Parks and Recreation BoardFeb. 25, 2020

C2: Guerrero Park Presentation — original pdf

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Country Club Creek West at Roy G. Guerrero Park Parks and Recreation Board January 25, 2020 Janna Renfro Engineer, Project Sponsor Watershed Protection Department 1 Project Area Roy G. Guerrero Colorado River Metro Park • 363 acres • Constructed drainage channel – Country Club West • Original drainage channel – Country Club East • Park& Channel Improvements constructed in 2010 2 Erosion Damage • 2015 Floods • Severe erosion created a shorter path to the river. • Pedestrian bridge collapsed • May 2015 - December 2017: Erosion damaged ~1500 feet (5 acres) of drainage channel • 100s of trees lost • Equivalent of 2500 dump truck loads of sand and soil lost (~37,000 cubic yards) 3 Temporary Repairs • Project No. 1 • 2017 • Stabilized bank near ballfields Interim Project № 1 Permanent Project 4 Temporary Repairs • Project No. 2: • 2018 • Stabilized headcut Interim Project № 2 Permanent Project 5 Temporary Repairs • Project No. 3: • 2019 • Wastewater Line Encased Interim Project № 3 Permanent Project 6 Permanent Solution • ~2,000 linear feet of channel stabilization • Three concrete “drop structures” • Natural channel between structures • Bridge over middle structure above 500- year flood elevation 7 Trail Connectivity 8 Project Schedule Complete Design Bid Begin Construction Complete Construction Funding Sources $8.5 M $2.5 M $1 M $5+ M 9