sure Any water fountains Train for kids Okay Better Carts! Better greens. Snack bar. Cart person. Better kept course. Don’t know, don’t live near the golf course and I don’t golf Maintain its unique, historical layout I have no idea what shape the golf course is in so cannot make recommendations I would defer to those who frequent the course often, but possibly a grill Turn it into a disc golf course Transitioning from golf course to public park More walking and bicycling facilities while extracting value of the land Continue to upkeep this precious jewel like you would any other landmark! Higher quality landscaping, addition of water features Safety, environmental improvements anything that would make the space usable by more people without destroying its character No preference Better greens None. Tear it down Trail around the course New grass All Better grounds maintenance repaved cart path and benches. none. Unsure All needed Better greens update the terrain prune trees Better greens and fairways I don't care about the golf aspects More water fountains irrigation Golf range I don't golf, so I have no idea. Better conditions Change it to a public park More Golf Improved greens and fairways - overall aesthetics Any they see fit (particularly those that affect play, ie: condition of the green) Get rid of golf course and make it a place where families can enjoy outdoors. I don’t think a golf course is suited for that location. Golf is a waste of space and natural resources, exclusively for rich people. Make central Austin accessible to those on the East side of 35. Low income, high density housing instead of a big slab of grass rich people can hit a ball on.. Footgolf and public park area that includes other sports. Fairway improvement What ever they need Any and all greens, fareways. general upgrades not much other than cheap fees for kids Better parking and driving range Landscaping along 38th St and tee boxes Trees on the course Updates/beautification and amenities Whatever is necessary to keep it in playable condition. Tall fences along streets. Safety and accessibility. I do not know Adding walking trails N/a I would leave that up to PARD none More updated improvements. Overall course improvements greens keeping All walking trail for public any deemed most beneficial for the entire community convert irrigation to reuse water, rework greens Any improvements to the course would be welcomed. anything that doesn't require funding to be taken from something more important Just a nice large Park. Frisbee golf would be cool Landscape Make in to a an 18 hole par three course. water fountains, course maintenance none that basketball court could use some love Fences around the homeless camps. Decrease in grass. Increase native plants Replace and plant new trees. I don't know Never been to the couse so no input from me. BETTER FAIRWAY GRASS AND ELIMINATE WEEDS No opinion None any keep it the beautiful oasis it is. not aware of this golf course issues. Make it family friendly. Parking for events General continued maintenance Teaching kids golf and other outside activities After hours lighting; perimeter fencing for animal/kid safety from street; picnic tables, gazebos, bbq pits Clean the park .. running trail .. kids playground.. soccer fields.... pool Any and all improvements Some netting so I don't slice my ball into parked cars on the neighboring streets. We need museums. Fix it up not sure Better quality greens upgrading turf and bunkers. Add lights for night time play Turn it in to a public park with native landscaping General grass and green improvements. It would be nice to see some scenic foliage improvements and some rock or stoneworkments and Keep non golfers out of harms way ones to keep it intact as it was intended when originally created I don't golf or use the course. plants and trails Improved Greens and tee boxes Turn it into a dog park Course upkeep grass and greens Bunkers n/a Not sure. None N/A golf all n/a Any Charge higher user fees for course usage. I would guess many residents don't know about the park...advertise! Anything to maintain it as a running golf course Drainage, turf, make it a world class public course. keep them safe and fun I have not visited that course bench seating throughout the course for those who do not golf but can enjoy the greenery and quiet space. improve all the greens, add more greenside bunkers, identify all fairways from rough, remove all rocks from fairways; level out some mounds/hills; improve all teebox areas; add a few fairway bunkers and make it enjoyable for all beginners and participants of the Austin Junior Golf Academy. More bunkers Better course maintenance, and improvement of facilities. petter green and sand traps None. Golf is a dying sport. Whatever is needed; not nice to haves More kid friendly General upkeep of the course and paths Family friendly improvements. Covered seating, kiddy golf area better greens, would be willing to pay more for a nicer course All None Close it! Any to keep it use-able You’ve never updated that place Better greens, better upkeep of fairways Better maintenance of the golf course. no comment Whatever is needed Financial No homelessness None Sand Traps and Greens Don't know much if anything about golf Homes for homeless converting it to a wildlife refuge Better Greens Maintenance issues all over any thing necessary for the safety, well-being and enjoyment of those who golf there Course improvement to make Hancock not only a historical location but a stellar course. Just maintain the maintenance of the course. I am not sure, but I will agree with anythung the officals deem fit to make it better All you identify More Sand in the Bunkers See previous comment. Conversion to something other than a golf course Open park land, disc golf Fewer rocks on the fairway, keep the grass greener and generally better conditions on the greens. Not sure. Will leave that to professionals. bunker maintenence, green improvements No improvements, would like to see it become a park. resoding of grass and green rebuilding Sand traps. Driving range Wild life Greens na None. Water features or additional ponds Full time staff, maintenance, youth programs. Adding soil then planting grass on fairways Adding more holes, fix grasses Non-political bias for all Austinites I dont know The greens need work and probably better irrigation to take care of the grass. improvements to club house and maintain land scaping signage, land scaping, walk ways Fairways watered more Keep clean of homeless, keep grass and courses good for golfing. none All Improvements in the facility and also promoting the use of it. I used to driver down Red River on right past Hancock GC on my daily commute. Red River is quite a busy congested road. I think one improvement would be an attractive fencing to enclose the course. I think this would offer a few things: deter people from allowing their dogs to roam free on the course and reduce errant golf balls from interacting with traffic. Beyond that, I would support any efforts needed for proper drainage and turf improvements if they were needed. When funding is available do what is needed to make improvements. replace nonnative grass with drought tolerant native grasses to reduce watering. use only ecologically sound methods of pest control that promotes native species of insects and birds sell it and make it privet good shelter with a cafe I'm not someone who has knowledge of this. I'm not a professional and I believe that a professional should be the person making this decision. Keep it well lit if it runs at night Improving the quality of the fairways and greens Those self same necessary improvements Nothing that takes ANY additional water or requires paving over existing soil. fairway and greens maintenance, facilities improvement Bigger course None Any Better maintenance, food and beverage improvements. Landscaping, amenities, marketing — anything that makes it successful again Better irrigation Accessibility and parking Any need maintain in top condition use it for the homeless camp sites What are the feasible options? Improvements that allow for inclusion of the whole population Tear down the golf course and use it for public art Water conservation efforts, maintain public access to all. None Any Maintenance Golf course Na Clubhouse, practice green, netting around the property The space would be better utilized for kids Update cart paths and signage. Maintain greens Mini golf courses, they're more fun. Better maintenance and Hole placement No comments Better greens and fairways Greens. no camping, no trespassing Greens and fairways A snack bar, an alcohol bar, food truck Simple upgrade Nothing expensive. Any none N/A Water None greens None no opinion anything that is needed Updating current equipment Better greens and fairways Hitting range Making it into a public park Rebuild greens Greens upgrade Upgrading golf course Equipment, sidewalks resurfaced, benches, security cameras, maybe a small workout/wellness section/center. Only the necessary to keep open Landscape improvements to the course, maintenance of facility equipment I want to see Hancock Golf Course turned into a central city park. Don’t even know the location of the Golf Course Park whatever improvements are necessary Good course All necessary improvements Playground trails none Don't know Greens and fairway improvement Improve drainage, more native plants that need less water. Make is easier to maintain. A way to rent carts/hand carts even when staff is not available. Different/faster greens. Improvements to make it a continuing open space in the middle of Austin where it can be enjoyed by golfers and any one else in the City. Keep it as open space!!!!!!!!!!! get rid of the holes and make it a public park for kids and families not golfing Better facilities, youth programs, and concessions Better course Golf club rental children play area None Green Improvements safety !!! all that are needed Upkeep More parking spaces No n/a N/A Upkeep of greens what it needs Better upkeep on the fairways and greens. Keep it simple so beginners, lower income and non-serious golfers can continue to enjoy. Shut it down and turn it into a real park. Golf courses are an amazing waste of public space. better maintained putting greens "and they will come" Anything identified by PARD Move to have the grounds kept with "green" environmental products and maintenance. LED lighting, walking paths, tree maintenance, benches, emergency phones, picninc areas, signalization Only necessary improvements are wanted for the course. Removal of any and all homeless so I, as a woman, would actually feel safe going out to the parks When you tell me what they are, I will give a thumbs up or down Whatever is necessary. Walking Trails smoother greens Anything golf related All All of them None Unknown Greens improvements Green upgrades None None Maintaining status quo or better Improve greens I WOULD USE THE FUNDNG FOR OTHER THINGS As needed Any Not sure Greens, tee boxes and fairway improvements Any needed to help preserve and enhance the course I don't know. I don't play golf. Removing the golf course and making it just a park accessibility for disabled people No golf course improvements. Kids programs Better greens none Putting/chipping practice areas close it and build a whole bunch of subsidized housing on it. Nice enough greens to keep golf affordable Make it more of a natural space, like the courses by Donald Ross Small updates to keep it looking good ones necessary to keep the space safe & welcoming Course maintenance Public space idk Improve greens Improved landscaping Sell it Not sure Maintenance Any improvements don't know no More amenities for those who don't play golf and don't want to be hit by stray shots Public areas - not golf - collect those funds in round fees Watering systems, greens keeping equipment, erosion control, improved fairways grass and water. Better maintenance/greens. Restoration of the grass to higher quality golf experience exclusively, building a driving range plus pitch and putt, or public park plus pitch and putt all would be good combinations i would support. Improvements to facilities and the greens. Maybe some sort of fencing No opinions It has been about 4 years since I played there, so I have no recommendations. Providing for programs for minority youth and adults. Perhaps even offer ways to train them to take care of the golf course too. I generally trust PARD to make improvements and would be happy to help fund them, even though I don't use the course myself As long as it doesn't cost an arm and a leg, it's fine. Keeping the greens and fairways nice. turn it into a DISC GOLF course and get rid of the ball and stick golfers have not played it Park landscaping and infrastructural All that aren’t too expensive. None ? Any None Not sure Covert to a park a new trail. None All None nicer greens improved grteens Update the course, update the rec center, add a jogging path Outdoor activities that are more geared to families Depends on what you can get for cheap, bang for the buck. Keep it in good shape The most needed redo the greens Improve quality of greens Anything to make the course more fun to play New greens/new clubhouse Desperately need something to prevent golf balls from hitting nearby cars! Improving the green/grass and manicuring the trees (if necessary). Whatever is appropriate N/A None don't know None Safety, lighting, seating A sandbunker by the practice putting area. Water conservation Greens Turf, facilities Whatever the professionals recommend. Unsure but it seems like a good course The cheap ones - spend it on homeless people! Better maintenance Improved putting greens See previous comments Any and all Replace with a dog park just for the upkeep none Better greens upkeep Water fountains What has PARD identified? Better maintenance Cart paths Disc golf? I play that but I’d like for regular golfers to have a place as well. reducing the size and reintroducing native terrain and flora I don’t golf, it would be nice to add walking paths for visitors who want to enjoy the trees and outdoors never been their Add more holes, improve the greens Greens need to be maintained and leveled. Large area, add additional uses/activities other than just golf Upkeep Improved fencing, course care Disc Golf Improve course Practice range Tee boxes and greens Park ammenities Anything that is needed. Make it an executive 9 hole course. A nice one... only those absolutely !!!! necessary updated club house, better grounds keeping and driving range Switch the order of the holes tp what they were originally. Make it a park. Better greens and fairways None, never been and never will walking trail that is safe from golf balls Fairways and greens I like it as is Paths, holes, greens, landscaping, flow better greens and fairways Unsure Nome Any Grass and landscaping Not familiar with needs of park. irrigation system upgrades; equipment and chemicals needed for proper greens maintenance na Statue in honor of President Donald Trump. Par 3 course, more kid friendly. practice area 18 hole pitch and putt Safety and accessibility improvements. Necessary improvements maintain and improve fairways The last several times I have visited, the grounds were top notch for a municipal course. I would focus on improving the putting greens. None - I don't play golf - I'm literally the last person you should ask about golf course funds. None player funded Watering, greens Any beer Irrigation, improve greens Less water usage. I don't know. better greens All of them The identified improvements The grass and sand unsure Clubhouse, snack bar Any Training hours None cart path, carts, course and greens maintenance, tee signage Maintain the greens and fairways. Update the irrigation, if necessary. better cart trails. improve the fairways None, if it won't make the course self sustaining. most Turn it into a park X Homeless General upkeep NA Any any All n/a Spend the money on what is needed quick closing or trying to sell the golf course land fences to protect cars, better fairways improved paths, greens not a golf course Better course maintenance public bathrooms, improved greens and fairways Flora installation Whatever it takes I'm not sure. making it eco friendly; no pesticides, etc. Good Greens are always goos for a better reputation for golf cart path improvements. Improvements to club house facilities. I don’t golf but is there a disc golf option? I dunno how feasible it is to have disc golf and regular golf going on at the same time though... solar panels, rainwater collection, artificial turf maintenance of the green General up keep Greens and sand traps Free courses to underprivileged groups. Discontinue golf course, build something to better serve the community a la zilker More things that children could have accessed for fun. Reuse water irrigation, advertise that it exists Better greens None What ever improvements that you have identified. Course maintenance. Repairing damage done by Adler's homeless mob. Course maintenance an upgrades. No real opinion, but please see the suggestion about ACL and Zllker. Parks should not be used for commercial events at the expense of public usage. Golf is a sport and citizens can enjoy it, so no problem there. resod the turf , paint & remodel the building Greens restoration, re-sodding fairways and tee boxes, cleanup of trees impacting play on certain holes. golfing Not sure Any that makes it usuable Whatever is necessary. Better greens not sure Any Any Lower fees Safety needs driving range, more holes Landscaping and facilities Any Any deemed necessary improve the greens Whatever PARD recommends None Not much Upgrades and Restorations Maintenance, clinics for youth programs to further diversity in golf. It would depend on the improvements suggested n/a Make it a nice park or trail Trees & shrubbery around perimeter Turn it into a park. work on the greens Upgrades or fixing paths, upgrades to facility Refurbishing the club house Overall grounds None Yes none Tee boxes upgrade Whatever is necessary to sustain it. Building tennis courts No need for improvement. Improve course conditions to at least those of the other PARD courses Improve bunkers, greens and tee boxes perhaps clearer signage - I lived next to the golf course for 7 years (I'm not a golfer) and had no idea where I should go if I wanted to golf. Q8 - Please add any other thoughts you have on the use of the Hancock Golf Course. Before changing a thing ask what value has it brought to the community. How many life lessons were taught there? How many life changing connections were made in the past and how many more can be made in the future? If you don't want to keep up the golf course which is bad for the environment, make it a public camping spot I've moved so I haven't been to the park in a long time, but it's a wonderful amenity that should be saved. Hancock is cool, but golf is bad Public golf courses are great for kids Please keep it. Why the fuck do we care about golf I was born and raised in Austin...this is a part of our history. Leave it be It should remain open for public use! Golf is just for the few, we need to find ways to use that valuable space to encompass ALL citizens in the spirit of "Old Austin" Assess usage of Golf Courses. I suspect golf courses are seeing a decline. As such, use the data to determine what Austin needs more of. The trails seem to be more and more crowded every day. We need more trail hiking and biking expansion. KEEP IT!!!! N/A for everyone Love that there is a golf course in the middle of Austin city! Leave it there please. I've always thought the course is a great respite from the urban setting. Historic items should be kept in place for all. Was not previously aware of its increased usage or that’s its great for beginners. Knowing that now, I would pursue lessons there There are plenty of other golf courses in the area that are nicer which is why this one is losing money. It would do better as a regular park. As a golf course, it has historical significance. It is also very accessible and playable for young kids and those new to the game. Would love to see it used as a way to introduce others to golf. Many people love being outdoors, and golf, particularly when the course is walked without carts, allows people to connect with nature. Keep the oldest public golf course, care about history, care about young athletes who don't have country club access. N/A NO though Keep the land mark. It has heritage. A wonderful little spot, a fun find a neighborhood. It adds character to the area, and should be improved upon to be more enjoyable and by more people. I have never used the Hancock Golf Course, but as a native Austinite, I always remembered looking over the course as my father would drive by to/from work teaching on UT campus. The Hyde Park/Hancock area has always been beautiful to drive about. It’s an old course that needs updating. Take advantage of the uniqueness and age of the course to our advantage. When I played there, it appeared to be too difficult to maintain. The greens were unreliable. The pond smelled bad in the summer. The fairways were filled with caliche rather than sand under the grass. leave it as a golf course Have no there thoughts except that I hope it says open for many more years to come! I would think if it brings in somewhat of a profit for maintenance, etc., it would be wise to continue the use as a golf course. Austin is big on golf and probably could benefit with it remaining as such. This is a waste of taxpayer dollars. The land could be used for so many other great uses kEEP IT AS A GOLF COURSE BUT IMPROVE IT. MAINTAIN IT AS IF IT WERE A PRIVATE CLUB Uses too much water, fertilizer, pesticides. Golf courses aren’t green, ironically. Keep it! Wildlife sanctuary It has been many years since I played these courses but the Munies have been a big part of my golfing history and of my childrens. They should put the first tee back to where it used to be. Hancock is an Austin treasure, played by many UT students from all over the world, it would be disgraceful to turn it over to developers , but the city will, it’s really a shame. Golf course, great outdoor space. Keep it and keep it public A public gulf course In any case, keep it primarily as a green space This open space needs to remain as a public golf course! It offers recreation for the public and open green space for various wildlife! Keep it free It isa part of old Austin with lots of history. Golf is a positive sport activity for our citizens, young and old. Let's leave Austin history available for new generations Municipal golf courses need to promote more. Low price green fees open up the game to a larger part of the community, and the peace that they bring the areas where they are at is a big plus for the city at large. Although I do not play golf and I have never visited this particular site, I do appreciate history abs restoring that history for the future to see abs learn about it. If it’s something to be proud of.. keep it. No homeless allowed. Dog park For park A 'Central Park' for Austin I have none. Business office Its a landmark place in Austin, it has history. No developments please, leave it alone A city recreation center with recreational facilities. Basketball, softball, kickball, or a disk golf course. No Keep it Mcdonals, N/A Don’t close it. Easy to get on most of the time, nice break from crowded muni’s To many historic places and things are being placed in jeopardy. Hancock should not be on to them. I’m in a wheelchair, but nice for people who may not afford anything else. Please preserve for all Austinites. It's such a great course, so Austin-y and good location. Please preserve it! Just take care and maintenance of Austin's treasure This is a beautiful natural green space in central ATX. We pass by several times weekly and love to see so many enjoying the space, in addition to golfers Keep Austin beautiful and alive with nature. No more development that detracts from the charm of the city. Keep it as is Leave it as it is. None at this time Keep it as a golf course— Keep as public golf course or turn it into park, but don’t develop land. It’s a good beginner’s course - enhance that use of it. Public green space and opportunities for people to share in the game of golf at reasonable pricing is important to any city. Not anti golf, but not in support of course requiring dangerous chemicals...herbicides, pesticides, excess use of fertilizers. Nor, excessive water requirements. These courses displace wildlife. Make a sanctuary. More mixed use green space! we have enough parks that cannot be maintained now. please keep it a golf course In its current state I have no use for it. It may be beneficial to have programming for poorer youth to learn to play golf on that course to integrate the historicity of it and the current value of its continued use. None No Please keep Hancock park open to All I don't even know where it is. No opinion at this time Leave it undeveloped We are running out of green space and turning it over to development won't ease the ridiculous cost of home ownership. It should remain public space. Can we please keep some of what made Austin so great?!? Hancock is the best walkers course in Austin. Please keep it available. Austin is being changed by all the growth. We need to keep some of the older stuff. For junior golfers Create a public park with other sports options Maybe you could do fitness or yoga classes on certain days and other days its for golf. Or public picnics/ live music Golf is usually for not common people, so the space should be for public and common people Community park Save it! Once apartments go up, they never come down. why can't it continue to be a golf course? maybe spruce it up a bit If the course is being used and especially serving a diverse community then it should remain none I am newer to the game and would like to one day play We need to save historic places Free Art/Music instruction or sell land and devote funds to underprivileged children. Please keep it I rarely see anyone utilize the golfing and only see pedestrians and their dogs in the space. Stop changing the Austin that make people want to move here. Keep it the way it is. Keep commercial development out of it A works class disc golf course should be created in conjunction with PDGA. Please keep the course open for golf. Keep Hancock !!! keep the course None Maybe put homeless there Great place for beginners Do not sell or lease it N/A NA NA Na Na Great piece of history should be treated as such. If anything it should be turned into a park for the city. A mini Central Park if you will. Please don't build houses, restaurants or apartments. We need green space. I have no opinions, I'm relatively new to Texas. Just keep it as is. Besides it’s a historical marker. Need to maintain green spaces and not have another multiuse developmeny This would be an amazing GREEN space that would extend Austin's brand of people, families, everyone enjoying the outdoors and not JUST downtown. Allowing people to exercise is critical in These hard times I don't live within Austin's city limit and I don't play golf. I have no idea why I have gotten this survey. Please keep Hancock as it is. As 78 year old lifelong resident, I lived near there, I got married at the Hancock Rec building and my children went to Tiny Tots there. It is an important part of the Austin history and should remain for us to enjoy. COA, needs to look at what we really need. I have never played golf and don't even know where the Hancock Golf course is located dont make it such a large project that it never gets don. Just do what it needs to keep it around for many years to come The population is 4x, but there aren't any new public golf courses. Why? relocate city buildings to park We need courses like this so folks who want to teach their kids how to play or have access to affordable golf courses can do so. make its historical essence known. Bring back Sunday 4 ball tournaments. Continue as a Public Golf Course Great little course in the heart of the city. A good course for people/youngins just getting into the sport or for seasoned players just wanting a quick practice round. Leave it alone Historic beauty N/a none N/A Keep it as it is. Austin has changed so much. I think city owned public golf course is a good idea. Keep it the way it is. We have lost too much of Austin already. Keep it and never sell it to commercial ventures It’s was started in the 1800s when population was down and water was cheaper. There is a reason good courses get phased out and it’s about time to pul Ol’ Hancock to rest. He’s done his job but every dog leg has its day. Leave it alone - we don"t need to change everything If you had to do something, make it a park with walking trails. Run and promote like a real course. Golf courses use up too much water. Make it more environmentally friendly. Post activities people can do at Hancock golf course. It would attract more people like me A green space. Park with walking trails. We need to preserve the open space in our city! Everything is fine none Leave it alone A park Excellent course for beginners and experienced golfers. I will leave it up to the concerned city officials. Need more money to improve the course. Keep it the same Many people who I know that golf really enjoy Hancock Golf Course How about some more affordable housing. I love this course!! ? Public pool Basketball court Running track No opinion for golf and Austin green space Even though I generally support it as a public golf course, if the cost to run it exceeds the income, it needs go go to save taxpayers’ money. No opinion Green Space, or family park I'm in favor of keeping green spaces. I don't know what usage looks like, so if more people would play disc golf (like me), then it should be converted. Dog water station along the perimeter Hancock is a great course for beginners and a challenging course for seasoned players too. It's imperative to keep historic landmarks like these open for the next generation to witness. Such a great location. I hope it will remain and be improved. We need more public golf options Let that last piece of old Austin stay as is! It is a waste of precious non renewable resources, like water its open space that can be used for better none whatsoever Please apply an equity lens to all decisions made on this facility and go out of your way to get input from Black, Latinx, and Asian communities. Make sure there’s a youth advisory group. no idea It's a historical part of Austin and should be left alone. I think y'all have torn down enough of Austin and ruined downtown I feel like there are enough non government supported golf courses out there that the city shouldn't be supporting their own. Add a few sand traps and spruce it up some. Keep price reasonable for & holes Those that use the course and live by the course need to be consulted Youth golf lessons and sports education. Please keep it Keep Austin!!!! Austin!!! Keep the old building!! Yes, please preserve our beautiful city! Best course in ATX! Leave it, it’s historical I have played there with my parents. It brings good memories to see it. Hancock Golf Course is part of our Austin history, let's keep it! not much other than preserving Austin as much as we can. Lots of people enjoy that golf course! I would like to see that continue Keep Austin’s history Too many historic places that made Austin what it is have been converted to other uses. I want to see it become a passive park, possible with an area for dogs. Keep #Golf@HancockGolfCoursePublic No feelings one way or another Leave it alone My nephews have used the course Recreation and green space is preferred Very good for homelessness It is important for youth golf camps public parks and golf courses enhance city life. Golf No I have no opinion This is beautiful green space and a perfect way to spend an couple of hours playing golf. Please keep it as a golf course. Hancock needs to stay as it is!!! While I normally prefer opening up spaces like this to everyone, I appreciate Hancock as a golf course for its historic quality and for its accessibility I don't know where Hancock Park is. I live in Bee Cave and find it difficult to travel in Austin as I am from California, where road signs are clearly marked and their are lights on highways in the evening. Stop trying to take away history for the sake of lining somebody’s pockets Keep it an enjoyable, easy 9 hole walk for beginners What are you planning to do give it away to a developer that pays you off? Should be listed as historic place Keep it as is The use of a free golf course benefits the community and will continue to provide the park accessible. I really like the self pay feature during the week at Hancock None None Keep it a golf course Affordable housing affordable for all Depending on how many people actually use it, it should be preserved as a golf course I live too far away to really understand what course could use. To far to drive to. I used to play at Hancock. I think it should be left as a golf course. I very much enjoy the venerability of the course. It feels significant yet accessible. We Should spend money to keep it top-notch condition No It would be nice if I knew why you are asking. One thought.. don't put another apartment building on it and don't make it a place for the homeless! It’s an Austin institution. Leave it alone!!! Please keep the golf course! Keep it an all access park or golf course. Leave Hancock alone! Nothing else at this time I played that course 200 times. I get the history but it’s pretty tired. If there was major investment to fix it up than keep it Perhaps the rec center could be better advertised as a venue. It is an amazing space. Leave Hancock course as it is. It’s historical and an Austin tradition. I value the use of parks and recreation centers in town so all locals can use them. Older Professional golfers look forward to meeting up with friends and family on a course that is close and convenient for them. It would a beautiful area for family picnics, family reunions, graduations, etc Public. Golf courses waste lots of water and if we can use the space for a park instead, we should. Please preserve Austin’s historical venues Don't get rid of it. Too much history with that golf course. Same with Lions G.C. Please stop reducing our public parks - please keep it open Golf courses are terrible in general. Golf is an expensive, exclusive game. Hancock makes it more accessible for those who can't afford high green fees and country club memberships. I have played golf many times at the Hancock Golf Course and it is very nice. I love it. Hancock Golf Course allowed a child of mine to complete their P.E. credit there. It is important to our neighborhood to maintain it open to the public. To change that would be highly prejudicial to the neighborhood which surrounds it which has already been weakened by gentrification. I really feel that this opinions should come from those that play the sport, I have no objection in what the city decides to do with this public facility. It’s 130 years old, part of history in the area. If it is used to teach kids, especially those from underrepresented groups to golf, I would be in favor of keeping it. It’s such a great 3 par course, my husband and I used to go there all the time before kids. Love the idea of it staying around! should be converted to some form of mixed use development providing relatively cost effective housing in a location that is close to the CBD. Clean Why TF are you asking me this shit Keep it a green space. Keep it open for all. Only been here about 6 years, don’t golf, and not familiar with area. I support maintaining traditions. Keep it open and let the community use it as it seems fit. The city cannot even secure our infrastructure but would rather spend money on parks, libraries, bike paths, etc. to pander for votes. Austin has egregiously breached the public trust and won't stop until we elect responsible candidates. It has always been a very accessible course over the years. None at this time Keep it Hancock golf course Picnic area Na None Stupid fucking game. Bike trail and playground I don’t know, I don’t play golf. I don't really care what the COA does with golf course. I DO NOT golf. Only moved to Texas 6 months ago. I have no idea where this golf course is. I’m also not a golfer. Leave some of old Austin alone! It could be made into a nice park for Austin residents to walk and picnic. Austin spends millions on "homeless" hotels. I vote for public operations which serve the needs of Austin taxpayors. the tax payers of the It should continue to exist, if only because of it's history. I’ve never been. Don’t play golf If not used as a golf course it should become a park. I don't play golf, and know nothing about this course or even where it's located. I have no opinion. Please do NOT sell NOR add buildings. More sitting areas, lighted walking trails would be nice. The basketball courts should have the trees properly trimmed and even some branches cut so ball doesn’t get caught on certain passes/shots. Also adding lights for night time play would be amazing!! have not played in several years due to injury ... re-learned golf at hancock in the early 80's with some other music types ... shared the course all kinds of different folks united by their passion to learn/play golf ... ithe course should be improved, maintained and absolutely be a public golf course ... thank you. ? None It should be saved Wonderful legacy of Austin The face of Austin is changing and if it's a Golf course that's being used it needs to be left alone. Can we keep some of what made Austin intact, please? Great course for the community. Our kids learned to play golf there. Get rid of the Mayor and and all council. I first learned to play golf at Hancock in the early 80s when I was a resident of Hyde Park and played there many many times over the next 15-20 years. I consider it a valuable green space in the heart of the city with historic value, and would consider it a terrible decision to lose such a special park in the heart of Austin. The city has changed so much over the decades. Keeping Hancock would preserve a little part of made Austin a special place to live; bulldozing it over for condos or shopping or whatever would further destroy the character of this great city. Thanks for letting me voice my opinion. Should keep any open spaces. Austin is too crouwded. Either the land or any financial benefits derived from its disposition should be used to benefit the greater Austin Area Public. Good place for beginners to learn golf. I'd rather make it a regular park I don't golf, but for those that do, it should be affordable and open to all. We’re a growing city , keep the golf course n parks open . I don't personally golf, but I've heard from so many people who do, and their kids, and Hancock Golf Course is just so important to them. It also provides a green space for Austin. Spent $50 less per homeless person per year and you'll have more than enough to keep the golf course open. I'm just saying that to illustrate that funds are out there -- it's just a matter of prioritizing and keeping Austin green and available for productive life-long activities. Affordable housing It should remain open to the public, and any additional expenses for improvements should be voted on by the Austin voters. Put some good grass on it and make it nice! I want to play there Take care of it we need this No thoughts Don’t close it. Don’t change it. Bulldoze it Just please keep these precious green spaces green! Take aplay Make better use of land. Gold course can be setup near Manor I don't play golf but having trees and green space as well as a nice walking trail around the golf course seems like a good use of the space. Or perhaps there could be a pavilion in the middle that could be rented out for outdoor parties, similar to Zilker Clubhouse. I live in NW Austin and I don’t have a public course near me and I don’t know where Hancock Golf Course is located. Continue using it as a golf course, i dont care ive never heard of the place but if it is a golf coruse everyone can play at keep it that way. Updating the club house so that it can be rented for private events. The last time I was there it was very dated in appearance. Keep it a recreational I have no option on golf courses or golf related things. Please keep the course as a public course Keep Hancock Concerts, farmers market and similar temporary events Never went there but a municipal golf coarse is good. Include bike paths As a golf coarse None Please stop changing Austin It is a great place to have for the community Let People Enjoy Nature! Please keep public spaces open for public use Senior golf t-times specific for 65 and over. No opinion Keep it Keep it No opinion None Close Hancock golf course. Let's keep more of old Austin. This course is an important landmark and to be enjoyed by all. It’s a great community space open to everyone. It’s a rare treasure in a city losing most of these types of spaces That it remain a public golf course. Runners and walkers also utilize the golf course. I will try and play the course in the next month Golf courses are horrible for the environment and a waste of space. Enjoy playing there, it’s got history in Austin! Please do not turn any of the park into a private enterprise. Please keep it around! None How did I end up on this list? Golfing is for the elite only. Golf place is a waste of public land. putting area for kids Great course with great history I have never been there so no opinion other than keep it as public golf course I’ll take my grandkids and son-in-law and daughter there. They only recently asked if I knew where any nine hole courses were. The U.S. has been over-golfed for decades, and Austin has more than enough golf courses without needing to waste inner-city acreage to keep Hancock in operation for golf. We have got to preserve green spaces even if they're valuable to developers! My husband and I was once members to Hancock Golf course. If this course remain as COA Public course I will return for lessons, hit balls or enjoy the course sight. Golf is a traditionally racist old white dude sport that requires a lot of resources to maintain. As an old white dude, I would like to return this space to all citizens of Austin. I was born and raised in Austin. I learned to golf in the 1960’s on Hancock Golf Course. It has a very special place in my heart. I now live in Onion Creek and am a member here. It all started at Hancock. No opinion. No none Keep it going as is....a local, state, and national treasure. Turn it into a homeless camp like the rest of our city It may generate funds for the city by renting it out for events and the likes It should remain as part of our heritage None at the moment I like that it’s great course learn the game of golf and cheap Let's keep this golf course open to public i have no thoughts i do not golf Walk, exercise areas Dog park, basketball and tennis courts, walking trail Even though I do not play golf, I recognize the benefit of public green space and sports fields. We are losing a lot of green space to development (e.g., Triangle Park, the development of which benefits few). Convert it to multi use land for other things than just golf. I haven’t played it recently but I hope it stays. It’s a great course and accessible for many people in north and central Austin Disrupting the established parks and inner city is a very bad idea. We do not need more high rises. Or over priced housing. housing I've had literally zero thoughts on the use of the Hancock Golf Course and have no idea why I'm being asked to fill this survey out. Please don’t close the course! We need these spades within the city! I don’t golf so I can’t opine on this subject N/A I don’t play golf. The same Need to play it, such a cool location Please don't privatize the land. It's a landmark I don't play golf. it should not exist No thoughts Na venue for events (with nominal fee), private functions A fun cheap public golf course that I enjoyed as a student when at UT. Should be kept for as an old Austin treasure for all to enjoy. It's part of history. Stop re-writing Austin's story. great walking course need more public space in Austin. Keep it I think it's a golf course, leave it alone. We don't need more condos in Austin. Whatever is green and open to the public, and without intervention of business and corporations is good for us. It's a special course that should stay in Austin for generations to come. keep it as park land The club room is a nice, inexpensive place for gatherings Fenced area for kids and families. Area for food trucks. fee to enter park Park close at 10 PM and no sleeping overnight Don’t like golf Keep it as a municipal course Leave it as a golf course Free Golf Lessons to bring more people into the fold I feel, in general, there are not a lot of affordable golfing options in austin relative to the population. I think if we got rid of this one, we should put up another one a little less centrally located. South/Southwest Austin might be a good bet. It is park of the character of the area. Safe water, make it an open park for everyone Golf course Keep it public. It keeps an increasingly costly sport within reach of average people, which the majority of the Austin area is. Hancock is the only affordable golf course operated by the city for a family of modest means. It’s low price point makes it accessible for families of color like mine to pass on the game to the next generation. Golf is a waste of valuable space for all people and a huge waste of natural resources. It is affordable and in town. Do not close it. I support keeping useful green space in the downtown Austin area. This is beneficial for environment and quality of life. Love the course Maintain the greens better Please feelnfree to call me 5124318648 Public park. NOT private use. Don’t turn it into condos Free parking Leave golf course as is , it’s historical Thanks for asking! keep it open as it is Please keep the course Please keep it open to the public Plant an edible forest if you change it to a park, but include a putting range. I have been playing golf for years and recently picked up disc golf. I feel very strongly that other players of disc golf would absolutely be willing to pay greens fees if they were allowed to play on such a beautiful course as Hancock. You can find several examples around the country of how ball golf courses are being used as disc golf courses as well, and making more money. Please consider this, and also note that the disc golf community is thriving, informed, participatory, and growing in Austin. Please keep this green space, it would be a shame to see it replaced with apartmwnts or other buildings. Preserve the space for public use no matter what. Let a private company run it n/a Keep it open Leave it alone Love this course! This course is an icon of Austin history and should be maintained and kept! Please don't sell the land to build MORE apartments and Condos! Make it into a park with a playground, splash pad, walking trail to be enjoyed by everyone. Leave it as a golf course It is beautiful Please keep that way. Otherwise use the space as a park for walking and enjoying the open air. Please do not turn it into some sort of housing or retail. Open areas are needed, if anything, more of them, not less Thank you for asking my opinion. Iconic - best place to learn golf and refine game. Please keep it open. Love all of Austin's public golf courses, pls do not sell them to developers! Karate class..music classes N/A Fun course There's simply not enough interest for public golf course. I think it might be benefit the community more by turn it into a park. Golf remains and expensive/elitist sport. I prefer a park with activity areas available to kids and adults. Plant more trees there, add more drought tolerant native plants, add more plants that support beneficial insects, provide covered drop-off and pick-up for bus/taxi/ride-share while reducing parking footprint and charge for parking, add multi-level garage with restaurant/club on top with view of course on top and so charge premium prices, be creative and smart while maintaining the golfing recreation, capitalize on the historic nature of the place, Austin needs to "promote" these historic places to leverage them as attraction for the people of the city. Thank you. I think we need to preserve this location for now and the future to ensure it remains a place open to the public. I have no use for a golf course or any other sports involving balls or grass. golf Some interesting holes but course conditions are not good. Would love to start going more. Curious why this survey is being acquired. I appreciate that Austin asks citizens about their thoughts and fully support protecting green areas. Do not turn it into a mixed use facility with condos. Don't privatize Although it is a prime location for development so much of the old Austin is gone and disappearing. We need to leave some of that untouched. Have not been there lately but plan to return. Taught my sons to play golf there. Let's keep some of Austins history alive and well. Hancock Golf Course adds to the character and uniqueness of Austin. Getting rid of the oldest course west of the pecos is wrong in every way. I’ve been visiting the course for over 20 years and want to continue to do so. If not already, please adopt a landcape and maintenance plan that requires little to no harmful or precious resources (i.e. pollutants, water, etc). Market its use for a more diverse "clientele." Need increased mobility connections & infrastructure. Perhaps get more use as public park. Keep this place N/A None use as a recreational place for disc golf, softball, rec center. But money will do what it always does, sell austin out we need Muny and Hancock golf courses to be preserved just for the open free space and beautiful trees Expand more medical doctor's offices i love that open space in central austin. the highest and best use might be a park Charge playing fees needed to pay for maintenance It is a nice neighborhood park for casual golfers. IMPROVMENT OF GREEN Slow pace of play I do NOT support the removal of this course if that is being thought of. I like traditions and the fact it is a "very old course. But I think these days we need more fitness activities related parks. Downtown is the place for younger generation to meet, party and drink. This park will serve better for outdoor activities more healthy than drinking. Maybe a campground or an attraction place of some sort to attract younger people to meet and not only drink. Thank you for asking my opinion. I believe that it is important to have golf courses available to all. The city of Austin is beginning to change into a city that only caters to the upper tier citizens. You can see gentrification, exclusion of the minority/poor, escalating costs and segregation of neighborhoods taking effect. Making the Hancock Golf Course not available to all will continue this trend. Keep it and just try to improve it I play on it. Good price. This is where l learned how to play golf. Please keep the golf course. We need inner city activities like this. too busy now, but one day I will retire. Having Austin's public golf courses available will be a great benefit. Golf course maintenance creates a large burden on our water supply while only serving a very small percentage of our community. This public land should used for housing of low income or homeless. The historical significance can be memorialized through a plaque. You’ll be hard pressed to find a person of color, low income, or homeless person who thinks preserving a golf course has any historical significance for them. It’s a wasted opportunity if it’s left as a golf course. I don't think most Austinites are interested in golf and the space could be better utilized for activities people actually enjoy. You would not build on Central Park in New York City. You would not build on the mall and reflecting pool in Washington D. C. Why would you build on the land called Hancock Golf Course? I think it is important for local governments to protect public parks. Austin has enough commercial space for growth. Protecting a public area, available for all to use is the governments responsibility. Theres lots of public parks and walks/trails, but very few public golf courses. Golf is very expensive so people with limited budgrts are excluded. One of my favorite facilities in Austin outdoor theater, cowboy themed playground for kids with a maze Community resource center Family park The Hancock Golf Course would be an ideal space to right the wrongs of the past to create a prime location to relocate displaced Black Austinites. The list of wrongs is long: The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act provided investors an ideal deferred capital gains incentive to build in Opportunity Zones with community input, but Mayor Steve Adler and Austin City Council permitted gentrification to accelerate in low-income census tract-areas instead. In 2015, Mayor Adler promised the “Spirit of East Austin” economic opportunities for Blacks then invested $0. Closer to Hancock, the Alamo Draft House reneged on its Baker School affordable housing promise. Most recently, Council’s apology for slavery last week (March 4, 2021) fell on deaf ears but could be realized through Hancock reparations—home ownership and mixed-use development for African-Americans—illustrating “equity” in action. Thanks. What high rise does someone want to put in? Keep the green space and the oldest golf course going. park Please keep it. It is such a cool part of Austin and the history of the neighborhood. Great to play a round of golf in Austin or just walk around the area. If it can’t be sustained as a golf course, it should be repurposed in a way that preserves its historical significance. Must remain a public space but a naturally landscaped park would be most welcome for that area Have more youth tournaments. Shady areas near tees If PARD or COA has to make a choice between keeping Hancock or Lions Municipal open I strongly vote Lions...That course is an Austin Historical Landmark It is an important landmark and should remain in service and be maintained properly. The city of Austin appears to be in the motion of gaining property to make more money from the property values in lieu of continuing historical values. Please keep this golf course and stick to buying slum hotels that the city doesn't do what that state they are doing for the community. The city council is a waste of city money. Some historic maker should be made to Commemorate the site if changed Please leave this beautiful green space for everyone to enjoy! I don’t golf and don’t care to. Park like NY central park will be more beneficial to a wider community and tourist There are great summer golf camps for kids. The space will be more useful as a multi-purpose recreational park. I would like to see it become a public park if not a golf course. It’s a waste of money to maintain. A Austin Landmark, not many of those left here, let's keep some history!!!! Please let this historic golf course to continue as a golf course. not sure how much the golf course is used and if not used much maybe just a park I'd only be ok with changing it if it was for a new public space, and not more housing or something. I don't play golf myself, but if it is a public golf course, open to all, I think it is a good idea to keep it, especially for those who are not fortunate enough to have access to other golf courses. Keep the homeless out of Austin Parks and Rec areas Leave it alone were all so tired of our town being destroyed by rich people. Hancock and Lions are a staple to Austin and don’t need to be exploited for monetary gains. We don’t want to be fucking Dallas! I took my boys there frequently when they were young. Please keep it open for youth programs. Hancock is a treasure and a rare green space in our urban area. I hope that it stays available to our community. I've never been there and don't Gulf. Don't know why I recieved thus survey together with Lions they should stay forever as city icons Bulldoze Muni once the open space is gone, it's gone forever Please preserve this place! Golf is not my thing, I think we have enough golf courses. Hancock Golf Course is a treasure, please keep it a golf course! Love it Please keep it open and available to the public. Have used the golf course over 30 years now. It is convenient and affordable. Please do not sell that beautiful property for development. If it is deemed no longer needed as a gold course, please retain it as parklands with a lot of open space. There are many avid golfers in the Austin metro area that cannot afford the high annual fees and/or dues associated with private courses. Municipal courses are an affordable way of continuing to enjoy the sport. Don't let private courses become the norm! Public pools are awesome; I have great memories from playing in public pools around Austin as a child. I love the accessibility of it. Walking 9 after work for $15 is great. It should be property the community can use for free. Not just for golfers Keep it open Keep it going Keep it! Austin has turned into a liberal crap hole. Buy the golf course off Manor Road to have public golfing available, if it's still there. Very beautiful place would hate to see it destroyed I love Hancock Golf Course because it is a 9 hole course, especially with Texas summers. Easy to get on and play. Great to have public courses available in Austin Acti vity centernhi Great place Any institution that has survived and thrived this long has my support I love Hancock. It’s quirky but part of my memory of growing up in Austin and it should be treated like the jewell that it is Keep the history in Austin. not sure what Hancock golf course is For golfing, recreational activities Austin needs to remember it's history and as long as it's still being used, there is no reason to tear down this great place. I just don't happen to play golf. I'm very respectful of the unique history of Hancock. I think it still has a place in Austin's golfing community, especially in central Austin! When not golfing I use it for exercise and recreation. It is a unique and beautiful green space. I take my grandkids there all the time. I think it is a jewel among Parks & Recs properties. I would hate to see it be developed for any other purpose than current use. Given it's history it's tragic that the other 9 holes were developed. Hate to see that happen again. We need more outdoor spaces, that aren't restricted to rich people who play golf or pay for club memberships. Better if this stays public, best if it can expand it's use to people beyond golfers. Make a walking park Convert it to lighted tennis courts If it is used by mid and lower income folks, keep it up! If it's used solely by the wealthy, fuckem.. They can pay for it. Golf courses are an incredible waste of land and water resources that can be used to much better serve the public. Due to it's size and location, perhaps turn it into a smaller learning course, with pitch and putt and driving range and maybe 1-2 actual holes for teaching purposes. please don't sell it for development if you don't have to. I love the space, the golf is not great, so you can do away with the golf course. Keep it open! This is the best place to play for a recreational golfer. Very low stress and relaxing compared to other courses. I don't mind golf. I also don't play it. I just don't see it as a good move environmentally. Public spaces are vital to the well being of any city. It is important to maintain them for the benefit of all. As public spaces get converted to inappropriate private use as we are currently experiencing by urban street- dwellers, the public and city's well-being is negatively affected. The City has a responsibility to keep our City clean without adding unnecessary taxes to law abiding and productive citizens. KEEP AUSTIN CLEAN! Please keep it as a muni golf course I just think golf courses are a bit of a problem anyway - but, I also don't want them to just turn into apartments either. Unless they were affordable housing. The last thing that the city should do is sell that land to a developer. I believe keeping it as just a golf course is very limiting. I’m sure it’s near and dear to some people. However, as a serious golfer I have not even heard of it. Increased investment to open the course to all with access to clubs ball and free lessons. none Green area no I am not a golfer. However those that enjoy the sport should have a beautiful field to play on. I liked the clubhouse but it has been closed since the pandemic Improve the course Keep it as is the beauty of it alone should stand for itself .. Austin leaders are taking away so much that's historical away from us . My grandfather and uncles and their friends spent many Saturday morning there excellent 9 hole course; people can learn the game It should accept everyone or be shut down. No exclusivity. Don't yank this from the residents. It's a gem and I am excited to take each of my kids there in time. Please keep these golf courses open to the public. Austin doesn't need anymore apartments or high rise living ! should be improved and used for minority children golf development Keep it as a golf course. Don't change anything Historical spots in Austin should be maintained and not torn down Also parking so people outside the immediate neighborhood can use the park. A place where any kid could play It's insane to thing that money would be spent on a golf course when the city council and mayor have created a state of emergency with junkies and meth head under every highway overpass in the city. Important to keep access open for people who can’t afford to play private ones Read above Better parking It's nice to have open space in Central Austin. Keep Hancock Golf Course. You should charge a fee use the courses and get We should protect all open, green spaces from development, plant trees to maintain a healthier environment. I have played golf at Hancock and consider it a landmark property in Austin. I think it could be another multi-use park with walking trails, volley ball courts, etc similar to Zilker. No opinion KEEP IT A PUBLIC GREEN AREA FOR ALL TO VISIT Golf is an elitist sport most of the community does not get value or use out of Hancock is a great place to start learning the great sport of golf. It is very useful for people who do not have access to courses further away from town or ones that are more expensive. The last thing the city needs to be spending money on is golf. Don't sell it to a developer. Encourage more youth to play there, parttner with youth organizations help more youth to play golf. Or add more lighting to have night golf. Needs improvements Keep it Park - used by all citizens of Austin and not just golfers TRUE PUBLIC LOW INCOME HOUSING As the Public Golf course (open to all) that it was created as. Keep it as it is. Do not turn it into a park. It is a great golf course. Na Keep it a golf course Dont do I have been proud of Austin for keeping this area as a central green space, not developing it. Hancock was on my walk to school. I love golf, but I am terrible at it. So my requirements and expectations for courses usually relat more to the fees to play since I spend so much on lost golf balls. Use the money for the golf course and NOT use for something else period Being of the oldest golf courses this area should be preserved and cherished for another 100 years Historical landmark. Do not close or sell to make housing. We need to keep Austin traditional. This is an old neighborhood with lots of history. I DO NOT support allowing developer to use the land for Condos or Town Hours or Apartments. History of the course, proximity to UT (students) and for alums like me are reasons for this continuing to be a special place. driving range and pitch n putt Oppose improvements Hancock is a short 9 hole course that offers the ability to play golf without taking all day. It should be marketed as such. In actualy there is very little (if any) marketing of any of the city courses. Fix it up, Promote it, Make it excellent and tell city hall to wipe the drool from their face thinking about how much they could sell it to a developer for. Make it a environmental easement so it can't ever be developed. I would support a large shelter Whatever the Clowncil does will be fucked up Please don't change this institution! Not sure It’s an Austin treasure Keep the history of Austin golf alive Keep Hancock golf course Leave it as a golf course Convert to a park. Get rid of it . Great course one of a kind Please keep it open none recreational park Park Fun course N/a Shut it down keep it accessible to all Ausitnites, open and well maintained Remove it and use the land more effectively as a park - more people will get use out of it. It's a lot of land and maintenance for few people to use at a time I haven't golfed there in many years. But it's were I learned and it's affordable. It’s a treasure like Muny, don’t ruin it Please preserve this, not only as a golf course but as open space If used as a park there will be noise, parking and traffic issues Waller Creek should be returned to a natural habitat. Disc golf course It’s beautiful as is. Preserve the green space for public use; otherwise, it'll soon br another housing development... It is a fun course to play, but maintence on it sometimes is lacking. I realize it takes an immense budget to groom a golf course, but greater attention to the fairways and greens would be an improvement. Keep the golf course. There are not enough public courses in austin Great course, just needs the irrigation to be modernized. I grew up learning to play there. It should remain a golf course. no Keep it Use of strategically placed sand traps. Community Centers Great place to have fun. Perfect area for the homeless. On the bus line, close to HEB and the library Stop trying to take our parks and places to have fun kaput f****** hotels and everything else f****** things like this Sponsored Events I don't golf. I like the idea of a public golf course being available (versus only private courses) but I do not like the environmental impact of golf courses, and am not sure it's in keeping with Austin's commitment to environmental stewardship. As Austin continues to grow it is important to keep our green spaces green and open to all. I used it in my youth. It is a great location for all golfers in Austin it's like public swimming pools. I don't use them, but I support having them. the fact that Hancock is a public, affordable course means it benefits those that can't afford the green fees at other courses or membership fees at the private ones. Hancock is a great leveler for the average person in Austin. I strongly support Hancock Golf Course as it is a staple in the Austin community for those of us who have lived here for a long time. Keep it as a golf course! Would rather it be converted to a disc golf course. Sacred public land, keep it that way. Get this tents in public areas out. it need to stay a public course It's an Austin institution. I would be devastated if it was turned into residential or commercial space. I am very supportive of public golf courses however I have not played Hancock so I don’t have any idea on the white recommendations to make Promote the course by highlighting its history CROPS TO FEED AUSTINITES IN NEED. Park, police sub-station None None none None Golf courses serve the needs of very few but consume a massive amount of water and other resources. They are a wasteful use of public land. N\A never been Restaurants or bars It's a beautiful course and so fun to be able to just walk up and play. As Austin grows and becomes more hectic/expensive it's places like this that make me feel rooted. I'd prefer using the area for free activities. These days fewer families have adults that can afford to take up golfing. Its more of an middle class or above hobby. Since we are being held to a paltry min wage, the majority of adults are busy working 2-3 jobs. Don’t need it; Austin needs housing I hope it will continue to be open to the public. Sad to see accessibility diminish in austin. That’s what was so cool about it when it was affordable laid back. Authentic old Austin landmarks like the golf course should be kept as they were originally intended Hancock is a long-standing venue for enjoying the game in this city. Preserving it and promoting more youth involvement seems an opportunity. Let's not let the "californication" of our great city kill these little gems. Keep it a public space open for our enjoyment Put a waste dump on site. keep the golf Save it! Austin Youth Academy of Golf - First in the nation, first of its kind. What a cool idea... Shorten the course to add more public park space It is a gem in the heart of the city Hancock is great but I a more concerned for parks closer to the vicinity of south Austin that are being overlooked. I have a few ideas, feel free to recontact me concerning them. Hire a vendor like Butler has done I think its important to have open rec space for anyone to enjoy at any time. Nope! I think it can have open green space and golf Keep as historic public course, or convert to general public use for non active (ie, not sports) use, such as walking, disabled accessible trail and native demonstration plantings, as well as shaded rest benches. I don’t believe in tearing out or down places just because they are old. Heritage is important. I learned how to play golf at Hancock. That was the first place I took my two boys to play golf. Family treasures! We do not use the golf course. none Free beer while you play Add a recreation area Teen and junior, school golf More staff N/A Soccer Fields No comment It is ridiculous that a huge swath of land in the middle of the city is retained for the use of a very few I just want to see the city continue to move in an environmentally friendly direction, please! Save it. Use land it was intended to be used for originally This is a great place for young kids to learn to play golf. The city should keep it open and continue to develop the junior golf programs to open the sport to inner-city kids. Plus, the course has significant historical meeting to the city. I think Golf should be continued to be played there. Austin needs historic places like this None None It’s a beautiful and historic establishment that should be protected. Could it be a site for weddings? Golf courses are elitist and a waste of resources. a park like setting converted into an outdoor movie theater (sitting on blankets) we need housing, not golf courses Access for runners (on the walkways) Do not privatize. Let our community and city hold on to some of our heritage Great piece of history and a great recreational spot within our city Golf carts Add a small area for picnic, volleyball, family area I don't support money going to the upkeep of golf courses. Money can be used elsewhere in these tough times. Open public spaces (where homeless camping is not allowed) are great assets for the city and out community. i dont golf, but i regularly bike past it and it is always in use. I prefer the PARD preserve the green spaces we still have left in the city. Im surprised after living here for 25 years that my (ever increasing) tax dollars dont seem to maintain or improve the pools and parks we have. Compared to other cities, our parks are pretty crappy. Please do not sell anymore of our common lands sold to developers or private interests please don't tear it down Should partner with AISD I’ve never been there but I’m interested in checking it out in the near future. Love the history and use of the course. Use it for low cost housing just golf; consider adding a second tee area for the longer holes. Please do not develop this green space into more concrete! We have enough already! It should NOT BE A HOMELESS CAMP! Keep it a golf course, because it’s quaint and keeps Austin weird. The course is short, but that’s ok. I have played many rounds there in my younger days, and it has served the public golfers for decades. Good luck and thank you for opening this up to the community for input. Golf courses take up a lot of space that can be used for other activities It is a nice little golf course Mow the fairways Please keep it a green space. I have none park space, amphitheater quit stalling and get it done. I think golf is a good way to keep that area as green space as opposed to getting developed into some of the same things we see everywhere. I'm not really a golfer, but it's nice to see that prime real estate reserved in that way, and it adds a lot of character to the neighborhood. This course needs to be saved. A lot of families have enjoyed many occasions there! The area needs this green , golf courses are really just manicured green space. That area of town is lacking it. Unsue None It is a historic landmark and should remain operating as a golf course Actually fix I-35 If you can waste money on cap met you should leave it alone! We should get rid of the ball golf and add disc golf. none It’s a great spot! Love it. Ensure that the grounds are welcoming to all who choose to use it. The rules for using the course, should make it so folx feel welcome to the space and can play with freely. picnic area, better parking, more lights for the basketball court when it gets dark None Bookstore None none na na None It should be something that doesn’t destroy the natural setting. Please don’t pave it or put large structures on it. Austin is really starting to suck. Keep it beautiful and free to the public. We need to preserve and maintain public historic places like Hancock No to shopping malls, condos, buildings. Please stay green - Park is my only preference I've driven by the course for many years, and it always brings a warm feeling that we have a golf course in the middle of town. It is a city icon. I do not ever want to see it developed. I have a strong preference to keep Hancock Golf Course a golf course available for public use. I just dont understand why this is the focus of the city government. How does this make Austin resident's lives better? Its a wonderful area that should reamin open to the public but provide more services so that it might become financially self sufficient. In the right hands the Golf course and Resturant/venue could bring in a nice income and become an asset to the city. It would become a place to visit when you are in Austin or a Wedding venue..... love Hancock Golf Course NA Other thoughts. I like tennis and have little to no thoughts on golf. We don’t have enough public golf courses in the Austin area. Public affordable golf is important. I will repeat that i don't think it should be privately developed Golf is an expensive venture, and having a space available for everyone allows more people to play at less cost. Since this course has been part of the PARD for over a century, it should only be used as a green space/park, even if needed improvements or water requirements make it impossible for it to continue as a golf course. My opinion. At least at the first tee box or practice green have a pop-a-potty or something!!! Golf clubs and are expensive. As is maintenance of golf courses. It’s a lot of land that a small amount of people actually use. Is there really a shortage of golf facilities in Austin? I've been to Roy K lately, but I love the easy access and space at Hancock. You could raise the rates a bit and get some better lawn care, but that could be said about most courses. I like the courses history, and would hate to lose its purpose. It would be great if there were hike and bike trails, playgrounds, and other outdoor space that could better utilize that huge green space. NA It’s an excellent course! Upgrade the layout of the course Keep it a golf course None prohibit pets Trade land for Muny none dog park Please keep Hancock!!!! Recreational Park with walking trail It should be publicized more Golf is worthless. Wrong audience. - No Love Hancock! Let’s spruce it up! ;-) Can’t get rid of such an iconic muni It is affordable and needs to stay as a park or golf course. I think it has historic significance, but most importantly it is a public space free resource that is important to the mental health and social connection of our community. This is a lovely space that is much needed by the community around it. Please keep it green! Please protect this important part of Austin's history Depending on how much golf is actually played, I would recommend makeing it a multi use park. The jogging trail around the course is a bad idea. I love running but wouldn't want to be anywhere near someone hitting the sticks like me Mulch distribution Turn it into a disc golf course Golf is a dying industry. COVID has demonstrated the need for more urban open space for the larger population. Eliminate the golf course, and create economic/recreational opportunities. Please don't take away anymore Historic areas in Austin. Also promote & educate public of this wonderful treasure! The course's history and availability to the general public is important to maintain for the city of Austin. It’s a great benefit to the people of Austin and should continue to be a resource available to all. Please add more child lessons to the courses I have no thoughts about a golf course Hancock ‘The ROCK’ is an Austin heritage site and is not to be trifled with Please redirect money to neighborhood parks Does anyone really golf there anymore? the world needs fewer golf courses and more natural parks. Keep it open! Get new players involved. Make bike races and crits. Keep it as a great nine hole golf course Please keep the area green Trails picnic area Skate park, children's park, freebie golf Should be turned into a park with the cart paths as walking trails Could be a really nice course, just need some work Played there hundreds of times in my youth keep it public Public events and outdoor concerts Keep it up and restore to original layout. As I already stated, I feel very strongly that this space remain as is, due to it's historic value to our city. Austin has undergone too many changes in the past decade or so. I'm an original Austinite, like my dad, born and raised here. I very much appreciate being able to still recognize parts of Austin that looked the way they did as I grew up here. If use as a Golf Course is not possible, perhaps preserve some it, like a putting green, then convert the rest into public park, keeping as much green space as possible. Keep it open however possible I hope the golf course can be used by the public as well for walking Before today, I had no idea such a park existed. i dont play golf, i doubt many people my age (30-40) play either. would rather have that green space transformed into a community events space or parkland instead of golf course. if the course needs improvement, then it should be paid for by those that use it. increase greens fees and other costs for those who use the course! Please keep it!! Golf courses ⛳ I love Hancock Golf Course. I first played it when I was 4 years old; now I'm 40 and still play there not infrequently. GOLF COURSE WITH MAYBE A POOL AND TENNIS COURTS it should most likely remain as some kind of green space but this doesn't mean it has to stay a golf course I think it's time for a park That part of town needs to remain city owned. do NOT turn it into another commercial development ! keep as is Move the homeless to the gold course. I don't have any thoughts on this Keep for public use. No commerical development Sr activities Please think of those who are deaf and/or blind. I really need to get over there to try it out. Geology museum, any kind of museum. Need a cheaper golf course. Most cost too much. The amount of resources required to keep a golf course playable in Austin is shameful. The area should be turned into a public park. With its location this could be a premier inner city 9 hole course, or you could shut it down and turn into a really nice driving range. not sure n/a Turn it in to a public park with native landscaping I love butler park pitch and putt, nice to have beer sales on-site Kind of wondering why you sent me a survey or care about my feedback after answering that I haven't been there in the last 2 years https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Kids+Challenge+Course&mmreqh=redLEJkafcDzYLkKYGDPO34XQVvBKk 1biQTm2nDKavM%3d&first=1&tsc=ImageBasicHover It should definitely be kept as a recreation area for the austin public. Mark fairways better for ease of play n/a. See above Golf is an expensive sport to play and golf courses are expensive to maintain. It is not a necessity for the citizens. The money should be spent on things that matter such as I35 or the homeless issue. It was integral for getting kids junior golfing lessons and is a great course for getting out and walking A pro-environmental, job creating facility would be better than the golf course. Turn the park into an educational center for golf novices. Charge a hefty fee for golf camps. Make the space available for Middle/high schools for Golf classes...now that PE is not longer in the curriculum, Golf would be a great elective! Do not make it into condominiums. I don't play golf, so I don't care I love it Recreation center for more fee based classes and available for fee for events such as weddings. keep it a golf corse and alos add things that people with n walking distance will actualy use. survey people that live withing walking distance City park with hiking trails Having green open space in Austin TX is a must. Keep this course for the neighborhood... many of my family members have loved playing there Save Hancock and Lions! N/A Leave it alone really cool course that could be incredible with small improvements Trade Hancock for Lions!!! It’s a win, win for both! Keep up the history but limit the course with 4 holes max This is one of the only soccer golf courses in the area, great for families! ?? I really hope the city doesn’t feel like they have to build on this land. I moved here just after Save our Springs was passed and have been disappointed that Austin does not seem to care about the environment anymore. Please save the things that make Austin special. We do not need more condos! Fundraising music events. Summer evenings after golf. Small stage. concession to raise funds No homelessness this isnt california Get rid of it Convert a portion to camps for the homeless Keep it as a Golf Course Build homes for homeless if it remains open as a golf course, it should be open to all You must keep this open, it is history Maintaining history is important and I don’t mean a commemorative plaque. Open it to under privileges kids who wabt to learn how to golf or already golf but don't have anywhere to play Improvements to the Rec Center Its a nice 9-hole amenity in the middle of the city. If it had to be redeveloped into something other than a golf course, that's understandable. But don't under any circumstance allow Lions to go away. There are literally 0 dedicated ultimate frisbee fields in Austin, it is a much more diverse accepting community than golf. Make Ultimate frisbee specific fields. I used to run ultimate frisbee touraments in Round Rock litterally can not run them in Austin. WHy would we prop up a sport that has plenty of access in Austin when a coming to main stream sport like Ultimate is getting shafted? Golf None na none Focus on senior play Many Austinites grew up playing at Hancock We need to preserve history none at this time Maintenance on parking lot More city events held their for raising money for the city. I think it is important to have that green space in that part of the city. Make it a park. Please invest in a better web presence. It is pitiful, terribly organized, and quite frankly embarrassing for a city full of experienced web developers and UX/UI designers. I am tired of my Austin being destroyed. Get your act together. sell it and make it privet Hancock is a great course accessible to golfers of all skill levels, it should be preserved and taken care of as a place where people of all backgrounds can find a live for the game. Do not privatize the park. Full stop. Nice Convert to trails and open space i am fine with converting the course to something else Keep it a golf course I love golf and want us to preserve public access to it I support the preservation of historical sites like this Austin public course. A treasure to be preserved for the enjoyment of all. The sport in general has always been apart of a status symbol- “a rich person” sport-anything to help people from a different income background learn about and play the game Golf courses are an inefficient use of the land and resources to upkeep The land and historic building is a treasure for the area, and should be preserved for present and future generations. It's a large property it could easily have a added kids area It's part of the fabric of Austin. Should keep the golf course. Funding is no excuse to shit it down. It is a small course and won’t be very costly to maintain. I own a golf course and know how inexpensive it can be to maintain it if done with the proper leadership Didn't even know we HAD a public golf course keep as golf course use it also for the homeless camp sites N/a Keep as is Thanks We love to play golf Na Great spot for new golfers It needs to stay green space. No comments keep the course none Golf N/A Public Housing Please make it a great date night place to hang out at I wouldn't mind seeing the funding going to the right places to help improve quality of life/community/history/preservation/etc. It should be promoted This golf course should stay in the community. The city should encourage people to experience golf. Not only is golf hard physically, but it is a game that teaches mental strength as well which is what people seem to need these days. The city should promote this public golf course and take care of it, especially considering how trashy the city of austin is these days. It’s a shame. Golf courses take up too much space, and only benefit people who are already financially safe. Park space for all is > golf for some. Turn the page. No comment I am okay if it stays a golf course Keep it Golf! Has a rich history! Golf courses are bad for the environment and only benefit some people, a park would be better for people and the environment! Even though it may be open to all, I think the space would be better shared in some other fashion. we everything we went thru, do you think this is the priority ? versus fixing the limitations around reliable services ? and parks close to dense urban areas ? Park Na No We need to preserve greenspace - historic places especially within the city The last hill is a bugger! Get kids involved with low cost instruction. Love the course. My favorite 9 holes to play in Austin! Don't get rid of Hancock - is a unique gem Play golf ⛳ Purchase butler pitch and put back instead of high rises! Keep it as open space - much like Central Park in NYC Current conditions are suboptimal. Only worth it if it is quality of Lions course get rid of the holes and make it a public park for kids and families not golfing I would like the course to be converted into a regular park so that more people can enjoy that green space Youth programs would be best Just golf please. for children to have some where to play !! more availability for the general public - utilizing as another picnic area It am not opposed to it, but do not want to throw money at something I do not use Change the purpose for mass usage It's a great short course that I play as often as I can. n/a See above comment. don't change it To play golf N/A . N/A PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE LITTER AND TRASH IN OUR PARKS! Shut it down and turn it into a real park. Golf courses are an amazing waste of public space. I'm a native Austinite who has seen too much of Austin change, Hancock needs to remain a Golf course 1. increase the green fees and limit the number of players per day 2. put a course Marshall in a cart and put him out there to control pace of play. 3. Would love to see an annual tourny W/ just a putter, wedge, and a mid-iron nut the greens need to be improved "and they will come" Let’s be honest... how many people are really golfing? This is an important public green space in an area of town lacking in outdoor community spaces It is a historical golf course and deserves to stay in tact. The course has been reduced to half its size from the original course and a shopping center put in its place. Their are too few places where a person can play an inexpensive round of golf in Texas and Hancock one of them. Please keep this course in tact!! outdoor learning for K-12 schools nearby, golf tournaments (specially youth), picnic areas I’d hate to see it go for people to make a profit off of the land. GET RID OF THE HOMELESS!!! AT ALL OF THE PARKS!!! Leave as Public Golf Course Nope - Keep it. N/A Very few public courses left. Keep the green space Make it A PGA event I don't know. I don't play golf. There are too may gold courses in Austin. Love it Housing Keep it! it's a very fun course to play. Great for beginners. All golf courses are economic and ecological war crimes. Obviously I’m not a golfer Please keep this Austin gem as a permanent golf course and green belt. Keep as is with increased maintenance budget Keep Hancock as a PUBLIC space. Sell it, or make it a tent city for the homeless Keep the course! Keep it as open, public space please - we don't have enough in Austin. Keep the course. One of the few true ATX things around. no comment Let’s not lose this historical site to developers. None It is an Austin treasure. keep as golf course I have been coming here multiple times every month for the last 15 years and would love to see this historic golf course be equally appreciated by my kids and their kids someday. Thank you for allowing me to share this. That course is centrally located and with a push from local people in the golf community we could see more people participating in the sport. It's in the center of the UT and Austin city, should be well kept Please do not open this land to private developers Great little course. Much bryter todsy than 40 years ago when I first played it. As Austin grows, green space comes at a premium. Keep Austin Green! A large park green belt with trails pavilion etc a outdoor weight area. I don't love golf. But I do love this space. And I appreciate that it is beautiful, undeveloped land open to all, no matter the particular use. it is perfect as a DISC GOLF course, make it so. Fun, cheap and a good place to spend the afternoon build a homeless shelter if the city wants to close the course We should continue to support our historical properties and parks. None Keep it byob Please keep it as is for generations to come Please do NOT get rid of this too!!! Please no canceling Hancock Golf Course!! It’s a gem to be treasured! Please do not sell this land to the highest bidder. Austin has enough Condos and or apartments, please COA, build a great rail system like Chicago!!!! Austin Traffic OU's!!! I used to live right by this course. It is ridiculous that it is in the middle of such a populated area and a well used road and that there’s no protection for pedestrians or vehicles in the area. I had the rear window of my car broken by a golf ball that flew across the street and into the parking lot of my apartment complex. No one was ever held accountable for that and I had to pay out of pocket to replace it, which was a huge expense for a grad student! I think having a golf course there is completely ridiculous and dangerous and no one should be allowed to put others’ lives or property in danger in that way. I don’t golf Refer to previous opinion on alternative use. no additional thoughts turn into something more people would use N/A Great course... Conserve our water. Keep it! Keep it as a muni course. Think it’s great that there are public courses! golf is pretty boring. Replace with a dog park Haven't played there yet so I can't really tell Keep it open please none Don't allow development. Maintain and improve the streets around the course. Hancock Golf Course is a gem in the heart of Austin. Please keep it as the little treasure it is. Thank you. If you want to sell for more condos, then another city course should be built to replace. I like this course, but if they are going to use the space for something else, a nice playground and outdoor fitness park would be ideal! Keep- no more building Make it a Disc Golf Course Turn it into an arboretum keep out the developers Keep dogs off the course No :) I think it has historic significance and should be treated as such Remove any obstructions like shipping containers I didn't even know about it Public courses keep the sport accessible! Get ride of it It is a great course for kids to learn I do not play golf although I support for people who do. I wish one day I will be able to try. As a municipal gold course, it has civic pride attached to it for it's history and offering anyone the option to play. Passive park space doesn't do much of anything Golf courses are a waste of space and resources. It should be changed into something that provides active support to the community. While I love the golf course, I think having another great city park with rolling hills and a creek running through it would be the best use for the entire community. Hancock is a unique course that should be preserved It's very rare to have a golf course inside of a busy city. The fact that it was the oldest course west of Mississippi and the original Austin Country Club, this course should be preserved and maintain. Modernize the course. Make similar executive course at Kizer. na Trump won by a lot. Nope Fun course more beer unsure none Keep it as a golf course! I learned how to play golf on Hancock. I love Hancock. I think it would be a shame if it was anything else UNLESS you just make it a beautiful, public park. Do NOT develop on it. We have enough Starbucks and condos. please keep it open! Kid Training Free Capital Food Bank X NA Place for families to be active, like the bike park and skatepark in North Houston run by the city. It should be a park for everyone to enjoy The last thing Austin needs is for public parks to be turned into more condos for the wealthy If your going to remove it make it a park. I am a born and raised Austin night since 1966 quit trying to sell but golf courses all of them quit Haven't played here for a few years because of back surgeries but great place to sneak out for a quick 9 after work :) best used for public access golfing Golf courses are not a sustainable practice. Plant native trees and promote wildlife growth please. Please keep this historic course open to the public Disc golf Lessons for older folks Add a splash pad, tennis court, basketball court, and canopies. Other things that can be enjoyed there. It is an Austin treasure and we've lost too many Austin treasures already. Keep it as a golf course. You should have been working on the golf course 10 years ago. Delay, delay, delay, get to work on it. I support more green space in the city, and think the end use should include more trees and opportunities for more people to use the area. develop more local events to support funding and awareness Do NOT close this course or sell it to a condo company Discontinue golf course, build something to better serve the community a la zilker Do summer kids courses I don’t know exactly where it is, no advertising exists for it. It should be made more accessible to the public n/a None Keep the facility focused on servicing the community. Zilker. Get ACL OUT OF ZILKER! (Yes, that's not Hancock, but since you asked... beautiful property, rarely used by Austonions I have not personally used it. But I believe public access is vital for the neighborhood and history it serves. None at this time. It is a great quaint and nice golf course for the public and beginners to the sport. Love it. Please keep it open. fencing around the course Keep our green spaces green and open to all None Keep it public I have enjoyed playing there for over 50 years. get more youth involved, easy course to learn the game of golf. Adds to the community Gotta save these courses! None Don't take away courses accessible to the public My taxes are high enough. No more freebies please. I am considering relocating to a less expensive less government controlled location. Save the Course from been turned it to anything other than a park or restored golf course What % of residents do you think golf? Golf is for elitists. Parks are for everyone. Plenty of land to build affordable housing there A public park would serve more people. great place! golf course N/A Stay the same use. Yes None As previously stated, I lived there for 7 years and have no negative opinion of it being there. I have no problem with it continuing as a golf course. We love the public courses (Lyons in our neighborhood) and hope to keep these low-cost public recreation spaces available to all. I would love to see the space modified in a way to welcome non-golfers. Appendix E. Full report of responses to open link survey Hancock Golf Course-open link Please note, questions with open text responses can be found at the end of this report. Q1 - In the past 2 years, have you visited one of Austin's Municipal Golf Courses (Lions, Hancock, Morris Williams, Jimmy Clay, Roy Kizer, Grey Rock, Butler Pitch and Putt)? # 1 2 3 Answer % Count Yes No Total Don't know, unsure 63.95% 34.52% 1.54% 100% 3040 1641 73 4754 Q2 - In that time, have you visited Hancock Golf Course at 41st and Red River Streets? # 1 2 3 Answer % Count Yes No Total Don't know, unsure 82.60% 16.81% 0.59% 100% 2506 510 18 3034 Q3 - Did you visit the recreation center at Hancock Golf Course? # 1 2 3 Answer % Count Yes No Total Don't know, unsure 37.19% 56.87% 5.93% 100% 928 1419 148 2495 Q4 - Hancock Golf Course is one of the oldest public golf courses in the United States, having been established in 1899. Do you support continuing Hancock Golf Course as a public course open to all? # 1 2 3 Answer Yes No Total I have no opinion. % 60.29% 34.02% 5.69% 100% Count 2722 1536 257 4515 Please note, comments are unedited and may contain grammatical errors and/or foul language. Q5- In what activities did you participate at the Hancock Recreation Center? - comments begin on p. 5 Q6- What would you prefer the space at Hancock Golf Course be used for? - comments begin on p. 35 Q7- PARD has identified several necessary improvements to the golf course. If funding is available, what kind of improvements to the golf course would you support? - comments begin on p. 147 Q8- Please add any other thoughts you have on the use of the Hancock Golf Course. - comments begin on p. 233 Q5 - In what activities did you participate at the Hancock Recreation Center? Golf, karate, basketball, play ground, golf camp Photographed myself outside of it Golf Art and yoga Discgolf Community meetings Golf and disc golf Camps Walking Dance class Ping pong, pool Golf Golf Jogging and walking Golf, after school program Bathrooms rented for party, voting, kids camp yoga classes, pickup basketball, swinging Basketball Golf and walking exercise Summer camp in 2019 and holiday gathering in 2019 and years prior Kids activities for my kida, fitness, dance for me Events xmas none Hanging with buddies dancing HNA meetings Golf Viewing Hangouts Elizabeth Ney Events Basketball Golf; art Golf; Basketball Golf Golf Golf Golf, Basketball Basketball Basketball Basketball Golf Yoga, dance Golf, Basketball Golf and Basketball yoga, walking, picnic Frisbee golf Hancock rec for youth english dancing and walking around the goft course I have walked around the outside area because it's shaded and wanted to exercise. Walking the course, sledding during snowstorm Contra dance karate Basketball, walking the trail After school care, summer camp, karate, soccer Played basketball, ran around the golf course Outdoor soccer Swing set scouting for possible event rental Wednesday night contra dance, Scandinavian dance, Friday folk dance Soccer, running, walking polkapocalypse music festival (several years ago) day camp, winter festival Contra dance, Folk dance, Scandinavia dance, meetings to plan dances Walked my dog, played soccer. Soccer on the field at 41st and Red River Ball room dancing and yoga, Ran and walked around golf course Soccer, summer camps Tennis Golf and disc golf Just looked around to appreciate beautiful architecture Play soccer on the small field, play basketball on the court, run around the outer path Yoga yoga Soccer Dancing golf Basketball ping pong, community meetings, dance, exercise, children's playground Disc golf under Waterloo Classic jogging, enjoying nature Golf Golf Golf Golf Basketball Picnic Dance classes and play rehearsals Children’s basketball program Disc golf tournament Basketball Basketball, trail, park Golf class Disc golf Waterloo, and 18 hole round of golf Basketball & golf (outdoor) Golf, Disc Golf and Ping pong None Dancing Golfing golf Golf, Disc Golf and Ping pong Walking, socializing Golf, walking and jogging the path around the course Birthday party My child played on the playscape. Dance class, tiny tot Walking, picnicking ... admiring the GREEN SPACE as I drove by ... Dance, yoga, soccer Disc golf Disc golf I played in the Waterloo Disc Golf Classic Tournament Social dancing (AIFD, Scandi, various other), walking Golf, Disc golf, and Basketball basketball, dancing Kids soccer exercise class Disc golf tournament Walking summer camp, exercise Basketball Disc golf lessons Golf Golf Disc golf Disc golf Yoga Golf Disc golf Golf Basketball, golf Basketball, golf golf basketball Soccer, Catch, Golf Participated in Charity Fundraising event Golf and Disc Golf Tournament golf, run, hancock neighborhood association meetings Waterloo Disc Golf Tournament Winter holiday (Christmas) celebration with luminarias, cookies, hot chocolate, etc. playgroound basketball Golf Dancing Golf, running Yoga and dance class Golf with my sons Golf Yoga Playground/Basketball Sat there and relaxed Golf and Basketball All of them Meetings ballet classes ballet classes Church-related Golfing Golf and basketball Walking kids camps Dics golf Public meeting not golf! karate class for our son. playgrounds. sledding during the snow storm Golf and practice Throughout years...private parties of families. Swing set and play ground Golf & Fitness Walking the trail and watching the golfers I was picking up my niece from an after school program It was used by the Disc Golf Tournament group. & my wife used it for a yoga class just looked around. but have been to weddings there, events, in the past Golf, basketball, leisure around the park area None, walked around rec center, had planned on doing yoga there but then pandemic hit My niece took part in a child activity Ping pong Disc golf Walk course Yoga used the facilities gplf, event Homeschool kid chess club Teen golf Yoga Disc Golf Disc golf Golf Golf Dance Dance, yoga class Playground Basketball kids soccer, luminarias NA Soccer, walking trail Community gathering Community meeting Walking, golf Classes, wedding, a memorial service, contra dance golf, community get together, yoga, games We walk around it on a weekly basis. I grew up in the neighborhood as well and used the golf course regularly for recreation. Running around golf course and taking kids on walks when no golfers, utilizing playground. Paying green fees and using bathroom. The Christmas festivities along with the luminarias. Have also geocached recently which was sponsored by the Parks Department which was great fun. Basketball, golfing, and visiting the pro shop neighborhood meetings Basketball, playground dance, yoga Walking, dancing None was just checking it out All activities post golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Walking Yoga Disc golf Golf Golf lesson Natural park Playing golf get togethers Golf Summer camp for daughters Basketball and golf golf, walks, water, bathroom Basketball Walking, yoga Golf Meeting for the golf course I just walked through the building. golf, dog walking, summer camps Golf, dog walking and summer camps for my kid. Played golf and spoke with the club house employee who was very helpful Check in for golf, restrooms Disc golf Golf Yoga Golf Golf Basketball Basketball Golf Soccer Preschool and playground use Trail of lights, kids summer camp mingling Picnic/badminton School break camps, Easter Egg Hunt The playground and basketball court Dancing, seasonal events Golf Disc Golf Walking Disc Golf tournament Walking, dance Disc golf ! Picnic tables, Quaker meeting Ping pong First tee programs basketball court and disc golf when it was there Sat around the picnic tables and lounged. Golf, after school care, watched a disc golf tournament Golf disc golf Nia dance class Golf and Basketball Yoga, games outside DISC GOLF basketball Pool, golf, basketball, soccer, aerobics 3 times/week Contra dancing and music conversation Dancing basketball court community meetings Basketball at the court Event golf Being outside Community Music and dancing Kids programs, folk dance, lighted Path Night Kids summer program Holiday Celebration, dance, playground DiscGolf Sports Playground, holiday activities, walk trail youth basketball practice Disc Golf Wedding (rec center was rented to my father who got married there) Basketball and watched a soccer game. Kids played on the playground Karate, neighborhood meetings, community meetings, playing on the playground Multiple meetings of the Slug Tribe Writer’s Group as well as various dance classes dance classes; neighborhood association meetings neighborhood meetings, receptions, funeral gatherings Contra dancing and walking Pilates Grandchild in summer camp watched dancing Kids' classes Camp Disc golf Golf and basketball Outdoor walking Disc Golf Folk dancing nights and rehearsals Ukulele group, woodcarving group Disc golf yoga folk dancing Disc golf Running, golfing wedding neighborhood meetings fitness, cultural After school program ping pong, walks kid's camp Waterloo Disc Golf tournament Disc golf for the Waterloo tournaments Played basketball on the court's Ukulele group gatherings Golf Classes Walking Disc golf Ball golf and disc golf Disc golf and golf Disc golf Children's camp Hiking Disc golf yes Golf Golf Disc Golf disc golf Picnic Yoga Disc Golf Disc Golf - Waterloo Classic Hung out with my kids, did some putting and stuff Golf, Disc Golf public meeting none due to covid, but researched yoga and dance My son participated in the summer camp visit Santa Claus; neighborhood association meeting; Multiple years of participation in a disc golf tournament with Waterloo Disc Golf Club Disc golf Playing ball golf Disc golf Summer camps Disc golf crafts Disc golf Disc golf Disc golf yoga Golf Disc golf Exercise classes Disc golf Folk dance, contra dance, Hungarian dance, candle trail Golf and Waterloo disc golf Basketball Court Disc Golf Tournaments Waterloo disc golf tournament disc golf Disc Golf Basketball Disc Golf Tournament Tiny Tots, Luminations, Community Events Waterloo’s disc golf event Disc Golf Used the restroom during 2019 Waterloo Disc Golf Classic Recreational sports just looked around Women’s workout Family stuff for my 10 year old mostly: Kids Karate, Kids Summer Camp, Kids Golf Camp Disc Golf and Regular (Ball Golf) I go for walks and enjoy the most beautiful sunsets. Disc golf Golf class Disc golf golf Disc golf Disc golf Disc Golf tournament Austin Poetry Study Group Waterloo disc golf tournament Basketball, golf, and discgolf Having a picnic Disc golf, basketball during my running Disc golf Disc Golf Basketball Disc golf tournament Golf, disc golf, walking attended a meeting Disc golf Golf and Disc Golf. Basketball Attempted youth soccer, which was canceled due to pandemic. Meetings, when it is used at an event location, playground International folk dance, Cards folk dance, Scandinavian dance and jam sessions Several Waterloo Disc Golf Weekends Wedding I have been going weekly to Hancock Recreation Center, since 2012, to dance with Austin International Folk Dancers on Saturdays and then Friday nights until it was closed last year. While continuing to go to AIFD, I also started going to HRC on Monday nights from 2014 to 2018 to practice in the back room with Csardas, and then in 2018 or so, I started going on Wednesdays nights to practice Scandinavian dance and music until a year ago when it was closed about a year ago, because of the pandemic. So since 2014 I’ve been averaging 2 times a week yearly to dance at HRC, and I look forward to being a regular again as soon as HRC opens. Play golf and relaxing Golf, Walking, Playground Golf and Disc Golf Golf Waterloo disc golf tournament After school and summer camps Rec center meetings and walking the trail Birthday none, just visited the facility and outdoor areas Running around the course Candlelight trail A selection Golfing Golf Basketball, walking folk dance, music, scandi dance Folk dancing RGC Field Kit Walking, yoga, meeting friends Just checking it out on bike ride walking, browsed activities calendar, looked for senior activities Art show, after school program meeting, holiday lights, star gazing, walking with friends I just walked around and enjoyed the outdoor space. walked around it Walking, soccer jogging, hiking Summer Camps We use the playground and basketball court regularly. We also want to do summer camp there when it opens again! We also used to attend the Christmas cookie/hot chocolate party. We played pool there a few times too. Life drawing Bathroom, playground, picnic tables, trail of lights, pro shop Folkdancing, meetings Community meetings, ping pong, playground exercise class writing group Musical event Soccer with son golf, tennis ping pong, writing group playground, soccer, holiday party, walks YOGA, HNA meetings, candle lights in December JUST LOOKED AROUND Hiking and relaxing, looking at the trees and squirrels. Childrens' after-school and soccer programs Neighborhood Meetings, practice putting line dancing Sign in to play golf Community meetings Camp, karate, playground Walking running Dancing Basketball neighborhood meetings camp, golf, Luminarias folk dance none, just a visit I toured friends around to show the place I enjoyed almost daily as a child. We took tap, ballet and acrobatics there. Later, we went to the Friday night dances. My family also golfed there. Pre COVID the Hancock Neighborhood Association held its regular HNA meetings and committee meetings at the Rec Center. the playscape, we would visit for dance classes if in person classes return and other meetups events. Luminaries, dancing, Santa, recreation activities, scavenger hunt, geocaching table tennis, billard, others playground after care for my children Walking around the grounds. Hiking, birding Park, playscape Life Drawing Workshops BASKETBALL Picnic yoga playground, soccer fields Park Clean Up ping pong, pool, meetings basketball Playground/picnic area golf, basketball Basketball and billards I just went by to see what kind of activities were being offered Community Events & meeting with people outside I jogged, walked, and chatted with my friends. yoga and dance are my favorites. the center has been closed during Covid Jogging around the course, walking, reading. Not golf. Walking/picnicking/hanging out with friends Walking, jogging, picnic under the trees After school care; lantern walk in December; yoga basketball on the outdoor court Folk Dancing, Sledding, Walking the dog walking the trails, bird watching Boy Scouts meetings, Chess club meetings. group get togethers for differnet organizations Meeting on the future of Hancock golf course luncheon; used playground swings running, walking, gymnastics, Soccer league, afternoon informal dance classes Hiking Holiday events Walking Contra dance Yoga Square dancing Yoga Candlelight trail Walking, running meetings ping pong, skydiving, snowboarding and badmitton Luminaries, walks around course, social events at rec center, playground Neighborhood meeting Basketball, golf community events, playing on the playground Hancock neighborhood meetings Golf Golf Holiday events neighborhood association meetings Visited the playground and basketball court Walking, golfing, sitting enjoying the weather I walked around and enjoyed the green space as well as played basketball. Never played golf there but I love the green space. Walking, outdoor recreation after golf hours Meetings of the Hancock Neighborhood Association, and meetings of the Historic Neighborhood Committee Community meetings; writing group; Christmas Neighborhood Association Meetings, Luminaria night Golf, walking (perimeter trail) Event Folk dancing Golf Golfing Golf Basketball, Playground Child care Writing group meetings Playground and basketball court :) All the time we it’s my kiddos Neighbor meetings, classes and walking the perimeter of the park. Just walking through as a neighborhood resident. Golf Basketball All Basketball meetings Basketball Basketball Golf Golf Dance Putting and chipping Yoga, neighborhood meetings, ping pong Hancock Neighborhood Association meetings Exercise class Community meetings and the trail after school care, holiday events, open use Meetings, watching golf meeting / activities yoga basketball Basketball Basketball Golf Basketball Golf Golf Golf Basketball, golf All of them Basketball Basletball Golf Golf Golf, basketball neighborhood meeting Sitting, eating w friends Golf and basketball Golf Basketball Golf and basketball Golf Golf Played with friends visited & viewed children's activites Golf, walking my dog Golf on a weekly basis. My favorite place in Austin! Basketball every now and then. Christmas Party, checked out ping pong opportunities Ukulele playing and my son goes to rec center for aftercare from Lee elem. Relaxing Golf Basketball Walking dog, neighborhood meetings Golf, basketball, walking Basketball Basketball Neighborhood assn mtg Golf Golfing Golf Tiny Tots Golf kids programs Golf, playground, Rec center. Christmas event Christmas celebration Yoga Yoga Don’t remember Basketball Meetings, walking Walking, neighborhood meetings Sports, after care, & golf Conversation with staff Visit Gaga ball, capture the flag, setting up events, outdoor activities Summer camps playing with kids on playground, taking walks. golf, run around the course several times a week, kids go to summer camp at the rec center Dance classes. Playing golf. Use of rec center facilities. Basketball Children's camps Golf Golf I run Golf Golf Basketball Basketball Golf Yoga Summer camps Golf shop Writers group Basketball Cards and reading Playground Golf it was awesome Trail of Lights, Proshop, bathroom, playground Childcare and summer camps Basketball, lounging Walking the trail, collecting data from Waller Creek, Using the playground Walking, Luminarias, kids' camp, youth basketball, Santa visits... NEVER PLAYED GOLF. USED IT AS A PARK Running on the perimeter path Trail of Lights, walking along the creek, Waller Creek research, enjoying the space the reception for the luminaries display on the course; the easter egg hunt; afterschool programming fests. Lots to do. many people do not know there is a rec center. Kids soccer Illuminations Basketball Yoga Streaking & golfing ping pong, pool, meetings Meetings Pickup basketball Using the bathroom dance class 4 or 5 times per week Golf Golf Social Golf Golf Picnic tables Kidd’s Summer Camp Golf summer camp Golf After school care Public meeting Golf, basketball Basketball Basketball Golf a local event, reception type Hancock Neighborhood Association and committee meetings Golf clubhouse, restroom, basketball court, putting green, trails Stretching and people watching Golf Acadamey Basketball yoga Basketball and golf kids, snack bar Basketball golf Golf golf Golf Golf Mainly golf Basketball Basketball Dancing Golf Children’s restrooms yoga, aerobics, dancing Golf, Dance class, Basketball Golf shop (when open) neighborhood meeting Pool, table-tennis, community meetings Basketball, golf Golf Golf Neighborhood meetings Walking, running, playing with dogs, sledding, picnic, enjoying the space Played nine holes of golf Check out their offered excercise programs Walking, playground, neighborhood meeting, golf. I absolutely love playing golf here & using the park perimeter for a walking trail Playing in the green space with my kids and dog cant due to covid Golf basketball Golf, tennis basketball All Golf Golf Golf None golf Golf and Basketball Dance Basketball Public meeting Met neighbors Golf just visiting the area Birthday party Golf basketball Weekly exercise classes Basketball Yoga contra dancing, child care Basketball court Basketball Walking Shipe Park Swimming Pool planning sessions Neighborhood meeting; a wedding; a yoga class; ping pong Neighborhood Association meetings, Holiday celebrations Christmas event, concert Basketball Yoga Basketball Bball Golf Golf played golf Karate class for my kid. Golf, walking Health and fitness Basketball Golf Basketball Gatherings Basketball Golf Golf Bball Golf Golf Golf Golf, basketball Played basketball Playground Golf. walking Basketball, Golf , frisbee Visit Santa, Neighborhood meeting Walking around the course, neighborhood meetings Holiday festivities, camps, soccer, neighborhood meetings, Hancock golf academy HNA meetings, golf academy, holiday candle event, child care, soccer, playground, basketball I have attended meeting, community events, and youth activities there. Nia dance, luminaria, children's playground (never used golf course) Golf Golf, basketball dance classes pre covid- exercise class Shooting basketballs Golf Just went to see it Basketball N/A Basketball and soccer Summer camps meetings Youth sports, neighborhood holiday party, and almost daily walks. Golf Mostly, but also dance lessons, and especially kids after school care Christmas activities; neighborhood meeting; other family related activity Golf Summer camp, karate lessons Hancock Neighborhood Association Dancing and yoga Christmas stroll and dancing Yoga Golf Basketball community meetings community meeting, luminarias I visited it. Pandemic prevents from doing more. Neighborhood meeting Basketball Went to get information about yoga classes going on there but have never been to one luminaries/related activities, geocaching, dancing, playground, walking/jogging on the exterior path Walking around the golf course and rec center grounds. Neighborhood meetings Woodworking Basketball Hiking golf I used their bathroom before golfing Golf Yoga golf Golf Yoga Golf Basketball Basketball None Basketball Golf fun Weights Golf and HNA Meeting Services, classes Dancing and guitar Yoga and community meetings running, playing with my toddler on the playground, watching the sunrise Camps, soccer, community events, playing at the playground, walking around the path, enjoying the green space when golf isn’t happening, playing basketball I have taken my child to events there. I also want to note that I have never played golf but I enjoy the grounds by walking and exercising and enjoying nature. Christmas celebration (with lanterns) Ukulele group Playground, basketball court and tetherball. Rented the room, held an anniversary and a birthday party. Running around the perimeter and life drawing at the rec center Golf camp, youth soccer Yoga Viewed the premises Dance lessons luminarias, purchased a golf gift card Childcare playground, soccer Music Just visited the site Basketball Looking around Yoga and used the playground Soccer Golf Meeting An event Just a visit Yoga Yoga Golf Community meetings Early child care programs Playground, Basketball, picnic/hanging out with kids, summer camp when kids were in grade school The Feb. 2020 presentation and meeting about Hancock Golf Course Pay for golf, restrooms Basketball Golf Golf Golf Q6 - What would you prefer the space at Hancock Golf Course be used for? If it remains a golf course, it should absolute remain public. However, recreational green spaces are far more needed in that area and I would prefer it be used as public park space. Make into a Musuem and have a park area for the public A park way more people can use. Kids playscape. Maybe food trucks or kids train,. something to generate the money lost from golf.course. I would much prefer this space be a park A Public Park with walking paths, more trees, recreation for kids & adults—like swings, slides for kids and dance/exercise classes etc for teens & adults Keep ball golf, but also include disc golf A park Golf course A public park Public park park City park Enjoyment Disc golf Public park. Dog park Public park A park If not a public golf course, I would love for it to become a green space for the community. Public Park Housing the homeless a park A park, hike and bike!!!! Park and music venue Disc golf A partnership of ball golf and disc golf A public park would be a much better use of the space Even better than an open golf course would be an open community park with various possible options. A public park!