Parks and Recreation BoardFeb. 25, 2020

E: Director's Report — original pdf

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PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD DIRECTOR’S REPORT DATE: February 2020 MASTER PLAN UPDATES: John Treviño Jr. Metro Park at Morrison Ranch Master Plan (District 1) The draft master plan for John Treviño Jr. Metro Park has been completed and will be presented to the Land, Facilities, and Programs Committee on March 9 and the Parks and Recreation Board on March 24. The park master plan is also scheduled to go before the Environmental Commission on March 4 and the Design Commission on March 23. The draft master plan can be found at the project’s website: George Washington Carver Museum, Cultural and Genealogy Center Master Plan (District 1) The Capital Contracting Office finalized the contract with the consulting firm on January 27. Park Planning is holding internal meetings with the Carver Museum leadership team to discuss outreach efforts, community engagement and strategies to help direct the consultant team, Smith & Company Architects, on next steps. Zilker Metropolitan Park Master Plan (District 8) The solicitation for qualifications was issued on February 17 for a consulting team to lead the master planning process for Zilker Metropolitan Park and then rescinded. The solicitation was rescinded because it was discovered the incorrect scope of work was used in the solicitation. This solicitation is expected to be reissued by the end of February. PARD anticipates bringing a recommendation for a consultant for City Council approval by early summer of 2020, and begin the community planning and engagement process shortly thereafter in the fall of 2020. Land Development Code The Land Development Code (LDC) rewrite was approved on second reading on February 13. Changes from the first draft included an exemption to site plan requirements for standard parkland improvements, which will make it easier to develop and improve existing parks. Additionally, an amendment was approved to modify the LDC for sites 1.66 acres to 6 acres, located along Transit Priority Network (TPN) corridors and in Imagine Austin activity centers. The intent of the amendment is to encourage housing on these parcels and lists criteria for parkland dedication. If the criteria for parkland dedication is not met, fee-in-lieu will be collected. The amendment stipulates that when the Department identifies parkland deficiency as a need, these cases will go before the Land Use Commission for consideration/approval. PARD will continue to coordinate with the LDC team to implement Council’s direction, will present data on the effects of these changes, and will work towards codifying the intent of the amendments. Page 1 of 13 DEVELOPMENT UPDATES: Tanglewood Neighborhood Park Improvements (District 6) Tanglewood is a neighborhood park in North Austin that was originally part of a MUD (Municipal Utility District) and was transferred to the City in 2001-2002. Current park improvements include a new pavilion to replace the pavilion that was burned down in 2012, new playground equipment, and refinished basketball courts. The new pavilion location is close to the playground and more visible from the parking lot and street. The sidewalks and parking lot have been constructed to meet current ADA standards and allow easy access to the new pavilion and playground. The old playground equipment has been replaced to meet current PARD standards. Additional project funding was secured to replace the railing on the ramp leading to the 5-12-year old play equipment, refurbish the old pavilion pad, and refinish the basketball court. Construction commenced in October 2019 and is scheduled to be complete by March 2020. Once all inspections have passed, the park will re-open to the public. Shipe Neighborhood Park Pool (District 9) The Shipe aquatic facility is expected to be complete in March 2020. Several minor punch list items remain to be completed including the cleaning of the pool facility. The project consists of a complete renovation of the 1930’s era pool into a model neighborhood pool, based on the Aquatic Master Plan. The constrained site allowed for the design and construction of a 25 yard recreation pool, an activity pool (tot pool), unique deck space, shade structures, and a bathhouse with two family restrooms and gender specific facilities. The project encountered various challenges that affected the project delivery, including weather delays, and product manufacturer and delivery delays. In addition, work performance by the project contractors has caused construction delays and work that needed to be