Parks and Recreation Board - May 20, 2024

Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board

Agenda original pdf

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REGULAR MEETING OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MAY 20, 2024 – 6:00 PM BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS, ROOM 1101 301 W. 2ND STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701 Some members of the Parks and Recreation Board may be participating by videoconference. Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. For remote participation, registration must be completed no later than noon the day before the meeting. To register to speak, click here: or call or email Tim Dombeck, (512) 974- 6716, Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and may be allowed up to three (3) minutes to provide their comments. CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: Pedro Villalobos (D-2), Chair Kathryn Flowers (D-4), Vice Chair Shelby Orme (D-1) Nicole Merritt (D-3) Stephanie Bazan (D-5) VACANT (D-6) VACANT (D-7) Kim Taylor (D-8) Jennifer Franklin (D-9) Holly Reed (D-10) Lane Becker (Mayor) CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL AGENDA The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three- minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Board regular meeting of April 22, 2024. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS Presentation, discussion and approve letters of support for George Washington Carver Museum, Cultural Center and Genealogy Center staff and the 2024 Stay Black & Live Austin Citywide Juneteenth Festival. (Sponsors: Villalobos, Flowers). Presenter(s): Carre Adams, Culture & Arts Education Manager, Parks and Recreation Department. Discussion and approve a recommendation to Austin City Council to direct the Watershed Protection Department to seek alternative solutions to the current proposed plan for the Reed Park Water Quality Improvement Project. (Sponsors: Reed, Taylor). Presentation, discussion and approve a recommendation to Austin City Council to approve the negotiation and execution of a Parkland Improvement Agreement with Hill Country Conservancy for the Violet Crown Mile Zero Trailhead project that includes a maximum amount of funding of $900,000 the Parks and Recreation Department will allocate to Hill Country Conservancy for a portion of the cost to construct the project. (Sponsors: Villalobos, Flowers). (PARD Long Range Strategies: Relief from Urban Life, Urban Public Spaces.) Presenter(s): Christine Chute Canul, Program Manager II, Parks and Recreation Department and George Cofer, Violet Crown Trail Project Manager, Hill Country Conservancy. Page 1 of 2 2. 3. 4. Discussion and create a Public Access …

Scraped at: May 15, 2024, 3:10 p.m.

01-1: Draft Minutes of April 22, 2024 original pdf

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PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES APRIL 22, 2024 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES APRIL 22, 2024 The PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD convened in a REGULAR meeting on April 22, 2024 at 301 W. 2nd Street in Austin, Texas Chair Villalobos called the PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Pedro Villalobos, Kathryn Flowers, Jennifer Franklin, Nicole Merritt, Holly Reed. Board Members in Attendance Remotely: Stephanie Bazan, Shelby Orme, Kim Taylor (left meeting at 6:27 p.m.). Board Members Absent: Lane Becker. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Joe Riddell - Waterloo Greenway and Waterloo Conservancy Laura Esparza - Austin Arts Alliance and Daugherty Arts Center Ted Eubanks - Frederick Law Olmstead Parks and Divisive vs. Unifying actions Lucky Lemieux - Daugherty Arts Center Construction Diana Prechter - Withdrawal of Ted Eubanks Parks and Recreation Board Nomination Wolf Sittler - Norwood House Chris Flores - Barton Springs Pool Issues Gail Rothe - Withdrawal of Ted Eubanks Parks and Recreation Board Nomination Tanya Payne - Withdrawal of Ted Eubanks Parks and Recreation Board Nomination Teri Adams - Role of the Parks and Recreation Board Robin Rather - Withdrawal of Ted Eubanks Parks and Recreation Board Nomination Andrea Hill - PARD Management Patrick Moore - Building a Tower in Bolm District Park APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Board special called meetings of March 27, 2024. The motion to approve the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Board special called meeting of March 27, 2024 with amendments to remove the words “Barton Springs Conservancy’s Role” from Item 7 Paragraph 1, and to show Board Member Stephanie Bazan as having been in attendance remotely was approved on Chair Villalobos’ motion, Board Member Merritt’s second on a 7-0 vote with two vacancies. Board Members Becker and Taylor absent. 1 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES APRIL 22, 2024 DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 2. Presentation, discussion and approve letters of support for PARD Human Resources Team for their successful recruiting and hiring practices, use of new technology, administration of summer bonuses, and nationally recognized safety training program. Daniel Paciocco, Human Resources Manager, Parks and Recreation Department gave a presentation and answered questions on delays in lifeguard hiring and the need for more HR staff. The motion to approve letters of support for PARD Human Resources Team for their successful recruiting and hiring practices, use …

Scraped at: May 15, 2024, 3:10 p.m.

