Parks and Recreation BoardFeb. 25, 2020

B2: Land, Facilities, and Programs Committee 2019 Annual Internal Review — original pdf

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This report covers the time period of 1/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 (Please note that this is to be completed by the Chair of the board, commission or committee.) Annual Internal Review Land, Facilities and Programs Committee of the Parks and Recreation Board The Land, Facilities and Programs Committee mission statement (per the City Code) is: to serve in an advisory capacity to the full board on issues of development and programs of the public parks, playgrounds, and recreational facilities and the general welfare of the parks, playgrounds and recreational facilities. 1. Describe the board’s actions supporting their mission during the previous calendar year. Address all elements of the board’s mission statement as provided in the relevant sections of the City Code. 2019 Overview The Land, Facilities, and Program Committee (LFPC) of the City of Austin Parks and Recreation Board (PARB) met a total of four times in 2019 – January, February, September and November. Board Member Frank Ward served as chair of the Committee for the early part of 2019 until he was replaced on the Parks and Recreation Board. Board Member Fred Morgan was appointed Chair by the Parks and Recreation Board at its June 25, 2019 meeting. January 2019 LFPC made a recommendation to PARB to recommend to the Department Director the approval of the Givens District Park Master Plan. Action Taken: A motion to approve this item and move it to the full Board for review carried on a vote of 5-0. LFPC made a recommendation to the PARB to recommend to the Department Director the approval of the Little Walnut Creek Greenbelt Master Plan. Action Taken: A motion to approve this item and move it to the full Board for review carried on a vote of 5-0. Page 1 of 3 February 2019 LPFC made a recommendation to the PARB to recommend to City Council approval of the Brush Square Master Plan. Action Taken: A motion to approve this item and move it to the full Board for review carried on a vote 3-0 with 1 member absent. March 2019 No LFPC meeting held due to lack of agenda items. April 2019 No LFPC meeting held due to lack of agenda items. May 2019 No LFPC meeting held due to lack of agenda items. June 2019 No LFPC meeting held due to lack of quorum. July 2019 No LPFC meeting held due to lack of agenda items. August 2019 No LPFC meeting held due to lack of quorum. September 2019 LPFC made a recommendation to the PARB for approval of Permanent Use (13,431 sq. ft.), Temporary Use Area (10,745 sq. ft.), not to exceed 1,095 Calendar Days on parkland located at 1200 W. Cesar Chavez (Lamar Beach Metro Park). Total Mitigation is $325,894. Action Taken: A motion to approve this item on the consent agenda and move it to full Board for review carried on a vote of 5-0 with 1 member absent. October 2019 No LFPC meeting held due to lack of agenda items. Page 2 of 3 November 2019 LPFC made a recommendation to the PARB regarding the Local Standards of Care Ordinance. Action Taken: A motion to approve this item and move it to full Board for review carried on a vote of 4-0 with 1 member absent. LPFC made a recommendation to the PARB regarding the First Amendment to the Consent Agreement by and among the City of Austin, Onion Creek Metro Park District, and Austin Goodnight Ranch LP. Action Taken: A motion to approve this item and move it to full Board for review carried on a vote of 4-0 with 1 member absent. LPFC considered its 2020 calendar year meeting schedule on the Second Monday of the month at 1:30 PM every month with the exception of December. Action Taken: A motion to approve this item and move it to full Board for review carried on a vote of 4-0 with 1 member absent. December 2019 No LPFC meeting traditionally scheduled during the month of December. 2. Determine if the board’s actions throughout the year comply with the mission statement. All activities of the committee were within the scope of the mission statement. 3. List the board’s goals and objectives for the new calendar year. In 2020, LPFC will adhere to a regular meeting schedule to review, discuss and take action on items within the scope of the mission of the Committee. The Committee will continue to provide advice and recommendations to the Parks and Recreation Board concerning the development and programs related to public parks and recreation facilities in the City of Austin. Page 3 of 3