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A public golf course. Public park Public Park Public park a public park I would prefer that the area become a park. A park for public use. Park land/Natural area Golf - it's a golf course. The place should be a park or remain as it is. It should NOT be turned into a driving range. I strongly prefer that the space remain public and accessible to all residents of Austin and especially to neighbors and residents in the Hancock area. I have no strong feelings about golf, but I would love to see the course turned into a park rather than privatized or closed down. Keep it the same so young kids can learn golf A public park! Park space is so limited in Austin and this is so much land that could be put to use for frisbee golf, jungle gyms, a hiking trail, a dog park. Golf Course / Driving Range public park A clean safe park for children all ages. Public park space would be best Golf and stay like that as it has been a great public course for years Public Park public park! Disc golf Public park Golf A free park open to the public, or even a pool like Barton springs Park frisbee course (golf seems elitist, for the rich) Golf, disc golf, open space park Keep the golf course! Change the basketball court area to tennis courts a park for the community. a park with open green space and ecological restoration zones, especially along Waller Creek I almost never see people golfing there--I see people walking and hanging out! I feel like it would be amazing if this was a public park. Golf! It should be converted into a public park for all A park and visitor place. A park that would be useful for all Austin residents, not just those who golf A green space and public park It should continue to operate as a golf course. There is no legitimate reason to destroy major participants in the history of Austin. A regular park for a wider range of uses, like dog walking, other sports, relaxing, etc. A public park for the neighborhood and the City at large 9 hole golf as current, no driving range, no fences OR open park land The prior question is confusing. I support a PARK that is truest open to all. Park !!! Public park golf Public Park Just a regular park Make it a public park Public housing or homeless housing A park parkland disc golf course public space Green Space/Park for all Disc golf only Green space - park oil field Make it a park/green space! Golf Course It should remain a public outdoor space. A public park with shade, a splash park, and picnic tables would be great use of this land. A PARK - OBVIOUSLY - IT MAKE SO MUCH SENSE! GOLF can be done anywhere, building communities via a park is special. Public park open to all similar to Zilker, but with no parking meters A park, affordable housing, anything that benefits more than 5% of the population. I would like for the park to be a green space similar to Zilker park. open park space, passive recreation, urban greenfield. golf courses are not sustainable. Green space for all! Playground for kids Public park Park space Disc Golf A park with trails Public parkland park Open Park Literally anything else Disc Golf Course A regular park. Mixed uses Golf course Park Golf a park! a public park with access to all Keep the course the way it is Passive park multiple disc golf courses Nothing. It should be kept a golf course Golf course only! As is - I support keeping Hancock a golf course We do need more public parks. It should be a fun one with a merry go round. We lack that in this city. It needs to stay a golf course, it is one of the only affordable public courses anywhere in Austin, people will simply not be able to afford to play anymore if it is changed. It would be gentrification to change it in my opinion Golf Golf Nothing. Golf What it’s used for now. Nothing else public park space Park Public park A city park Youth programs Open space, park Public Park space Public park Public park with focus on natural spaces and no increase in impervious cover A public park, rec and green space Frisbee golf course Park/Grreen space for residents to use a park area would be nice - saves time and would hopefully be more accessible than Zilker or Auditorium Shores Park - w/ greenspace, community center, community garden, etc. A park, ideally with a shaded playground and water features This is public park land and should remain a public park and not be sold to a private golf course or developer. I would prefer that it be a park and public green space. Turn it into a public park . It belongs to the people of Austin, not some private company! a green space and passive park accessible to all, without golf General use public park open to everyone I would prefer it be used as a public park. a public park and green space I’d rather it be a park. Maybe some golf attached but more space for everyone to use Ideally a nice driving range over part of it, and a park (with volleyball, basketball, socccer) on the other. It's a large place, no reason it can't be both A public park and green space for families Public Park Park Public Park!!! Public Park Space A park, just a park Park Park or Green space Public park that benefits everyone A public park to be used by everyone A public park Park! More park space A park Park Outdoor soccer or any pickup sports I would prefer the golf course be turned into a park space and repository for native flora and fauna a public park! potentially with some small portion dedicated to golf, but the maintenance/space requirements for a full course are no longer justifiable in the neighborhood Would be wonderful to convert it to a park for all to enjoy. Public park park space would be a much better use A park that everyone can visit. Similar to zilker with sand courts and dog areas multi-use, open space, perhaps a frisbee golf course?, tennis and basketball courts; a covered pavilion with picnic tables; a play structure for kids; more trails for running Make it a public park. That’s mainly what it’s used for now anyway with people walking their dogs, running, and playing with their children. Second choice would be a pitch and putt like Butler Public park space. Ideal location. Please include a fenced dog run - the nearest is far away. A public park that restores native vegetation and is aimed at more general use public park like Zilker or Guerrero, with amenities that are free to all and supported by public funding, not private sources. Keep it as a golf course A public park/green space Park If not a golf course, a public park. Public park Public park/green space keep as is, or Park/ Garden area A public or private golf course A public PARK! Public golf course or public park A public green space and rec center Soccer fields (and golf) A public park with a playground whatever helps support a place to dance. many places to golf very few (affordable) to dance Public park. As it is, the neighborhood enjoys picnics on the lawn when there arent' many golfers. But it would be nice if this space were a dedicated public open space (like Zilker!) where you didn't have to move for someone to hit their drive. I think having it continue as a ball golf course is the best chance for disc golf to be there too, either permanently or at least for the occasional event. Make it a park! I regularly use the small path along the outside of the park, and wish I could use the whole thing. There are usually far more people using the tiny slice of trail along its periphery than there are golfers. Please make it a park to be open to all! Use Ramsey as a model and you will see adoption by the neighborhood. It’s a beautiful plot of land and would even be wonderful just to stroll thru, providing a respite. A desperately needed Central Park that is available for a variety of activities! public park space, which could/should include putting areas or some other limited golf space a community park would be much more accessible to all...include a driving range or putting area to highlight the park's history. I support it being a golf course if it is used a lot for that purpose and there are not other similar options nearby. Otherwise i want it to be used as a big leisure park with lots of trees and plants and a few good fenced-in dog parks (something Austin is sorely lacking). Would not vote for a bunch of sports fields as there are plenty of other options for that. My husband uses Hancock park for hill walking multiple times a week. Please add a disc golf course to the Hancock Golf Course. Add some disc golf holes. Would make it multi use Park Public Park!!! A public park, open to a variety of outdoor activities appealling to a wider group of users. Public land to be used as a park, exercise area, dog park, skate park, anything that allows the neighborhood to enjoy it I support public course or public park A public park for everyone including kids. a green space and passive park! similar to zilker A park! A park A public park Conservancy Golf and Soccer public park! Green space Public park Park space a public park public park Park A green space designed for people with all abilities and ages. Open parkland A park for the neighborhood GREEN SPACE AND PARK A park that can be used by more people. Public park Public passive park A public park Green space / park open to public Public park Just leave it as a green space, its gorgeous through there great to walk through so peaceful. a full bore public park. Think Central Park in Manhattan, or Prospect Park in Brooklyn A park: I'd play soccer almost every weekend on the field at the corner of red river and 41st Public park space with trails A public park. I do not care if it is specifically for golf, but I want it to remain public and have non-golf uses as well. It would also be great if we could add a disc golf course on top of the ball golf one Public park open to all with various activities supported and green space that can be more easily be used by all. Also an accessible park for variety of mobility modalities would be amazing as well. Not a fan of golf so a nice park, in city Green space, trails, etc. A public park open to all Disc golf A park! Park Free public park! Park space and non-golf sports more accessible to all. Not private development. If not a golf course, a park Green space and community park Disc golf course Green space for hiking Public green space/ park Keep please!!! park space Disc golf public park space Add a disc golf course. Maintain as is. It is a peaceful refuge to many in a very crowded city that offers many other venues for entertainment. golf, walking trail, playground for children, soccer field for children, Christmas luminarias, basketball, recreation center picnicking It would be great if this course becomes permanent for disc golf. 😊 Ball golf and disc golf or simply a community park Disc golf, other public recreation A public park and recreation area (and recreation center). Keep it a golf course My primary concern is that the Hancock Golf Course continue to be publicly accessible open space, so I would like to see whatever option best ensures that. I would NOT want a golf course if it restricted community access (i.e., if it limited access by non-golfers) to a greater degree than currently. Public park Split between a public park and affordable housing development. A public park with some land used for affordable housing Preserve it for golf so that Austin can offer a variety of recreational activities over the entire city Multiuse parkland/open greenspace with integrated mixed use development Something free and open to the public. A beautiful park with even more oaks and trees lining the creek... Park open to all, no projectile golf balls please. As a park open to all - not a private golf area that excludes people wanting to spend time outside! A public park. It's important to me that it continue to be public green space. walking trails and a beautiful park for families with dogs on leashes Public park land (not gulf) Park DISC GOLF AND GOLF Disc golf and golf Please add a disc golf course Disc golf Public housing Golf and a new disc golf course Would love a park! Disc golf course combine with disc golf Affordable housing affordable housing A multi-use park Disc golf! Disc golf course. Public park Park Combination DG and Golf Course A public park! I said I don’t “use the gold course” but I walk around it all the time and would love to be able to venture more in the green space without fear of being hit by golf balls! It should be open to the public- for golfing, for youth programs, for arts and athletic clubs. As a multi course mix , discgolf and golf Ball golf AND disc golf Green space and park Disc golf Disc Golf Disc golf City Park Footgolf Golf Disc Golf Public park public park with multiple uses, rather than one niche (and elitist) sport I would visit Hancock if a disc golf course were added to the property. Disc golf along with the ball golf course Park! Outdoor recreation center A public park Disc golf Public space! Dog park! Park! Nature walk! Disc golf too Adding a disc golf course Disc golf a public park Add disc golf Disc golf Disc golf course Disc Golf Disc golf course Open green space, park, hike and bike trails, playgrounds Disc golf. It would be idea to have this space converted into a disc golf course: one that would allow the space to be FREELY accessed by the community for recreational sports and also be used as a park for other purposes (eg playgrounds and running, something that’s not too feasible with golf). Open park space. More places to be in nature, hear birds, hear insects, see wildlife, see wildflowers, not hear cars. If you are dead set on closing it, I'd like it to be a disc golf course. Create a disc golf course on a portion of the grounds. Golf and/or Disc Golf Continued ball golf support plus added option of disc golf Don’t lease it to a private company. I would be fine with it no longer being a golf course as long as the green space stays public! A big open park with lots of ways to enjoy nature. Please add a disc golf course to Hancock. Disc Golf Dog park, sport courts, green space Running and walking trails. Public park For the Hancock Golf Course Golf and Disc Golf Course Public Park, affordable housing, or a mix A public park In a perfect world, it would be a great green space available to all. And water from the creek could keep it green. It needs to become a neighborhood park. There aren’t enough parks now, what will it be like in 5-10 years? I’d love to see it utilized as a public park for all to enjoy. I live nearby, and though I don’t golf, I love walking the perimeter and enjoying the beautiful trees, stream, and wildlife. My favorite memory of the course is seeing people flock to it on the snow days with any makeshift sled they could come up with. Our other nearby park (shipe) is well loved and the tennis/basketball courts are often full. I know the neighborhood would love to see this space converted into one all could enjoy! The space should remain available for public use as park or to provide some other service to the community: it should be free, accessible, and open. There is less and less green space in the center of the city - imagine if this huge and beautiful land were a park space. Imagine a community arts center or recreation field. A non-golf park An all inclusive park for families Natural park A golf course Some other public space A public park for general recreation, playgrounds, picnics, frisbee, kite flying, bbqs. massive driving range and practice facility.. bar and music also. A public green space open to the community disc golf course Park and trails A park Get rid of or sheink the golf course and have more land for other sports and activities Something with more public benefit, like parks or housing Keeping Golf and Disc Golf Course Affordable Housing, public park without privatization Running trail, picnic tables, etc When I went to Hancock it was to walk. I would prefer to see it used as a park. remain a gold course that allows new and old players to play without spending an arm and a leg at a country club. support ball golf remaining at the historic Hancock Golf Course. However, we would very much like to see Disc Golf added to the property as well. It would increase the usage of the course and would bring in additional revenue; and the property would be a great place for high quality disc golf course. I would prefer the course be turned into a public park accessible to all. I tuned into the FY2021 budget meeting last year and heard the discussion surrounding golf courses and fees. It would be a better use of COA funds to turn this into a park that all communities can enjoy, not just those with the means to afford golf clubs and entry fees. public park / green space Golfing Public park golf course Disc Golf public park city park would be lovely Hancock Golf Course Park Disc golf course a park open to all A public park, not a golf course Public park /green space (like Mueller) A park! Convert to Disc Golf practice facility Upgrade the golf course and continue it as a public course. Golf with monthly frisbee golf. The tournament it hosts is awesome! Skating derby track with a sun roof. A skatepark. Anythink skating. Keep it for golf. There are already walking trails and a playscape. There are many general purpose park acres in the city. I love specialized parks, it is a great amenity. FREE green space that is truly open to all. Native plant restoration with lots of pollinator-friendly considerations and family friendly design features. Hancock Golf Course should stay putt. Just as it is. Disc Golf Course/Clubhouse. This sport would bring in more revenue and expand the disc golf sport in the Austin region. Public park, replace greens with gardens and walking trails, like Mueller Public housing, affordable housing, park space Public parkland Park and off leash dog park leave as golf course park Park Golfing Keep it a public golf course. a park rather than a golf course Ecological restoration area disc golf Open space park. All of it! A great public park Golf Park and nature preserve. a public park Disc golf Golf and Disc Golf A public park! Public park A public golf course and/or public park and rec center. Hate to see the Golfing go, but as long as it stays open to all and is not privatized. a public park. so many families live nearby and would benefit from this conversion. It should be a park, accessible for all! Golf course or park. Please do not redevelop it into more buildings, especially offices or more high-density, upscale multiuse developer giveaways like the Grove. Park for people to use, relax and enjoy Disc golf park Adding disc golf Public park Disc Golf practice facility Nothing else. Just Golf. A public park It should stay a golf course Park public park Public park, open green space Park accessible to all A park Green space or nature center Not as a park, please keep it as a golf course. A public park/green space open to all Multi use facility with disc golf and ball golf. support ball golf remaining at the historic Hancock Golf Course. However, we would very much like to see Disc Golf added to the property as well. It would increase the usage of the course and would bring in additional revenue; and the property would be a great place for high quality disc golf course I support a park, but should it stay a golf course it should stay public I’d rather it be a green space where people and dogs can actually exercise and play. A nice park, since I don’t golf, or continue to be a public golf course Something with more of a civic benefit; accessible, equitable recreation like passive activities, housing, urban forests, or a balance of these. As opposed to the small number of people that use it as a golf course I think it would serve many more people as a park open to all. Would like to see it add Disc Golf full time or at least part time. They courses they layout for Waterloo are very enjoyable. A public park, a nature reserve, anything open to the public that’s not a golf course Ball golf and Disc golf Public multi-use park disc golf could be added to ball golf Nature park with hike and bike trails, no camping, flower gardens I do not want to see it managed by a private company who will commercialize it or increase the cost to use it Park space and affordable housing Public park space Disc golf! public park While I would like for golfers to be able to golf there sometimes, golfing is not conducive to having other simultaneous activities. So continuing with Hancock as a golf course requires what is now a very high demand green space to be used exclusively for golf. Central Austin’s density, and Austinite’s demand for public greenspace (as demonstrated by the sheer number of people out recreating per acre) have made it clear to me that the community needs this acreage, and it’s creek access and oak trees for much more than golf. Despite the golfers (and their airborn balls) you’ll find people jogging, walking, resting, fetching with the dog, enjoying the hawks, owls and herons, or just wandering about in Hancock any day of the week, any time of day. It’s pretty clear to me this land should be multi-use greenspace, despite its rather notable golf history. Public park Park Disc golf Disc Golf A park A park Disc Golf Disc golf public park Leave it as is A park! Public Park Golf/Discgolf no opinion public park, skate park, playground, basketball court, affordable housing, something cooler We honestly have too many municipal golf courses. It would be great to see it repurposed as a park that's more accessible. It would be nice to include a disc golf course side by side with the golf course. It could increase traffic and revenue and has been proven successful in other cities. nothing but Golf. Public Park Parkland Pubic Park As a public park Public Park park Off leash dog park or a public park, that would be ideal Golf Golf course as of now keep as a green space open to out doors activities A park Disc Golf As a public park More like a city park... mixed use public parkland and natural area! Public access green space similar to Zilker Park A park A park or bike trails. What a waste of green space as a golf course it must be expensive to maintain and it’s really not an easily accessible sport. A public park instead of a golf course I'd like to see it converted to a public park that more people can enjoy, not just golfers. public park Public park and disc golf Regular golf and disc golf Having it open as a 9-hole, public golf course is a great resource for local kids and adults who play golf, and also for joggers and walkers after-hours. Kids also get a lot of benefit from playing soccer on the small field in the northeast corner. I would like it to also be a disc golf course. The sport is growing and our courses are crowded. Hancock is a great course for Waterloo I would prefer park space with play spaces that children can use, too. Since it is not currently financially sustainable, I would love to see it turned into a park. I live in Hyde Park and would love to see it turn into green space for all of us up here to enjoy together without having to trek down to Zilker. Thanks! A park and mixed-use space of retail and affordable housing Disc golf and ball golf Disc golf Golf! golf, disc golf Golf and disc golf Community greenspace/park City Park. Would be a great spot for a public park. Public park Public park Nothing Public park A park Public park A park Golf Golf Golf Skate Park Public Park Green space and passive park Public park for all to enjoy Public park greenspace Public park- with off leash dog area A public park A public park for the benefit of all Austinites public park A park! Park Keep it green. Park! public park Public park Housing public park. golf is a sport for a limited few. parks are for everybody. the city should not subsidize the rich with a golf course. A park that everyone can use. Don’t care. Maybe a park. But the course itself is not good and a waste of space. A park, I went there to sled during the snow day and the vastness of the park was incredible. It was like Central Park! An inner city park for all Austinites to enjoy Open parkland public park/green space Park for families Public Park a park or natural habitat Public park Parkland with a dedicated dog park. a mix of affordable housing and walkable neighborhood businesses/amenities that includes public parks and green space!! Community green space with parks, community gardens, nature restoration. Walkable neighborhood, green space, public park Public place, public green park Public park with paved multi-function trails and/or skatepark. I can also imagine it having shared use as a public park without a golf focus... what if it could host small concerts in the early evening when the golfing is over, or on certain days, to pull more folks into usage. I think expand public usage, AVOID PRIVATIZING. keep this 45 acres of public land in the heart of the city open to the public. i lived at 41st and red river for years and having that space so close was essential to my mental, physical and spiritual well-being. PLEASE DO NOT CONTRACT WITH A PRIVATE PARTY TO CHANGE THE NATURE AND ACCESSIBILITY OF THE SPACE. I would prefer the land be used for some mixed of affordable housing and a public park. Public Park Space - skatepark/outdoor rink/pavillion Multi-use public park Golf Leave it as is!! A public park. Public park Green area/park Public park, open to everyone Public green space or park Driving-putting range / public park mix An open park public park Affordable housing with a park and city amenities Public Park Open space for the public A public park keep as the golf course Mixed golf (e.g. 6 holes) + park Public park Golf course Park Public park public park with a skatepark! Leave it as a golf course. I would prefer that the Hancock Golf Course be converted to public green space where all could take a breather from urban life and enjoy nature. Public use park, walking and biking trails I’m fine with it as a golf course. If not that then I’d rather an urban garden and with fruit trees for all to benefit. A green space open to everyone to enjoy nature and be a preserve for native plants and wildlife. Park. Most days it is empty and underused. More neighborhood joggers than golfers green space and wild space. We have coyotes roaming our neighborhood because all their habitat is getting developed. we need more wild spaces I love the 9 holes or a par-3/short course. Worst case, make it the best driving range and practice area in the city. I also attended the auunual Waterloo Disc Golf charity disc golf tournament at Hancock, and I think a permanent disc golf course would be a great fit there alongside the golf course i'd rather it be a public park-park, but as long as it stays PUBLIC A public park Golf Golf & Fitness A public park open to all Keep it for golf. Disc golf course a public park Disc Golf Course! public park Public park space I would prefer to have a public park in the space, but I think use as a golf course is ok too. The most important thing is that it's open to all. A municipal golf course. Please leave austin history alone! Don’t sell the land! A park that will be used by all (not just golfers). As a public park that is not specifically for golf That course is awful. Sell the land and get a better deal to keep Lions going. It would be an amazing park! And we need more of those as everything is getting so crowded! I would prefer converting the public green space to a passive park. Open to all, not a specified use, free and accessible to everyone. A public passive park, open and accessible to all. I do not play golf, nor does my husband, and we're starting a family and would love to use Hancock as an inclusive green space. Park with public access Parks and Recreation, as it is already used. Public Green Space - Park Nature Park As a park. Add a Disc Golf course Public park Keep it as is. It’s a quiet place to walk around. A public park. Zilker is always over crowded. It would be wonderful to have an alternative. Please don't hand it over to a private entity. The entire Austin community could benefit from a park. A large park with more inclusive activities, playgrounds, pools, basketball courts, walking trails. Things that aren’t just for old rich white guys. open park space for play, lounging, picnic blankets, laying out, dogs, etc. like Zilker park. If not a public golf course, a park Add a disc golf course along with the golf course. Green open recreation apace for all, and affordable housing. Golf is an awful use of space. Exclusionary and monocultural. Public park with a small pond and open area for families, picnics, individual sports A public park and/or affordable, sustainable housing Golf course Public park, green space! golf course golf course Skatepark Park Park Park Public golf course Public park/gardens/green space. Public park and eco restoration Public park public park Park Green space/park open to everyone It's perfect the way that it is. A city park would be used by more people. I would like the land to be remain a public park with other amenities besides golf A park with many amenities such as disc golf, nature trails. Golf is a declining sport & elite Open public park access and protected greenbelt Public park Family park. Nothing. I love that place! Public Park Recreational park A city park land would be nice in that area. Golf with the addition of Disc Golf A park City park golf Park Disc golf Public green space Green space! Park! Public park to be used by all disc golf Disc golf keep it as it is No change Public Park Park space city park Public park that uses less water it seems to be several functions besides golf, but keep golf Leave it alone! Let the golfers golf! A public park/open space I support it remaining a golf course OR a public park. I do not support any housing or commercial developments on this space.. I would prefer enhanced multi user activities. More learn to golf opportunities. Improve and maintain the trail around the course as most “park users” do enjoy the beauty by walking around it. Trees along the trail and a better continuous trail. The area of trail being renovated has water causing erosion. If repairs are addressing that, it will help. More activities, better advertised. Yoga, Pilates, HIT classes. A park with native plants Keep it! Public Park would be great use we need more green space in our ever growing city A walkable mixed use development including affordable housing with public green space and park. Green space w/drought-resistant plants that don’t require the water & pesticides that a golf course does. Butterfly and bird friendly Park space Keep it as is parkspace or housing A public park City park Passive park and green space Golf/public park/ frisbee golff Something families and all ages and abilities can enjoy A park - who plays golf? Very few people Disc golf course Moderate Income Housing Public park golf Park land or native plants garden Public space. A park there would be wonderful. Public park; an open green space for all austinites A public park open to all Public park Disc Golf also public park park Golf A park for all A park Park Park. Green space like Barton springs Park space/community space!! Public passive park Not for another place for coyotes to breed that’s for sure .. sick of them killing everyone’s pets .. Public golf course. No change. Golf course Public park to be enjoyed by everyone Disc Golf as well as Golf. passive park and green space 1. Park, swimming pool, rec center, 2. Dining/retail Park Golf A public park Public park Park A park and much needed housing with mixed use development. Add a permenant disc golf course t oplay along side ball golf A park for all the public to use A park and animal sanctuary Small golf course and undeveloped green space A public park for all ages but only leashed dogs. A park a public park Park / green space Public park Park Public park Parkland that is public/ecologically restored Maybe open space with walking trail, space for yoga, tai chi, disc golf, dog runs ..... A public park / no golf ! Disc golf Large, in city nature conservancy A park for our community. Passive green space and park It should be a park! We need more open space in that part of the city. Seriously, how many people actually golf there compared to the amount of people who would use it as a park? Please do what’s best for the the city, not a small number of golfers who can play elsewhere, not in the center of the city Public park space, playground, food trucks Park/green space mountain biking Public park Make an all abilities playground, dog park and bike path! A park that is open to everyone. Ideally with large expanses of green space, picnic areas, play areas for children, a splash pad for summer water play Anything else that accomplishes the city's goals for providing housing and fighting climate change. passive green space and public park A public park with a skate park for public use. A new park for all of Austin to enjoy An actual wild green park. A Golf Course Please Affordable housing units or a park Public park space A beautiful, peaceful park that will save the natural creek. Staying a golf course Public Park Park sounds nice Continue to be the golf course! a green space / passive park! Keep it a golf course Park and a smaller public pitch and putt. Public park open to all Kept as it is. Maybe add a nice dog park golf Literally anything else A park with hiking trails, open space, and an outdoor concert venue similar to the Zilker Hillside theater. I hate that we are wasting all of that space for golf. I wish the space would be used as a park for all. I live in Hyde Park and go on daily walks. While I can walk the perimeter, it is not safe to walk across the field. If it was a park, it could be used by so many more people. If it can't be a green space/park, I think the area should be used for affordable housing. Thank you! Anything besides a regressive, costly, land intensive sport no one in my generation plays. Literally anything else. My preference would be for it to be a public park. If not that, then remain a golf course. Although i have used the park for golfing, i feal the community will be better served if it is repurposed as a susttainable public park I'd like to see the course masterplanned as a public park. I'm open to that including a pitch and putt or par3. Golf with some neighborhood park elements. It currently does both. Could be reconfigured, but keep golf on the property. I think the space should be given to the indigenous ppl of central tx as reparations Public Park golf course Only golf A regular park Park space for peopke Park Open park space A public park or greenspace Let it be a park, fuck the old white guys public park Public park Public park Public park space Park space , dog yard, etc A public park, green space We should turn it into a park for all Public park Public green space Park space/green space public park A park please! Course should be a practice facility. Keep 3 holes, add a range and add parks/trails. No land should be sold for development - instead, should be a shared public space with more activities overall. Add a disc golf course to the property Park and more housing on the edge Public park A park A park for all Public park A park Golf course Golf. A public park Open wildlife habitat with affordable housing around the perimeter public park / community space Public outdoor theater, tennis courts, hiking trail, pollinater garde Green space and affordable housing a green space, no buildings available for anyone to access and use. Public park and green space instead public park public park space Disc golf course A park/green space area to enjoy nature Public park for the community An open community park public park! Keep it as is A park I want the golf course to either a stay a public golf course and/or become (partially or fully) a public park for any kind of recreation. I do not want to see any of it sold or operated by a private company. I sometimes use the trail around the outside. I would prefer a portion of the land to stay a public park. However, a golf course is a problem. They require a ton of water, they tend to get used mostly by higher income residents, and apparently this one is a sink on the city budget. I would let people build housing on it, we are rapidly developing a housing problem in Austin. Park for the people it now services a small population Golf. Hancock serves those who are learning, don't have the time for 18 holes, find the location convenient, want to spend a bit less, etc. A public park Public Park Park Skate park Skate park Golf Inclusive park / nature space a public park with playgrounds and other amenities for families Public Park Greenspace Park Gardening. skate park, paved trails Public park and some light dense housing. A park for all to use I would like it to stay a golf course, but would be okay if some other activities were also incorporated into it to appeal to other stakeholders. It should stay a public park in any case. Put 2 million in the course compared to Clay, Grey Rock, Willi Park. Kite flying. Picnics. Accessible playground for disabled children. Walking route for people with balance and mobility issues. public park land to be used by all. No condos. No private use. A park like Zilker for the community at large. My preference is to keep it as it is but if it has to change, I'd first like to see it become a private golf course and then park space at the very least. I think whatever happens, it needs to be an undeveloped green space and not housing, parking, or more commerce buildings. Fantastic destination city park with all the bells and whistles. An amazing park for kids snd families public park space with maybe a fenced in, safe dog park in one corner Green space and public park! Golfing. Public Park Park I would love for the golf course to be converted to a park. If that's not possible, then I would support it remaining OPEN and PUBLIC in whatever possible way. I would also love to see some skate park/flat concrete feature for skaters. :) Ideally the land would be turned into a public park with a dedicated off leash area It should be a public park, not just a golf course A general-purpose public park open to all. Best use is as a public park, preferably walking trails with a water feature (e.g., small lake or pond) similar to Mueller Lake Park. No preference except no commercial development A public park with hiking, biking, and a no leash dog area. Add in skatepark Park? public park GOLF PARK Land!! A park Public Park golf course!! Park N/a Skate park continue as a public course A muni course or a public park Public park park for all Austin residents Park Green space, public park free Family gatherings, through the park walkways, picnic spaces A public park. Golf is a rich person's sport and can be played any number of places. Parks are for everyone. I would rather see it be used as a public park with a skate park. Keep it as a golf course. With UT constantly threatening to end the Lions lease, Hancock could be the only inner city, beginner friendly, affordable course left. A public park and nature trail along Waller Creek, reestablishing the recreation center as an environmental education and community center Golf Green space and public park Public Park including a skatepark An open park Nature reserve and family park park/ nature preserve Public park Add a complimentary permanent disc golf course Park with open space to be used like the Zilker great lawn. Golf course and golf related activities. Please, make it a park. I enjoy golfing, but we need parks in neighborhoods. Public park with a fenced dog park area Public park Parkland Park a public park for all Austin citizens. we have enough golf courses already Park, affordable housing I would also support its use as a public park. People use it all the time to walk, run, exercise dogs. It should not under any circumstances be fenced off or turned into a lighted driving range. To generate revenue for the other municipal golf courses and improve course conditions. Open space friendly to native plants and a public park Park space City park with safe/enclosed dog area a preserved green space, open for all. A green space and public park Park with walking trails Public park A multi use park Public park space Park with amenities for walking or sports I might prefer that it could be a park open to all. Public green space and park amenities with a wider base of use Public park Park Golf Park for all not a golfcourse I would rather it be a public park than golf course. Multi-purpose park with historical dedication Athletic fields, community garden, and also a small limited golf course A Golf Course Public park space for all Golf Community Park A municipal park open to all Public Park Public park Public park Playing golf A public park Nothing. City Park open to all Park A park and dog park As a park that that can used for all, instead of the few. I walk by it and see it from the periphery and have been yelled at by golfers for walking across or even standing on the edge in their "field of sight". These few users are 95% white men from what I have seen. Let this jewel be open to other uses for families and people who don't golf! Should be turned into a multi-use neighborhood park and greenspace. A park for all. We all walk around the golf course but it would be great to see kids playing, dogs walking, kites being flown all over. It’s really more neighborhoods friendly. So many neighborhoods around there without a park. A public park would be best. A public park run by a non-profit or the city would be my second choice Please leave it as a golf course. The history alone !!! A park where everybody can enjoy the space -- for free. A public park No golf only dogs. Public park It should remain a golf course A public park with no private ownership, ie private concerts etc I would prefer to see it as a park space instead of a golf course. If not a public course, storm water detention pond and park space. Waller gets so much trash and debris and this part of town needs better water quality! Keep golf, no driving range, add food and beverage like Mo Willie, increase small events Really tired of everyone moving here then working to change everything about it as if it is their life’s mission of divine work. A park where various sports and activities could be enjoyed by all austinites. A public park with decent soccer fields, tennis courts, baseball fields, etc and a stage for performances/public events. A park with a more diverse set of amenities. Golf course It should be a park open to all, not just golfing. Golf Golf course Golf Public park A public park Natural park Public park Golf as is now Park community park I prefer it to remain as is. Golf A public park. Golf Golf at an affordable cost It's perfect as it is! A park space that is available for all! Not a golf course. That is a waste of such huge beautiful green space. I prefer the space be changed to a public park and green space. If possible, I would try to work out a trade for Lions with the University of Texas. Remain as the golf course where I started play ing some 45 years ago A park where taxpayers can actually use the space they're paying for. As an avid golfer for many years I can tell you I only play Hardrock in an extreme pinch; the historic value means nothing to me. It is a shitty golf course. It could be put to better use as a multi-activity city park. A Public Park! I have walked along the golf course many times and wish it was a park! Keep it a course Public park for all Nothing Public park a public park open to all Park and nature trails Golf Golf Park Golf course Disc golf Public Park Center city dog park Golf Park Public Park Park A park Public park Public golf course Public golf as it is Golf course Golf Nothing. Keep it as a golf course. We got engaged there and it would be great to be able to show our kids and take them there. If it cannot stay the way it is I would like to see it as a park for all. Public open space, precious green space for all. Stay a golf course please A public park Public park for the central city Public park Leave it as is Golf Golf N/A Golf Golf Park park space for all Public park City park Golf open parkland Park Public park Public park Park A green space open to all, like Pease Park. passive park and green space Park, retreed conservation area A public park or a new homeless community Green space open to all Public park open to all. Inclusive park and nature sanctuary open, natural land, free of choking obstructions like pavement is desperately needed in austin. native rewilding and naturally foot-established trails would be tops! passive green space and park public and free Maintained as a public golf course to preserve the diversity of uses for public spaces. I love Austin's park system but converting Hancock into another Zilker park would reduce the diversity of activities that the Austin public is able to engage. I’d love for it to be a public park, perhaps establishing more trees, adding some benches, or providing more community garden spaces (waitlists are longer than ever right now!), maybe incorporating the water features into an aquaponics system. Please a beautiful green soace for walking and children and music and dogs. Disc Golf!! Community park Keep it a small, in-town golf course Public Park for all to enjoy Public park Off leash dog park Golf with surrounding walking path turn it into a park! A park Golf Always protected green space if not golf course Public Park A golf course public park A golf course Wildlife and native plant conservation. Public park and green space. Public Park with walking trails park space Public park space for everyone to enjoy Green space, public park Outdoor racquetball courts. Parks + weekly farmer's market/food trucks/small events/community movie screenings A park Gardens, playground, food trucks, a space for the community to gather Anything that is open to the public, for the public, not commercial! Public parkland with trails so its natural beauty can be experienced inside the park instead of having to stay on the perimeter Possibly a public park and green space If it cannot remain a golf course, I would rather see it become a green space open to all. Rather than a housing development. If not a golf course, then a green park space for all Austinites to use. Public park space Park Space Park for children Park public park Golf! Public park Golf course and park A public Park open to all golf course Park A park! Disc golf A park like Zilker for us north austin folks Regular park / green space Become a public park Public park nothing Park Park Open space, park I would love to see it become a park. It was a shame to lose part of the land to Hancock Center. But now, the land is not really accessible to most of us because it is a golf course. Please don't have it further developed privately, making it ever more inaccessible. if it is a golf course I would be interested in keeping it public, but i dont know that i want to keep it as a golf course Available as a park during the day as oppose to around the golfing times. Maintain the green space Public park for multiple sports of leisure activities (none of them golf). Park land for all people not just golfers Public Parks and Recreation Nature park, open space for kite flying, etc. Public multi-use park Park for ALL Austinites to enjoy nature. Passive open park space parkland Parkland A park. A park. Park Park Park Park Public Park Golf course A park A park/green space Homeless Shelter A park, open to all! Public park public park add disc golf as an additional attraction year round I am in support of ball golf remaining at the historic Hancock Golf Course. However, I would like to see Disc Golf added to the property as well. It would increase the usage of the course and would bring in additional revenue; and the property would be a great place for high quality disc golf course.” Public park or any kind of resource which would help people, vs the place of privilege and gentrification that it is now. A park with lots of room for picnic tables, bocce ball courts, pond with ducks, maybe a roasting food truck area Outdoor street hockey rink Park and leashes dog area Golf Add disc golf Park space Park space that can occasionally host events/festivals Greenspace, naturalized, walking space Disc golf disc golf, dog park, tennis A public park with non-golf section Developing alternative methods of energy such as eco-holistic... land mass -- Convert to a par 3 and use part of the area as a community park I’d love it to be a park, playscape, and fenced dog park. The nearest fenced dog park to my house is 20 mins away. This would be much closer. Remain AS IS thanx! Disc golf course Improve golf course and add track or more areas for all to use. I would prefer it be a park for use by everyone, including possibly some off-leash dog area and more trails. A park that serves all Austinites and not just golfers. The golf course consumes a huge amount of valuable real estate that could be better allocated to benefit the community at large. We have SEVEN municipal golf courses in Austin? we don't need that many, we need more public parks Park area that could actually be used by all, not just golfers I would prefer it be just a park, but I would definitely hate to see it privatized Public park but give access to as many people as possible by up-zoning EVERY parcel within a 5-10 minute walk (~1/4 mile) of the park. It should be a park and recreation space that is open to all. disc golf Park Park for all to use Ball Golf and Disc Golf Park & green space! Public park open to all wildlife habitate. Park land. As a park Keep supporting Ball Golf and add the additional amenity of Disc Golf. This would bring constant visitation and appeal of the beautiful area where it would allow more people to visit it and use it. If it's not a public golf course it should be made into a park. There are plenty of private golf courses available for folks - this park would be a public good for the whole neighborhood, not just those that play golf. a park for non-golfers to play frisbee, have picnics, etc. Public park Public green space with trails DISC GOLF COURSE Mixed-use walkable public park Natural green space Park Open green space park for families, kids, and recreation. Public park & greenspace green space, for sports, running, dogs, picnics, etc Open space as a normal park that everyone can enjoy. Park space Park Public Park Golf Parkland Public park Wildlife park Public park green space Public park (not just a golf course) Park for everyone with no golf allowed. It should become a public park with no golf. This would allow more people to enjoy it than the privileged few who play golf. TURN IT INTO A FOOD FOREST! Turn it into a community garden! Please use this space for a community garden that is desperately needed in the area. Do NOT privatize it or continue to maintain it as a green space that uses fertilizers that HARM the environment and creates algae bloom in our rivers. add a Disc Golf course, but leave the historic golf course as is I think it could be better used as a park where more people could use the facility I don’t care what the space is used for as long as it remains public property The same as it is now Park Greater public use. Nature space/ park/ dog park Public park A park and green space! A public park with walking trails and play amenities Park with playground, trails, skatepark, pool, etc. Public park & green space A park space for all of Austin's enjoyment Either a FREE public golf course OR turned into an open access park for the community. A public park, open to all, where I can walk with my wife and enjoy the creek and nature currently only accessible to golfers. Do nothing to change it! City park for all a park where entire families can benefit and not just golfers A public park for recreation, not golf, which is an exclusive activity requiring training and equipment. concern about the financial viability of golf there and the lack of care for Waller Creek properly causes me to ask for a green space for all to use. Look at a map and see how little green space the surrounding neighbors have for full-time use. Golfers who drive there may drive only a few more miles to play golf. A community park Public park! Affordable housing! Bike lanes! A new neighborhood pool!! A part of it should become a public park without golfing allowed. A different kind of park that everyone could use. Golf is an expensive sport so keeping it as a golf course excludes those who can’t afford to golf. Turning it into a park/green space could make it useful to everyone. Mixed used affordable housing and parkland. disc golf Public park natural park affordable housing, park space, walking trails Disc golf and park for everyone Park space open to all. Walking trail I would prefer it remains a golf course, it’s a staple in the community and very unique to Austin and that’s what Austin is all about. a park, playground, using more area for recreational activities other than golf green space for individuals and families to use A public park to take the strain off Zilker EVERY WEEKEND Park/green space, other forms of recreation, A public park General use public park remain a golf course A public park Disc Golf! I am one of the few female disc golf (novice) players. I would love to be able to practice so close to home rather than driving to a larger park. Disc golf is essentially free with very inexpensive equipment. It's really a sport for all. This would be a real treasure in the middle of Austin I would prefer it remains public. If not a golf course, then a public green space park. No privatization please. Green space and passive park open to all residents not just those willing/able to pay for it Either keep it a public course or transition it to a public park! It already kind of functions as a park, and it would be a huge loss to the community for a private developer to take it over. A food forest accessible to all. People are hungry and the geounds would need less water and harmful pesticides. Housing, park with more amenities, soccer fields Golf 6 days a week, Parkland on Sunday’s. Golf public park Public park Passive park and green space We are in need of affordable housing, true affordable housing. just park/green space, more like Beverly Sheffield NW Park A public park and gathering space Public park anything where more people can recreate in open space for free without specialized equipment A public park so more people can enjoy it more regularly. Community activities, wellness, art, culture, oral history, philosophy and literature lectures, inter generational activities It should become a public park. Get rid of the golf course and make it a public park. Passive park and green space A public park without golf A public park/green space that is welcomed by all who visit Public park and passive green space open to all, NO golf course Open green space for public use park or open space Public park/greenspace Either keep it as is or use it as an open green space/park Passive park and green space Summer camp space, and camp space during school year during breaks, increasing capacity so more kids can attend. It always fills so quick. People love bringing kids to camp there! Non-golf multi-use public park. Golf wastes water and only serves a sliver of the public, but Austin needs more multi-use parks. If not a golf course then open garden spaces for families As a type of public park that would have broader appeal: trails, picnic areas, playground, amphitheater, etc. A public park where everyone can actually enjoy it and mot just golfers park! golf isn’t accessible to all. a park in this part of the city had the potential to be a second zilker. Adding play disc golf component could increase profitability Public park Disc golf passive park and green space Green space and passive park A public park or community garden Passive green space Public Park Municipal park open to all Golf course A multi purpose park Park Passive green space or park Park and green space Golf course A public park and open space for the increased population density in the area. Free housing golf Either public golf course or public park-oppose selling to a private entity I would like to maintain golf on that property and add disc golf as well General purpose public park Should be a mixed use parks for people and dogs. Ball golf and Disc golf Outdoor roller hockey rink!!! and other outdoor amenities other Austinites can use, e.g., disc golf, fields for ultimate, basketball courts, etc. A use that would be able to benefit the entire community. Using the area as park space, areas for dense housing options, or an agrihood would be great! this question is worded laughably poorly. HOWEVER- I support this land going towards free parks, community centers, etc Public community space for austin, leeping the rec center for sure! Im a 2nd generation Austinite and never want this soace to go away. I would love to see the space more available as a park. Park first, affordable housing second Playground, open green area, fields for soccer and other sports Green Multi-Use space. Botanical and Sculpture Gardens, Performance Areas, Skate Park, cycling/running trails, soccer/baseball/volleyball/ frisbee golf Public park land, a playground, space open and available for all to wnjoy Passive green space/nature area Converted to an open space park to be used by community public golf course Green space and passive park Not sure Public park space Public park Free housing Passive park space. public park Passive Park Dog park Public park space or dog park Stay the same, or stay open green space w open access to all A Public Park accessible to all. There is a shortage of parkland, and the community would be much better served, with bike trails including trails and a pump track accessible to riders of all ages and abilities. Community center, showers and housing for currently unhoused people I would like to see a disc golf course added to the property as well. Any sort of part without any entrance fees, preferably without lawn but with xeriscape instead. The only reason I don’t want it to turn into a Public Park is because it will get ruined by too many people. I love going there and sitting under the live oaks and appreciating one of the last big green spaces in Central Austin. I also love that it is open to all. Keep it as a golf course. The parking lot and surrounding buildings seem to not be utilized properly. I would think this space around the old clubhouse could be re-purposed. Public garden New park Let it remain as it is! Park and recreation area Disc golf course Golf Public park! a park that everyone can enjoy Disc golf Affordable housing Passive park and green space. Add disc golf to thr ball golf course Golf and disc golf A park that is free and accessible to all regardless of ability to pay or ability to purchase clubs. I would also love to see an ecological treatment be given to it so instead of a mowed lawn which does not improve the local ecology it could benefit the climate and plant and animal life. It would be great to be able to walk through the whole thing on walking paths, sit on the lawns and look out at the surroundings. I love the Rec Center being there and wish they could expand the programming. It would be nice to have some re-wilded areas for a natural respite such as a prairie or woodland trail along the stream. I want Hancock Golf to be a public park but not as Golf Course. It's immoral to have such a wonderful public space only for a few who play golf. Open green space Disc golf If the playground and community spaces could be built out for additional use in the evenings and out of the way of the golfers that would be ideal Green space, walking, a place for kids to play, family picnics, flying kites Public park and affordable housing Housing Green space only Affordable housing (not luxury apartments) A park, affordable housing Keep the park. Something like a public Park or simple shared green space free for everybody. Public green space, with perhaps tennis courts or pickle ball courts, and maybe even a splash pad and a hike and bike trail. It’s a beautiful disc golf course! If available I would play on a regular basis. A green Soave to be used by families and the community Passive green space and park, not a private course I would also be OK with there being no golf played there if the historic space is maintained A public park PASSIVE PARK AND GREEN SPACE Park, open space Public park with pickle ball courts Pickleball courts Continue to be some sort of green, public use space. Turn it into a city park Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in America and there is a need for courts in that area of town. Ask Austin Tennis & Pickleball Center how busy they are. Come Sunday morning to Sheffield park and see the tennis courts used for pickleball. Before Covid there were 50 people playing at Cedar Park Rec center at noon on Fridays. Discgolf and Ball golf A mixed used development with affordable housing and green space for the public A park with walking trails, picnic tables, playgrounds, and smaller sports courts/fields for the whole community to use Adding a disc golf course along with the ball golf course would be great. Large public park and botanic garden. I would prefer the space be used as public, accessible green space. This would benefit our community more than a golf course. Disc Golf Open greenspace and expanded opportunities for the Recration Center. Opening the recreation center, using the Golf center downstairs would create an incredible amenity for central Austin, a Central Park. The siege could teach outdoor education using the entire property. The city has a jewel that only the golfers can use. I worked for 5 years as a coordinator at Hancock Rec Center and often wishes we could use the site to take the students and summer campers. passive park and green space -- most importantly, open to all Not just golfing but more public activities in a free space: dance courses, writers groups, performance spaces, various classes and tutoring sessions An Open public space for golfing and neighborhood walks A walkable mixed use development including affordable housing with public green space and park Something that benefits more people than just wealthy privileged golfers. Like a multi use park, or low income housing. Passive green space Passive park and green space Golf Public outdoor recriational space Park space Disc golf Most of the people that use this space are using it for a park and dog park already. A very small minority of people who live in this neighborhood are actually using it for golf. It seems obvious to use this land for general park space, as the demand is clearly already there. Parkland and recreation space plus affordable housing Park space, we're running short on it with the population boom and more people (who don't golf) could use this beautiful land. Something that the loval neighborhood people who use, that might be a golf course The top priority is that it remain public. Within that option a park would be top preference (I don't play golf) but a public golf course is ok too. public park/green space/community gardens Rectify the history of racist exclusionary zoning and private covenants in Hyde Park by developing affordable housing for POC, as part of a walkable mixed use development close to the Hancock Center, and convert the unsustainable golf course to a great public park, including an iconic children's playground, trees and green space. park, as austins population continues to grow we need as much public space as we can find, that doesnt involve driving a park because it would serve more users Passive park, green space, wildlife Multi-use park Hike / bike trails Public housing, a community center, a public park, and/or a space to grow natural wildlife A mixed use green space with affordable housing and a park available to all; not a golf course. A park and community center. Turn it into a community park with walking trails, native grasses and flowers, and some athletics for kids like basketball and a playground Public park space with deeply affordable housing Neighborhood park A disc Golf Course public park A community park and dedicated green space. Green space for the public I wish it to continue as a historic golf course A community park and garden for all. I would prefer the space to be turned into a regular multiuse park for the entire neighborhood to enjoy as a green space. Whenever I go, it’s usually to pass around a soccer ball, sit and watch the sunset, or walk around the grounds and I think it’s a great site for uses such as these! Non-golf park/community space, housing, almost anything but one of the most historically exclusive and environmentally costly sports Passive park and green space Open park for nature and the public. Similar to Zilker Parkland I would prefer Hancock remain a public park open to all, or a public golf course open to all. Turn the links into multi use, natural public space multi-purpose space- community activities such as yoga, safe dog park space, maintaining some golf, etc. Public parkland that everyone can use (not just golfers) and housing, including potentially mixed-use development on the Red River side. Some of the housing should also be affordable to families making no more than 60% MFI or whatever threshold would be advised by City planners and other housing experts. Playground and fenced dog park IT NEEDS TO BE A PARK Disc Golf Course Passive green areas, no developments Public park Disc Golf Course Nature trails that allow native wildlife to flourish, playgrounds/obstacle course areas for kids, some open park and picnic areas Park open to all users with natural surface bike bike trails Park natural wildlife preservation hiking biking walking useful for so many more people Public park for community recreation Disc golf Disc golf course Public open space A park for everyone Golf! Park A public park Public park Park space Public recreation/ park A park! No buildup, just an outdoors free space. A variety of uses, including disc golf Community space, baths & houseless camps Public park, greenspace for the community A community park with communal gardens. Nature restoration as well. Nature park for everyone, not a waste of space with golf Golf and park space A city park DISC GOLF neighborhood park Disc golf passive park and green space Passive park and green space It should either stay the same or be made a public park Golf. Disc Golf. Foot Golf. a public park and/or pedestrian-only zone Community space Community gardens, parks, a space for recreation and environmental restorarion splash pad, playground, outdoor workout stations, picnic tables, waking trail The nine hole golf course that it is! The only area Disc Golf Course with the ability to rent golf carts. You would make a killing and not need to upkeep greens, bunkers, etc. Win Win Green and wild! I would prefer a passive park to explore and allow wildlife to have a place within our city A public park open for community events and resource distribution. Ex/kids arts and education programs, community farm, etc. And also permanent supportive housing public access park public park At least partially Disc golf Public park. Wildlife preserve Passive park abd open space Park, wild space Park green space parkland A community park. Homeless camping. Disc Golf Passive green space for the public Passive green space, an open park Disc Golf Golf Course green space/park Ball golf and disc golf Public park Open park A park! Accessible to all Disc golf as well Leisure park and green space! Park and open space, dog park, concerts Passive green space available for public enjoyment Walkable mixed use development with public park space and deep affordable housing public park and green space, unstructured and unassigned to specific groups New public park, preferably with less fertilizer use to protect our waterways. Passive green space public park! Not a golf course! Better walking trails. The trail is the busiest part of the "golf course" Keep ball golf but add disc golf as well. They pair well together and increase revenue potential It would be great to add disc golf facilities there as well. Golf Open green space for all to enjoy Disc golf and ball golf Anything public-focused Public park Golf and disc golf Passive park and green space Disc golf course Passive green space Passive park and open green space City park Passive park and green space Public free and green space Park space Passive park and green space Park open to all Open space available to all. Disc golf would be amazing Public Park or Green Space Green space and passive park open to all Two purposes: public park with play areas, paths, nature trails AND Disc Golf for a fee Disc Golf and Ball Golf I would love for golf to stay, but also add an option for a Disc Golf course to by implemented as well Open space, natural habitat, open to public This is a great spot for disc golf. The Waterloo disc golf classic has proven that over the years while raising money for charity. With the removal of the disc golf course at Pease park years ago Austin needs a more centralized disc golf course. I would love to see a permanent disc golf course installation, but at least a temporary installation for tournament events would be greatly beneficial to the community. A public park Natural, open space that can be used by all residents. Public Park Ball and disc golf Golf and/or Disc golf Disc golf Golf I would like it to be a Passive park! Disc Golf Public park or affordable housing apartments I support ball golf remaining at the historic Hancock Golf Course. However, we would very much like to see Disc Golf added to the property as well. It would increase the usage of the course and would bring in additional revenue; and the property would be a great place for high quality disc golf course. Public park would be amazing. At present it is an underutilized space that is limited to golfers while the rest of us (residents and city dwellers) are relegated to walking on it's peripheries. Turn it into a disc golf course. Much less maintenance and operational cost Ball Gollf + Disc Golf passive park and green space Park/green space Disc golf Passive park and green space Some type of golf course or golf facility that is affordable and open to the public. A park, public housing, a community space, basically anything more accessible and useful than a golf course Hiking, enjoying nature Some park space, some golf course. Nature park Disc golf Passive park Mixed use public/private golf course and part time park. If not a golf course then public parkland with little to no development of the property Parkland for non-golfers and maybe frisbee golfers. It’s a gem - please leave it as is. Disc Golf would be an inexpensive addition, and would be embraced. Green space and a park A walkable mixed use space with affordable housing and public parks Passive park Greenspace and Animal preserve public park and passive public greenspace Preserving as an important green space that is open to everyone. I would like for the space to remain available for public us. However, I would also love to see Disc Golf added to the property as well. It would increase the usage of the course and would bring in additional revenue. As the property is beautiful and centrally located, it would be a great place for high quality disc golf course. a public park open to all and including an off leash area for dogs Park space, dog park, community gardens, housing support ball golf remaining at the historic Hancock Golf Course. However, we would very much like to see Disc Golf added to the property as well. It would increase the usage of the course and would bring in additional revenue; and the property would be a great place for high quality disc golf course. I’d like to see Disc Golf added as an option in addition to ball golf. I would also like to see a permanent disc golf course located here. a public park Park GOLF !!! Green Space Disc golf! Passive park space An open space park Golf Disc Golf A golf course! Disc Golf Course Disc Golf would be great. Turn to a park You should interpret my previous answer as "I support Hancock to continue being public and open to all," meaning that I'd rather have it be a public park instead of a golf course Maintaining public green spaces is a high priority to me Golf and Disc Golf It's important to me that the space is open to the public to enjoy, perhaps not principally as a golf course. Perhaps an outdoor gymnasium and a small stage/amphitheatre for outdoor performances. These kinds of facilities would open up the space to be of utility to more of the public than those that enjoy golf. golf and then some disc golf too I think this space could be better utilized as a park open to the public with multiple activities to do at the park - disc golf, play scapes, nature trails... Park land!! Water gardens and wildlife sanctuary, insect haven planted for bees and butterflies Real green space! Parks and trails. Something more community based than golf. A public park so more people can use it public park Please note that this survey is a bit unfair. Due to COVID I have not visited the Rec Center but would have if it was not for COVID (and programs being canceled and my safety a concern) Park / greenspace, sitting area with food trucks This is a terribly biased question. Hancock Golf Course is NOT open to all, its open to golfers. Who are predominately white, male and rich. The space should immediately be turned into a public park. Affordable housing with public green space and childcare. mixed use as public course with open hours for passive park space I would like the golf course to be turned into a park. The golf course is an excellent and beautiful green space within the city and would get lots of use as a park. Open park space available to all. No camping. Disc golf disc golf course Disc golf as well Public park Park/green space Park A public park! disc golf Park Share with disc golf once a month I would like to see the space transition to being a park with more access to the neighborhood. The history of the golf course is one of exclusion and having a space open for all to use would help heal that old wound. I would also love to see a public swimming pool at that site. Accessible park. Disabled/accessibility. And perhaps a small amount of affordable housing. a public park open to all would be better as most people don't golf... it's such a beautiful space and would be a jewel in the Austin Park System... also would be an opportunity to create more regenerative landscape and sequester more carbon. This is the direction Austin should be going! Golf, disc golf, and hiking/walking trails Hancock would be wonderful as an open public park space, rather than a golf course which is only usable for a specific demographic. Open park space This is a difficult question to answer. I would like to preserve that greenspace but not necessarily as a golf course. I very much enjoy looking at it and feeling the cool fresh air that comes off the course in the evenings. I am afraid that if it becomes a public park that it will inevitably be used for music venues and other opportunistic adventures cooked up by COA to draw visitors and make money for a few individuals and degrade this valuable greenspace. Pay tobbq play disc golf vourse Disc golf Disc golf and golf It would be great to add a disc golf course to it. Would be a really neat way to bridge the oldest course in USA with the emerging disc golf world A park and open green space for all, children, old people, with golf only sometimes. I support ball golf remaining at the historic Hancock Golf Course. However, I would very much like to see Disc Golf added to the property as well. It would increase the usage of the course and would bring in additional revenue; and the property would be a great place for high quality disc golf course Large Public park like Central Park in NYC that could be used and enjoyed by everyone, not just golf players. Disc Golf Both Golf and Disc Golf The golf course is a massive space that could be a highly utilized public park. As is, it's a sporting venue for a relatively small number of people. Please make this beautiful space serve its community more than through a high-cost sport that prices out much of the city population. Disc golf Golf & Disc Golf at the same time Park space! Like Zilker with multiple options for different ages A public park - I would like that space to be a park for families, children to use. If dogs are brought, I would like them to be on leash. Would be great to add a disc golf course to the property!the community would be happy to assist in work days whenever needed! ball golf, AND Disc Golf Golf/ disc golf course Disc golf Disc Golf course Keep as is I'd love the space to be expanded to provide much needed open park space for residents of Austin (vs just those that play golf only) fee free greenspace Golf,discgolf Park space for people. Passive park and green space Disc golf course Park Add disc golf as well Golf and disc golf A public green space park open to all Disc golf Park, green space and trails a park and green space Golf and disc golf passive park and green space Mixed use including green space. Would love to see disc golf course added Community use and housing development i would love for you to add disc golf to it, it would bring in more revenue for the course and a new crowd to you for the fastest growing sport in the world right now. I would prefer disc golf to be added as an option Green space for all, affordable housing with sleeping units and affordable community kitchen, organic veg garden co-op A park. If the City really wants that land to be “open to all” a public park is the way to go. The City is keeping that land exclusive by keeping it a golf course or turning it into a driving range. A golf course is not a place for community to congregate. Golfers have plenty of places they can go to swing a club. Golfers will be fine if this land changes over. Instead make the land into a public park where children, young people and families can be together. I support ball golf remaining at the historic Hancock Golf Course. However, I would like to see Disc Golf added to the property as well. It would increase the usage of the course and would bring in additional revenue, and the property would be a great place for high quality disc golf course. I’d prefer it to be a public park for all! Turning it into a driving range will make the park more exclusive, and unusable for community members who don’t play golf or have access to golf gear. I think the course should stay open to the public but also become a disc golf course as well. A public park Public park A community park Affordable housing green space and passive park Both ball and disc golf A public park with trails etc Public park/green space with recreation cented disc golf too I'd love to see it just turned into a public park! Park, community green space Continued use as a golf course. General park space Please add a disc golf course Public park. I think a mix use Golf and Disc Golf... Disc golf course public park and disc golf Add Disc Golf as a permanent, daily option Combination ball golf and disc golf Standard Public Park Disc Golf Public housing, public green space (park, playground, etc), designated nature conservation While I fully support the ball golf course there, I would also like to see disc golf added there too. support ball golf remaining at the historic Hancock Golf Course. However, we would very much like to see Disc Golf added to the property as well. It would increase the usage of the course and would bring in additional revenue; and the property would be a great place for high quality disc golf course For a park Disc golf Disc Golf Public park 36-Hole Disc Golf facility First choice is new housing. Second is a public park. A modest public park without any big attractions. Just a natural area, where anyone can explore or lounge. Public park and green space Golf of course. and disc golf too. Public Park Golf Ball and disc golf Both kinds of golf Disc golf Ball Golf and Disc Golf Disc golf Public park Golf Disc golf Disc Golf Course Disc Golf Course Open Green Space Disc Golf or ball golf Disc Golf Course Soccer Fields Park and nature preserve Disc golf as well! Disc Golf Public, kids and community programming, get rid of the ASSHOLE golf cart cops. Hancock is not open to all with the patrol kicking people using the rec center off the property. Mix of parkland and housing. Given the location, such better uses! We need more housing in that area. Museums? I think dual ball golf and disc golf would be ideal A non-golf course public park and affordable housing Into a dedicated conservency. Restaurant in the park, programming, water feature (pond), I would prefer that this space be repurposed for a community park open to all so that more people who live in the neighborhood can use this large green space. It would also be much less expensive for the city to maintain. A public park would be great, with artistic outlet for the area as well I support ball golf remaining at the historic Hancock Golf Course. However, we would very much like to see Disc Golf added to the property as well. It would increase the usage of the course and would bring in additional revenue; and the property would be a great place for high quality disc golf course. In addition to traditional golf, I think it would be wonderful to play disc golf at Hancock Park. Considering that tee times could be used for both sports, it seems like an easy addition (at minimal cost to the city) Affordable housing/housing for homeless or a park. Golf courses are extremely taxing on the environment. I’d love it to be for any community sport with less of an environmental impact. Keep the golf course but allow disc golf more often. Disc golf course Disc Golf and Ball Golf. I support continued use as a ball golf course, but would love to see disc golf baskets added Affordable/dense housing, community gathering space (ie.park) 9 holes of regulation golf with open areas used for misc recreation as they currently are. I would like a disc golf course(OR TWO) installed. Housing and other community amenities that appeal to a wider segment of residents Public park with large community garden park!! for non golfers too Disc golf A walkable mixed use development including affordable housing with public green space and park. A park with more accessible uses to a wider range of the population or affordable housing A mixed use space with a park and affordable housing A public park would be best use. I'm against a driving range there. Green space for the public Playground, hike and bike trail, community pool Park space like Zilker. Make it more inclusive (could include sand volleyball, pickle ball or table tennis). Make it more environmentally sustainable. Plant more trees and plant native, drought resistant species (not a monoculture of bentgrass or Bermuda grass that wastes water). Even a passive park for dogs would be better than a golf course. We also need affordable housing!! Can we build permanent supportive housing for some of our homeless population here? Disc Golf course disc golf If not a park. Disc golf Park Disc golf Disc golf Golf, Disc Golf, Soccer with Food and Beverage Options added. Add a disc golf course to coexist with it. restore waller creek and make it a more multi-use space!! maybe run/rent a public (nature-scaped with sculptures) mini golf course inside of it?? people would LOVE that and it could be a revenue stream for the parks department! Park open to all Disc golf if nothing else! Golf Disc golf. Add disc golf or foot golf Golf/Disc Golf Disc golf Add a disc golf course Disc golf & Ball golf Disc golf Disc golf courses Park A park for everyone! Community park space Ball golf and disc golf Park Disc golf Ballgolf/disc golf facility A Disc golf course would be perfect at the property Keep it a golf course but add a discgolf course Disc golf make a dog park in part of it Same as it is, but add disc golf permanently. The addition of disc golf has been successfully implemented at other city’s courses A park. As Austin becomes more populated the need for open park space increases and this is a reset opportunity to add a wonderful park in the central portion of the city. More housing please! This place is getting unaffordable... This should become a park with mixed use trails and activities. Something that more people would use rather than a golf course. Add a disc golf course Public park I support it as a gold course; however, I would prefer that it was a park I wish they could preserve part of the course for golf (ie. Par 3 course). I would like to see more public access to the Waller Creek. There needs to be more outdoor recreational amenities (like modern soccer/basketball courts, pool, outdoor gym). The lower portion (furtherest west) should be preserved as open space or golf course. Public Park and Housing If ball golf is closed down, a major tournament ready disc golf complex I would prefer the course to stay, and a disc golf course be added. support ball golf remaining at the historic Hancock Golf Course. However, we would very much like to see Disc Golf added to the property as well. It would increase the usage of the course and would bring in additional revenue; and the property would be a great place for high quality disc golf course Affordable housing /multipurpose green space A real park that is accessible to everyone. Right now it's useless space. Golf sucks. An open green space park so a lot of people could use it and enjoy the greenery. Also rewild with native Texas plants!! Improve the course, maybe add a range. 