redone. Funding for the renovated pool facility was provided by a one-time allocation of funds from City Council in 2014 and was supplemented by funding in the 2018 G.O. Bond. Page 2 of 13 View of pool looking east towards restrooms View of pool looking north towards mural Shipe Neighborhood Park – Shelter House (District 9) A historically significant structure, the rustic log shelter house was built in 1930 to provide restrooms, storage, and a covered dogtrot breezeway for recreation and performances in Shipe Park. It is a contributing resource to the Hyde Park Historic District, listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The restoration project includes replacing the cedar roof and repairing the log walls. Installation of a new cedar shake roof with copper flashing is nearing completion. Deteriorated logs were repaired and new chinking & daubing was installed to fill gaps between the logs. In addition, exterior light fixtures will be replaced. The project is coordinated by PARD and funded by the Friends of Shipe Park, Austin Parks Foundation, and PARD. Anticipated Substantial Completion is in late February 2020. View of the log cabin looking north Barton Creek Trailhead Restroom and Water Quality Improvements (District 8) Construction for the new Trailhead restroom at Zilker Metropolitan Park will start in March 2020. The project will establish a new restroom facility near the Barton Creek Greenbelt trailhead at the southern end of the Barton Springs pool parking lot adjacent to the Zilker Hillside Theater. The restroom facility is intended to serve trail and park visitors, and theater patrons. The project is funded by 2012 G.O. Bonds and Parkland Dedication Fees. View from Hillside Theater Page 3 of 13 Tree Planting PARD Forestry planted 56 trees at JJ Seabrook Park (District 1) in January and 41 trees at Hubert C Schroeter Neighborhood Park (District 6) in February. An additional 100 trees are scheduled to be planted at Circle C Metropolitan Park (District 8) in March to round out this year’s planting season. Wood Reclamation PARD Forestry hosted another successful wood reclamation event day on February 7 with 18 individuals picking up approximately 1,800 lbs. of wood for reuse. Barton Springs Pool (District 8) and Deep Eddy Pool (District 10) Barton Springs Pool and Deep Eddy Pool will be launching a new mobile application to sell entry tickets and install new kiosks that accept exact change, credit cards, and Apple pay (the current kiosk only accepts credit cards). Cashiers will no longer accept cash at the door, instead they will scan tickets purchased on the app or at the kiosks. The project is expected to be implemented in late spring 2020. Per the February 7 memorandum to Mayor and Council regarding the pilot for Deep Eddy Pool Parking lot, staff are working on purchasing 2-hour signage as well as signage for Aquatic staff to park on Foster Avenue which will free up additional spaces in the Deep Eddy Pool Parking Lot. Lions Municipal Golf Course (District 10) The City has requested an extension to the contract to allow the lease to continue on a month-to-month basis, requiring a five month notice of cancelation. The Board of Regents will meet on February 26-27 and will discuss this extension. Staff have shared cost estimates for the top 10 items needed to continue operations through December 2020 with the Save Muny District and Save Muny Conservancy groups. Both groups are looking for available funds to offset unfunded operations challenges. Hancock Golf Course (District 9) PARD staff met with City Council Members regarding PARD’s initial plans to change Hancock Golf course from in-house operations to a concessionary agreement, like the Butler Pitch and Putt. PARD is invited and will attend the citizen engagement meeting with Hancock Neighborhood Association on February 29 to discuss the National Golf Foundation report as well as the PARD concessionary concept. Pease Park Conversancy Master Plan Construction Event Impacts Staff met with the Austin Center for Events on February 3 to review details required to finalize the event. Page 4 of 13 MAINTENANCE UPDATES: Barton Jaycee Fields (District 5) Demolition of the current field lights and installation of LED lights began on February 17 and should be completed within a month, pending weather events. Austin Nature & Science Center (District 8) Several projects have been completed to improve the facility operations including the installation of work sinks in the Wildlife Exhibit Building and the Living Systems Building that currently houses the Workshop. Bartholomew Pool (District 4) The pool closed on February 24 for required