Music CommissionFeb. 3, 2025

Item 8 Supporting Document — original pdf

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PROPOSED LIVE MUSIC FUND GUIDELINES SECRETARY SCOTT STRICKLAND D8 PROPOSED MUSICIAN GUIDELINES FOR LMF DRAFT RECOMMENDATION 5,000, 10,000, and 15,000 Grants based on the project proposal of the Artist along with cultural and economic impact bringing the efficacy rate of awardees to at least 23 percent in congruence with Cultural Arts Grants Thrive, Elevate, and Nexus. All projects, regardless of the proposal, must have a public-facing component (live show) that promotes tourism, and the majority of awarded funds must be used to support, advertise, and implement a pubic-facing component within the grant cycle’s time frame. This complies with the Municipal Hotel Tax Satiate (MHOT) Texas Tax Code 351.101 • No questions concerning age, sex, gender, race, sexual orientation, qualified census tract, economic status, or genre should be at all considered in regard to grant awards. Live Music Fund Applicant Pool based on race https:// These demographics are indicative are are in alignment with Austin’s Music ecosystem, including ETJs. • Asian American 3% • Multiracial 6% • Black/African American 16% • Hispanic or Latino 21% • White 39% • Artists must provide 2 forms of proof verifying their proof of address to become eligible. • Other guidelines such as releases, ticket count for shows, and economic impact to Austin and extraterritorial districts should be highly considered for grant awardees. 5,000.00 115 Grants for Artists with smaller projects (smaller economic impact) 10,000.00 115 Grants for Artists with larger-sized projects (more ambitious economic impact) 15,000.00 116 Grants for Artists with Large sized projects (showcases, touring, studio record completion)* * Artists are eligible to apply every two years. PROPOSED INDEPENDENT PROMOTER GUIDELINES FOR LMF An independent promoter is an individual or organization that: 1. Organizes, markets, and promotes live events such as concerts, music festivals, or performances. 2. Operates independently of any venue, record label, or major entertainment company. 3. Is typically self-employed or runs a small business, working on a contractual basis with artists, venues, or event organizers. Independent promoters must have a verifiable business specifically associated with promoting artists, and events, being contracted with venues, and/or festivals. Independent promoters and their legally established businesses must have been active for 1 year or have put on at least 10 events as independent promoters and must make or have made 51 percent of their income as independent promoters, and must provide proof beyond social media in the way of contracts, ticket sales, other agreements, etc. PROPOSED VENUE GUIDELINES FOR LMF 17 venues awarded 60,000 each. In addition to venue infrastructure, 51 percent of funds must be used to either pay guarantees to local artists or provide offers to local artists consisting of at least 80 percent versus deals that also include a points structure of the artist and venue’s negotiations. Venues should not just be able to pocket 60,000 of funding without recirculating that money back to working musicians. Because of the limited funding, venues are disqualified from receiving LMF if they accept or have received their liquor tax rebates for 2023. Venues are not allowed to use a non-profit or foundation arm of, or any other derivative of their parent company to double dip in other LMF or Cultural Arts funding (Thrive, Elevate, Nexus) Grant Reciprocity for all applicants: High-scoring applicants in the 90 percentile denied LMF immediately become eligible for Thrive and Nexus grants, without having to re-apply. High-scoring applicants denied for LMF FY 2024-25 are prioritized for LMF 2025-26 Music Commissioners working on guidelines are ineligible to apply for LMF. All commissioners seeking to apply must recuse from discussing LMF based on agenda items concerning commissioner meetings.