7 great holes, a range and putting green would be ideal Housing including affordable housing and transitional housing and public park I would also suggest adding a Disc golf course at Hancock Discgolf and ball golf on a shared course similar to Spring Valley outside of The Woodlands. public park A park Disc golf open green space Golf Golf Park - Community garden Golf and disc golf Public park Golf Disc golf Disc golf course Disc Golf Nothing! Disc Golf Course A park Disc golf course Golf Youth ball golf instructions Park or public housing Disc golf park if not golf Housing. A pay per use disc golf course Disc Golf Disc golf Housing Community park support ball golf remaining at the historic Hancock Golf Course. However, we would very much like to see Disc Golf added to the property as well. It would increase the usage of the course and would bring in additional revenue; and the property would be a great place for high quality disc golf course. Land taken from people of color and low income families and converted to use as their homes new homes City-owned not for profit affordable housing. public green space and passive park Ball Golf/Disc Golf combo facility with pay to play features for both I support converting Hancock to a park with a small portion preserved as public nine-hole pitch and putt course. Combination golf and disc golf complex Whatever is to be at that space needs to be open and available to everyone. Public land and recreation must stay public and not privatized. Any move to privatize this space will not get my support. A community space that is not centered around an exclusive, classist sport. Accessible to everyone, like a park. Also we need affordable housing so mixed use of park and housing. I walked by the course (and this on it a little) but never could use it because I do not golf and know very few others who golf i'd prefer it be park space, but whatever it is it should be public Disc golf and ball golf course Most of it should be a park. The red river side would be a great place for more housing. Public park Literally anything else. Golf or park Public park w private concessions Affordable housing and/or low cost student housing a park without golf public park, or a better managed/utilized golf course Housing, commercial, recreational give people access to at least a portion of it as a park, and also restore the section of Waller Creek that runs through it, as well as remove invasive species and plant native species throughout the park Waterloo Disc Golf Club supports ball golf remaining at the historic Hancock Golf Course. However, we would very much like to see Disc Golf added to the property as well. It would increase the usage of the course and would bring in additional revenue. Mixed use housing/retail development to address Austin's critical housing shortage. Affordable housing and green spaces I don't particularly care if it stays a golf course but it ought to remain public green space Affordable housing, public space/park, art space, music venue. Green space with no condos. Golf course Affordable housing Make it a park! Or use it for affordable housing! Or a combo! community center, public course and trail A community green space and accessible park! Parkland Park space Public camping Public Golf Course my second preference would be for a park for all to enjoy Golf I think it would be great to keep the space as is but add temporary programming so that it keeps its historical nature Weave 50% open space linking the neighborhoods together (along creek, vistas, trails), rest affordable/attainable housing and mixed use. public golf course or park Public Park Park and green space green space, open park Public Park with hiking trails/picnic areas, more general use. Golf is a waste of valuable space in the city core. I would prefer that Hancock Golf Course be open to the public as a park for everyone, and not limited to golfers open space park available to not just golfers Public green space with hiking and biking trails Public park, with a small affordable housing unit. But definitely not a privately run golf facility. mixed used space, affordable housing, green space/park with playing fields, literally so many things would be better and of MORE USE to 98% of the Austin population The park would better serve the neighborhood as a public park for the use of thousands of area residents, rather than a golf course used by a small number of mostly upper-class men. A natural area would be nice--maybe a nice garden with native plants? Public park with community activities, walking trails, a dog park, and a picnic areas. Maybe a plot for food trucks and public restrooms. Market rate and affordable housing Golf A park available to and accessible to more people. As the city densifies, we need more open, centrally located places, and Hancock is in a perfect spot for such. Golf brings almost nothing to the community; it's a money sink and offers joy to few. An open park can bring joy to many. I'd like it to be a public course or to be a public park. We need all the public green spaces we can get in central Austin! Something that makes better use of the land. Golf is antiquated and racist. A golf course and rec center AS IS or a park. I would prefer it be used a public, and parkland would be better than golf course, but privatization is the worst option. Public park/green space I would prefer it be used as a green space/park, free and open to all A park walkable mixed-use development Walkable Mixed-Use Development Public park Walkable, mixed-use development. Affordable housing and parkland More dedicated public space, open to all and also with some areas dedicated to non-golf space A walkable mixed-use development Parkland and mixed-use, mixed-income housing Public park Community space for dance groups, preschool, etc public park, like Zilker Parkland and affordable housing Park where all can go and enjoy not just small group of golfers A public park Affordable Housing A park. A park Public park space! Remain a public course - if not, should become a public park A public multi-use green space, not limited to golf I would prefer the space become a public park. City park Free, open, public space for all Park open to all - not leased to private concession public space that is free to all public park with edible garden and fruit-bearing trees a park for strolling, picnicking, disc golf, sitting on bench Green space! Would love to see that be converted in a family friendly park. I love using the route around it for running so I'd love to be able to continue doing that, but I also dream about being able to have picnics there too :) Park and community space that is more relevant to Austin’s diverse community and more environmentally friendly than a golf course. Public park that would be available to all, not just those who play golf (which is a very small and specific segment of people). Public park land! We have enough golf courses and barely anyone I know uses them (and I'm a native Austinite with many native Austinite friends) A park would get more use/have more value. I would like it to be a public park (or have more public park space). I have usually hung out there in the evenings when there is no golf going on! I prefer that the space be completey converted into park space for public use with a goal to ecologically restore the natural spaces to protect wildlife and help the water recharge zone. Public park A public park, with the center used for groups to meet, such as Austin International Folk Dancers, which has met there for many years. Mixed use development with housing and public park It should continue to be a public space. Anything that would increase the quality of life for the most Austinites, regardless of income or race. Possibly multi-use, like an event venue that could double as a space for a farmer’s market or somewhere to exercise in groups. A playground. A dog play area. Open to either Park A public place for all A public park Public park Park A park or housing Public green space and park golf A public park, with no golf City park Ecological preservation Golf Course community park & dog park Public Park, museum, art space, amphitheater Open space for flying kite, picnics, volleyball, soccer 1. public park Public green space and passive park Public park space with awesome playground, quiet nature trails/nature oasis I want it to be a public park, or continue as is. A park would be nice. I mostly don't want it to be a private golf course. Parkland for walks; picniks; kids; nature open green space in one of central Austins oldest neighborhoods should be converted to increase density/accessability and ideally lower home prices in the area. golf courses lower density in a way that only brings ppl accross town to utilize them. Walkable mixed use development with affordable and missing middle housing It’s time to convert the gold course into a more publicly accessible park venue for exercise, nature, and entertainment. As in publically owned, otherwise as a park space. A park would be more useful, just please keep it public and free Public Golf and greenspace, is perfect Public space Public park space Public park A public park & greenspace that is open and accessible to all regardless of their hobby. I would much rather see it turned into a beautiful public park. It is a choice piece of property for this, and using it as a park would be the most perfect way to preserve it. A public park would be amazing. A green space and public park A public park Public greenspace and park Public park Park a public city park The same historic golf course with a nature trail along both sides of Waller Creek for use to non-golfers. This goes through trees and ideally would be a nature preservation space for all concerned. Public Park with driving range on Red River side Mixed-use with focus on affordable housing and green spaces for public use. I think that making the WHOLE space (not just a portion of it) into a park, that would be OK. I'm also supportive of keeping it as a golf course. What I am NOT OK with is privatizing it for golf or any other non-public use and very much NOT OK with selling it for development. I think if it is getting enough use as a golf course it should stay that way. If it is no longer busy enough to really justify it, then I'd love to see a park there with modern amenities (I love what's happening with Waterloo park!) A public park and/or nature preserve. A community garden or accessible to all park A green space. An open park. An open park instead of a golf course. A park and a green space. GOLF Public access park a more general-use, open park, not tailored to golf Public Park and community center Just make it into a park. I go there pretty frequently and walk around the edges. The space would be better used as a real park. Recreational Park (similar to Mueller) If not a public course, I would prefer a city park. Public open space, affordable housing in southeast corner A public green space and park owned by the city of Austin Public City Park (no Golf Course) Leave it as a golf course public owned and operated. Do not operate it privately for profit. It is a historic landmark and should be view as such. I would prefer that it be repurposed as a public park accessible to all I would love to have a public park with a playground and a splash pad Mixed use development with affordable housing and public green space that includes native habitat to attract birds and other wildlife. It should be a park. An off-leash dog section would be a great addition. Way more people have dogs than play golf and there are very few off-leash dog parks in Austin. A public park that serves the entire community! Not just rich golfers! A park Public park Public park A park Public green space for all / public park Convert it into a public park Public park A public park a public nature park Parkland Park for our family! Birds snd children public park/public recreational space In case of a change...a PARK just that Park A park for all, not a golf course A Public Park, open to all, featuring a variety of activities, such as nature walks, disc golf, open air cinema, soccer, etc. Nature Park open to all Austin Citizens. We have way too little natural green spaces in this city. Public Park Park? McCallum HS & other golf teams? Public park with amenities for whole city to use and not just rich golfers General park use or a mix of uses would appeal to a broader audience. Convert to a public park If not a golf course, it would be a perfect recreational park. Besides Shipe, Hyde park is lacking large outdoor open spaces Parkland But a public park seems like a much better use A public green space Public Park Public spaces that office city dwellers a valuable area for rest, play and picnics during one of our many fine days in Audtin A walkable mixed use development including affordable housing with public green space and park would be an awesome answer. Not a golf course. A free and public park. Golf is a minority interest. Many students live in the area who do not play golf. This lovely space should be open for all to enjoy! I would donate toward its maintenance and upkeep. Mixed use, including housing and a public park I think this is the most leading question ever and y'all need to do better in your survey design. To answer your question - a combination of affordable housing and a world-class park with functioning green infrastructure. Public park Public park space a park! Multiplan living and parks Public low-fee golf or public green space Open green space or park to bring my kids I would much rather that space be a city park for all those in the neighborhood to enjoy, walk around, have picnics in, etc. Austin keeps getting denser and we need more green space that is open for everyone to enjoy. green space, public park Playgrounds, outdoor fitness facility, volleyball courts, kite flying/rental facility, anything A green space. People that golf 100% have the privilege to travel to it. The idea that a huge area should be enjoyed by 1% of those that can walk to it is absurd!! Public park Park Parkland Affordable public housing & public green space, place for children to play or families to picnic A public space that banalances recreation with protecting habitats for urban wildlife. Walking paths, sitting areas, native plants Park Public park! Nothing else. It's a great 9 hole. Golfing -or- Undeveloped Park/Open Space Open, Shared Parkland park land with amenities. It would be better used as a general green space for this part of Austin. Public park with a fenced in dog park A park A park Public park public park Park land Public Park Conservation area A multi-use public park with a playground and lots of room to walk, bike, and run around As a valuable green space with portions dedicated to gardening, play grounds, maybe a putting green. A walkable mixed use development including affordable housing with public green space and park. I wpuld live fir this to be turned into a park and nature preserve. Golf. There is a large area of park at the end of the Golf course, it is used a little bit. I live across from the golf course, I see more people golfing and walking the trail. Green Space and Passive Park A MIXED USE OPEN SPACE THAT CAN BE ENJOYED BY NON-GOLFERS. As our city grows our parks have not kept pace, especially the Central Austin area around Hancock. More people need access to this space as a public park than golfers. I feel sure that we as a city can find a way to both golf and use the area as a park. Given the constant urbanizing of the surrounding area, making the course a 9 hole course would preserve the historical value while adapting the space to the present need for park space. A Green Space & Public Park, much like Zilker Park is. Austin's central region is becoming overrun with buildings and it's taking away the green spaces that make Austin such a beautiful and diverse city scape. Without these green spaces and big public parks, we might as well be a concrete jungle like Dallas or Houston. Austin should cherish it's historical identity as one of the most scenicly beautiful cities in Texas. Park space small golf course - large public park with other amenities and acccess Open park. A park. Turn it into a public park, possibly put mixed use development and affordable housing on the Red River side of the Golf Course. Make the property accessible to all - keeping it as a golf course makes it exclusively only for golfers. Definitely do not privatize any part of the golf course or property. Even better than as a public golf course, the space could be an urban park. Developing it commercially would be disastrous for the neighborhood. Open green space; public park; if you keep golf course please keep fees as low as you can If it stays as a golf course, it needs to remain public, but I would prefer for it to be a public park. Either continue to operate the course as it has been for the last few decades, or turn it into a public park. A park, nature area with walking trails Public park Public park with a fenced dog park Public Park and Open Space Public Park Frisbee golf, sport fields, anything but golf A public park or public golf course. I would prefer it be a public park. Public park Public Park Park If it's no longer a golf course, I would prefer a park! Mixed-use development or multi-use parkland with public facilities (bathrooms, a community meeting space, picnic space, public art?) This space should be used not as a golf course because that is no longer sustainable, however it should be used and supported by the community as a park. Green space, open park a City of Austin owned and managed public park open to all--no commercial development on this piece of land. It is an Austin treasure. I support PARD's long range plan for a hybrid model that encompasses both Golf and park elements at Hancock. Keep the same or a green space. No private ownership. A public park for everyone, for families, for the whole city, not just for golfers A free park. Large affordable housing development and public park, perhaps including a small golf course. I would like to have some days of the week for other park use (ball, other public recreation) in areas that are not particularly prepared for golf (like around the holes) Public, multi-use green space for surrounding communities, not a golf course which is a waste of land and water for so few people, and not as accessible as a family park A walkable mixed use development including affordable housing with public green space and park. Public Park A public park Open Hancock up as a park public park a park A multi-use city park open to all Public mixed-use park area with part a dedicated disc golf course. Public park, keeping the recreation center. The golf course, while public, does not serve the majority of Austin residents. A park would be a much better use of the space. I like the course, but understand it doesn’t get much use and would support it being converted into open green space. Green space, open park, without golf Golf A park and community center. public greenspace/park Public green space and passive park open to all See above A community center Public Park accessible to all city residents. Public mixed-use park Any thing involved with a park/common space would be good Multi-use public park space. green space/public park park and rec center with community activities Public Park. North Austin does not have sufficient public space for the community. Why should so much land go to so few users? continue using the building and playscape for public use. Dance classes art classes etc. Park space conserved greenspace, park space that is more equitable and offers a multitude of uses A park open to all. An open park, not a golf course Public park and nature preserve-it is important to conserve this unique ecosystem Convert at least a portion to housing with an emphasis on affordable housing. Park, open space, keep community center Affordable housing with a public park Reclaim the space with native plants, have accessible walking paths for local residents, relaxing park spaces, and community farming Park space. Walking trails, community garden, amphitheater/stage for public performance A walkable mixed use development including affordable housing with public green space and a park Open green space for leisure, i.e. walking/ jogging, playing. Adults and children alike need open green space which benefits both physical and mental health. Public Park and Green Space Homeless shelters and homeless services Community garden. Everyone needs food. No one needs golf. Housing and green space general use park for runners, walkers, birders and children Public space that everyone has access to use Permanent or temporary housing to be used by those experiencing homelessness. Public park Just a park Open park Golf course Public parkland and a smaller mixed-use development with affordable housing and local businesses A public park space that is more widely usable, both in terms of activities/recreation and quantity of folks that can use it. For example, public green space/field space akin to Zilker Park, which can be used for an almost unlimited variety of activities, sports, picnics, walks, etc. Right now, it is far more limited in what good it can offer to the public, despite its designation. A section could be used for public tennis courts, or lit, turf fields (providing a public substitute to the UT intramural fields). Public park A public neighborhood park. Public Park Maintain Current Use open park space transform Hancock Golf Course into a green space and public park IT SHOULD BE A PASSIVE PUBLIC PARK WITH ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION PROJECTS AND NATURAL EDUCATION AREAS INCLUDING POLLINATOR HABITAT AND RIPARIAN HEALTH ZONES I would prefer Hancock Golf Course to be converted to a public park, open to all, including those who don’t play golf. It should be a green space and passive park, so more of the community can use it in this very dense neighborhood with few parks. I own a home in hancock and see many families and apartment renters who would benefit greatly from a public park. General use parkland public park and restored natural habitat A public park would be nice. A park! Public park Neighborhood park Open space park. Creek restoration. A public park A public park NO PRIVATIZATION!! Alternate use as park. Parkland and/or affordable housing Affordable housing and dense infill. public land/greenspace green space and a passive park Park / Conservancy As an open park for all Public Park A public park instead of a golf course. golf as it is now and open space Open park space for all to enjoy nature walks. Build home for the homeless and get the tents removed from downtown and the under passes Best of all a pubic park: for picnics, quiet contemplation of nature, etc. large park with a small footprint of dense affordable housing. A park, maybe with some part of it developed as affordable or public housing to make Hyde Park and Hancock more inclusive of all Austinites A walkable mixed use development including affordable housing with public green space & park I would prefer if Hancock Gold Course were used as a public park. I think this would be the highest and best use of this public space for the common good. Open park space, no golf Public park Public park Affordable housing public park A public park. Free park space Park for everyone A public park open to all. Open park It should be an open public park for all. Golfers have enough space around the city. I would love to jog, have a picnic, and that my friends with kids could go out to their nearest park without fearing getting hit by a golf ball. Public park, i walk there daily with my grandkids!!! Public Park General park space or housing. A park that can be used by everyone, not just one group Mixed use development combining public green space and family oriented affordable housing. Public park, affordable housing for POC to promote equity Public park with devoted section for dogs I'm fine if it remains a PUBLIC golf course, but I mainly use the park for walking my dog and going on walks with friends. It would be nice if there was more green space to hang out and do general leisure activities. I'd like it to continue to be a shared space with people who walk the course, view sunsets, exercise their dogs, play w/ children. Just a park. It was wonderful without the golfers in summer 2020. Housing for the homeless! A public park please open play space... love that there is so much green space in the middle of the city. Could be put to great use! A city park with multiple uses, not just for gold (an elitist sport with a lot barriers that serves very few). I would also support a portion set aside for developing dense, AFFORDABLE housing, given its proximity to campus. A walkable public green space and park If not the current public gold coarse then a public park. Public park, with programs for all. A public park Park space and affordable housing regular park space city/public park green space Open space park for all residents to use, not just golfers Walkable and affordable mixed use development with a large public park as the centerpiece A neighborhood and city park I think this should be used as a public green park open to all, with more greenery and foliage. Perhaps even a community garden, along with maintaining the running trial around the course for people to use for staying active. A large park or mixed use green space Make it into a park with some high density housing located above the flood plane. Open public space A smaller 9 hole par 3 course like butler pitch and putt would be ideal with the rest of the space parkland that everyone can enjoy An open green space and passive park Provide free land for Austin POC families who were forced to move from their land so they can build homes in one of the nicest locations in town and integrate the neighborhood A public park that everyone can use. I don’t know anyone that uses this space as a golf course but know so many people that would love it to be accessible to all instead of a select few that golfs. There’s plenty of other golf courses that they can use but not that much green space in this location of Austin. Typically only higher income people choose golf as their sport so by choosing to keep this space as a golf course the city is prioritizing higher income people over lower income households. NO PRIVATE GOLF DEVELOPERS! For once, do the community Right Thing. This space needs to be a passive park and green space, to complement the lovely heritage building that serve as the recreation center. NO PRIVATE DEVELOPERS!!! Literally almost anything rather than golf, the most pointless possible use of land. Ideally a park with fields and maybe a playground. Park space Public park Affordable housing Public park Public Park Converted to park space and multifamily affordable housing. Or partial affordable MF. As a public park and green space open to all people I think it should be a public space free for everyone to enjoy. I would prefer the golf course to be a park only - no golf Greenspace/park A public park It should be a passive park, a green space, open for everyone -- not a golf course. I prefer reducing the size of the golf course and combining it with a passive park. A walkable mixed use development including affordable housing with public green space and park This is an amazing green space, that would be an incredible resource to the City of Austin and its residents, were it converted to a public park. There is enough private development happening in this city. And as a public golf course, the space still appears significantly underused. I live in Hyde Park and every time I drive or walk by Hancock there is barely anyone there. Maybe one or two golfers at a time. Let's please make this a gorgeous, dynamic, public green space available to all. A public green space with less lawn and more native species Please turn it into a public park that everyone could use and enjoy I think the golf course would better serve the community as a green space with possibly a small miniature golf course. As well as a small croquet court & covered areas with benches to sit on. public park open to more activities other than golf which is not an accessible activity to many people open park Public park general park use Nature Preserve Public Park like Zilker Park Dog park, open public park Park, open space Bike and play park Mixed use development. Beautiful park accessible to everyone to enjoy. Smaller golf course/open park Public park for everyone Public park and housing Public Parkland for all - not a golf course Greenspace & passive park Public park Park Keep it as it is or establish it as a park open to all—do not want a private business on that land. I would like it as a park so i can go do things outside instead of a high dollar golf course Park space Park I do not support that it continues as a golf course, I support that it be a recreational park with engaging activities and features mixed use affordable residential housing and park It needs to be a park. It is a centrally located massive space that needs to be accessible to all the tens of thousands of people who live around it. A golf course is not accessible, even if it’s open to the public. Everyone needs to be able to enjoy all of the beautiful green space. You can put a sculpture up memorializing it’s gold history or something. It’s time to stop catering to the minority of people using this space for golf. Golfers don’t even like to golf here. Make it a park. A public park- it would serve and benefit so more people in the community Keep it as it is. A public park for all to use green space a park for all to enjoy. This should not be limited to golfing but used for recreation and gathering. park with landscaping and walking trails It should become a park that can be used by everyone. We walk our dog there regularly and enjoy the space very much. Green Public park space I would prefer the space be used as a public park rather than a golf course. Ideally I’d like to see the space be open for other uses such as a passive park that more people could use. Park/Nature Preserve with some dense housing Housing, general public park space Public green space/park Park If not for public golf course, the space should be a public park open to all in the community. I love running the trail there, walking my dogs daily, and enjoying the beauty of nature in what is becoming an otherwise urban concrete jungle. Public green space public park + affordable housing A nature preserve and park A public park and natural area. Golf can be part of the equation, but Austin really needs a new, centrally-located park to take some of the pressure off Zilker. A park! It would be fine if golfing was limited to a certain period of time but really this should be open as a park for all citizens to use -- golf is an incredibly inefficient use of park space. By nature it restricts the use of the space to only a very small handful of individuals at a time. We have limited green space in Austin-- with a space this ginormous we should really be opening it up for everybody! A park would be great! I've never golfed there but I use the space for walking around in nature as do many people in the Austin Community, Mixed use housing and retail that emphasizes walkability. Develop greenspace areas. Make it a mini-Mueller! a public green space Public park An open park would be beautiful A park. Golf is not an acceptable public use of land, especially in a city with so many private golf courses I would prefer Hanock either remain as is, or become a passive park. There is a dearth of green space in Austin north of the river. In addition, many species of birds call Hancock home, from hawks to monk parakeets, and the occasional golden cheeked warbler (which by the way is an endangered species). I support keeping Hancock as green as possible. Public Park public parkland or mixed use development A park or housing. Golf is an exclusionary sport. Urban Greenspace and park A small part public housing and the rest as a public park Park space opened to all or left as a public golf course A general use park or mix of some dense public housing and park Golfing and make a greenspace/park with any unused land. Public park with affordable housing Public park affordable housing/mixed use development a public multi-use park with walking trail and other amenities A park open to all Green space and passive park Public Park I would prefer to see it as a mixed use development with lots of park space, with 5-10 story structures along the Red River activity corridor. HGC is a massive underutilized piece of property in the middle of a city experiencing an affordable housing crisis. The property must be used at least in part for affordable housing. Public golf for some portion and park for rest I would prefer that the space at Hancock Golf Course be turned into a public park. This park could act almost as a north-of-the-river counterpart to zilker park and would be a great asset to the city and the community. Many more austinites would be able to use the space and it would support the health and wellbeing of anyone who spent time in the park. Public good course or park/green space Park space and affordable housing a park Park only Park for kids and families The Hancock Golf Course should become a green space and park I'd prefer it was a park! I think all the green space it already has is great, no need to make changes, just allow people on it in lieu of golfing. A walkable, mixed-use development including affordable housing with public green space and park Recreation for golfers and no golfers alike Green Park Space Public park and green space Walking, picnics housing and some parks/retail An open, public green space for picnics, play, etc. in an area that is devoid of big open green spaces. Hancock deserves to be a public park. Golf takes a disproportionate amount of resources and excludes the majority of the community from enjoying one of the nicest green spaces in Austin. public park space that would be a benefit to the entire community, rather than just a benefit for that tiny minority of people who play golf I would prefer it be converted in to a large public park, but comfortable if it were to remain a public golf course that is still fully accessible to normal park use, pedestrians, runners, kids, etc. Converting half of it to a more traditional park would also make sense. I would rather this space turn into a multi-use complex that includes residential, commercial, and green area/park. a regular park a public park Public park Golf course This space should become a park available to all Austinites. We should save this precious green space and make it accessible for everyone. Walkable, mix use development with affordable housing and bike paths I would prefer Hancock to be a public green space and passive park! A rec center and multiuse park, maybe with food options. A park! Fully accessible park A mix of activities (running trial, beach volleyball, dog area, even open to a par 3 golf course like the pitch and putt down south) A walkable mixed use development including affordable housing with public green space and park Disc golf course instead. Disc golf is growing in popularity as opposed to traditional golf. Hancock should be a public park and green space. Public Park a park open to everyone affordable housing and public park with hike and bike trails A walkable mixed use development with affordable housing for low-income families Affordable housing, park space, trails no more golf; make it a passive park with walking trails, seating, and nature play/education opportunities; restore the creek bed; add community garden plots 3 hole pitch n putt. And park. Public park and dense housing Open space, public park for the community. Park Park A park A park for everyone's use. green space and passive park Mixed use development A public park! A park Public park Public park Green space, passive park Any public park will do — just don’t privitize the thing! People walk their dogs there, play frisbee, go jogging. I’m not a privileged white male, so I think the space should be an inclusive public space for all citizens. Multi-use public space that appeals to a broader, more diverse audience. Park space, park space, park space The golf course seems underutilized as a space. I would prefer to see the site become a mixed use development focused on housing (market and affordable) and publicly accessible open space. It would be great to use the space as a park. Austin is growing at such a rapid rate. It should be a public park with trails, wildflower areas, community gardens, etc. *Not a golf course, and not private.* (If it remained a golf course, I think it should remain public. The above question is ambiguous. If I want Public green space for families Public Park City owned park Park for all Park for all Public park or greenspace A park Green space, park, dog park Public park and green space District park A public park public park Public park Park space Public park A public park A public park A park to say it shouldn't be a golf course, it sounds like I'm saying I want it to be private! What a biased wording!) I support the plans of Hancock Conservancy. Public greenspace for walking, picnics, community gardens, and a section for low-income housing A walkable mixed use development including affordable housing with public green space and park. A multi-use park would be great. It's a great centrally located green space. To use it for only golf is a waste in my opinion. I enjoy walking along the creek, could make a nice trail along/through it. Maybe add a picnic area. To be an actual park for everyone to use, playgrounds, green space, etc. Not a golf course. A neighborhood park, which would allow residents to access much needed green space. As a golf course, this land does not serve most of the surrounding neighborhood. green space and public park A public park. Green space! Passive park! Native species and wildlife refuge! It could be used as a recreational area for the residents of I would prefer it not be used as a golf course but rather a general use public park I would love a green park space! A golf-oriented space is limiting A park! A big green space Park / Greenspace The same things it’s used for now. Golfing, sports, running, walking, relaxing Public, freely accessible green space. I don’t want to see the space sold to a private developer and fenced off from public use. A green space and passive park An open park and nature preserve space would be great! Community park with walking trails and environmental restoration I am happy for Hancock to continue as a public course open for all. However, if a change is decided upon, whatever replaces it must be a greenspace open to all, without any fees attached for visitors. Make it a public park! No golf but other normal park activities welcomed. It would be perfect for that area. There are already plenty of golf courses in Austin but that area doesn’t have a good green space. I would prefer for it to be a passive park and green space, maintaining the same look and feel in order to acknowledge and honor the historic space, while making the public land more accessible to all. A public park!!! For everyone, not just golfers. Public open space park A public park Public park A public park park a public park A public park Public park A park Public park Park Space A park open to all A public park. A public park! open parland We'd love this space to be turned into a green space/passive park. a park with diverse amenities for all people to participate in and enjoy More inclusive park activities for Hancock residents - general green space, playground, dog park, etc. It would be wonderful to use it as a green space and passive park. As a cornerstone of the Hancock neighborhood, it should be accessible to all, not just to golfers. I would love to see it as a park so everyone can use the green space during the day! As a public park space for many residents to enjoy in the heart of the city Pool, tennis courts, open space for lounging No change, except for maybe better care of greens. This place is classic, and it makes my day to play a quick 9- holes before work at Heart Hospital of Austin. I also play on my days off. This is a one-of-a-kind course!! golf with surrounding areas used for trail, relaxation, and rec center activities It would also be a really cool park! Public park Public park Public park A park! Public park Park A beautiful park!!! A public park A public park w/walking trails Green space and public park It should be a public park. A park open to everyone Park Greenspace and public park! Preserve it as a park! Public park Public use golf course Public green space Golf Golf golf and trails Improved maintenance and services Public park space if not public golf course - a public park Same as today affordable central location Golf course with some green space for public use like walking, playscape, exercise. However, I would like to see Disc Golf added as an option there as well. It could bring in much needed additional revenue and would be an excellent place for a great disc golf course. Park space that is open to all (not just open to golfers) its great as-is and is used by runners, walkers and non-golfers alike. Keep unchanged although the clubhouse could be used to generate income. Natural open space, without golf, to allow more people to walk, run, have a picnic, play with their dog, etc. Golf is too exclusive. If unable to keep as golf course, I prefer it become a public part, in whole or majority part. for a park and for transportation trails I use it for passive park purposes and never for golf, but I don't mind it being a golf course. My biggest fear would be the privatization of the space Golf A community park parkland I prefer no change. Let it be a park A golf course park public park Public park Public Park Park A park No matter what. KEEP IT A PUBLIC GREEN SPACE Golf as is, no changes Golfing I would prefer it to be a public park Golf course I would prefer to have a public putt and play area and convert the rest of the park to a more natural and accessible park, also public As long as it is left with the recreation center and green space I'm fine. I like the Rec Center and having a green space to take walks. Make it into a park. Definitely should NOT be used for golf or golf-like activities. Should NOT be used as a driving range or "pitch and putt," either. A public park that benefits the community The answer to this question depends on the options. I would prefer that it be maintained as public outdoor space, open to all, free of charge. I do not care if it continues as a golf course. I do not agree with attempts to make it "profitable." Golf 6 days a week. On Sunday it would be a park like saint andrews in Scottland Golf As is Golf course and trail Park space. Nothing keep it as is public park space Golf course Golf, walking, running Golf Public park All of its current uses, open to the public. If not a public golf course, then a public park Golf!!! It's such a great city gem!! Green space park Public park need to see plans and some top line costs. A park for all people, not just the elite mostly white males who know how to play golf. a park space that would be available to all not just to golfers Keep it the way it is! Nine hole golf is important!!! A Park Park Golf It would be great to have a public park and nature trails on at least some of the land Nothing Hancock Park A golf course Golf. Nothing else Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf bike park Public Park and open space. A public park Hancock golf course A public park one day of the week Green space and passive park Public Golf Course / Disc golf course Public parkland Nothing but golf Golf Keep it Please keep golf Golf Golf course golf course Green space, golf, fitness, wellness Shared space with some family friendly areas out of landing zones and don’t let people use driver: irons only whole course It could be a public golf course, a dog park, some sort of fairground, a simple park, a nice running path, I have no opinion on this matter. golf - Golf Golf Park Golf! Golf Park Absolutely nothing. Legendary course Please don’t change the golf course :( Public Park Public park open to all Nothing else that it already is Exactly what it’s used for - golf! It must be preserved as a green space. Bicycles a city park Park Golf Golfing Golf Public park Bike course,for CX events. Parkland- take those budget cuts and spend them at the other courses Public park that cannot have high priced apts built on it Baseball fields I advocate for no change from current usage. Mixed income housing with public green space Green space for walking, a dog park, maybe a frisbee golf course, upgrade the playground. Keep the activity center with greater events offered A public with an outdoor event space. Please maintain the soccer field and the trails. More golf Leave it as is! Hancock already seems to be used for different things. We went to play one day and it was being used for a cross country event. It seems like it would be great to continue to keep it as a golf course but use it for other purposes as well. But it would be good for the public to easily know the schedule - just keep it up to date on the web. Golf w corners available to gen public for park use I prefer it remain a historic golf course remain a golf course Bicycle race venue like Volemont in Boulder CO public park, not for golf, not private I like the golf course but I feel that the space would be better suited as a park as long as that it has less of a ecological impact on the land and water runoff Bicycle park with massive jump lines, skills area, and fixed cyclocross course a "normal" park, like Zilker, open to all. No golf. NOTHING ELSE Golf course Golf Park Golf Golf Golf Keeping it as a golf course for youth to develop their game as well as beginners Public golf course or historic museum with 1-3 holes and state of the art teaching facility/range Parkland open to the public for walking, playground, picnics, etc Golf as well as public park Golf Public park Community Park Public park Park with ball fields Or a park Same setup as today. A walkable 9-hole public course. Only the golf course a park multi-use park Teaching kids to play golf Dorms; condos for UT and leave Lions as a golf course Park Space. Natural habitat restoration. Either golf or a public park Either golf course or park land A passive park for all. Not just golfers. Golf Course A bigger golf course. Public golf course - keep as is! As is Public Golf course Public park with playground If not a golf course, a park A park I like it how it is Golf! Duh... Public park Only golf should be used as it has been for the last 30 years I have been a nearby resident A public passive park for everyone to use. Restored creek bed and ecological repair throughout the whole park. first choice: keep it as is, but raise the sates to keep it profitable; second choice: convert to a park but no new soccer fields keep it as is; NO WAY public private partnership with a driving range is a DISASTER. right now Hancock is something EVERYONE can use, a private golf course is something 0.1% of people will have any interest in using Keep it as a golf course. Par 3 course and driving h range Continue as oldest continuous golf course in Texas. Unchanged. a public park Some of the space should be developed for housing. SAVE HANCOCK!!! KEEP THE COURSE (But the running trail around the course is nice too) A parkland green space open to all. Golf A park! With all green spaces Driving range, learning center, short course If not a golf course, then a public park. Green space for families Keep the nine-hole course ... hold nine-hole tournaments It could be converted into a nature area Hancock MUST remain a golf course. 9 hole public golf course, same as now Keep it as a precious green space for public use Undeveloped natural space Public park : Park, dog park, nature trail, playground Golf Golf & driving range GOLF!!! It shouldnt be anything but a golf course, stop ruining my life Park. Golf is an elitist sport that is not accessible to everyone. A park would be a better fit for all ages and income brackets. A public park / natural area for walking, picknicking etc. No playscapes or sports courts for high impact, organized or nighttime activites. I would love a solution where some of the historic golf course aspect can be kept while improving the park footprint on the property. I'm a serious avid golfer but I go out to Hancock for the novelty of having a park experience while getting to hit golf shots. Its very unique and cool to have this down the street from where I live. But its not a serious golf course, due to conditions, some quirky holes and just being 9, there's no tournaments being played there or a space for jr. programs/high school teams to practice. So why does it need to be 9 holes other than preserving some of the historic routing? Golf has been lucky that COVID has brought new people and revived dormant players to the sport but avid golfers need to adapt to change and not be trapped within confines of traditional golf experience. Hancock is already unique and not a traditional experience so I don't see why the number of golf holes in the part is important. Shortening Hancock Golf course to 5-6 holes would add to the quirkiness and allow for some of the space to be better utilized for the neighborhood that would like additional park space. Different from Butler Pitch and Putt this would provide more of an abridged golf experience with a few par 4s, normal length par 3s that you can play multiple times in a day. I'd love to see a creative outcome here and not just "this is a golf course" or "this should be a park". Love the combination of golf course and public space: walking trail, playground, etc. Both golf and park functions part of the time. Public greenspace open to all Golf and only golf! Is this a question!!!! A golf course Public space for parks Golf and green space open for all Golf Golf Golf Golf Course district park Park and open space. Made into a park park GREENSPACE / PARK Golf and golf only. Golf Open green space to the public!! Cities need more green spaces and handing it over to private companies for “development” goes against Nature. I would like to see Hancock turned into a park that includes a disc golf course rather than a ball golf course. And I certainly do not want any commerical development on Hancock, esp. not a driving range. A mini Mueller development with a nice big park! Think of the HEB access! I would like this tract to be used as a public PARK, not for golf. Open space, community gathering, etc. Golf is a very limiting use and only appeals to a small fraction of people - usually requiring money and time to play. This should be a public park with multiple recreational uses I would prefer it to be a natural space/park. That said, I like that Hancock is public and not overly treated with chemicals. I would prefer the space be kept a golf course. Hancock is truly a gem within the community and its more then a muni, its a piece of Austin's history. Courses like Hancock are what makes Austin unique and municipal courses, especially ones like Hancock, exemplify community. It provides a judgement free, economical way to enter the game of golf, which is not only rare within the game but crucial to grow it. Leave as is Golf, plus park area. Add a restaurant Golf plus some park space plus rec space A wider set of community uses public park I would prefer the space to be used as a public park and greenspace open to all. We have very little greenspace in central Austin. Shipe park is tiny. Eastwoods is small. We need more open spaces that will allow people to enjoy time outside, reduce noise pollution, reduce air pollution, and improve health. Research shows that just 20minutes a day in a greenspace can improve physical and mental health. I want it to be converted into a public park and greenspace with more picnic facilities and walking trails. It works great right now, providing nine holes of golf and plenty of space for other uses that can coexist. A green space/park/wild space A park that would serve everyone, not just golfers It is a beautiful piece of property but I rarely see anyone playing golf there. I think a miniature golf course for a portion of it would be very nice and the surrounding area could have other type sports sections. For instance a crouqet court, possibly a covered ping pong area and maybe a play area. well funded urban park; akin to a "north austin zilker" Keep it as golf course but create sidewalks for people to walk also 50 acres of golf is a waste of space in central Austin, and an environmental problem with Waller Creek running through it. People already use it as a park and there are other, better golf courses nearby. Let this be a public park REALLY open to all, not a golf course open to a select few. I vehemently oppose the idea of privatizing the operations here, that is truly the worst option. A better taken care of golf course I would prefer for it to be used as a park. I find it inequitable that on most days the acreage is used by 25 or so people, when there are many, many residents who need access to park space for recreation, exercise, and dog walking. Keep it as golf. public park Public park A public park Golf Public park City park A golf course Golf course Golf Youth golf Golf Public park, walking trails, picnic tables Public park with many diverse uses, not just one single use Recreation park , it is easy to walk to by many. Keep it for golf, soccer and basketball I want to see Hancock converted to a park, open to all, perhaps including golf but not solely golf. A public park, more like Zilker. Focusing on pockets so more people can experience it as a “third place” (not home or work/school). A public park! Public park A public park a golf course Public park Golf park Public space Love it as is. A golf course! Golf Public Park A public park Community Park Public park Passive park Golf Public Park and Music Amphitheatre Public park space open to all A public park that's open and usable by all residents. City Park.....with music bandstand A PARK WOULD BE GREAT OR A DISC GOLF COURSE! Keep it as it is please. Keep as is or make a public park with a leash free area A park or open green space Golf course only Golf Golf Golf a golf course Park land Leave as is! Park space Golf course golfcourse Public park Golf golf Present isr Keep it as it is Golf Nothing a golf course is best for the neighborhood maybe sell the property and build a new 18 hole public course Golf. Build a driving range along red River on hole 2,. Move the club house along side the range and hole one which will need to be shifted. Leave the way it is. A golf course Hancock is vital to the community as a golf course. A golf course! To continue to have golf be available to everyone and to continue to grow the sport with the youth! Golf! And keep it affordable! A public park Premier Austin City Golf Course Golf. Its a good place for people new to the game Park space and/or converting to a par 3 course If the usage warrants, it make sense to keep golf, but I'd like to see more non-golf activities supported as well such as lawn areas for relaxation, native plantings for wildlife, open days where there is no golf and the community can roam. Golf as a 9 hole course now reflects a trend in playing golf and managing time. Golf and recreation. Walking along the trails, and events at the rec center Continued use as golf course Open park space. A tinier Zilker Park Keep it as a golf course! Golf facility for the historic value Youth oriented sports with golf Golf Golf Golf Park Golf Golf Public Park space for people, runners, dogs, kids, etc... make it an 18 hole par 3 course with lights for night play Park or green space Like it is My sons went there for the Junior Academy & I played there as a beginner More public open space; modest creek and trail improvements Golf - fun and great for new golfers If it were up to me I would try to trade Hancock for Lions. Might be tough! Green space, parkland Open public park with events center and nature walks Leave that golf course alone Nothing else. It’s an Austin landmark Golf Public Park (non-golf) Detention center for Californians General green space for public use Keep as Golf course Keep it exactly like it is. Harvey Penick's Legend lives in the Club House Gold can remain but would also like to see passive park space open to the public and off-leash area for dogs Golf facility- practice, retail maybe a few par 3 holes golf course Golf golf course Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Park Park Golf Golf Some park some golf Residence 18 hole short course Accessible golf Keep it open and public, it is a great institution that has already been cut in half by a decision by previous city officials (in favor of a strip mall + Sears that no longer exists). Large city park and pool open to all. It would be so great to see the place completely renovated as a par 3/executive course and an amazing practice facility (see Bobby Jones GC in Atlanta) Keep it as a golf course Golf and golf only. Great place where all feel welcome Greenspace and Park combined park and nature preserve Golf and only golf as well as weddings and other Rex but mainly golf Golf! Keep as is: public golf course Public Park! Golf Golf A park, with sports fields, greenery, etc. I do not support privatizing it or entering into a partnership with a private entity. I support a park or keeping it as is. Golf Public park without golfing. A public park open to all maintaining stroke-play golf with a small portion allocated for a park if needed same as current/golf and walking paths Please keep it as a golf course. It’s one of my favorite in the city I’d prefer if it were kept how it currently is. It’s a golf course, but the people that don’t play golf use it as a park. I think that adds to the allure, as it’s a common space you can spend time outside lounging between or around fairways, or go play golf. After having played the course hundreds of times, I have yet to encounter an instance where there was an issue between golfers and those using the course as a park. At least keep some holes as a pitch and putt if you are going to put park space there Would like some enhancements to the walking trail around it. Housing, commercial, and park/recreation space. A park that many people can use and that will have many uses. Golf Public green space A public park, open to all. Park for everyone 18hole par 3 course Golf course, as it is Golf course Strongly prefer that it be turned into a park, so that all persons can enjoy it. It could include playgrounds, walking trails, even an exercise circuit, so that more people can enjoy the property. Kept as a green space with or without golf course A park open to the public, not a golf course that serves only a very small percentage of Austinites (the vast majority of which are white men). A golf course Golf Park To preserve the land of course, and there’s no better way than conserving it than with a golf course. Take the effort to have good maintenance for the land I support that space remaining open to all, but I would like a public park, rec center and botanical garden. Keep as is, but fix up Golf, no driving range, some park space A park if not a public course Golf plus some park area Keep it as is Homes, jobs, parkspace Open green space park (minimal equipment). Nice long trail around and through park A park as I do not believe the golf will be financially viable there and a park could be. A public park and nature preserve. Mixed use buildings and a public park improve it and maintain as 9 hole course as the city really needs one The game of golf and teaching youngsters the game of golf where my children and grandchildren have learned to love the game. Golf Course Golf course Golf Strictly golf public park Golf Course A public park Stay the same Golf Golf Golf Golf!! Golf Golf Golf passive park Removing Hancock Golf Course would be a terrible loss for all of Austin Golf and golf instruction Public land as a golf course and also a park for nongolfers green space with a mix of complementary uses, mainly residential + some retail Golf. Either all 9 holes, or 7 holes with a driving range. Anything park like space that is public. Affordable housing and public park space. More golf items. Driving range/hitting bays/ practice putting and short game area community space for golf & other recreation If not golf, a public park Kept as is. A golf course. Golf Golf Remain a golf course Walkable mixed-use Golf Golf! A golf course! A free park. Golf Golfing!! Golf Course Golf Golf course Golf Golf Golf! Golf Golf A golf course Keep it the same. 9 holes of cheap golf. I won't pay more than current prices even if it's further developed. Beautiful greenery, historic place. Parkland and community recreation space golf course, activities in the rec center/clubhouse (like at Lion's) Not for golf. It's a shame such vast expanses of green parkland are used for such a silly game. Please consider opening it as true parkland, not a park that shoos people off it for walking, running, sitting just because people want to hit a little ball around. Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Par 3 golf course Golf and walking Golf and community events Keep it as is! More common area for all. Golf and continued open green space A golf course Keep it as is Golf Golf or open space It should always be a public accessible golf course Something better than nine hole course the city doesn’t lease Golf Golf Course Golf and golf instruction only To remain the golf course Park (or park with mixed use affordable housing) Keep the golf course A city park and hiking and biking. Golf course Golf Nothing. Keep it Golf only!! Golf Golf!!! Recreation,park Kept it a golf course Golf only Remain as a golf course Par 3 course with lights Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf n/a Golf Golf Golf Golf! Golf course. I think the rec center could be redone and expanded. It would be really cool to allow a restaurant to come in and have a view of the skyline. It would really help the park generate some more income to keep it nice and updated. Playing golf - some additional incremental investment in the course would significantly increase the long term viability of the course. Golf. Preserve the history As a golf course where people can walk and interact with those in the community. Introducing new people to the game of golf. If addition recreation space can be added I am all for that as well Golf and public space A public park - possibly with a dog park and soccer field A high amenity park, affordable housing, A dense, mixed use development with green space open to the public. Golf as it currently is, pedestrian trail on the perimeter, park space on the perimeter, usage after golfing hours for walking, keep public and green city park open to all residents Used for golf as it is currently and trail around golf course for walking and running. Open grounds after existing golf hours of operation use for walking pets and exercise. Golf Golf Golf N/A Golf park for all Golf course Public park golf N/a GOLF golf A public park A golf course golf GOLF golf Golf Golf! Golf only Golf only Stay the same as it is now, improvements made to conditions A passive park. Austinites need open, natural space. Most of us are not golfers. public park accessible to all! Golf, Junior Golf Teaching, Walking trail around the perimeter Parkland that is used by more people Golf, walking, community, dog park As a golf course Golf and croquet Golf course Keep it exactly as it is and preserve this piece of history. If keeping it open as a golf course is not possible, then a turn it into a park. Nothing. I love it’s history, proximity, and the sport. Add a trail/wildlife habitat along a Waller Creek buffer zone. keep it as a golf course, never been inside the rec center due to covid. I want to keep & support our Historic Hancock Golf Course just as it is!! City park golf course & other activites A park for all to enjoy. Golf. Golf Remain as is. A Golf Course Park/Green space for everyone to visit Golf Golf, just like it is now A golf course GOLF COURSE !!! Passive park Leave it alone. A prefer it be converted to a public park. That is the way the neighbors use the space. If it stays a golf course, I do not support any plan that would further restrict public access for uses other than golf. Have lived one block from Hancock for 21 year & have never used the course for golf. But it has been a daily feature in our lives for other purposes. Parkland supporting bordering high density housing with affordability mix - like UNO Golf only and anyone who wants it otherwise should move out of the neighborhood Open access to families in the neighborhood to take advantage of the wide open spaces to play with kids/families. More options to include families. To stay as golf course and open space for walking and exercising open space, off leash dog park similar to Zilker Park Keep it a golf course Golf! Keep existing historic golf course Golf for all Keep existing golf course Golf Golf Golf with a little park Improved putting greens Park and community space Golf course and public trails, picnic areas Greenbelt or development. A park! Golf Golf course Public Park Golf Golf golf golf Golf Golf and only golf Golf course Public park space with jogging trail etc Golf, open green space, amphitheater Golf, instruction, Jr. Golf Clinics A green space passive park would be first choice. 2nd choice as is golf course Daytime Public Golf course and passive park uses (trail, walking on the course after golf hours) Golf course A nine hole golf course Municipal Golf golf, driving range and instruction facility, especially for youth If not for golf, I would like to see that open space as a park and the building used as a community center. Don’t know Golf course Golf, dog and childrens park, running trail 2-3 short courses (100-200 yard per holes) Leave it as it is. Hancock golf course is great Golf Course or a public park Golf Course Stays as a golf course or a park. Green space. Golf courae Golf/mixed use park Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Park Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf. It’s a Texas icon. Changing the way it is would make it just another green space. green space in addition to a few easy to maintain holes of golf It's fine if left as is, but it would make the most beautiful park and green space. If it were a place for picnics and farmer's markets, etc., it would truly increase the community's quality of life. Golf Golf golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golfing Lots of public space and ideally some commercial and residential. Current and historical uses for golf and recreation Only a golf course Golf. Golf. Golf as originally intended. Keep as it is Keep it the same golf course mixed public use. NOT PRIVATE. If maintained as a golf course, allow public access to creek and perimeter at a minimum. Community gardens. General recreation. Combination ball golf and disc golf course I think there is an opportunity to activate the clubhouse and other spaces for more community activities, revenue generation and keeping the course available to golfers of all skill levels and ages. I think that corporate tournaments and team building opportunities can be lucrative for the city and keep the course viable. I expect what you will see at Butler in terms of revenue will be even greater at Hancock since it has more facilities and parking. Just takes the right person and group to manage it. I'd be interested in talking more about this potential. Keep it as a golf course. Either golf open to all or a combination park for all I would prefer a passive park open to all, but if that is not an option my second choice is for Hancock to remain as is. A mini Zilker park would be awesome Park with lots of trees, native and drought resistant plants, and maybe water retention. dog park, more recreational activities, running track, summer camps, etc. Golf (1st preference), Public Park (2nd preference). I would object to development. If not a golf course a park! We can't afford to lose all the green space near Hyde Park. Affordable housing Golf course Golf course,park,green space only. 1) public golf course for all 2) park (No private driving range or other private golf facility) Public golf and I would love to improve the soccer field for public/ private use as well. It is a delightful place for walks, especially around the sacred, ancient oaks and the creek. Since Austin is being paved over more and more; our precious green spaces are even more essential for the well being of its citizenry AND wildlife. My preference is to expand it into parkland, enhance the walking / hiking trails and increase habitat for wildlife. And no more toxic pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, etc.!!! Leave it alone....I'm terrible at golf but it has been wonderful exercise for me to walk and push with CORONA around Golf plus recreation together same as it is now, or a public park Golf course. I like its use as a public 9-hole course with a walking path and community center. I would prefer to maintain Hancock Rec Center as a city facility, maintain the golf course as a city-operated course. If these are not possible, I would support a public-private partnership to increase public use of the green space, but not commercialized in any way (no third-party contracts, no ability to hold events, concerts, etc.) I want it to remain a space where people can go at night to look at the stars, and walk or jog the perimeter during the day. Golf Golf Golf A public park As a golf course Public park Nothing Golf Golf course Golf Keep it the golf course Golf park Golf Golf. Golf Golf Golf should be primary use while other uses can still continue as it is currently and in the past Driving range with 9 hole course around it and other golf activities in the open spaces Convert to a driving range/short game practice area and par 3 9 hole golf course Maintenance of the Historic 1899 golf course, uses for young golfers learning the game, and possibly specific days during the year mainly for neighborhood uses as parkland. Nothing, keep it as it is. A muni 9-hole gold course. Open Park or park/pitch&putt Golf GOLF!!!!! Golf course Golf course Keep it a public golf course Golf — a course or a learning facility! Golf and history Golf course golf course or golf practice facility Continue to be used as a public golf course Um, golf 9 hole par 3 course Keep as golf course Please keep it as a golf course Golf course Remain as is Golf course Golf park or green space Nothing. Keep the golf course. Golf Driving range and par 3 course. A public golf course Leave it as is. golf use only As it presently being for. Golf and a recreation center for the community Absolutely, the game is growing like crazy. We’ll need to add another course near future Golf course Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Learning Center Golf Golf Golf Nothing, keep it the same Golf Course Remain a public golf course Golf I think a cool Par 3 course or short course would be the best use Keep it as a golf course / park space. It’s great as is! KEEP IT AS A GOLF COURSE! Keep it as is. One of the best 9 hole courses I’ve ever played. GOLF AND NOT DOG WALKERS IN MY FAIRWAY I PAY FOR It should remain a golf course. It is awesome. GOLF ONLY Forest of Trees with a picnic area. Everything outdoors. Golf Course Expand the golf offerings. Driving range etc Shared golf and park i think it can also be used as a disc golf course, concert/event venue Golf Golf golf Golf Golf Golf Golf, but also a social space. Concerts, food trucks, festivals and events. It’s a great green space right near campus, we could do so much out there to supplement golf Golf with golf carts available First tee/practice facility/short course World class teaching center Golf first. Walking trail around second. Keep it as a golf course! Kept the same as a 9 hole golf course. Golf Course Remaining a public golf course Driving range and practice facility Golf course Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Short course, practice area, junior golf camps and clinics, possible driving range, park space preserved as course...maybe a learning center with nice practice facilities. Keep the golf course as it is. Keep the golf course! Golf course A “practice” facility with a driving range (from the first three holes) and possibly a chipping area. make it into one big grass practice facility Golf Nothing but golf Golf course A lighted golf course/restaurant golf Q7 - PARD has identified several necessary improvements to the golf course. If funding is available, what kind of improvements to the golf course would you support? Don’t know, I don’t golf. But I’d support golf course improvements if there are enough people who really want a central golf course & use it now. I would insist that it remain public land. Better lighting All Shade Beautifying Improved turf, improved pathways I’d like funds spent to provide more space for a nice practice facility as well as the 9 hole course. None. We have a housing crisis in Austin. It should be developed into low income housing Things that would make it, to the extent possible, like Zilker: places to walk and to gather. Maintaining greens, tees and fairways to keep them in good shape beverage cart people Maintain as a public golf course and recreation center Expand Rec Center, maybe put in a sport court where basketball and pickle ball could be played. Drainage, water collection Scale down holes and scale up park space General maintenance work A paved path around the golf course for the public Disc golf Better greens and fairways More water fountains. better green, fix up clubhouse Fine as is Better maintenance of the greens I support ecological stewardship of the land Walking trails, night time lighting It's in great shape. Just needs cutting and green keeping. It's already a park, with running/walking trails. Maybe add picnic tables on the northest corner of 41st street side Improved Bunkers, Fences like Lions for holes along streets. I like it the way it is Nets on red river Continued groundskeeping. More trails along creek not sure Ecological restoration, especially riparian restoration next to Waller Creek. I know I do no want a driving range with light and fencing. Perhaps a park and a putting green for children and teens. i think it should be a green space open to all dog friendly space or defined dog days/hours on the course, a mountain bike friendly path, disc golf course, dam and pond in the Waller Creek cart path area, early AM/late Afternoon Yoga for the work from home folks, Weekend kid friendly martial arts. Better baskets casino Better grass Not sure none Public park space Running Trail Greens Additional Disc Golf course on the property None. It should not be a golf course. Neighborhoods recommendations Sand traps Rentable function space for events, driving range. Nicer greens Keep greens up better Creating more Public Park Areas; many nearby residents enjoy it now late in the day Better grass maintenance, green maintenance A driving range and/or practice greens, greens improvement, an updated proshop Needs none in my opinion Upgrade maintenance, especially during summer months Better grass on fairways Improvement on the greens Anything needed to keep it open Golf The golf course is fine as is. Removing it is like gentrification. Improve grass quality and fencing around parts of course any that would keep it open to all, no commercial golf stuff All three listed on website Any, as this course is part of my weekly routine. Better greens I like it how it is Not much. I think the course is great as it is Holes looking more separate Better greens better paths, tree maintenance Cart paths Frisbee golf course Just leave it alone general renovations More youth work walking trail around golf course Unsure whatever is deemed necessary to preserve this historic course We need a professional Austin disc golf course to have the pro circuit to come through Rather than a golf course, I would prefer to see Hancock be reappropriated as a green space and park Full in the holes and no more golf I prefer that it become a public park area. Better greens Not being a golf course; being a park, with swings, etc If it stays a golf course I would prefer the path be maintained around it so people can walk. I would support tearing up all of the turf and replacing it with native grasses park space. municipal pool. playground, dog park, running trails, picnic area, enhanced programs at rec center I have no suggestions how the space, remaining as a golf course could be improved Improvements that would make the space a park for everyone Picnic tables, continued improvement to running path I would support the hole on the west most side being used as a dog park/recreation area. It would probably anger the golfers there, but more and more people are using this area as a general park, and separating golfers from people trying to walk their dogs/enjoy the greens is beneficial for everyone. Better grass care, more public water fountains To the course itself: improved maintenance. To the surrounding space: improved maintenance. better greens Driving range all More park space A fence sustainability Waterloo Disc Golf Club would support whatever improvements are necessary to keep the ball golf course operating; and at the same time would also support adding the additional items necessary to make it into a disc golf course too. The investment needed to add disc golf would be small when compared to the cost of adding other amenities/activities. Turn it into a real park that everyone can use, not just golfers! erosion control, improved trailways unsure Cart path, greens, fairways Better grass, nicer clubhouse Making it a park Whatever is needed Turning the space into a public park Upkeep grass on soccer field Improve the drainage and water quality but also put in trails and natural areas a la most Olmstead Parks. I don’t know enough about this to comment. My preference would be that this becomes a great park for the city. Second preference is stay a golf course. I do not want it to become commercial space or residential space. We need fenced-in dog parks. Please add a disc golf course to the Hancock Golf Course. turning it into a park to protect waller creek Not golf related changes. Make changes in the green space for everybody. More plantings, better walkways, better greens more activities at the recreation center Landscaping more designated pathways for people to walk their dogs! whatever improvements would allow it to remain a golf course. better walking trail, maybe more benches around Transforming it to a green space turning it into a park with no golf Whatever it takes that is necessary to keep it up to par and looking great Surrounding trails, more avrivities at the rec center I would like the golf course to be turned into a park Flood mitigation and erosion control A park, trails, soccer field Trail around golf course whatever continues to be accessible to all. Add more water stations with shade, maintain the soccer field better. Turn it into a park. changing to non-golf sports Investment into the non-golf areas of the park (basketball courts, soccer field, running path, Rec center, etc) All improvements are welcome as long as it remains a public golf course. Clubhouse any Better driving range none, make it a park do we can all use it Maintain the integrity of the green space ( trees, creek and building) No additions necessary. improving the greens and specific holes Request for grants or thru GoFundMe to remodel the course. any to keep it accessible to all. accessibility to the disabled Anything that makes it more accessible and enjoyable to the general public (not just golfers). Carts and a restaurant/bar Improvements that don't detract from the current character or access. The trees, creek, little bridge across the creek, trail etc. should be retained, and nothing that would impede access, like fencing, should be added. None None. I don't support this land being used for golf. Please add a disc golf course DISC GOLF Adding a disc golf course wouldn’t hurt Non golf area for families to enjoy nature together As long as it is still available for non golfers to use. That’s all that matters Better greens, and a new disc golf course added to the grounds none More efficient maintenance A running/walking track for part day use A disc golf course would be fantastic. Upgrade to include Disc Golf Add some disc golf baskets I would love to see a disc golf course since it's such a growing and positive and low-cost sport Safety and beautification, also the parking lots to be mended and safer, playground space, and springing the floors in the rec center for the various dance events that take place. Addition of disc golf to increase revenue & opportunities to play Increased frequency throughout the week with moving tee markers and pin positions to help alleviate compaction areas and better disperse foot traffic providing a better uniform growing environment throughout the growing season and dormant golf season. Maintenance Conversion to park Pro shop Repair the restroom Public seating Disc golf! Turn the course into a park Removing all golf specific modifications. Improving the trails around it, planting more trees Better course maintenance. New greens. Better grass Disc golf. Sand volleyball anything that keeps it a public space Add a disc golf course Disc golf Disc Golf fairways Add monthly disc golf basket can be used with golf as well Please add disc golf to the course. Creating a disc golf course. Nicer greens Disc golf course groundskeeping, red ant mounds, Disc golf option, please Please add a disc golf course to Hancock. Create a championship disc golf course. It will draw people from all over the country Provision of basic park necessities such as restrooms, water fountains, benches, etc Keep beautiful environment and Good for visual. I am Usher Syndrome (Deaf-Low Vision) New walking path around the course Protective fencing, upkeep for drainage Better greens Native plant restoration Including a foot golf set up Basketball court, disk golf, benches Make it a park Improvements to the course itself like fairway and greens grass and better cart paths Renovate the park for general recreation so more people can enjoy the it. Golf is only for the affluent few. Keep beautiful environment and good for vision. I am Usher Syndrome (Deaf-Low Vision) Nothing that would require private contracts I think I would like to see a walking trail set back a ways from the street. Music venue/ farmers market/ a walkway like the one at town lake Nice greens turf Disc golf Tree trimming, tee box renovation, clover removal track around and thru the park would support whatever improvements are necessary to keep the ball golf course operating; and at the same time would also support adding the additional items necessary to make it into a disc golf course too. The investment needed to add disc golf would be small when compared to the cost of adding other amenities/activities. Changing it to a disc golf course Bring the carts back Disc Golf course added. a practice/teaching facility Improvements to green complexes and tea boxes. As well as hitting bays similar to Riverside for full swing warm- ups. Expanded practice putting greens with possible putting course. Over all better vegetation, improve the greens and add more shrubs for privacy. Improved walking path around the outside, quality concessions new greens Lights for Night Golf, even if it’s only half the course General upgrade to green and fairways Spend money on high quality continued maintenance to the facilities and park. Overall course shape - improved greens and fairways Keep it open to all! Keep it affordable! Maybe include more classrooms, and activities for kids and families It seems PERFECT just as it is. Please don't turn it into a park! I beg you. any and all Larger parking lot Maintenance of the course I would support whatever improvements are necessary to keep the ball golf course operating; and at the same time would also support adding the additional items necessary to make it into a disc golf course too. The investment needed to add disc golf would be small when compared to the cost of adding other amenities/activities. Lots of tree covered areas for picnics and laying on the lawn, places for ball tossing, lots of water related activities none Disc Golf Course Tree trimming an improved putting/chipping would be good Lighting for night and erosion prevention Upgraded greens and practice area, making the course a short course would be great would support whatever improvements are necessary to keep the ball golf course operating; and at the same time would also support adding the additional items necessary to make it into a disc golf course too. The investment needed to add disc golf would be small when compared to the cost of adding other amenities/activities. I would like to seen 18 hole disc golf course integrated with the golf course. Also renovating the recreation center. Raodside parking should also be better designed (signage, etc.) Baskets for disc golf remove the greens, replace with nature trails All improvements that will keep the golf course around for years to come. restrooms, ADA compliance, safety on the steep driveway Supporting other uses such as running around the perimeter, limited (but dedicated) sports fields, a pool, etc. Opposed to light towers similar to the UT Intramural fields, large structures, etc. disc golf park land Permanent Disc Golf Course improve turf quality Improve management none, golf benefits only a very few I’d need to see the options. A better walking path around the golf course. Make it a park instead of a golf course Disc golf baskets would be great. It’s perfect as is. Nothing seems necessary. Even the trail was just fine as a natural path. I’d support whatever keeps this Golf Course as is w/no change to layout, no added park features. It’s an historical, unique, open to all, quirky Austin GOLF COURSE. The 145 acre Mueller park is a mile away! Please protect & support our treasure Austin Golf Course. Waterloo Disc Golf Club would support whatever improvements are necessary to keep the ball golf course operating; and at the same time would also support adding the additional items necessary to make it into a disc golf course too. The investment needed to add disc golf would be small when compared to the cost of adding other amenities/activities. Restore the golf course, create a better golf pro shop atmosphere which could and should be coupled with a small museum dedicated to the history of golf in and around Austin. Add Disc Golf Public park Parkifying it better greens Unsure add disc golf Discgolf baskets again, no opinion Better greens Public restrooms Any necessary for continuation of ball golf and additional improvements to add disc golf to the location all necessary improvements A disc golf course would be an excellent addition. Permanent disc golf structures Maintaining the trails and possible improvements to the clubhouse Improved landscaping Riparian and habitat restoration. Tree care. Trails through the park (DG/ natural trails). Wildflower fields at the high points, with vegetation/trees for buffering I35 noise. Native plantings. Food forest and community gardening at the high points. Restoration of the clubhouse, perhaps with events rentals to offset costs. Low maintenance landscaping. Leashes required for dogs, unless perhaps in a specified area, as dog owners clearly frequent the space for exercising sparky. Commodore Perry hotel Real Protection of all the existing trees!!!, additional trees in general & as a natural barrier to the occasional errand tee along Red River & along Peck. People love it & use it every day just as it is. close the golf course and open a public park that is usable by the majority of the population instead of a minimal number of golfers It should be converted into a public park in order to make better use of the space. sidewalk on north side of the golf course Bathroom and water fountains Disc golf course Nice club house Tee pads Adding a Disc Golf Course Not sure Permanant Pay to Play Disc Golf Course to coincise with current golf course. This will bring in a suprising amount of revenue. I have seen public municipal disc golf coures bring in $50,000 annually. Hancock presents a fantatsic opportunity to embrace the local legendary Waterloo Disc Golf Club Adding disc golf. Creates multi use facility with small investment Keep the prices low. Love it just how it is. Landscaping Golf carts Adding a permanent disc golf course too. Disc golf would be a great addition Disc golf course I've never played it any other way, and I'm kind of a bad golfer, so my opinion shouldn't count for much. I did hear there was thought of putting in a permanent disc golf course though, and that would be awesome. The disc golf events there have been really fun grounds are already improved since gray water (purple pipe) installed; marketing campaign and specials (midweek/twilight) to generate more play (beginners, students, budget) N/A Disc golf Shorter greens (grass) Add disc golf baskets :) Disc Golf Driving range Better maintenence Youth golf outreach Turning it into a park Making it a park Make it a multi-purpose green space Better grounds keeping and facilities. Better paths and carts for older accessibility Water services Get carts for rent None Creek and trail restoration None, I would like it to become a public park Improved fairways paths Fix the greens. Make it into a park Making it a park. planting trees would not want the course primarily used for golf fix up historic club house better parking Could make it as a mix of public golf course & public park The greens Improved greens Improve the turf conditions more public spaces for community as long as the land remains public, i have no opinion. Making it a park and not a golf course Any None Quality of turf Some benches Better fairways None disc golf Erosion control, maintenance equipment Teaching area practice area ie. driving range Reducing the # of holes and space for park use Cut the greens and fairways to be faster. Nothing for the golf course. It's a relic that should be replaced by something more inclusive. N/A golf courses are not truly community spaces General maintenance/conditioning. Make it resort-like conditioning even if it’s only 9 holes. Extra tee boxes would also be great so you can play 9 holes twice and feel like you played 18 unique holes vs. 9 holes twice Add a disc golf course that could be utilized on certain days of the week and for special disc golf fundraising events. Whatever they can afford to fix it up. Any thing that keeps it open. I leave that decision to someone who knows the most necessary needs at the course I trust pard Trees, landscape Not sure Better greens I support any improvements that could be made to sustain the current space as it is. But, if it comes down to transforming the green space into a private golf course versus park, I chose park all the way as a resident in Hyde park. I would not support keeping this space as a golf course, it should be a general purpose park for everyone Improve course conditions and amenities All improvements Funnel it to another course. None Rec room open with classes No, dont spend more money on the golf course, it's already losing money historically over the last 5-10 years. Convert it to a park and let the public use it freely. Please do not invest any more public funds in golf, invest money in public green space open for general use. Eliminati and transformation into a park for everyone Disc Golf Don’t turn it in to a park. People will trash it. It’s terribly sad how trashed other parks in the city have become and how disrespectful people in those parks are. Redesign problematic golf holes in order to increase revenues. Upgrade equipment for better maintenance. Bring back the golf carts to increase golfers/players Upkeep. Keep it clean refurbish building pro shop No opinion Landscaping and seating areas Clubhouse Open pro shop so can rent carts for those of us who find walking difficult. Upgrade the course overall. more walking trails, hours for non-golf use of the open space Tee box leveling I would support reasonable improvements. All repairs to keep the course in business and keeping the green space. Improved trail for runners, creek clean up. None, stop the charade of a Golf Course that serves so few, it is not tenable to maintain a city Center Golf course put it to better use for more people... Improve the greens and set aside a recreation area for non golf folks to enjoy the space Turn it into a park for the neighborhood which it is already used for by many people none N/a Disc Golf Course As long as it is kept as an affordable golf course, I will be happy. The young people of this city need this! My daughter attended First Tee for many and it was so wonderful I support modifying Hancock to keep it a public, accessible, low-cost. course and to emphasize on the golf learning center for youth to encourage youth of all backgrounds and communities to get involved with the sport. Within a reasonable budget, I'd support improvements necessary to keep the course functioning. better clubhouse/pro shop most things, probably Keep it up, i.e. the greens and fairways. Nothing... city shouldn’t fund golf course Disc golf conversion to disc golf course, reduced landscaping needs Grounds improvements, clubhouse improvements Sidewalks and path improvements Any necessary improvements Not sure about golf specific. But, a food truck might be used. All improvements Whatever preserves it and enables public and affordable access to it. Walking trails, botanical gardens None- keep it wild All Greens repair, grounds improvement, whatever is needed to keep it small sweet and running. I think of the Ballander short course and maybe Hancock could be made "easier" or more for starting golfers. NO improvements needed. It’s beautiful the way it is. I absolutely do NOT support leasing the land. General public use spaces Better fairways and greens. Idk. I support the golf course but prefer green space that attracts people, birds, and butterflies. More aggressive golf course management ! I would change very little. Hancock is a charming venue. The golf course itself is fine. Improvements should be made to the pro shop. Making it more available to other activities and dog friendly increased maintenance Make it a park instead of a golf course Adding disc golf improving the perimeter/path Driving range, beautifying course Not sure. Feels fine as is Creek riparian zone restoration As needed Those deemed necessary Whatever is necessary to keep it maintained. Better water system. Full time personel Upkeep of the course, better greens; anything that makes it a better course. General face lift. Add lighting Turn it into a public park Improved greens/landscaping Concessions, driving range Agronomic improvements. Just keep it as is Disc golf None Greens Fenced dog park/small fenced dog park similar to size in Clarksville park- water fountains, benches etc Make an all abilities playground the dog park and a bike path. Any and all. It is a historic golf course that should be retained as a golf course and improved!! Trails for runners/walkers Design and course condition practice area Better greens New turf and landscape Maintenance A fully manned proshop I would like to see the return of golf carts, and a small snack bar. I love this course Work with the greens. Since it’s a short course, greens are the most important Never played the course Parking improvement. Update but not start from scratch the rec center Rebuild greens, improve drainage and update irrigation upgrading to a good golf course Anything that decreases chemical usage on the greens better conditioning Driving range, beer Turning it into a park, and removing the golf course. Convert to park with fenced in dog park Greens and tee box improvements are always helpful. More golf carts Whatever is necessary. More mixed use space None. That much space would be better served as housing in the core of the city. better pro shop, a 19th hole (bar), maybe food trucks Aa much as i love golf, i would not support golf couse improvements Better overall maintenance of course conditions Remove the golf course so that everybody can use the park The grass could always be improved, but overall I think it serves its purpose pretty well as a no frills municipal course that is inviting to players of all levels. As a 9-hole course, no improvements are going to draw the more serious golfers looking for an 18-hole experience and/or more challenging course. Other GolfATX courses already provide that at a reasonable price. Any improvements that promote the natural ecosystem/wildlife Improvements to the greens, conversion to a par 3 course, improved grass overall. New “clubhouse” / community center” none, close it None. Reduce to a par 3 or pitch and putt Sprinkler system. Improved greens and fairways Erosion control and planting of native plants The identified ones work for me! Add a disc golf course to the property improve walking perimeter I don’t support upgrades for golf A kids play area Improved maintenance of greens and fairway. I don’t support the continuation of a golf course Better quality greens and fairways upkeep I like it the way it is. Continued low water sustainabilty Field maintenance equipment Driving range where I can use my driver Improve greens trail improvements around golf course Historic Preservation. Protect this legacy. Don't monetize our history. Any! The current trail improvement seems like a great start - further improvements that make the space usable for both golfers and non-golfers would be my first preference. I love walking on the path surrounding the golf course but it is getting a bit dilapidated and at times you have to walk on the street. I’d love the path to be more clear ! n/a Greens The course condition, add trees, protect running trail around perimeter, improve the building including size so it could swerve as small venue. None Greens Removal of golfing - implementing of park restore waller creek and replace some of the lawn with native biodiversity Use money on other public courses Minimal; think a better use is public park land Designated walking areas so people aren’t walking in fairways Greens maintenance can be improved. The practice green is in a bit of an iffy location. fairways, greens, tee boxes Improve the tee boxes and put up fencing along red river I would need to know what those improvements were but I would advocate for saving any historical fabric and elements that tell the story of the park. It is a historical asset that should be protected, maintained and enjoyed. irrigation and anything to make it more environmentally friendly. perhaps a fence or net along Red River to keep stray balls from going into traffic. I guess the net/fence would be good along 38th and Peck as well but feel the Red River probably gets more fly balls. Restrooms and plant better grass for fairways and greens. Maintaining the golf course, while improving the other non-golf amenities such as sports courts, sports fields and hike/bike trails. All aspects of the course It’s fine the way it is Anything that gets more youth and people playing golf! I think it's great just like it is. Some type of driving range Whatever I can do Driving Range Transforming it into a public park Don’t know Continue make it a safe place to golf better tee boxes, fairways and greens play areas; picnic areas; broad fields for space and play. It should not be a golf course On course facilities (bathrooms & water fountains), better maintenance of greens, improved practice facility Fencing, clubhouse Fencing along Red River and 32nd. Bring back the par 3 hole number two.. Golf course is used by very few residents in detriment of the majority Turning it into a public park with better walking trails, benches, and green spaces to hang out on a nice day. Improve grass and irrigation. As much as I love my 250 yd drives, it feels like I'm cheating when most of the distance comes from the ball rolling on dirt. I would like to see the golf course closed so that more people can enjoy many more activities there when it is public parkland. Sorry I accidentally submitted w/o answering the last question. Answering now. improve greens Better greens Clubhouse, events, beautification I’m open as long as keep a golf course all Separating 3&6 I like it like it is none Make a park Public space, urban green space Preservation especially. Grass driving range Grass driving range greens, range more paths through the golf course Watering dystem Trails, seating, and play areas for all ages Disc Golf More irrigation Manicure Grooming of fairway,greens Small clubhouse with restroom. playground Improve fairway conditions I have played and would continue to play the course regularly as is. I love not having motorized carts, as that has kept the fairways in great shape. If improvements were made, I'd mainly look to the condition of greens -- I'll gladly play them as is, but there are times they do get a little beat up. more water holes Improved greens, sand traps, tee boxes Whatever is required, as a casual golfer I see no need for improvements. yardage markers and a proshop If maintained as a public golf course, the trail around the park should be maintained. Also water quality in the creek monitored. Staffing pro shop 7 days None None Course conditions, beautifying Small putting green or pitching range driving range Upgrade in the sprinkler system net for side streets and resurface the green on the 9th hole - perhaps a small driving range could attract some additional revenue to your park safety, the area around the clubhouse and putting green is dangerous with the hole that comes up next to it. Also consider promoting half-flight golf balls to make the course more challenging Overall design change, new tee boxes, greens, bunkers. Better maintenence Improvements to trails, greenspace, playground, basketball court, and rec center Level the tee boxes please...Grey Rock has this problem big time. Thank you Better practice facility, reshape 9th hole away from cars and putting green, better practice area Walkable paths All 18 hole par 3 course level tee boxes...for the life of me I can't understand why your courses don't have level tee boxes. Please make it into a walkable and perhaps wheelchair accessible park. General course upkeep and improvements. Bring scorecards back! They’re not a Covid risk and you already restored flag access and rakes. Fix the slope on the 9th green. Turn that little field by the road into a driving range. Nets can contain the balls. Just need to be able to warm up. Bring carts back. They will speed up play. Better tee boxes and repaired paths Playground. Austin outdoor art. Something unique to Austin. It is great the way it is, but they could use more visible "distance from the greens" markers (100, 150, 200 yards from the green). These could just be wooden stacks or something more substantial along the sides of the fairways. If funding is available I would support turning it into a park possibly including a pitch and putt course for all. Weekly golf events Benches Greens maintenance equipment and more experienced greenskeeper personnel. take golf carts away and make walking only. new cups and flagsticks. A driving range, greens keepers and a pro shop. Don’t want it to stay as golf course- public park instead any and all Any to support its current use Improved sand traps Housing for homeless population in Austin instead of traditional golf, I would make it a foot golf course. Keep it open for golf , we have enough parks Everything The path around the course washes into the creek with almost any storm. Preventing or improving the path would be nice. Tree trimming; benches on tee boxes; protection of the putting green from incoming shots on 9; staircases to get up to #6 green Practice facility, shorter loop of quality holes (6 hole loop with different tee boxes) and better use of land, a place to hang out before or after (food trucks, beer garden, etc.), more community events Leveling the tee boxes, resurfacing the greens, protective landscape along red river Improve fairways Redo greens, seed fairways Greens and bunkers None Improve parking lot and proshop Tee boxes Improved/softer fairways Clean up, trim trees, better course maintenance Need to see improvement to all the Muny courses, they are in rough shape for being in the city of Austin. converting it to a community park, or better fencing to ensure no trespassers Improvements on the fairways and roughs. A club house. Carts. More irritating in dry months.... very nice in the spring but crispy in July Re do Par 3-4 course Improve the maintenance of the golf course and update the building any and all improvements would be welcome! all More golf carts All of them Leave it as is Improve the golf course - fairways, greens, etc. Better fairways, designated mixed use area Rentable pull-type golf carts Give the money to the staff. The course is fine. Better greens and practice area Greens improvement Course condition, clubhouse Change to park land with pathways, native plants, playscapes Improved greens and practice areas Nothing that would increase the green fee. It is fine as is. Greens No opinion Carts Paved paths None All. Greens, bunkers and fairways Maybe some more trees on parts of the course Better irrigation The fairways and greens have improved drastically over the years. Maybe add solar powered lighting for night time golf. Slight redesign making it the premiere 9 hole course in Texas Parking lot renovation, it’s a beautiful piece of land but been treated like it’s not. Keep it an awesome golf course Change it to a park better concessions The grass on greens is a little too long. more environmentally friendly nature and landscaping vs so much open green that requires lots of water to maintain, more accessible to all Better greens - protective high fence for traffic along the nearby streets Better greens, less trees, NO CARTS Improve the course, Kif gold Program, Improve the rec center i have not played it in many years so i don't know the current condition Redesign to make more beginner friendly, new greens, better practice green that isn’t next to 9 ? Just keep it open Keep it as is, Austin. Better agronomy techniques Renovations of the greens Clubhouse Invest in making the fairways nicer. Add disc golf cart paths, irrigation, Nice club house, Advanced tech.on the golf carts, Better groundskeeping Nets around course Continued golf cart rentals Moving towards making it a public park. Just keep it maintained and beautiful irrigation Resurfacing greens. Better grass Improved irrigation don't know -- Whatever keeps it as an affordable option for all. Reconfiguring back to the original layout Good greens and tees Turn it into a park and stop pouring taxpayer money into this bottomless pit. Full renovations to course length, quality of fairways , greens, practice facility, and clubhouse. A park. Golf is a rich person's sport and bad for the environment. There's plenty of other courses around. Green maintenance, improved walking trails, stop mowing everything between holes. Food and beverages vendors spots. New greens and carts Transforming the course into a park open to all Creating a par 3 lighted course Online tee times, better greens Improved maintenance on greens and fairway Anything to maintain it and keep it opened Carts, fix the greens, add a full bar with food. Cart paths better greens Nicer greens None Driving range Lighted driving range and lighted par 3 course Tree and drainage improvements and a more walking friendly course I don’t believe it needs any improvement aside from normal upkeep the trail that goes around it. Improving the clubhouse, improvements to course Green condition Undecided More trees Improved greens I like the idea of a park there Adding a net to stop balls from going into the street. Staffing the clubhouse. Sufficient parking to support a public park; control flooding and run off Making it a public park New greens, beverage/food kiosk on #4 tee What does it need? Vague question External trails surrounding the course N/A No idea Add a driving range Public outreach more flowers:) Electric push carts Kegs Not sure All not sure I don't know. Not sure Increased biodiversity, this would add to Hancock's value - birdwatching, purple martin habitats, etc. Transforming into a public park Natural grasses and trails. Preserve the main building as venue for people to rent for weddings, events, etc. Keep summer camps available for kids. Any improvements that support the activities I suggested above. trails, benches, chinning bars, maybe a covered area or two with picnic tables No one plays golf on public courses anymore Play areas for children,dogs Any improvements deemed necessary! A great pond new trail, updated playground I prefer it be a park Disc golf A park and walking area and pond Cleaning up, making it safe for kids and dogs I think a disc golf course being added would bring alot of more traffic thru the golf course Adding a Disc golf course permanently More maintenance, new layout to use all land I don't support the golf course. If over ruled than it needs to be smaller with fewer tee off days. Forgo the golf course in favor of multi-function recreation (akin to Zilker's Great Lawn) but also natural wooded areas for hiking and reflection. Make it a park, with just grass, trees, picnic tables, playscapes and trails. I would support whatever improvements are necessary to keep the ball golf course operating; and at the same time would also support adding the additional items necessary to make it into a disc golf course too. The investment to add disc golf would be small when compared to the cost of adding other amenities/activities.” Cart paths, better food/drinks, nicer greens Transform it into a park. Walking path around it Add disc golf Park Add a disc golf course Not a golycourse Disc golf course disc golf, dog park, tennis none Disc golf Disc Golf none Better grass 18 disc golf baskets Park and green space Disc Golf Course Be more holistic, think about the planet...integrate the community in holistic education...for generations to come Conversion to par 3. Green improvements. lower greens fees, make pro-lessons available, ASK for volunteers to 'beautify!' Greens, condition, and playability for all golf levels. Add lights for night time golf as well to generate more income for course and city. Japanese gardens, arboretum, nature trails, demonstration gardens, creative playscapes, outdoor amphitheater, places for people to gather and play. A park area I support any improvements and amenities that would keep Ball Golf at the course and also support adding the improvements and amenities for Disc Golf to be played and supported there. This would easily attract players from around Texas and those visiting from out of state a space for non-golfers to enjoy General cleaning and tree clearing Any improvements Disc golf shared improve the greens DISC GOLF COURSE Introducing more local and environmentally sustainable plant life Transformation into a public park none to the course, but lots to the jogging trail Turn it into a park. renewable energy source and water conservation I don’t support making improvements to golf facilities. That money could be used elsewhere if it became a normal public park. Please do not redeveloped or privatize this important public space. Turn it into a community garden. Turn it into a space where people can gather, grow food, and learn about programs about nature. More access None needed Better fairways and greens. I don't golf, so I don't know updated pro shop Turning it into a park Nicer walking path along the outside edges. Maybe a little wider too. More native vegetation that can coexist with the golf course trees, drainage, but all in al it’s a great 8 hole course Turn it into a park, not just for golf. Making it a park accessible to the public. I don't really know what it needs Make it a park. Add benches and picnic pavilions. taking up fewer acreage. Allowing more public access. During the pandemic, golfers asked a parent with small children to leave rather than assisting her in using park land that she pays for through city taxes. A new public park taking a part of the