maintenance to the activity pool shell and is projected to reopen on March 6. The pool will operate normal weekend hours on February 29 and March 1. Big Stacy Pool (District 9) The downstairs men’s and women’s restrooms are being repainted. The downstairs men’s restroom is having a new flooring surface applied. Barton Springs Pool (District 8) The Pool will be closed from February 29 - March 13 for its annual spring cleaning. The Pool is expected to reopen on March 14. Grey Rock Golf Course (District 8) The golf construction team has begun work on the Grey Rock driving range. The synthetic tee will be replaced with an improved mat and the current grass tee will be regraded and replanted with improved Bermuda Latitude grass. Pending weather delays, this project should be completed by the middle of March. Page 5 of 13 PROGRAM/EVENT UPDATES: Recycling Program – Implementation at Town Lake Metropolitan Park The first shipment of new recycling and landfill trash receptacles was received in early February from vendor Max-R. These receptacles will have two-way dome lids and clear labels in English and Spanish to differentiate Recycling and Landfill. New receptacles will be installed along the Butler Trail at Lamar Beach at Town Lake Metropolitan Park, Shoal Beach at Town Lake Metropolitan Park, and Michael Butler Shores at Town Lake Metropolitan Park, as well as Zilker Metropolitan Park. PARD is partnering with The Trail Foundation and will install receptacles in prioritized locations, concentrating on trailheads and parking lots, while removing outdated receptacles. Adult Leagues and Youth Events The Athletics Office began its 2020 adult sports leagues in February. In February alone, the leagues will consist of over 500 scheduled games for softball, volleyball, basketball, and flag football. Additionally, these leagues will welcome over 12,500 local community members to recreate at our facilities. On March 7 – 8, both Krieg and Havins Complexes will host 40 youth teams from around the nation for the TCS Bomber Shootout Fast Pitch Tournament. Visit to learn more about the programs and services offered from the Athletics Office. Heart Health Walk, Gus Garcia Recreation Center On February 13, Gus Garcia Recreation Center seniors participated in a heart health walk to recognize February as the national month for heart health. Seniors were treated to a heart healthy breakfast of pancakes, low-fat yogurt, and fruits to kick off the annual heart health walk around the trail. 60 seniors participated in the event. Teen Job Training, Gus Garcia Recreation Center February 29 and March 7, teen students in the Travis County area from the ages of 14- 17 will get a chance to attend a two day training event to equip them with the necessary tools to confidently seek employment. Students will learn the skills needed to complete an application, build a resume, and interview for a job. Superhero Month!, Hancock Recreation Center For the month of February, Hancock Recreation Center’s Tiny Tot Program was all about Superheroes, both real and make-believe! This month, the program had special visitors from some of Austin’s own Superheroes… the Austin Fire Department and the Austin Police Department! 15 children participated in the programming over the month. Page 6 of 13 Black History Program, Virginia L. Brown Recreation Center Virginia L. Brown Recreation Center hosted the annual Black History Celebration on February 20 featuring poetry, dance and students celebrating Black History month. 50 attended the event. Friday Night Hoops Providing a safe and encouraging environment for teens ages 12-18 the Dove Springs, Givens, Gus Garcia, Dittmar, and Turner-Roberts Recreation Centers are hosting Friday Night Hoops! This free program has structured basketball games, food, special guests, and prizes each Friday night. Soon each site will come together at Givens Recreation Center one Friday a month to be a part of tournament with teens from across the City. Valentine’s Card Making Party, Dittmar Recreation Center Dittmar hosted a Valentine’s Card Making Party on February 12. Participants put together and decorated homemade Valentine’s Day cards that were delivered by Dittmar staff to children at the Dell Children’s Medical Center. 