04-1: Violet Crown Mile Zero Trailhead Presentation original pdf

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Violet Crown Trail | Mile Zero Trailhead Parkland Improvement Agreement with Hill Country Conservancy Parks and Recreation Board Christine Chute Canul, Program Manager II Parks and Recreation Department, City of Austin May 20, 2024 Violet Crown Trail In 2006, planning of the Violet Crown Trail began. Its purpose is to create the first regional trail system in Central Texas. After years of strategic land acquisition and planning, the trail is now 13 miles long running from Zilker Park to Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. With continued construction, the VCT is on its way to becoming the longest trail of its kind in Central Texas. 2 Violet Crown Trail | Mile Zero Trailhead at Zilker Metropolitan Park 3 Project Improvement Map 4 Improvements at the Site  Mile Zero Entry Feature and Gathering Area  Meadow Pavilion  Observation Deck and Overlook  Stabilized Decomposed Granite Trail  Meadow enhancements and walking trail  Bike Racks  Educational Signage  Improved Crosswalk and ADA access 5 6 Project Cost Estimate PROJECT BUDGET Construction Costs Materials Cost Estimated Project Cost Contingency Total Project Cost: 7 Permitting, Design, Project Mgt Costs In-kind Design and Project Management 1,006,488 936,637 1,943,125 194,313 54,115 125,000 2,316,553 Timeline and Next Steps  Community Engagement 2018-2019 – Complete  2022 Site Plan Approved  5/20/24 Parks and Recreation Board  7/18/24 City Council  Execute Parkland Improvement Agreement  Construction begins late 2024 – early 2025 8 Make a recommendation to City Council to approve the negotiation and execution of a Parkland Improvement Agreement with Hill Country Conservancy for the Violet Crown Trail Mile Zero Trailhead project. The agreement includes a maximum amount of Parkland Dedication funding of $900,000 the Parks and Recreation Department will allocate to Hill Country Conservancy for a portion of the cost of constructing the project. Action 9

Scraped at: May 15, 2024, 3:10 p.m.

02-1: Carver and Juneteenth Presentation original pdf

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Carver Museum F I S C A L Y E A R 2 0 2 4 P R O G R A M H I G H L I G H T S B L A C K H I S T O R Y M O N T H 2 0 2 4 @ C A R V E R M U S E U M Black History Month Kids Day Solar Saturdays That’s My Face Create & Heal S M A L L B L A C K M U S E U M R E S I D E N C Y P R O J E C T V O L U M E 3 Corey Sherrad, Jr. taylor barnes Nitiasha Johnson Corey De'Juan Sherrard, Jr. (b. 1996) received his B.S. in digital media from the University of Houston. He creates work that honors the Black Radical tradition of resistance using paint, photography, sound, and sculpture. Sherrard is also an alumnus of the School for Poetic Computation. taylor barnes (b. 1993) is native of Austin, Texas. She is a ceramic, charcoal, and fibers artist who explores spirituality, oral history, materiality, and bell hooks' philosophy of object and subject. She received her MFA from the University of North Texas. The artist chooses to honor her linage by not capitalizing the letters of her name. Nitashia Johnson, is a multimedia artist and educator from Dallas, Texas. She is an alumna of Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, Texas Woman's University (BFA), and the Rhode Island School of Design (MAT). She received her MFA from the University of Texas at Dallas. Her work seeks to help us reconnect to our natural environment to build an understanding of our personal histories and lived experiences. Juneteenth 2024 S T A Y B L A C K & L I V E A U S T I N C I T Y W I D E J U N E T E E N T H F E S T I V A L J U N E 1 5 , 2 0 2 4 - J U N E 1 9 , 2 0 2 4 The George Washington Carver Museum, Cultural and Genealogy Cener in partnership with Carver ATX Foundation STAY BLACK JUNETEENTH FESTIVAL HISTORY In response to the ongoing global health crisis and endemic …

Scraped at: May 16, 2024, 8:10 p.m.