property with tables, outdoor gym, better paths. I’d support improvements to the grounds, like greens and fairways. But, one of the best parts about Hancock is its affordability and laid back atmosphere. So of course improvements interfere with either of those qualities, I’d prefer keeping the course accessible to everyone. I walk this course often, living nearby. I would like to see golf removed from the course and to parcel the land into desperately needed affordable housing and parkland. Keep golf but reduce it to a driving range and pitch and putt to make room for other amenities and to add disc a golf course. Just PLEASE keep it a golf course! It’s next to impossible to get a tee time at any public course in Austin as it is! And this course is such a special place to let our kids and new golfers learn to love the sport, and nature, too. make it more accessible to the public - add disc golf - a place for people to gather with their dogs Do not support gold course. I want a park to be enjoyed by all. The golf course is playable as is. If funding is available improvements could be made to growing out a healthier rough, possibly adding more bunkers could be cool as well. more recreational activities other than golf Better green maintenance Safety lighting, call boxes, picnic areas Picnic tables Lighting Unknown None all of them Disc Golf Amenities Making it more accessible to non-golfers Anything related to safety for sure. Also up for some facility improvements depending on what they are. Better greens, better access. Useful things other than golf. Disc golf, foot golf maybe if it had to be golf related Disc golf course be added. Restrooms removing holes and tees and adding in a variety of play and exercise equipment. maybe bathrooms and ongoing finding for maintenance Turning it into something else that all austinites can enjoy Chemical free lawn, water conservation, fun runs, music, star parties, international component like language learning partners Leave the trees alone, keep this slice of nature intact Anything that would keep it safe and accessible to all as an open green space for our city none Don't know Grass Disc golf All Update main structure without losing history of it being oldest gc Better fairways - and restore to original design Let it become a natural area instead of a golf course making it a park instead of a golf course would be a huge improvement. Enforced pace of play, 1 hour 9 holes Disc Golf players would paid to play Everyday divided among ballplayers morning afternoon odd days even days More space for the general public. Walking, enjoying green-space Discontinue funding and keep it as a recreational park and green space Any and all Walking trail improvements Restroom upgrade. Disc Golf keep it a golf course Recreation center Convert to multiple outdoor roller rinks, at least one for roller hockey please!! Adding vendors on site to create additional revenue streams Please turn it into an open, public park! replace it and make a park Walking tails/marked trail, sport courts, public/interactive art Prefer converting to a park not putting money into the golf course I take walks there. I'm happy with its current condition. Carts Disc golf Turn it into a race track for cyclists Turf improvement, more efficient collection of fees, tree maintainence Whatever is necessary N/a Better/faster greens. The greens are incredibly too slow it’s like putting on a fairway. Transition it from a golf course to a public park similar to Zilker. It would make much more sense for the community in the area. Rewilding and improving the ecology of the park as it is direly needed. Mowed lawns are a detriment to the biodiversity and ecosystem services that such a large green space should provide area residents. Anything related to making Hancock a public park and not a golf course. Add a disc golf course Improvements to the play areas and better walking tracks around the course and more places for the community to gather out of the way of the golfers None, that would be a wast of money. Creating a way to better enjoy the natural environment and green space Improving the greens, protecting the southside fences lining Lake Austin Boulevard, improve flood and drainage. Parking Tee pads Anything that would allow inclusion of non golfers. Minimal, maybe better trails or shop option but nothing with a membership Outdoor amenities/park and green space More space for all kinds of public use and housing, not for just golf. Austin already has several public golf courses. support ball golf remaining at the historic Hancock Golf Course. However, we would very much like to see Disc Golf added to the property as well. It would increase the usage of the course and would bring in additional revenue; and the property would be a great place for high quality disc golf course. The golf course is neither here nor there for me. It is important that it is a public green space. more irrigation, walking paths Better greens, easier accessibility More trails and maybe a playground Disc golf be installed Get rid of the golf course completely and turn the space into a park for general use. A public pool would be a great amenity for this area. None. Stop sinking money into an unprofitable course. Turn it into lower maintenance parkland and recreational space General upkeep Minimal expenditures to keep equipment and infrastructure up to date. We don't need luxury. Greens and fairway improvement Hike / bike trails Adding disc golf baskets and tees All of it needs to be better Everything Disc golf course Put up doggy bag bins Converted disc golf course turn it into a public park All Running trails It's fine as is. Whatever is needed. Turning into a park greens General upkeep Transitioning the golf course into something used by more than a small niche of the community Any improvements necessary to keep this space available to the public, both for golfers and recreationalists alike. No opinion Any to save this historical golf course Golf course needs some updates, water quality pond on Waller like Central Park they are currently improving the perimeter trail which is heavily used and MUST STAY! Significant care and attention to the greens throughout the year. Improvements to the running trail, construction of a disc golf course This isn't a real golf course and it would better serve the community by being converted to a park for the community. The addition of a separate DISC GOLF course. more natural green space, trails, playground equipment Having great greens always makes a course better. Adding disc golf to the mix would be cool too. Allow room for onsite vendors like a couple of food trucks none; I prefer funding to go to a park walking trails and disc golf at least a few days a week I'd support a city funded mini golf course, then the rest of the money can be used for supportive housing. A bike trail, a pond, public showers for people who need housing, a community center Remove the course and allow for free green space and passive park areas. Better layout lighting minor maintenance None. Let it be passive park space Adding a disc golf course remove the golf course Creating a park area that is not just for golf Dog park, playground, water stations. Don’t know NONE Disc golf baskets Park upkeep, None Add a disc golf course Multiple sports onsite - disc golf - golf - ultimate frisbee Making it a public park No Disc golf More netting along roads, or disc golf course added Pard's recommendations Fire Ants need to go! Add a disc golf course Preserving natural habitata; no more buildings. Keep some of the wild in austin PLEASE! What sets us apart are the spaces where nature still exists. We do not need more manicured lawns! Conservation park open to all I would like to see a permanent disc golf course installed. Disc golf is comparatively cheap option that will serve the community. Disc golf is one of the fastest growing sports and Austin has a large community of disc golfers already that would take advantage of that investment. Disc golf course Disc golf Disc golf N/A Ensure wildlife/plant life is protected All the improvements None. This should not be a golf course Disc golf course! Add the option for disc golf Making it park space A central-Austin disc golf course would be a low-cost, low-impact improvement. I would like that park to remain beautiful and undeveloped please. making sure the area is environmentally sound Anything that makes it safe, welcoming, and inclusive. As I member of the Waterloo Disc Golf Club, I would support whatever improvements are necessary to keep the ball golf course operating; and at the same time would also support adding the additional items necessary to make it into a disc golf course as well. It is the club's belief that the investment needed to add disc golf would be small when compared to the cost of adding other amenities/activities. would support whatever improvements are necessary to keep the ball golf course operating; and at the same time would also support adding the additional items necessary to make it into a disc golf course too. The investment needed to add disc golf would be small when compared to the cost of adding other amenities/activities. Features greens Anything necessary to maintain the property and integrity of the course including the addition of Disc golf baskets as well. Add disc golf tee pads / baskets for disc golfers Disc Golf baskets Disc gold course to be added Happy to help with any improvements. The necessary improvements, shade, native plantings, fencing, dog area, play area, Disc Golf Building a playground for children, an outdoor gymnasium for adults, and a stage/amphitheatre for outdoor performances. Maintain current golf course continuing operation of the golf course, and some disc golf making it a public park A driving range would be fantastic! none. It should be a park. I would love for it to be a park. Anything to keep it playable Shared disc golf use Native plants, restore creekway add disc golf ? New greens Addition of a disc golf course Adding permanent disc golf adding a disc golf course! Adding Disc Golf Added targets for disc golf. I'm happy with the facility Add disc golf All maintenance I don't know - I don't think a golf course is the highest and best use of that space trail maintenance, signage for hours where park space open to walkers, more dog waste bag stations High netting on road holes to avoid balls going into traffic. Addition of a disc golf course would also be great. I would support improvements to increase access to all people and have the space be a public park. berms, hedges, trees, shrubs to knock down balls; relocate wire that overhangs practice green if it is to continue as a golf course, leave it alone as much as possible! Above all, do not "privatize" any of it Improvements to the clubhouse. Nets in certain areas around the perimiter Only basic environmental stabilization. No gadgets. No gimmicks. No longer appropriate to continue use of this space as a golf course Add a permanent disc golf course there too. Providing more opps for use for residents (playscapes, volleyball courts, basketball etc) Waterloo Disc Golf will help support any improvements Adding a disc golf course to the existing golf course. Disc golf Disc golf Unknown Adding a full disc golf course within the golf course Expanding the non-golf activities available for free toAustin residents. Adding full time disc golf None, it should be returned to park land All. Austin is a growing city and will value these open spaces for our children and grandchildren disc golf is the main improvement i would like to see permanently added to the course Adding a discgolf to it Add disc golf to the layout. Better greens Disc golf None. Make the course into a public park instead. trees! pollinators garden, community garden Adding alternate disc golf holes Ample covered seating, walkways designed for ALL, lighting, multiple entries. Better maintenance, concrete cart paths Get rid of it and make it a park so more people can enjoy it No, I support using funding to turn the Hancock golf course into a park. green space and passive park Put in a high quality disc golf course Maintaining the adult and children’s recreation offerings at the rec center erosion control, building and parking improvements Paved pedestrian paths, tree care All improvements related to the golf course. I think the funding should go towards building a permanent disc golf course on site. It would cost a fraction of what other projects would and would allow the space to be enjoyed by the greatest number of people. I would like to see more disc golf involved in this course. In Gordon Kelly we trust! As a member of the Waterloo Disc Golf Club would support whatever improvements are necessary to keep the ball golf course operating; and at the same time would also support adding the additional items necessary to make it into a disc golf course too. The investment needed to add disc golf would be small when compared to the cost of adding other amenities/activities. I love the homely casual feel to the course but the fairways and greens could get a little more attention Waterloo Disc Golf Club would support whatever improvements are necessary to keep the ball golf course operating; and at the same time would also support adding the additional items necessary to make it into a disc golf course too. The investment needed to add disc golf would be small when compared to the cost of adding other amenities/activities. Add a permanent disc golf course. I’m against spending any taxpayer money on this or any golf course. Turning it into a park. Possibly make a much smaller “chip and putt” course but mostly make it a park. I would support whatever improvements are necessary to keep the ball golf course operating; I would also support adding the additional items necessary to make it into a disc golf course too. None. It should be converted to a park and that money spent to provide amenities in the park that serves more people. My second choice for this space is housing. I don’t support keeping it a golf course. Add a permanent disc golf course Maintenance only Disc golf Clean up All Disc golf Recreational sports disc golf course Add Disc Golf baskets All of them Disc golf Fix the sidewalks Disc Golf Option Add disc golf Beautification. Walking trails More family and community space. Adding a disc golf course Turn it into a permanent disc golf course Addition of a18 hole pro disc golf Disc Golf Baskets and tee pads designated times for non golfing. Ie: sitting under a tree Trail and creek Any At least an 18 hole disc golf course Reopen the clubhouse! I would support whatever improvements are necessary to keep the ball golf course operating; and at the same time would also support adding the additional items necessary to make it into a disc golf course too. The investment needed to add disc golf would be small when compared to the cost of adding other amenities/activities. Additional lighting and the addition of disc golf targets & tee pads (preferably similar to those at Roy Guerrero Disc Golf course) Disc golf Don't know. Add disc golf baskets. Using it to improve public benefit in some way Not sure that I really understand the issue. Hancock does not need to be improved to a "competition" level course. It is a course that learners, students, and retirees can use for golf at a reasonable cost and without dedicating a full day to the event. My disc golf club (The Flying Goombas) continues to sponsor Disc Golf tournaments in the area, including Waterloo for the past 3 years. We would happily like to pledge a yearly 100$(minimum) If 18 baskets were installed. stormwater management, seating and gathering space for the public, smaller golf course, improved walking paths around and through the golf course, more wildflowers and shrub plantings, preserve the canopy disc golf Disc golf course Permanent disc golf course Permanent Disc Golf Courses None unless it’s converted to a park Conversion to use as a public park. Disc golf Add disc golf to the course Add disc golf or foot golf Landscaping A disc golf course. Over the last year, disc golf as a sport has exploded in popularity. Practice area (putting, chipping greens), cafe (that can serve the neighborhood), rebuild the greens Adding disc golf to course. Disc golf and foot golf also. Adding a disc golf course, renovating pro shop I would like for them to add a 18 hole disc golf course Bunker improvements, redoing the greens, redoing the tee boxes It is perfect as is and I believe both ball and disc can coexist Disc golf baskets added for both Golf and Disc golf to be played A play structure and jogging track and fenced doggie area and lots of places to enjoy the view Any anything Disc golf baskets Make it a disc golf course Make it a beautiful park The ones PARD specifies Retention ponds and improve walking trail Accessibility Garden Almost any Put in a new disc golf course. Added disc golf make it a public park Discgolf Nothing that raises greens fee too much. Austin does not need a golf course that only rich people can afford. You can call that “public” but the reality is that would serve a limited and fincially well off sub portion of Austinites. Anything that can be funded. Maintenance of the walking trails, cart paths, landscaping, ecological restoration of Waller Creek, etc. 1. Ground maintenance 2.Needs modern facilities Waterloo Disc Golf Club would support whatever improvements are necessary to keep the ball golf course operating; and at the same time would also support adding the additional items necessary to make it into a disc golf course too. The investment needed to add disc golf would be small when compared to the cost of adding other amenities/activities. A park driving range, practice bunker, yard markers Greens maintenance, fairway seeding, updated architecture Greens Needs some serious work, but worth it Adding disc golf baskets Add disc golf Adding disc golf Add Disc Golf permanently Greens An add 18 hole Discgolf course. Open park and disc golf Disc golf course added Some cart path repairs and implementation of a Disc Golf course, even if we can use just. it for our yearly tournaments I would support whatever improvements are necessary to keep the ball golf course operating; and at the same time would also support adding the additional items necessary to make it into a disc golf course too. The investment needed to add disc golf would be small when compared to the cost of adding other amenities/activities. It is great the way it is, you could have certain days for disc golf to add to revenue Turf support, Upgraded carts Shrinking it. Greens maintained Play area for kids Disc golf More carts available Nets along red river st More youth resources. Trash and Recycle cans. Add disc golf High density housing Make it a park or some of it a park. Conversion to parkland, with a small section preserved as a public nine-hole pitch and putt course. The course is beautiful. Upkeep of the bridges / walking path Adding Disc Golf Baskets and combining three course for dual golf activity Dudes, a golf course is not a useful public service. Please do not spend public funds on a golf course. Put in tennis courts, basketball courts, 4-square, tetherball, mumbledy peg, chess board. Dig up and reinter bodies from Northloop and turn it into a cemetary. n/a Permanent disc golf baskets Housing along red river. Playground equipment. Better trails and bridges, make it a park Increased maintenance supporting a health waller creek and riparian area, tree planting in preparation for aging trees i don't care, i don't play golf. but the course is under utilized. it gets the most usage for the Ultimate Frisbee event, and the kids golf lessons in the summer. why aren't there more events like this? the area would get much more usage as a park, as the covid period has made clear. but as a neighbor, the course is not well managed currently. None, please get rid of it Waterloo Disc Golf Club would support whatever improvements are necessary to keep the ball golf course operating; and at the same time would also support adding the additional items necessary to make it into a disc golf course too. It wouldn’t take a lot of money compared to other uses to add a disc golf course there. Turf improvement improvements to amenities and public shared areas None None camp sites Any I wouldn’t know without knowing the needs. Changing to 50% open space (along creek, trails linking neighborhoods, vistas) and affordable/attainable housing and mixed use on the rest. I'm not sure this is something that would improve the course condition so to speak, but the tee time thing online to book a tee time is a bit outdated and clunky. Hard to find my way around. I wish I could put a credit card on file to use as well instead of having to bring my card to the course every time I play. Maybe a better computer system? Maybe something cheap so you can put more into the course. hope that helps I support making walkways and paths safe. I do not support any kind of driving range. anything that would keep it public n/a eliminating it completely I would support turning it into a public park and green space that could serve as a habitat for insects, birds, and animals. I don’t support it’s use as a golf course, which is environmentally unsound and serves a tiny segment of the community per acre. Any improvements that lead to making it a park. I would need to know what improvements you are referring to before I could respond with a good answer. Updated trails and bridges None. I find it fine Make it a park/green space. Don't sell it or develop it. none, golf courses are a moral wrong Transforming it into a public park. More public access and community amenities None. Landscaping Conversion to a public park, with part of the property available for low income rental housing I like the course as it is. If anything I would like it to be converted to a park. No ugly fences or nets. Subtle beautiful solar powered lighting along the creek. A pond that is clean enough to swim in. putting practice greens Improvements that would convert the space into a small park. Transitioning it to a more accessible and relevant park for more folks and updates to make it more eco friendly. Conversion to public park or any public use other than for golfing (it's an expensive / high-barrier-to-entry sport with a history of racist & misogynist segregation) preservation of Waller Creek natural habitat, non-golf recreation (trails) Whatever is needed to keep it in good shape for the future! As I said, I would love to add more things like benches for folks who are not golfing. I would support improvements that keep the space publicly owned (NO private partnerships) and I would support improvements to accessibility of park space and improvements for preserving our native ecology public park Public park instead Sidewalks Add housing and make it a park Convert it to a public park Turn into a park Making it a park for soccer, picnics Maintaining the walking trails and add more trees. For some reason the trees were cut down a year ago Better sidewalks/pavement, more space for walking/sitting, more/better bike tools hike & bike accessibility all None Upgrade the golf course. I don't know what is on the list, don't know how to answer this. I like it the way it is, just would like to maintain it. NOT more concrete pathways; better trash collection; more trees; protection of creek and wildlife Making it more accessible and introducing more native plants I no longer support this city property as a golf course. Only improvements to sustain current use. No lighting apart for safety. No driving ranges. Coversion to a public park for all sorts of different uses. All No more golf Removing golf from the Hancock and making it a public park and greenspace. Additional hike/bike trails and good management of the water features. Using the existing unused spaces for nature preservation, prairie and woodland and native species along the creek. converting it to a public park and driving range Trail renovations making it a public city park with areas for different activities and a walking trail. I support maintaining it and adding in more playgrounds, areas for kids/adults to play without fear of being hit with a golf ball. Maybe an area for a dog park? Changing it into a park with a dog area and a disc golf course. Make it into a normal park Everything will be better than it is Improved greens None. Open it to general park uses Adding public park facilities Club house and cart shack groundskeeping turning the golf course into a park none improving the area around waller creek why don't they build a pool and a skate park maybe, tennis courts and whatever amenities that are more accessible for the whole city and cheaper to run Parking - Greens - T Boxes Any needed More natural flora Rec center remodel, additional non-golf facilities for public use Discontinue the golf course. There are already too many courses with very little play. I am a golfer, but this course is a relic of a different era. Look at images of Austin 30 years ago and compare with today. I implore you to use this space more wisely. Removing the golf course and adding native plants to support wildlife. None redesigning it to be lower maintenance park More chipping areas / driving range, better cart paths Minimum necessary to keep it fit for its purpose Improving and perhaps creating more walking paths, gardens, benches and artwork. green space, public park Improve creek, accessibility Park, trails, open space Sustainable grass building improvements Turn it into a park Whatever majority wants The greens and fairways could use some improvement. It would be nice to fence off the course, so people don't wander across while you are trying to play. I don’t agree with the wording of this question. It depends of IF the funding source is City of Austin or private. No private interests in Hancock! I don't support any more money being used to continue Hancock's life as a golf course Maybe more walking trails? I think just having a green space would be great. More accessible paths, multi-use areas (not just for golf), seating and shelter Conservation area A walkable mixed use development including affordable housing with public green space and park. Driving range on the 4th hole, where it would not impose on any neighborhoods. Putting greens need improvement. Kids program, tournaments. Food truck. More access, more public recreation, improvements to the building, a putting green. Turning it into a green space and public park. More public spaces more parkland accesible to all - no private vendors Get rid of golf. Improve trails and public areas. additional accessible public park/green space Anything necessary water fountains, trail improvements More trails, more plant restoration Course is fine, focus on mixed use to allow safer shared park/picnic/hiking type functions. Turn the golf course into a park, not a private shooting range none clean, safe public water fountains and rest rooms, picnic and seating areas. 1.Redesign of identified problematic holes within the current layout 2. Food and beverage concessions 3. A concession to make improvements to the current course and manage golf at Hancock that is structured to be compatible with non-golf community uses of the parkland 4. Improvements to the current course that are compatible with the Hancock Golf Course historic designation 5. expansion of golf youth programs. All, assuming they are reasonable. None. Turning it into a public park park facilities Improved hiking trails NO golf course. Put funds towards city park. Conversion to green space and passive park What is PARD? improved walking around the course (continuous loop around for all time use including some protection), some improvements for the soccer field I do NOT support any improvements or additional public funds used to maintain it as a golf course. I would highly support public funds used to convert it to a park. More attractive/natural landscaping, better grass, more clearly defined fairways Maybe better grass maintenance. I love this course. It’s affordable and I’ve had a lot of good memories here. Tearing it down. Golf is an inefficient, classist use of public land space. No longer allowing it to be a golf course (giant waste of space and bad for the environment) but a green space that is open to the public and not just a minuscule sect of the population wealthy enough to golf. parking improvements, not sure what other improvements are necessary would like to see the list. NA I already saw better trails being built None. It should be a walkable mixed use development including affordable housing with public green space and a park I am not familiar with what improvements are needed on the golf course. Irrigation and normal maintenance None, get ride of golf course! None not sure Improvements that don't restrict people's access to the park/course If the golf course was no longer a golf course, that would be an improvement I would support. I don’t have list of improvements to answer this question Walking Trail Around Perimeter It is a great course for what it is meant to be. An affordable course for beginning golfers. A net along hole number 2 would be good. Many are afraid they will hit their ball into Red River Street. A net would give them peace of mind when they hit. Potable water stations during round of golf. Anything necessary better trail around the park Make it a public park Restoration/replacement of water way bridges. Advertising do not support it's use as a golf course. Please turn it into a park None More green space - open access not a driving range removing golf holes, other golf stuff depends upon what the improvements are Make it open to those who don't play golf. Plant more trees. This is difficult to say without knowing the identified necessary improvements. I think a priority should be Waller creek and the wildlife it sustains. The golf course should not exist anymore. It should become a public space for picnics, walking and safely jogging. In this regard, it should have enough picnic tables and trash cans. Better walking paths, safe steps around exterior of course Park/open space/ other recreation/ environmental education/ space for gatherings Replace golf course with something more broadly beneficial to the public. sidewalks and pathway markers are the most needed. when i walk the dog i try to stay off the actual golf part of the park but it's impossible to tell where it starts/stops. The walking paths around the outside are also a little steep in places with no stairs cut into the turf making them a little tricky to navigate. also it needs more greenery in general it always looks a bit barren for a park.. I appreciate the perimeter path improvement occurring now. I would like the upper course holes 1-3 closed at 6 pm - to allow safe use of that area by the community, and allow remaining golfers to finish the final 4 holes on the west side of the course. I've witnessed inebriated golfers and dangerous shots show up on the upper course, or games started 15 min prior to closing. Closing upper course at 6pm could mitigate these situations for the better. More trails for walking/running. I don't play golf Improvements to the trails throughout the golf course. Public use (non-golf) space Converting it from a golf course to a proper city park, with hike and bike trails, a dog park area, possibly a playground. A real park that serves more than a few mostly white golfers. Making the course more walkable and friendly to a variety of uses, not only golf. Making the land actually serve the public, not the tiny minority of people who play golf. Making the land into a park, and affordable housing. remove the golf parts and make it more of a walkin' around park I do not support leasing this space to a private entity. If it remains a public golf course (as it is currently), I would support ongoing maintenance and improvements to the existing course (landscaping, golf cart paths, updates to the Rec center). Improving the running trail, more greenery. downsize to pitch and putt course I believe any available funding should be dedicated to making the course into an open green space and park for all. unsure None. Golf is a dying sport, and fails to serve the entire community around Hancock. It should be a park not a golf corse. Available funds should support wildlife habitat resortation, creek clean up and adding general park services like picnic benches I like it how it is so just maintaining it would be enough more uses that are not golf specific Sections set aside for playing fields, picnic/barbecue use, and nature trails on both sides of Waller Creek.. Ecological restoration no golf! not sure make half of it a public park any improvement would be welcome. More space would be nice but not practical. Changing it from being a golf course. Turning it into a mixed use development. none Don’t have opinion benches and other recreational elements for kids, the neighbors,... Improved pedestrian and bike connections through the property. Improved creek and additional tree cover to provide shade. Seating and picnic areas for general public use. A small amphitheater or stage for small local events better walking trail and green space upkeep Cleaning of the creek More areas for sports/activities, more beautification, more social opportunities and engagement there Adding play grounds for kids, more walking trails, more conversions into a park. Remove the golf course and have it be green space for all to use The course as it is, is fine. It should not be turned into a private club of any kind, no matter what the Commodore Perry hotel wants. Better greens, bathrooms, snack bar, public picnic area More trails for runners in the inside of the park. Picnic tables and specified areas for having picnics. Park space, benches, public classes improve the course Better maintenance of trails and of the creek. I would prefer to see this turned into a public park public park + affordable housing Removal of all holes / non-native turf grasses / and creation of prairie lands + open space better walking paths and more natural landscaping would be wonderful. Turning it into a park - a children's play area, perhaps some multi-use courts, park benches, grills Picnic tables! Preserving the water life Open Park to all, not just golfers Have it not be a golf course. Any Turn it into a public multi use park Get rid of the golfing! I don’t want it to be for golfing. The people who live around it want a park. keeping golfer numbers to reasonable sizes for safety purposes. Changing it to a park Making it into public park space None. Do not use this space as a golf course. General maintenance, water saving/ recycle upgrades and solar I would support turning the entire golf course into a public park. This would involve converting the greens to a standard park meadow grass and making sure that the fertilizer is ecologically conscious so that it does not contribute to the algae blooms in lady bird lake. I would also suggest at least one paved walkway/trailway so that austinites who use a wheelchair to get around can also enjoy this park space. Convert to park space not more golfing. Maybe expand the walking path around it, more trash cans, more places for people to sit Anything that makes it more accessible and more able to be enjoyed by more people Removal of all golf facilities and conversion to a public park. the trail around it, maybe fencing off from red river - have seen windows get hit by balls That it in the least be turned into a public park, but would rather it include multi-use buildings to include residential and commercial entities. I would prefer it *not* be a golf course. Additional funding could go towards reintroducing diverse plant species to the green, creek clean-up efforts, some nice benches, or making improvements to the Rec Center. More standard park amenities Maintenance Bike trails Sidewalk improvement Literally just make it a park I would support walking/running trails and planting of native species tree & greens maintenance/improvement Prefer to create a public park where more people can enjoy the green space (severely lacking in central Austin) A walkable mixed use development including affordable housing with public green space and park No improvements, just maintenance of the grounds. Turning it into a public park none for keeping it a golf course Make it something more useful than a golf course Changing it into open space and trails restore the creekbed, remove the concrete channels, improve the trails and try to prevent erosion, more trees and shade, more public seating and recreation, no more golf allowed More lighting and bathrooms. Otherwise it's great. making it a public park It’s fine as-is. benches and picnic tables Make it a public park City park Make it a park Improved pathways on walking trail around golf course Converting it to a multi-use public park with appeal to a broader swath of the population I don't support the continuation of Hancock as a golf course The kids soccer area could use some updating Picnic area. Trail along/through the creek. Add drinking fountains, restrooms. Converting it to a park or green space. Remove the golf aspect of the park. Restoration to turn into green space/park making it a public park not a golf course perimeter trail improvements. Turn the golf course into a park so neighbors can use it. Conversion to a park. Transition to public park open natural spaces, walking trails, public restroom, gazebo, small pavilion I don’t golf so I’m not sure. I think Hancock park would be put to better use as a park open to all rather than a golf course which is of interest to a small group of people (I.e. golfers) Either keep it public course with in person food or make a park Better trails surrounding golf course N/A Biking/hiking trail Make it into a nice park with hike and bike trails. Its a terrible golf course... It works pretty well already as a historic golf course and beloved green space in the middle of Austin. Use the funds to keep it up and pay the folks who tend to it a living salary. I would like it to be a park, the golf course serves few members of our community. Even a public golf course is needlessly alienating to the people that live in the neighborhood. Increasing funding for a course people don’t like or use is a waste of money. Turning it in to a more walkable park with playground I don’t think golfers will ever be satisfied and I’d rather see the funds go to benches and tables as the park transitions to being a green space not a golf course Creek and habitat restoration and preservation. Turn it into a public park Accessible as park, NO fences of any kind I do NOT support funding golf improvements. Anything needed to make it a normal park! Nothing None Park Green space not golf! unknown bring back the golf carts!! Transform to a public park; use golf improvements at Lions, and other public courses I’m good with any little improvement approved. Love this place. Water quality improvements realign a couple of fairways/greens. may be able to increase the size of some passive areas. Green maintenance A play ground would be cool. Maybe a dog park? Trail management, green space development (planting more native trees), wildlife management Regular course maintenance. All of them New greens Ames more land The course is great for a muny! I love the current walk up setup. If anything, continue to improve the course, green and trap conditions Golf carts, green improvement, fairways improvement Better water flow through the creek and cleaner water in the pond on 4 Green renovation and modernization Playing surface improvements to greens, bunkers, & tee boxes. Some hole lengthening if possible. the trail around the course, cleanup of the creek, maybe netting on red river side for golf balls? I am happy with how it is b Pavilion for public use, parties, etc. Upgrade golf course and practice areas. Walking trails for families, visitors that are not golfing. Course refurbishment Please fund the addition of Disc Golf course as an activity there, in addition to the ball golf course. The investment needed would be small when compared to the cost of adding other amenities/activities. Greens and fairway updates and management, pro-shop, youth lessons and opportunity to play strategies that would enable the course to break even--even if that includes increased fees for users Leverage the club house as an event space or restaurant Maintaining fairways and greens. Course is often not well manicured. Updating walking trail around course; general improvements to golf course Improved pro shop restoration of waller creek basic maintenance/upkeep. water fountains. Native prairie planting Any needed improvements Better pathways Trail around course, update building facilities creating more walking trails and park space Electric carts. It’s perfect as it is. Picnic tables, water fountains, more shade Plant some trees and make it a park Trees None, not needed Golf related Improve fairways and greens New greens improve the turf on the fairways None - I would like Hancock to be a park All Ceasing use as a golf course. Using it as an open natural area/park with benches and picnic areas; habitat restoration for the creek; walking paths. Returning the golf course to native grassland habitat. Minimal, if none at all. NO FENCING NO DRIVING RANGE keep it beautiful, accessible to the public, with some green space for walkers. no fences! Make it a public park. The course is dangerous to neighbors with errant balls flying all over the place. Better pedestrian trails which they seem to be working on now. As a Hancock resident for 5+ years, my family and I love the golf course. Taking our kids there to enjoy the trail, playground, basketball courts. I’m personally not a golfer but my husband is and uses the course regularly. Improved walking path around course Upgraded paths None Unsure Creating a sidewalk along the south side of 41st street for pedestrians. Course is fine but add a for profit restaurant and lounge Making it much smaller in favor of using most of the space as park land No opinion..unless you consider the trail a golf improvement. Longer holes, better kept greens and fairways. Expansion to 18 holes Fund for Golf carts and maintenance Integration of more community park space. It’s perfect the way it is. Golf range Any improvements Golf lessons Better fairway and green maintenance not sure what's needed More and better walking and biking trails, with natural/native plantings. Food truck access or concession access; promote evening events; promoting the golf course and recreation center events and classes General overall improvement of the course. It is clear that the City this as a Non-important recreation! It;s the let';s not do much, then nobody will play then we can shut it down, which is what we want, we just need an excuse! Better greens and tee boxes, practice area Set aside several areas for outdoor passive activities and protect them from golf balls resurfacing the parking lot and the roadway from 41st Street to the clubhouse Improve irrigation Trail upkeep Improving the quality of the greens Convert to a “pitch and putt” (similar to Butler). And have remaining green space as open park space for neighborhood. Any of it Better greens, consistent grass depth, more sand in bunkers keep it as is without the use of carts to keep the beautiful greens in great shape. Better greens, net to protect red river st A fence around the course. any Get rid of the golf aspect and plant more trees. An improved sidewalk around the perimeter of the course. Netting along Red River to prevent slices from hitting cars. Put in Driving range All improvements. Greens, tee boxes, irrigation The necessary improvements More active upkeep Any necessary improvements General upkeep, tree planting to separate holes Leave it the way it is. It’s part of history Make it more accessible for beginning golfers; minimize the slope on some of them; the green by the clubhouse needs to be expanded.Ideally have a way for young golfers to get their ball across the creek. more pathways to allow non-golfers to also enjoy green space Save the money. Keep it as is. There is nothing wrong with the space. Whatever identified as improvements is likely what gives the course its charm Better fairways Beautification Nicer greens Changing it into a public park. Any I’d pay more for a nicer course and to up the maintenance on and around the course More trails and community areas unrelated to the golf course itself Continual improvement to the grass quality of course, especially greens Green maintenance They could redo the greens and keep the exist layout Improvement to conditions Better upkeep of greens and fairways More water stations and golf carts Continued maintenance and protection of assets Tee boxes and greens Public City Park Better greens Clean up fairways Sidewalk along Peck. none Better greens Just better maintenance Greens & tee boxes Sand traps, pro shop, greens It’s perfect More green maintenance Improved irrigation and draining. Nicer greens, other than that it’s fine improved maintenance; remodel clubhouse anything as long as the price stays $15 Keeping it public Cart girl New grass, better netting to protect roadways Keep maintenance and looking good whatever supports it being accessible as a golf course and open green space in central Austin Adding a disc golf course to it and improving greens and grass Make greens synthetic so upkeep can be focused on tee boxes and fairways and saves money on equipment needed, as well as water supply needed to keep greens in good shape. It seems good to be already maybe a large net to prevent balls going into the street next to one of the tees Walking carts available to everyone. Anything that will keep it open. It’s fun to be there the way it is anyway Greens More well maintained greens Maintenance New greens all Any and all improvements to the course! I love Hancock and would love to see it improve Irrigation system upgrade Improve the greens. Work on the bunkers. Expand clubhouse. Cart paths. Overseeding. Dirt maintenance in bad areas Trails around and through that would be open to non-golfers Building a nice practice facility cart paths If carts are not to be available, the paths should be updated for the walk Club house, food truck, course lawn care & maintenance All identified necessary improvements Not sure better greens Better irrigation Better putting greens Green improvements Don’t. Close it and spend the money on the 18 hole courses Building updates Nets to keep balls out of the street Small grill, bar Removing cart paths None Any necessary improvements Improvements arent needed any needed Redo some greens Fairways More green (not just grass) Space, trails, climbing space for kids, water fountains Please consider any available expansion of public use (non-golf) opportunities WHILE KEEPING THE GOLF COURSE. Serving beer & food; Some drainage improvements; some improvements to greens. In all honesty, it doesn't need much. The course is fun, has interesting holes, and is in pretty darn good shape, given the resources it has Keep a safe path for walking around the course, it should be shared with non-golfers Improving greens Better greens New Greens and Tee Boxes ANY Fairway maintenance, minor layout tweaks Maintenance One that makes the golf course into a park grass (fairways, greens, tee boxes), parking Tee box, fairway leveling, infrastucture. Make it night golf ready Practice facilities, short game improvement areas Improved sand traps. Water quality improvements. Restoration and upkeep Not sure. all recommended Improve the greens and fairways Eliminating all the golf Greens All improvements Greens Greens new greens and tee boxes Clear walking trails around the course and moving the power line away from 9 green Any and all, but green and tee maintenance are priorities Any and all improvements are welcome to keep the course open Everything! Irrigation, re-design, restoration, expanding practice area, growing Junior golf programs there I would support all improvements. Hancock golf course should be one of the nicest in the state as its a historic golf course General upkeep and more supervision, such as more marshalls Regular maintenance Irrigation. Harvey Pennick museum Love Hancock the way it is but general maintenance could improve Just keep it open for the kids and people Better maintenance/improvements around the greens and remodeling of the amenities. better bathrooms, healthy food and water for sale, hancock park merchandise Waller creek restoration, tree preservation, grey water expansion, recreation center rehabilitation, allowing a brew pub/cafe at the clubhouse. turf maintenance YES Anything! better greens Upkeep of the greens All improvements necessary Better course management Course seems fine to me. General maintenance Better greens. Flatten the on #9 ( lol) New greens none Improvements to water quality, wildlife habitat , and non-golf uses such as trails and amenities Better greens? But it’s always a fun track. Don’t need to change it to much! Improve course maintenance Scorecards available, improved greens better grass and greens. N/A Whatever keeps it as a gold course or public park What ever the qualified course superintendent deemed was necessary. Anything to improve it. I might even play 9 there if the club house and course were improved. Restore tee spots Improved greens, pathways to support golfers and walkers Improving the golf course and greens, providing golf instruction, improving the walking trail around the course which is heavily used by the neighborhood and many others Electric vehicle charging station, enhanced historic elements, perimeter trail, solar lighting Public use Restore the land to a more natural state and the creek Just please keep it! I’ll support anything reasonable. Only things that keep it intact updated rest rooms, high quality putting greens general conditioning could be better, bit it is fine for it's purpose A high “fence” along the #2 fairway (Red River) to protect traffic and pedestrians. Cleaner creek, more protection of trees and land Improved greens Clean up the creek and rehabilitate the trees Concessions. Food trucks with tacos and/or burgers and beer clean up the creek! this is critical. NO DRIVING RANGE. NO FENCES. NO EXCLUDING PEOPLE. Better trail for hiking and running. Redesign of the course, new tees and greens It’s in pretty good shape as is. Maybe open the pro shop and rent golf cars. improve the ped trail around it, protect the creek/watershed, create wildlife habitat pockets to attract birds and bees I'm torn. I know it's the oldest golf course in Texas. But at the end of the day I believe a park is the higher & better use. Better maintenance, grass on course is always long More water hazards Whatever you think Better drainage. Anything that keeps the golf course Available carts, manicured fairways and greens Anything needed to modernize Hancock Not qualified to say since I have not played there. Better greens I like it as is Tear it down Improved landscaping and lawn care. Improved greens Updates to facilities and/or resources to maintain the grounds Restroom access, refreshments,on course suoervision Better-kept grass & greens on course and in practice area Just to maintain good golf course conditions. Better running/walking trail around the course Better greens Almost any Only if the nine holes on the land are preserved. Fencing, pro shop renovation, and a full time greens crew Irrigation, update pro shop, new grass Better greens Better walkways and netting along Red River Redirection of #9 hole so as not to put pedestrians or players in danger; would also like a public driving range Erosion control (natural, such as Willowbrook Reach in Cherrywood) for Waller Creek. Some trails for walkers and joggers. I would be OK with its remaining a 9-hole golf course under control of PARD. Not used as a contracted space with a for-profit company, such as a driving range. If a 9-hole golf course cannot be supported, it should be a public (no fee) parkland for the public, with no nighttime activities. I love the Clubhouse (was married there) and it should remain open for organized activities scheduled through PARD. See my last response for my overall sentiment. A few holes can be re-configured to allow for better pace of play. Outside of general infrastructure/draining, greens could be better maaintained. A fence wall to prevent hitting cars and houses More Marshals to keep pedestrians from walking across fairways and greens..it’s dangerous Updated greens and tees Quality of the turf Better greens and fairway. Better groundskeeping Tee boxes is all Greens Tee boxes and clubhouse Work on the greens would be nice, other than that it looks pretty plush right now. none. It should be decomissioned and turned into a multi-use park with a disc golf course. Trails around the edges and through the course Less sand on the greens GreyRock has the original greens and tee boxes from 1987. They are in desperate need for repair( tee leveling) and green replacement. This course is a jewel but is going Down due to planned improvements being put off year after year. Golf carts Better kept greens and a fence on Red River to catch stray balls No more golf. Improve the riparian area along Waller Creek and allow the area to become a savannah with more trails. Turning it into a park for community enjoyment irrigation, re-sodding greens and bare areas. Make it a gem in the middle of Austin. Use them to build a public park, not for golf. Leveling the tees, recontouring the greens so they can be mowed down, remove the current practice green and/or relocate it, build a net on the eastern border along red river, build a net along the western border beyond number 7, generally I'm in favor of whatever you've identified and then some. beautification Golf carts and beverage stand I'm not sure what is "necessary" improvements. I like that it is walking only - no carts. I'm not sure that expanding and making Hancock fancier would support the spirit of a causal golf course accessible to all. continued upkeep of greens and bunkers, more parking Better greens Any needed All improvements more accessible The course is playable as is, however, if funding were available to make improvements to the course growing out a healthier rough, possibly adding a few bunkers, or even expanding along the walking path around the course could all benefit the space. More community uses, such as a beer garden attached to the clubhouse. Turning it into a park and fishing pond. but if you have to keep it a golf course, then reducing water and herbicide use. Just keep the condition as best as possible. Improvements to the fairways and greens. Trails, playgrounds, an enclosed dog park, dog poop bag dispensers and trashcans, public art. Just keep the greens in the best shape you can, maintain the course generally. Otherwise it's fine for it's purpose, a quick walking nine. Love the pay station. Maybe more water stations, though I know COVID kind of curtailed their use for the timebeing. N/A Better maintenance of the course Redesign and update Put up lights for night golf (Like San Pedro in SA) safety nets/fences/barriers around the perimeter; general upkeep, course is out of date and in rough shape Converting it to a park that more people in the community can actually use without being yelled at by golfers only improvements that would make the area more usable as a park Re-wild and restore Waller Creek with a 100' buffer zone on either side of it. Establish "roughs" of unmowed prairie. Plant new trees, especially near Waller Creek, to rebuild the urban forest that mowing is holding back. Add some dang sidewalks to the north, south, and west sides for crying out loud. I just voted for a huge PARD bond so I hope there's funding! I also understand a group called Hancock Park Conservancy is exploring options to fund the park transformation with donations, like they did at Pease Park. Might be looking into. Improvement of the greens Buy the neighborhood, make it 18 General conditions greens, tee boxes, fairways etc. New parking lot. Grass not hard pan dirt Better conditions (greens), clubhouse, expanded practice area (if possible) I support the funding of whatever improvements local golf experts believe are necessary Don’t let Random Golf Club operate it. Overall course conditions need improvement Irrigation ie water Wells as source Improved tee boxes and greens I would prefer it be used as a park. Very little. A little more maintenance in the Summer. all improvements necessary Clubhouse Cut trees at creek on hole#6 Landscaping, building infrastructure updating Improve tee boxes, bunkers, and greens. Could also improve jogging trail. Otherwise, don’t change. It’s casual vibe and welcoming atmosphere is what makes it so popular and critical to golfers of all ability and limiting any of the golf it offers would greatly impact golfs approachability to new players in Austin. fairway inprovements ie: new sand traps to help make it more challenging. haven't been there in > decade, don't know The course is in great shape, but could always be more manicured. Well-maintained greens Greens Greens and soccer court All of them Free camps for kids Reroute some of the holes for safety and add design interest Greens improvement Maintenance on the greens. Keep maintaining the golf course and greens Converting more space to non golf use New greens Main concern is keeping it a golf course. Improved pro shop with food/beverage service. Food truck in central parking area or a cafe on site general upkeep (trees trimmed, grass growing, etc.), mostly cutting greens a bit tighter - way too slow even for amateur level. General Maintenance Condition Improving trail access for non golfers None. Turn it into a passive park Any. It’s a great course Better upkeep to greens and tee boxes It is better now that it has reclaimed water and grass. It is more fun to play now. IMPROVEMENTS TO MAINTAIN THE STATUS QUO Played three years ago and course needed maintenance along with the greens. Golf cards were old and parking was poor. Better maintenance to keep condition in tact None- it’s great already None needed. Leave it alone. Auxilary uses that don't take away golfing, e.g., jogging, bird watching, etc Better maintenance. Last time I was there they didn’t have enough carts for people. Make it more affordable for what it is Course maintenance and upkeep to maintain the course to the highest level with defined tee boxes and greens. Then give the newer generation why they crave: somewhere to enjoy along with golf. A coffee shop, patio, food truck and beers on tap. The golf course and soccer field is fins as is. smoother greens and more grass on fairways More shade trees. Accessible trails. Fine as is. Additional Bunkering, new leveled tee boxes Better irrigation. Go back to the old layout. Turf improvement faster greens; better sandtraps Improvements to the clubhouse and driving range additional boundary netting for errant golf balls Playground, pool, picnic area Maintenance and ADA accessibility It’s a wonderful local course. Please keep it affordable . Greens Clubhouse Practice range See Last comment Improve proshop and repave parking lot Use your best judgement Maintaining it to continue to be able to play golf. More golf carts for non.walkers Turf and greens Any as long as it’s an investment in the course. Redesigning the holes, drainage, updated clubhouse it is fine as is. Improve the greens and teeing areas All improvements. It is in great shape but maybe greens could be updated Better Green Management. Trails or paths around the course for multi - use by neighbors and their pets. Improved Greens and Turf, Tree maintenance and practice/driving range overall makeover Better greens Greens, bunkers, fairways, tee boxes. Turf Manafgement, Including greens General maintenance fairways,greens, etc. DONT KNOW NEVER PLAYED THERE Better grass Cart path repair Green and fairway grass Improve greens and tee boxes Long time since I’ve played, but if converting to a par 3 is feasible, I encourage consideration of that Improved trail, more native plants and trees, congregation areas, a place to grab a coffee or beer. Clubhouse improvement. Better parking. Improving the over all self esteem of the course. It’s one of the things that make Austin a treasure. Anything that keeps golf involved Tee to green improvements. Keep the course walkable, but improve course conditions in fairways and greens. Focus on maintaining the greens, tee boxes, and fairways. Let the rough grow to save costs. Adding a safety net inside the walking path next to Red River would be good too. none don't know Unknown Greens faster putting greens Not sure Newer facilities Tees and greens tree trimming on the par 5 near the tee and over the creek. A net along Red River to protect cars Greens, tee boxes, fairways, irrigation, clubhouse Improve Lions’ putting green and short game area. Seriously don’t spend money on Hancock green and turf improvement Honestly the fairways at Hancock are better than a lot of other places. The main improvements would be the greens as well as the bunkers Full redesign or revamp, turning it into a par 3 course with large practice facility and home of the junior golf academy. Moving the clubhouse to gain more room would be good too. Closing it as a golf course and just making it a park so that more people can enjoy it. It does not lend itself any longer as a golf course. Improving the surroundings, fairways, and greens. Complete overhaul. make it an 18 hole par 3 course with lights for night play I'd start with better irrigation to improve fairways. Greens were decent last I was there. For their safety, we need to keep the pedestrians and picnicers off of the course through signs and/or fences. It's still a great course to go walk with newer golfers. Much nicer than 1st Tee course. Maintenance of greens and fairways, more sand traps, and boundary fences Better grains and different obstacles Better fencing around the street areas Better maintained greens Irrigation and greens Greens , rough Better facilities and upkeep Improved greens What ever PARD suggests Improving course conditions All the improvements Better greens and fairways, sprinklers Better maintenance Minimum to maintain playability. Drinking water stations, tee box improvements, safety net for streets adjacent to course on east and west sides. Waste of money for the number of rounds that the course produces. I think it’s in great shape compared to many other City of Austin courses Any and all improvements. Love the course. Improved driving range, over seeding Green maintenance New greens - better fairways - more length - more trees and seclusion Nets along fairway 2 Greens improvement Any Upgrades to the clubhouse and the course itself. nothing. If it is not broke, don't fix it. Course maintenance, clubhouse update Sprinkler system Netting to protect public and traffic from errant shots fixing some of the rough areas in the fairways and greens fairways Food trucks, netting fairways and greens Add traps and update shop Any and all necessary improvements Improve greens, sand traps & tee boxes Expansion of non-golf usability Improved greens would be the top priority. Making it a more "fun" place would also make it great. Put some food trucks out there, have some events like at Lions and Butler Park. Clubhouse renovation, green rebuilds, turf improvements All landscaping maintenance; Tee boxes, fairways and greens, bunkers. i think it's just fine. leave it alone. let the people who know what to do just do it Making it safer for golfers there. Also beautification It’s a wonderful course to learn on for youths, beginners and college kids. Cater to those demographics. Everything from surfboard cart rentals to cooler rentals to club rentals. Install night lights. Think big. Look at what top golf is doing and bring that to the 9 hole course in the center of town you already have. Section for public park space use, off-leash dog area, improved restroom, improved trail quality Food trucks Better greens and fairways Carts improvements to the fairways and greens. consistently good maintenance Greens and fairways Maintaining functionality while maintaining histrical nature and natural beauty Just keep it cheap. Better greens would be nice though improve the greens. better pull carts, create/improve the rec center so people can actually congregate there. there are intersting small spots where you could do mini blues on the greens. Water recycling, native drought tolerant grasses and plants General course condition improvement (fairways, collars, tee-boxes, greens). Other muni's are generally in much better condition. bathroom facilities, refreshments, parking lot Fairways improved. Build a fence or wall around it to prevent people from walking through while there is play going on. general updating of facilities Greens and tee box improvements Maintenance to keep it open A food service of some type. general improvements waste of money Don't know maintenance/upkeep Groundskeeping Better greens Better groundskeeping Course improvement Improved irrigation Rec center upgrades Anything necessary to preserve the course, and keep it accessible to golfers and recreationalists alike. Maintenance improvements, NO GOLF CARTS - walking only, better greens Practice facilities to support youth golf any and all normal improvements a golf course would undertake. Fixing greens, tee boxes, fairways, bunkers, cart paths, anything that needs a face lift. improved drainage, improved greens, grounds maintenance Improve the look. Better upkeep. Need to improve greens Just operations. I enjoy the quaint nature of the course and the historic nature of the pro shop. Maybe some yardage markers? 18 hole short course. or keep as it and fix tee boxes Range and club house Better grass on the fairways and greens. Just keeping it playable for future generations. cart paths, better signage with directions to holes I don't play there Anything. All improvements are necessary. Full time pro- shop with carts - NO Kiosk. Improving the grass, greens, fairways, and bunkers. Improve the clubhouse to reflect the historic nature of the course. No fences should be considered, as this is what makes the course feel open to the public (as a park). None Up grade the greens, clear out the roughs adjacent to fairways, explore a dual tee setup so course can be played as 18 holes. Whatever is the most bang for the buck. I haven't played it so I don't know what it needs I think a couple of things. 1) the greens - it's notoriously shag carpet - the greens could use a lot of TLC so there's an ability to putt more 'true' than just pounding through the break. The other piece is markers for next holes - I've played Hancock enough to where I'm comfortable knowing where to go but the first three holes are notoriously confusing and I find new people often go to the wrong tee box/play out of order. Finally - a little bit of enforcement to get non-golfers off the course. Too many times will I see someone reading a book under a tree and have to ask them to move before I tee off just to be safe. Include a driving range & practice area. I like the idea of converting to a par 3 course. Better greens and improved overall maintenance Fairways and Greens All of them Improved signage between holes and a pro shop. Green & bunker upgrades. Tee boxes and greens, concessions Greens and Tees better maintenance looks like a goat pasture. other parks nicer than hancock Would rather see the funds go to the other COA golf courses. maintain green Adding a range an clubhouse kitchen Bridge crossings, green upkeep, benches at teeboxes, appropriately spaced trash recepticles Making the greens free of sand. Other than that, I love the course dearly. Play almost every other day. greens and bunkers greens groundskeeping any and all Tee boxes, greens General landscaping improvements. Whatever is needed Improve greens or concessions None Better (more fair ) greens I don't know what the priorities are as far as improving the golf course. See previous response (rebuild as par 3/executive course and practice facility a la Bobby Jones GC in Atlanta) Greens and Turf Conditions, Driving Range, Lessons, Clinics, Par 3 course those that improve the golf, like fairways and greens, flagpoles and tee boxes. Club house, food and beverage offerings Improvements less important than keeping open and operating. 1) improved running/walking path on north side 2) wall/fence /trees on east side between sidewalk and path, in order to shield walking/running path from street Any and all Overall appearance. Any and all Maintenance Safety Better greens. Good food and or drink. Improved greens, possibly a net on the red river side Add snack room Fill in the holes and make it a park! Resurfacing greens and teeing areas, building a proper golf shop, overall beautification. My first choice is a passive park. If golf is to stay, I'd like it as small as possible. Putt-putt golf concession would be fine. I enjoy pitch-and-putt. I do not like the idea of a driving range. the course has improved so much in the past couple of years already. The greens look great! Would like to see the recommendations Convert to a public park. Trail maintenance and Waller Creek restoration modifying for a par-3 9 hole design and constructing new greens and tee boxes or leasing to a group who would do so trees, layout enhancement, ongoing upkeep. It's a beautiful belittle historic course and its heritage should be protected minimal to keep functioning as is Whatever is truly needed but my impression is that the course works well as is and nothing major is required Improving conditioning of fairways and greens. Only those necessary to maintain the course. I love it the way it is. The greens could use some support. Frequently they get too dry and die Course condition is great but changing the routing of the course could open up safer spaces for non-golf park goers I think it’s great how it is. The only thing I can think of that would potentially appease those trying to change it from being a course would be to meet in the middle and have designated or marked “park” zones within the course. Although as it is I haven’t seen any true need for that. It’s just known that on the left side of the fairway at hole 7 to watch out for park-goers, as well as behind 8 green. A few amenities along the edges of the golf course for park use. Better trail maintenance where it is hilly and erodes. Another mutt mitt closer to Red River. Early morning yoga or Pilates exercise classes (before work.) Advertised golf classes for women and/adult beginners. Any! Love Hancock ! yes More uses for non-golfers Housing. Commercial development. Recreation space. A couple of walking trails and designated times for safe walking and enjoyment of the creek by all. Maintenance - water, fertilization, mowing 18 hole par 3 course More tournaments, events. Improve the greens. Pro shop improvements Expansion. Level tee boxes I do not support improvements to the golf course. I think it should be converted into a park. anything that keeps it usable as a community golf course Regular maintance Take out the golf facilities and maintain it as public park space. General upkeep,,, it’s not in bad shape Grounds keeping, improve the club house Maintain the walking/jogging path around the perimeter of the course. not sure whatever PARD deems necessary Re routing for recreation purposes, but also just well maintained so it’ll be a forever memory of Austin’s history Not a golfer so cant give input Better driveway to rec center and better parking lots. A water fountain and bathroom by the soccer field. Rainwater recovery, better greens care instead of the shag carpet, more actual rough, more tree cover on 1-4, cover for walking trail. Either revamping the landscape and amenities for golf or turn into a public use park Make the creek nicer, make the trail nicer Parking, All Any and all None. Save the money Upkeep Better greens demolish it Improved greens, improved sand traps, improved fairways General groundskeeping, clubhouse renovation, parking lot resurfaced Any deemed necessary Anything deemed necessary Maybe a restaurant, but I like the course as is Faster greens, that’s about it I dont support any improvements. Leave Hancock ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think golf is a bad land use for such centrally located land. Faster greens, better sand traps. sand trap practice and driving range. If possible have three tee boxes. Improved bunker quality and quicker greens Replace the grass on the greens. (Currently too grainy and slow.) Greens and bunkers The normal upkeep as well as a chipping/putting practice area expanded Any improvements, so long as it remains public, affordable and also modified to include non-golfers Any updates necessary to maintain the course as a public golf course Greens, tee boxes, and any potential routing changes that may be proposed to improve pace of play, better hole positioning, or player/pedestrian safety. Personally, I like it the way it is. It’s one of the few places that hasn’t changed. Availability of carts, improvement of the grounds Any necessary to continue use of the course Parking, food option minimal structural changes Green maintenance and bunker repair Better maintenance Par 3 course + practice area Improve turf quality, add hang out space Make it a fun pitch & putt like Butler I don’t know what improvements are needed to the course Larger greens, practice chipping area None Drainage, upkeep of grass and greens Keep it open to the public None None. Close it and repurpose it More maintenance for the course. All of them. It needs some love! no opinion Path repairs None Greens upgrade Better manicured Greens Add greenery (trees, bushes) to improve scenery and reduce the likelihood of stray balls Just keeping the greens, tee boxes and fairways in decent condition is all I need. A ski lift to get up the hill on #9 would be nice! Beer garden Fully accessible run / walk trail all the way around the park Lengthening, bunker renovation Nets surrounding the perimeter at errant shot locations. Dining and entertainment. Bigger club house, more parking Improved greens Better greens and overall condition improvement improve the grounds and the course. Maybe changes to the rec center portion. But great little course as it is. Nice walking trails also Eliminating the "golf" part of the place and opening it as true parkland. All of them! Modernize Upkeep. Tee boxese Better grass improved course conditions, improved pro shop Groundskeeping improvements I would support any golf improvements Redoing the greens, adjusting power lines around 9th hole Better greens and safety parameters Greens repair & maintenance None Practice facility, better grounds conditions Better greens Golf instruction facility. Development as a park for all of Austin Grounds keeping N/A More amenities like beer cart. Needs to be marketed for historical relevance Updates to the course, new greens, upgraded hospitality and practice areas. That place should be a really cool place to hang out and eat food and have a drink Whatever is deemed a necessary improvement in order to keep it a functioning public course Hedges, trees, shrubbery, berms, to knock down bad shots. Re-routing the wires over the practice green, Greens could be improved and walking trails could be better integrated Improved greens and better drainage Any and all improvements to the course, including work on the greens and around the greens would be amazing. None Fairways Any Fixed greens and more fairway bunkers Just general up keep Tree trimming, tee boxes leveled, Keep the course alive Driving range More areas for non-golfers to use More frequent cutting of the greens Course in better shape I support keeping the golf course and updating it. Not sure what PARD has specifically said It’s appeal is definitely to all skill levels, but there are things that can be done to transform it into a social gathering place as well. Similar to butler, but with more opportunity for scale and playability than what Butler can provide. Practice facilities Better maintenance of course conditions Better irrigation, over seeding and rebuilt greens, some shaping, and new bunkers Improved maintenance of greens, move the putting green, keep the holes in their current locations. Better greens Lights New greens and general improvements like drainage and sculpting of some of the topography. I would like the golf course to become a public park open to all Upgraded amenities Better irrigation. Better greens. Better carts. Improving the overall condition of the course (better greens and fairways etc). This would also improve the greenspace for the neighborhood and wildlife in the area if grass and surrounding area is in better health. better overall maintenence Improve the routing slightly to decrease the chance of errant shots go towards the road. All around course improvements and maybe club house improvements. A refreshment shop. Better drainage and a driving range Better greens Area for practice Turning it into a park No opinion Green upkeep, mowing. Better greens use of the club on Sundays for golfers to mingle not sure Better groundskeeping for golf VENDORS- FOOD not relevant safety features, landscape improvements I favor converting the golf course to a mixed use development with public green space. Butterfly gardens, maintenance around Waller creek. Grateful for investment in recycled water irrigation system. Trail maitenence Trail improvements, Waller creek preservation, Butterfly gardens, Planting more trees, great job with making the golf course beautiful with use of reclaimed water system Better maintained greens I don't support tax funds going to fund a golf course which only appeals to a small minority of people in the community (golfers). That space should be open to the general public. upgrade course to use fewer resources (ie. water), but maintain playbility/quality Net fencing to prevent balls from hitting cars Better greens Staff any any Converting it to a park. Leveling and expanding greens. Leveling tee Boxs. Possibly adding hills along some of the tree lines to increase playable area I do not think tax money should be spent on a park that only serves golfers remove the golf course, make it a park greens Basic face lift green replacement Lights for night golf Improved course conditions. Better water drainage. More of a practice area. The option of walking trail, but please maintain the course as a 9 hole course Parkland for more uses, affordable housing I would support general improvement to the grounds, but I love the character of the course and wouldn’t want to “bring it into the 21st century” whatever is needed to continue operation Build a croquet lawn More staff to maintain the property Whatever is essential to preserve it as is. A hike & bike trail and necessary re-plantings. Greens renovated, improved tee boxes, and trees further segmenting the holes. I don’t think it “needs” any improvements necessarily. It’s in great shape right now. People love it! It’s perfect as is! :) Better greens the least costly to maintain it Any improvements necessary for a public park such as paths, playgrounds, places for the community to gather. Better greens. Better Tee Boxes. Better landscaping. Expanding trail around the course, creating a community area More parking Course conditions None make it a park. Golf courses that are not artificial are a waste of resources/ real estate If they improved the course, while keeping it public, I'd support the improvements. Maintain and improve the walking trail around the perimeter. I’d like to see better facilities around the Hancock Center for more sports & maybe some food offerings (trailers).I’d love to be able to use the facilities more for my Scout troops. More accessible to area youth (so little for them to do in town). Green improvement and lengthen holes I love the way it is... maybe just continue good grass upkeep The course is fine! Spend the money on a dedicated and caring management team with a committed leader! Fund improvements to Lions instead. This is a pasture. Other sports activities on the grounds such as volleyball nets; disc golf; trails; area around creek for children play/exploring I'm not a golfer, but I would support maintaining grounds I would like to see the course converted to a public park. Continual course care, improvements to the Rec center and basketball courts Any Any and All None No opinion. Find someone smarter to run it. Practice area None None I would support it as a park! I do not support it remaining a golf course. Upgrade maintenance equipment None needed Anything but no driving range Any -except driving range or fencing I don’t support this public space continuing to be used for a unpopular sport. Turn it into a park so that people can run, picnic, and so forth ! improvements in order to keep the golf course properly maintaned and operating I would suggest turning it into a park and putting it under the management of the general fund I'm not a golfer; what I hear from golfers is that the course doesn't need that much - mainly some safety signage I am fine the way it is. Conversion to a park. unsure Improved putting greens , more tournaments, kids programs , lessons , food truck Turning it into a public park operated under the general fund. None that are golf-specific park! make it a park! clubhouse restaurant. Please turn it into a park / greenspace for all! Affordable housing, parkland upgrading recreation center, improving path around course. I don't play golf myself there--my husband does so I'm not sure what actual course improvements should be made. The golf course should be entirely replaced with a combination of a public park and affordable housing. Both are more in line with the city's goals. Update the practice areas. Driving range, better layout that is more fun and fast Not a driving range. Reparition of Waller Creek I think it is fine the way it is Improvements to the golf course and amenities for non-golf visitors (benches, water fountains, etc) park Park Unsure NA greens If we keep it a golf course then creek management and green management and better parking area. Turn it into public park space Whatever PARD identifies as upgrades None. Make it a park. greens Quality of the greens, tee boxes, and fairways Conversion to a public park Make it a park! Fairways need work, tee boxes and the fourth and ninth greens that die off every year Restore the creek, make it more accessible as a passive public park. joe@blow.com keeping it a golf course Convert to park I would like to see the golf course be repurposed into a public park, keeping the community center and even consider a library Remove sand pile on right side of #3 fairway, clean pond at #4 green, level out #5 tee box on the top of the hill, improve #9 green, improve all tee boxes and greens. Fairways are always in great shape no matter the season Changing it from a golf course to literally any other more productive use of the land. A public park, affordable housing, would all be more welcome than a golf course that services a fraction of the people that the land could. convert to high end par 3 course; add driving range, walking trails on 8 acres, food service area not sure Any and all that are needed All Necessary Nature 18 holes? Better greens No opinion don't improve it. make it a park. none Groundskeeping Improve the greens short courses, good greens, driving range, practice areas, good teaching center Ones focused on the course, not extra facilities No opinion It should be a general use park that can host a variety of community activities like small concerts and festivals. Bunker improvement and fairway grass imprvement what is needed. Convert to park Overall course health none Better greens Nothing I defer to the experts. It should be open and used by all. No golf. Park, water features, open for everyone Better maintenance, fewer sand traps (to reduce maintenance costs), Improved facilities and golf Affordable housing and some small parkland. Putting greens Repacement with something more people can enjoy. Better grass and drainage. Clean the creek running through it. only minor improvements for helping improve and protect trail walkers around it No opinion. Turning it into a park and not a golf course More walking and non-golf public uses. My household is already using Hancock mostly as a park after golf hours, at least 3x a week - more in the summer. We would use it much more if available as a park all-hours even without any improvements, but adding in multi- use capabilities like a disc golf course, a designated dog area, or more investments in areas close to the watershed (bridges, benches, etc) would be amazing. I do NOT want it to remain a golf course from both practical (must be subsidized) and environmental (using less water, etc) reasons, as well as a selfish interest in being able to fully use it as a park. Any what is needed Better greens, bring back the carts None Just better maintenance Making it a park for everyone Any and All Improvements Nothing I think it’s great as is! I want a park...with local plants Not many. The staff do an excellent job maintaining the course General maintenance and better protection for the neighborhood those related to the condition of the golf course (putting greens, fairways, tee box) Designing a disc golf course and installing disc golf baskets. Honestly the course, while it isn't as maintained as other municipal courses, it does have its charm. I think investments should be made in clubhouse, staff, food and beverage as those create more opportunities for revenue to help the course maintain the grounds. Improvements to the course conditions improve the course Include some common park areas if possible. Improve the walking trail Again, I would prefer a passive park, but if it remains a golf course, I would like to see a riparian restoration of the creek area. I definitely do not want a driving range, nor do I want any uses that impinge on the Hancock rec center uses, including the playground and the soccer field. Also no lights at night! Planting native, drought-resistant, and bird-friendly plants, shrubs, and trees. Greens surfaces (smoother, faster), and various sight lines to be improved via tree work or other hole definition features. Tell me what is needed and I can THEN tell you what I'll support. Not a clear survey question. Few Fine as is add a dog park, improve the perimeter trail Turn it into parkland that everyone can use! Would support any improvements fixing the tee boxes No opinion Path around course Paved walking track around perimeter. greens Better fairways Make it a public park None. I strongly believe that giving white men—who predominately play golf at Hancock—disproportionate amount of public land for use in playing a game that can harm others who try to enjoy the space is deeply discriminatory. Add passive park and safety for park attendees (nets or other barriers from golf balls). A skateboard park area would be great, too. Don’t have enough information to answer this question I would support using that money to transform the course into a public park. Better grounds Make it available to people beyond golfers. Yes, it is old and historic, but it is beautiful and could serve as a much needed park in Central Austin. I love the course as is... as mentioned in prior response, I would personally fund/ sponsor improvements in the soccer field I would support turning the golf course into a park Better greens.. More support for the walking trails, using chemical free and sustainable resources for nourish the land, wildlife, creek, trees rather than toxic chemicals. To turn it into a public park improvements of every kind. Converting it to a park All: irrigation, club house, carts, etc. I’ll take PARD suggestions Overall conditions, it has gotten rundwon. SA redid Brack, Houston Memorial but it need not be that intensive Better grass all around, fairways and greens. Don’t chop down any trees. It would be easier to answer this question if a list of PARD's necessary improvements were provided. From my experience walking the course as a golfer, it would be helpful to restore use of the water stations. Some parts of the path have also fallen into disrepair. None. Hancock should become a public park, perhaps with a golf component NOT A DRIVING RANGE. Improved walking / running path, more area for non-golfers Demarcate park area protections / improvements that would support the health of Waller Creek efforts to be as environmentally friendly as possible. Any as long as the course STAYS. More public access around the perimeter, along the creek Turning it into a park better public restrooms get rid of the golf course Should be turned into a public park for use of all people. not sure Any Food and Beverage Service, pro shop, more money for grounds Course conditions and facility upgrades Opening of the pro shop. Concessions. New routing, greens, putting green, outdoor food and bevarge Restore wallet creek New greens, fewer bunkers. A few less trees Fairway and green improvements See last answer better safety, more short game training improvements, remodel of former golf cart barn under the rece center into a hitting cage training space perhaps with a partner like GolfTec Just kept the basic same with modernized features like the city did for Morris Williams As the golf course exists today, the main improvements would be to reshape and expand the size and leveling of most greens. Everything else can be improved with agronomic practices and irrigation tweaks. We do think a driving range/short game area and conversion of the remaining property to a 9 hole par 3 course is the best financial upside and usage proposition. No lighting or perimeter netting would be needed based on our analysis. It would be amazing to have a beginner-friendly, but high quality 9 short course. It’s fine as is. Commercially re-develop the clubhouse site for a “Top Golf” like facility. Use proceeds to improve the 9-holes, specifically deforesting to allow grass growth. Not sure that I would point anything that isn't already obvious I support the PARD identified necessary improvements to the golf course. In the past, funds were available for improvements to the parking areas - but those improvements have never been made. They could help both the Rec Center and the golf users.. but there are several very large trees to consider. Improved sidewalks around the course for people to walk/ride/run as they already do. Any improvements to the facility are also appreciated. I do not want the course turned into another park - we have Zilker, auditorium shores, green belts, etc. A better finish on the 9th green (move it forward?) also a net along the road by number 2 Overall care for the grounds Lights Grounds/course improvements Restrooms Bring back carts so elderly can play there Driving range area with nets. Better greens, improved upkeep of the course. Any necessary improvements I have no opinion on improvements Cart paths and more drainage on some holes New greens, new club house, better parking. Improvements to greens on #4, #7 and #9 Greens improvements upgrade to existing, change to par three holes, or teaching facility Better up keep of the course. Programs for kids! Golf, soccer, basketball, summer camps, and educational activities. More consistent green conditions, possible additions of street side nets to prevent balls from going into the streets Fence around the property, advise people to remain on outskirts of course instead of the middle of the fairways New Pro-Shop Updating the clubhouse, revamp the greens general maintenance Redesign, improve conditions Driving range Redesign to be a Golf Learning Center As many improvements as possible. Safety Nets along red river Improve the approach on hole 6 Turn it into a practice facility All those needed to ensure its success Better greens keeping Convert to short course or par 3 course. More practice area Pro shop/concession stand Greens and bunkers could use some love Course is already maintained better than some of the 18 hole courses. I wouldn’t change a thing Better irrigation system that doesn’t flood 5 green/ 6 tee. Ok with driving range as long as there’s also a larger practice facility, putting green is too small. Ok with a par 3 course and range combo as walking is still a big part of why I come to Hancock. Hancock NEEDS a fence, all of the problems I have with the course are with the random pedistrians and dog walkers thinking it’s an open park when they don’t help pay for it at all. Better greens. Better lawnmower for the fairways and greens Any improvements are appreciated. I could see making it an 18 hole par three course. better greens for sure, a driving range and practice area practice area, short course, Better grass More trees Improved summer conditions, minimal increase in green fee Making it a public park or keeping it a municipal, affordable, accessible golfing option. Beverage stands or weekday carts Driving range. Improved landscaping and creek. Keep the spirit in place but beautify it. Good maintenance, better flow and access for park space. Better communication with signs such as “this is a golf course but also a park, be wary but enjoy” eliminating bunkers and better greens that can go faster Improved greens and bunkers Greens, overall irrigation rock removal, updated hiking path/trails, All . It needs to be a true 9 hole well kept course Maintenance and practice facility. Total overhaul Maintenance for golf course, stream restoration, trail fixes, roads. I think the course is totally fine, but you could never go wrong improving greens and tee boxes. Overall maintenance of the course and course conditions (tee boxes, greens, food/drink options) Better greens Added bunkers More parking. Improved drainage. I would normally say “better greens,” but the greens are usually fine relative to the cost of the place. I’d prefer improvements to the land as a whole to make it better for multi-use Lights for evening play Driving range and improved practice facilities Better practice facility Just add a bit of polish to it really. It is a wonderful golf course better greens Better grooming of the course. Cart girl. Club house for people to hangout in. Whatever is necessary to make Hancock more economically viable. Improving tee boxes, greens and the irrigation system. I think it’s great the way it is! improve quality of turf on the greens Greens need work. Other than that the course isn't bad Grounds maintenance Green & Tee Box improvements See previous comment. Tree trimming. Better greens Course maintenance, greens and bunkers create a short game area and practice facility . Clubhouse food/drink Maintenance (maintaining the fairways, greens, etc) Better course maintenance. Now the greens and cut the grass more often. Improve greens lighting up the course for night play greens Q8 - Please add any other thoughts you have on the use of the Hancock Golf Course. Would be best used as public park Privatizing public spaces and making them inaccessible to the public is a form of theft of public resources. Would be a great place for an urban park with walking trails and passive recreation. I don't like the idea of sealing the space off and having it taken over by a commercial golf club. We love the Hancock Golf course!! This is public land that should be used to benefit all of the citizens of Austin no matter income level. I know there are people who want to make it into a park, but municipal golf courses are a great civic asset! It’s a waste of water and resources when it could be used for something else love having the course where it is Tear down the triangle if you want to build a new park - don't take away access to an affordable golf facility available to the public. Hell, build a hiking/bike train around the course during renovations. Do not sell or lease this to a private company Should NOT become a driving range. It is too pretty of an Austin space. Public green spaces are vital to livability and the health of a community. Austin has long enjoyed a deserved reputation for great outdoor spaces. Let's keep that pride and keep Hancock available to all of Austin. No PM lights, no increase in neighborhood parking, expand jogging trail. I find it interesting that you don't offer any suggestions or options for what it could be (would you prefer we turn the golf course into..... a pool, park, etc.). I like the golf course. Maybe add a pool Great course Keep it public make it more versatile and ecological and beautiful Public park with children's playground, picnic area, running trails, etc The past year has shown how important public green spaces are. Turning Hancock Golf Course into a park would make so many people's lives more pleasant! I believe there is a very big opportunity to save a piece of history by creating it a park. Keep it a green space for the health of the community. Disc golf is the fastest growing sport and a lower maintenance use that protects natural spaces. Open a little restaurant. If you build it they will come. Just want to leave it open. If that means keeping it as a golf course, so be it. if it means turning it into a park, so be it. Could also be Interesting to have it as a disc golf course. Keep it a golf course. You can hold disc and soccer golf there on occasions, as well as junior golfer events. Hancock is awesome and historic! Since the land is not big enough for a full golf course, maintaining the Hancock land as a park would allow the space to shine. Greenspace within the city is one of the highlights of life in Austin. But that greenspace is shrinking as more people move here. It is important to preserve an open area that can be used by all (not just those of us who play golf). This is a precious parcel of land which needs to be maintained as public and green. We can honor the history of the land by working to restore its ecological integrity and promote human mental and physical health by allowing folks to take refuge in a beautiful public park. Only some people play golf, but everything can enjoy a multifunctional park That neighborhood/area deserves a park in walking distance. please save from selling any land, it's a great public space in central Austin It’s a wonderful asset to the neighborhood It should not be privately owned; it should be converted to a public park for all Golf courses waste water and limit how many people could otherwise enjoy the green space at the same time. i was there before covid19. we enjoy the golf course. parks end up as homeless camps in austin. keep the golf Best austin feature Whatever you do to it make it free and available to all Austinites. Bring people together Hancock Golf Course is one of few major institutions left untouched in Austin. It is not enough to simply "remember" things of the past while actively uprooting and destroying the locations that make Austin unique. During covid, I have been walking over to Hancock several times a week. I walk around it but am always worried about getting hit by a golf ball. I always see a lot of people sunning themselves in grassy area around the golf course. It would be amazing if this area were transformed to a public park. NO PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT! KEEP AS CITY OF AUSTIN PARKLAND I have friends that live near the golf course and we often visit there. It's a beautiful addition to the neighbor. We all love it. As a lifelong resident of the Hyde Park area, Hancock holds a dear place in my heart. Of all the activities that have brought me to the fields and to the rec center over the years, none of them were about Golf. It is time to make more of this jewel of a space available to Austinites. Make it a park and keep some precious green space The world is running out of clean water. One less golf course is a step in the right direction. I think Hancock would make a wonderful pat either. small putting green for children and teens or just teens. Disc golf course I just think it could be another amazing Austin park open to all! Hopefully with a nice dog park¨̮ I support both preserving the historic and scenic value of the muni golf course AND adding some more mixed use features. We have a lot of kids, dogs and students who will love some mixed use (dog, bike, water, classes, disc golf) which could probably be added without degrading the golf experience. Tasteful general public concessions or food truck space could generate revenue. Classes would generate revenue. Maybe host 3rd party yoga or martial arts vendors for a rental fee. Think about a small / medium concert venue with limited seating - work with Commador Perry jointly for room + concert package revenue opportunities. More aggressively promote hall rental for kids parties, weddings, neighborhood bbqs and other events - again maybe get Commodore Perry involved for rooms and concessions. Handcock is a gem and the right, neighborhood friendly mix uses will really make it shine. It’s an under utilized space as a golf course in the middle of a very accessible neighborhood. Make it a community space that is inclusive, not exclusive. It could be very kid & dog friendly. Keep the history of the disc golf course The spaces close to where we live in Austin are overrun with kids, demon cyclists, strollers....it would be great not to have narrow trails and too many people and have it close to home. We love the rec center and rec center staff at Hancock! Not a Dog Park which encourages the homeless to camp out Please keep the small art center alive too! Please do not sell this land to private developers. Continue to make it a public use space. SHUT DOWN THE GOLF COURSE - OPEN IT UP AS A PUBLIC PARK! Its better for Austin, and our community. Making the area into a general purpose public park where families can enjoy the outdoors I feel that the city has plenty of golf courses, and this space would be better used as a park. It's a beautiful area of the city. If the golf course can't pay for itself, it'd be great to see it repurposed as a park not unlike Patterson Park. Disc Golf Course Such a beautiful public space, it looks great with the luminara over the holidays. Please make it a plant rich trail friendly public space It is long past time for Hancock Golf Course to be reimagined as a sustainable public space. Would be much better as a park. Move the tees back Add a disc golf course on the property Neighborhood resource, pls preserve it. Jewel. Golf course The park closest to m is Shipe, full of dogs and very crowded on weekends. Hyde Park and surrounding areas need more green spaces to retreat to and the golf course would be best used as a public park and nature preserve. The present Pard proposal for golf school is opposed by the vast majority people that live in the neighborhood that I talked to I like Austin's golf courses. It's a beautiful place in an underserved area for parks, and I've always thought that it was a shame that it was so seldom in use by golfers, and that neighbors and other Austinites could only walk the perimeter. The lovely old trees, open grassland and water ways should be a legacy for all. Golf takes equipment and classes that not everyone can afford, but everyone can take a walk in a beautiful setting. Please save this course Its a great place to play As development spools up and up, this bit of healthy green space in Central Austin is priceless. It should be preserved for the public, especially nearby residents. Excellent location, plenty of land, could use way less resources and get more people active if it had disc golf courses. the sport has exploded during the pandemic and we need more top tier parks with courses in them It would be a shame if this course was lost. It’s historic and provides access to golf at a low price for many Austin residents Put the latest equipment in it that people of all ages can enjoy. Have water features to make it feel cooler in the summer. Have picnic areas. Hancock is an historic golf course in Texas. As a new player, having affordable golf near my home in Austin is a game-changer. Please keep Hancock golf course as a municipal course open to all players. I visit Austin frequently and play the course several times per year. One of my favorite courses. They don’t build anything like it anymore. A true Texas treasure! NOT in any way in favor of any mixed development I love Golf. Please save it! I will not be able to golf anymore if Hancock goes away, many students feel the same! it should be preserved, I lived in the neighborhood when my children were young. It is the oldest golf course west of the Mississippi This is a staple in the community and provides many with a low cost Avenue to the game of golf. It’s fantastic, why would we get rid of it, if it brings money & is visually stimulating to the public & all who pass it. All college students love it because of the price. If Hancock closes, college students who don’t have as much disposable income will have nowhere to play Keep Hancock Golf course! It’s an Austin staple, and a great place for new or existing golfers to fall in love in the game in an intimate and unique fashion. Turning the course into a park would inevitably lead to increased traffic, crime, and loitering in and around the site. Undoubtedly it would negatively impact the surrounding community. It needs to stay! I love playing at Hancock please don’t take it from us no mixed use development This green space is a core of our local community, and must be left free and open to the public. Once these spaces are gone, they are gone for good (look at the Hancock Center across the way). Please keep this as public land for the benefit of all...not developers Keep it a golf course! Central Austin is so crowded and needs green spaces. Don't develop this or sell it for a private course. Think of what our city lost with the development of the pristine 75 acres at 45th and Bull Creek. Please add a disc golf course to Hancock Maybe it can be partially converted to a park and kept mostly as a golf course? The space should remain city owned--no sale of Hancock to private developers The course is beautiful and a historic landmark none It shouldn't be sold to a private entity. as the oldest golf course west of the mississippi i believe it should be preserved Must keep the historic golf course A golf course is not a good use of water in a place that regularly experiences drought. Make it a public park! It already belongs to the