20 participated in the card party. Piecing It Together: Austin Graffiti Art From 1984-2004 Opening, E.S.B Mexican American Cultural Center The opening on January 24 drew a crowd of over 850 visitors, which included a diverse audience made up of different age groups and ethnic backgrounds. Curated by Nathan Nordstrom ("SLOKE") the show is organized by each decade which helped shape the backbone of Austin’s vibrant Graffiti Art culture. Free Day of Dance, Asian American Resource Center The Asian American Resource Center participated in Austin’s 12th annual Free Day of Dance on January 25. Dance classes included Persian Dance, Japanese Folk Dance, Taiwanese Aboriginal Dance and more. 90 attended the event. Visit: Majele (Venomous) by Akirash and Perseverance: Works Inspired by the Word by Graylin Anderson Exhibition Opening Reception and Performance, George Washington Carver Museum Graylin Anderson’s, Perseverance: Works Inspired by the Word, and AKIRASH’s installation Majele (Venomous), are on view from January 23 to June 27. Featuring figurative works on paper and wood, Perseverance explores historical narratives of spirituality and resistance. Impacted by the forced separation of children from their parents at the U.S. – Mexico border, Majele (Venomous) asks us to reckon with this dark moment in time - how can we heal the wounds, drain the venom, and live together in mutual respect and dignity? The event was featured in the Austin Chronicles list of Page 7 of 13 recommended events. Approximately 200 attended the opening reception which included a performance by Akirash. Visit: Artist Resource Center Professional Development Workshops, Dougherty Arts Center The Artist Resource Center (ARC) is a place for emerging and established artists of all mediums to engage and collaborate. Through monthly artist professional workshops, the ARC provides opportunities for artists to learn vital skills that are fundamental to the business of art. Presented by Texas Accountants and Lawyers for the Arts, the January 28 workshop, The Art of Taxes, took an in-depth look at filing taxes as an artist including addressing common concerns and important IRS regulations pertaining to creative practices. 36 attended the event. “To Elevate” Story Map, Oakwood Cemetery Chapel During January, Oakwood staff researched and created a history story map “To Elevate” on the legacy of Dr. Reuben Shannon Lovinggood and Huston-Tillotson University and was presented at the African American Genealogy Conference “Growing Your Roots” produced by the Austin History Center. This story map will be part of a future exhibition with events at the Oakwood Chapel. Visit: Evolutions Exhibit, Old Bakery & Emporium On view February 1 - March 4 are the works of Valerie Chaussonnet, Rebecca Bennett, Lauryl Eddlemon, and Sylvia Crossland. Visit: “Thank You” Party, Elisabet Ney Museum The Elisabet Ney Museum and its Friends Group held a “thank you” party on February 13 to recognize stakeholder efforts in the successful National Trust Partners in Preservation “Through These Doors” campaign, resulting in a $150,000 grant. The Museum also took this opportunity to engage in some community input gathering. Approximately 60 people were in attendance. Visit: Faerie Tea Parties, Zilker Botanical Garden On February 1-2, more than 220 children, accompanied by their parents, enjoyed nature education through the informal and oh-so-cute format of Faerie Tea Parties. Because faeries love nature and plants, these can be found in abundance at the Garden, it is a perfect place for faeries and the kids who love them. Children enjoyed plant-based treats, toured the Very Hungry Caterpillar exhibit, and potted up their own caterpillar plant to take home and enjoy. Approximately 60 people were in attendance. Page 8 of 13 Kids Climbing Event PARD Forestry, in conjunction with Nature’s Way Preschool, hosted a kid’s tree climbing event on February 6. Forestry staff, with assistance from the Development Services Department, provided approximately 30 kids the opportunity to experience trees from a whole new perspective. Climbing lines were set up and Forestry staff were positioned on the ground and in the tree to assist climbers. Kids learned about hardhats and climbing harnesses, as well as a scaled down version of the type of call and response communication our Arborists use in the field. Nature’s Way Preschool, Austin Nature & Science Center Planning has begun for the 2020-2021 school year at Nature’s Way Preschool. Registration for students returning next year opened on January 21. The following week new families registered for the program. The Nature’s Way Preschool has only a few openings remaining for next year’s program. 