06-1: PARD Director's Update, May 2024 original pdf

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PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD DIRECTOR’S UPDATE DATE: May 2024 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT EVENTS: Austin Tennis Center: The Austin Parks and Recreation Department partnered with the Capital Area Tennis Association to resurface ten tennis courts at the Austin Tennis Center. The United States Tennis Association (USTA) awarded a $39,500 grant to the Capital Area Tennis Association (CATA), and USTA Texas added an additional $10,000, totaling $49,500 to assist with covering the costs of the improvement. The feedback from the community has been positive as everyone appreciates the improved playing surface. District 1 Austin Tennis Center new surface court The Oakwood Cemetery Chapel Community Engagement: The Oakwood Cemetery Chapel hosted community engagement meetings with the Tejano Genealogy Society of Austin and a Hispanic descendant's group to get feedback on past Tejano programs and events and to plan summer and fall programs and events. Fifteen community members attended this event. District 1 All-Abilities Playground at Onion Creek Metropolitan Park: An online survey will remain open until May 31st to receive feedback on playground options and themes for the All-Abilities Playground. This will complete the second phase of community engagement for the project, which also included a virtual community meeting held on May 2nd and several small group discussions throughout the month. The final round of community engagement to share a single playground concept is expected to be completed by late summer, with the third virtual meeting scheduled for June 20th. The Department 1 teamed with Austin Parks Foundation and their consultant team, TBG Partners and Cultural Strategies, to design and develop the playground at Onion Creek Metropolitan Park in alignment with the 2015 Vision Plan. A schematic design phase led by Austin Parks Foundation will begin as funding becomes available. District 2 Bolm District Park Vision Plan Community Engagement Round #2 Virtual Meeting: The Department will be hosting the second community meeting via Zoom on Tuesday, February 13 at 6 p.m. Project team members will present design concepts around themes developed through feedback and responses to the first community survey. This will also mark the launch of the second community survey. Additional project information, including a link to register for the meeting and dates for community pop-ups, can be found at the project’s website. District 3 Project Webpage Bolm District Park Pan American Neighborhood Park: On September 1, 2022, the Austin City Council passed a resolution in alignment with recommendations from the Parks …

Scraped at: May 18, 2024, 1:10 a.m.

03-1: Draft Recommendation on Reed Park Water Quality Improvement Project original pdf

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PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD RECOMMENDATION YYYYMMDD-XXX May 20, 2024 Seconded By: Reed Park Water Quality Improvement Project Date: Subject: Motioned By: Whereas the land for Reed Neighborhood Park was donated to the City of Austin in 1954 by Roberta Reed Crenshaw, an Austin Parks icon; Whereas Reed Park is the only child friendly and publicly accessible park within 1/2 mile walking distance of approximately 4000 residents;1 Whereas Reed Park is one of only three neighborhood parks with an open play field in an area with over 11,000 residents, including many young children2 Whereas the Watershed Protection Dept.’s current plans are to treat stormwater runoff from 127 acres of upstream land by turning Reed Park’s ball field into a biofiltration pond and reducing its size to 1/3 of its current area;3 Whereas the Watershed Protection Dept.’s current plans will require a permanent change in use of public parkland through Chapter 26 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code4 Whereas a similar storm water treatment pond at Austin’s Battle Bend Park has resulted in loss of public parkland and ball field play area; Whereas as the majority of respondents to a public engagement survey were opposed to Watershed Protection Dept.’s current plan for Reed Park5 Whereas over 750 people have signed a petition in opposition to Watershed Protection Dept.’s current proposed plan for Reed Park; 6 Whereas Watershed Protection Dept. Staff have indicated they are willing to seek alternative plans to accomplish the needed water treatment for the Taylor Slough Watershed; 1 2 3 4 20CHAPTER,PUBLIC%20PARKS%20AND%20RECREATIONAL%20LANDS&text=(2)%20the%20program%2 0or%20project,from%20the%20use%20or%20taking. 5 6 1 of 2 Therefore, the City of Austin Parks and Recreation Board recommends: (1) Austin City Council direct the Watershed Protection Department and Parks and Recreation Dept. to seek alternative solutions to the current proposed plan for the Reed Park Water Quality Improvement Project that do not require Chapter 26 change of use for this public parkland and; (2) Austin City Council direct WPD and PARD to work with citizens and stakeholders to find a solution that does not alter or diminish the current area or use of the Reed Park open ball field. Vote For: Against: Abstain: Absent: Attest: [Staff or board member can sign] 2 of 2

Scraped at: May 21, 2024, 1:40 a.m.