taxpayers. Selling it to a private company would be a betrayal, and as it is now, only golfers use it. Give it back to the people! Please do not sell to a private company Another Mueller-type park in the area would be lovely, and offset some of the weekend crowds at Mueller too. Golf is elitist and is not the proper use of public land I prefer that it become a public park. I think having a space for everyone is more in line with Austin values There is so little green space on the east and central parts of Austin, this is a great opportunity to expand access I would love it be a public park with large open areas, some play structures, large seing sets, bathrooms, etc. My preference would be to have it be a park. I understand that leaving at a public course is not an option. I would not like to see it privatized. Please don’t turn it into an apartment complex and don’t waste scarce resources on the most privileged in our society while I recently moved to the east side, I lived for 2 years at 43rd and Ave F, just a 10 minute walk from Hancock. I noticed during the pandemic how many people brought blankets and picnics or books to the grassy areas or walked along the trails. Driving past, my car has been hit by golf balls and I've almost been hit as a pedestrian on 41st St. Having the entire site open to golf is a hazard to other users. The site is large enough for a contained golf area if that activity is still desired AND a large community park (missing from that part of town) with trails, green space, and more native plantings that help improve water quality for Waller Creek With such limited green space in Austin - and given it's public use land - it would be great to have a public park. Do not turn it into a residential complex. As a native Austinite, I’ve seen how developers with little to no ties with the city have come in and changed the soul of the city. This was here long before the influx on non-Texans and should stay. Times change. It's sad to close such an old course, but given the huge amount of space available, i would prefer something that could serve a larger porition of the community I think it can support more people rather than rich white men The space is underutilized as a golf course, as golf as a hobby/sport is in decline. Thus, typically, you find many more people walking the trail around the course than people playing golf. N/a Having the golf course at Hancock limits the use to just golfers who are almost always white males. Turning Hancock into a park would allow for more equitable and inclusive use of the space. Please keep it as is!! It’s a great walkable course! If it’s getting too expensive to maintain as a gold course, make it a public park. Austin doesn't have enough park space. If it isn't preserved as a Golf course it should definitely stay as a public park. Please use it for public park space, with a fenced dog run, that ALL may enjoy (not just the low incidence golfers). Golf is an exclusive use. The knowledge base and equipment needed to enjoy are prohibitive. I would use a general park much more often with friends and family Keep some golf and create more green space Hancock golf course is beautiful. I got married there in 2003. It truly is a gem in the city. If it is not used as a golf course, I would love to see it as open park land. Keep it public for citizens to use it keep it public, keep it a park that people can walk, run, or bike through. keep the green space, make it somewhere as many people at a time can access. golf is a poor use of scarce land in a city. I use the area for running, which is terrific. It is a huge, beautiful space...and when I’m there I mainly see men playing golf. It does not feel like an inclusive space for our whole city. It is a vastly underrated resource that could be a wonderful place for families and kids to get outside in central Austin. love it! Park space It’s a shame that people want to do away with the only public golf course available in Central Austin. Please open this space up as a public park. Austin needs another Zilker-like greenspace (where the northern folks wouldn't have to drive across the river and park) Please keep the historic nature of golf at Hancock. Disc Golf and Ball Golf can both work there, even if not played at the same time. A great disc golf course and the ball golf course couldn’t both be played at the same time because of the small space, but some kind of schedule or rotation could work. Different days for each? Ball golf in the mornings and disc golf in the afternoons? It can be worked out and would help keep the course busy and profitable at all times of the day, 7 days a week. If the course has to change to a pitch and putt style course (like Butler) or even a driving range, that would at least keep ball golf active there. And disc golf could still work with either of those activities; bringing in people and revenue to the property. These would be better than converting the property to a passive use park. For over 20 years Waterloo Disc Golf Club has helped maintain and improve disc golf courses all around the city. We also raise lots of money to help local charities including Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Texas and Central Texas Food Bank). We would gladly add Hancock to our list of courses. And in fact the club has had a number of disc golf events there. We have hosted 7 years of the Annual Waterloo Disc Golf Classic at the Hancock Golf Course, bringing hundreds of people each year to the course and raising a total of $64,900 for the Ronald McDonald House in just those 7 years. We have a strong and dedicated disc golf community here in Austin and we believe in giving back to our courses and our community. We want ball golf to remain at Hancock and we want to add disc golf there too, and we are ready to help make that happen. I feel strongly that Hancock golf course should be turned into a park that everyone can use, not just a handful of golfers. what i would hate to see the most is it sold off to private development. between the botique mansion hotel across the street and privatizing Hancock, it would erode away at the fabric of Hyde Park as a neighborhood (I lived in the neighborhood for 10 years before moving to Brentwood). if a park is on the table, that would be also an option. keeping the space open and accessible It's an asset to the community and should remain public You could add: trail thru and around perimeter for running; playgrounds: some basketball or tennis courts, maybe a splash pad? Please don’t get rid of it, that course needs to stay. It's an absolute waste to have this remain as a golf course. I would support developing half of it to help pay for the other half becoming a park! More soccer fields and a dog park would be cool! It’s a fantastic green space for golfing and a park Keep the space public Keep soccer fields open for public use! Open park space Already provided Austin's history is a key part of our culture. Keep the open park space and celebrate it. Inner city green spaces are vitial to our connections to nature. Only by perserving our few small green spaces in central Austin can I support a denser built city. Golf courses are not sustainable. This would be an amazing way to incorporate a park, it would be the north zilker! Super great walking trail for the neighborhood. It would be a huge loss to not have that anymore. Park conservancy with hiking trails and habitat preservation. I feel there are more people who would enjoy the space than just a handful of people who play golf and who can afford to go somewhere else. That soccer field is a special place. I grew up playing on that field and I want my kids to play on it as well. i really think Hancock Golf Course should be converted into a public park for all. Everyone (including myself) uses that space on the perimeters for walks, dogs, etc and when it closed down due to the pandemic, it was great to see people using it for distanced picnics. etc. Please do not privatize it. While it is historically a golf course, it's usage as a public park will serve it direct community much more than a golf course. Historic sites deserve justice in adaptive reuse and a public park would not modify the landscape at all and give the space much more use. Thank you. please keep this lovely area for public use! so many people use it for more than golfing. Golf is the worst use of a massive urban green space. Parkland is desperately needed. keep it, maintain it Please make it a green space MAKE IT A PARK I would be lovely to be able to use that area as a park - we just don't have that many in this part of town Just keep it, its is one of the last great remaining golf courses in Austin please do not take that away its unique and keeps Austin unique I live nearby and long to use the park for sitting/lying outside and reading, picnicking, walking my pets, and flying kites. It’s a shame that only golfers can use it. The people who golf tend to be more privileged than I am, and it’s not fair that regular residents can’t use the park-it’s only for privileged people who can afford golf clubs and lessons and have time for regular golf practice, e.g. professional white men, by vast majority. Please open the park to all! It’s time for equitable park distribution in the Hancock area. Park spaces are important! A park serves way more community members than a golf course I would like it to remain a park, either a green space and nature park or a golf courses w public access We need more public green spaces in Austin. It's a beautiful green space that I'll personally never use as a golf course. I'd love to use it as a park, though. I do not support this land being privatized in any way I'd love to see a more community-oriented use for this public land. Golf courses are nice (I am a golfer), but this piece of land (its central location) could be put to better use. Morris Williams is a better course and is very close by. North central Austin needs green space and I support using this land to achieve that. City center green spaces should be available to all persons. Golf is an outdated, environmentally damaging and elitist activity. Against golf course privatization Make it a disc golf course ball golf is dumb Please do not involve a private entity. This should stay a public green space accessible to all always! It would be great to have another park in central austin. Especially around Waller Creek No, thanks for asking! The most important thing is that it remains public. Preferably, there would be no golf aspect at all, as golf is wasteful and elitist in my opinion, and the massive space would be better served by having a large public park. Noted it before but it would be great to add a disc golf course to Hancock Golf course or park Great place to exercise and enjoy a round of golf in central Austin I strongly suggest checking out this site for a much better vision of the park than a privately-run golf course which largely serves the already-overly-served Austin elites: https://www.imaginehancockpark.org/ playgrounds for children, keeping open green areas for general use, walking trails Save it Hiking and green space please I have lived in this neighborhood for 21 years and have never been interested in playing golf here. (I should mention that I don't play golf) There aren't many parks near my neighborhood to go to. There is a park in Mueller and patterson park but the Handcock gofl course is a huge area that should have more use now that East Austin has had a great deal of people moving in. East Austin deserves a nice large green space too. Such a wonderful location and great challenge Anything on the National Register of Historic Places should be maintained. An added disc golf course would make Austin a more desirable location for me to travel to as a disc golfer Its use is incredibly valuable just as it is. It refreshes the spirit of all who visit as an irreplaceable natural area. It is the lack of “bells and whistles” that makes it such a special place in ou The golf course serves specific needs within the golf community and for childrren. For example, it's unique nine- hole course offers a place for training purposes, for less accomplished golfers, and for children to learn golf. The city Parks system provides facilities for soccer, for dog parks, for baseball and softball, for tennis, and a nine-hole course like those serves a specific recreational and valuable opportunity alongside the many multi-pupose parks throughout the city. I see the space as a valuable complement within the larger system. I believe the Hancock course should be supported via the general fund like the other golf courses. The entire complex also serves as a needed green space within the heart of the dense city, and it adds significant aesthetic value to the urban core. It serves as a strong complement to the well planned and well diversified greater parks system. This course is really perfect ideal for future disc golf tournaments since this sport is growing popularity so fast. This doesn’t have to be free admission, you can charge players for green fee etc to keep the course maintained! please keep the course public and accessible to all Ball golf is an economic waste and environmental disaster It's a beautiful piece of land that should NOT be privatized; the public should have full access to it. If there aren't enough golfers interested, by all means turn it into a public park, adding gardens and walkways through it. The course is a historic landmark that should be preserved rather than torn down like the rest of Austin I believe that this open space is a truly valuable asset to the community, not only our neighborhood, but the community at large (as we saw during the recent snow storm, when it was full of people "sledding" and enjoying the snow in various ways). My highest priority is that it be preserved as open space that is freely accessible to the community. If a golf course is the best way to ensure that, I'm fine with retaining the golf course, as long it remains open and accessible to those who are non-golfers. (Also, I have visited and attended events at the Recreation Center, but not in the past two years, in part due to COVID.) My son loves playing there - close, inexpensive, walkable, and public! Such great value especially this year during pandemic- online school- so much screen time! I love him being outside and playing a sport with friends! We are in a great need for a public park, open to families and kids, NOT A GOLF COURSE Incorporate a Disc Golf Course Any use for this land should be to benefit the public, not a move toward privatizing public space Austin, like the rest of the country, is in the middle of an affordable housing crisis. We need to build more homes, affordable homes, for the largest growing city in the country. I also support the conversion of this land into a public park. Only a small percentage of Austinites play golf, while everyone would be able to enjoy public parkspace that is open and accessible without the worry of being struck by an errant golf ball. We ought to invest in ecological restorations to Waller Creek, too. Continuing to run a golf course (which, other than during COVID, operates at a substantial loss) is an inefficient use of land that serves a small minority. We can do so much better. I like the idea of having different amenities at each of Austin’s many parks. I visit different parks around town based on the activities I want to pursue. Think the Hancock land should muti use park with walking trails. Do not want private golf course. A disc golf course would be nice Please add a disc golf course DISC GOLF A disc golf course would add to the already brilliant fun Hancock provides folks of this city Our city is struggling. Austinites are losing their homes and their lands to developers. Let's protect this little haven in the city for our citizens We need to deal with the homeless population in Austin without just using the “out of sight out of mind” tactic. People need to have affordable shelter available to them Golf courses are a waste of space and resources. Parks are for everyone. Please don’t take this area away from residents! I am all for golfers using it as long as people can still walk the paths as they can today Please add an 18 hole disc golf course to the grounds Sure would make a great park We are very dedicated to Muny and would like to see Hancock funds directed to making that the best public course in Austin. There are so few golf courses in the Austin area, especially public courses that are affordable to the every man. Non golfers don’t understand how important affordable accessible golf is to the game especially in a city like Austin that has so few this much real estate in the middle of the city being used for anything other than helping solve the affordable housing crisis in Austin feels short-sighted and wrong. I’d like to see more of the public courses turned into multi-use venues for walkers and runners It would be a great space for disc golf which is such an accessible sport for many skill levels Please add a disc golf course! Public park is better for the environment and more accessible to the general public Discgolf course only as a affordable option for all Hancock golf course should be preserved and modified to accommodate the disc golf. I would love to see outdoor dining areas and places to watch the action as well I think it would get more community use if some disc catchers were positioned on the property. There is a ton of crossover in the two sports. And the communities would support each other Hancock is the oldest golf course west of the Mississippi and provides a cheap place for everyone to play. Keep Hancock a golf course. The Public need this space! It is not only still useful, but Austin should not be selling off historically public places as this one. See Waterloo disc golf club recommendations: Combination golf and or pitch & putt putt plus disc golf, which would preserve the natural and historic setting while maximizing usability For active outdoor recreation Parks would be used by many more people than a golf course. as a golf course, it's a waste of space for the vast majority of the population Being able to play the golf course, along with the ability to walk dogs, and also have activities for the community is such a nice addition to the neighborhood! Important for low income players Many people use this park for walking and exercise. It is a unique location with beautiful streams and trees. We have so little public land available that is centrally located and could be used as a park. We should convert this land to something all could enjoy, and a landmark and sense of pride for Austin. Too few care about or play golf. If a disc golf course is added, I would visit Austin more frequently to play disc golf in the city. Disc golf would be okay too Carts Add disc golf. Make the space more accessible for things other than golf I think this is such a good one for beginning golfers. My apartment overlooks the course. I visit multiple times weekly, and it is clear the space would be better utilized as a community rec center and park rather than a golf course There is a big neighborhood right next to this golf course with many children who would love to have a nice park in the neighborhood I live in Highland neighborhood but would use a park here Turn it into a Disc Golf Courses Please put this space in service of the public instead of just the elite golfers Disc golf The addition of a disc golf course would be wonderful for the community I used to live in 78751 and would walk around the gold course every day. We would really lose something if it turned into condos or a private land Disc golf Add Disc Golf course It’s very historical and beautiful. Disc golf course Disc golf would be a great addition. During COVID, hundreds of people used the park to relax outside. Only a few golfers at a time can use it. Way out of balance A disc golf course is a superior use of public space relative to ball golf, for several reasons: it’s more inclusive as disc golf is free and an easier game for beginners to learn, it’s more diverse (both socioeconomically and racially) than ball golf, and less wasteful (management of disc golf requires far less water and community resources). I feel very strongly that public spaces should be structured to allow for as much public use as possible and in my mind, keeping this a gold course limits its use to only a select group of people - those who can afford the gear or who want to play the game. Unlike tennis, golf requires so much dedicated space. At least if it were frisbee golf, we wouldn't have to maintain greens. It would be great to see this course stick around, but if it has to go, disc golf would be a great alternative. Since Hancock is an historic golf site it would be ideal to keep golf in some form available. Adding a disc golf course could be beneficial as disc golf doesn't seem to take up the same amount of space as ball golf. In fact, I think the entire property at Hancock could have 1 recreational short beginners disc golf course, 1 full pro level course and still be able to have room for additional open "free" park space. With a pro level disc golf course added to the property that could easily bring in tournament potential for revenue to the course, which just simply isn't possible as a ball golf course. Please keep it public use - don’t lease it to a private company. I don’t know much about usage over there but we need to keep the green space green and open to austinites. Disc golf Disc Golf Let's keep some of the original Austin, original. Keep it free and open to the public -- make it a public park! Keep Hancock Golf Course Disc Golf My main concern is that it is not developed into some version of the Triangle. A park is what it should remain. Have been enjoying it as a public space (not for golfing though) throughout the pandemic It's sad to me that this beautiful green space has been limited to customers of the golf course for so long. Having that space available for multiple outdoor uses, with no exclusivity or membership involved, would be a big improvement to the entire area! This location has the potential to become a world class park. Although I am an occasional golfer I am a frequent visitor to one of the many parks. One thing COVID has shown us is that Austin’s outdoor space is what keeps us sane. That would be a great place for a general purpose park for those of us who are not golfers I love it for golf and late night walks. Please please please keep it. A playground and trails for families as well as picnic area Do not turn this into another commercial space. Do not further anonymize Austin. Love to walk this course. It should be a green space for all to enjoy Keep it public! It would be better as a public park I think it should be used as a golf course Great 9 hole course. It's part of Austin history and tradition. Keep it open for golfers. Golf only serves a limited amount of people that can afford it. A park serves everyone and with the glut of people moving here you better increase park space or they will find space you dont like Don't sell the land or put it into the control if companies or individuals. This is a community space, shared and maintained by all, and we want to keep it that way Disc Golf Keep it as is. Golf is ridiculously expensive and Hancock has provided a way to play inexpensively for many generations of Austinites. Those who don’t like it can drive or walk the 1.5 miles to Mueller Greenway. Do not privatize this park, do not issue private contracts to maintain this park. This is public land, do not send my tax dollars to some company to make a profit off of it Beautiful piece of land but serves a very small number of people I think whatever use would allow the most people to enjoy the space makes sense. Love the course, just played it this morning I hate being shouted at by the old white men that I’m “ ruining the grass” If Hancock were in better shape it maybe used more. Nine hole course near the university should be a no brainer. Adding disc golf The history of the golf course is likely lost on the many users of the golf course. It would be great to have information displays telling the Hancock story and some of the storied personalities associated with it. maintain as a municipal golf course. if it becomes Public land there is a lot less control on who and what it can be used to support. It’s an incredible space and the community needs to maintain access as opposed to the space going to a private developer making it restricted. I live in San Antonio and come to Austin to play several of the disc golf courses. But, when they have the disc golf tournament at Hancock, it is my favorite. It's beautiful, and I love the historic aspect of the course a well. If the golf course is not being used, a beautiful city park is a great idea! Please keep it open to the public and available to joggers/neighbors who enjoy the trail around it. Hoping the COA will prioritize funding recreation areas accessible to all Austinites. I have friends who use it as a golf course and use the time to do Father/son bonding. It is just the right size as my friend is recovering from a stroke and his son loves the course. g would be great to have a fenced dog area in part of it It seems PARD is trying to sabotage the success of Hancock by eliminating the golf carts, which makes it less accessible to those with mobility challenges More people would benefit from a park than would a golf course Please continue to make this green space available to everyone. Few affordable golf courses left in Austin. Would be ideal for introduction to golf programs For underprivileged youth with enough fore-thought a world class teaching facility and practice area would be wonderful It is an important green space. Golf courses are needed for good recreation. Few changes Good luck. Special place please preserve it a leash free dog section would be ideal, in addition to the whole site becoming a park Golf courses require exorbitant amounts of water and lawn care and are exclusionary in nature. If you want to have a space that is truly open to all, create a free space that is accessible to all. I wish we could have both, but with space being preciously limited, and current use being pretty low- I think Hancock would better serve the community as a park. Please do not let this course be destroyed! it's location & history make it an Austin Gem. There is enough gentrification and change happening in the area. There are a lot of other parks in the area. Don’t change history and something people depend on just for monitizatiob It's a wonderful course and I greatly enjoy golfing it Keep it exactly as it is, and listen to the Hancock GOLF CLUB Conservancy, not the "Hancock Conservancy." Please keep it. Please keep the historic nature of golf at Hancock. Disc Golf and Ball Golf can both work there, even if not played at the same time. A great disc golf course and the ball golf course couldn’t both be played at the same time because of the small space, but some kind of schedule or rotation could work. Thanks for the idea, I think the area is currently underutilized and for folks who can support the expensive sport of golf. Looking forward to hearing how this can be used in a more inclusive way. They're not making any more land and money is temporary. Keep public lands open for the people. Having versatile green space for a family park, ecological restoration and/or conservation, or a multi-recreational area is far more beneficial to our city, youth and all residents than a golf course. Golf courses use an excess of water for the ongoing lawn maintenance, can create hazard to neighboring buildings and houses and they also exclude much of the community who don’t have access to golfing whether it is public or not. Please use this space for something more inclusive and better overall for the community. It funcionts aw the most important public outdoor space in the entire Hancock/Hyde Park/Cherrywood and other neighborhoods. New developments are required to included public open green space, so shy take one away from such long-established neighborhoods? Hancock acts a family place for walking, a safe jogging venue, a child- strolling spaced, an ad hoc pet space, a peripheral picnic space, and a quiet meditation place. The natural enjoyment of Waller Creek is one of the only unspoiled section of the stream remaining in it's entire length. lazily running without the need of multi-million dollar "improvements" like Moody Park where it is just an expensive, managed water feature. At Hancock, golfers, families, children and wildlife coexist in a way that everyone wins. Does the COA judge Lady Bird Lake hike and bike trail on its "profitiabiliy"??? NO--it tis a part of the aulaithy of life we enjoy as proud citizens and heavily taxed property owners. Please leave it alone! music venues additional meeting facilities for rent might provide more income It could be a great place for a community center beyond the exisiting facilities. Plus, add a couple of baseball fields, lawn bowling, an arboretum/nature center. Austin needs to hold on to its green spaces. Golf courses are impractical in drought-prone Austin. We need native landscaping that is meant to last in Austin weather conditions and a place available to all residents. Great for annual disc golf tournaments. Don’t let this become another boring park Golf courses are massive wastes of green space that require absurd amounts of water. It's just throwing away resources on stupid things that only rich people can use. We love the Hancock course and strongly advocate for maintaining it for another 100+ years to come. Convert to free public park, stop using Recreation as as 'for fee' revenue source, make all things free We are in a housing crisis. The golf course is a loss leader in a neighborhood 3 miles from downtown - we should prioritize the highest and best use for the land rather than maintaining a moneypit that services only an elite few. Hyde Park was originally established as a "Whites only" neighborhood, and Hancock Golf Course is that policy's legacy. Please keep the historic nature of golf at Hancock. Disc Golf and Ball Golf can both work there, even if not played at the same time. A great disc golf course and the ball golf course couldn’t both be played at the same time because of the small space, but some kind of schedule or rotation could work. Different days for each? Ball golf in the mornings and disc golf in the afternoons? It can be worked out and would help keep the course busy and profitable at all times of the day, 7 days a week. If the course has to change to a pitch and putt style course (like Butler) or even a driving range, that would at least keep ball golf active there. And disc golf could still work with either of those activities; bringing in people and revenue to the property. These would be better than converting the property to a passive use park. For over 20 years Waterloo Disc Golf Club has helped maintain and improve disc golf courses all around the city. We also raise lots of money to help local charities including Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Texas and Central Texas Food Bank). We would gladly add Hancock to our list of courses. And in fact the club has had a number of disc golf events there. We have hosted 7 years of the Annual Waterloo Disc Golf Classic at the Hancock Golf Course, bringing hundreds of people each year to the course and raising a total of $64,900 for the Ronald McDonald House in just those 7 years. We have a strong and dedicated disc golf community here in Austin and we believe in giving back to our courses and our community. We want ball golf to remain at Hancock and we want to add disc golf there too, and we are ready to help make that happen. I think the course would better serve the local community as a public park. While public golf courses are great, their accessibility is still limited to those who have access to golf equipment. A park would be accessible to all. We need more green space! Let’s remember our roots and keep Austin alive It's an amazing place, home to many species of birds, fish, snakes and gorgeous. A safe place to run/hike the perimeter while golfing happens. My kids attended camp there for years, too. The course takes up so much valuable space and serves almost no purpose for our neighborhood. A park would greatly enhance the community by providing many more people a place to enjoy the neighborhood, spend time outdoors, get exercise, and meet up with friends. Why privilege golf-playing, of all things, with the exclusive use of this large green space when a park would benefit so many more people who live nearby??? Golf is available to a very select few; a public park would be accessible to all. If we "must" develop the space, don't screw this up like the Grove where the developer makes minor concessions and the public gets nothing beyond an eyesore and more traffic. disc golf it should be converted to park land It would serve more people in the community, rather than those who have other golf courses where they can enjoy their game I've seen golf, disc golf, and foot golf all succeed in San Diego at multiple courses around that city. I hope there is a path forward for similar offerings at Hancock. Important public space Please keep it as is. Protect & support it. Promote it!!! We need more green public space in Austin Keep it as a golf course Let’s create a great park Hancock is great, Lions is also great. Don't get rid of Austin golf courses when the alternatives are incredibly expensive. There are already such limited access to ACC and other private courses, having good muny courses is one of the things that makes Austin great! My daughter has attended programs at Hancock. It’s awesome that it is so central. I could imagine making this a great Central Park with many more facilities I like golf courses, but I feel parks deserve priority I’d just like to be able to use it. Signs warn people to remain on paths, which is lame. If possible it would be wonderful for to a nature center on the east side. I strongly support keeping this space as a golf course. I am not a golfer, however, I walk around the golf course almost daily. It seems like a nice place that is affordable for people to go to to play golf. I appreciate having a space for golfers that is affordable. If you need to find a way to make money to support the golf course maybe holding monthly community events like "Blues on the Green" or hosting a movie night would help keep community moral high and help to support the golf course. Park! We could use the park as a multi use space for all City of Austin residents can use. I feel like the way the prompt in this question was worded was (mis)leading. It could simply have asked, “do you think Hancock golf course should remain as a golf course,” or something similar. This bit about it being the oldest (which isn’t material) and “open to all” (debatable, given that many see golf as an activity for privileged people) are distracting. I have to say, it’s hard not to read them as implicitly suggestive for keeping it as a golf course. I think you could add 2 disc golf courses and add a nominal day fee to play and increase the revenue. I think more Disc Golfers would use than Golfers. Golf courses are known to be environmentally unfriendly, and limit who will use the space. Get rid of the golf to make this a true public space. Hancock is a beautiful park, I would love to see people gathering there as a park :) Disc golf is growing rapidly, it would be great to have another Austin course. Please change to a public park Disc Golf Course I hope that ball golf continues and disc golf can be added There are not enough parks in Austin and too many golf courses. I l until ived in Austin for 37 yrs until 2017. Places like Hancock are unique and should be preserved. Please conserve this historic golf course and keep it public!!! I am a Hyde Park resident that loves walking around the golf course. I would rather the land be used for open parkland. Leave it as is Do not get rid of one of the most accessible golf courses for our kids. We need golf to be inclusive and accessible to everyone especially our kids Golf courses in central Austin are a waste of resources (time, water, land). Since it’s city owned it’s a great opportunity for affordable housing, mixed use development. There’s plenty of space to preserve a big portion as a regional park, too. If it remains a golf course signage that more clearly indicates what portions non-golfers can use to walk Please keep this course!!! it should be a public park for all. It is a fantastic course and such a great place for entry level golfers to play on a budget. I understand the desire to sustain its history and retain its use for golf. But, let’s face it, public land is limited and golfing requires more land than we have to spare. I feel for the golfers, and can certainly understand why homeowners and renters in close proximity/adjacent to the park would prefer limited to visitors (something that golf necessitates) but it’s clear that’s no longer a sustainable option - PARD cannot take on the upkeep, and the non-golfing visitors swell in numbers by the month. It would be nice if we could allow golfing one day a week but I don’t believe that would make sense from a maintenance perspective. While neighbors may resist the uptick in traffic a non-golfing program will encourage, the problem of conflicting uses - parallel to increased density/demand is inevitable. Why not take this moment and plan for the inevitable? I would love for it to be a park don't kill the munis once they are gone you can't get them back No Privitization please. I think the Hancock Golf coarse should incorporate Discgolf this will creat more revenue for the coarse and which will provide more money for the facility and staff . It’s GREAT as is! We should protect this Beautiful, Historic Hancock GOLF COURSE leaving it as it is. It’s proven that it can be profitable w/o renovations. Keep it as is, Historic Austin!! Make it a public park Keep it a course. Maybe closed to golfing for certain times so it could be used as a park Please make is public park, I love visiting parks in Austin skate park, bike trail, playground, basketball court, campground Please keep it a golf course. I think the space it uses should be used as a public park for use by all It should be repurposed as a city/neighborhood park with measured taken to restore its natural environment for the enjoyment of people in our part of the city Variety of activities over single use Golf courses are not a good use of public lands. Golf is an expensive game that regular people don’t generally get to enjoy because of course fees. A random public course is not an equitable use of public lands because the majority of citizens don’t play golf. That its open, pubilcly accessible, and free As a native Austinite, I think we should preserve Hancock and keep it a public golf course. I would like how it’s operated. As golf population grows as general population, it s critical to have the golf course like this one in the city. Add a disc golf courss Park! Disc golf It is a wonderful space where I can get to after work easily! Ita a classic austin staple. Thanks you for everything PARD does There's a full golf course down Manor just a couple miles away. I'm my opinion historic significance far less important than the usability and inclusivity of the space. As someone out of town. Myself and my family often frequent Austin to recerate and play disc golf. We often stick around and spend our out of county dollars at Austin eateries, entertainment options, etc. The availability of low-cost public golf courses provides a valuable function to the community by making the sport available to more people. Make it a disc golf course. This would make a stunning public park and gain national attention as an impressive urban green space for our city Add a disc golf course If general public use... I like disc golf as an amenity Please keep this a public space. Either a green space or golf course open to all of Austin. fields, streams, expand the playground, wider trail with room for bikers and walkers. Less than 1% of residents golf every week. Open it up to something more residents can enjoy I want more public spaces for everyone in the city not those that play golf. Green spaces have been so critical for families like ours during the pandemic and we absolutely need more spaces that ALL people in Austin can access and enjoy It’s a beautiful courses that I’ve been visiting for years. It's in a wonderful, central location that would provide safe outdoor space to a wide area of central Austin. Add disc golf I think i already said everything N/A Keep it as is! Love the course. Learned how to golf out here Hancock rec center should always be mentioned and considered in the conversation with the golf course. PARD needs to further explain how the grounds could be privatized for golf, while keeping the rec center public. Also, why can't the rec center be utilized and leased out for private events? Don't take away golf from low-income students, seniors and beginners. Plenty of greenspace and parks nearby. Its a great space and disc golf would add traffic to it. The disc golf community is wonderful! Great course Bulldoze Hancock Center and restore the original back 9 I have nothing against a municipal golf course, but I'm STRONGLY against leasing this land to a private golf developer. I love parks, and feel my family (and many, many more people) would benefit from a community greenspace in the area than a golf course. Keeping the area as a green space is vital, but making it publicly walkable is key Golf should be accessible to all. We need to keep golf at Hancock for equity to this lifelong sport that for some is important for career advancement. Golf courses consume a lot of resources for the number of people they serve. Those resources could be better spent. Whatever you do, don’t privatize it. We don’t need a tract of land like Hancock moving from the public trust. This land should be for everyone, not just golf enthusiasts. Keep the course! Make it a park please! It's a huge green space in an area with no other large parks, and it is useless for 99% of the city, who don't play golf. It’s a beautiful space. Make it accessible to all by converting it to a multipurpose green space! We should definitely keep Hancock Golf Course! We need more youth to participate in great sports activities like golf that teach discipline and respect. Please do not get rid of the course, it is a great local area for getting out and golfing on the middle of the city Love it the way it is Hancock is awesome and my favorite place to play. Please don’t turn it into a park It should be a certified nature habitat. More benches and trees and flowers should be planted/ allowed to grow. I respect the course as a long time tradition, but I think all citizens would better benefit if it was turned into a public park. This is a beautiful piece of land enjoyed by residents, dogs, and wild habitat. Please keep it accessible to the community, parks and natural land are a commodity to neighborhoods and the planet! It’s historic. It’s affordable. It can be used for a park, just let the golfers play through. Mueller is just a short drive away! Leave Hancock alone. I love it, please don't get rid of it or change it to a dog park, that would be a terrible decision I would like to see the golf course reinvented as a public park Plenty of people in the area wish they had gardens and can’t because of the size of their backyards. A community garden, community pool, or even walking paths with a splash pad! golf courses are bad for the environment, and the city should not encourage this. Make it a park. We’ve already lost so much of Zilker to ACL, we could use another park. It’s a nice little course, but severely underfunded. Either make the repairs necessary or turn it into a park. Keep it and keep it public. I can’t believe this is even an issue. Make it a park!!!!!!!!!! turn it into a forested greenbelt Taking up land unnecessarily I appreciate having the golf course as a limited public space and would not use it at all if it became a private golf course Golf is a waste of resources, unsustainable, dumps fertilizer into our river, wastes water, and uses many acres of land for only a very small group of people can play only one game. Keep it city-owned in any resolution. Usage might change in the close and distant future as long as the city retains the discretion of public ownership. keep the course a golf coourse please keep this historic golf course a golf course for future generations Golf courses are extremely water wasteful and it would be much more beneficial for the community as a whole to have this area turned into a community park with recreational activities and community gardens It could be more than just a course Keep it a golf course!!! I want a park! Add a community garden I have lived near this golf course and wished that it could have slightly expanded usage, but always been thankful for it's maintaining of open public space in that area. It is something to treasure and not overbuild and not privatize. Please dont privatize this wonderful community resource! It is wonderful to see the renewed interest in golf during the pandemic. Lets make sure it accessible to everyone in austin. It is a great course it would be a big lost for Austin Please do not privatize this space. It is a jewel of public space and Austin should be proud of it and seek to maintain its accessibility to the public. Too expensive to support a small number of golfers in a city of our size. It would be a shame to close/convert Hancock I love the course, it's different than all the other parks that are literally 5 minutes away There is an acute housing crisis in this city, exacerbated by the fact that it is impossible to construct new units in this specific neighborhood. Tearing down this ridiculous monument to waste and the greed of incumbent homeowners to put up places for people to actually live would do tremendous good for our city and community. Why fix it if it isn't broke? Just leave it be I do not want this course to turn into a private golf course! Make it better from a turf management standpoint Leave our green space as is!! We don’t need more development! There are a lot of golfers, but there are far more non-golfing Austinites. There is no remaining non-park public land in Austin that rivals Hancock in size and beauty. We need more parks. We need them more than golf courses. We lost our chance at another great park at The Grove; please, let's not miss this one. I really want to have access to a public park, everyone around it would benefit from it This is affordable course which allows me to play without driving hours away Possibly revamp the course to allow more green space for picnicking, playing. Do not reduce the green space with more parking lots. Do not destroy the natural beauty. This course provides affordable access to the sport of golf We don’t need a public golf course. We need more parks too small for public course While I do appreciate Hancock's history as the first public integrated golf course, I think it would serve many more people if it became a public space. A LARGE PORTION AS A NO LEASHSH DOG PARK WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. It should not be privatized or be subjectee to further gatekeeping. The more we can create food infrastructure for our communities that also supports the environment the better. Improve the building As beautiful as the golf course is, our area could use a new park for neighbors - not just golfers - to enjoy. Plus we could create a new habitat for animals. Stray golf balls seem to be a bit of a hazard Special consideration should be given to providing appropriate ecosystems for migratory wildlife and pollinators. With this city growing at the rate it is we need more venues and opportunities for outdoor recreation in town. While our history is important this land is too valuable a resource to continue to devote it to a game so few actually play. no other use other than a golf course Park space should be shared multi use. Thanks! This is an essential place for juniors to learn a game that is naturally socially distantly. It is historical not only for golf but for civil rights. It is one of the few affordable places to walk up and play the great game of golf. We can't justify having so many golf courses while austinites sleep under the highway. We need low income housing NOW Please keep this a golf course. My son and husband use this course. It is Austin history - too much of Austin is being destroyed. There are plenty of open park spaces in our area. And Hancock offers opportunity for all. Both my kids grew up playing soccer at Hancock and went to summer camp there. It’s beautiful Please make it a park. It would serve a much larger and more diverse segment of our community. Keep Course please! Privatizing it would be a disaster for the neighborhood because they would force people to stop using it if they didn't pay maybe a small part could be a pocket park/dog park, and the rest be either a wild space or food forest This is one of the only options for low income residents to use. Please keep it that way Love the place. Would love to see it stick around. If changes need to happen I am a big fan of converting it to the best golf practice facility in town. Something like The Golf Driving Range in Round Rock. There is history at Hancock Golf course..Be ashame to lose it to development. I like the historic nature of the golf course, I also think that adding a disc golf course would be well utilized as Austin's disc golf courses are overcrowded from heavy use. Stop killing Austin originals Hancock is an Austin treasure Affordable public golf courses are inclusive and allows a more diverse population to enjoy the sport PUBLIC PARKS do way more for a community than golf courses. Loved it for 55 years All that land open only to a selected few is not what Austin is about. With a good thought out plan, this could potentially become much bigger than what it is now. No more golf courses for the elite. Please consider using this as a space to encourage community gatherings, exercise, picnics, and play. I play Hancock and I love it. The municipal courses in austin are such a gem and it would be a shame to get rid of one of the oldest courses in our city. Please don’t put an mixed use apartment development there! Keep it green! Traditional golf courses use too much water If this historic golf course turns into a park the entire community will be devastated Park space should not be used for golf courses. turn it into a disc golf course I'm exhausted with the bullying of the golfing zealots about this golf course. This public space should be made more usable for everyone instead of .3% of the population of Austin. I don't want my tax dollars to subsidized disc golf course any longer. It’s a wonderful park that brings a lot of joy to folks in the area. It’s always full of not only golfers, but people strolling and dogs playing. Don’t privatize this land to take away from the charm is beings the neighborhood. If this space is not a park it should be used for housing considering the extremely tight housing market in this part of Austin Thank you for asking us our opinion! It should be a park it should have been a park already I understand people would like to see it become a public park where non golfers have the right of way. Hopefully the city will conduct real research as to how an increased population in the space will affect the wildlife that the public park enthusiasts claim to want to protect. I don't play golf, nor do I particularly care for its social implications. Still, I have played many nights in Hancock and if its true that it has a playground in it (I never noticed when I didn't have a child) then it sounds like it already is the public park that people are fighting for. Golf is a very inefficient use of the land, if the metric is # of people able to safely share use of an acre. A passive park with no amenities is what the people want. Grew up using the rec room. I'd love to be able to use this space without the fear of getting hit by golf balls, especially because I am pregnant Much higher percentage of citizens will use a park compared to the few that play golf. It could be transformed into a world class example if an urban park. Austin should lead the way into the parks of the 21st century. I really hope that the city will see fit to keep this historic course. Open space in the city; add gardens and trails Keep it as is. Thank you It's historical for 1. I know numerous people that love to play golf there & would not have access to go to other courses. It’s a beautiful space, let’s make it more accessible for all to enjoy Don't sell out Austin to private interests. have played for many years, keep the course have played Hancock for many many years and I vote to keep it what ever it takes. Public green space is a rare commodity, it shouldn’t be limited lo reserved for a narrow use for a cost prohibitive activity like golf. We need more green spaces in the city. Would love if it included a dog park as well. City property shouldn’t be used for golf. They’re are more efficient uses of the land that would result in greater usage of existing golf facilities. prime real estate for a green space open to all for many outside leisure uses (not just golfing, which serves very few of the rapidly growing population) Add a disc golf course to the Hancock Golf Course. Keep it as a golf course, please! The course has long been treated as the poor stepchild of the ATX courses. Should be a premier course. I think they should find ways to use some of that space for public housing More houses more trees less grass I think making it a public park benefits more people than just golfers Almost anything is better than a golf course important to have a variety of affordable publicly available activities such as golf; plus historical considerations. Don’t take it away Keep it green! Honor it’s history!!! This is an opportunity for us to turn this space into something useful and enjoyable for the whole community. We should take it. do not turn it over to a private company. it's ok if it loses money as a golf course. would rather have that than turn it into a public park I don’t golf here but my boyfriend does and we love how inclusive the course is. Pls don’t take it away. Please don't get rid of our municipal golf courses just because most people don't play golf. Most people don't play tennis. Most people don't play basketball. Most people don't utilize the public swimming pools. Most people probably don't even utilize the public parks. I think having a more affordable golf course is a great way to open the sport up to more people. Also, as it continues to be a skill that can help with social/professional success it seems equitable to keep it available to those from non posh backgrounds Save the course! Great affordable option for those new to the game. It is a wonderful example of a park having a dual use for a game as well as open park space. A public park would be a much better use of the space I don't even play golf but I'm glad there's a public space for the casual player. I think it's easy to be mad at golf because of it's association with affluence but in my opinion, this doesn't need to be a green space. Especially since there are portions of the park open to everyone that locals already hang out at. I regularly sit out there! I say it should stay as it is and I am a local who visits this location multiple times per week. Push youth programs and tournaments. Making it more like Ramsey park would be good. It is a beautiful open green space in the middle of a city so it is very valuable and must be preserved. Our son grew up playing soccer at and attending the daycare/afterschool program at Hancock and those experiences were amazing for our Village that helped raise our son. Please maintain those affordable experiences for other families. I would prefer it remain as a golf course. It is affordable to all ages. Whether it’s to remain a PUBLIC golf course or, better yet, a public mixed-use park, it is imperative for the space to remain open to everyone. I believe there is enough land to do many things, Austin at this locale could charge for disc golf or have Monthly tourney's there for Disc Golf point is there's room for 2 disc courses there and only need one. The crime of cow towing to the Pease Park residents with stereotyping disc golfers was an injustice. Disc golfers make green spaces safer. Like what happened at Roy G. Monoculture highly maintained grass fields are an abomination Many more people could enjoy the beautiful space if it weren't being used for golf anything family friendly.... don't turn it into housing!! Unlike every other course in Austin, Hancock is a place where everyone can feel comfortable playing at any level Public park It would be such an amazing park! Please leave it as is. There are many golf courses in Austin but very few parks, especially big nice ones like Hancock could be. There are always more people trying to walk and exercise around the course than actually playing golf. It would make an incredible public park This historic golf course needs to stay. Keep the historical golf course, it is a city treasure for all as it should be. There are many other park options in walking distance. Shipe, Bartholomew, Ramsey and soon Waterloo. In a sport that is rooted in whiteness and exclusivity, taking Hancock away from the community will only further that narrative and point. Hancock is the only course people can go without a reservation and without dress-code limitations, and it is undemocratic to take that public access away from the community. i’d be open to converting it to 18 hole pitch and putt course. Make it a smaller course and mix in green space and other local venue options Public parks are much more needed than a golf course I have played there before just not in the last two years. I enjoyed it. Disc golf would be an excellent addition and would expand usage to a broader socioeconomic group of austinites. Keep it as a golf course and recreation center. My kids went to tiny tots and I had my parents 50 anniversary party there Golf courses use way too much water and are not environmentally friendly Don’t ever sell it to a developer. I used to live on 42nd street and it was so nice to have the course nearby. public space. Some small local food concessions I appreciate both groups desire to form Conservancy type support for the facility. Developing a community based care and fundraising model of care would be great. The budget shortfall is so minimal, a well organized Conservancy could provide many of the amenities both groups are suggesting. A gold conservancy group could engage more golf related activities to financially support the facility without overly aggressive vendor activity. What if the Golf Conservancy grew into a supportive organization? We used the Hancock community center for after school, camp and classes. Would really like that to remain an option for families Keep Austin’s History! It’s a city treasure. This central city area needs to be redeveloped instead of used for a small minority of people who play golf. Instead, redevelop and devote resources to the other neglected public golf courses, tennis courts, and parks around town that don’t take up prime central city spaces that could be better used for more people. golf is a land, labor, and resource intensive sport. it doesn't belong in an urban environment. the only worst use I can imagine for that land is a parking lot. Hancock golf course should be a public park, accessible to families, children, the elderly, folks with disabilities. Who cares about a golf course? Honestly a waste of space and resources. Using this area as a golf course naturally limits the number of people who can use this area. Make it a park and give it back to the neighborhood. A lot of wildlife have made their home there, please keep it that way We could use the park fir so many different functions. Frisbee,ball fields ultimate Frisbee etc. It's a beautiful place in Austin. I would hate to see buildings take its place. Most people can’t afford or don’t want to play golf. It’s a sport for the wealthy. Everyone can use a park. I absolutely do NOT support leasing the land. I hope is for the golf course and recreation center to stay as it is. The recreation center could use some modernization. Make it multi use Keep the historic course Do NOT turn it into a commercial driving range If golf course not brought up to quality of other municipal courses then close it and make it a Zilker type park. Never underestimate the importance of green space in the city. Do not add a driving range or practice area! I’ve lived in the neighborhood for 8 years and truly value the space for its beauty. There are so few public green spaces like Hancock in Central Austin. Please don’t do anything to destroy its natural beauty. irreplaceable treasure, thanks for the survey It would be beautiful to preserve both ball and disc golf together. I have played in many courses throughout the country that have both. The golf course should become a public park space for the surrounding neighborhoods This feels like a witch hunt. This is public property which should be used by all I have walked around the course, not playing golf, but admiring the beauty. I think it would be such a wonderful place to have a picnic with friends or have a community event when it is safe to do so! No fencing, no driving range, no lease to private entity. Keep free and open to public. No condos, no driving range, ever Potentially some flat space to play pick up soccer I would support re purposing Hancock iF and only IF, it could result in saving Muni. In general I totally support economical municipally owned golf. Many people generalize that golf is a game reserved for wealthy people . This could not be farther from the truth BECAUSE of city owned courses. Please count my vote for growing and expanding golf by the city of Austin Keep it as it is It is a pleasant neighborhood place to play golf, a non pressure golf venue for all ages, golf camp for youth; as the first municipal golf course in Texas and should be preserved as a golf course. It's the only affordable golf course left in Austin. Don't take it away. Excellent venue for learners and recreational golfers in a relaxed atmosphere I have played gold there many times and love it, but the land and buildings would better serve the public as a park The Ronald McDonald's House from fund raiser is always maxed out but greatly supported by Disc Golfers A golf course in an urban environment is a giant waste of land, harmful for the environment by reducing density and undermining public transportation Kids love golf camps over there, my son plays it A public park would benefit all Austinites, not just golfers. Please keep Hancock as a golf course!! Golf is for overweight executives who leave the peons at the office to do all the work while they go out to the course to exploit minority caddies who schlepp their equipment while they drink corporate beer and tell off-color sexist jokes disparaging women. If it is sold, take profits and invest in other city courses. Golf has been declining in popularity, the city should replace them all with park space and splash parks. Adding disc golf as a companion sport to ball golf would increase use of the course There is no need for a golf course in the middle of the city. There is much use for a public park. It should become a private use golf course Don’t change it! Please don’t close it. not right now definitely not development apartments, houses. Zilker north is what it needs to be. Zilker is already well beyond capacity and the other city parks are too small without enough funding as alternatives. Handcock park would be an amazing addition to a city who’s green space is stretched beyond capacity in so many areas. I don’t know a single person who golfs there. More people could use it as a park. I am in favor of keeping it a good course because it supports youth programs- a junior golf academy and practice area w would be amazing I used to live in Hyde park and liked running at the park, I think it needs to be utilized to be a public park and recreation center, not a golf course I see parks with this golf courses and they seem to have a lot more activity to a broader audience. I hardly ever see golfers at Hancock. I used to play a lot of golf but it is expensive. Please keep this park so Austin has more diversity with sports. A large park and conservancy in the middle of Austin compliments its status as one of the top cities in America A space for dogs Please don’t privatize the course! It’s a unique opportunity to add more wild green space to central Austin It would be a valuable open space park & the historic building is perfect for gatherings & could be rented for catered events it should be made bigger. remove the housing to the east can close red river there and make the course bigger. Please make it into a public park Please don't It sell off to an entity that was restrict access and suck profits from it. Please give it back to the people who will enjoy it and who have been paying for it all these years. My son went to the tiny tots preschool there and I rarely saw any golfers using it. Let's move on already. I think it’s beautiful and historic and should be preserved please keep it as it is an affordable golfing site. A skate park with a pump track for all skill levels would be a great addition to a public park. Youth promotion for different ages Please make a large park with trails and perhaps an amphitheater for a second spot for free plays like at Zilker in the summer We need open, large, public green spaces throughout the city. Keep Hancock open! Please leave Hancock Golf Course as is!!! Shipe Park and Eastwood Park are close by for those who want a park! No new development. Golf is sexist and no one under 50 plays it anyway. Golf courses are a wasteful use of space and resources- and also are very harmful to the environment. Why not make this beautiful piece of central land a park for all austinites to enjoy? Not a fan of the course but for low income golfers it may be of value. Do not close our muni courses! Ready for a change Park stuff, picnic tables trailsetc One of the oldest if not the oldest golf clubs in Texas. Was the first Pro gig for Harvey Penick the world famous Texas golfer. This gem of Texas history should be preserved for eternity. This course needs to continue to be open. It is tough to find reasonable priced golf courses and they are essential to keeping the game alive! Raise money to turn this into a park. This would benefit families and and support Austin's ecosystems I am petty sure I have also been to scout meetings there, too. I would absolutely hate to see it become a park. There is no parking as it is. If we change it to a park the neighborhood will suffer with street parking. Whereas now people go there for specific activities (a couple of hours) and then leave. The historic value should not be ignored, also. Skate park Quit trying to change the history of Austin. Let the people who want to change everything return to the cities and state they came from. In 50 years when all of us old timers who were born and raised here are gone, then you can continue to ruin this city. Once gone green space can never be recovered. We have enough commercial development keep it as a golf course Encouraging folks to run cart path and use as park in off hours Stakeholders from East Austin, particular Black and other PoC, should be involved in the process. Please make a concentrated effort to reach out to community groups on what they think should be done with the park. Golf courses are a bad use of public space, especially in a city that needs way more housing. I am open to a park or park/golf hybrid. Please do not keep it a golf course used by the few. Please make it a park for all! It appears to me that its best use is to continue as a golf course. I have played there since childhood and it needs to remain a golf course. Colossal waste of space. Austin has a housing crisis, not a golf crisis. While the golf course is used by many (including my son), I think the entire space would be put to better use as a park with trails, picnic areas, and a play ground. We are lacking green space in this area. We do Not need more student housing in this area. We do need more open spaces for young people and families to spend time outside. There’s enough municipal golf courses in Austin. This should be housing and space for people. I think it should remain the same because it's a way to introduce a lifetime sport to a younger generation at a low cost. I personally use a corner of it as a dog park but I think golfers need central ATX facilities to play their sport. (But I will say that we need more tennis courts in Austin! Just not here.) I would so love to see Hancock Golf Course open to more people in the area, especially as public green space in central Austin is so limited! Having this space as a park would create a real gem for the neighboring communities If not golf course then green space park. More public spaces for people who don't golf please! Turn hancock into a park you dense fools none Great spot for basketball. Would like other non-golf amenities. It's a lovely place to walk/recreate if not for fear of golf balls. Please make this space more inclusive by turning it into a public park. Great course and asset to the city and with some improvements would get additional use. Better use of the land and space to open it up for more purposes I love this area and have played in those fields many times. More people would enjoy the area as a park. A new course would cause more traffic in that area Lots of people use it like a park especially around dusk to walk dogs. This never really bothered me as I'd just get their attention if they were in the line of my shot. Also have seen people playing small-side soccer games in the southwest corner of the course. It's slightly annoying as a golfer but also I think shows people want park space on the property. If the budget dictates that golf activities need to be reduced on the property, perhaps holes 6 and 7 could be converted to park space while still maintaining true golf holes on the property, rather than a practice facility. It would be really cool to reuse this space to plant a lot a native plants and fruit trees Public park would be dope! It could be like the Dolores Park of Hyde Park! If it does remain a golf course, it should be public. This survey isn’t designed well to account for responses who want it to be public space but not a golf course. We love the golf course. Its a big part of our recreational life! The area is beautiful and should be disturbed as little as possible to retain both the historical integrity of the park and for conservation purposes. I think the building on-site could be a great museum and education center, perhaps expanding the putting green. A parking structure could be built on the corner of 41st and Red River for both the majority of the park and the golf center/museum. The main logistical problem is the massive hill and the creek splitting the park. What could be interesting is a multi-purpose public use of the land. I think though it is clear that there are about a million things to do with the land, but everybody values public space, and nobody except money-hungry Westlakers wants to lose an inch of public land. Add a disc golf course to the property Please keep it an open green space available to all Rather than only allowing a few Austinites to play a sport that skews white and upper-class, I urge you to make a park that all Austinites can use. This seems especially vital given all the recent gentrification on the east side. Reclaiming this land for equitable use is one way to start addressing all the community loss that has accompanied development. This is such a great space that would make a great community park. There’s even room for some affordable housing in the edges as well. Maintain Hancock as a golf course. It will maintain green space in a much needed area. Family oriented course. Great starter course for beginner golfer too. I would like the majority of the land to be open space This space should be diversified and more inclusive. I think transforming the Hancock Golf Course into a 21st century hub of community would better serve the area and create community. Hancock is good for me because I am disabled. It is also the only golf course in Austin where I see such a diverse group of players and certainly the only one where parents can play with their children and help them learn the game without causing disruption for others The city dedicates all sorts of inner city space to softball, tennis, soccer, etc. It should maintain Hancock as a golf course. It should not be sold to private developers No driving range. Maintain the 9-hole course. Highlight its historic importance. Allow locals to continue to walk the course periphery. This is part of our neighborhood. Pls. don't junk it up. This is Mariano dickens we’ve lived in area my whole life 38 1/2 and now Carolyn the golf course has been a center part of our neighborhood all the time beautiful space and now it’s even more beautiful than ever and the trees are being much bigger than they were course up so long ago my brother used to be a caddy at the golf course and we would we would like it to stay just exactly as it is thank you I also work in Austin city proper. It should remain a green space, we are losing too much of it. N/A Public space should be accessible to more people because golf is expensive keep it the same with a trail on the edge or convert whole area to a park The question this survey poses isn’t clear as to what would happen and the implications. I support keeping the land public, possibly used for golf or a mix of golf and general recreation space (maybe add tennis courts?). I do not want to see a private operator for the course, as that seems to result in amenities being shut down sometimes. I wish the survey had a more detailed proposal, but in general I am in support of keeping the status quote for the course. Anybody can play disc golf and people would even pay a small fee if the course was kept up properly and held minis or full tournaments Please keep it a golf course. We have plenty of parks in austin Please keep! Keep it for golf. Don’t sell out like the rest of this city. Golf is fun. I play it, but austin is famous for its greenbelt, expand it I have never played there. Please make this beautiful piece of Austin a piece of land that all in our community can enjoy. I see people try to bring kites or pic niks to the outskirts of the park and they are always approached by a grumpy golfer who asks them to leave. I know it’s a golf course but this is an important green space and it seems rather empty for golfing. Would be better used as a park None If you really can’t convert it to a better use, sell it. We don’t need to sink our scarce budget into public goods that cater to high income people. make it into a park It's current use does not service the whole community and there are plenty of other gokf courses. I don't know how the club house is uesd. It should be rentable for parties, weddings, etc. Perhaps it is. The CofA should make a profit on that property. Same for Lions clubhouse. The land is being under-utilized and would be better served as a general green space for walking, sports, frisbee, dogs. Like Zilker but not closed for months for ACL and trail of lights. Keep Muni, and convert Hancock Would like to see trail park. Would love it to be a public park Keep it a public course please!!!!! 😊 It's an Austin treasure We could leave a driving range and putting green, but golf is a low utilization of public space, and the cost barrier keeps many lower income people from enjoying it. Just another place for people to lay a blanket on the grass and visit The park should be restored to tell it’s historical significance, but it should also be made as accessible as possible. If it stays a golf course I would like it to a training course for children and beginners but also shared with non- golfers Great historic layout that is irreplaceable. Use it for outdoor events (possibly concerts) as a revenue stream for the city to fund other golf properties. Build condos Keep this historic links course! My favorite course! I hope it stays. The only reason I didn't visit the rec center was due to COVID and not wanting to be indoors with other people. But that is another thing I would support with funding - to rebuild or remodel the rec center. We have two young kids and I think it would be fun to have a golf outing and then grab a bite in the rec center with games like ping pong and foosball and a TV. Whatever the ultimate use, it’s should remain a green space. Please keep Hancock Golf Course! It seems like space for folks that don't play golf could be created along side the golf course. I used to play this course all the time and it seems like someone has a better idea for the property but I think it needs to remain a golf course. Not to far from where I live are soccer fields they could be parks, and baseball fields are a real waste of space unless you play baseball. I would really like to know who thought all these bike lanes that never get used were more important then the streets being used for cars. If green space is the issue than why does the city allow two houses to be built were there was only one, or in my personal case SIX Houses to be built where there only two. So, if it can't be a golf course then turn it into apartment complexes. The area should remain a green space in this portion of the city. Just upgrade couse Only for Austin residents It’s such a historic course, it’d be a shame to see it go. Leave it a green space / park More use of space - maybe less holes for golf course, add picnic tables, skate park None I'm in favor of anything that keeps the space green and not developed property. I also support upgrades to running/walking track around perimeter of course and restoring and maintaining Waller creek. Privatization of this land is not acceptable and would degrade the livability of the neighborhood. It would be wonderful if a public park of this size was established in the neighborhood insptead of continuing a use that so very few of the people living in the neighborhood take advantage of. I have taken advantage of the community center at Hancock center taking yoga and dance classes there. This is a very historical golf course. It should remain a golf course so people can get out & golf. The classes for the younger people to help them learn the game. They will be our future players of this wonderful sport. Keep it a golf course!! This part of the city needs a greenspace that everyone can enjoy. To keep it a golf course means that only some people in the area can fully enjoy this public land. There are many other options available to golfers in this city. Austin has very few public parks. There are none except school playgrounds in north central Austin. Parks are important to public health. We need more of them. Please make Austin more equitable and healthier for its residents by reimagining Hancock as a public park for all to enjoy. It’s a beloved and wonderful place that is crucial to the future of the game in Austin. Hancock is by far the most approachable golf course in town and I’m sure many players in Austin got their start at Hancock. We have loved attending the Christmas candelarias display at Hancock over the years but not recently due to Covid I've used the public courses in Austin for years and Hancock has never been a desirable place to play. I've lived closest to it for years as well. I really think it should be a multi purpose green space with a stage somewhere in it. I would like for Hancock Golf Course to remain a golf course. This is important for the community (students who may not be able to drive to other courses play here) and as part of the historic character of the site. There are other parks nearby, but not golf courses. Keep it for historical reasons as golf course This piece of austin history should be preserved That area has a much greater demand for a general purpose recreational park than for golf. A great positive for the Austin community to keep as a golf course that those who can’t afford Private clubs can enjoy I would like large trees, lush green lawn, giant swings, and a fountain... maybe a volleyball court. Bulldoze down Hancock Center and rebuild second nine holes.. I love it as a golf course, but would support anything there that isn’t condos or houses green space in austin, especial in the north downtown area is hard to find and needs to be preserved, no matter if its golf or a park space It should stay a golf course! Don’t try to turn it into a higher fee public course. Keep it a low cost muni subsidized by the city or turn it into a public park. The most important thing is that the entire parcel remain open and not built up The neighborhood needs green areas and Hancock Park is a privilege for just a few people who play golf. There’s no way to know if it’s safe walking through the park. Austin currently ranks 45th in the nation with green spaces per capita yet we are one of the fastest growing cities in the country. More public parks are needed to accommodate all of the new residents Keep it a public golf course It should stay public forever. Park Public park, urban green space DO NOT DEVELOP Keep it a golf course! I like having a 9-hole, beginner/kid friendly course accessible in central Austin. Golf is hard enough to get into as it is and losing this course will just make it harder for the golf-curious. Converting Hancock Golf Course to a public park is the right thing to do and is pursuant of our city's goals of being an open, inclusive, and enjoyable place for all. Hancock Golf course is of historical significance and its preservation is important to the continuity of the character of Hyde Park neighborhood specifically and the City of Austin in general. I'd rather see it as a golf course than developed. I walk the paths with my dog It’s SO important to young golfers learning the game as well as seniors just wanting to play 9 holes! This course should be made available to the whole community, including non golfers, as it is such a large tract of land that sits uncovered by cement in a rapidly developing city. I would also certainly be willing to pay a bit more, as it seems like the budget shortfall could be made up with a relatively small increase at 20k rounds/year. I'm Austin born and raised, and Hancock was the first course I started playing golf at 20 years ago in college. For us, it was the most approachable golf, affordable for college students, welcoming to all, even beginners. It's a great place to learn and an easy place to play with kids without, well, raising the ire of "serious" golfers (or perhaps golfers who take themselves too seriously...). In that sense, it is a course with a true Austin feel, and that feels like something we should cherish and preserve. workout course on running trail Add a permanent disc golf course Need carts for seniors Golf running trail Please keep the golf course Hancock is the only 9 hole walking course in town. I go before/after work all the time since it is the only option. I also think the people who want to turn it into a park severely overestimate the amount of time people spend at parks most days. Appointment activities like golf is the only way this huge space will be used every daylight hour of the day. Even as a non-golfer, except a couple of times at Hancock, it is a great resource to duffers like me and others who want to try out the game without a lot of money. This is a very inclusive place. It would be a shame to lose it! Do not sell to a private entity. This is a beloved space of this area and too much green space is already completely monopolized Golf courses are environmental wastelands and dedicate far too much acreage to a single activity. I should be preserved as a golf course for it's historical significance and if and when Lions gets shut down, there will be no golf courses in that area. This could be a fantastic public space for all Austin citizens, not just for a handful of people that golf on it. Far more people use the trail around the perimeter than play golf on the course. I love Hancock. My son and I play it once a month, at least, as well as utilizing the putting green almost every week. With the current housing issue in Austin, I believe it's unethical to maintain that much land for golffor golf Hancock is a gem in the neighborhood and city. I would prefer it to be open greenspace, natural park area for all to use. Maintaining its status as historic golf course is fine as well but not managed and restricted by private entities. Nothing against the course itself. Cool that it is listed in the National Register of Historic Places but this central public green space should serve a larger audience than the golf community that has access to other locations. Austin was once prized for it's green spaces. Now with overdevelopment, preserving public green spaces, room for trees, insects, animals is critical. Thank you. y. This green space should be a green space and public park. It could have more sports fields, tennis courts, and a dog park. This would allow it to be used by more members of the community, instead of just golfers. It is also really dangerous to be a pedestrian around the golf course because of the errant golf balls from amateur golfers. The community would be best served by having this be public green space that we could all walk through, as opposed to only those carrying a bag of golf clubs. There has been enough erosion of parks and green space in Austin. Absolutely do not develop on this gem of a central property. None of the City courses would be considered quality courses. Even Grey Rock has declined drastically since being taken over by the city. The Hancock land could be sold or leased to generate funds for the other courses to improve them significantly. The Pandemic has emphasized the human need of nature. We need more park space in central Austin. Zilker is so popular for good reason and a park at Hancock would be too. Off leash dog park, children’s playground, picnic areas, etc. keep significant areas open spaces I wish for it to be an open park and green space with an accessible creek Do not privatize this park. Leave it as a remembrance of old Austin. It is a barely used golf course in a neighborhood and city needing more green spaces for EVERYONE, not just golfers. Keep it for public use, preferably as a park. please create a small netted driving range - this will improve course speed and you can make more money I need to use a mobility scooter as I cannot walk very far. I would love tobe able to go there to be in nature in the middle of this city - with a safe trail to follow! This historic course is where the youth of Austin learn and continue to learn to play golf. It was the first course my father took me to. Please do not allow the envirocommies (those that own nothing yet wish to control everything) to destroy yet another Austin jewel. It is a great place for new golfers to grow the game. I played there as a child and my son took the summer camp lessons there. It'd be a shame to Austin's history to get rid of this iconic golf course. Having a green space in the city like Hancock makes living in Austin special. I have never golfed but me and my children frequently spend time there. None Gigantic green space used by a small amount of people. Find a way to respect the history but add some multi use areas. Maybe less holes. Area under trees behind basketball course would be a great place to fix up for mixed use. The sun shade over the playground should be changed to a lighter color to reflect heat and not trap it. Hancock Golf Course is a valuable asset for everyone; there are plenty of parks otherwise keep it an open green space for all of us to use Turn it into a park instead of a golf course. I would use this space daily if it were open to all. It is a gorgeous space, but I feel shut out. As Austin grows and densifies we need more open public park space It would be better for the ecosystem for it to be made into a park. Consider a concept like Round Rock's all abilities park Great location for an executive course No one plays golf anymore. Those who do have the means to pay for course access and drive to a course. At the moment it’s a wasted space. If it were to be leased to make it a private, for-profit golf course, it would be wasteful AND classist, not to mention a huge loss to the historical area. Great location for a public park, accessible from so many directions. It’s a gem. Only 9 hole course in town. Most affordable golf in town. Makes golf accessible to lower income folks. Will also become a homeless camp if you close the course. A public park and recreational center. Something unique like a small amphitheater, picnic tables, maybe some public art murals. No need fir tennis or a pool since those are at other parks nearby so make this one different. One that can used for picnics, informal outdoor meetings, small performances, maybe a few large scale sculpture. Similar to Delores Park in San Francisco. Park with outdoor grass/sand sport courts Please keep the course. Besides being a historical site that should be preserved as is, this small but challenging layout is a jewel of a course. There are other parks around Central Austin (Ramsey Park, Shipe Park, Seider Springs Greenbelt, Reilly School Park, Triangle Commons Park, Eastwoods Neighborhood Park, Pease Park, Patterson Neighborhood Park, Mueller Lake Park, Bailey Neighborhood Park, etc.), but there is no other golf course that is so centrally located. It should remain as is! The most important thing to me is that it isn't developed. There are not enough parks in the neighborhoods of Austin. Perhaps it could be a shortened golf course but would include more hiking, picnicking, and running around space Please leave as golf course. Keep original structure Public use green space and areas for ELHI kids et al to PLAY A park with a dog park would be great. Please always keep it free and open to the public. If there are enough people using the golf course, then I could support continuing its use as a golf course. Our parks have become fairly crowded -- we need MORE parks, and we should not have to pay to get in. it's an austin landmark that needs to stay The park has so much more potential than just being a boys club. Make it an inclusive space for everyone to enjoy. Please do mot allow this to be sold to developers PLEASE DO NOT TAKE AWAY THIS GOLF COURSE! having an easy access, "come one come all" golf course in the middle of a city is UNIQUE and DESIRABLE. No matter the condition of the course, it is still fun to come out and get away for a few hours. I dont play golf but think that having a cheap golf course that is accessible to all is a great use of the space. Please keep it a golf course Public park and add some pickleball courts Keep it as a golf course I like it the way it is, maybe open it up to the non golfers a few days a week? Hancock is the ONLY traditional 9 hole golf course in the city. We need more courses like this to draw in new golfers, not less. It comes with half the cost and time commitment. The Chicago park district has six 9 hole golf courses to its name. It's a unique part of the city's history and it should be improved to remain a staple of our Muni golf network Please keep! It was opened in 1899 It’s a treasure of historical significance. Hancock golf course is wonderful It is a good place for people to determine if they would like golf and for people to enjoy the game w/o the stress. If the city wants to keep Hancock, PARD needs to upgrade and maintain the course to the same level as the other muni’s I think golf courses and green space are what make Austin special and if we sacrifice that then we turn into many other cities where nothing is accessible. I grew up and lived in Chicago for the majority of my life and to even have a chance to play golf you would have to drive way outside of the city because it is all high rises and housing Very few people use this golf course, and its losing money. A park would be a much better use of this space that everyone can enjoy. Natural park The golf course should either stay a public course and open to all, or better yet be reimagined as a wonderful park and green space for the east side. This side of town doesn't have nearly the green space amenities as other areas of the city and it would be a welcome community asset that all could enjoy. Thank you! Remove cart path and change to walk only golfing Please keep it for younger and beginner golfers People already use it for walking, etc. I think it is already multi - use Make it a sup burb 9 hole with tournaments please convert it to a community park to benefit more people, and lower the costs of maintaining it to the city People already use the course as a park. Keep the course the way it is. Don’t change it It's a great space in central Austin and should be open to all without having to dodge golfballs. I wouldn't object to having a corner of it reserved for a pitch-and-putt course, but the bulk of the site should be opened as a regular park. Bring back carts on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.... encourage Senior golf I have attended Hancock Rec Center since age 3 years (68 now). The good of course is a treasured gem of Austin. Hancock Golf Course is so uniquely Austin and a place for everyone to enjoy!!! First Tee Quit selling our city out and tell these invaders to pound sand It's a lovely course and the history runs deep. Please keep it a golf course. Because of the pay station service, this is where people go to play as it becomes increasingly more difficult to get tee times at the other municipal courses. It would be a shame to do away with it. It lowers the cost barrier for those that want to play golf. It is a great course to takes your kids to learn how to play. I take my 7 year old there and she loves playing there. It's time for it to go. It does not reflect the needs or current make up of the city of Austin, which needs to be more inclusive. This park is NOT inclusive. I first played golf there--a game I have enjoyed for fifty years. The course has enormous sentimental value, and I would be deeply wounded if it were taken away without an excellent reason. And making a rich person richer is NOT a good reason! I love it Leave it alone. It would be a complete sin to destroy this golf course I think the course is an important park of Austin's history and preserved for the use of it's citizens. This white man's haven needs to end. If we can't have a park, then we should allow the homeless to camp there. But this golf course is a tear in the fabric of time--and not a good one. Hancock is an excellent community resource and a part of Austin’s history. Critical to preserve central Austin golf courses We are losing all our green areas to developers.ket's save this one for everyone, not lease it to a private golf company that only has one type of clientele and profit motives in mind. Thank you for asking. It would be a shame to close this course, same for Lions. It’s historic, keep it like that and maintain the course Please keep it as a golf course Set aside times for juniors to learn the game, especially minorities and provide instructors Please do not lease it to a private golf developer. Great childhood memories there I played it weekly at one time. Just a 9 hole course so play 18 hole courses most often I really think a public park would be a better use of space for all Love it Kids play area, dog park space, pond Hancock presents a rare opportunity to expand access to public green space in Austin’s urban core. This is a perfect small and affordable course. I play 2-3x a week. With the recent pandemic golf is a safe sport that will be on the rise. i believe its important to keep old courses like hancock as i think the utilization will go up in the future as golf has recently experienced a growth expansion Transforming the gulf course into a park would allow use for all. No driving range needed. The layout can be made a little shorter to allow more multi use space. I don’t like practicing there right now because that putting green is in a dangerous area right of 9 How many actual rounds are played at Hancock (honestly)? There is no range, parking is rather limited and except for being centrally located there aren’t that many pluses for the old gal! we have enough development in this community and need to maintain and not lose any landmark and recreational areas for the citizens of austin Golf for kids Put those dollars into more pools. Preserve it, it’s a gem!! Keep it a golf course. Disc golf please combined course Public park with jogging trail on outer edge Great part of Austin! Keep it alive Keep it Walking Keep it a green space Invest in it, can be a gem Large part of the identity of that part of Austin. Although I like the fact it is an economical golf option for Austin I really think the land would be better served as a public park. Hancock is an Austin staple. It is an approachable and affordable way to learn the game of golf. It should stay. Nice central Austin choice. Only reason I don’t play more is it’s only 9 holes. Save Hancock Hancock is a prime example of making golf, a sport that is typically limited to a more affluent audience, available to all. The city has a lot of great parks already - no need to take away this equitable golf option to make another. Keep this treasure open and invest in it Let it go already. Why does PARD hang onto this turd for dear life. It's over. Perhaps if there was a way to make golf accessible to those of us can simply can't afford to play, I would support keeping the space reserved for golf. It should absolutely remain a 'people's space' but have free and easily accessible activities. Playscapes and splashpads, walking and running trails, exercise areas, and volleyball patches would be great. The city could build an interpretive and historical center to educate about Austin's unique and gorgeous environment and history. There are so many things we could do with this space that would serve generations for the next 150 years! It is a gem of Austin texas. With so many things changing in town it is nice to still have some classic Austin locations stay As the city grows and increases in density we will need as much open green space as we can maintain. I frequently walk on the exterior trail of the golf course with my dog and would love to enjoy the use of the whole green space. Large swaths of public land maybe shouldn’t be used for a single sport activity Make it a park Golf course I think a par 3 lighted course along with an 18 hole putting course like at horseshoe bay would be cool. There are plenty of cheap money saving techniques that Hancock could do. Stop mowing every piece of grass would be one. Increase fees another. Hancock Golf course has to be one of the most special places and neatest par threes I’ve ever been to. It holds an extra special place because that’s where my fiancé and I got engaged, where we enjoy a round with our dogs, and make memories. Hancock Golf Course is worth more than anything that is trying to replace it. KEEP IT A GOLF COUSE PLEASE! Keep it a golf course Please keep the golf course. It’s historic and unique to have that course in the heart of Austin Someone once threw out the idea of lighting the course to make night golf available. Sounded interesting. Keep golf accessible and going at Hancock. The central city needs a park to tie the community together. I think it is important to grow the game of golf and attract a different thinking of how golf can be played in Austin. We need night golf Hancock Golf Course is a valuable course for golfers of all skill. Its affordability and skill make it integral to the health of public golf in Austin. I do not support monetizing the golf course. There’s a lot money in this city, other resources could be tapped. I absolutely do not support a driving range. This green space belongs to the taxpayers. Green island, walking paths, native habitat, public gardens, garden and landscape design center with classes and community gardening. Nothing private or exclusive! Hancock is an incredible place to learn golf. Relaxed and not pretentious. It is also the easiest way to play golf during the work week. honor its history and keep the open green space for all to enjoy leave it alone A public park sounds more useful then a golf course. Although, i am in support of the camping ban. I have nothing against the golf course, it's much better than having another commercial development, but park would be better. it is a beautiful space that should be kept green and allow people to enjoy it as a park. I wouod love fir it to continue being a large greenspace park. Too many of our green areas are being taken by ugly, modern developments. I love this course and think it needs to be protected. This is steady a public green space and while I play here I also regularly run and walk my dog here Hancock should remain open to the public, whether as a public golf course or park. It’s so beautiful and so central- I hope it stays public Golfing is not getting more popular, but less. The best use of this land that the most people would enjoy is to have the land be a park. Please keep this spot green even if not a golf course. Do not build apartments or housing. It is a beautiful spot and walk it almost everyday It would be great to use the land to build a homeless community on. A free place for those with no home to go and get a roof over their head & sleep in a bed we have a once in a generation opportunity to create Austin's next great park on what is currently Hancock Golf Course. Let’s transform this land into a 45 acre green space and public park. By thinking big, we can turn what was once Austin's first exclusive country club into an inclusive park and natural retreat that ALL Austinites can make use of. Everyone should be able to enjoy the park. No just golfers Bigger greens, better turf Golf courses are not environmentally friendly, the city does not have enough parks. Golf courses are only used by a select few, even public golf courses. The space should be made into a more inclusive and natural park space. The space needs to remain a park space and continuing to be a gold coarse works! Please do not lease Hancock Golf Course over to developers. I am a seventh generation Austinite, and this course was founded by my my great, great, great, great grandfather, Pierre Bremond. Please preserve this historic place as a public park. As a 4 year resident of Hyde Park myself, Hancock Golf Course is truly an asset to everyone in the neighborhood. My own personal observation as someone who walks there several times a week, is that most visitors to the golf course are joggers, walkers, and families with children that are not playing golf. In the past, the City of Austin sold off part of Hancock Golf Course to develop the Hancock Center retail. In the 21st century among many of the Austin mainstays disappearing and the manhattanzation of the downtown skyline, this is a unique opportunity for the city to preserve a historic green space that will be treausred for 4 generations more to come. Retain the charm of this small, usable and easily accessible course. Just don’t build on it No camping, no glass, don’t leave trash thank you for allowing me to speak <3 we don’t need another golf course I come from California and know firsthand the legal liabilities Los Angeles has faced because errant balls can imperils people and cars on Wiltshire Blvd. individual golfers can also be held liable. Hancock is now in much too residential neighborhood to consider adding turning it into a major, heavily used golf course. Far better to make it a park—perhaps with a driving range or miniature golf course to generate profits. Also BBQ facilities and picnic tables would be a welcome addition—perhaps with a snack bar/bar/ sort of facility to generate revenue Never give up green space uwu I was directly affected by the closure of the Shoal Creek disc golf course - this was a gem of a course in the middle of the city, and while it was closed for understandable ecological reasons, Austinites no longer have access to a course of its interesting terrain features or natural beauty. While Guerrero Park's disc golf course was the replacement in theory, in practice the course is flat and dull and I can only regale others with tales of the wonderful times had at Shoal Creek. This debate over Hancock feels the same - unless there is some unresolvable ecological damage from the golf course use, I would hate to see another Austin foundation wiped out. It should have been a park back in 1899! Turning Hancock golf course into a public park would vastly expand access to this landscape gem in the heart of Austin across ages and social and economic class It is a lovely spot and ideal for community to gather Please leave it alone. Sweet my child attends the Parks and Rec aftercare at the Hancock Center, and it would be amazing if that aftercare could use the surrounding area as park space for the kids! Rec center upgrades would be good We have an amazing opportunity to create a communal green space for the community. Since COVID, the need for outdoor public spaces has become apparently and if this were turned into a public park where families can come and picnic and play catch, we would have a much happier and healthier community. I lived down the street for many years. My kids attended camps will growing up. I love walking around the parameter trail and would love more trails and park space where current golf course is now. I drive by it almost daily at different times of morning, mid-day and late afternoons and I rarely see golfers. I often see joggers and dog walkers. That's it. Save Hancock... its a treasure My kids went to summer camp there 20 years ago and loved it. Walking trails, public gardens, volleyball courts, stage for live music. I see the use of a good course though