98 is the maximum number of participants that can enroll. Senior Hiking Program, Camacho Activity Center On January 28, Camacho Activity Center’s Senior Hiking Program traveled to Lockhart State Park where they hiked some challenging hills and were accompanied by an interpretive ranger who taught them about the flora and fauna of the area. 13 seniors attended the event. Youth and Teen Mountain Bike Team, Camacho Activity Center Camacho Activity Center’s Youth and Teen Mountain Bike Team competed in this season’s first race as part of the National Interscholastic Cycling Association Texas league on January 25-26 outside of Troy, TX. While more than 600 student athletes competed, Camacho had 17 riders from 6-11th grades for a weekend of camping and mountain bike racing. This was the first race of the spring season and the first time to race and camp for several of our participants. Aquatics Division The Aquatic Division hosted recruiting events at the following locations during the month of February: Date 2/22/20 2/22/20 2/27/20 2/28/20 Location Dittmar Rec Center Dove Springs Rec Center AustinUp 50+ Job Fair Blazier Elementary Career Day District 2 2 5 2 Page 9 of 13 UPCOMING EVENTS: “The African American Presence in 19th Century Texas”, George Washington Carver Museum, Genealogy and Cultural Center, February 29 (District 1) The Carver’s long-awaited new core exhibit will open February 29 with curator Bamidele Demerson in attendance. From African civilizations to bonded servitude to a precious but ever so fragile freedom, the history of Black people in Texas is a remarkable story. It is an American story that tells us so much about who we are today. Leave No Trace (LNT) HOT SPOT Activation Week, March 5 – 10 (Districts 5 & 8) In partnership with Leave No Trace and Park Rangers, Barton Creek Greenbelt has been selected as a 2020 Hot Spot. LNT staff will visit the site in March and facilitate planning, programming, and workshops to help define and address environmental damage in the area caused by overuse. It’s My Park Day, March 7 (Citywide) In partnership with Austin Park’s Foundation (APF), It’s My Park Day will be held on Saturday, March 7. Registration is now open: One of the identified projects will occur at Austin Memorial Park Cemetery, 2800 Hancock Drive from 9am-12pm. The morning will be spent planting flowers around the flagpole, adding mulch to trees and plant beds, and general cleanup. Registration available at Beautification-Project. Colony Park District Park Ribbon Cutting, March 7 (District 1) A ribbon cutting event will be held at Colony Park District Park on March 7 at 10:00am to celebrate the opening of the park to the community. Murchison Pool Playground Ribbon Cutting, March 12 (District 10) A ribbon cutting is scheduled on March 12 at 12:30pm for the playground at Murchison Pool that received private funding from the Loewy Family. Stronger Austin Day, Gus Garcia Recreation Center, March 14 (District 4) March 14, Gus Garcia will host the annual “Stronger Austin Day,” in partnership with “Its Time Texas.” Event attendees get to participant in fun and interactive demos that are geared towards all populations to build a stronger and healthier Austin. City Parks Alliance – Park Study Tour, April 2-4 (Citywide) PARD will be hosting a City Parks Alliance – Park Study Tour on April 2-4. The tour will focus on how PARD leverages resources through partnerships to tackle complex equity issues and highlight under-told stories. George Morales Dove Springs Recreation Center Renaming and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, April 4 (District 2) A renaming and ribbon cutting event will be held at George Morales Dove Springs Recreation Center on April 4 at 9:30am to celebrate the opening of the Center to the community. Page 10 of 13 Alliance Children’s Garden at Butler Park Opening, April 25 (District 9) Lions Municipal Golf Course Tournaments and Events (District 10) Staff will begin reserving tournaments and events beyond May, once the University of Texas and City have finalized the amendment extending the contract. Page 11 of 13 ADMINISTRATIVE UPDATES: Cities Connecting Children to Nature Initiative PARD just completed initial engagements with community members at the following three parks where nature play opportunities exist: the recently acquired MLK Station Neighborhood Park (District 1), Armadillo Neighborhood Park (District 2), and Walnut Creek Metropolitan Park (District 7). Additional opportunities for input will be available in the coming months. Givens District Park (District 1) At the beginning of January, the courts at Givens District Park were repaved. The park now boasts a basketball court with the NBA 3-point line, allowing young shooters an incentive to increase their range. In addition, the former double tennis courts were converted to a single tennis court and a multipurpose court striped for futsal (mini-pitch soccer) with a fence separating the two. The first phase of the park plan implementation will include a