03-2: Watershed Protection Memo on Reed Park original pdf

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M E M O R A N D U M Parks and Recreation Board Members Janae Spence, P.E., Assistant Director Watershed Protection Department May 20, 2024 To: From: Date: Subject: Proposed Reed Park Water Quality Control The Watershed Protection Department would like to express our commitment to continuing to work with the Reed Park community to produce the best possible final design for a water quality control in Reed Park. Taylor Slough, the creek that runs through the park, has some of the worst water quality in Austin due to high nutrients and E. coli bacteria. It is one of four creeks in Austin classified as impaired by the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality. Poor water quality can contribute to problems downstream like toxic algae that can make spaces unsafe for swimming and other recreation. Swimming in water with high E. coli can also lead to sickness (such as vomiting and diarrhea). This project, in conjunction with other strategies, is meant to reduce pollution in the creek by cleaning stormwater runoff and offsetting the impact of continued urbanization on our streams. In addition to improving water quality, the project intends to maintain recreational use, replace an old wastewater line that runs through the park, stabilize stream erosion, and improve wildlife habitat. We are aware of community concerns with the last proposed concept. The project completed Preliminary Engineering Phase but will not move into design until the latest community input has been incorporated. Since our last meeting with Friends of Reed Park, we have been working on alternatives to address concerns. We are also developing an updated engagement plan to include additional community education and communication about the goals of the project and its final components, as well as a collaborative process for further integrating the community’s priorities into our project plans. We hope to have this updated engagement plan by the end of this month. Community engagement activities for this project to date have included the following: • Informational mailer with invitation to public meeting (mailed to a little over 1000 residents) • Hosted a public meeting on May 11, 2023 Page 1 of 2 • Hosted a walking tour of the proposed project area in the Reed Park • Held meetings with Friends of Reed Park on the following dates o 5/1/23 o 3/28/24 • Conducted a community survey between May and June 2023 (151 respondents) We understand concerns …

Scraped at: May 21, 2024, 1:40 a.m.

Approved Minutes original pdf

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PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES MAY 20, 2024 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MAY 20, 2024 The PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD convened in a REGULAR meeting on May 20, 2024 at 301 W. 2nd Street in Austin, Texas Chair Villalobos called the PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Pedro Villalobos, Kathryn Flowers, Lane Becker, Holly Reed. Board Members in Attendance Remotely: Stephanie Bazan, Shelby Orme. Board Members Absent: Jennifer Franklin, Nicole Merritt, Kim Taylor. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Liz Barhydt - Austin Rowing Club Chris Flores - Barton Springs Bathhouse Wolf Sittler - Norwood House Phillip Thomas - Free Zilker Coalition Cedar Stevens - Free Zilker Coalition APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Board regular meeting of April 22, 2024. The motion to approve the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Board regular meeting of April 22, 2024 was approved on Chair Villalobos’ motion, Vice Chair Flowers’ second on a 6-0 vote with two vacancies. Board Members Franklin, Merritt and Taylor absent. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 2. Presentation, discussion and approve letters of support for George Washington Carver Museum, Cultural Center and Genealogy Center staff and the 2024 Stay Black & Live Austin Citywide Juneteenth Festival. Carre Adams, Cultural & Arts Education Manager, Parks and Recreation Department gave a presentation and answered questions on the Carver genealogical archives and events at the Carver. The motion to approve letters of support for George Washington Carver Museum, Cultural Center and Genealogy Center staff and the 2024 Stay Black & Live Austin Citywide 1 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES MAY 20, 2024 Juneteenth Festival was approved on Chair Villalobos' motion, Board Member Becker’s second on a 6-0 vote with two vacancies. Board Members Franklin, Merritt and Taylor absent. 3. Discussion and approve a recommendation to Austin City Council to direct the Watershed Protection Department to seek alternative solutions to the current proposed plan for the Reed Park Water Quality Improvement Project. Board Members discussed the need for green space in this park deficient area, the poor water quality of the creek, the effects of rapid urbanization on this area, the Chapter 26 process, and wastewater infrastructure. The motion to recommend to Austin City Council to direct the Watershed Protection Department and Parks and Recreation Dept. to seek alternative solutions to the current proposed plan for the …

Scraped at: June 18, 2024, 11:10 a.m.