i do not golf or intend to. Maybe another use would be good. It is a treasure accessible to all and should be valued in an increasingly dense city Come on now be smart here which I know Austin can be. Maybe some putting greens or where long balls could be hit. And the rest park. Please make this avail for all kinds of actitivites Park with walking paths, flower beds, dog park, picnic areas Keep it a green space with biking/walking trails. And a place for outdoor music/theater. Please keep it a course! Keep the historic course! I enjoy walking around, good view for a sunset This should be open to all people, espcially families, all the time, free of charge. It is a beautiful green space, similar to Eastwoods Park. It should stay that way. We love using the space. Our property is small and not big enough for outdoor play. The playground is close enough we can walk to everyday and enjoy the outdoors. Please keep as a rec space Park please! Don’t privatize it Discgolf is blowing up, hop on the wave Inner city green space must be preserved I am a native Austinite, since 1948. Too much land has been developed with little thought of preserving it for the many, not the few. Please consider this piece of green for a park. Much has been spent on Waterloo Greenway, which I support. Now let's look at this space as worth developing as a park. Please! Desperately needed park. Do not develop! We desperately need parkland in this city. Everything is always so crowded! safe children's playground items; bird-watching info; music stage Too many golf courses taking up space in this city. A multi-use park would be better for the environment and used by more ppl Rehab the creek area, support more ADA terrain for the mobility impaired. Support the Rec. Center A versatile public park would be more widely enjoyed (and lower-maintenance) use of that area. It would be lovely to see this space utilized as an all inclusive park. Pls preserve one of the oldest golf courses in the US. Please preserve this piece of history Park! No development! Keep it green It is a beautiful historical gem We could keep a small putting green Please leave it be as is Historic golf course that is an oasis. Covert to Park We need green space desperately. Zilker is overrun and this is a rare opportunity to open space to all Austinites, not just golfers. It's a beautiful green space. The golfers are often entitled & rude. Hancock Golf Course is a historic landmark, along with the Rec center, so potentially it should be preserved as it is - the oldest public golf course west of the mississippi. I would support that - as a PUBLIC golf course only, affordable to the public. I would also welcome the consideration of a public park accessible to all, which along with the creation of a Conservancy could help raise funds for maintenance, just like Waterloo, Pease Park, Shoal Creek Conservancies (and the Trail Foundation). I would NOT NOT NOT support turning the operation of the golf course over to a for profit entity. The land and use of the land MUST be owned and managed by a public entity - the City of Austin. There a golf course on manor. Make it awesome and consolidate. More people will benefit from the park Please keep the historic nature of golf at Hancock. Disc Golf and Ball Golf can both work there, even if not played at the same time. A great disc golf course and the ball golf course couldn’t both be played at the same time because of the small space, but some kind of schedule or rotation could work. Different days for each? Ball golf in the mornings and disc golf in the afternoons? It can be worked out and would help keep the course busy and profitable at all times of the day, 7 days a week. If the course has to change to a pitch and putt style course (like Butler) or even a driving range, that would at least keep ball golf active there. And disc golf could still work with either of those activities; bringing in people and revenue to the property. These would be better than converting the property to a passive use park. For over 20 years Waterloo Disc Golf Club has helped maintain and improve disc golf courses all around the city. We also raise lots of money to help local charities including Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Texas and Central Texas Food Bank). We would gladly add Hancock to our list of courses. And in fact the club has had a number of disc golf events there. We have hosted 7 years of the Annual Waterloo Disc Golf Classic at the Hancock Golf Course, bringing hundreds of people each year to the course and raising a total of $64,900 for the Ronald McDonald House in just those 7 years. We have a strong and dedicated disc golf community here in Austin and we believe in giving back to our courses and our community. We want ball golf to remain at Hancock and we want to add disc golf there too, and we are ready to help make that happen. Cheapest, easiest accesible golf course in Austin. Keep the golf but maybe incorporate space for entertaining after hour activities. KEEP IT!! Please. A natural green space would benefit all of Austin, and Texas Disc golf would be awesome it’s such a great piece of land disc golf, dog park, tennis, walking trail Please keep it public Hancock should be used for the economic interests of the working class. I do not support adding lights to allow night play. Disc Golf Course It’s a beautiful area that would be nice to be shared by everyone instead of those who just play golf. love this course, LEAVE IT ALONE Like to see disc golf added Keep Hancock ball golf Cheap public golf! we need facilities for all not just a few, and it seems golf is not for very many people It would be great if we could use this land to benefit the less fortunate Austinites. If that's not possible, then we should at least dedicate it to mixed-use development and provide much-needed housing and the retail space that those residents would need. Not golf of any kind, make it something else. Leave everything the way it is. Keep it small. Keep it dark at night. Keep it simple. disc golf course This seems like a very biased survey intended to get support for golf. I support a park that would actually be used by ALL. you can do better, Austin. It’s one of my favorite spaces in Austin and I believe it must remain open for public use The fertilizers used to maintain turf are causing algae that kills dogs Love walking the trail around the gulf course Please add disc golf baskets Hancock Golf Course is an incredible resource but poorly used only for a narrowly tailored small interest group and we should be maximizing the utility to our citizens by broadening the use of that resource, and at the same time we should maximize the number of people who can benefit from that resource by up-zoning and allowing as much possible housing within a short walk of the park. Please make this a public space instead of a private one. stop mowing and create more habitate for wild life. I would like it to be used as a park or at least a portion of it. There are plenty of people using it that way already and it makes sense to section at least a piece off to slay the disgruntled golfers PLEASE keep the HISTORIC Ball Golf at Hancock course. Disc Golf and Ball Golf can both work there, even if not played at the same time. A great disc golf course and the ball golf course couldn’t both be played at the same time because of the small space, but some kind of schedule or rotation could work. Different days for each? Ball golf in the mornings and disc golf in the afternoons? It can be worked out and would help keep the course busy and profitable at all times of the day, 7 days a week. For over 20 years Waterloo Disc Golf Club has helped maintain and improve disc golf courses all around the city. We also raise lots of money to help local charities including Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Texas and Central Texas Food Bank). We would gladly add Hancock to our list of courses. And in fact the club has had a number of disc golf events there. We have hosted 7 years of the Annual Waterloo Disc Golf Classic at the Hancock Golf Course, bringing hundreds of people each year to the course and raising a total of $64,900 for the Ronald McDonald House in just those 7 years. We have a strong and dedicated disc golf community here in Austin and we believe in giving back to our courses and our community. We want ball golf to remain at Hancock and we want to add disc golf there too, and we are ready to help make that happen. Please don't privatize! Not everyone plays golf in the neighborhood but everyone would love a park. There are several private golf courses for golf lovers to drive to for that purpose. Leave it public! I'd like to see the space used as a general purpose park so that non-golfers can enjoy it as well. A municipal park DISC GOLF COURSE I live in the neighborhood the space would be much better for the community as a park that everyone could use. I like that it's a green space, but the fact that it is specifically a golf course means only a certain kind of person can/will use the space. I don't want Hancock commercialized. Rec center should be preserved. Let the green space run wild. A small skateboarding spot (skate spot) would be nice. Big green central Austin park, like Central Park! Generally not good for the environment. At least make into a disc golf course. This land should remain for public use, especially as a public greenspace please let it be a green space for general use!! Green, open space accessible to all nearby neighborhoods. Turn it into a park City park A city park with playground and places exercise outdoors would also I support transforming the golf course into a public park. I do NOT support a private company taking it over. Make Hancock a public park and do not sell any pet of it for private development. No driving ranges, no improved golf facilities. We just want a public park that everyone can enjoy. Please keep it open and PUBLIC Keep as is, love it Turn it into a food space where the community can gather and grow plants. The area would be better for it. We need the open green space this beautiful area provides I like the open space in central austin. Whatever happens, austin should never take away the open space. And it should be available for everyone to enjoy. Should be well policed, free of homeless persons, vagrants, and any others seeking to do harm. I think that it's a prime location for public green space and the city could turn it into a park that would be enjoyed by a lot of the nearby families. Need to keep central city green spaces forever! Don't make this a public park for the homeless No driving range, affordable greens fees, if not, then it is better a park I would like to see it become a park The city already gave up 9 holes to the Hancock center. Are you really going to repeat the same thing again? This is a very poorly worded survey. I said I favored keeping the golf course because it would be public, but I don’t care about golf. Making it an open public green space would be even better. PARD has a better golf course a short distance away, i.e. Johnny Morris. Golf courses are water pigs and their used must, by necessity, be very low density. If people want to play golf let them play on your own nickel elsewhere. This is public land and should be used for the greatest good. It would make a wonderful park. I like seeing the golfers as I drive by, but it’s a rather large area in a very important location to have the only form of recreation be golf Hancock should be a public park. This would make it a more Inclusive and inviting space for the whole community. It is a beautiful space that should be accessible to everyone There is so few open spaces for Austin residents to enjoy, we need to keep it public. Needs to be FREE and OPEN to the public/neighborhood. There should be subsidized reparations for BIPOC ppl to learn gold and use the course for free, since we were banned from using it for its first 50-60 years due to city-approved institutional racism. I believe Austin has a surplus of public golf courses and that our part of Austin (I currently live two blocks from Hancock) has a deficit of park space. We have plenty of pocket parks but nothing I would describe as a real park. A park this size would be an incredible gift to the community and would allow everyone to enjoy it. We need another park space for this part of Austin There are other public golf courses available with a full 18 holes the large area of this course lends itself to multi- use purposes for families Make it a city park for walkers and picnickers and kite flyers. At a minimum, allow others to connect the restoration by the downtown folks and UT to Hancock Park. Friendly and welcoming to all 2 and 4 legged friends No more golf!! I love Hancock Golf Course and would be sad to see it go. During COVID we’ve seen the extreme importance for publicly accessible outdoor recreation. If it does not stay as a public golf course open to all then it should become a beautiful park share by so many more! disc golf is the future...embrace it There is a golf course in East Austin, close enough to not interrupt game play for local golfers. However, with the popularity of the mueller lake park and downtown’s trail it seems that creating a public park and mixed use space would be more beneficial to the needs of the community. Seems like golfers have the run of the space and there's more people that would use the space if it wasn't solely intended for golf I believe the site could allow access as a multi-use park. There would be space for other amenities if golf is reduced to a pitch and putt course and/or a driving range. That would make space for other amenities such as a hike and bike trail, off leash dog area, and disc golf course. An 18 hole disc golf course could be sited East of the creek without interfering with other uses. Since the disc golf course at Pease park has been closed and Waterloo park can no longer accommodate annual disc golf tournaments there has not been a disc golf course near the City center that can be accessed easily by UT or to hold annual events. The disc golf courses at Bartholomew park and Roy G. Guerrero park are not as well suited for holding disc golf events and are not close enough to the City center to be practical for UT students and staff. Access to a premiere disc golf course close to campus would promote the wholesome, healthy activity and help bridge a connection to primary schools. Disc golf is a family friendly inexpensive activity that can be open to people of all ages. Hancock offers an excellent opportunity to provide a world class course near the City center. Summer camps are always awesome! I do not want to see it developed into buildings - stores - it should stay a green space MAKE IT A PUBLIC PARK THAT ALL CAN ENJOY! will serve more people if the space is used for more activities other than golf Call it Hancock Park and have a small putting range or whatever. But, the vast majority would rather use it as a park. I think Hancock should remain public and available for the use of Austinites It is a beautiful green space that should be treasured and enjoyed by ALL Austinites Disc Golf! Leave the golf course alone it's a great part of Austins history! Keep it as a course It has been a big part of the community experience. Taking it away from public hands would be detrimental to the community Please do not develop this park in such a way that any green space is lost. One of the worst decisions made in the past was to build the Hancock Center across Red River. Don't let that happen to the remaining park. Do not further gentrify Austin, whether the course remains a course or becomes a park we want the land to stay public None Austin needs housing The rents are going up while the wages are not. Would you be willing to do something to help folks so they can remain housed and well-fed? Hancock should not be privatized. If Golf is losing too much money, make it a park. With the hatred and dehumanization of our unhoused community I think building affordable housing that offers a few units to our unhoused is a good way to utilize the land. Maybe having some retail space (so some people can get jobs and live there) and a park. More trees, kids fishing tournaments, remite controlled boat racing if you really think it's open to all there outta be free clubs and equipment and free lessons to anyone under 21 living in the zip code Make a botanical garden Open a disc golf course Love it Turn it into a park. I swear if you turn it over to someone private I am voting all of you out of a job. Look at community centers in other countries to see what they offer. This is a special place and could incorporate more historical activities like presentations on old Austin or partner with austin public library or their history center or chi singing lessons, architecture tours, volunteer opps, gardening for kids, robotics, articulate intelligence,horticulture/tree identification hunt,Fulbright scholar lectures, painting class,speed cubing meetup, craft club, tarot card meetup, environmental protection advocacy Adding a nice, large public lap pool would be a great use of some of the space. toilets and an eatery like at Republic Square could be nice. Or a small outdoor theater. Please let it be a park Convert to a neighborhood park similar to Patterson Park Keep it City maintained and owned I would prefer the space be enjoyed by all residents and not just golfers. It was fine as is Protect this and all public courses! The very worst proposed use is to build on it. Austin does need more housing and VMU development, but not on greenfields in already dense areas and not at the expense of parks. Golf courses are a waste of space and hurt diversity Phenomenal!! Keep as golf course Needs to be preserved - golf is becoming way more popular and will continue. There aren’t enough public courses now. Hancock has some of the most beautiful green space in the north side of the city (which in itself is already an extremely rare thing Austin being basically just roads and buildings at this point) if the city of Austin continues its program with the NGf it is going to deprive a large portion of austinites of green space which is key to quality of life. So many studies have shown that access to green space has positive externalities which reach far beyond property values but extend to the health of the citizens who can enjoy it. To say that golf courses are “public” and enjoyable by all is an elitist notion, golf is an expensive sport which is only enjoyable when a limited number of people are on the course. This means that golf courses are by definition not a public good as public goods are non-rivalrous. A park on the other hand is a public good, and would be much more beneficial to the society at large. In addition, the whole way pard has been handling the Hancock golf situation has been quite disturbing to say the least, the inability to respond to questions on the gaping logical holes regarding price increase of all other golf courses except Hancock (which even accounting for income and substitution effect would compensate for the deficit in the budget) and the general unwillingness to listen to the community brings up the question of outside incentives which may dis-align the cities interest with those of the community. Please don’t expand the golf part. Let it be a park for nature and quiet enjoyment. The space would serve our community better as a park. People have been saying this for years! i live in the neighborhood & we need a park! Just don't pave it over or develop it Please keep this land public! Waterloo Disc golf rented out 7 annual weekends and 200 players thoroughly enjoyed the history and hospitality This could be a fantastic community space of open to all. I hate my limited access to the space because of its use as a golf course HGC is public land. It should be available to every member of the public, not just those playing a game. However, it should continue to be run by PARD. Profit should never be a motive when it comes to decision making regarding something so priceless and irreplaceable. Keep it Park and green space Walking trail plus golf course Public housing Remain public I would use that space if it were completely or partially a park. We have SO little in our area for all the kids and families! Keep it up and keep up the walking/running path around it. Please keep history of Austin golf and home of Harvey Penick as it has been as a golf course for more than 100 years. The disc golf community lost Pease Park disc golf years ago so there is no disc golf course in central Austin so adding a disc golf course on that property would be awesome I think it's very important that the space remain public. But I would like to see it be usable for everyone, not just golfers. We don't need expensive greens - we need trails, disk course, and dog park. Great historical course. Must be kept and supported. Please add Disc golf as an added draw and support vehicle. Please keep this course open! There is a roller derby rink at 51st and Tilley that is always busy. There is clearly demand for more outdoor areas for roller skating. Plus, there are no outdoor roller hockey rinks anywhere in Austin it is one of the few affordable accesible golf courses in ATX. I think this land is wasted on being a golf course, and should be democratized as something more useful and usable to larger segments of the population. Consider dividing the space in half. 1/2 as public park, 1/2 has public driving range More puic and free park space please Don’t privatize it Please turn it into an open, public park! Please make this space Accessible to all DON’T develop; leave as a green space. Green space would be great It needs to become a public park, it's a gross misuse of public lands in the heart of an urban area to dedicate them to an exclusionary priveleged activity Golf courses are a wasteful use of space and water. They serve a small relatively privileged segment of the population. Keep it public! Do not privatize!! Austin needs more green space available to the public, There is a lot of dense building going on in Austin so creating more useable green space will be good for the entire community. I think it would be useful to see data, for past five years, of course usage -- broken down by months / days / times -- as well as revenue and expense. Zip codes of the golfers and mode of travel to the course would be interesting as well. I've read that "golf is dying." Would do the data say about utilization of Austin's public courses? Thank you. Austin needs more passive park public spaces that allow for wildlife and nature to flourish. Needs to be a community space of some sort, but we are drastically lacking off leash dog parks in this region of Austin There are already plenty of golf courses in Austin, more public space or dog park space would be preferred It should remain as it is. The surrounding neighborhoods will be less attractive if it disappears. Keep it how it is There is a shortage of green space for Austinites to recreate in. This space would be well served for natural trails for hikers and mountain bikers. Cycling is growing in popularity, but people don't have a place to ride. Trails for riders of all abilities, as well as skill-building features and a pump track is greatly needed! This space needs to be accessible for low income families who are bearing the brunt of gentrification in that area. I think disc golf is a much more accessible sport for the gen pop and that would be a better use of space A championship level disc golf course being added to the property could bring the pro tour to Austin for the first time. The pros already come to Waco and Belton before Texas State Championships. Austin could be added to that list. In addition, a disc golf course could bring additional revenue. Keep it! please open as a park Public park! Replace golf course with race track for cyclists Turn it into a pollinator plot. And a golden cheek warbler habitat. This anideal course for the development of new golfers, both children and adults, who need a real course atmosphere to hone their skills. I love this course and honestly think if it was made private or require memberships it could be much nicer. Golf is a great sport but the amount of traffic on this golf course seems low. I live around the corner near 45th and Caswell and think it would be much more beneficial to the community and neighborhood as a park for a much wider range of Austinites to enjoy. Adding a pay to play disc golf course to Hancock would help pay for course maintenance and doesnt cost a lot to install. If it is kept as a golf course this function should be right sized so that there is more room for other users such as walkers, bikers, hikers, frisbee and ball players, plant and animal life, and those who just want to sit on the grass and soak up the sun. It is a shame there are not more options for people to recreate and that this is a closed space for many Austinites. I want Hancock as public park not as golf course. Please add a disc golf course I do NOT want it to become a private golf course.it needs to stay completely free and open to the public I think it would be nice to improve the running trail around Hancock for those of us in Central Austin. It's been a golf course for a century and is part of the fabric of Austin. Looks like most of the golfers playing Hancock are relative novices and it's unique in that it functions as a de facto park and golf course. Consider cutting down the size and making it a par-3 course and then using the rest as a public park. Disc golf could be added Convert all golf courses into housing. Nobody plays golf. We're in a housing crisis & traffic crisis: this property is in central Austin and on transit routes. Peoples' housing takes priority over golf. The golf course is under utilized as a golf course. It should be a public park and/or mixed use development with affordable housing. Please leave the land for parks. LEAVE IT AS A GOLF COURSE Let it be! Why do we even need to have this discussion? Can't some of the gems in Austin just stay put?!!! Thank you for considering disc golf to help endure the life of your course. Although we live in Live Oak, Tx. We would travel to play on a regular basis to support you and our colleagues up there. This is a great idea! I recognize the separate functionality of golf vs non golf use. But, maybe there could be alternate day use so that golfers and non golfers could enjoy the area. Also for special needs kids Austin has the potential of joining other cities with major urban park developments. Please make it a passive park and green space. Please no infill houses. That land deserves to be left alone. Golf courses use too many resources (water, fertilizers, maintenance, etc.), IMO. And not that many people use them. It should be a space that can be used by more people. We need more green space PLEASE don't sell for development into condos/apartments/other high density situation or worse, another ridiculous establishment such as the Commodore Perry that in no way serves the community Great spot for a park You could always have a pitch and putt but if you do put in pickleball courts maybe a playground so parents could pickle while kids play on the playground. During Covid younger and younger people discovered the game. Used for future charity events and youth programs Austin needs affordable housing and public park space more than it needs golf It should be something for the whole community, not just the select few who can afford an expensive hobby Adding a disc golf course would greatly enhance paying customer traffic . Please keep the historic nature of golf at Hancock. Disc Golf and Ball Golf can both work there, even if not played at the same time. A great disc golf course and the ball golf course couldn’t both be played at the same time because of the small space, but some kind of schedule or rotation could work. Different days for each? Ball golf in the mornings and disc golf in the afternoons? It can be worked out and would help keep the course busy and profitable at all times of the day, 7 days a week. If the course has to change to a pitch and putt style course (like Butler) or even a driving range, that would at least keep ball golf active there. And disc golf could still work with either of those activities; bringing in people and revenue to the property. These would be better than converting the property to a passive use park. For over 20 years Waterloo Disc Golf Club has helped maintain and improve disc golf courses all around the city. We also raise lots of money to help local charities including Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Texas and Central Texas Food Bank). We would gladly add Hancock to our list of courses. And in fact the club has had a number of disc golf events there. We have hosted 7 years of the Annual Waterloo Disc Golf Classic at the Hancock Golf Course, bringing hundreds of people each year to the course and raising a total of $64,900 for the Ronald McDonald House in just those 7 years. We have a strong and dedicated disc golf community here in Austin and we believe in giving back to our courses and our community. We want ball golf to remain at Hancock and we want to add disc golf there too, and we are ready to help make that happen. Once again, please use the space to create public space, especially green space! Public property should remain public Please see my previous answer. I’d like to see the property be made into a greenspace and additional land for the recreation center. I could easily imagine the site being a nature preserve or nature education center in conjunction with Hancock Rex. This green space has been an anchor for the community in the north university/hyde park/red river communities. Please keep it green and keep this part of Austin open for all to enjoy viewing nature. In a time of climate change, every little waterway and every square foot of green space (rather than roofs and asphalt) makes a difference! Keep it public! PLEASE do not privatize Hancock or sell it off. Cities need free, communally accessible spaces independent of private interests to allow for non commercial socializing and to insure a healthy, community-minded sense of relationship between citizens. There aren’t many such spaces left and privatizing them all into oblivion guts communities and deeply disadvantages and alienates members of our city, especially the poor and disabled. Disc Golf Course Golf is elitist Maintain it as the Hancock Golf Course! Disc golf tee pads installed “ concrete “ Make a park Please turn this space into a more usable park! The demand is already there. It does not seem appropriate or fair to use this space for a sport only a tiny fraction of neighborhood residents can enjoy. If the land is sold the City needs to use it for affordable housing since there is hardly any in that area. It should not continue to be used as a golf course when there are so many who cannot afford to live in Austin This space would much better serve the surrounding community as park space. A golf course is not the best use of this area for it's neighbors. I wonder about the cost and water usage as compared to other public re reational activities. It is important for it to remain a public space of some kind. golf is a huge waste of resources, the green space is needed to offset the rapid development of land in austin. Please keep it accessible to all! It was a life saver this past year! Golf is the worst possible use of this public land. The course is well used. Hours should be adjusted so that non-golfers can enjoy walking the creek. Portions on the corners can be dedicated to non-golf use at all times. There are SO MANY golf courses within a 5 minute drive, and I never see anyone on this golf course. We don't need a golf course, but a park would be great. Basically, it would be better for this space to become more beneficial to the public, and more accessible Save the trees. 😊😊😊 Hike / bike trails Please make this a public park accessible to all We need more green outdoor space for everyone to enjoy. More golf benefits only a few. Would love for it to have a new use that’s more accessible. Not everyone knows how to play golf or can afford the tools to do so. There are so many people using the City park disc golf courses, it's much lower maintenance than a ball golf course The city has plenty of full-sized golf courses already. Hancock is centrally located and would be perfect as a park open to all. Golf is a very exclusive activity and the city shouldn't be dedicating so much physical space to it when park space is already limited for other activities Strongly believe that the Hancock Golf Course should be a public park This is a green golf course open space. No picnic tables.no fire pits,no trash,no extra parking for a park It should definitely remain a green space. disc golf! I don’t want to see Hancock become a private golf course situation in the middle of a neighborhood - it should stay open as a green space accessible to all. This survey was poorly designed & not accessible to those who could benefit from sharing their opinions on this matter. HGC looking much improved Keep up the good work Fab addition to the hood There’s already enough here please leave these beautiful parks alone Keep it public, we must not lose it to developers. Keep it green. Much of the neighborhood could use it for hiking trails or another high-quality park setting. We truly don't have enough parkland around Austin. The park should no longer function as a golf course, but be open space for all citizens to be able to use in multiple ways. The continuation of a municipally owned golf course is not sustainable, and excludes a large number of residents from being able to use publicly owned land without a built in cost please keep it as a park and shared community space. privatizing is more likely to lead this to be sold off as a future residential development, which would eliminate the only good park space in this area Golf courses are horribly inefficient uses of land. Very little people are able to use them and seems like the cost to maintain them is significant, even if operated as an enterprise. How many people play golf, even on municipal courses, as a percentage of the population. This should be taken into consideration as the City evaluates what is needed to serve those interested in golf AND the rest of the community who may not play golf. Additionally, given the centrality of this land, it would not make sense to not develop at least some amount of very needed housing on it. The city has executed lots of successful projects that include both housing and parkland (eg, Mueller and Colony Park in the works), so I’m optimistic it can be done. Use this space for housing the human beings who are unhoused and neglected. Please make it a park!!!!!! Golf & Disc golf course According to a PARD survey, the vast majority of people use Hancock Golf Course for walking and outdoor activities. Please fulfill the public's wishes and make it a space for everyone, not private enterprise and golfers. Thanks. First, that question is the definition of a leading question. I work in survey research and would invalidate data I received from such a question. It essentially asks "do you want to kill such a historic golf course?" That said, I appreciate your outreach and whatever the Golf Course becomes, I hope it will be something decided in community. A disc golf course would be much less expensive to maintain and get great use Bike park Disc golf couse Golf courses use of fertilizer and energy to maintain has a negative impact on the environment for the benefit of a small proportion of the population Hancock would be more beneficial to the community if it had a wider use. I think a park would be a great use because it’s already a beautiful space and I would actually be able to enjoy it more since I dont know how to play golf. I thoughoughly enjoy playing at Hancock, especially in the summer time following work. It’s an excellent place to work on my game and keep my swing in shape. Any improvements to the course would be welcome! I really like the presence of this space, as is. Give non-country-club people a chance to golf for reasonable prices. It would be so nice to have a large park like that near where I live. Somewhere I could have a picnic and spend time outdoors Golf is not something that all of austin would use. A park would be better use of the space I believe that Hancock could effectively serve far more Austinites that it does now if the ball golf course were removed and replaced with a variety of other uses, including a disc golf course. I have lived in Austin since 1991 and have been playing disc golf for two years. Disc golf is a rapidly growing sport in Austin and internationally, as you know from observing the utilization of existing disc golf courses at Zilker Park, Roy Guerrero Park, Searight, etc. The sport appeals to players of all ages and the cost of entry (basic equipment) is very low. Disc golf courses require zero irrigation and zero fertilization, only basic maintenance of the area immediately around the “greens” and teepads. They take up less space than ball golf courses, can be woven into existing landscape forms, and flying discs pose less danger to other park users and passing cars than flying golf balls do. I believe that you would get a strong and immediate positive response to a disc golf course at Hancock, and in a way the tradition of a golf course at this location would be sustained. Thank you for your consideration. Golf courses are classist as they are not available to all. Our city has the need & opportunity to make a drastic difference for our unhoused community. Let’s lead the way. We’re already weird! Please don’t privatize the space - no driving range! Golfing doesn’t help our community N/A No driving range! More public access The golf course takes so much space that could be more inclusive to other activities please save this historic course. Please keep Hancock a public park or golf course. I do not support privatization of any sort Hancock is historic and it would ne a shame to lose it especially if Lions goes away. A hybrid scenario with disc golf would be intriguing. Make the disc golf a pay to play if necessary to make it work. Let's give it back to the people! It's too nice of a location to be wasted on (largely) empty grass Lets this space be open to Austinites for experiencing nature and developing community, not for wealthy old men to play their silly game Disc Golf courses bring in revenue to the surrounding areas. People travel from other areas and bring their money to local shops. Hosting tournaments at least doubles that revenue. It also provides a much needed outlet for outdoor fitness and recreation for the local community. Hancock is a ideal place to play a half day of golf and a great place for kids to learn the sport central Austin does not have enough green park space and park is safer than a gold course for those needing green space It's a beautiful place, in a critical central location that could use a park keep it PUBLIC no matter what is decided How is historic presevstion in a historically white only area preserving white supremacy? How could you use this opportunity to create a more equitable community space? There are so many barred owls and others unique species living there. We need more open spaces nearby. golf courses are classist spaces that are inaccessible to much of the community Keep it wild, walking, picnics, excersise Do not make more condos or businesses Do not, for the love of god, keep it as a golf course! Make it a public park! It’s a huge space in a thriving neighborhood. The families and college students living in Hyde Park would get much more use out of a public park than a golf course. I (we) have played bald golf and disc golf at this historic piece of property, blessed to have it and the opportunity. Leave it public no matter what. If it has to be a golf course, make it a Disc Golf course! But leave room for wildlife and leave it public. It’s a beautiful place and would love to see it stay as apart of the community. If the golf course were to go away I would love to see a disc golf course put in its place. Our community would love to see that and it would help continue to keep parks around Austin. i like the waterloo tournament that is played there every year. disc golf! Hancock Golf Course should remain as it is. Adding a disc golf course would be a great idea and increase revenue let the public use it. we need every green space in austin for public exercise, health,fitness, and quiet contemplation Would love to see a permanent disc golf course sharing the property Disc golf is an excellent way to introduce a new user base to golf courses Fine with it going private as well. A public park would be nice in concept but would fall into all the trappings and shorcomings that current public parks in Austin suffer. We should keep as many green spaces as we can with a growing city. We should also protect the animals that live in it. Keep the golf course please. It is affordable. throughout the pandemic, people have been using the golf course as a park and that is the sort of community investment in public space and social life we need to be funding with tax payer money! This is a lovely space better suited as an urban park I used to live in that neighborhood. The green space is important. It should remain public because the history of the neighborhood and of the golf course is exclusionary. Add disc golf More disc golf courses are needed and along with the history of Hancock for ball golf, adding disc golf would be low cost and preserve Austin's culture Add disc golf to allow for even more people to enjoy the wonderful area in a healthy recreational fashion. This course is too historic to lose. Love it! Don’t let it die to commercial building Don’t disrupt the eco system. Would love to see this as a public park for all Please, don’t develop just to have a shop or at the whim of developers. Parks are a place of beauty and serenity in an ever growing urban city. Native plants among the creek bed and rolling hills would provide a place for recreation for all of Austin citizens. I have nothing against ball golf in general, but, because it accommodates so few people, razes so much natural habitat, and requires so much water and chemicals, constitutes a shameful misuse of such valuable in-city park space as Hancock. Disc golf uses far less space than ball golf, is FAR more popular than ball golf in Austin (just go to Zilker or Wells Branch or Roy G. or many other disc golf courses in the area and take a head count), and a world class pay-to-play (a low fee that doesn’t discriminate against less wealthy people) self-sustaining course at Hancock would become yet another gem for the city of Austin. The demand for more courses in Austin is there. If you build it they certainly will come. Zilker Park’s disc golf course, which I heard is the most popular course in the USA (anecdotal evidence) is, for example, is very crowded most of the time. This fantastic sport appeals to all ages and types of people, and is growing more and more popular. For example, top pro named Paul MacBeth recently signed a ten year, ten million dollar contract with Discraft. Furthermore, one of the foremost disc golf course designers in the world, John Houck, is an Austinite. A disc golf course could be safely included in a larger plan to make Hancock a park that serves many more people than it does now. The disc golf community is thriving and would financially support the construction of such a course at Hancock. If such a plan becomes real, for example, I hereby pledge a minimum $5,000 to a Hancock Disc Golf course construction fund. Thank you for your attention, William Herndon 314-805-9633 williamsherndon@hotmail.com 3106 Lafayette Ave Aistin, TX 78722 I really believe the park would be utilized to its full potential if you added a disc golf course on it. There are many local leaders in our community that design courses. They would be able to create a course that would work along side a ball golf course. Disc golfers take better care of the ground and the holes could easily be designed around the existing golf course. I would love to add a disc golf course along side the golf course groomed grass is not conducive to wildlife. bring back the native habitat. it is more important that golf. There are already so many golf courses. Please let nature live! Disc golf is a new and upcomong sport for all ages Love hikitthe trail, I'd hate to see it go. There is an opportunity to have the community provide volunteers for ongoing course maintenance by establishing a permanent disc golf course. The disc golf community is already used to this private/public partnership on other courses and could provide money and labor by enabling existing disc golf clubs or a new Hancock specific disc golf club to hold events and workdays to maintain and improve the grounds. I believe disc golf and ball golf could coexist on this property and help to maximize the utility of this property and keep it as an recreational anchor for our city. If it's losing money why not turn it into a passive park for everyone to enjoy This part of Austin exemplifies diversification and has a great many students, people who walk, ride bikes, and should be maximized to provide a sense of community, gathering, and enjoyment of nature. I'd love to play both ball and disc golf in Austin. It'd be similar to DeLaveaga in California. We have too many golf courses in Austin. Public open space with connected trails would be a better use of space. Keep it a golf course (ball or disc golf) Disc golf Keep it a golf course Please keep the historic nature of golf at Hancock. Disc Golf and Ball Golf can both work there, even if not played at the same time. A great disc golf course and the ball golf course couldn’t both be played at the same time because of the small space, but some kind of schedule or rotation could work. Different days for each? Ball golf in the mornings and disc golf in the afternoons? It can be worked out and would help keep the course busy and profitable at all times of the day, 7 days a week. If the course has to change to a pitch and putt style course (like Butler) or even a driving range, that would at least keep ball golf active there. And disc golf could still work with either of those activities; bringing in people and revenue to the property. These would be better than converting the property to a passive use park. For over 20 years Waterloo Disc Golf Club has helped maintain and improve disc golf courses all around the city. We also raise lots of money to help local charities including Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Texas and Central Texas Food Bank). We would gladly add Hancock to our list of courses. And in fact the club has had a number of disc golf events there. We have hosted 7 years of the Annual Waterloo Disc Golf Classic at the Hancock Golf Course, bringing hundreds of people each year to the course and raising a total of $64,900 for the Ronald McDonald House in just those 7 years. We have a strong and dedicated disc golf community here in Austin and we believe in giving back to our courses and our community. We want ball golf to remain at Hancock and we want to add disc golf there too, and we are ready to help make that happen. Keep it as green space for all! My car has gotten hit by multiple golf balls. I am in favor of a public park/conservatory. Give the Blue Herons and other local wildlife space to thrive while improving the quality of life and health of all Austin residents. The grass can be patchy, seems to have broken water lines around green on hole 2. Having a disc golf course there would be amazing. The basketball court could use some tree trimming. Disc golf courses allow more people to play in the same amount of time. Ball golf is generally 4 hours for 18 holes. Disc golf is 2 hours for 18 holes Disc golf should be permanent there Please make it a passive park and green space. Public land should remain available for public use - we should NOT hand this land over to private businesses This golf course is enjoyed by so many in the neighborhood and the area. Please maintain its current use. First and foremost it should remain open to public and a GREEN SPACE. Disc golf thoughts Parks>golf Please do not make this another golf course. We need parks! this should remain a public greenspace operated by the city This urban space should be a park for all citizens. Please keep the historic nature of golf at Hancock. Disc Golf and Ball Golf can both work there, even if not played at the same time. A great disc golf course and the ball golf course couldn’t both be played at the same time because of the small space, but some kind of schedule or rotation could work. Different days for each? Ball golf in the mornings and disc golf in the afternoons? It can be worked out and would help keep the course busy and profitable at all times of the day, 7 days a week. If the course has to change to a pitch and putt style course (like Butler) or even a driving range, that would at least keep ball golf active there. And disc golf could still work with either of those activities; bringing in people and revenue to the property. Disc golf is a wonderful outdoor activity that can be accessed in an equitable way be anyone as long as public park space is available. With disc golf, there are no green fees, expensive clubs to purchase or carts to rent. I believe that maintaining the part for sports activities would better than converting the property to a passive use park. For over 20 years Waterloo Disc Golf Club has helped maintain and improve disc golf courses all around the city. The club also raises lots of money to help local charities including Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Texas and Central Texas Food Bank). The Waterloo Disc Golf Club would gladly add Hancock to our list of courses. And in fact the club has had a number of disc golf events there. We have hosted 7 years of the Annual Waterloo Disc Golf Classic at the Hancock Golf Course, bringing hundreds of people each year to the course and raising a total of $64,900 for the Ronald McDonald House in just those 7 years. We have a strong and dedicated disc golf community here in Austin and we believe in giving back to our courses and our community. We want ball golf to remain at Hancock and we want to add disc golf there too, and we are ready to help make that happen. We need an off leash area for dogs in this part of town, or more open public park space. Shipe park is extremely small and also provides no trails or off leash areas. Do not tear down the Store Golfen Course in The Hancock. That would be crazy Please close the golf course. This should be a park open to all, not only for golfers. It should have a disc golf course that shares with the traditional golfers. Perhaps keep ball golf, but add disc golf. Please add disc golf! I play every week. We need more park space Please keep the historic nature of golf at Hancock. Disc Golf and Ball Golf can both work there, even if not played at the same time. A great disc golf course and the ball golf course couldn’t both be played at the same time because of the small space, but some kind of schedule or rotation could work. Different days for each? Ball golf in the mornings and disc golf in the afternoons? It can be worked out and would help keep the course busy and profitable at all times of the day, 7 days a week. We have a strong and dedicated disc golf community here in Austin and we believe in giving back to our courses and our community. We want ball golf to remain at Hancock and we want to add disc golf there too, and we are ready to help make that happen. Love it it’s family spot I think adding disc golf as an option would bring a considerable amount of new revenue to the course. While most disc golf courses are free to play, many in our community would love to play a manicured lawn disc golf course and willing to pay for the pleasure. Alternating days or weeks between ball and disc golf might be the best option to accommodate both types of play. When Waterloo disc golf course has their tournament there, it’s one of the main things that keeps me coming back. Yoga, art , Zen trail, disc golf course I think changing it to two disc golf courses would be a great way to continue tge course. Don't turn this into condos or commercial space Hancock is a beautiful green space that provides visual and physical refuge in the middle of the city Disc Golf would be amazing there, and it can run with the regular course at the same time It's critical that we don't end up privatizing the space such that it's less accessible for the majority of people. I'd love to see the space revitalized in ways that welcome the wider public to celebrate being outdoors together, especially given that gathering outdoors has become safer than gathering indoors. keep the historic golf course in place and consider adding some disc golf to the property I would love to be able to come and bring my dog and child to this park in the future, without fear of being hit by a golf ball. I’m a 60 y/o 4th generation hill country resident. Please save our town from becoming Houston/Dallas any more than it already has. It is heart-breaking! it should be a space for all people, not just the wealthy that play golf. There are plenty of private golf courses for them, but only so much public land for us. See my note - if it was not for COVID I would have used the Rec Center and the golf course more often in the last year So few people golf relative to how many would be able to enjoy a park. Just not a practical usage of the land when 700sqft bungalows are selling for $1M across the street This is a pathetic attempt at public engagement and is so blatantly biased its practically a civil rights violation. I understand the history of the golf course will be significant to some people, but our city desperately needs affordable housing. I have been walking around Hancock Golf Course since 1990- please keep this beautiful space accessible for public use It would be treasured as a park instead of a golf course. An open park is the best use for the most number of people. Add some disc golf to it. Even lights for night golf It would be a very great use of space to add in a couple 18 hole disc golf courses. The design of both courses already exist. The annual Waterloo disc golf tournament is held on this property and they set up two temporary courses on the property. It would be another source of revenue for the property and with disc golf growing exponentially these courses would receive plenty of play. The disc golf community in Austin is strong, vibrant, supportive and active in maintaining our disc golf courses clean and well. Adding disc golf courses to this historic peace of property would be no exception to the disc golf community in doing our part to maintaining the courses clean and frequently used. Whether it serves as a regular golf course, or maybe a disc golf course and park? I think it’s important to maintain open space wherever we can in central Austin. A disc golf course could charge some money for use, and would require lower maintenance than a regular golf course. A win-win. Combine the current course with disc golf pay-to-play on a monthly rotation basis Addition of a disc golf course to the existing golf course would be awesome, but ultimately the preservation of the golf course and it's incredible history in Austin is the most important. With Austin’s growing population it needs to be a patk Austin needs more public parkland! disc golf course pls :) It’s a beautiful open space that should continue to serve the immediate neighborhood & the community at large The Hancock Rec center provides after school care, summer camps, and numerous other programs that are such a wonderful service to the neighborhood. I would love to see Hancock Park expand that by converting the vast open space into a park that included a swimming pool, playground, and accessible open space for all to enjoy. Even at high traffic its no where near a service to the community like meuller or zilker. It is such a waste of resources for players of a single sport when the community has real needs for play places for kids and adults with disabilities Remain as a public golf course and occasionally host disc golf. Public Park, Regenerative landscape, maybe a small food forest! education center for regenerative practices, permaculture, ecology, herbalism...for children and adults Allowing for more disc golf usage Disc golf Open park space Public Disc Golf course (free) Perhaps it's possible to preserve some of the greens for putting... ? Do not degrade one of the few "breathing spaces" left in central Austin. If Austin needs to raise money to maintain the space, I would be happy to contribute. Hancock has been a part of my life from my childhood, I played my first round there in 1989 when I was 5 and living out in Elgin. It's a lovely green space and a place with a wonderful history. It would be an absolute shame to lose it, and lose a piece of Austin, Texas, and US History. Fun course to walk Concrete pads for disc golf course Fun golf course and should have disc golf added permanently Green space is precious and rare. Visit the golf course after golf hours and see the people loving it. See Mount Massive 9 Hole Ball and Disc Golf Course, Leadville, CO. They have integrated both in a single course. Everyone gets along fine. Greens fees apply. Cart rentals are available. love it! Open a public grill. The City of Austin is behind on its target for park space per resident, from what I understand. (If Hancock Golf Course is counted in that, then the situation is even worse, since Hancock and the other golf courses don't really serve the Austin population broadly.) Please remedy it by turning some of these huge golf courses into public parks that *everyone* can enjoy! As the number of players anf the interest in disc golf grows, the city needs another DG course I feel the revenue stream could be vastly increased with the addition of disc golf to the Hancock Golf Course year round. Myself and many other area disc golfers would be happy to pay greens fees & rent carts. Please care for it and keep it alive with the times Austin's density has been growing exponentially. I'd like to see spaces where community members can gather to walk, play, do birding, enjoy green space. I used to go to what is now the Grove to walk about and do some birdwatching...that is now gone. The land at Hancock is too valuable to be accessed by only a few limited community members. Incorporating disc golf Keep it ball golf, and add disc golf! Add a disc golf course with the exciting golf course. This course needs to be preserved and kept available to the public. Disc Golf. It is the site of Waterloo disc golf tournament every year. I think it would be a wonderful place to have a disc golf course. I also think it would bring in a lot of extra money as disc golfers would would gladly pay the same fees as the traditional golfers! I walk by the golf course almost daily. There are always mostly male, predominantly white men using the golf course. I urge PARD to open this amazing space to more residents. Thanks! disc golf Golf courses are not a good use of public space We get enormous enjoyment out of the space as a park and green space. If it is to be maintained as a golf course, the habitat for animals and trails should be maintained as well. A golf course or park. No more condos, high-rises and commercial development. The land is perfect for a championship level disc golf course that could host large professional tournaments for the Disc Golf Pro tour. Too many golf courses by adding a disc golf layout to the ball golf portion, you add on another activity that many people can participate in, which then brings in more revenue for events and so forth. disc golf is one of the fastest growing sports and has recently caught the eye of sports illustrated and espn. i feel with the continued growth, it would only benefit the hancock course even more revenue and be able to keep it functioning. adding a greens fee like ball golf would make it a treat for people to enjoy when around town. It is a great space that should be continued to be used for golf or disc golf purposes. Disc golf! Disc golf If it can’t continue to be run as a public golf course by city then I prefer a green space for all. NOT a private golf course I hope the community center is kept for low cost classes for families and the elderly like tai chi, karate, and crafting Golf courses only serve a small portion of citizen. Please turn it into a park Multiuse would be best for the city, as a whole. The golf course is historic but current needs are important. A memorial would allow recognition and better usage. Disc golf is one of the most popular sports there is, and Hancock is the perfect place to add a permanent disc golf course there Don’t privatize a public resource. Please don’t use public funds to turn this course into a driving range! There aren’t enough open green spaces for residents in Hyde Park and North Campus to enjoy. Please turn this course into a park. Making this into a dual use golf course/disc golf course would be amazing. A park would be way more useful Affordable housing green space and passive park!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep the ball gold and add disc golf The rec center and open space are a beloved and vital part of our neighborhood!! disc golf With so much open land in central Austin we should reconsider the golf course and make a space more inclusive to the whole community Please keep the historical Hancock Golf Course as a golf course. Disc golf! Disc golf! Disc golf! Permanent disc golf baskets This is an opportunity to turn this space into publicly available greenspace that directly serves our community. I travel to Austin every year to support the Waterloo Charity Disc Golf Tournament - often with multiple friends. I have been attending this tournament for 20 years with the last 7 years at Hancock. It is one of my most favorite events, and I love helping raise funds for the Ronald McDonald House of Austin. It's a great place and a historic part of Austin. Please keep it alive! Keeping this historic course as is Please keep the historic nature of golf at Hancock. Disc Golf and Ball Golf can both work there, even if not played at the same time. A great disc golf course and the ball golf course couldn’t both be played at the same time because of the small space, but some kind of schedule or rotation could work. Different days for each? Ball golf in the mornings and disc golf in the afternoons? It can be worked out and would help keep the course busy and profitable at all times of the day, 7 days a week. If the course has to change to a pitch and putt style course (like Butler) or even a driving range, that would at least keep ball golf active there. And disc golf could still work with either of those activities; bringing in people and revenue to the property. These would be better than converting the property to a passive use park. For over 20 years Waterloo Disc Golf Club has helped maintain and improve disc golf courses all around the city. We also raise lots of money to help local charities including Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Texas and Central Texas Food Bank). We would gladly add Hancock to our list of courses. And in fact the club has had a number of disc golf events there. We have hosted 7 years of the Annual Waterloo Disc Golf Classic at the Hancock Golf Course, bringing hundreds of people each year to the course and raising a total of $64,900 for the Ronald McDonald House in just those 7 years. We have a strong and dedicated disc golf community here in Austin and we believe in giving back to our courses and our community. We want ball golf to remain at Hancock and we want to add disc golf there too, and we are ready to help make that happen Disc Golf tournaments and events Preserve the golf course and ATX history. Expanding use with addition of disc golf. Austin still misses Pease Park Save our munnies Outside Music venue Please add disc golf The land use of the old second nine holes is far better than the land use of the golf course. If the golf course goes away, I would love to see more trees planted throughout the park in a way that’s not ostentatious. A simple, natural-looking area would be so nice. I prefer it stating a public golf course. If not, it should be for public recreation of some sort, not just another piece of land to develop for retail/housing. It’s time to make Hancock a public park. Hancock is such an amazing property with so much history. With Disc Golf being the fastest growing sport which had a ~400% growth increase in 2020... Adding a disc golf course would increase course attendance and annual revenue.. Just anything for kids and adult to enjoy the outdoors and exercise I hope Hancock will remain a ball golf course and I’d love to see disc golf added. great public space in the middle of town.Do not develop it Golf needs to remain available and I would like to see Disc Golf added too The city has other golf courses that are much better than this one. This is a large open space in a park poor area. It could serve a lot of people as a park instead of a semiprivate space. With unprecedented development happening in Austin, Hancock Golf Course represents an opportunity for the city to provide greater public green space for a growing population that would benefit not only from recreation but the ecosystem services of such a space. I support a move toward Hancock becoming a public park. Nice historical site hate to lose it Love this course and its beauty and its close proximity to downtown Get rid of the golf police. Low income housing especially needed 2 disc golf courses This piece of land should host more disc golf events It should remain a green space for the neighborhood. Undeveloped green space for walking should be the priority over sports or other functions. While I support the ball golf course, I believe at a low cost and efficiently inter grated disc golf course would be an excellent addition to the traditional course, or area. Make it a park for all. Use to find lost golf balls as a kid there. Love the place. Bicycle trails Please turn it into a disc golf course. Ideally transformed to public green or divide time between golf and public space Don’t take away our neighborhood park Would be nice if it was a 50/50 disc and ball golf course. There are many working models of this and disc golfers would pay to play Taxpayers should not be paying for a venture that is losing valuable public money when the city has many other pressing needs and goals. Disc Golf is one of the fastest growing sports in the world. It is in the same spirit of ball golf, but requires less grounds Maintenance and is kinder to the environment as there is no need to apply fertilizers to the grounds which runs off into Waller Creek which.ends up in Town Lake and adds to the algal blooms we see more often nowadays. More open, other uses Golf is declining and targets limited demographics It should not be privatized. The city needs to ensure that public green space is preserved. Golf is declining in popularity, and climate change will hasten that decline. What Austin needs now is parks and nature, which help humans thrive and reduces atmospheric CO2. More density without more parkland will only create the ghettos of tomorrow. I am a neighbor of the Hancok Golf Course. My room window faces the green space the course offers. It makes me really happy to go on morning or afternoon walks there. There is always so much traffic there and it feels like a community that is just buzzing with energy. I like to see it be open to all and on sundays, the big groups of golfers always remind me that there's more to life than just work. N/a It should be a simultaneous disc golf course as well! The sport is growing majorly, and could bring lots of additional revenue and enjoyment to both ball and disc golf by opening it up to both sports. I love this park, it is walking distance from my home and I would love to see it maintained and improved. Being an avid disc golf player, it would be great to have a park in walking distance even if it means having to pay and sign up for tee times. Please use this space to help the city and community and not to drive business/generate profits. I think it could make a great disc golf course and / or park. Please fo not sell it to a developer that is going to build outragously over priced apartment. I work at Dura Tune on the corner of 38and1\2 St. and IH35. Please don't wreck the rest of this historic area. Thatnk you. I don’t have a preference about if it stays a golf course, but I DO care that it stays a public park. Disc golf The only thing that is needed from my perspective would be concessions or food trucks for snacks and drinks. Permanent Olse and Kelly basket positions and tee pads for disc golfers. We would happily pay the green fee to play. The passive space and visual enjoyment are worth a lot. 2 disc golf courses I'm not anti-golf, but the course is underutilized by golfers and so many non-golfers hope to use the space more comfortably. it doesnt make sense for the city to prioritize some golfers at the expense of an entire community a park could be nice and more accessible to the general populace What an amazing site to have to potentially do partial infill on a central area. Open up the space for low income folks and even students by building housing on the site of a formerly segregated and currently exclusionary golf course. Part of the site could be retained as a park More Disc Golf I prefer something that can be enjoyed by the vast majority of the neighborhood and is more environmentally friendly, like a park. This space is a gem, a sorely-needed greenspace in an urban neighborhood. A golf course no longer serves the neighborhood as it may once have. Golf courses by nature are not environmentally sustainable and do not provide enjoyment to the majority of neighbors Disc golf Install a disc golf course Disc golf Fore It’s barely used by the majority of the public. The green space would be more useful to more people if it weren’t a golf course Turn it into something that benefits a more diverse range of Austinites. Make it a park and connect it via waller creek trail to lady bird lake I believe that turning the property over to a private company is the wrong direction. Multi use property is my preference with expanded use as a park as well as the addition of an 18 hole disc golf course. Disc golf is an affordable alternative to traditional golf. Please, truly consider adding a disc golf course to coexist with Hancock. Emporia, KS holds the worlds largest disc golf tournament and they use the Emporia Country Club for the Professionals to play on. The tournament is called, “ The Glass Blown Open” or now, “ Dynamic Discs Open”. Thank you. If you are able to effectively add disk golf as an option without interference to standard golf, I think that would be a good multi-purpose solution Please work with the Conservancy group, Fruitful Commons, and local regenerative/eco restoration landscape designers to make this a nourishing and beautiful public space that can positively benefit more people in the city than a golf course can. I think a mini golf course would be a stellar way to honor the park's history and make it an amazing space Add disc golf or foot golf Hancock Golf Course is one of the oldest courses in the US and it would be a shame to close it down. Neighbor from around the neighborhood use the area for exercise. Please keep this public. Thank you! Netting on the sidewalks would be nice to protect pedestrians Please add a disc golf course to Hancock the community would love it. Disc golf is huge and could bring tons of revenue Beautiful property that could have an amazing disc golf course It would be easy to add a discgolf course to the existing ball golf course that disc golfers would pay greens fees and cart fees to enjoy Add Disc golf keep it public! it's for the people!!!!!! The addition of disc golf is a progressive movement in the future of the sport. Seeing Austin make this move would help secure it as one of the primary DiscGolf destinations in the world. I walk by every day to work and would love to be able to use the space to rest or eat lunch It would also serve as a great pay-for-play disc golf course. It’s possible to have both uses on the property (both ball golf and disc golf) Please strongly consider s for fee disc golf course at Hancock No Thanks! If you cannot keep very affordable to the masses, this is a misuse of city property that could better serve a large group of Austinites. A green space with park facilities is highly desirable. Geeat park. Historic golf course. Disc golf is a symbiotic activity which might add sone revenue for relationships very little capital outlay. Please hold more events and add disc golf course A park would be a better choice. The land should be a public space. Besides small neighborhood parks, there is no large parkland besides Mueller in this area. Mueller’s main park is in horrible shape from overuse. Golf is not an accessible sport to the community as a whole. If nothing else, could tee times end at 4:30 and the space become public parkland at 5:30pm? This would balance income generation and providing green space to the community. Used to live a block away from the course and played twice a week in college. Love the place, but everything is old and in bad condition. It's not as attractive as it could be. More people would use the course if you improve access to the park/course, and modernize the facilities and amenities. The Hancock Golf course will be in a major transit area under Project Connect. I would like for most of it to be a park, but also a portion should be a housing (both income-restricted and market-rate). It’s great when I play the disc golf layout there every year please make it a park. It is a real asset to the neighborhood for all kinds of recreation. Disc golf has grown tremendously over the past year, and adding a disc golf course to share the space would be a great way to add revenue to the park and surrounding businesses. Discgolf Please keep the historic nature of golf at Hancock. Disc Golf and Ball Golf can both work there, even if not played at the same time. A great disc golf course and the ball golf course couldn’t both be played at the same time because of the small space, but some kind of schedule or rotation could work. Different days for each? Ball golf in the mornings and disc golf in the afternoons? It can be worked out and would help keep the course busy and profitable at all times of the day, 7 days a week. If the course has to change to a pitch and putt style course (like Butler) or even a driving range, that would at least keep ball golf active there. And disc golf could still work with either of those activities; bringing in people and revenue to the property. These would be better than converting the property to a passive use park. For over 20 years Waterloo Disc Golf Club has helped maintain and improve disc golf courses all around the city. We also raise lots of money to help local charities including Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Texas and Central Texas Food Bank). We would gladly add Hancock to our list of courses. And in fact the club has had a number of disc golf events there. We have hosted 7 years of the Annual Waterloo Disc Golf Classic at the Hancock Golf Course, bringing hundreds of people each year to the course and raising a total of $64,900 for the Ronald McDonald House in just those 7 years. We have a strong and dedicated disc golf community here in Austin and we believe in giving back to our courses and our community. We want ball golf to remain at Hancock and we want to add disc golf there too, and we are ready to help make that happen. Open, recreational space for all. A disc golf course would be awesome Golf courses are a waste of water It should be preserved for posterity. Would be a great golf/disc golf property!! Please preserve this space. When I first moved to Austin I was so disappointed Hancock was not a usable park. It could be a beautiful one, if golf were removed and it was made accessible to everyone. Golf courses are wasteful for the environment. Make a positive climate move with this opportunity and turn it into a park/native Texas ground cover plants Maybe Scale it back to nine holes and the rest of it Be Park/community garden At least half of the housing to be affordable and racially diverse It is very unique! Get rid of all CoA golf courses. Open them up to the people. Add Disc golf to Hancock Great park Disc golf course It would be perfect for disc golf! We would like to see the golf course remain in duality with disc golf. Please keep the historic nature of golf at Hancock. Disc Golf and Ball Golf can both work there, even if not played at the same time. A great disc golf course and the ball golf course couldn’t both be played at the same time because of the small space, but some kind of schedule or rotation could work. Different days for each? Ball golf in the mornings and disc golf in the afternoons? It can be worked out and would help keep the course busy and profitable at all times of the day, 7 days a week. If the course has to change to a pitch and putt style course (like Butler) or even a driving range, that would at least keep ball golf active there. And disc golf could still work with either of those activities; bringing in people and revenue to the property. These would be better than converting the property to a passive use park. For over 20 years Waterloo Disc Golf Club has helped maintain and improve disc golf courses all around the city. We also raise lots of money to help local charities including Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Texas and Central Texas Food Bank). We would gladly add Hancock to our list of courses. And in fact the club has had a number of disc golf events there. We have hosted 7 years of the Annual Waterloo Disc Golf Classic at the Hancock Golf Course, bringing hundreds of people each year to the course and raising a total of $64,900 for the Ronald McDonald House in just those 7 years. We have a strong and dedicated disc golf community here in Austin and we believe in giving back to our courses and our community. We want ball golf to remain at Hancock and we want to add disc golf there too, and we are ready to help make that happen. Golf courses in the middle of a city or a travesty especially in a state that has a water issue and housing issue which is uncontrollable therefore the land should be given to families of color so they can build our own homes with subsidies from the city and integrated into the neighborhood Love the course. It’s an Austin treasure!! I have been playing disc golf over 30 years. I really liked playing disc golf at Hancock Golf Course. I hope in the future we can play all the time there. Great fun ! There is nothing in the world less important than a golf course. À Park for all I think turning it into a disc golf course would be an awesome addition to Austin I strongly support keeping Hancock Golf Course as a peaceful, calm green oasis and public park, one of the features that makes Austin beautiful. I do not support allowing it to become a commercial enterprise. Food truck options I love it and I do not want it privatized Disc golf Please use for housing. I feel is the current ball golf course isn’t financially working. Changing it to a pay per use disc golf course would. I've lived in Central Austin for 17 of the past 20 years and have never set foot on the Hancock Golf Course. This large chunk of open space should be truly open for all. This can be achieved while also preserving its legacy of golf by maintaining a smaller, more affordable nine-hole pitch and putt course on site. The golf course space must remain open for public use and must not be privatized. please keep its authenticity. we love Hancock!! Disc Golf I know that adding Disc Golf to the Golf course will improve the use of the course and increase revenue for maintenance and improvements for years to come. It should be used to house people. Golf courses are better suited for suburban and rural areas. I think it is a beautiful piece of land that would be utilized and loved by more people if it were just converted to a park. People can walk on the cart path and fly kites, and picnic. It’s not flat and all other Austin parks are flat. I can envision it. Hope you can too. This survey was very biased towards promoting golf course supporting answers so I wouldn’t be surprised if the answers you got are what you designed it to get- just affirming what you want to do. It works in Las Vegas would work here , install lights to allow for night play Make it into a park, as simple as that. Just fill the holes in with dirt. A walkable mixed use development with a nice park. Important to save historical places and it’s great place for families There are two ways to increase the number of people that live near a park. More parkland, and denser housing near parkland. There's not more land, so let's do the second one. Would love to have it be a neighborhood and regional park If not housing, should generate positive cash flow for city. It would be a shame to lose this gem i feel like the course is currently mismanaged, which has now driven a larger conversation about whether it should even remain a golf course. i have strong reservations about turning management over to a private entity though. the option looks attractive only because the city clearly has mismanaged the current situation. austin needs a new vision for public spaces like gold courses and swimming areas. the current plan of underfunding them and then complaining that they don't make money does not work. The Festival Beach Food Forest is on public parkland and could be a sample/ case study/ field trip for people to understand how lush and restorative a portion of Hancock could look and feel. Please keep the historic nature of golf at Hancock. Disc Golf and Ball Golf can both work there, even if not played at the same time. A great disc golf course and the ball golf course couldn’t both be played at the same time because of the small space, but some kind of schedule or rotation could work. Different days for each? Ball golf in the mornings and disc golf in the afternoons? It can be worked out and would help keep the course busy and profitable at all times of the day, 7 days a week. If the course has to change to a pitch and putt style course (like Butler) or even a driving range, that would at least keep ball golf active there. And disc golf could still work with either of those activities; bringing in people and revenue to the property. These would be better than converting the property to a passive use park. For over 20 years Waterloo Disc Golf Club has helped maintain and improve disc golf courses all around the city. We also raise lots of money to help local charities including Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Texas and Central Texas Food Bank). We would gladly add Hancock to our list of courses. And in fact the club has had a number of disc golf events there. We have hosted 7 years of the Annual Waterloo Disc Golf Classic at the Hancock Golf Course, bringing hundreds of people each year to the course and raising a total of $64,900 for the Ronald McDonald House in just those 7 years. We have a strong and dedicated disc golf community here in Austin and we believe in giving back to our courses and our community. We want ball golf to remain at Hancock and we want to add disc golf there too, and we are ready to help make that happen. I could support a small area like Peter Pan Mini Golf.with memorial dor what came before. What better use for the land than bringing people of people to live in this historic space. It’s a disgrace to use this as a golf course. This perpetuates racial and socioeconomic inequality. Please don't vote to privatize more public lands It is a part of Austin and golf history. lived in Hyde Park for 3 years, loved Hancock complex It would be lovely as a park with walking trails. Whatever is decided don't put up another apartment or office bldg or shopping center Please do not privatize this space. I understand bring in contractors to run and program this space (even though that’s currently not allowed by policy) but selling this space will be a major loss to Austin and the surrounding community. It is one of the only convenient and affordable golf courses in town, keep it open! Used as general open space would get tons more use. Think of a multi-use park that could be paid for with the development of affordable/attainable housing and mixed use on the other 50% Course is great and I love the staff! Just wish it was a little more "updated" I love hancock gold course and walk there often, it's so nice to see students and long time austin residents enjoy a round of golf or use the trails. do not privatize this, it's valuable public open space in Austin and doing anything to take that away from the neighborhood is uncalled for Keep the land in public hands, and use it to serve the community equitably. We need open green space, that is public, available for everyone I really hope that this lovely green way can become a park for all. I’d rather not have a golf course there. I would like to be able to walk there. It's annoying that it's only for golfers. Plus, golf balls are hit out of the park and are dangerous I love to play golf at all of Austin's wonderful munis. I think Hancock's space would be better served as a public park. I would much rather see this as public park space. it is a completely unnecessary waste of public space. It would be such a beautiful park! Hancock Golf Course could add a great resource for families and for the city as awhole. I like there being some municipal courses, but I'm not sure we need as many as we have. More natural areas would likely serve more people. A golf course requires large amounts of water to keep the greens up to standards needed to play. The fairways can be used for nothing else. It seems a wasteful use of public land in the middle of the city, so easily accessible by major streets and 35. It should serve the community in a larger capacity and positively impact quality of life of a larger swath of the population. Who can afford golf clubs right now anyhow? We are experiencing a housing crisis not a golf course crisis. Leave it as a public course We have other golf courses in the city to cover affordable options. We do not have centrally located green space in this part of the city. As the center of the city is more dense, we need to make sure we keep the green spaces open to all. Mixed use development with low income housing. If you are determined to change it from how it is, let it be green space for the neighborhood. Nothing fancy, just a bare bones park. But KEEP THE REC CENTER. I hope others will express their views as to ranking the uses of the parkland. My strong preference is that this central green space be kept as a public space and not privatized. Please make this a park. Make it a park/green space. Don't sell it. it is a drain on society in all ways An incredibly inefficient usage of space from the perspective of a growing, space-constrained city Please no more golf course This course should be open to all and create space for community and equity This is a beautiful spot for a park it’d be a more sustainable use of land than a golf course. please turn the land into a public park Could it be reduced in size to allow for other outdoor activities? I strongly support public park idea for the Hancock golf course My least desired outcome would be for the course to be turned over to private developers Thanks!!! Affordable Housing It's such a waste of such a beautiful, centrally located piece of property to have it remain a golf course. We need more public spaces, and golf doesn't count. Happy for it to stay like it is as long as Its safe to walk. Would order for it to be just a park or a frisbee golf course. Just dont want it to get any more golf-ey. Maybe cut back golfing hours so there’s more time to roam. Definitely no driving range. Also please remove the monstrosity pipeline on the sw corner. I don’t remember a public hearing about that or seeing any warning that it was being built, but it has to go! public space, nature preserve, butterfly habitat, *trees*, natural growth area keep it open for people to wander, sit Should remain green space! I would prefer a park option that would met the needs of the entire community instead of just golfers (and I like playing golf! But I like my community space more:)) Please take this opportunity to create more green spaces in urban areas. Consider the population density as more people move here, compounded by climate change. Green spaces accessible to ALL are critical for our city to be sustainable I would like the space to become a free, passive public park, open to all. Please save the golf course! So excited about the prospect of it being a park! Make an English Garden This park should be available for local residents to use as open, multi use space This is a prime location near to transit stops, the Red River corridor & a large shopping center/grocery - please make sure it is equipped with not just adequate public transit access, but room to grow in the future (in lieu of too much parking). Strongly oppose any plan that would restrict my access as a non-golfer Improve the parking area Throw a community garden in there too! It seems like a waste of space. If not a golf course, I’d like to see it as a park Please keep the course public! We need more green spaces in Austin, especially during COVID. Under no circumstances should the Golf Course land be sold to any private developers or contractors. It is a very special public space that should be made even more open to the public by being converted to park land. Personally, I have no problem with it continuing to be a golf course, as long as the center remains available for private group use, such as AIFD. We need more housing and central Austin much more than we need a golf course None Useless Please don’t privatize this land or let it become more housing. Please keep the space for public use!! build some housing and add a beer garden It’s obvious that this property should not be for golf but for the good of the city. keep green, public, family fun I play golf at other courses, there is no need for this course Keep as a park or convert to student housing. Please do not let a private company take over. I’m ok with leaving a putting green or something small, but this area badly needs more park space and especially more playgrounds. The closest large playground is maybe at Colony Park. We can’t wait for the Alliance one to open but that is still a 20 min drive. In a democracy, it should not be allowed that a rich person can bogart the potential park, to make money off of it if that is not what the citizens/voters want. This could be a great park. A driving range should be built elsewhere. Sure it won't make as much money, but Austin could cut waste elsewhere Thank you! I love the Hancock golf course, I walk there every night in warm weather. I love the stream too. Ideally it would be a park (with more trees), and not a golf course. But anything is better than privatizing it or building on it. permanent conditional overlays keeping 10% of the new developments as “lower income.” this is a way to assure a mixture of class in our diversity. If this could not be developed into housing, convert to a public park. Golf is a waste of space. Please make it a city park, open and accessible to all I would really hate to see it be privatized and would vehemently disagree with any housing or demolition It should be a public park that can be enjoyed by all Austin residents, not just golfers. I love the golf course--and it has such a great story. Please leave it as is. The Hyde Park and North Loop communities need public park space. Over the years I have seen this course diminish in Popularity as nearby homes and Austinite changed in terms of the democratic and needs. It’s time for the city to read consider a conversion of this treasure land into a more open Lee accessible parks venue for exercise, nature, and entertainment. Please do not privatise Austin's history. There’s a big lack of public grass in the area to run on etc. Would be really valuable in that regard to free it up. Hancock Golf Course should be made a public park. I'd love to see it as a public park with an area specific to dogs. My family has been in the Austin area for a couple hundred years, and I want to see the natural beauty of the area be preserved as it was when my ancestors first came here. My first choice would be for Hancock to be transitioned to a public park, but that it remain a public golf course as a second option. Parks improve the quality of life for all Austinites. A private golf course is for a very small percentage of the population public greenspace and park Primary: the whole 45 acres should be open, available to any and all comers to use with not fences around the perimiter, no entrance charge, and spaces for non-golfers to use as a park. this beautiful space's use should be maximized for the enjoyment of the greatest number of people in the area. Currrently that use is limited to a specific recreation sector, golf. I have no issue with golf courses; however, the population density in the area (and even greater planned density) makes golf an inappropriate use of this kind of green space. I use the trails to run and am happy that people can golf there without a large price barrier Golf is a ridiculous waste of land and resources. The golfers are rude to the public and we are running out of water to keep the golf course green. I would LOVE for it to no longer be a golf course (or driving range). I support its transformation to a park. I don't know anyone that plays golf. I know many people with dogs and that okay disc golf. We desperately need more green spaces in this densely populated area. leave it as is trails are always good! Golf players don’t even like this course. Let the city use it. Affordable low barrier housing would be nice too. Golf course serves extremely limited subset of population and is the largest green space in central Austin - a park would serve many times more residents than a golf course - what is unclear is how the financials work for the golf course - one could easily make the case that even concession stands / expanding the park to allow events/weddings would make the city a lot more money and serve many more people than a golf course. It’s a great casual course with character! Please do not privatize this land! The City should repurpose Hancock to a public park so more people can enjoy the space We need more green space for residents to enjoy. Especially now with the pandemic lingering, we need open air spaces for everyone. The neighborhood parks are really crowded. This is Austin, famous for green spaces. Don’t lose that reputation! I'm strongly in favor of Hancock continuing to be owned by the city and operated as a park and green space for the benefit of all Austinites, not just golfers. I'm strongly opposed to the golf course being sold to and operated by a private developer, whether as a golf course or anything else. If it is converted to a park like Zilker it would be terrible. We, as a family try to visit a park every month, we will love to have another option for us and our friends. A public park benefits the community more than a golf course. Please continue to allow it to be accessed by the public full time Leave something the way they are. I’d even be happy if you re-wilded the whole thing and opened walking trails throughout. As Austin population keeps growing, we need to increase access to public parks. I love the location of the Hancock golf course and think it would make a wonderful public park It should be converted into a park. I lived next to it for years and very few people use it for golf. A park would be a much bigger asset to the community A multipurpose public green space is much needed. A golf course only serves an elite few. Central Austin needs more park space that provides experiences with nature. It would be amazing to have a park this close to our house. and there are much less parks this size in this area of town. Keep it green Budgets become trade secrets in public:private partnerships. I prefer taxes to pay for parks Please transform it into and allow for it to be funded as a public park. I just don't want the park to change dramatically. I want a green space run by the city with community input, we can have a great green space with native plants and area for the whole community No homes or apartments Golf is elitist crapola. Build a Park for the People! Hancock should be a public park. Open and accessible for a broader group of people. no I think it is near public transportation so any kind of mixed use park like Patterson Park stop it from being a golf course and make it a public space for the whole community I also understand if people want to turn it into a general use park. If it has to be golf, maybe Putt Putt so families can use it??? Please don’t develop this space! Under no circumstances should it be privatized and developed. It is time for a public space where a community can gather, not just a few who can afford golf equipment Please turn it into a public park. Austin has too many people and not enough parks. We need housing. We need parks. Please put both there Please establish volunteer days when those of us who love this park can come to help clean up litter, mulch trees etc. Use it for nature education for kids and adults. It should be redeveloped to include missing middle housing and a public park. Please convert it to a public park that can be enjoyed by all members of the community. I grew up taking dance lessons and later spent many a day enjoyed walking around the course Whatever it's future use should be....it should remain a public type of facility. Austin's green space is one of its best features. Keep Hancock green. All golf courses should be affordable housing or parks. Golf is for a privileged few and is wasted space. Would love a park/open green space open to ALL the public and not just golfers I'd love for it to be a place to have picnics, run/walk around without the fear of getting hit with a golf ball, and perhaps even a place to enjoy the occasional outdoor music show. Don't commercialize this beautiful space! Make it more available to more people This is elitist and a negligent use of city green space. Give the space to ALL the people not a tiny fraction with the means to enjoy their sport elsewhere. Please open it to see public as a park with open space for walks and picnics. No concessions. Golf not needee A golf course serves a select few. A park serves the entire community. Golf is an expensive hobby. Parks support many other hobbies. golfers are a disproportionately wealthy and white minority. This public space should be used in a way that benefits all Austinites! Park for the residents would be nice as well It would be wonderful for this space to be used with the entire community and neighborhood in mind, not just golfers. None No development Please don't develop Hancock. Housing is a problem, but so is the erasure of semiwild urban spaces. Please keep this as a casual, fun golf course. If this space cannot remain a golf course, please turn it into a park. It would be terrible to sell this delightful piece of greenspace to developers. This is such a no brainer. It would instantly be a premier park in Austin. No one is asking for major rennovations. They just don't want to be hit with golf balls. Stop the golfers and then voila it's a park. It's that simple. We use the golf course but strongly feel it would serve the community better as a park/green space. If it can’t be maintained as a golf course, please make it a public park I would like to see this space made available for everyone in the community to enjoy. This is such a beautiful and well-preserved green space in the middle of a dense area, and it would be a shame if it's use were limited only to golfers. I think this park should become a shared space with the ability to support many different types of activities to better serve the diverse group of neighbors around the park. The city & particularly the State is monetizing green space selling off or leasing such space as fast as possible, (witness the "Triangle"). We need to preserve such areas as public space, not reserving them for specialized populations and activities. This is born out by studies that show how natural environments contribute to mental heath and social coherence. Amazing piece of Austin history & open space we can use to balance out all of the growth in people & density ATX is experiencing. It is beautiful jewel, please don't turn it into just a park! There are lots of parks around here! Personal thoughts - grew up in Austin in the 1950s/1960s, a green space and passive park more in line with the beauty of the area that I remember well. Would love for future generations (especially children) to have this green space for enjoyment as I did. The clubhouse in the 50s offered children/teen activities. Although I don't expect clubhouse activities, just having the "park setting" would be special. Thank you for your consideration! AS MANY DIFFERING USES AS POSSIBLE. AFFORDABLE HOUSING. A VELODROME WOULD BE WONDERFUL FOR ATX'S CYCLING POPULATION. BALL FIELDS, PERFORMANCE AREAS, BOTANICAL GARDEN, SCULPTURE GARDEN, OUTDOOR EDUCATIONAL AREAS - INTERPRETIVE PLAQUES. Use as park please improve the walking path around the perimeter The park has much more civic value as a greenspace. It was great to see it used for play and sledding during the winter storms. Please don't allow mixed use or housing on this site. It should be preserved as greenspace and protect the Waller Creek watershed It would make a beautiful open park! A long time ago there was a small stage area where local groups (high school in my case) could perform. It was great for groups like the scouts and neighborhood gatherings. This area needs a park, it doesn’t need a golf course. Do not go through with the RFP process. There seems to be a lot more demand to turn the golf course into an ADA-accessible and publicly accessible public park than to keep it as a golf course and turn operations over to a private corporation. This property could better serve the people of Austin, either as a public park by itself or as a public park AND mixed use development with affordable/public housing. I grew up across the street on Red River and although I don't use that park now, I think of it as a key historic element in that part of town. This should be a green space and Public park! We absolutely need to preserve green space - and the running/walking trail built around Hancock is a great part of the Austin landscape. I think a public park would be better for the community and the environment. This space deserves to be enjoyed by more than just a single sport club. Would provide green space access to underserved areas Make it a public park Please, no commercialization of any kind. Leave it as is, or turn it into a public green space/park. The absolute worst idea is turning it over to private intererests. They will have one and only one aim: cash. They will not care about the neighborhood, the people, the traffic, anything but money. They must absolutely be kept out. I used to live at 43rd and Duval, and considered the Hancock Golf Course an unfortunate waste of space for most people in the neighborhood. In a dense, diverse neighborhood near UT, why prioritize the needs of a few people who play one specific game (with classist leanings) over the needs of everyone else nearby? Hancock Park should no long be used as a golf course. Open it up for the people of austin to use. When I lived near the golf course, I often saw people walking around it like a park, and fewer people playing golf. I was surprised to learn that it was a golf course and not a park. First and foremost, Green and Public is my number 1 priority. Finding a way to mix in a park area, free of golf balls would be an added bonus. Lending this land to a company should not be the first thing on the mind of the parks department. They should be more concered about what the community that lives in this area has to say. I'd love to see the space remain a public course (my girlfriend likes to play there), or if that is not an option it would be a beautiful park space. I used to regularly go on walks there when I lived closer. keep it as the city treasure that it is, don't let developers take it over and turn it into another apt or condo unit. I do not support a modern golf learning center and/or adding a driving range. I am not in support of fencing/netting around the golf course. I do not support nightime lighting beyond the area of the Hancock Recreation Center. In 2024, we have the opportunity to celebrate the 125th anniversary of continuous golf played at the Hancock Golf Course. That is a piece of Austin history I would hope is valued and preserved by those stewarding Austin’s parklands. This is one of the gems of Austin. It needs to be kept a public course or turned into an open park. As the city grows more dense and real estate is built closer together and/or with high density, green spaces are needed to help cool the city down and fight against the heat island created by a city. Also, human beings need green spaces for mental, physical, and emotional health. This park would be a boon to underserved communities in Windsor Park, University Hills, Pecan Springs, etc. that do not have access to large parks without considerable travel. Thank you for your consideration on this extremely important topic. Continue to keep the Recreation Center open. The land is far too valuable to just be a golf course. It needs to be turned into public housing and a large public park. Looks like it is not working as a golf course. So make it a park for all !! I do not support having private sector enterprise involved at Hancock Golf Course. under no circumstances should the green space be lost - no matter what the dedication is (golf or otherwise) No golf plz open green space!!! so important for austin!!! Please make this land more accessible to all by converting it into public park Urban green space is only becoming more valuable in Austin, like the downtown hike and bike trail and park. Hancock could be a wonderful asset for the community as Austin continues to grow by infill. If wanted to keep part as a smaller pitch and putt or 9 hole course that would be ok. But that is prime park area in the middle of town. More than golfers should get regular use. And disc golf takes way less maintenance (water!) than golf. And is a growing, economically affordable sport for all. I think these survey questions were very misleading and would encourage you to revise before collecting additional public comments. A public park for the community with trees and nature is an invaluable asset to our city. We are lucky to have this opportunity right in the heart of the city. Please don't waste it. Particularly having a developer create a driving range would be a terrible use of the park and there would be much upset. We need a park. We need more greenspace for everyone. Not more golf space for a few. PARK ! I lived in Hyde Park/North Campus for over 11 years. I've long dreamed for Hancock to become a public park. Please consider retiring the golf course and maintaining the land as green space for all. More public trails and a restoration of Waller creek would be great. Also, the historic club house should be saved regardless of what happens, as it could be renovated if it remains a golf course or converted to a community center/event space for the park. It would be nice if it could be used as a learning center Turn it into a park. I’ve been golfing since I was 9 years old. This city has greater needs than a golf course. We love large green spaces of any sort! A golf course is a very limited-use development, whereas a public park greenspace would be much more widely useable by all people and income levels. Unfortunately, the current survey is short, confusing (does a vote for golf equal a vote for a private golf developer?) and slanted towards golf. we LOVE the rec center staff. They are amazing and we love the aftercare program and summer programming there. Keep the Hancock Golf Course as a multiuse public space, perhaps change the name because i am not sure that others know that there are public spaces there for all to enjoy. They may think it's just a golf course but it has so much to offer... Austin had a shortage of centrally located park space and community center activities A park with an area for dogs and a walking - running trail is the best use of the space. It is vital that we preserve and conserve this wonderful piece of nature and its ecosystem. It should remain free but become more of a park. I would hate to see this become fenced in, not accessible to the public, snd for it to turn into yet another building development. While retaining a portion of Hancock as a park or golf course may be appropriate, because of its central location and the urgent need for housing, at least a portion should be converted to affordable housing. Green space is acceptable option Perhaps portion some off for affordable multiuse housing development It should remain a public space, but be reused in a way that accommodates the interests of the surrounding community Golf courses use an enormous amount of resources to maintain, particularly in the hot, dry summers here, and benefit relatively few people. Converting that space into park land could service far more people in more diverse activities. Open fields would be useful, as well as walking trails, places for public performances, or a community garden program, among many other uses. Hancock Golf Course should be redeveloped into a walkable mixed use development including affordable housing with public green space and park. This will help keep Austin more affordable for all of it's residents. I feel that the residents of Austin would be best served by Hancock becoming a public park and green space. It's a perfect location being close to medical services and transportation. Please protect this public park space for use by current and future residents. Stop making this survey White-centric in favor of golf. That's incredibly racist. Would make a great public park. Keep our quality of life in central Austin It is historic and beautiful and offers inexpensive golf on a shorter course. All good things. Keep it green and public. No driving range for private users. none Keep it open for public use It feels elitist and exclusionary and needs to change. Putting a private, fenced off golf course across the street from a walled-off, hyper expensive hotel that is, in turn, a quarter mile away from one of the largest homeless camps currently in Austin would be a really excellent example of the resistance to change, growth, and community that the city tries not to tie itself to. The golf course should be maintained and should not be converted to a park which is not needed and would have many negative impacts on the Hancock neighborhood. The historic character of the golf course can be maintained by transitioning it to public open space/pakland. However, the affordability crisis in Austin is at an all time high and more affordbale housing is needed. The city can leverage some of the publicly owned land that Hancock Golf Course occupies for a significant amount of affordable housing to households below 50% MFI, so that more affordable housing options become available in a highly desirable area of the city which currently lacks sufficient affordable units. A public park space that is more widely usable, both in terms of activities/recreation and quantity of folks that can use it. For example, public green space/field space akin to Zilker Park, which can be used for an almost unlimited variety of activities, sports, picnics, walks, etc. Right now, it is far more limited in what good it can offer to the public, despite its designation. A section could be used for public tennis courts, or lit, turf fields (providing a public substitute to the UT intramural fields). Contracting with a private entity to operate a golf academy or making the golf course a park will negatively impact the surrounding neighborhood. It is such a great oasis to have that full course in the area and then use it in the evenings for walks. It would be a shame to have it developed into something that does not bring the community together in a historic and scenic greenspace. Hancock is one of the many charms that makes Austin what it is. If it’s not going to be a public golf course, it should be a public park. A driving range is the worst option. A local treasure that should be kept as it is. The public park option is nice too, but maybe a hybrid option with limited park hours would work too. Please don’t turn it into a private golf course, I would like to see Hancock turned into a park for everyone. Continue using it as a public course but make it prettier by planting more trees etc. This green space needs to stay a golf course. It's central and most other courses are out in the suburbs. Park Golf courses are environmentally unfriendly water sucks that serve only a very small subset of the population. Why not convert this space to parkland, which serves a much larger group of residents? Allowing some portion to “return to nature” by planting native grasses and flowers would create a beautiful natural space and reduce upkeep costs long term. Golf only serves a few amount of people, open this up to the rest of the community, make it a passive public park Keep it as is please turn into a public park and green space. Took my kids sledding during the winter storm. A beautiful community experience. It’s good that it is a public golf course but it should just be a public park A park holds broader public appeal than a golf course Park/dog park Do NOT sell it. We need to keep it as city owned parkland and potentially affordable housing It shouldn't be used as a wedge to keep wealthy people from having to "deal with" urban density and affordable housing. a park open to all, not a golf course This land was always meant to become a park. Continued use as a golf spot is wasteful and unequal This should be a resource for Austinites of all ages, ethnicities, and income levels, not just golfers (if you know what I mean and I think you do). I already sit here because it's a nice grass field after the golfers go home, but it would be even better if I could use it like that during the day It would better serve the broader population as a public park instead of a golf course. Pleaase keep the course as open space - no added driving range and high lights Open space is precious and should be preserved and made accessible to all 24x7. When we had the big storm and many were without power and water residents still sought out Hancock for community and enjoyment. There were so many people coming together and sledding, cheering, and marking this extraordinary time. This is what Hancock should be. A park for all, a place to come together, a place for enjoyment of the outdoors. Hancock golf course would better benefit the community if it was turned into a public park that could be used by all residents for a variety of purposes At least make it a park or something more accessible to people who don't golf way more people could use it if you made it a general use park Golf is a sport that takes up massive amounts of pubic lands that could better be used for other purposes. It should be a place where people can hang out, kids could safely play, and it shouldn't be monopolized by players of one single sport. More than ever we need open public space. Keep it green space for kids to enjoy!!!! I prefer Hancock Golf be operated by the city as a regular golf course (like now) or a park. A public course is preferable to a privately run course or driving range but a golf course is a terrible use of central urban greenspace. A park is a much better use for most people. The age of golf has come and gone. The makeup of our community is different and green space in the center of Austin is at a premium. Let’s make the most of this community asset so that many more Austinites can enjoy this green space at all times of the year We need more public green spaces in Austin Please don't privatize this space. If golf is too expensive to maintain, simply use it for passive recreation. Win win. It should under no circumstances become a driving range public spaces are so important and every day we keep sliding towards privitizing everything. I just want to be able to go outside and enjoy the city and its parks with my friends, walk my dog, have a picnic. But the more privatized areas there are in the city the harder this becomes and it's honestly depressing that the city seems more concerned about making money then about making sure its residents have things that make their lives easier and/or more enjoyable. I look forward to picnic tables, play area and an active Center schedule are in place. Community sing-a-longs & perhaps a film shown outdoors. I'd like to know how the community which uses the course, frequently, as my friends and I do, can help, too. Please do not lease Hancock to a private entity. There are so few quality green spaces in this part of Austin and Hancock is so valuable to us residents in the area. Hancock deserves to be open for ALL, especially as a place for walking/running and enjoying the beauty of nature along Waller Creek. playgrounds, splash pad, bball courts - all park amenities! Public only, no privatization or caveats funding PLEASE convert the space from a golf course. PLEASE. It's a beautiful space, with lovely trees, and it's highly inaccessible right now. I've gone walking over there, but I'm always afraid of getting hit on the head with a golf ball. It's such a shame that the green space is only full accessible to a few people. I would also be in favor of a port of the property being developed for dense AFFORDABLE housing. (Please don't sell it to some jerk developer from Dallas or outside of Austin who will build cheaply made luxury condos. Make it affordable for real people who need to live centrally for school and jobs.) The course should remain open and available to the public, not only for golf but also as a public green space. It should not be used exclusively for golf. Hancock Golf Course is too important historically and proximally for it to be considered for any purpose other than as a public space. Let's open this park for use by the community, with activities and programs for all ages. This survey is incredibly unfortunate and misleading. The land belongs to all austinites and Austin should have a real say in how the land is used. This should be open to the public, for real public use and benefit, and not channeling public resources into programs that benefit very few. It would be even more unfortunate if the course was privatized and converted into a private enclosure, further restricting public use and public benefit. gotta maintain that open space in the middle of the city! a real gem If it isn’t going to be a public course, it should be converted to a park. Wish Hancock's other 9 holes east of Red River hadn't been converted long ago to a shopping center. Park land/green space is invaluable. Sadly, city already dropped the ball on The Grove (a particularly grotesque use of that land) and The Triangle. Please do not turn Hancock into condos! Some development around the edges may be ok - but open space for kids, families is ideal This is a unique green space in central Austin. It should be a park so that more people can use and enjoy it! I saw how much the community benefitted from this wonderful green space in the summer when golf was suspended. There is tremendous appetite for a large park in this neighborhood. