Parks and Recreation BoardFeb. 15, 2020

Community Interest Announcement — original pdf

Community Interest Announcement
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Members of the Parks and Recreation Board will be exploring Zilker Park with an eye to transportation access to and between different parts of the park. How can we make Zilker Park more accessible to people traveling on foot, with a mobility device, riding a bike, driving a car or taking a bus? PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Community Interest Announcement Zilker Park Mobility Field Trip Saturday, February 15, 2020 10:00am – 12:45pm Zilker Hillside Theater 2206 William Barton Dr. Austin, TX 78746 Attendees will meet at a tent in the vicinity of Zilker Hillside Theater. Please dress appropriately to spend a few hours outdoors and bring a water bottle. Schedule of Activities 10:00-10:15am Greetings and introduction, divide into teams 10:15-11:45am Explore the park and environs, take notes 11:45-12:45pm Regroup and share takeaways A quorum of board members will not be present. Board Liaison Sammi Curless 512-974-6716