new playscape, new restroom and multipurpose field south of the recreation center. Renaming of Metz Recreation Center (District 3) At the direction of City Council, PARD has been directed to follow the renaming protocol of section 14-1- 39 for Metz Recreation Center. In this case, City Council suggested the renaming be Rodolfo “Rudy” Mendez Recreation Center after long-time Metz Recreation Center and PARD staff member who was a community leader in East Austin. PARD initiated the 90-day comment period on February 4 by providing notice to community members who may be interested through media release, Nextdoor, Facebook, and the Metz Recreation Center Newsletter. The 90 days will conclude on May 3, which will follow a recommendation from PARD director to the Parks and Recreation Board to hold a public hearing before offering a recommendation to Council. During the 90-day period, community members can provide feedback online, via text, on paper at the recreation center, or in person at two community conversation opportunities: February 29 at 10am and March 3 at 6:30 p.m., both at the Metz Recreation Center. City-wide Market Study The FY20 budget included funding for a City-wide market study. The Human Resources Department (HRD) worked with Gallagher Consulting Services to collect survey and benchmark data, and then to receive an analysis and review of the data. HRD Compensation completed their analysis of over 300 titles that were benchmarked or related titles, which potentially affects over 5,000 employees City-wide. The City-wide Market Study impacted approximately 199 PARD positions - 179 currently filled and 20 vacant. The total budget impact to PARD will be approximately $400,000. Zilker Zephyr (District 8) PARD Purchasing staff started closeout procedures during the week of January 13 with the current vendor which included an inspection and follow-up closeout letter. The current contract terminates February 28th. City Council passed a resolution on February 20 directing City staff to execute an agreement with the Austin Parks Foundation for the procurement and operations of a family amusement train vendor and oversee the operations with all net proceeds to be distributed to non-profit organizations within and around Zilker Park. This direction is intended to be temporary and allow for the Zilker Park Master Plan to be completed, at which time the Department will conduct a competitive solicitation for continued operations. The Resolution goes on to provide direction to expeditiously coordinate track repairs and Page 12 of 13 also to consider all charitable assistance. PARD has already begun to coordinate efforts with the Austin Parks Foundation. Morris Williams Concession Solicitations (District 1) The Morris Williams concessionaire revenue-based contract is set to expire on May 25. The Contract Management Unit is in the process of developing a draft scope of work. The Request for Proposals (RFP) was released on February 17 with a close date of March 10. Due to the estimated contract authority amount being less than $50,000, the award recommendation will not need City Council approval. Morris Williams concessions revenue has averaged approximately $36,000 annually for the last 3 years. Budget Development Process The City’s focus is on several areas to help better position the City in the coming years. The following are key dates from the City of Austin Budget Timeline: The City Manager’s directive is for departments to engage with Board and Commissions with a focus on operational efficiency, equity, and strategic alignment, not new funding. PARD Financial Services Division is currently planning public engagement opportunities with several Boards and Commissions during the months of March and April. Budget hearings Council Budget Work Sessions Tax Rate Hearing and Budget Readings Proposed Budget due from Depts. Proposed Budget Presentation to Council Jul 23, Jul 30 Jul 28, Aug 4 Aug 12 CALENDAR Mar 13 (tentative) Council Briefing: Forecast Presentation May 8 Jul 13 Board & Commission Commission for Women Meeting Dates Wednesday, March 4, 12 p.m. Asian American QOL Advisory Commission Tuesday, March 17, 6 p.m. Hispanic/Latino QOL Resource Advisory Commission Tuesday, March 24, 6 p.m. Mexican American Cultural Center Advisory Board Wednesday, April 1, 6 p.m. African American Resource Advisory Commission Tuesday, April 7, 5:30 p.m. Commission on Seniors Mayor's Committee for People with Disabilities LGBTQ QOL Advisory Commission Parks and Recreation Board Wednesday, April 8, 12 p.m. Friday, April 10, 5 p.m. Monday, April 13, 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 28, 6 p.m. Page 13 of 13