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should the city lease this unique and beautiful green space to a private entity who will further restrict access to and use of this green space! Austin would most benefit from increased access and from a large park in central Austin! This absolutely needs to remain a public space for everyone to enjoy pleasant time outdoors. It is an appalling misappropriation of public land to reserve this space for such a specific use as golf. Mayor Adler has supported dense housing, which would tend to destroy the fabric of many central Austin neighborhoods. Why not build dense housing on a small part of the footprint of Hancock? We have occasionally taken our kids to the playground at hancock, but it has always seemed a she to me that this beautiful space wasn't open for them to run freely. When I was in college I lived across the street from the golf course and we would go to the golf course and throw a softball around for fun. I'm just not personally interested in golf amd I don't know many who are. I think if Hancock were an open space park, it would see use from a more diverse set of people Please make it a public park and not a golf course!!! Please step up and use Austin's resources to serve the community, and not private profit greed. Please invest in the Rec center and grounds so that all Austin can enjoy this unique and historic gem. Do not sacrifice public good to private greed. Voters are watching. Only a tiny portion of the population plays golf anymore. A few retired white men. Prefer to keep as public golf course. Preserving valuable property in the middle of America’s 11th-largest city for the exclusive use of players of a game for affluent white people is not the best use of this land Hancock should be a park for everyone to use. More people and family’s can benefit from being in nature as a park compared with the limited use as a golf course. I walk there so I know it's a lovely future park. Please seriously consider turning Hancock into an public park accessible to all and that helps to protect this small piece of green wilderness If you privatize this park and someone starts making a profit the you will taint the neighborhood and have sold out your human decency. I would like this space to be a beautiful regional park... if golf must stay.. then it should be reduced to more pitch and putt sizes so that they rest of the park can be used by everyone. golf is so exclusive. Golf is a niche sport; a park would be way more useful for many, many more neighbors. A pedestrian crosswalk with lights at 38th & Greenway Street. It's a shame to use all that centrally located greenspace as a place reserved for one sport that most people don't play. We need affordable housing a million times more than a golf course!! Due to the presence of golfers I have never felt safe or welcome walking through this course during the day. With the increasing urbanization of Austin we need more green spaces for birds, mammals, and amphibians. A Hancock Park designed for all life would make Austin a more ecologically friendly city. get rid of golf! Open the park for everyone! Make the course a driving range, or even better, par 3 holes like Pitch N Putt. Make the other half of the course a public park open to all Please turn the golf course into a park than everyone can use and enjoy Although I do not live in the Hancock Golf Course zip code I did live there for 16 years and if the changes I suggested were to be put in place I would definitely use the park. Public park would be the best for the community Some dog friendly thing would be so useful!! It's wasted space as a shabby golf course in the middle of town. It is the house of many dance groups and organizations, I look forward to a time when we can go back to dancing together. I do not want a driving range on this space. I’d prefer some smaller type golf course/ teaching center. And trail through the park along the creek with some more non-golf course park land. I hope Hancock stays a golf course. My kids went there in the summer for camps - please continue this too Please, give us a public park, we are having to walk on the roads, our kids dont have a big space to enjoy, our elderly dont have where to meet outdoors. We need it. Please preserve the trees! Any housing that is built should be affordable. The current Hancock Golf course should be converted to a public, non-profit park for public use. A public golf course, even when (barely) profitable, serves only a small portion of the population. At the rate which Austin is growing. parkland needs to keep up. Density is increasing in Central Austin, so new parkland in future development traditionally located on the outer rings of town cannot serve the needs of an increasingly dense population in existing neighborhoods. I support increasing density and feel converting Hancock Park into a public park is a softball in terms of helping the city provide adequate public spaces to the growing population. I firmly believe if Hancock Park remains as a golf course (even if privately-run and improved), our city staff and community will regret not taking advantage of this rare opportunity to create a very special public space for all. I don't want to see any material changes to Hancock even if they are required to continue its use as a golf course. I think the surrounding neighborhoods would benefit from having a public park here Honor the history of the course and still have it as a park. Use it as a urban public park like Zilker It could be used by so many more people if it was a park instead of a club owned golf course Putting a niche interest like golf in the middle of town could be reimagined to something better. I drove past Muni yesterday. Maybe two dozen white guys hitting balls. A waste of public property. Ideal location for hi density affordable housing with public park around. It's time for "public" golf courses to be retired. They are NOT "public." They are for the privileged few. Turn it into a park. A park serves tens of thousands of more people than a golf course. It’s time. I think the space as a golf course is an exclusionary use of the space, designated for primarily higher income white men. We need more inclusive spaces for all Austinites, especially as the population grows. The golf course and recreation center are Austin treasures. Keep the luminaria trail, sustain the golf course and the rec center, and serve the community. Invest in Austin's heritage and this beautiful facility!!!!!! A mixed use park to be open for all to use, for free, could bring the community together as we need more outdoor areas to gather because of social distancing Do not develop the golf course. We need this green space in the city and it should be an open park to all similar to Zilker. This should be a gathering place for those who live in central Austin I understand the city will close the golf facility due to lack of funding. It should be maintained as a park for everyone to use. If not a public golf course, use the space as open public green park space- include fenced play structure & fenced dog area Love the course We need more accessible park space in Austin and more green space with trees. Golf courses are extremely bad for the environment. We also desperately need housing and that is on 2 primary corridors. please don't use the land for anything else. Our public land is disappering, please keep this Austin gem Our family loves this space and want to use it for park, play, shared space Please make this a park! As our beautiful city becomes more crowded with people and buildings, it is more important than ever to have open public places that allow our citizens to enjoy green grass, wildlife, and nature at its fullest. More and more people are losing their yards due to decrease acreage and increasing real estate prices and Hancock is just one place for people to get out and enjoy some fresh air. We need more green public space, not less. And we need it accessible to all, not just the wealthy few who can pay for golf course memberships at private clubs. Our city is growing quickly and it is more important than ever to establish accessible green spaces throughout the city. A very small number of golfers enjoy this course annually compared to the number of residents that would make use of an open green space in such a great, central location. green space is very important, as is affordable housing—especially in the heart of the city. As much as I love the current version of Hancock and appreciate the history of the course, there's no place for a golf course in the middle of a 21st century city. Hancock golf course is one of the few large areas of land that we have in the central city. It contains part of Waller Creek, which is a stream that needs to be restored for wildlife habitat. I completely agree with the city council that the city can't afford to subsidize golf. The sport's constituency is just too limited, and there are lots of courses around town. What the City really needs is a natural area and gathering place that the neighborhood can use. Don't pour all of your money into Butler Park! We need natural areas and play areas that can take the burden off downtown. This city has a lot of "public" golf courses that only a small percentage of the local population uses. Golf is still a cost prohibitive sport for many and is not a democratic use of public land. It is time to start converting some of these into rehabilitated open space and park space that serves the entire community. Please please please please please do not rent this too a third party. This is public landed should be treated as such! I would love to see it as a park for the Austin Community. Austin could use more dveloped green spaces. But I also support it's continuation as a free public gold coourse for the commnuity that enjoys golfing. Austin needs more flexible, walkable housing in its inner core. Use Hancock for that. Hyde Park is getting denser, we need more public park space Please don't shit off the course! I run, walk, picnic, and relax there. I own a home in Cherrywood so the park is super important to me. This is a massive amount of land that goes into current city allocations as a park, however it is open for use to only a single activity, which is pay to play. The golf courses this year were seeing increased use, however PARD usually has to fund this, money which could easily go to better uses. Should be used as a public park, consider converting to pitch and putt course or disc golf course to continue golf legacy Improve walkway around course. Also, consider offering other revenue-generating amenities at the clubhouse (cafe, etc) Please look at the demographics of people who golf. If it does not include as many people of color as Austin, why are we supporting it. Park please!! Keep hancock green. Do not cover it with buildings Please do NOT turn that beautiful space indoor into something retail or commercial. Golf wastes open space that could be to the benefit of all. We need more playgrounds, pools, multi use trails, and affordable housing. Make Hancock a public park It’s a beautiful green space and any future plans should ensure it stays green and accessible to the broader public. Central Austin is in dire need of housing and the future of Project Connect depends on a high number of distributed dense hubs along its routes. Developing Hancock into a mixed use space would achieve this! Don't turn it into a driving range Keeping the building as a public space that can be used for classes, meetings, and special events. Adding facilities for those who wish to work out. Using the fields for various informal or formal sporting activities. There are many possibilities open to the imagination. We love Hancock. We take the dogs and kids over there all the time. Making it a nature park would add an amazing space into central Austin I don’t want to lose this as a public green space where people from the neighborhood can get out for a walk or jog. Park space is important for mental health. I am not opposed to keeping a green space here, but unless there is an environmental reason to limit development there, there is no need for it to remain a purely recreational use. Golf is a sport played by primarily high-income earners. I urge you to make this property meaningful to all Austin residents by turning it into a property with affordable housing. Please seriously consider transforming Hancock Golf Course into a park. The city will not have another chance to create a park that is so large and so centrally located ever again. Keeping this space as a golf course limits the people who can enjoy the space to only golfers, while turning it into a park would make it accessible to everyone. This land should be public not privatized for profit. Austin is running out of affordable spaces. Park space not golf course. it should be preserved as green space even if it's not used for golf. It would be nice to have a park there with a pond or lake This part of Austin needs green space, why not It is currently very underutilized and could be a huge asset in the city and a place to enjoy nature, exercise, picnic, meet with neighbors, etc. I could see a conservancy created that could help fund improvements similar to the Pease park conservancy. Our community would benefit greatly by maintaining this area as a FREE, PUBLIC green space. Please don't privatize or limit the use by restricting to just golf. Golf should not exist on public parkland. It is a waste of space for the rich. please keep this a public golf course! the city has SO many private ones, and this one, being smack dab between hyde park and the UT campus, is a serious necessity. if we can make sire people are paying their dues to play, and we can make sure the trail around it remains open, it would be the best thing for this community. Seems like a waste of land as golf course. Golf is inefficient exercise, losing popularity, not a family sport. Changing the use of the golf course will exponentially increase the number of members of the public who can enjoy that very valuable parcel of land I see no problem with it remaining as a golf course if it can be made financially viable. Otherwise the best use is public green space. Austin needs more public green spaces and parks for all citizens to enjoy. This most definitely should not be developed for use by a private developer. It should stay in the hands and in the control of the city. I walk around Hancock frequently. It's a beautiful area, and it could be SO MUCH more efficiently used as a passive park. There are always people around and golf takes up so much space. I've been yelled at by golfers for walking on the paved "cart path", and if I want to sit and enjoy the creek I feel like I have to sneak / keep a look out for golfers. Quiet green space is at a premimum in cities, and to have Hancock be monopolized by golf is frankly ridiculous. I used to live a block from there. It's a beautiful green space and it'd be great if it can stay green. But also, it was not open to all, it was only open to those who play golf, which is already an exclusive and expensive sport. This should be open for picnics, bike rides, have a playground, and similar park amenitites that are truly open to all. This would allow to keep the historic structures and design, while making the space useful to the community. A park is the best use of the space :) Keep it public make it a public park!!! We need more housing North Central Austin lacks an open green space and density increases every year, turning Hancock into a true park would Allow the whole community to enjoy the space. There are plenty of near by public access gold courses for golfers to go to HGC should be a public park for all to enjoy. Golf course take far too much water to maintain in this environment, and statistics show that the public engagement with golf has declined enormously in the past decade. keep as golf course You’re not going to please everyone but as long as there’s no additional development (nets for driving range or stadium lighting) I think the community will live with the final decision. A walkable mixed use development including affordable housing with public green space and park I do believe that it could remain viable as a municipal golf course so long as it is maintained and managed properly. Hancock as it is, but without the golf, would be lovely. I would love to see it turned into a public park. golf does not belong in the center of a fast growing city We need this green space in central Austin I think it’s very odd for the city to support upkeep of so many public golf courses when it’s such a specific hobby that is not very accessible for most people stop using this public amenity for golf, and please do not turn it over to a private golf company to run and manage. golf is a historically exclusive, elitist and environmentally unsustainable sport. let's stop using huge swaths of public land for it. instead we could make hancock into beautiful central city park with recreation options for way more people like walking trails, outdoor seating, community garden space, and more! Golf is not sustainable. And a driving range is ugly. As long as it is green space I am happy It categorically needs to stay a public, open space and not a privately run golf course. Its a habitat, meeting place, community gathering area, SO much more than a golf course. Such valuable Austin land should be available to all to use not just those who golf. Vital to maintain public green space for recreational use in our overcrowded inner city Make it a green space! With so much growth in our city, we need to value green spaces. This is a very large piece of land and could better benefit a larger population of the city if it was repurposed to a park. A park would really benefit the community. Golf is incredibly restrictive to who has access with many barriers to entry. A park is inclusive, anyone can enjoy it. People want to sit in the grass at a fucking park, Texas already is the literal worst for public space. I've literally been to hancock golf course many times to sit and hang out with friends after it's closed but have never and will never use it for golf. I could walk to this park, instead I drive to zilker or walnut creek. This space should be available to more people than just a few golfers It be a great city owned park I support the plans of the Hancock Conservancy. This survey was worded in a very biased way that makes it impossible to oppose a golf purpose while supporting the site remaining public. It should have been phrased more neutrally to accurately collect public opinion. Open green space in Austin is so rare that using it for such a small subset of the Austin population would be a waste. Please make it a public park Lovely open space Turning into a space with native plants would use less water and more natural habitat. Beautiful green space in the midst of chaos Would love for this to be a park This area must never be developed or sold to developers. Period. Add free non golfing activities. Golf courses are a waste of resources and space. The space would serve the community much better as an open park. Remove the gold course. Add a dog park. Have dreamed of Hancock being a park since I was a freshman at UT in 2001. It would be a crown jewel of the Austin park system. Austin needs for green spaces This space should be preserved as open space. It should NOT be a private golf course Turn it into Hancock Park, not "Golf" park. Add some signage that denotes it was once the oldest golf course for historical purposes. While a public golf course, golf remains accessible only to those who have the means to own/rent clubs, replace balls, take lessons. A park is a space that can be enjoyed by all and is a more equitable use of the space. From a publicity standpoint, leasing Hancock to any other private vendor or operator is clearly the worst option. So don't do that. No more golf, no private developers. Better used as a public park It is such a wide open, accessible green space that I would love to see remain open to the public and utilized to its full potential -- as a public park. This space needs to either remain a public course or be turned into a park Separate park space at the golf course would be nice There are already many golf courses in Austin and central/north Austin would be better server by green space and a public park I am a golfer and learned to play on Hancock Park Golf course. Its a terrible golf course and should be converted into a park. Protect our city’s green spaces and parks and pools. It should remain public. If it can’t be a public golf course, then it should be a public park. If it can’t remain public land, then it should be used for affordable housing. A public park would be a great addition to the neighborhood. Spending money to maintain that space as a golf course not everyone can use is a waste of money and space. Let’s keep this open to all Austinites abs not let a for-profit golf company in it's a great chunk of land and i think it would serve more people to be used as a park. golf requires a lot of space. there are many other places for people to play golf and what i hear is most golfers dont really care about this course Either keep it as is or make an open park space out of it. Privatizing this public asset in any way should not be an option on the table. The most important thing is to maintain Hancock park as a greenspace open to all visitors. More trees could be planted and the area around the creek could become quite the Forrest Make it like Zilker and give more people that don’t golf (ie 99% of everyone) green space! Austin needs is desperately as zilker is already overcrowded I do not want public land to be "leased" to a private entity for private profit. It should not be a golf course. It is too big and too central to only be utilized in that way. It should be a park. Open to all. Please consider keeping the space accessible to non-golfers Golf courses are a terribly inequitable use of urban green space. Ecery day I see hundreds of walkers relegated to the outside loop, while a handful of golfers have the entire space to themselves. A green space and public park benefits everyone 😊 golf is a waste of land, water and money. There has to be a way to keep the course as is or to transform it to a beautiful park. Lack of funding seems like a poor excuse in a town with skyrocketing business growth, very high home prices and a growing high income population I would not want part of the park to be used for a private golf course or driving range. It’s a gorgeous open green space, with lush grass and trees. Driving by, your brain alights, thinking it’s a big park. Then you realize it’s a golf course, only to be enjoyed by a limited number of people each day. As a public park, the space could be enjoyed by hundreds or thousands of people a day. It would make retail and housing more desirable. It would give austinites of all ages a place to gather and make memories. Disc golf course Monoculture (like golf courses) are destructive to the environment and the space could be better used as a part of a native plant reclamation project I see people walking/running/jogging around the golf course all the time. Imagine being able to utilize the entire park for recreation and community building and hanging out. it should be converted to a public park and preserved as green space for the city to enjoy The space is beautiful and would be amazing as a park north of the river. With increasing urbanization in the area, transforming Hancock into a public park and wildlife sanctuary would protect the health of both people and wildlife for years to come. Make it a park. Please turn the golf course into a park with a walk and run trail around the outside. I’ve seen many people use it like that, and the golfers/golf course aspect only appeals to a small number of elites. To use public land for a private golf course would be a travesty NO private developers- please! The support & need for a public park in north/central Austin is great It should not be made into any type of business Having more green space in central austin would be amazing. Golf is a dying sport. A public green space in that area would greatly benefit the city It should not be turned into a privateer run driving range. This is an equity issue- park space not golf please! Make it a park for everyone It would be a crime against Austin and the Hyde Park/North University neighborhoods to not keep this historic Golf Course in its present state. I understand I haven’t been to this golf course and I’m sure it’s well maintained but using the land as a public park will allow more to access it and put it to better use. Please don't turn it into anything ugly. A driving range with nets is ugly. Leave as is or covert to a park please keep it a golf course as much as the original as possible - the people trying to turn it into a dog park are interlopers and most do not live in the neighborhood. it would be a travesty if it became a park on some many different levels. thanks for your survey and consideration DO NOT REMOVE GOLF COURSE. Keep it public interesting 9 hole course Golf course only Make it a park! Hancock being 9 holes allows one to play without dedicating as much time, and can be a good course to introduce new players to golf. No nets/fencing. No driving range. Keep some space for walking, picnics, yoga, etc. I live half a block away from Hancock Golf Course. I run along the circumferential path, I walk through the golf course at dusk to watch the sunset, and through the course to enjoy the little green space that is more green and "wild" than nearby parks like Mueller. It is a treasure to me and that is partly because of its historical value. I would like to see the parkhouse maintained for historical preservation, I would like to see the gold course maintained for the same reason. However, I am not a golfer and do not plan to start golfing there. I see throngs of people using the green space for non-gold reasons every time I visit there. I do not want to see golf infrastructure developed more, as I do not want the value of Hancock as a green space damaged by eyesores like a driving range, more density of greens, etc. If anything, I would like to see more density of trees and space for wildlife. I have no illusions that it is an expansive wild space, still there are many ways that simple methods of greenspace development such as planting native trees and plants can beautify the property and improve the lives of users of the space, golfers and non-golfers alike. By far, by far, there are orders of magnitude more non-golf users of Hancock than golfers. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to express my thoughts on these issues. Great course and fun for all. Golf Love it! Love it Golf isn’t a sport Keep it a golf course Hancock is one of my most favorite things about this city. Please keep it Amazing spot for people to be introduced to the game. It is a staple of the neighborhood A park would be nice too. The north side of the city could use a large, multi use park like Zilker Food & Bev as an add'l revenue stream. Maybe enhanced practice areas for more use cases/revenue. please don't turn the gem over to private interest. we really need public green space and parks. the park has been a savior to the community during the pandemic as open space is so scarce Please don’t get rid of affordable golf in central Austin. This is a treasure. Would be willing to pay a bit more if the course was upgraded. Forest Creek is owned by the city of Round Rock is a good example of investing in the existing community and upgrading the facilities. Madelyn.kidd@sbcglobal.net It could be a driving range Fun course for a quick round A top quality pay-for-play 18 hole disc golf course would not work (could not be played by disc golfers) at the SAME time as ball golfers are playing the 9-hole course. However, some kind of alternation between the two could work very well. Possibly ball golf in the morning and early afternoon and disc golf in the later afternoon and evening. Or possibly alternating days. If the course is changed to a pitch and putt (my second choice if it isn’t going to remain a full 9-hole course), then having the pitch and putt use only part of the property and putting a high quality 9-hole course or a decent quality 18-hole course on the other part of the property would be good. If the course is changed to a driving range (my third choice if it isn’t going to remain a full 9-hole course or be changed to a pitch and putt), then having the driving use only part of the property and putting a high quality 9- hole course or a decent quality 18-hole course on the other part of the property would be good. ALSO, the driving range should NOT be open after dark and should NOT have bright lights causing a lot of light pollution and reducing the quality of life in the surrounding neighborhoods. The pitch and putt (and to a lesser degree the driving range) would at least keep the tradition of some kind of golf activity there at this historic golf course property. If it isn’t going to remain a ball golf course at all, then please change it to a pay-for-play top quality disc golf course. That full property could make for an outstanding disc golf course, plus it would cost a lot less to run the concession and would cost a lot less to maintain. Like the pitch and putt and driving range options, this would at least keep the tradition of some kind of golf activity there at this historic golf course property. The Austin-area disc golf community is a strong, volunteer oriented “family”. We help improve and maintain disc golf courses all around the area, both public and private. We also help raise lots of money to help local charities that in turn help the Austin community (like Central Texas Food Bank and Ronald McDonald House). We would gladly add Hancock to the list of courses we assist. Can the city partner with other sponsors / supporters? If you focus on youth golf there should be support to help build and or maintain the site. Park/open space that is well-maintained Please don’t take this beautiful space from the public. It serves as more than a golf course, it’s an important exercise space for the city and neighborhood. truly unique space and its not just for golfers. its popular for walking, jogging, and golf By adding a park it will bring you closer to your 10 minute walk goal It is a beautiful space, and serves as a kind of "village green" for the surrounding neighborhoods. I hope the city can find a way to preserve this quality, and I would hate to see it become a property that is privatized or perhaps repurposed for housing construction. Will reach out to get a yard sign! Great course for beginning golfers The Hancock golf course has been a lifeline for Austinites told to stay close to home and social distance. The only other green space close to us is Shipe Park which is a mile away and difficult to walk to with small children. Please consider making Hancock golf course a park or leaving it as it is now. Multi-use future for the park. This space is a treasure! A gift of beautiful green space in the heart of Central Austin and an historic site that should be valued and cared for by the city The lack of nets creates a hazard to drivers Prefer for site to be a public space such as a park. Also would like for majority of it remain green space if it becomes a private or public-private enterprise. It needs to remain a golf course Benches and areas to sit adjacent to course. Please keep it Since the Morris golf course is near by I would like to see Hancock turned into a green space with walking trails similar to Mueller trails. Lights on the bball court? Make the drive way smoother. That hill in can be a pain. Golf courses only serve a select subset. Make this public land to be enjoyed by all. If it could stay as-is and somehow be solvent, that would be ideal. My fears of it becoming a passive park are that it will 1. be a camping spot and 2. harder to maintain with increased pedestrian traffic . Make it a park Needs to stay It should be turned into a park! Continuing to use it as a golf course is short-sighted. Our neighborhood needs more parkland. Golf playiing is going to continue to decline in the coming years and it's already an exclusive and expensive hobby for rich white guys. Providing a couple of kids' golf camps won't increase future usage or minority usage to the degree needed to sustain the golf course or to justify spending money on it. The course is bad for the environment (fertilizer usage; habitat degredation; CO2 emissions from upkeep, fertilizer use and lawns). More people can enjoy a park. We're blocks away from the school for the blind but they can't play golf. They could enjoy a park. The public trail that goes around the perimeter should remain, hands down Keep as is. It’s multi use now and serves the neighborhood as is. It’s an historic and rare gem that should be supported as it. It’s quintessential Austin. Amen. it is a great place to teach kids the game please dont change it It should be a full time public park similar to Zilker. With Waller Creek and the central location, I would like Hancock to be a public park, and connected to the rest of the Waller Creek restoration in Austin I am open to it becoming a park. I do NOT want it to be privatized. We love the golf course! Such a special place. With necessary improvements I’d love to see it maintained as one of the last remaining old Austin landmarks. As an austin native, it’s sad to see so much change. We don’t need another driving range ... there’s one nearby Love the history. Love the golf course. None Keep it in shape and play the golf course Keep it as is. Dress up Waller Creek with access and sitting areas I have been a resident of the Hancock neighborhood for close to 5 years and strongly support keeping the course and trail open to the public. The trail has been one of the reasons I continue to stay in the neighborhood. I’ve lived across the street almost my entire life. My main priority is that it remains public land, but I have never enjoyed that it is a golf course. As a kid I was antagonized by golfers for being in the space and golf balls hit our house at least once a week. I want Hancock to remain a public park with more recreational and natural spaces but do feel a putt and play area should stay at the park. First played Hancock in 1981 and have played it many times - it is an historical treasure. Leave it he way it is I was the course Marshall at Hancock starting in February, 1970 before any sprinkler system. We called it “The Rock.” Vastly improved since then. Great for kids and seniors alike. Beautiful views and close in. Lots of history. Great location, but could use better maintenance . The acreage that Hancock Golf Course lies on would be prime real estate for a park/natural area since it has trees and the creek running through it. Central Austin is in desperate need of a green space like this. Continuing using the land as a municipal golf course or turning the land over for “golf activities” would be a mistake. Furthermore, the way that PARD and GolfATX have conducted themselves in the last two years is abominable. For example: hiring a golf firm to determine if the property is suited for golf; lack of transparence in meetings and not giving people the ability comment; conducting terribly designed surveys (sampling golfers only, asking leading questions, compiling answers incorrectly). It’s clear that you’re biased and have already made up your minds. 1. Golf is on the decline — even the City’s own study concedes this. It’s also a sport mostly played by wealthy white men and no amount of outreach or money invested into Hancock is going to fundamentally flip those statistics. 2. Using the land as a golf course runs counter to the Austin Community Climate Change Plan. Continued use of petrochemical-based fertilizer and manicured grass increases CO2 emissions. Riparian habitat restoration and native grasslands in a park would sequester carbon, instead. 3. PARD’s long-range plan has a stated need for more parkland in Central Austin. Since Hancock is already City property, this is a no-brainer. 4. A park would save the City money and golf at Hancock will cost money: a) a park would increase property values and increase the tax base. Conversely, golf courses and driving ranges have been shown to decrease the property values in urban settings; b) the golf course is going to continue losing money — the City’s study concedes that the neighborhood is particularly ill-suited for golf. It seems like people looking at the money angle don’t understand the difference between revenue and income. Just because Hancock generates revenue, it does not generate a profit and therefore one cannot factor in any of its revenue-potential to weigh against the cost of replacing it with a park. You have to look at the cost of running a park versus the $200,000 or more it COSTS to run the golf course; c) Converting Hancock into a private driving range or similar would peel off customers from other municipal golf courses, further hurting GolfATX’s other properties. For example, studies show that Top Golf decreases people playing 8 and 16-rounds of golf at local courses. Contrary to popular belief, it does not “generate interest in the sport.” This is just an overall bad look for Austin. Bringing in a developer or private partner would be wildly unpopular; continuing to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a sport that is inaccessible and uninviting to women and people of color during #metoo and a national reckoning on race is just stupid; emitting CO2 when you could use the land to sequester it is short-sighted. passive use of the green space can co-exist with golfers; keep all 9 holes - it is an easy learning/teaching tool, and a quick outing after work The golf course loses money and is destructive to the neighborhood and the surrounding homes. The green space is essential, but it should benefit the children of the neighborhood as well as the rest of the community. The pandemic highlighted how absurd it is to have green space that cannot be used except by golfers who are not even paying the full cost of their use. CoA should not open this to an RFP and should NOT allow a driving range in the middle of a historic residential neighborhood. Public park Best course to walk, very economical I am curious about a hybrid pitch and put / park space model. Please keep the course open and available to all Austin citizens Please re-extend the golf course to original boundaries (to include portions of the Hancock Shopping Center, especially the defunct Sears building). Attempts to make public space "profitable" are short-sighted. Urban living requires open green space that is free for all. Our taxes pay for it. Monetizing things commercializes and destroys them. Its great it's beautiful and I hope it continues to stay like it is Given golf's resurgence with COVID now is not the time to reduce courses....its already getting too crowded at the other city courses! I think the space can be shared by all. Golfers respect walkers and on some days it could be used as a park Keep the 9 hole golf course No privitazation, no leasing to commerical entities, no development, no outsourcing There is a lot of contention related to this issue and most of it now is over what is perceived as INCORRECT (some potentially intentionally) by various stakeholders or prospective stakeholders. I wish a neutral party could release some information with facts where there are any on the many questions people have. Please do not delegate and maintenance, management, or design authority to inexperienced private organization. It’s history must be preserved Need to deal with the fire ants. They are rampant. Do not privatize or privately monetize public property It's a healthy recreational activity even during a pandemic. Having Hancock golf has been a light in a dark year. Hancock is a place were normal Austin citizens can afford to play golf in a laid back setting. PLEASE don't get rid of it!! Please don’t do away with Hancock It is a wonderful place for walking and communing with nature. I think the space would be better used and more valuable to the community as a public park with space open to all, instead of just being able to walk around the perimeter and constantly watching out for errant golf balls. I try to walk on Hancock, but I'm afraid of getting hit by a golf ball. Also, I find it strange that the city wants to privatize this land suddenly now that a luxury hotel has moved across the street from it and wonder if once again our representatives are instead representing the monied interests. So few people golf on this beautiful site and so many of us need the relief of green space from all the development going on. Public resources shouldn't be given away to private developers. Its use now preserves it as a beautiful green space. The trees, the creek, the expanses of grass are protected from overuse and degradation by crowds of people and dogs. It is unique in offering functions that appeal to various age groups doing different things., providing opportunities for golfers at the beginning of their interest and more experienced players able to play a quick game. Above all, it is a beautiful green island, usually quiet and peaceful, and an Austin "original", not just another park. While it would be great to preserve the historical building and recognize the course's past, we need to think about the future. As the mom of a 5 yo, I want to see a more robust, biodiverse green space that everyone can use. Just not commercial space I really think it should remain as a 9 hole course. If it's losing money, what about adding concessions and a bar, hosting events, etc. I use the Hancock Clubhouse for Nia classes on a regular basis. The ability to go easily get 9 holes in after work is a fantastic amenity that the city has Keep this historic course. Suggest walking only, or carts only for handicap use No The greens need to be more fun to put. If these improvements were made the course would see maximum use year round. It is unacceptable that it should be considered necessary to be a profitable or self funding venue - it is a public facility and should be funded as such. We do not make most other public amenities fund themselves and should not consider Hancock as needing to self fund. really enjoy this urban, accessible option. it makes golf feel like us common folk can participate. it is a great place to play that fits my price range, lifestyle, and recreational goals It’s a wonderful Public space that all the surrounding Neighborhoods love Just try not to mess it up. Born and raised in 78756, Hancock is one of the last recognizable spaces from my childhood. It’s a treasure and should be preserved Please don't get rid of it similar park to Valmont in CO: https://www.facebook.com/ValmontBikePark/ It would be ideal for it to be a public park for families to relax, play, and picnic at. Keeping it a golf course is the best way to preserve the place as a green space. The onlt other way is to put up an unscaleable fence. If it becomes a park, it will be subject to the erosive effects of heavy foot traffic. I will not enjoy the park. I’d only enjoy the area if it stayed a golf course I believe it is an important space for keeping and building community. Expanding the types of activities, beyond gold, it could be suited for would only enhance its overall value to the surrounding neighborhoods and city. Could be used for fundraisers One of my favorite spots in Austin to catch a quick round of golf. Been going here since I was a little kid so it holds a special place in my heart. Would be a shame to see it go away especially with the recent improvements to the fairways and tee boxes It’s a great neighborhood asset and serves a needed group of Austin’s golfing community Keep it as a golf course Multi-use on differing hours and days of the week would be optimal. It’s a beautiful Austin treasure that should be left as is. park space for the public one day a week As it is now, many enjoy golfing as well as walking the course. It's natural beauty is so needed in the midst of development within Travis County and Austin. It is a tradition for my friend group to play at Hancock every Friday. Please do not take the from me. I love Hancock I play there every Friday please don’t take that away from me I think it’s important to save the oldest golf course in the state. We could revitalize it. Stop letting Waterloo and large companies take over your courses. They have the bottom dollar in mind, not the focus of the experience history. Stop making golf feel stuffy and let people just enjoy. Green space and passive park Make it beginner friendly SAVE THE COURSE. So much fun We love it! None but me and all my friends play it weekly. nine hole pitch/putt course; golf academy never make it a park Keep it public for Austin residents This place is very important to a lot of people I want the cock No It needs to stay! Keep it It should be kept!! The locals love it and it is truly an Austin gem!!! So many UT students love Hancock for how close and affordable it is. There’s no better way to spend an afternoon than walking 9 and Hancock with a few buddies...please don’t repurpose the golf course space :( When I lived in Austin, I played the Hancock course. A little slice of Heaven. Please don't ruin it. It’s great to have a public golf course with so much history in our city. Keep it. It is a jewel. I live next to it and can see that it is 90% used by white men. Such a beautiful park in such a beautiful place should be available for use by everyone. That said, I think there are compromises to be made if it stayed as is by making improvements/additions for other physical activities. Would be so cool to have a community gym inside w fitness classes. maybe a food trailer or truck around lunch-diner? Vending machines? None Love it!! Love it No Please keep Hancock golf course open for golf Lived in Hyde Park from 2007-12, felt that golf course was an underutilized space and did not benefit the people actually living in the neighborhood Please stop building on every inch of green space left in Austin It is incredible as is and a highly historic golf course that should not be altered in any way Very much support ongoing improvements Hancock is a facility which, of its own age and history, should be protected as a historic landmark. It should not be privatised, decommissioned, or otherwise taken away from Austin's citizens. Hancock was meant as a place to breathe and play, don’t screw it up! It should be converted to a City Park with a restored natural along Waller Creek This golf course is the pride of Hancock and Hyde Park. It deserves to be maintained Keep it a 9 hole golf course with the same layout, there are some other hyde park city tracts that can serve other park purposes, like part of the Ney museum or shipe park. Hancock is making good money now from what i hear. Please leave it alone. It is a great place for kids to learn to play golf at an affordable price. Absolutely love it. Please keep it around as long as we can. As a native Austinite, it’s a staple location! NO DRIVING RANGE. MORE COMMUNITY USE None at this time It’s a great course and an Austin staple. Love it Park I really think COVID has uncovered some middle ground here, yet this argument is so binary. For example, when COVID first happened, some golf courses were opened up to be used as parks before golf was opened back up. I think people really enjoyed this. If there is that much desire for a park here, why not find a way to meet in the middle? No golfing on Mondays, or after a certain time on certain days, etc. I love that Waller Creek goes through it I love Hancock golf course and it is already used widely by golfers and non-golfers, this historic golf course should stay a golf course! Used to live at 41st and Duval... loved walking around the outside. Hope more can share the beauty This is a great course and should not be turned into a park. Many beginners, juniors, and seniors have spent countless rounds here. Very special place to many. I grew up in 78705. It would have been nice to have a large park, so close to our neighborhood. It was a great course to play with my young son I believe there are other golf courses that can be better utilized allowing for the Hancock Golf Course to be converted to a public park as the area around it has changed dramatically. It's a great asset for families and others. It's a great course and extremely inclusive - please keep it around! Positive for the changing city I lived in the area for a long time - it’s perfect as it is Here since '93 and have seen so much change, esp land development, its sometimes to recognize this place. Green spaces are key, and golf courses are a sound way--esp considering the uptick in business--to keep Hyde Park Hyde Park...good luck w your decision. It’s a great municipal course that should stay open! We live just outside austin now but used to love a few blocks from Hancock. It was a great place to bring our son on weekend to play golf. It’s very accessible to city-dwelling families and encourages people of all income levels to become part of the Game of tradition and great values. Keep Hancock Golf course! public park, not for golf, not private I like the course Golf courses are a blight As the original Austin Country Club and oldest course in Austin, Hancock is a vital part of golf history in central Texas and every effort to keep it should be made. As a great sport for all, accessibility to affordable golf courses should be made to ensure racial and economic disadvantages do not prevent someone from picking up the game Keep it as a golf course, turn it into a historical landmark, fund it and restore to a playable course. I feel the space would be better used as a normal park, not for golf. Thank you. Just needs a little updating This course is one of tge oldest courses in the state/country. Money needs to be spent to enhance it so we and generations to come cam enjoy it Austin will need more carbon capture with an existing green space to offset future IH35 construction work, Light Rail construction, Austin State Hospital Campus Construction, HHS Construction and all the other projects. Keep the tradition of Hancock Golf Course! More emphasis should be applied to the historical significance of this course. Need golf courses Keep Hancock Hancock! Small, historic, neighborhood courses are rare here. In Ireleand they can be the backone of a community for young people to get together in safe environment. Invite First Tee or other junior golf programs to participate there My son took lessons there. It is a nice course for beginners or for all levels if you are short on time or want to practice your short game. Took my grandson there where he learned to play golf. Improve the running trail for safety, visibility, and hazards like low-hanging tree limbs--I use it weekly. Golf has been a great outlet for myself especially here this past year. The bluebonnet course closed and lions is in the balance. It would be disappointing if Hancock disappears. I would like it to stay as a golf course Do not privatize in any way!!!! It is a treasure and adds greatly to the neighborhood allow private sector vendors to expand services of golf, food, beer garden as part of rehab of historic golf links. Please keep the golf and our rich history in mind when making this tough decision. Thanks I love Hancock golf course I have enjoyed the golf course, but if the city is not going to fund it, then it should be a public park because we need more green spaces aside from lady bird lake. Hancock should be a park for non-specific public use. Austin needs more neighborhood-level greenspace! And Hancock is a great place to convert to that. Just because there’s a history of golf there doesn’t mean it must remain so in perpetuity—witness the “back 9” that became a shopping center decades ago (terrible loss!). Your survey might have better reflected the widespread support for changing the use from golf to parkland if you hadn’t seeded it with the word “golf” in every question, or had made it more open-ended. Love Hancock!!! I love the pay station vs a typical tee time I live right by the corner of this golf course. During my walk this evening I was about to hit by a ball even though I was not even inside the course but on Peck Avenue. It is so selfish to keep that place as a golf course, available only to a few while the neighborhood need more public open spaces, especially during Covid where all of us are stuck in our houses. So selfish. I feel disgusted by the selfishness and privilege of these people whenever I see them playing. Would like to see this wonderful green space become a public park if the city can’t manage it in its current configuration Dont get rid of history. This is the place I grew up playing. The park has been amazing during the pandemic. It was the most use of this space that i have seen in 20 years. It's a real gem in acaty thatis getting to conflicted. Love the course. Play it once a week. It’s lovely as is Love it! parks are nice Golf I enjoy the historic significance this course means to Austin and the game of golf. space should serve the most people possible, not a select group it is beautiful space, but it is only 9 holes; Save Muny and put this property to better use. Keep it open forever! The impending ravages of climate change call for bold actions and new ways of thinking. Turning this area into a green space that could be enjoyed by all of Austin represents one small step toward a reduced carbon footprint and greater community engagement. The PR potential for Austin could be huge. Keep it a green space that can be used for some kind of recreation This is a very historic course in the heart of a very urban part of the city with few green spaces. We need to preserve it as a golf course and walking trail, community center. Golf is a naturally social-distanced exercise for all ages! Hancock could make a really beautiful public park! Could be a special place for all people to use, for a variety of activities! Preserve the park as a green space for all This is an old gem. It is enjoyed by so many as-is and is a chill place to play golf with an very Austin vibe. Please don't change it. It represents Austin and Texas history. Having family that does a lot of golfing, I can appreciate how historic the Hancock Golf Course is. It would really be a shame to see it replaced with something else. there is already a shortage of courses in austin and all are very crowded, suggesting there is demand for golf in the city It’s a “gem”, unique to Austin. We are fortunate to have an inner city golf course of this historical importance. Keep open to public, we love walking, running, and biking on the trails! Keep it open and available for everyone to use—this is a beloved park and golf course, let’s keep it that way My family—longtime austinites—recently moved two blocks south of Hancock. And after a lifetime of disliking golf (I’m 53) I suddenly love the idea of walking over there and taking it up. It’s great continuity with Old Austin, and the folks playing the course look like they love what they are doing. I want some of that it is a beautiful natural space with many trees. it should be seen and used by anyone in the area who wishes. Natural beauty is a rare, wonderful and necessary thing for humans. Just as NYC has Central Park as a refuge, central austinites have Hancock, which is very different from the long skinny parks like shoal creek and town lake. Keep the Course. If there is a need to make more money, think of ways to do this while continuing to keep the course intact. How’s the time to protect the historical significance of this course. Please preserve this fun place to play. Austin needs all the green space it can get to keep it the unique city it is. Investing in turning the course into a public park would be a feather in Austin's "brand" cap Do not screw it up. Leave it alone. Let it be a good thing. Don't let it put the golf budget in the RED just because the neighborhood likes it as a golf course. Want it to remain open for public use and not used to build housing or other buildings I understand how expensive park maintenance is. I don’t play golf. But occasionally walk around the golf course. The Rec center is beautiful. Our son used to do activities there. I think it fullfills a need in the n’ hood Keep it for the people! Public park Please save Hancock I believe that golf is a port largely in decline. The Austin County Club clubhouse and many landscape elements are historic and should be preserved. I like the running trail around the course and use it regularly, but the golf course is the most important thing to me. 14,000 people live in the Hancock and Hyde Park neighborhoods. Only 50 people a day are allowed to use the golf course. It is time to open it to all of the citizenry who pay taxes. Make it a really good alternative to the other Muny courses That's it. Would like to keep it without pavement. It’s a great place for golf! Seems like a good spot for a short course and a practice area. A better version of Butler. I like having a nine-hole course... I think there should be a yearly nine-hole tournament... 36 hole total over four days (just like a bigger tournament) There could be trails that run alongside Waller Creek None and Good Luck! As a native Austinite, Hancock golf course is woven into the social fabric of the city, and one of the few remaining places that make Austin, Austin. As an avid golfer, using this land for any other purpose outside of a public golf course would be a detriment to our city and the people from all creeds and walks of life who visit the historical course for bonding, recreation, and golf outings. All courses are crowded, taking away that course would make matters worst PLEASE DONT TAKE AWAY HANCOCK GOLF COURSE!! Hancock is a great asset to the city and the golfing community. It’s not in the best shape, but it’s better than when I played here somewhat regularly (~15 yrs ago). The quality of life & wildlife habitat will pay it forward for future generations whereas a private run golf facility for a selection of society will not out weigh the future investment in preserving the land. Please keep it public! And protect wallet creek Maybe if it was higher quality I’d go, but I’d way rather go to the other muni courses. Also if you shut down Hancock, maybe that can give funding to the other courses to improve as well Hancock is an Austin and Texas treasure, and I hope that it remains a golf course. Staple of the Austin community. Would be an absolute shame to turn it into another park Golf Wedding venue, retreat location, public use space Please keep it as a golf course - it’s fun, it’s affordable, and it’s accessible for all Love the course. Keep it I hope that it can continue to function as it has been for decades, and I hope that it remains a public green space. Please do not contract this lovely space out for a for-profit driving range with nighttime lights that would disrupt the neighborhood and any native birds nesting in the area. The highest and best use would be a native-habitat park open to everyone, where serenity and relaxation (including the Waller Creek) would be appreciated and used by more folks. We lose open public spaces, and developers don't include them except as paid amenities. We need to save this jewel of a natural space for generations to come. Continue using Hancock as a course. I think we have enough high rent/density projects in town It's location and length makes it a great place for a quick 9 holes on a workday It is a treasure, and should be kept. Several golf share the space with the public in the evenings or a day a week and that would seem to be a good fit for Hancock. Also make the course more beginner friendly might help on the financial side. I think it would serve the community better as a Mueller Lake type park/greenspace. It’s truly a gem and remarkable unique along with ease of access. This would break my heart to lose Hancock!!!! One of my fave courses to play during the week I love that place Golf Please keep this space as open public park land I have been playing Hancock for over 10 years. I started playing while in college, teaching friends the game of golf and getting them into it, and have continued to play ever since. It's a perfect place to walk 9 holes and I enjoy how short it is offering everyone the opportunity to enjoy the game of golf. The golf course @ Hancock is a significant contributor to the pollution of Waller Creek. Also, it prevents much broader and more inclusive use of this increasingly valuable public space. And it is a drain on public funds. Hancock Golf Course is a treasure in our city. I have played a lot of golf there during this pandemic year it always improves my mood even when I lose multiple balls on hole 6! Please keep golf at Hancock! More people use it as a park than as an actual golf course. Love hancock golf!!! I have been going weekly for years and can’t imagine it not being around. All of the parks in central Austin are much smaller then Hancock. We need much, much more open accessible greenspace in central Austin. Please turn it into a park. It will be good for the community, for Waller Creek, will keep the land public, and so much more its a gem, a small urban miracle, I love it, please keep it a golf course It could be a unique draw for Austin. Maybe a golf museum, unique restaurant on site, a celebrity tournament, a micro brewery or distillery like Sweetens Cove in Tennessee . The city already has at least 3 other golf courses nearby: Lions, Morris Williams, and Harvey Pennick This is public/city land. This should not be turned over to a developer. This does not need to remain a golf course. This should become a public park for broad community use. MAKE THIS A PUCLIB PARK. AS THE CITY CONTINUES TO DEVELOP, WE NEED A RESOURCE FOR ALL - NOT JUST A FEW WHO PLAY GOLF. Forbid UT frat boys from playing the course. Kidding of course, but it's such a nice piece of property I would love to see it made more playable and remain accessible for golf. Please no condos. Walking Trail Love what it is now Love it No night lights I would be nice to have the non-golf elements of the course (walking pathways) supported and restored. my son played there several times as a beginner with his middle school golf team - great experience I am the first person to tee off most mornings, as a young, and somewhat new member to the game, it provides me a place to work on my game without the judgement and stuffiness of a standard country club. I get to share the course and my mornings with those accross the spectrum from golfers to dog walkers, and fitness fanatics out for their morning stroll. That is what makes the course so unique and why it feels like an integral part of the community. It brings all different types of people to the game of golf, and to our little slice of Texas history. Transforming the course into a park will not only stop a lot Austinites from exploring the Hancock area, but it will remove a nonjudgemental and easily accesible way to enter the game of golf within the Austin and more specifically, the Hancock community. Keep it beautiful! Have tournaments, maybe a restaurant The critical elements are green and public. I don't use it as a Golf Course but I'm comfortable with it remaining a public course. I also favor converting more of it into a park or at least a walking/jogging trail no It's a public service, not a profit center. Hancock should be turned into a park and greenspace for everyone to enjoy. This is the largest greenspace in central Austin. Our current parks are too small. This space helps reduce noise and air pollution, and provides a space for people to enjoy nature -- which has physical and emotional health benefits. We really need to keep this gem alive! Especially with all the new golfers learning the game because of the pandemic. I think it should cater to youngsters encouraging them to get in the game. Golf courses are a huge waste of space and water that only benefit a tiny number of people compared to the people who live near them. Central Austin already has several courses. I have enjoyed walking at Hancock but much of the trail on the periphery is terrrible and needs to be improved, but trails through the middle would be lovely. If it all possible, it should basically stay the same. There is room for different uses to coexist, it shouldn't be an all or nothing proposition. The golf course is unique, kind of funky, and incredibly accessible (i.e. no tee time reservations, under two hours, show up and walk, etc). I know there are budget issues, but y'all should try to keep the greens fees as low as possible to correlate with the experience (i.e. nine holes, walking only, not the most pristine condition, etc.). It would serve so many more people as a park and be a boon to inner city living. Golf is a niche hobby that only a small percentage of the population participates in. Parks are for everybody! It would be like if they’d decided to make Lady Bird Lake only for stand-up paddle boarding. I lived nearby in 78722 for over 16 years & saw Hancock golf course very often & if it had some of the things I have suggested I would visit it for sure ! N/A I am 68 years old and have gone to Hancock since I was 3 years old. Took many dance and gymnastic courses there. I still play golf there. It is an Austin treasure! This space is needed for public park in the central city, accessible throughout. There are a variety of other public golf courses golfers can use. How to combine it so it can be a golf course and offer space for people to walk or kids to play Currently underutilized - needs upgraded Put a little more money into maintaining the course Using this area as a park under a conservancy would make a wonderful greenspace for everyone in Austin at no cost to the city People love the golf course and many people like me love the idea of a park. NOBODY wants anything to do with a private operator, driving range, fences, lights, anything like that. Hancock is a Austin treasure that needs to be preserved, Great course I love playing Hancock! It is one of the few close and affordable options for golfers in Austin. Continue having people walk outside asking the course, not throughout the fairway. Love Hancock and how accessible it is. Golf in nature is expensive and exclusive. We need more places like hancock It’s a beautiful little piece of land. I’d HATE to see more condos or high rises go up there!!!! Keep it open Keep Hancock Golf Course! Once is has been repurposed, it will be lost forever. Do not destroy this sacred place!!!! Random Golf Club is bad for Hancock. It’s a group led by a notorious jerk who fled California. He’s a con man and doesn’t deserve to have anything to do with austin golf. I’m, 67. Played Hancock as a kid and I’m sure that golfers in that neighborhood find it convenient. I'd like open green spaces, walking trails, picnic areas, etc. Fantastic family golf course! I would prefer that the space be used as a public park, which will make it more accessible and more inclusive. It is a wonderful use of open space in the city. People use it for more than golf. Hancock Golf Course is a golf course and should remain as such. It’s nice that it’s casual enough for local residents to also use it as a paro, but they should not forget or take for granted that it’s a golf course first. love this course!!!!! Austin gem. Please protect. I'm retired in love playing golf there. It's a beautiful course. please leave it as it is! With the growing population and growth of golf in the community we need more courses not less! Greater emphasis/ priority needs to be given to creating community venues AMD programs Please keep it as a public golf course. It promotes good health and accessibility to the sport Playground for children, basketball court, tennis, keep clubhouse, possibly some wet pad, picnic tables, walking path Please keep Hancock open. I learned the game there I don't want development there, but if that 50 acres were residences, it would generate over 5 million in taxes. So wasting that potential on one single hobby is unacceptable. If we tax payers are subsidizing that space, it must serve a broader public use. It has pretty trees great shade for kids to play under, big enough for a trail, and picnics, Hancock is a very, very unique course and a true gem! It’s truly one of a kind! Redesign of hole 9 Historic! Please preserve the only centrally located course for students and residents alike! Please do the right thing and turn Hancock into a public park. This should not be a difficult decision. I cannot believe, in the era of climate change, that the city is even considering leasing the land to a private corporation to continue using this space for golf. Friendlier staff and less discriminatory staff Green space so close to dense areas is the city should be reserved for uses that serve the most people. It, and Buttler pitch n putt were where I first learned how to play golf. Seeing it stay golf as a private concession reads frankly out of touch and out of date. Yes, save historic buildings and nooks— but keeping as golf via private company would be severely mute it’s potential to improve access and interest for more austinites than the less diverse [white male] golfers. I grew up playing junior golf at Hancock and would be sad to see it go. I would love to see the design brought back to life and adapted for modern play. I think it could be like Winter Park Golf Course in Florida. My son is at UT and when I visit I play golf at one of the city’s municipal courses. Loosing one would be detrimental to the community Austin lacks sufficient public green space. Don't waste this opportunity! Keep public municipal courses OPEN!!!!! It's fine the way it is: golf course and recreation center; has jogging trail which doubles as a dog walk. Golf courses are elitist and represent racial bias and discrimination in our city. It is such a lovely space. Not sure we need more public golf areas. We need more green spaces Home for junior golf program I love having this great affordable course in Austin. I feel super strongly about using the area for a public park open to everybody. There’s already a golf course less than a couple of miles away, and golf is a really limiting and exclusive use of public space. I drive by Hancock every single day on my way to daycare and always think what an amazing space it could be to picnic and hang out as a family. It could be such a great community building park! I go by Hancock every day with my son on his way to daycare. We would love to be able to spend more time there as a family enjoying the space, but none of us golf or have any interest in golf. It's a shame that such a large space in a key area of Austin is available to the privileged few. No more building on it. Same goes for Muny. Those spaces are too important and dear to native Austin folks, especially us born in the 70s/80s or prior The highest and best use of this land is for a public park that can be enjoyed by all, not a golf course. Austin is bursting at the seams and the parks are always full...far more residents could utilize this unique property daily as a park than as a golf course. Keep it Great history Increased population of Austin needs more green spaces for non specialized recreation The space is not well used being a golf course. Only something like 50 people per day on average use it. A lot more of the public would be able to use this beautiful space as a passive park Reconfigure 9. Second shot in with power lines is garbage Please keep it alive! Park GOLFERS ARE A SPECIFIC SEGMENT, PLEASE THINK OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC. It is historic so the facilities should have more of an upscale old theme. Sort of a golf boutique experience to make it a distinction and a special place for people to spend special time. Don’t try too make it course like all the other public courses. Hancock makes me very happy and I would be devastated if it was shut down. Provides me great affordable access to a great sport Please don’t ever change it! It is a magical place and a historic site and leave it alone. Night lighting for other sports does not fit into the neighborhood. Hancock provides an affordable easily accessible option for golf for youngsters and college students. Save Hancock! It is a great course to take my son and his boy for a golf outing with grandad. If you are going to eliminate Hancock as a public golf course then it's only fair that you also eliminate public tennis courts and swimming pools. Don't sell the land to a company or turn it over to a company to run the golf course. Keep it public or with a nonprofit like mayfield Please keep this as an open to all course or public space. It is a part of our city history and it should be shared by future Austinites and their families. Keep it. The neighborhood can walk it’s periphery. Great golf course and needs some love Great course for a slower paced outing and teaching the game to newbies. Also great for 9 holes after a long day at work I would love to see it stay a 9 hole golf course. It is very busy and one of the most accessible courses for students in central Austin. It also has historic importance. It does not make sense that golf is the only parks program that is expected to pay for itself. And, as I understand it, golf would be in the black if it were not for the obscene lease payment UT is charging for Lions. A golf practice facility would also be nice, but it should not have lights that extend beyond the park perimeter. Please keep the course operational. Wonderful course . The millionaires need to find one of Austin many parks . Not this classic place for affordable Golf. It is a gem and special place for central Austin, please do not destroy it like the rest of old Austin has been...... Use for summer camp instruction. Hold after work tournaments. Advertise the course features to inform members the course is ready for serious play. I love Hancock!!! It provides all ages the affordablility to play golf which otherwise can't be matched in all of Austin It should not be privatized. If it’s current operations are to change, it would be preferable for it become a public park space for the Austin community and surrounding neighborhood I would love to be on the planning committee Keep it as a public golf course It’s a huge part of Austin history and outdoor fun Continue to use it as a golf course. Please keep it open!! Hancock is a bit of Austin history that is vital to the neighborhood and city. It is my go-to course, not only is it close but the convenience of a 9 hole golf course that is challenging and fun to play is a real treat for a golfer. And as a female golfer, I have only had wonderful experiences there with staff and the other golfers. Public park please! Keep it open, we need all the golf courses we can get in Austin. I have golfed there several times during the 25 years that I have lived in Austin. The convenience and charm of the place is what draws me back. It’s a historic and special place. Don’t let anything bad happen to it! Don’t limit this site to just golf. Open it up for everyone to use. Set aside different hours or days for its multi use. Yes: far more people will benefit from a public park landscaped naturally without endless mowing and watering. Great Assets and Resource for Austin City Residence The history of the course is valuable to keep. The course appears busy when I play. The park like setting is enjoyed by the local neighborhood. It is a great public asset that should be maintained as either a golf or park space for all citizens to enjoy NONE We love Hancock Golf Course! Outdoor practice range Keep it where it is, as it is. sell it More golf courses and green areas are needed. Not housing which brings congestion. I have never played this course but I have friends who have played the course. Dur to the history of the course, I believe it should remain open and improvements made as needed. Find ways to strike a good balance between honoring the historic golf usage and opening up more use for a park. Please no lights, obtrusive nets, this is the heart of a neighborhood and should also support wildlife. Let Hancock be Hancock. That property does not need to be developed. The more public golf courses open, the better. The course isn’t well known, I’d suggest some events held there to introduce people to it. Keep it open it is a treasure! Give it some life! Great starter course to get youth interested in the game. PLEASE KEEP IT A GOLF COURSE THAT IS ACCESSIBLE TO ALL!!! It's great having a course in such a central location. It is so popular of a destination that it has actually become difficult to find an open tee time. Golf has become increasingly popular during the pandemic and I can only imagine that interest will continue to grow as the population of Austin also grows We love the course walkability and proximity to central Austin None It’s a pretty piece of land. Opening it to more park like activities may pull congestion out of downtown while providing more of a Central Park for that part of town. I do not know the # of rounds played at Hancock so if it is under utilized using it for park land would be a better use of the land The biggest thing I hope you keep is the walk-on nature of the course. As a college student with a busy schedule, I like not having to make a tee time because I can go in between classes and play as many or as few holes as I want. I also think this encourages new golfers to try out the game because signing up for 18 holes if you have never played before is daunting. This is the oldest course west of the Mississippi River and it would be a shame to see it lost. The city is in danger of losing both Lions and Hancock that both have extreme historic significance to the game of golf and the city of Austin. From Harvey Penick getting his start to Ben Crenshaw and Tom Kite playing the courses we need to keep these courses as a valued asset for th inner city to enjoy. We love Austin municipal golf courses I grew up playing Han”rock” as a middle school kid. It was great that we had a course that we could walk. Upkeep of fairways and greens. Bring back the pro shop caps and sweaters with the Hancock Golf Course logo. Keep it as an inner city, affordable course for Austin residents Close it and make it a public park. Maybe reserve an area for a putt putt golf course. Make it nicer. It's kind of an embarrassment right now. It's the oldest golf course in Texas I've always been told. Let's restore it. Especially if we are going to lose Muni to UT. Hancock was my spot when I was a student at UT. It would be sorely missed if it was Redeveloped Half park, half 3-hole course So much land for such a little ball I prefer it to be kept a public green Space. Am fine with local vendors having a part like food trucks I used it to teach my kids to play when they were young. It is a great place to take people who are new to golf. golf only please The History of this course should keep it alive! fun playing on a visit to Austin - friends It is time for it to go! Keep the trees; we need them. Online tee times would be nice, not sure if those are back now. Having a 9 hole course in North Central Austin is nice. I think there are other uses for the course which would benefit the entire community, not just the golf population. The fact that it’s a nine hole course with an automated system to purchase makes it super convenient for those of us that may only have an hour and a half or so to golf I love this course. It’s close to the city, it’s reasonably priced and I love that you HAVE to walk during the week. I’ve meet and made lifelong friends on this course. Don't take this city treasure away! Please keep it open! Keep it and make it better! People will flock You have to say the course and protect Austin’s green spaces. Please keep it. Besides Lions, it's another Austin gem with lots of history Great for young golfers and college students. Keep as park,green space if full golf course not viable. I learned to play there, and I think it's great for beginners. I love it! Please keep Hancock as a golf course. It’s an Austin treasure and should not be repurposed! Its a great 9 hole course for all skill levels. Enjoy playing there and enjoyed mentoring there with the 1st tee. Maybe, programs for poor youth. Hancock is a necessary place in the Austin golf scene. It is unpretentious and promotes accessibility and growing the game of golf. Good beginners golf course. Maybe encourage kids and high handicappers to play. Even as the city of Austin continues to grow we as a city also need to continue to honor our history not just our buildings but our historical parks including the golf courses. Hancock is also a great course that allows children to learn the sport of golf! I do play golf, usually Lions, and Butler too on occasion. I've never played Hancock and have no desire to. I'd much rather be able to take my daily walks through the park instead of having to avoid crossing through someone else's game. Regardless, golf is of limited public appeal. I feel like general-use parks have a better case for being in dense local neighborhoods and golfers should be the ones needing to hop in the car to drive out. Hancock is a great golf course for youth golfers in the area and would be a fantastic centrally located course to help encourage youth participation in the sport and to grow the game of golf This a true Austin and Texas landmark which should be preserved for future generations of Texans to enjoy, Hancock's history is important and should be valued as such. It's a gem. Keep it free of the sharks Golf is up, people want to play. Make it easy for them to, and they will come. Soooo many people would benefit from even part of this space being available as public park space. People already try to use it this way and in doing so are either at risk of golf balls, disturbing golfers, or kicked off by golf course Marshals. I think there are advantages to keeping golf intact, but feel some of this land could serve a broader purpose. Thanks! Essential green space It is good for the city more green space the better in any city and particularly Austin In addition to the course's history and usage, I think it important to maintain at least some green space within the city and that is part of limited green space in that area Keep it! No carts walking only. Important to restore and preserve historic qualities of park without over modernizing I'm a native Austinite, 69 years old, and have fond memories of learning to play golf at Hancock. It's a great course for getting juniors started in the game! A very good golf course with green fairways and putting greens years round. I play at least once a week with a friend on Sundays. Save Hancock! Hancock should remain a golf course could be sold for development and funds plowed into purchase a new course on the west side (non-ghetto side) of austin This is like a nice pocket park in the heart of the City, keep it a golf course. Preserve the legacy and make it something along the lines of Austins Hancock golf facility with practice green arrange and maybe if you short holes in retail for golf as well Keep it, great course for kids learning the game Haven’t played there since I graduated and moved away but I consider any inner city golf course an invaluable community asset. Restore it and watch it come back to life. First Tee program, leagues, Ladies and junior special days Played it many times as Austin resident. Great course for beginners for a quick round. Keep as is . Open pro shop for green fee payments Hancock is a very affordable course that provides golfing opportunities to all economic classes and skill levels and that feels worth preserving. Good for less experienced golfers Great family place This space needs to stay available to the general public, most of which I think support the golf course. A group of select few have recently insisted Hancock needs to be changed into a park -- it is already public green space. The city has lost so much green space in the past years, it is unrecognizable. From my understanding, the city is not losing money from Hancock, similar to other recreational areas like Pharr Tennis center, so I don’t think it needs to be transformed. It is a historic, beautiful piece of Austin history that needs to be preserved, not to mention its accessibility, both in price and location. Please keep Hancock Golf Course a wonderfully accessible piece of Austin green space. I love playing Hancock. I have not played in town since COVID but drove past the other day and it looks great. I will be playing soon Love walking my dog around the beautiful course! Improving the quality of the course would make Hancock more fun Make it into a place for learning the game Cities should be investing in municipal golf. More recreational activities should be encouraged and have places for them. Please don't close a treasured Austin course. It's part of the history and heartbeat of the city. I love Hancock Golf Course, and it's my go-to course when I have a couple extra hours in the day. The course is easy to access, has a great lay out, and allows you to work on multiple aspects of your golf game. Good for families and kids and in central Austin. 18 hole short course I think the golf course is a true asset to the immediate community. I think the high level of play it gets, and the overwhelming level of play Lions and Harvey Penick get, demonstrates how important courses within the urban areas are. For golf I’ve always enjoyed my time golfing there and appreciate the history of the course. It’s my favorite course to play but I don’t like that it is walk only M-Th. The course should only allow golf carts if the player can show the need of a cart due to disability. It is a short course, and this would limit/deter a lot of the damage to the course. It would also fit with the historical nature of the course. Focus city efforts on keeping open Lions and not utilize any available golf course funding for Hancock which is really not a playable golf course design.s Expand golf educational and training activities, primarily youth oriented. We need to keep as many golf courses as possible open to the general public keep the course! Please keep it as a golf facility. Hancock needs a lot of improvements to be a fun course. None. I love the self-serve approach to green fees. It’s an awesome rec space in the middle of the city and part of our hostory Once you lose that course it never comes back from the strip center/multi use complex that will go over it. Preserve it while you still can. Park to support the PARD site already on the property; soccer fields or fields in general, volleyball, Pickleball. its a gret course to learn to play golf or just work on your game Please do not take Hancock from the people. It is the only affordable golf in all of Austin. keep it cheap and for the public recreational golfer none It's great! I love it! I think it’s an historical piece of Austin that should remain in use. It’s a great place for people to get outside and enjoy. We used to live near the Hancock Golf Course and think it’s an important accessible public amenity for Austin. I love the area and landscape but golf serves a small portion of the neighborhood This gem of an urban oasis has provided generations of Austinites an opportunity to learn and enjoy golf Converting the space to a park would serve many more Austin residents than the land's current use as a golf course. However, if such a conversion isn't feasible, I would be happy to see upgrades to the current course. Should be an open municipal course. It’s an integral part of Austin and deserves to remain so. With the increase in interest in golf, it’s a no brainer to turn it in the the gem of the city. Let’s be market leaders for usable golf course greenspace. With some TLC it can stay an amazing green space in a great location I love this course It’s wonderful. Could be a little better maintained and have some amenities added. Hancock is a special gem in Austin and I would hate to see it go away. It’s a great place! We need to keep it! Turning it into a public park would be a disaster. 10% of public would leave litter/food, make noise, cause parking problems, create safety issues, cause a variety of disturbances Keep it alive Keep it open Please keep it. Please preserve all Austin public golf courses. They are an important part of the community I learned how to play golf here. I still use it as a practice facility. It’s one of the best courses to walk in the city. The holes and terrain are interesting and surprisingly challenging depending on club selection. It’s one of my favorite spots to play mid-week when I can’t spare 3+ hours for a full round, and a fantastic place to bring my wife/dog along for a walk even if they don’t play themselves. This course is an asset and a resource to the golfing community and I would be very upset if it were to go away. I live in the neighborood and this needs to he a public space for the residents in the area. Keep the course! It is a low cost, low barrier course for people new to the game. Golf is a lot of land used by very few people. I play golf - most recently at Harvey Penick. And I understand the desire to keep some history. But it doesn't have a place inside a big city. I am in support of either keeping Hancock Golf Course the way it is, OR turning it into a park and keeping the green space similar to how it is now. No lights. No courts. No driving range. Please keep the Golf course! Please keep the Rec Center for community use! Much higher utility to the neighborhood and Austin at large to convert Hancock GC to a public park. I would like to remove the golf activities in favor of more diverse activities that don’t endanger walkers and runners I would not be in favor of the land being used for a driving range with lights and nets. I would also hate to see golf discontinued and believe that a partner could be added to maintain and operate a golf environment similar to Butler pitch and putt This is an historic property and needs to be maintained as our forefathers intended This course is a regional and city treasure. We should be nourishing this not considering losing it. I also think it is more than a gold course, many people including my family, walk there, run there, use it as a green space, gather there socially. One needs to understand certain restrictions are involved with golf but the Hancock area is wonderful and should stay as it is. I also understand that it is not losing money this year so I wonder if the issue is really one of management. Small, enjoyable courses at a reasonable fee are too rare these days. Hancock is a gem that allows those of us on low, or fixed, incomes to play the game we love in a beautiful setting. I believe Hancock perfectly embodies what a golf course should be - a green space that serves all types of leisure activities. There’s such a unique opportunity to marry the golf and park together. The idea of it becoming a driving range would be a disappointment to the golf community and others who use and love the park. I personally think that things are great as they are. That’s what makes Hancock so special to me, as it’s a golf course but doesn’t embody the strictness of many other courses in that other people not interested in golf use the space to their fit and liking. Please keep some golf holes if you are going to make Hancock into a park If it was managed in a way that brought in funds to support it with fees, it would not need much more than trees and trails around the edges to enjoy as a park and golf course. Support more golf instruction and I’d learn to golf there. I’ve lived in the neighborhood nearly 40 years, enjoy it’s open space, and, would try golf to enjoy the land more. Also, more activities in the rec center. I only know about a few things there. Are there art classes? Could young children in my life have done things in summer there? I just don’t know what happens there and I’ve lived a few blocks away for years. none Upzone around the park so that more people can live their. Stop giving credence to wealthy nimbys. Please keep Hancock the same. There are very few things in Austin that are recognizable from 10-20 years ago. I think converting Hancock to a public park with walking trails would be an outsized benefit to the Austin community. Having a neighborhood golf course open to the public has provided some open space and the city golf course has been a good neighbor. Allowing a private entity to develop this land would be a huge loss to the community. I strongly support turning this property into a park with many uses that can be enjoyed by all and retaining the open space. It is such a large space that could be used by the whole community and not just golfers. Love the concept of Hancock golf - fun, enjoyable, peaceful- I’ve always met and played with someone new every time. It’s a unique experience 18 hole par 3 course Please don’t change the use for this historic course. I grew up in Austin, it’s changed enough. It’s almost unrecognizable - outsiders coming in and changing everything that made Austin lovely. Love hancock and lions, we need to preserve these at all costs. Keeping this property as a golf course is elitist, and a waste of taxpayer money. The section of the population that plays golf here is very small, and is primarily white and upper middle to upper class. Why not convert the property so that it can be enjoyed by more Austin taxpayers? I'm tired of subsidizing golfers--they can play elsewhere. please please keep golf available and accessible to all ONLY green space Hancock is uniquely situated in an area of the city that is in dire need of additional green space. There are several other public golf spaces in the city, so I do not think this needs to be maintained as a golf facility, which would serve only a very small percentage of Austinites. Instead, the space should be re-imagined as an open park space, that would benefit all Austinites. Do not let this unique opportunity pass by, just to cater to a privileged few (who are mainly white men).) I lived in Austin for 34 years , it’s disgusting you want to destroy history . Typical fucking greed KEEP THIS HISTORIC GOLF COURSE RUNNING!!!! Please don't let it be developed! Save it This central area needs more parks, open spaces. The golf course doubles as a green space and jogging trail. That shows a broad usage that a driving range would prohibit. Ideally Hancock Golf Course would have a variety of features (rec center, running trail, playground, sports field, botanical gardens, and possibly even a mini golf course). I would hope that the rec center would continue to offer affordable services and classes. This course is historic and a must protect for golfers. It is also used by many many joggers, dog walkers, picnics, people playing frisbee. It’s as much a park as a course which is fun and simply austin. It’s a great short course, add a second pay station and remove all tee times. Keep it a golf course Make it more beautiful, not less. This course needs to remain public or be made into a park Keep it green and serene End the tyranny of golf courses in the city. So many courses, so few players, such big spaces with so much more potential Don’t lose it! We need more dense housing!! This could be ~20% income restricted and 80% market rate, add to the tax base all in central Austin! It’s the best, please keep it Hancock provides affordable golf for the people of Austin It needs to be a green space for the public. Allow the public to raise funds towards this end. Please save Hancock. It is a historical treasure that should not be replaced. There is no where else you can find a fun, short course in the middle of a great city anywhere in the nation. Keep this national treasure! It’s a great affordable place to play golf in the city It is a golf course, not a park. Stand strong. I live the course, I don’t think it should be improved other than making the greens faster, everything else is perfect and people love the course! I’ve seen the course in rough shape and always come back to play! We can see how busy it got during the pandemic and that’s a good thing. There shouldn’t be a park there because there’s plenty of other green space places to go to Love the course and its history. Its a beautiful space and is the oldest course in the country. It would be a damn shame to turn it into another space for homeless camps and hipsters who play frisbee all day and dont work. Please consider turning the golf course, which only a small number of people can afford to use, into a public park for all. There could be space for other sports facilities, such as swimming. Austin is way behind places like Raleigh, NC in offering such amenities. Leave as is first, but a practice center would also be awesome. It should be a great course and one we are proud of for years to come. Hancock is a great asset to the community and offers a chance for newcomers to experience golf in an affordable, laid back atmosphere. With golf booming since Covid, it’s nice to have an option that’s playable when other courses in town are booked for days. This property has great potential as a public space. The community center is underutilized and can generate revenues through rentals and more types of events. This is a rare opportunity to create a central city public park similar to what is being done at Pease Park. Using the public-private partnership conservancy model, the Waller Creek portion of the park can be cleared of invasive species and transformed for recreation, flood control, and wildlife habitat. PARD's idea of a driving range is what worst possible change for this city property given that the Morris Williams one is 5-10 minutes away and was recently renovated. The idea of a golf learning center is redundant of the First Tee program (about 10-15 minutes away). The City needs to conduct a more thoughtful planning process facilitated by impartial third-party consultants to get a true sense of the preferences of neighbors, golfers, and other users of Hancock. So far all the research (including this survey) has been oriented toward golf. We need a more thorough look at the potential uses of this space for the future. It’s historical and worth saving, both the course and the rec center. Keep course available for kids and seniors The course needs to be preserved This course has played a role in my golf life and I would hate to see something happen to this public course for everyone This place is special. A wonderful, low-key golf experience for all, including those who can’t afford a fancy club. Love Hancock - it’s trees, hills, chill neighborhood. Let's keep it green and as natural as possible! Keep Hancock Golf course Hancock can function both as park and golf course. Taking away golf just makes the game more and more difficult for your average austinite. It is the cheapest and quickest option in the city. It is perfect for your beginner and family oriented golfer. I love Hancock golf course and hope it remains a public space to play affordable golf, as it has been for decades. I also would like to see it progress into a place that is also fun and enjoyable for non golfers I fell in love with the course in college. It’s home to a great golf community. Pouring city money into a golf course at this location feels like climate denialism. If we're going to devote this much space to park use, it should be a well-designed urban park offering a mix of fun things to do -- not a golf course. There are areas around the golf course which, with some shrubs, vegetation, could be protected from golf balls and used for passive activities such as croquet, yoga classes, et al Keep it a golf course Austin has a lack of housing supply and would like to see more housing that is connected within a walkable mixed- use fabric Golf will help avoid turning Hancock into a homeless hangout It’s an Austin tradition This is a very important piece of land that is great for the growth of the game - introducing new players & intriguing experienced players alike. Continue keeping the recreation center open for classes and other community activities. Fun course. Rare gem in the world of public golf. Should have more golf introductions games for underprivileged youth. Please keep it open to the public whatever you do. Not private for profit. Austin lacks public green space badly. Love to see it get some improvements! Keep it!! Wonderful historic part of Austin community making golf accessible to all Special events (like the yearly frisbee gold tournament) could be added or increased to offset the financial shortfalls. Also maybe consider concession stands (food trucks) as a potential source of revenue. I like the self pay station and the relaxed atmosphere. If renting out golf carts on the weekends is problematic, then just stick with self pay walking. $16 Mon thru Fri. $20 on weekends. I think the place would stay pretty full. I think the space is underutilized as golf course and could make a wonderful public park Local gem Save Hancock It’s a beautiful golf course to walk with friends and family. The golf aspect also ensures it doesn’t become a homeless hang out. Gem of a course in central Austin. Beautiful green space also. Golf is such an exclusionary and elitist game. If you don't have clubs and $ for accessories, it's inaccessible. Let's instead open all that space for a wider range of uses and people, not just the narrow swath of people who enjoy an old man's game. Less is more. Reduce size to get away from roads. Thanks for hearing our input There’s no better use for this historic course than its intended purpose. It’s a place where friends and family from not only Austin bug around Texas come to enjoy a quick 9 and spend quality time with their Austin friends/family. Austin is beautiful and unique. This is why so many people want to move you. Stop changing this city that people fell in love with, because some day Austin will be no more. I love Hancock, and I am very appreciative to have an economical option for golf right in my own neighborhood. Please keep this course! Please keep it! Public land Love it Public golf is under attack and we need to preserve what we still can. Hancock Golf Course is a treasure that must be preserved for future generations. Repurposing the land as a public park would serve far more people than a golf course. Accessible and walkable local municipal golf courses are essential to continue the growth of this great game in addition to allowing access to inner city residents. Do the right thing and keep the course running. Great course for learning, makes golf less intimidating! Hancock is the most open, diverse, and inclusive golf course I have ever played. It is the perfect place for kids learning and the elderly. The City of Austin would truly be doing the future a disservice by removing this important landmark. Keep it mostly the way it is. I believe it should be preserved as a golf course as it always has been, but I am not opposed to the way it works currently sharing parts of the space with park-goers where they are out of reach of errant golf balls. It's awesome, please don't change it. It’s the most affordable COA course in town, making golf accessible to anyone. Keep it ! Please don’t get rid of it The course is a local gem and MUST be protected at all costs. There are many other parks etc but few courses with as much history and playability as Hancock. It’s a great course to teach beginners and being only 9 holes now it’s ideal for after work play and short 9 rounds with friends. Please keep Hancock Golf course! This place is legendary and one of the only places left that is open and easy access for so many walks of life. I’ve always wanted to play golf often but it’s been too expensive. Once I discovered Hancock and starting living in Hyde Park, I’ve been playing the course multiple times a week. I vote save Hancock for what it’s worth. Thanks I love it here. Play it at least 3x a week Love the course how it is no A beautiful 9 hole golf course Let them play golf! Its an Austin institution, don’t mess with it Please save it! make hancock a public park! Save muni! It’s the best Hancock is one of the only affordable golf courses in Austin. In a sport that is notorious for its inaccessibility and barriers to enter the game, it is so very important that Hancock stays open and affordable for patrons. Not only this but the history of the track of the land is such a valuable place for the city of Austin which is so rapidly changing. Places like this will fade away and cease to exist if we do not begin to do something now. The beauty of Hancock is in its accessibility. Any improvements should be done in the spirit of keeping cost down and encouraging more people to play golf. Please do not destroy this landmark. This needs to continue to be public golf course that preserves the history of Texas and the history of golf. Thank you. Hancock is an important and historic course that needs to be preserved not just for golfers but the community as a whole. We love Hancock as the most accessible golf in Austin! Great history and public course at one of the lowest rates in town I like that it’s both a golf course and a space for those to walk. Keeping it shared green space and golf course is great Please turn it into a park Beautiful course with a ton of soul. I like it. It’s very accessable and a great place to introduce new players to golf. Imagine Austin calls for smaller parks accessible to greater numbers of households. Converting golf courses to smaller green spaces with dense residential development supports this Imagine Austin goal. Keep public and green. We love it how it is currently. We love how we can play golf on an unpretentious informal family friendly environment. Absolutely no driving range, no lights, no addition parking. It is a gem and uniquely Austin the way it is. re-designs specific holes that were indicated needing it during public engagement keep it as open space for all Please don’t take away golf from Hancock, it’s the best public 9 hole course in the area and I love playing there PLEASE KEEP IT FOR THE NEXT GENERATIONS! 50/50% trails around course please listen to the neighborhoods nearby, as well as others in the City, whose residents use the rec center I would support either that it gets turned into a park or stays a golf course. We often walk close by and I hope the city can maintain green spaces throughout the city. Keep it as is. Keep it public and green. Keep it a historic golf course. Do NOT add outside lights, fencing, a driving range, or golf ball nets. This course is great! As a new resident of Austin nothing makes me happier than having options to play at different courses Hancock is a great course for a quick round before work! A public park is the best use of that green space, and if the community is willing to support the transition to a park space through fundraising efforts, the city should welcome that investment and involvement from the community. course is very welcoming and not intimidating to beginners. Hancock golf course needs to stay It’s one of the many things that makes Austin unique and special. It provides access to the game of golf for those who otherwise might not have such access. It’s a great place and has an opportunity to be a real differentiator for Austin Hancock is the only place UT students can get affordable golf anywhere close to campus. It is very nice to have None, it needs stay a golf course I understand that (what wasn't already sold off) is a historic golf course, but you can honor that history without STILL excluding woman and minorities from using the park (because statistically, they aren't the majority of golfers, are they?) It is a misuse of public lands in the middle of an increasingly urbanized area to dedicate it to a leisure activity for a small minority NA NA Don’t get rid of outdoor public space. Love green space available to all in the city. This place builds community. Nets or screens or even more trees bordering then perimeter of the course would be useful I love this course and think it is amazing. I wish it could have lights on to play at night. The City can keep Hancock as a historic public golf course and still have amenities for the non golfing public such as walking trail and perhaps movie in the park nights after golf has concluded. I love Hancock! I have had so many great memories here and plan to have many more in the future. It is a wonderful amenity shared with the neighbor through the trail and should be maintained as it is I’d prefer it remain a golf course and park for the public. This is a historical location and important to the community. This should be a space for community use, as a recreational space of some sort. I love it. Would be a shame to lose. Passive recreation and walking trails can be improved/added to the existing golf course. Maybe even a community vegetable garden! better cart/walk paths The Hancock Golf Course is the history & pride the Hancock neighborhood. It should be supported & celebrated & remain just as it is. I value ethe historic nature of the golf course and want it to stay public greenspace The land is a beautiful space. I never feel safe walking there when golfers are present. A friend’s child once had a concussion from a golf ball when they walked on the adjacent street. Having public parkland for all to enjoy seems like the best use. I do not support a public/private partnership. The city should have parks available for the good of the public who pay taxes. A civilized society has such public spaces. Golf is a great activity for people of all ages to get out and enjoy nature. Regardless if it becomes a park for anyone to enjoy or remains a golf course, maintains the green space is important to the health and well-being of the city. Great course! Love to play Please make Hancock Golf Course into something useful to the public at large. Its a giant piece of land that is use only useful to a small population of individuals in our city that has too small of a housing supply. If not housing at least make it into a park that all can enjoy. You all are failing the Austinites by allowing this land to remain a golf course. I love Hancock Golf Course. There are no shortage of parks in Central Austin, but there's only one centrally located legit 9 hole course. I'm for doing whatever is necessary to keep it a golf course! Please protect & expand the public uses of this beautiful place for things other than golf. Add soccer and disc golf I’d prefer it not be changed in any dramatic way. I absolutely do not want it going to a private contract. DO NOT TAKE THIS GOLF COURSE AND HISTORICAL LANDMARK FROM OUR CITY THAT HAS ALREADY LOST SO MUCH IF ITS CHARACTER, PLEASE!! I am not anti-growth/change, but there is no need to take this course away or even change its layout (again) Align strategy with Project Connect. Create a beehive center It’s not a difficulty situation. We need people who care to run the course. It needs common sense marketing. The idea of turning into a park is proposed by newbies and people who have no idea what’s good for this neighborhood. It’s a childish solution to a city that doesn’t want to care or invest in tradition. I would run it if the job was open. But building a marketing plan by someone who knows marketing could improve the profits by 50%. Already since the pandemic profits are up 30%. I am insulted that we need to defend our neighborhood traditions in this way. No other city in America is like this and we seem to have these challenges yearly living in Austin. Shame on anyone who can’t grasp that a city like Austin should preserve its heritage. In fact, use the millions in the heritage grant to pay for improvements and hire a director that knows how to build a new tradition with local features I.e. a taco truck and expansive deck to draw diners. Or perhaps a local company like Criquet to manage the proshop snd sell their clothing. The Hancock Golf Course is an important part of our history we wish to preserve; however, I would also like to see continued use by families/neighbors of the green space. We do not want something too commercial that would disrupt the look/feel and quality of life in the neighborhood. It's a great location for a park. I've never paid too much attention to it since I'm not a golfer, but it's a lovely space. There is a scarcity of parks in Central Austin. Let's take this opportunity to turn the golf course into a public park. It will improve the quality of city life for EVERYONE, not just golfers. Let’s keep it Keep it as it is! Public park This is a special piece of land. It's beautiful and varied. People love it-- they are always walking around the edges. One time I tried to walk on the course itself on a Sunday and a staff member regretfully informed me that I had to leave. It's sad that most of the people who want to use the land are banned from the interior. I see far more pedestrians on the edges than golfers inside. So I think Hancock should be a public park. I don't think any of the physical land should change at all. No fancy landscaping or equipment. Just the land as it is. We love it already. It is an important part of our neighborhood and should remain a golf course. It is very popular now I would like to see the recreation center (which we use) remain, along with a small park and connector trails. I would support the rest of the site being used for housing with a percentage dedicated to affordable housing, which is much more needed in the area than a golf course. Leave it alone, it already is what everybody wants it to be It’s beautiful please don’t let it become a park! Please keep it a golf course! Making it a park will diminish its beauty and the reenity of the neighborhood You must make it available as a green space for all while keeping the course there too. Hancock is an extremely historic and special place and is meant to be a public golf course and protected and operated as such. Please protect Hancock. It is what makes Austin special. I am not a golfer, but recognize the importance of Hancock golf course to remain a public golf course. The city needs to seriously consider other uses for the golf courses, mainly public parks I recognize that golf has had a resurgence in popularity over the past year, but long term, the financial picture for 9-hole golf here is not promising. If 9-hole municipal golf cannot continue, I would like the city to seriously consider turning the land into a passive park. Let's explore food trucks, fundraising concerts, outdoor movie nights and other ways to contribute to its upkeep as a passive park. I strongly oppose any agreement with a private operator that would change the course or add a driving range, nets or night lighting. Convert to a park. It’s a great course and amazing historical background , be nice to have a manager over there that promotes golf, lessons, events , gatherings , tournaments, maybe some concerts . It is beautiful and adds value and green space to the neighborhood. I believe that the current use as a golf course underutilizes the possible public benefits of this green space and far more people would be able to enjoy the area if it was a park. I think more people would get more out of this space if it were a park. Now, we have to dodge golf balls and it doesn't seem like an appropriate use of a huge green space. The golf course is a city treasure and should be kept a public course. I would also like to see continuation and expansion of activities at the Hancock Rec Center. Golf serves a small number of people; Converting Hancock into a park would serve everyone in the community; Regardless, please NEVER develop Hancock (like Austin did with the current HEB at 43rd street) - I'd much rather have a golf course than a strip mall or apartments any day. We really love the golf course. It is the pride of the neighborhood and so improved from the 80s when I first moved to Hancock area. I walk to the golf course and around it every day as so many of my neighbors do too. Love that place! I am not sure why more questions about fencing, concessionarie, driving range were not asked. People want Hancock as is, but not those things. or if not as is, a park please. I love Hancock golf course. It great to have a nine hole golf course so accessible We are not in favor of adding a driving range, nets, or lights for nighttime play to the golf course. All three would detract from the beauty of the golf course and would impact the ecology of the course. Public space not limited to golf, or a shared space for park like activities park! make it a park! Park! Park! None keep golf Keep golf please keep it from being developed into housing! It think it would better serve the city as a park. A miniature golf course would be more used and take less space. Let's make it a open park. I’ve played this course since I moved to Austin in 1993. It is important to keep this space used for golf in central Austin to promote the game and all of the wonderful attributes that come along with it. A golf course is a very inefficient use of public land, if the goal is allowing the general public to use it. Make it a park! I enjoy playing golf there especially due to central location and a decent course I can walk on too and get a quick round of golf in. Make it a public park! It would serve more of the community as a passive park. Please let it remain a golf couse Convert to Park Great place for a quick round, beginners and kids. While the golf course may be open to all, it is used by only a small section of the population, making it exclusive rather than inclusive as it should be. It would be much better served as a public space for all to use. First golf course in Austin, oldest golf course in Texas, etc. Must be preserved as a golf course. Makes most sense to create public parks in the non-golfing areas and keep the course as is with improvements and no driving range. It is a great course for quick recreational fun and to take beginners/kids to play and enjoy the game in a less stressful atmosphere. It is an inexpensive golf course for families and folks interested in learning about golf without the elitism associated with the sport Golf only None none Keep it open Turn it into a park and upzone everything around it for more housing. the 45 acres could be a great neighborhood asset if golf is retained and other amenities added golf is a dying sport and is mainly played by white people. we desperately need more multi-use parks in Austin that everyone can use, not just a few, and this is perfect land for that. It should be a park. keep as a golf course I would like it to stay public and be properly maintained Requires investment ($5-8MM) to have a good product. Go find the investment or strategic partner. As the oldest course in TX don't let this be lost on the historical value of the course. If it is too expensive for the city to support the area as open parkland, I support letting an operator manage the golf course for profit. It should remain green space. Keep it as Hancock municipal golf course Convert to a green space and public park accessible to all! I think it should stay a golf course. People who live in the area have plenty of green spaces around and we don’t need to close the oldest course in Texas to placate to a small group while many Austinites love this space as is. Please keep it a golf course, green space, and rec center for the community to enjoy. I like the Golf Course just the way it is! It's historical and should be protected. Love it No golf! Public access and park for everyone. All in favor of using money for repairs, but this is one of the last spots in the city for cheap golf for beginners. Please don’t turn it into a dog park. Golf and facility improvements The location in the center of Austin, near numerous amenities, transit and East Austin mean that dense affordable housing is the best use of the majority of the land. Golf is a luxury sport that uses an ungodly amount of resources to benefit very few people. Putting a mini-golf or top golf in one part of it (or both!) and using the rest for housing or other park activities would be much more sustainable and enjoyable for more people. Improve Hancock as it sits. Make the park and courts more enticing to non golfers alike. This is more of a pitch and putt course, great for training novices Please make it a park/green space for the whole city to enjoy! Local neighbors have spent years asking for this to be a park. Keep it a public golf course please I love it, but people don't really play much golf anymore. History is fine, but you can honor the history without being married to a green space usage that is outdated and underused and costly for the city. The city subsidizes many sports - why not golf? Plan for Hancock Golf Course 1. After Lions closes the regular patrons, most of whom walk, will need an inexpensive inner-city golf course to play at. Hancock would be a very walkable course and an excellent alternative. 2. I disagree with the author of the “Turn Hancock into a Park” article. I don’t think the course needs a driving range and its popularity would not depend on having one. I don’t think it would be very popular as a pitch and putt course. 3. I think you could encourage golfers to play 18 if you would have play from the front nine white tee box to white flag and the second nine blue tee box to blue flag. The second nine would not necessarily be longer and you could use any color tee boxes. The idea is just to mix it up so it gives the feel of playing a different nine the second time around. It’s a pretty short course, so I don’t think you need to give women and juniors separately tee boxes. 4. The key to the whole thing is to have excellent greens. Golfers are drawn to any course that has really good greens-in my opinion it is the most important thing. You can have tee boxes and fairways to the level of say Lions. As long as the tee boxes are not sandy and have good footing its fine with most golfers. Fairways, as long as it’s not a bunch of weeds and Saint Augustine grass, are acceptable at low levels. 5. Having the bunkers maintained to the level of the other Austin Parks and Recreation courses would be another drawing point. 6. Golfers like nice golf carts and having a windshield makes a huge difference in the winter and also when it’s raining. 7. There’s a nine-hole course in Mineola Texas, which I understand from people who played there, is very nice and very popular. I’ve listed the link to the course below. They even hold tournaments there. 8. I think it would be a shame to lose both Lions and Hancock. I think the rent payment to UT at $500,000 is ridiculous and at best it’s just going to get worse. The city owns Hancock and I think it would get much more use and would support itself as a golf course if the above ideas were incorporated. Mineola Country Club • Address: 1780 W State Loop 564, Mineola, TX 75773 • Phone: (903) 569-2472 • https://mineolacountryclub.com/ I understand the history, but put up a plaque or a statue. It is simply a ridiculous use of that green space for the larger community. Needs to stay open and public Use it as a Golf Course. This land needs to STOP being a golf course and turn into a public park It would be more financially responsible to keep golf operations in place. Example: what is the total construction cost and annual maintenance for a park without golf income? It’s so nice to have near by Don’t mess with it Please keep it as a golf course! Rather see it used as a park than a golf course. It would be a greater resource for a broader section of the community It should remain a PUBLIC space run by the city...no private investors running the park or the golf course. Preserve as open green space!!! Mixed public use with or without golf. I think that temporary use for smaller festivals with advance notice could be a great way to get people back into the green space. Like Zilker it could be used for specific non golf uses throughout the year. keep golf Just keep it a green space As Central Austin continues to densify, I believe the highest and best use of this space is as a passive park that is open to all residents. If that's not an option, I hope you might consider making the golf course available to all residents for park use during certain hours of the week. Please keep it open for all of us. We need nearby green spaces as HydePark is consistently being covered with impervious covers and increasing it's population density. I live two blocks from the park and use it often to walk my dogs and run around the trail. I would love to see its continued use as a park of some sort, especially one that can serve multiple functions. parkland or sports fields that allow you to have sports fields and parkland - Save Hancock and save Lions It should be marketed as a walkable 9-hole course (finish play in less than two hours). Improve the greens and hole definition, and I think there is a good chance it would attract more play. It cannot compete with the 18 hole courses, and should not try. Take a cue from the “Executive” Par-3 Courses in the northeast. Build dense, affordable housing w/ green space Keeps as open space / recreation! No camping, no bottles, no trash Upgrading only. No commercial or other development. Restoration to earlier condition. Very few upgrades. Minimal expense. public course with less tee times Best use would be a public park, but if that isn’t going to happen, please keep it as is and don’t make it a golf academy or add a driving range. Over the years, I’ve seen Hancock used by more and more entitled white men who break the rules, literally aim to hit people with golf balls, and harass women who jog and walk on the trails. It disgusts me that this city has allowed so much of its public park space to be reserved for a few, especially the most privileged among us: white men. The creek that runs though the course is filled with incredible wildlife and the whole space is a gorgeous oasis in a very dense part of the city. Why not turn the park into an open space that can be accessed by ALL? I would like it to become a passive park with no golf. I do not support the city and PARD entering into a contract with a private entity to run any kind of golf driving range or facility on the course. It is a historic golf course and should remain as such. The city and PARD should consider the Hancock Golf Course Conservancy option. Thank you for listening to us. I frequently walk at the course in the evenings and golfers stay long after it closes. It feels like they always get priority and being hit by a golf ball would be a real problem. It is good the track around it is being restored and I just hope that the space is maintained and made available to more than just golfers. Improve the soccer field for public/ private use I think this space should be a public park Free for juniors to grow the game I live a block away and use / experience the land, trees, hills, etc. several times a week. We are a Hancock golfing family. My husband and sons often play golf at Hancock. Though they would miss the golf our family unanimously agrees that it would be more enjoyed as a public park. We see a park as a more equitable option and the Rec center could continue its great work. It would be great for the city to enjoy the public land and to access Waller Creek. It would be an instant city gem. Add lights to encourage night-time golf. Improve facilities. While historic, a park would make better use of the space. A golf course limits its use to a smaller group of people who have other alternatives. Spruce it up please. I play golf somewhere around Austin once a month with old & new friends I think it’s a little gem well worth saving My family and I walk by there every day and go golfing as a family once every 3 or 4 months. I would love to see the City use tax dollars (even if it's operating at a deficit. What public park turns a profit?) to continue this use as a golf course. More time for community input. NO DRIVING RANGE. RFI instead of RFP for contracted improvements. I heard it is starting to make money so why change it. with the hotel across the street it seems like a great attraction. I support Hancock becoming a passive park that can be enjoyed by members of the community who do not golf Please keep it as is and improve surrounding green space. It can be a park and golf course. I would support a concessions area I do not support a driving range and smaller course. Personally, I don't golf but my family members who do, say it would make the course less appealing.. I would rather see it as a public park than as a fenced-in golf center. We need open space in central Austin. The city needs as much green space as it can protect. Please don't sell out to commercial interests. If the best option is to create a park/conservancy, do that. Turning it into a park It’s lovely to have open space that can be used It's a gem. Please don't ruin it! golf is too resource intensive. there are many other citizens who could benefit from this space. the history suggests that a public park was the deal for selling the other nine holes to the hancock commercial center The course should be turned into a green environmental space and park for all residents to use. I'm ok with it continuing as a golf course; but if it were a park, more people would use and enjoy it Hancock is a golf treasure and provides access to those of all races, gender, abilities and nuerodiversities We'd love to see it continue to be a golf course and community asset of green space. It would be an unforgivable shame to lose or even alter this unique treasure of golf course. It is such an amazing plot of land and could be great with the right execution. Good architecture costs the same as bad architecture, but one loses money. Noticed the golf course is in great condition due to the reclaimed water use hopefully came out of the winter storm No lights, absolutely no driving range and net Keep it as a golf course Keep it as a golf course! My 18 hole putting course. Need only 3 acres. I would like to keep the park vibe and the no tee times I love the parking meter to pay ! Improve don’t change ! Like Morris Williams did in the renovation look at goat hill park in San Diego as a model it’s doing amazing! These short fun golf courses are the most popular segments in golf ! Keep it the most affordable ! No golf carts is awesome! Let’s keep it a walking course! I think we could close the course one day a week to be a park and do maintenance! Like st. Andrew’s does ! Possibly make some areas more people and park friendly!! Thanks for your consideration 😊😊 Keep it a golf course please We believe a small food and beverage operation, patio/beer garden with games and other draws for the community is also possible. 1. Keep it golf! Central Austin needs to maintain its golf facilities and not let everything slip into the burbs. I think a social club / learning facility would be really cool. Don’t change its current use. We love this place. It should be akin to St Andrews that a goat tract through woods. The history of golf at Hancock should be gathered, and displays planned and carried out illustrating "golf through the years" at Hancock... There are lots of American Statesman articles about the golfers at Hancock, and other city courses, that could be a source for such displays. The Pro Shop could definitely use some fixing up... This is a sad day when people want to bully iconic Austin areas away. There are so few options for people in lower socioeconomic placements to enjoy golf. The rich who live inside Austin city limits just want a “zilker” park closer to them. So many people already use the area for things outside of golf. Many walk, run, and play on the course during open hours. Yet, it’s both enough for them, they want it all to themselves. Many, not from here. I was born and raised in Austin and Hancock was where I learned to play , support friends when they played in HS at McCallum, and I also attended childcare and summer camp there. Don’t let the rich take away our memories please. They already want Muni too Please keep the course I love the community fee to Hancock keeping it as a course and allowing family’s to be able to use it as walking space would be wonderful I like the course. Some fences or nets to prevent golf ball flying into the street on the right side of second hole would be nice It is a treasure and needs to be kept for golf Make it better! Hancock Golf Course is part of Austin’s history. Wonderful place for beginners to learn and for folks to get in a few wholes after work. This should be kept as a golf course, accessible to all, with a new operator who can refurbish the course and provide needed upkeep. Please don't close the golf course I have no other thoughts about Hancock Would love to see more junior golf development at hancock. I believe updating the facility and making it a driving range/practice facility with a few short holes would be ideal. But as long as the space stays green and perferably golf related...I am all for it. Love it as is - a public golf course with some sharing for other functions Make the planned improvements A better fencing around property to stop interference to play I strongly believe it serves the community as is! But it does need some improvements. I like the course, but if the conditions of the fairways/greens/bunkers/etc was improved that would be great It’s a fantastic learning course. Not too intimidating. Lots of new people are picking up the sport due to Covid. I learned comfortable there to play a round Please don't take the golf course away, it's the only 9 hole course in town that you can go have a quick round at. Would like to improve the facility Don’t change it Has to be saved and preserved. Historic course. Green space in the city. Kid friendly golf space. An amazing addition to our community. One of the things that makes Austin different from other major cities. In addition to the historical significance Hancock is a great place for families. It’s too good of a site to lose as a golf course. Being centrally located and near UT, it’s an ideal place to provide accessible golf to everyone. Hancock Golf Course is a living piece of history we need to keep open. Such a great little golf course. Very unique and enjoyable experience and should certainly be preserved! Find a way to keep the dog walkers and random pediatrians off of the course, or tax the locals to help pay for it. Golf Dont scalp the greens in the summer Must remain a golf course Forest of trees I appose making it a private golf facility. Please don’t take it away Don’t turn it into apartments for god sake. Isn’t there enough of that in this town already? This is where I learned (and am continuing to learn) the game of golf. I consider it my home course, even though I live further south. Please preserve this place in its current form, which is full of personal memories and overall history. My family and I love Hancock. Please improve the course and offering, but keep the local feel. We would support it 100% With hundreds moving to Austin weekly, statistically including golfers and those who will pick up the game, there is an extreme lack of available golf. The price of golf will steadily increase, and access will drop. Not to mention a sport that is expensive to play when it doesn’t have to be. Sure it’ll always be more expensive than others but it’s a sport people enjoy nonetheless. Hancock is the best affordable laid back golf course in central Texas. Nowhere else can you pull up get in line and play a round with strangers or friends. No “vibe” is better than Hancock. Anyone is welcome. The problems people see socially in the US with golf, that it is white, male, upper class, and closed to anyone else, is not relevant at Hancock. I’ve played there for 3 years now and I’ve never seen more women, people of color, or juniors enjoy the game. If we lose Hancock we severely limit access to people who just want to get out and have a fun round. They’ll be stuck with high prices, golf carts, and all the poor social problems that plague the game today. Dont take away Austin’s best place for that social change in such a good but closed off game. The course has character and it's important to have an accessible place to introduce the game to new people. Golf already has high barriers to entry and that makes it harder for golf to be a fully equitable game. Hancock helps bring the game to people that otherwise wouldn't or couldn't play None. Golf I love playing Hancock and would hate to see it go! I take my kids and inexperienced golfers to Hancock for a great day of golf and walking trails. A possible money saving opportunity would be to stop mowing all the rough. Between 3&4. Along the stream. Use tall, mature grass as a guide for golfers and walkers. Great course for all levels of golfers! Makes for a fun round with family and friends. Regardless of the final scope, some level of golf needs to remain at Hancock. Keep it Add Toptracer bays Please keep Hancock Golf Course open Keep it open Please keep the golf course. Really hope it stays open to the public Please keep this course! It's a classic None None Keep it Whatever happens, just keep it associated with Golf Always a course Great course just needs a little more love from the city. Don't close the golf course. Best course for kids and new players Appendix F. Full report of responses to QR code survey Hancock Golf Course-QR code Please note, questions with open text responses can be found at the end of this report. Q1 - In the past 2 years, have you visited one of Austin's Municipal Golf Courses (Lions, Hancock, Morris Williams, Jimmy Clay, Roy Kizer, Grey Rock, Butler Pitch and Putt)? # 1 2 3 Answer Yes No Total Don't know, unsure % 98.34% 1.11% 0.55% 100% Count 710 8 4 722 Q2 - In that time, have you visited Hancock Golf Course at 41st and Red River Streets? # 1 2 3 Answer % Count Yes No Total Don't know, unsure 76.93% 22.78% 0.29% 100% 537 159 2 698 Q3 - Did you visit the recreation center at Hancock Golf Course? # 1 2 3 Answer % Count Yes No Total Don't know, unsure 34.90% 61.91% 3.19% 100% 186 330 17 533 Q4 - Hancock Golf Course is one of the oldest public golf courses in the United States, having been established in 1899. Do you support continuing Hancock Golf Course as a public course open to all? # 1 2 3 Answer Yes No Total I have no opinion. % 92.19% 2.89% 4.92% 100% Count 637 20 34 691 Please note, comments are unedited and may contain grammatical errors and/or foul language. Q5- In what activities did you participate at the Hancock Recreation Center? - comments begin on p. 5 Q6- What would you prefer the space at Hancock Golf Course be used for? - comments begin on p. 11 Q7- PARD has identified several necessary improvements to the golf course. If funding is available, what kind of improvements to the golf course would you support? - comments begin on p. 19 Q8- Please add any other thoughts you have on the use of the Hancock Golf Course. - comments begin on p. 33 Q5 - In what activities did you participate at the Hancock Recreation Center? Group meeting The range Golf Golf Golf Golf Golfing Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf, basketball & soccer Basketball and golf Gold Basketball Good ones! Playscape Golf, picnic, walking Basketball & golf Golf Meeting with friends Golf Golfing Golf Golf, mental health All, this place rocks Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Basketball Walking Yoga golf Golf Basketball Table tennis Golfing Basketball Golf Golf Basketball Basketball golf Proshop Golfing and basketball Golf, Basketball Golf Golf, dog walking, jogging, playground Golf is awesome Golf everything Basketball egg hunt Soccer Golf Golf Dancing Many Golf Hoops Golf Yogo Bball Basketball Golf Golf Basketball Many Golfing Golf Golf Basketball Walking Basketball Golf and Basketball Golf Golf and mental health Golf Basketball Meditation The junior golf academy utilizes when raining during academy Basketball and golf Golf, basketball child summer camps Dance class Bball, Golf Golf Golf Basketball walking playground Basketball golf Golf Yoga Golf camp Golf Golf Golf Basketball Golf walking around the course walking Community meeting Art and meeting Golf, walking, walking my dog Private function Community meetings The man in the cart is super nice Soccer, summer camp, after school programs Junior Golf Academy, Hancock Summer Camp Golf Basketball Golf Austin Jr Golf Academy playground, soccer, walking Line dancing Summer camp for our kids Golf Golf camp golf, kids summer camps Golf camp, play ground, Christmas walk & cookies. basketball, golf Yoga party pathy Golf Ballroom dancing Golf Basketball basketball Golf golf Basketball Golf course Golf Party Played golf at course Used the restroom, but would like to reserve the basketball court when the pandemic is over. Ukulele class which I LOVED! Also play basketball there and run around the track almost daily if not golfing or bballing Austin Barn Dance, English Country Dance, Austin International Folk Dance Golf and ballroom dance golf Golf Volleyball Basketball youth golf restrooms exercise contra dancing Golf, restroom, basketball court Golf and basketball basketball Activities with my son Basketball golf Golf Golf course - 2x per week Playground w/grandkids Golf Neighborhood meetings, golf, voting Basketball, Golf Golf and basketball Played Golf Golf Golf Was married there. Our children went to after school care there. Our children played soccer there. Our children attended golf camps there. Our children work at the golf camps there. Q6 - What would you prefer the space at Hancock Golf Course be used for? To remain as a golf course. Stay the same I want it to stay the way it is Kept a municipal golf courses Golf Golf Golf! Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf!! Golf!!!!! Golf obviously Golf Nothing More golf Golf as it should be Golfing Golf course A golf course Keep the golf course Keep it golf please Better walking paths but keep it a golf course as is. DONT CHANGE THE BEAUTY OF WHAT IS HERE!!!! Yes. Unless a land swap with UT to keep Lions open is an option. Keep it a golf course PLEASE. Best place for beginners to take up the game Golf and golf only. End of story. Anyone who thinks different can fuck right off No suggestions. I have enjoyed playing at all the other courses. The courses and staff are great. Thank you Public park with landscape & creek access, plus trails I love Hancock Golf Golf Don’t touch a thing Golf! Golf course Keep as is Nothing.only golf Golf only Nothing Golf course Golf Golf Golf GOLF Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Course Golf only A golf course! Golfing Golf course Golf. Please don’t change it New High school or Middle school Golf course only. Golf course!!! Golf course and public park Golf course as is ! Love it Golf Golf GOLF Golf golf course! Golf Golf Nothing Golf Golf A golf course Golf Golf GOLF! Golf Nothing Golf nothing golf We love the kids golf camp! I’d love to see it as a driving range with lights and a few holes to play Keep the course and add a driving range I prefer it stays the same. The same thing as right now. Nothing. I strongly believe Hancock Golf Course needs to remain Hancock Golf Course agriculture, homeless citizen housing, education centers like libraries and schools Frisbee golf course if no longer a golf course Part for a park. Part for homes I want green space for all residents remain Hancock golf course Public Golf Course Golf only please For Hancock golf Exactly what it is Kids golf classes and Golf play Open green space with limited programming. Public golf course 9 Hole Golf Course - as is Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf! Golf As a park for everyone to enjoy and keep the community center. Austin needs more green spaces. Keep this gem as is! My children go to the golf academy and summer camp there! Make it a championship 18 hole disc golf course Keep it! The only other thing I could see there is a park with lots of great programming for kids of all ages. passive park, recreational activities (other than golf) TopGolf Golf Golf Course or park space Trade it to UT for part of Lion's A botanical garden with an outdoor cafe Public park Park, public green space Trade for lions golf course Improve and continue to use the golf course Par 3 course and dedicated practice facility I support if it is maintained like Mo Willlie Keep the golf course Keep it as an inexpensive golf course! As a golf course, as it was originally built. DONT CHANGE IT!!!! please :) golf course A golf course Golf Golf Golf golf Golf golf Golf Golf Golf Leave the golf course-green space Sell it, but only if we build another course somewhere else to replace it I think the city should make a deal with UT to exchange Hancock for Lions. If this can’t happen Hancock should be turned into a night course. Trade it to UT for Lions Mumicipal Golf Course Golf and learning center. I play this course on average 4 times a month. Sell 1/2 to developers and use proceeds to fund improvements at other muni’s. Convert the other half to a public use park. Anything else or switch the management, stupid to have soccer golf on same course, also very dangerous If it gets converted to anything, keep it golf esque. Whether that's disc golf or a driving range/par 3 course. only a golf course Golf school/ practice facility Golf Course Golf and recreation Golf Golf course please Keeps it as public golf course Sell the land and buy out Muni Keep it a golf course Golf golf golf Golf Golf Golf! Golf golf I would prefer the space to remain a golf course. However I am able to see why others would want to use the space for other means. I do not live close to this golf course and that is why I do not frequent it. However if I did live closer I feel like that would change. Please continue to operate as a municipal 9 hole golf course and continue the Rec Center's activities as they were before the pandemic. Keep it as a golf course for historical reasons. If not, give it to UT in exchange for Lions. Housing for the homeless. swap it with UT to save Muny Stay as is not sure. I seems to be a very valuable property an I was wondering if it could be used in a negotiation for getting ownership of Lions. Golf, this is a historic golf course, the only 9 hole course close to the city that can be easily accessible and played within 2-2:30 hours Prefer to go back to 9-hole option at a 9-hole price instead of being forced to pay for 2 rounds even if I only have time for 1 round The course is not in very good shape and seems to be difficult/expensive to maintain. It's very low on my list of places to play right now. If the investment won't be made to get it truly up to snuff, then I have no problem turning it into a park. Maybe disc golf and volleyball. Something for active folks. Not a dog park and for God's sake not apartments. I saw topgolf partner with a 9 hole muni and spend a ton revamping it. Sounds like a permitting nightmare for that neighborhood but that would definitely intrigue me. I love playing Hancock. If anything, more money should be spent maintaining it. I think the course should be redesigned to make better use of space for golf. But, it should still be all golf course. The rec center should be used as a golf club house. The pay yourself booth is insufficient. Keep it golf with a training and development center I would suggest to use it as parkland with maybe some picnic tables and probably a trail on the perimeter of the park. I would like to keep it as a golf course. I have recently picked up the game and have been going to Roy Kizer. With Lions closing, there are not a lot of city courses left for those in west or central Austin Only a golf course!! Please don’t get rid of it Driving range, short course and Teaching center for golf 18 hole course golf Keep it as it is!!! city park Stay a golf course Golf/golf practice A well kept golf course 9 hole golf course Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf golf course You could design two awesome “pay to play” disc golf courses, which the City really needs, especially since we lost Pease Park and Bartholomew Park on 51st Street has fallen into disrepair and is unplayable. It would be safer to the neighbors who walk around the course, too! Public golf, public park, green space. Absolutely NOT private development or public buildings. Add golf carts & you will have more guests. There should be a way to make coordinated effort with the commodore perry across the street.e Golf !!! Golf facility is best Golf Course Golf Keep it as Hancock Golf Course golf Affordable housing Only for golf Condos Golf Course Golf Practice area Learning center Golf, but upgraded Walking/Running Trail around the course if not golf: tennis courts, volleyball, basketball, dog park etc. Golf for everyone. Great place for people learning the game too. Q7 - PARD has identified several necessary improvements to the golf course. If funding is available, what kind of improvements to the golf course would you support? Greens fairways tee box turf Nicer holes Better greens Conditions It is good as is It’s already great Improving the greens and tee boxes Landscaping and terrain maintenance that preserves the existing layout and character of the course Better grass talhat surrounds the greens. As good as the fairway grass is currently. All for golf and a better clubhouse and restaraunt Nets, improved fairways and greens Grounds, access Distance markers, new bridges over water Update the bridges. Lighting Any All Any! Water stations Green improvement Speed up the greens. Greens management & club house Greens management Maintenance and upkeep of course Keeping it open to the public It’s perfect the way it is Security Lights for a nighttime golf course would be unbelievably great Just general grass maintenance Better greens and tee boxes More course maintenance and improvement of the greens Better conditioning, flattening some of the greens (no. 4 and no. 9 Keeping the golf course maintained for golfing. Do not make drastic changes to the course which will take forever and impede golfing. Nets to protect the traffic Green improvements All please All needed The Greens Greens Driving range More holes N/a Keep the course Keeping it maintained. Greens and tee improvement Better walking paths A clubhouse and beer sales it's fine the way it is Staff None Bunkers All Renovation of clubhouse Clean creek Improvements on the green Preservation Improved backstops, better greens, safer chipping/putting practice green Compensation for staff, better greens, improved practice area. Overall, the course is great and I love it, but we could treat it better Driving range Cut trees Keep it! More sand Faster greens Clubhouse Driving range Better trimmed greens All Greens Green improvement A back nine park is nice as is Stuff Any Carts Carts Better grass Its great Looks good Nicer greens Nicer greens General maintenance Better drainage Refurbished tee boxes and greens a net along the 2 hole walking carts for all, work on the greens Better greens and charge more Better greens and course conditions Possible driving range and change of hole sequence It is great now but could always be even better Better greens All of them Cart paths None, I like how it is laid back Whatever needed Maintaining old trees, new greens/layouts, driving range or net practice area Carts during the week and green maintenance Reduce to zero-hole gold course More upkeep, improved yardage markers (stakes) Better maintenance, especially of greens and bunkers. None! Love the course! reduce green fees Golf carts, re opening the clubhouse Some upkeep on the greens and potentially more demarcated trails for the runners/walkers Fencing around the border to keep balls from hitting the street Proper maintenance of the greens Improve tee boxes Green maintenance. Roadside safety nets It’s good New golf shop Fine as is to me What’s needed Cheaper Any None Greens None New pay station Restrooms on course improved course, designated signs for runners making them aware of golfers. course is in solid shape for the most part Operating it as a golf course vs park Redesign. Hole 18 is a mess. Course improvements Watering system Road traffic protection on hole 2 and hole 7. Better greens conditions Making the greens smoother & the holes a little more distinct. Level the tee boxes. Y’all boundary fence alongside number 2 It could be graded a bit better ( lowering the crazy high hills) Continue good maintenance Anything Net by red river street More course martial / regulation Restrooms, proshop, cafe Fairways I’d support everything Better greens Grasses, tee boxes, trails Greens! Improved facilities better maintenance, enforce speed of play New greens and a driving range with lights Keep the greens fast Better fairways and greens Parking, update clubhouse Whatever is necessary to keep it alive The greens Greens Adding a driving range Carts Better kept greens teeboxes Any and all I can’t think of any improvements I would want. None Improving the greens Added bunkers Fairway/green growth support More marshals. Carts for seniors. Driving range Better greens All of them Greens it’s great Carts Green conditions Support the land Renovations to clubhouse trails Minimal. Like it as is! water fountain water station closer holes Better mowing, green cuts Improve fairways redo greens Yes 78722 Yes Idk course was in pretty good shape when last played Driving range. Maybe not full size but with a net in it to hit clubs. driving range Irrigation system. park space Unsure better pathways Everyday availability No opinion Anything they need Green repair Better greens Pro shop Those that would increase revenue for the course and keep it open for all Nicer greens, better fairways, more hazards, net on hole #2 to protect red river Just don’t let kids walk in front of the tee boxes for their safety It would help if this question asked which of the recommended improvements.. Not sure. My kids have gone to the junior golf academy and I would want that to continue to be feasible. Don’t have any thoughts about improvements Shortening the length of grass on the greens, repairing some of the bunkers The course is great. I would pay for improvements. I would leave it the same. Just don’t get rid of it Turn it from a golf course to a park with trails, playscapes and keep the soccer fields and community center. I like it how it is Improvement of course Privacy along Red River Maintenance of the golf course Keep up the great course! None All Make the old guy with the beard at the golf course president Whatever is needed to keep it a golf course. Fix the greens and tee boxes All necessary to make this an awesome place for generations Signs that read “golf players only” would be appreciated and better drainage for around the second hole green Make the 7th and 9th green more level. Cut the tree down by the creek on 6 to give more room to hit to the green. Better greens Share it with disc golf safety Modernize it. Improved greens removing it Course maintenance, waking paths, parking lot Any improvements Improved walking paths Better conditions, and increased practice areas. better green maintenance, facility upgrades Whatever the experts think. None ? All Needed upkeep, (greens, ball washers, fairway watering, Maintenance of course Everything. Greater delineation between fairway and rough. Overall condition of the course. Greens walk The sprinkler system needs to be improved General improvement of the greens Redo the greens. Move the practice green or add a net in between the 9th hole and the practice green. Make the soccer field a short game practice facility. Irrigation system improvements and related turf grass updates. Update course irrigation system. Fix and level parking lot, fill the potholes. I think it is a good course for beginners. I like the idea of shortening some holes to make room for a practice area. Better greens Better fairways Trim back the trees Greens Beer cart Driving range, better putting green Cut down all dead and unnecessary trees. Re-seed entire gold course. Fix or eliminate bunkers. somehow limit it to golfers only as now many people just walk around getting hit by balls Anything to enhance the integrity of the course such as keeping grass on the fairways and keeping the greens in as good a condition as I remember from the last time I played there.. Better drainage on some holes Turf improvement. Better now than ever almost. Keep moving that way Better drainage. Tree trimming. Water fountains. Please consider the following suggestions: Level the tee boxes, add markers and signage to warn/ protect non- golfers who stroll through the course, improve practice putting green and consider relocation to a safer area Reduce the slope on the 9th green or increase the length of the green. Add a hitting net and 5 or 6 matts (similar to Riverside) near the first tee box for people to warm up. Green are too slow and general course maintenance Clubhouse could use an upgrade; general course maintenance. Maintenance irrigation Keep the greens in good shape Signs for non golfers. Protection netting for cars on Red River Fairway, green, and sand improvements Better, more frequent maintenance Better maintenance Funding to keep mowed and playable condition Green/fairway improvement, artistic additions related Austin, course history, practice facility improvements. Concession, practice facility, make it a quality par 3 course with lights for night golf The recreation center is one area. I played the course today and commend ATX on condition of fairways and greens. The driving range could use improvement. Improvements/maintenance of greens, golf carts; upgrade/new snack bar Safety, dangerous coming around the bottom of the driving range. Get rid of soccer golf Club house, carts improved conditioning Upgrade greens, bunkers, add yardage markers greens need improvement walkways also a putting green safe from drives on number 9 All of them but leave it as walking only Driving range, pro shop, more green maintenance Better irrigation better greens Redesign to a short course Creek mitigation, ecological support Better care of greens All Better up keep of the course with mowing and weed control Improvement to tee boxes and fairways Golf course Resave the parking lot Signs for pedestrians to be aware of golf balls. Walking trails clearly marked so pedestrians are not in golfers' way Greens I think the improved maintenance of greens, fairways, bunkers. re-sod fairways. smooth greens. Better greens... they're slow right now and also a tee time system Whatever it needs Green maintenance Newer carts, a more robust pro shop Cart paths - renting of carts-a fence along San Jacinto to keep balls from hitting cars. Better/more consistent greens like you have at your other courses year around. hancock is a nice track that just needs a little more TLC, it could be a beautiful course with more $$ Better drainage on some holes. Signs keeping non golfers from walking across course. More Marshall’s to speed play Some trimming of the trees overhanging the #5 tee box would be nice, but the golf course does not need renovation, only maintenance. Improve fairways and greens and/or practice area any and all Perhaps dividing the 9 holes into an executive par 3, 18 hole course? Continued maintenance of golf couse Yes More parking Leveling of the greens. Tree trimming. Just keep it open Greens, fairways Which golf course? general course maintenance All of it A pro shop Better greens restroom improvements, drinking water at stations along the golf course. Better maintenance of the greens. They're just so slow. Open to all ideas. better maintenance. practice range or net. Like it as is. Better green Better maintenance, i.e., the grass is too long Neta on holes near roadway Netting to protect the practice green from incoming from 9 tee. Eliminate the back tee from 6 or trim the trees back so its a fair shot Bring back the pro shop also I’d love for the greens to be the best of the municipal courses especially with the course being shorter in length Improvements that would continue to keep the course in playing condition. Also, having golf carts available for people that need them. Any and all, sometimes I do get concerned about the safety of people on the practice green on 9 from errant shots, but I don't know what can be done about that. Improve greens None, perfect as is Parking and some type of netting to protect against stray golf shots in certain areas. improvement of greens Any Whatever is required to maintain and keep it as a golf course. Improved course maintenance The greens are unplayable after any kind of rain and are in pretty poor shape generally. Improved drainage and green repair/elevation are the top 2. Parts of every fairway need attention, a couple of trees probably need removal, probably a fence or barrier on red River. new golf carts I have a list of things I would improve if someone wants to sit down and talk about it. Better maintenance of all areas; a suitable reception/pro shop staffed by knowledgeable staff. Leveling greens to a minimum golf course standard. There is a certain point where having it be a "natural" course is just because the city does not want to fund maintenance. More people would visit and play if it was not seen as an abandoned golf course. General and ongoing maintenance of the facilities. Improved greens Any and all. Having a range Better maintenance. Full-time Clubhouse Staff person. Improved groundskeeping don't have any specifics More time taking care of the course. Irrigation landscaping Green improvements. That’s about it Everything especially the layout which is confusing Better conditions and better snack bar I like it the way it is Better cut greens and fairways Redo Greens and Fairways and improve bunkers - Make it a destination Golfers want to go to. Chaging it to a Par 3 with a couple of Par 4s, to make it kid friendly. Focus on First Tee events. Net installed on red river improved practice facilities and driving range. Fix the tee boxes and trim trees along fairways. take out all bunkers and level some of the greens. also would be cool to have a snack bar at #1 tee box. could also "check in" there. Also have the marshalls actually marshall and not drive around picking up lost balls. Drainage and Irrigation upgrades for better fairways and greens Better overall maintenance. Shorter greens and fairway grass. Nets for "Danger Areas", Green roller for faster greens, new sand The course has been in great shape the past year and a half and has been heavily used. I am not aware of the the improvements recommended by PARD thus I cannot comment on them. Shortening the course to a par 3 and driving range where holes 1-2 are, build a new practice area for chipping/putting, clean up trees Maintenance facility improvements; equipment, material storage etc Course quality Cart paths, sprinkler systems and irrigation Rebuild the tee boxes, improve overall condition of the facility although it is heavily used. Restroom at the start (aware that the Pro Shop and Rec Center have been closed due top COVID. Adjusting/ improving a couple of the greens/ holes/ tee boxes Improved stream crossings, better irrigation, berm along 8th fairway, changed tee box on 6th hole, move cart path to right side of 8th fairway Hancock is a great course for beginners. I take my nephews there. Keep it simple. I also think there can be some duel uses. For example, build a band shell and host the occasional outdoor concert at night. A beginner's course can withstand the extra use. Better landscaping, fencing/netting along the holes near the street Better fairways Nets around course course design Learning center/youth development public restrooms, a pro shop and a snack bar Redo greens and bunkers Minimal, keeping it as natural a space as possible. No new buildings. Keep it a green space and a golf course. Tee boxes & greens can always be imptoved Improved water hazards, better drainage or landscape design. Better tee markers. Re/over seeding, driving range, greens keeping equipment to actually take care of it Improve conditions, support as a Par 3 course, some additional practice areas Greens Better tee boxes and greens. Driving range Fairway manicuring Better greens, driving range, netting along the road More money spent on grounds keeping. I think the course in its current condition is fine for the purpose it serves, which is to provide golfing access to a population that is just getting into golf. That being said, I think improving the other courses should take precedent, and if we’re left with Penick being the beginner course for Austin residents, so be it. Hancock was where I learned to play golf with my grandfather so it’s be painful to see it developed into housing. improving the fairways and parts of the walking path (like on hole 5 crossing the creek) Add golf carts for seniors over 65 Greens maintenance, additional staff Improved short game practice facilities and driving range Small pro shop with restroom and starter. Everything else is great. Better fairways. Conncessions, Pro Shop, Putting/Chipping Area Just make sure the Golf course will stay open. PARD improvements parking area, net on Red River, clubhouse renovation Greens Golf carts! Also there should be nets on the right side of hole 2 so cars don’t get hit. Overall health of the course and multi use areas for the community BETTER COURSE MAINTENENCE Any and all Nets protecting the street Practice facility. Parking. Concessions. Greens work and better carts, New golf shop Nets around roads and the putting green Turf improved, additional practice facilities Upgrade greens. Q8 - Please add any other thoughts you have on the use of the Hancock Golf Course. walk white beard man should be president whatever happens, please keep it a green space we love it as a great place to enjoy family time while being active too valuable for the current use; not used enough to justify it's continued use for golf. this survey is incredibly biased in favor of golf same as current none none no other n/a love Hancock keep it! keep it golf keep it open as a golf course keep it as a golf course. it's accessible to golfers of all skill levels! its a POS. renovate it and turn it into a really nice park if you're going to keep Hancock, clean it up. Otherwise, make it a park or make exchange with UT to help offset cost of buying MUNY i can't think of anything that I would rather have there than Hancock. It's a treasure. good for kids golf and classes gives beginners a place to play after we lose Lions Zip code is 78751 You should let the local residents decide whats best for them You should keep the golf course and charge a bit more and upgrade greens You could make this the ultimate "locals" course. offer a resident only membership for a monthly rate. non- resisdents can play for an upcharge or combine it with a stay a play package for guests at the commodore perry. Austin needs to compete with its "sister" cities like Denver, SD, SF who have amazing public courses who entice their residents and then upcharge out of towners. Since Austin is becoming a huge tourists town, this could prove beneficial and help pay for improvements. basically, build on the history of these hallowed grounds and make it a destination, not a dog park for these hippies who don't play golf. You could make it a lighted course for night play. You could make the 6th hole a par 3 and add a lighted driving range in the back south corner of the course. Worst course in ATX by far With limited muni courses and giving its history, Hancock Golf should be maintained. Will play it next week if possible. Whenever a greenbelt is removed it will never be replaced We need to keep this public course open. It is important to have affordable municipal courses. We love the summer golf camp program Walking Vital course Very unique facility in the center of town Trade to UT for Lion's Golf Course Trade it for Lions, Save Lions Trade Hancock to university of Texas for lions This place is virtuoso historical and it would be a travesty to make it anything other than a course. This place is awesome! Definitely a historical landmark. Should be here to stay! This is the only 9 hole course around town. I play Hancock on weekday mornings before work at least once a week and love it for that purpose. This is the first golf course I ever played over 57 years ago. It could be a wonderful 9 hole course like it used to be if the city were to put some money and effort into it. This is the best course in Austin for beginning golfers. It must continue to be available for golf not closed and used only as a park This is one of the best maintained public courses in Austin. And one of my favorite in the State. Im a Member at Balcones CC and this course is better maintained for less. Keep Austin Weird This is oldest Golf course in Austin, over 120 years old. It is the only couse that you can just show up, and tee off. It provides an opportunity for new golfers to play a shorter course to develop their skills. This is an Austin staple. With a little love, this course can be used by many. A lot of youth have grown up on this course. This is a wonderful golf course for juniors to get started on and you us seniors who only want to play 9 holes. This is a great course where golfers all ages and skill levels can sharpen their game. Great environment for parents to play golf with their kids and family. The Harvey Pennock course is the other training environment in Austin. Hancock is in central Austin a neighborhood prize to keep and maintain to encourage play for youngsters, teens, adults and seniors. This is a golf course that is available to all and is affordable. I have played Hancock for many years and have enjoyed meeting other players from all walks of life please keep Hancock as the great golf club that it is This is a beautiful green space right in the heart of Austin. Please keep it a golf course. This course is a gem. Please keep it. There’s probably better use for the property. Other than expensive high rise condos or apartments. There presently is a nice mix of uses from jogging and walking, golf and activities at the club house. There is room for a short 3 hole course for juniors There is plenty of surrounding space for those who don’t want to golf. My son and I explore the creeks all the time with our dog when we aren’t playing golf. The other muni courses are nicer, we don't need Hancock The man in the golf cart is super nice :) The land should continue to be a golf course for the benefit of the community. Austin needs to slow its changes and ask what is best for the community. Having a range and the ability for the younger generations to have a place to learn golf would be ideal in my opinion. The course should be completely renovated and city of Austin should be the one that pays for it. The city wastes millions on programs that don’t work so they may as well invest it in something citizens can actually ise The course is usually in poor shape and is only for students and those that live in Hyde Park. Those funds could be used to better maintain the other Municipal courses in Austin. The course is a gem - nowhere else in town you can play a quick round without a long drive. The idea of adding a driving range and reconfiguring the holes is ok, but I’d prefer to leave it as it is. You can barely get on now, gold had absolutely taken off during the pandemic. Hyde park residents have no shortage of parks and amenities. The City needs to figure out how to expand golf courses. Ie, get new developments to transfer golf courses to the city, convert Grey Rock back to a full Muni, when buying new parkland, reserve a portion of the land area for new golf courses. Hancock should be retained for primary use by UT students and those wanting to play nine holes for the day The City allows the Waterloo Disc Golf Club to use Hancock once a year for our big tournament of the year, which benefits Ronald MacDonald House, and it’s just a delight and the neighbors seem to enjoy watching the fun! It’s much safer and could be easily retro-fitted to accommodate two Championship caliber courses which would generate much more revenue for the city through daily “pay to play” rates and Tournaments. I also play “ball golf”, as we disc golfers call it, and honestly no one I know plays Hancock because it’s just too short and not very much fun. It’s just much better suited for two great disc golf courses than one not so good ball golf course. This way, the Spirit Lives On at Hancock and “golf” (in just a slightly different form!) continues there! Thank You for your consideration! That course is a landmark anchor to north central to austin and should remain a green space for the community to enjoy. Any development would scar that area. That could be a beautiful park area. It could be made into a more inviting space for walkers etc., while maintaining some golf identity. Or, they could do the golf camp at Lions. The golf camp is a nice way to get kids exposed to golf even if they aren't from a "golfing family." Thank you for working to preserve this fun and beautiful historic golf course! As a recent retiree, I enjoy playing there several times a week. I do not support the conversion of the course to a golf academy - Harvey Penick training facilities and several driving ranges are already available whereas there are limited public golf course options available. I do not support conversion of this historic golf course to a park as Austin has abundant park space including nearby Shipe and Mueller Parks. Spend more to keep it beautiful and playable. Should remain a 9 hole course open for new players and children Should only be for golf and not other activities Shame to see it go but once half of it was sold it lost 90% of its historical value. Save the golf course! Save open spaces and community Golf ...it is an integral part of Austin's cultural history Save lions!!!!!!! Save it as a golf course!! Save it Save Hancock! Safe the Golf course Save Hancock and Old Muni! We cannot lose Austin’s love of golf. Really a great place for new golfers to get acquainted too the game. Put money into making the courses great. Bunch of cheap skates trying to reduce course values to profit off the land. Hope y’all lose out on the opportunity Public recreation is needed to keep public healthy Public Please see my note above. Keep it simple. Allow for the occasional duel use. Perhaps allow one day a week where nobody golfs, but people are free to walk, play frisbee—i.e., light activity. But keep a beginner's course! Please save this gem for a place where beginner and young golfers can have access! Please save the golf course! I love playing there and it is more welcoming to all than other Austin muni courses! Please preserve and or modify to keep this going as a golf facility, it is precious. Please preserve it! Please keep this history! Please keep this a public golf course! I’ve been playing it for decades and want my kids to as well. Please keep this a golf course, I absolutely love playing there Please keep the course as it is to the maximum extent possible. Please keep it!! Please keep it as a 9-hole walk-on course. It's such a great recreational pastime and a great service offered by PARD. Please keep it around as something golf related. Please keep Hancock as a golf course/facility (even if modified in some way)! Please don’t get rid of it Please don't make another mixed use condo building. We need more nature and community spaces. Please do not destroy an amazing landmark like this. Leave it open for public golf as it is meant to be. Please do not close this course - Austin has few courses and with UT wanting to close Muny there will be few course left in the main part Austin. Please do not bulldoze another Austin golf course Please do not allow development- retail or residential. The Triangle is an abomination. Please do keep it as a golf course in some shape or form. Played it several years back. Think it should continue as a city course. Isn't course an enterprise, if so can funds be used to maintain it? Over the past year I have played there atleast twice a week. Signage should be added to warn non-golfers who walk across the course that they do so at their own risk. Perfect spot for a casual round of golf Pave the parking lot. Part park, part mix use Observe Riverside golf course’s popularity Oasis in a city Nothing at this time None - we need the green space and recreational facility None None None None None None No No No No driving range, please. No dog parks please! No dog park Needs trees Needs to be preserved Needs a practice area Nice course, shouldn't be an isolated park for a few people Never thought it kept very well. Much rather play Clay, Kizer, Mo Willy, Lions. Love playing Butler for the quick short game. Need to non-golfers out of the fairways to avoid injury, especially children. Need this course. Not enough corses in Austin Need better greens. NA NA N/a N/a My wife and I and friends frequently play golf at Hancock. We all want to see it maintained as a golf course My gf recently played her very first round of golf their. We went there specifically because it is beginner friendly and for the history of the course. Must keep Lion's open Moved to Austin mid-summer at height of Covid restrictions; purchased an annual Golf ATX membership and hope to play the Hancock course. Move the practice area to the other side of the rec center. Every time I tee off on 9 I’m taking someone’s life into my hands. Me and so many others truly love Hancock and hope it thrives for years to come. Make sure you keep the old guy with the gray beard at the front desk. Nice guy, makes everyone feel welcome. Love to see it as a really good practice facility in addition to 9 hole golf course, may need to be shortened to have room to do both Maybe offer food Make the old guy with the beard president! He’s great Make it free for under 18 year olds Make it 18 holes Loved Love this place; keep up the great work Love this place Love this place Love this golf course, people can afford this course. Love this freaking place Love this course. You can’t replace history. Love this course and we do appreciate it! Love this course and it’s meaning to the public! Love the golf junior camp Love the golf course - been coming here fir over 10 years. Love the ease of access. No tee times and walk on access is one of my favorite things about the course. Love the course. My two sons are anxious for 2022 so Austin Jr. Golf can resume. Love the course! Love that place. Democratizes golf in a way the other courses don't Love that green space in the middle of the chaos Love it. I play 2 times a week Love it!! Thank you for all you do! Love it! Love it Love it Love it Love how this facility welcomes such a broad skill range of patrons. I can take friends/family who normally aren't interested in playing a full 18 holes Love any muni golf course. Need more. Love Hancock!!! Guy with the grey beard would make a great president Love Hancock golf. Only great times Long live Hancock and golf in general. Love Hancock Looks great today. Like the course a lot Let’s keep it Leave it as is Leave it as a golf course Leave it alone!!!! Leave it alone Keep this golf course Keep the space a golf course.. Let's keep something that's been around for over 100 years. Improvements be nice for sure, but if not still keep it. There are enough changes in Austin, we don't need more condos or office buildings. Leave it the same! Don’t take away our course Leave it as it is.....it's a good starter course for people and also a good short game course. Leave it as green space. Plenty of condos and high rises downtown 5 minutes away. Can't let all the old Austin succumb to the growth. Learned to play golf here in late 1960s would be extremely sad if it is redeveloped. Don’t do it. Kids golf; have a COA golf professional do small clinics for children(s) & parent(s) Keep the golf course Keep the course. It is a place I go for peace of mind. It has helped me keep my sanity Keep the course. I gain so much value from it Keep it! Easiest and best access for central. Keep the course! Keep the course! Keep the course Keep the course Keep it! Keep it! Keep it! Keep it! Keep it going! Keep it for golf Keep it as an open space Keep it as a golf course. Keep it as a golf course Keep it around Keep it and maintain this golf treasure! Keep green spaces!! Keep development off this land. Keep as is. It's a little Jewell Keep it as is. A basic golf course available to the public. Lot of improvements not needed Keep it as a public asset, but monitize it with something more people can use. Sportsplex/TopGolf Keep it as a central golf course. It would be a great executive course if enough funding would be available. Keep it and improve it as a historical and unique city golf course Keep it a Golf Course - we need to keep public places for Golfing and make it enjoyable and cheap for City children to use Keep Hancock as a municipal 9-hole golf course! Its age and history make it a landmark of national stature, and too many Austin landmarks have already been lost. Not only is it the beginner-friendly home of affordable golf in Austin, it provides a taste of what golf courses were like at the turn of the 20th Century and a welcome contrast to dime-a-dozen modern golf courses. Just like Lions Muni, Hancock is a historic course that deserves to be preserved. If the city could figure out a way to preserve the golf course while improving the land in terms of park usage, I think that would be great. I know many people use the perimeter running trail. The fairways and hole layouts could definitely be redesigned to allow for multi-use of the land, while still preserving the course heritage and authenticity. Just added my thoughts regarding some kind of an effort to incorporate the guests fro commodore perry estate across the streets. Add a sandwich bar & offer some beers & wines. I’d love to keep it as a golf course. It’s very accessible and enjoyable! I’d love for this to continue as a public course. It is unique and a treasure in Austin. If it has to be changed, maybe it could be turned into a pitch and putt on half the land and park space on the other side. It’s got a certain local charm to it. No dress code, dogs allowed, no frills. Everyone is welcome. It’s the best. Never lose it It’s my favorite don’t take it It’s fun, but greens needs some work ! It’s awesome It’s an Austin icon. I hope it can be saved It’s amazing. Don’t let some asshole developer ruin it It’s a nice course. It’s a hidden treasure I as a teenager played there in my high school years on my golf team It’s a great course. Keep it as is! It’s a great course for family, friends, beginners and old vets. A great place to go play 9 It’s a great community asset that I know many people have greatly appreciated Its not just the golf - It is the green space in the city that is so important. Please keep it open. It is a great place to learn to play. It's the only 9 hole inner-city golf course in Austin, and should be kept for the exercise opportunities and green space in the inner-city. Its the best It's lovely It's in great shape and I would hate to lose a "green" space like that. It's an important historical site but only has 9 holes and not in good shape. The other city courses are in great shape and service the residents very well. It's an historical heritage that should be maintained. Good for beginners It's a wonderful place for all types of golfers but especially, beginning golfers. I just can't see any better use for it, especially given the current pandemic and need for outdoor activity. It's a great place to learn golf and one of the cheapest. Having a night course would be awesome to make it available. It's a great course for learning to play. Played it a lot in the 90s ... It's a good course in a great area and can be a great course. It would be such a shame to close a historic course like Hancock. With the pandemic, it has become incredibly popular - it will not sit idle. It would be a shame to alter such a historical golf course It was a course I played frequently when getting back into the sport. I think it's a great, low-cost option that is available to families and students. It should stay as a golf course It should stay It should always remain a golf course for all to enjoy It needs to stay ... love that people also use it as a park space ... make it more for learning and practicing golf It is such a great course to walk and it is centrally located so perfect for a quick 9 hole round. PLEASE keep it around!!! It is an irreplaceable jewel. Treat is as such. Think about recapturing Hancock Center (the back 9) and returning it to green space. It must remain a golf course It is great as is It is an historic golf course It is a wonderful layout please invest in overall condition of the course It is a wonderful asset to have a public golf course in the middle of the city. Since Lions GC is under constant pressure to close loosing Hancock would be devastating It is a beautiful public space and should remain available for recreation. It is SO important for junior golfers!!! The Junior golf Academy is a priceless activity to introduce young people to the sport! It could be really good. I know it's a tight fit buy some cleanup, maintenance and maybe some rerouting would go a long way. In order to keep it as a viable city golf course, condition must mirror the other GolfATX courses. Improve it and more people will play there If there is a possibility, let UT get the Hancock property and keeps Lions! If the city is unwilling to put any money in Hancock (Lions also), then they should sell it If not golf needs to be a park. Don't make it buildings that replicate family board games. However chutes and ladders might be cool If it is going to remain it needs to be fully staffed and extend hours for nighttime golf. If it goes away, so does Austin as we know it If it cannot be held as a golf course, must be a park or open space. No development. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. If Hancock and Lions both close there will be way less public golf available for all people. Dint want another private one IMPROVE COURSE MAINTENCE, DON'T GET RID OF THIS IMPORTANT COURSE! I'm open to sharing some of the Hancock land for other recreational uses, but wary of a big change, as it's an invitation to commercial exploitation of the land (i.e. Concert Venue or similar use) I would prefer for it to stay the way it is I would like to preserve the Hancock Golf course while letting the public know about the clubhouse and the ability to walk around the grounds I think it would be an excellent site for development of an 18 hole lighted executive par 3 style course. It should include a restaurant, bar, food court, entertainment venue. I think it should actually be revitalized and upgraded. Allow locals to walk around it like Lions. Perhaps even encourage local businesses to open up. I think it is a nice little historic (and relatively inexpensive) golf course. I don't really think that people who are gentrifying Austin's neighborhoods (but don't play golf) should think they can take away a long existing course just because they want another park. They knew it was a golf course before they bought or moved here. There are other parks available and I don't think a historical course should be changed up just because some newer wealthy people want a park in the neighborhood thay just moved to! I stated it should be continued to be used "as a golf course" because being a student of golf, it is a lifetime sport that teaches humbleness, humility, and etiquette – all deeply needed in these current times in Austin and our country. Please preserve this landmark forever! I see no reason as to why it should not remain as a golf course. There are many spaces around that location that serve the function that the park could be used for (ie. park, bike path, apartments, etc.). However I will note that there are a limited amount of metropolitan golf courses. I really luv HGC <3 I really like this course since it is more than a golf course. It is nice to see people hiking, playing with dogs, and picnicking. I played only the normal sizes or longer golf courses, Hancock is too short for my skills but I would like to keep it opens because of the historical status. I play weekly and would love to continue to play there. I play this course almost twice a week don’t get rid of it! I play golf at Hancock 2 or 3 times a week. It would be a tremendous loss. I play at Hancock once a week at least, it is one of my favorite layouts and I love that it is only 9 holes. If there must be some changes, I would prefer at least some of the space kept golf friendly. I play at Hancock golf course twice a week every week. This is the best value, the closest, the nicest staff. This needs to remain Hancock Golf Course. I love this course with all my heart, play here at least two times a week as I live very close by. It would be a shame to see such a tenured course shut down. I love this course to come play some relaxing golf with my buddies I love this course and play it weekly. Please help preserve it. I love this course I love this course I love the course. Keep it the way it js I love the course, please keep it. I love the history of the place, and a few of the holes are quite challenging. I love that course and hope it’s here forever. I’ve played there many times, great memories I love playing golf at Hancock. I hope to play there again, soon. This historical course must be kept in Austin. I love it here. This brought our family together on the golf course during the pandemic I love it here I love it I love golf I love hancock, I’d like to play with my shirt off I love Hancock. Please keep it I love Hancock so much! I love Hancock golf course! Please save it. I like the course and the history. I hope that this stays a golf course! I love going to that nine hole course I love everything about this course. It’s part of what keeps Austin different. An inexpensive course in the middle of town that is accessible to anyone. I love Hancock and play with my son every Saturday morning. It is a true neighborhood treasure and a place where young people can be exposed to golf in an informal, non-threatening environment I like to, and have time to, play 18. I am sure many people would like to play only 9. I hope Hancock will stay accessible as a public golf course for decades to come. I have not played there during this pandemic but normally I play there , two or three times a week. I have lived in Austin my entire life and played Hancock Golf Course many times as a child. This course has a long history in this city and believe it should be maintained as a golf course. It is convenient to people that live in central Austin and is a perfect course for new and young golfers. I think it is important that these types of courses are available to the public. Please keep Hancock and Lions Muni's as golf courses I have enjoyed playing Hancock for the past two decades. Our two sons now also enjoy playing the course with me. It is a great place for all age levels and skills to enjoy. I support keeping the course in its current layout and improving/maintaining the course and amenities. I have been playing here fir several years and it’s apart of the Austin culture as we know it. It would be an absolute tragedy to lose Hancock to buildings or other gentrification alternatives I have been playing here about ever other month since covid started and i like how easy it is to walk up and start playing I enjoy the ease of the course & the relaxed pace , the greens are in great shape, but a couple of those high hills are tough to play! It’s a nice course & friendly staff. I don't care for the self serve, free for all way that tee times are being set up I can't imagine that keping Hancock as is, puts any real burden on the 2.2 million people that live within 30 minutes of Hancock I believe that Hancock should remain a public golf course. It is an important and historic course that we must preserve, for more than just golfers. I am a lifelong Austinite, born in 1960. I grew up playing Hancock Park Golf Course. While I understand the land grab occurring throughout the City of Austin, I would love for the tract to remain a public golf course. Yes, some thought and brainstorming might be in order to maximize such a valuable space! I always enjoyed playing Hancock. The group I play with play the other municipal courses but I promise to play Hancock again. I also play in the other city courses. Having tournaments fun ones Has anyone considered making it a good par 3 course. 18 holes with a par of 54. Handcock is a great little course with a ton of history. It’s conveniently located in Central Austin- please do not get rid of it for yet another apartment complex- there’s plenty of those all over the city! Hancock retains community value a place for beginners to learn. Hancock is the perfect place for casual golfers. removing hancock would solidify the sport of golf in Austin as only accessible to the rich and privileged. Hancock is one of the things that make this city different. A nine hole course, downtown? Where else can you get that? It would be a travesty to tear it down Hancock is one of the few affordable courses in Austin. It allows people from many backgrounds to participate in a great outdoor sport Hancock is an amazing place to bring beginner golfers. Shippe Park is a green space in Hyde Park that people don’t use. I would direct people there who want to picnic and sunbathe. But Hancock Golf Course should remain for golf. Hancock is a good course for a parent and child to play Hancock has been ignored and abused for too many years. The city wastes ten of million dollars on useless liberal agenda and support of real estate developers agendas and projects that line the pockets of Austin’s politicians at the negative cost to long time Austinites. Hancock has been a godsend for me during the pandemic. It's close to home and the pay at the kiosk system means no contact is necessary. I had my first golf lesson there in the'70s. I play or practice there about twice a week but will return to 18 hole courses after the pandemic. Non-golfers walk and exercise there. Please preserve it. Hancock golf should have a historical designation. It is a place in Austin where people from different backgrounds who initially come together because of golf but find they have many other things in common. Hancock golf course an asset to the city of Austin that would not be able to be replicated with how the city is growing. Keeping the course not only provides a recreational sport for central Austin but also gives Austin a unique communal ground to share in a city that is shrinking in space. Hancock Golf Course is a treasure in the middle of Austin. Good for a quick round of golf. Jogging trail and needed open space in the urban core. Great place for kids to pick up the game. Short 9 hole course with easy access and low cost. Allows you to get out and play without having to set aside an entire day. HGC should be made a national landmark! Great venue for beginners Great spot! Great muni! Great local and historic walkable course Great little track Great kids golf camp!! Great for beginners, but I would never play there Great course. Promote the old guy with the grey beard Great course! Great course Great course for teaching/ introducing children to golf Great course for new comers. Love to meet people there Good course for the novice player and alternative to an 18 hole round. Golf practice facility Golf practice areas, First Tee of Austin Golf is very popular now due to COVID and we need all the golf options available . Please improve and maintain Hancock moving forward. Golf is fine, but is best for suburban edge or rural areas, rather than urban areas Golf carts would be great to help older players who can’t walk Get a private contractor to run the facility Fun Either make it better or tear it down Driving range with lights Driving range also Driving range Don’t sell it Don’t make this a dog park Don’t leave!! Don’t shut it down! Continue to keep it! Don’t give in to massive construction and ruin historic sites for money reasons. Don't let Al Czervik get his hands on it. Its a Texas treasure. Do not let this golf jewel become condos! DONT CHANG ANYTHING!! It’s an Austin treasure❤️ DO NOT GET RID OF IT Course maintenance is great!! Trimming some trees around the creek would make sense. Could use more funding to improve course conditions Could make it a learning center for junior golf. I know all of the other courses have camps and such, but Hancock could become a central location for junior golf programs. Continue offering Jr. Golf Academy. Great introduction to the game for young folks. Continue as a public golf facility. Concerts? Picnics? Other club sports? So many uses. City cannot afford to lose another golf to condos Chance are, I would not use Hancock anyway, but keeping it open would give beginners and other hackers a place to go and keep them off the main courses COVID has increased golfing across Austin making it more difficult tomsecure tee times. Hancock is a great option when tee times are difficult to secure at other courses. COA needs to invest in Hancock Golf Course and for that matter all public courses, especially Lions GC. Have a separate parks and recreation bond issue, ASAP!! Golf is a sports mainstay in Austin and the surrounding region. It is the only major sport in Austin that attracts world-wide attention and interest. Golf is, more importantly, a sport for all age groups and genders. By the time you pay for everything, it costs about the same to play lions. Doesn't seem commensurate with value Better maintenance would be helpful Best value golf course in Austin Best course in austin! Beautiful, historic Austin’s crown jewel Austin needs more public golf courses, not less! Besides the historic importance of the property, it continues to provide a central place to play, especially for beginner players. Austin Golf is booming and the more courses we have available the better for us all to enjoy. Appreciate that it's there. I appreciate the history of it too. I think it'd be a shame for it to be repurposed. Another lake would be cool Amazing course An amazing 9 holer that is in the epicenter of a booming town. It is part of history and should not be disturbed All my kids have gone through the summer Jr. Golf Academy and love it. Anything in the Hancock space that facilitates youth golf, training/practice, etc., is commendable. Add lights like in South Carolina! Make it playable at night but only until 10p.m. when lights automatically shut off no matter when you start to play! Absolutely love this place, don’t let it die A great outlet for beginners, Juniors and Senior golfers. A bit of love would go a long way