Supporting document — original pdf

OUR MISSION The Red River Cultural District is a creative community providing authentic Austin experiences through diverse local music, art and food for every fan and guest. In an ever-changing ATX, our nonprofit seeks to preserve and grow Red River's creative, business, and music scene. As a community rooted in artists, musicians, performers, music venues, cultural institutions and small businesses, the District embodies the soul and heart of Austin. WHO is the RED RIVER Cultural District The District is managed by the Red River Merchant’s Association, a coalition of 50+ businesses including live music venues, food, hospitality, entertainment businesses and also the Austin Symphony Orchestra, First Baptist Church, German-Texan Heritage Society and Waterloo Greenway. The District was designated a State Cultural District in 2020 by the Texas Commision on the Arts and a local Cultural District by the City of Austin in 2013. RED RIVER Cultural District IMPACT • Conserve Austin's only walkable live music hub of over dozen independent music venues • Support thousands of local musicians and performers annually through direct financial support • Foster 1000+ music and service industry jobs in the district • Backbone to major tourism and economic generators including SXSW, ACL, Levitation, Oblivion Access, GTHS Oktoberfest and more RED RIVER Cultural District IMPACT • Local, State, and Federal Policy advocacy for live music ecosystem and small and local business assistance • Creative economy hub including opportunities for photographers, video production, designers, fashion, artists, and more • Destination for local and Texas music heritage • Industry Development Incubator RED RIVER Cultural District IMPACT • $200K in direct pandemic relief to music and service industry to 3,000 individuals served • Curb appeal, district identify and safety enhancements $1.5M+ improvements • Local, State, Federal Policy and Program Advocacy and Education FREE Signature Music Festivals Our premier all-ages district-wide festivals Free Week and Hot Summer Nights fuel community growth in the traditionally dog-days of summer and dead of winter. • Support with direct payment 300+ musicians, artists, and performers per festival over 3 days • Average 15,000+ attendees of locals and visitors • Leverage industry support and causes through partnerships • Average 15-25% first time performers during either fest Hot Summer Nights 2023 Highlights 30+ Million media impressions in July alone including the front page of the Austin Chronicle Total Participating Venues: 14 total (largest participation yet) Total Music Acts: 130 Our largest Hot Summer Nights Estimated total musicians supported: 400+ Estimated Attendance: 10,000+ Media Partners: Chronicle, KUTX, 365 Partnerships, Texas Tasty, Influencers Community Partners: Visit Austin, SIMS Foundation, Downtown Austin Alliance, Ill Manner Shows, Howdy Gals, Resound Presents, Moody Center, Yellowbird, D. Wood Foundation, SeeTickets Horizon Issues area) ● City of Austin HOT Funded Programs ● General and Liquor Liability Insurance Increases ● Live Music Fund (April 2024) ● Stream Realty Development / 6th + Red River ● Waterloo Greenway Conservancy (Refuge ● SXSW Present and Future ● Expansion of the Convention Center ● Expansion of the Medical District Campus ● Project Connect ● I-35 Cap and Stitch / TXDot ● Affordable Parking Program Request ● Financial support to the Red River Cultural District management entity, the Red River Merchants Association that is financially consistent with the funding allocation given to the other City designated Cultural and Heritage Districts ○ Specifically RRCD requests gap funding until further work is presented to City Council on a comprehensive District Policy Framework Additional Needs to Support the Music Ecosystem ● Retention and additional financial support allocation to the Creative Space Assistance Program specifically to address rent support, gap financing and interior physical improvements and insurance ● Prioritization of Resolution # 20220728-094, specifically the creation of a bonus and incentive program for live music venues ● Prioritization and commitment to Ordinance #20180830-058: towards the development of a Location Enhancement Program ● Prioritization and annual commitment to the Iconic Venue Fund ● Prioritization and commitment to revisiting the City’s Chapter 380 Policy ● Prioritization to the District Framework Policy to ensure the long term success of important District’s City-wide ● Prioritization of an impact assessment to evaluate economic, land, and operational implications of proposed amendments to City Code Title 25 and the adoption of Waterloo Greenway Design Standards and Setbacks on existing businesses and live music venues (Page viii, Palm Plan 67-70 PC Amendment #2.5) Request: We ask the City Council to direct staff to prioritize the impact assessment and engagement of land owners who will be impacted by the design standards and setbacks and return to City Council within three to at maximum six months. Additionally the noted timeline in Exhibit A for the impact assessment is 1-3 years while the resolution for item #104 initiates the process. Awareness + PR “Hot Summer Nights is keeping free live music alive and well in Austin” - Urban Matter (7.10.23) “Over the past couple decades... the Red River Cultural District has emerged as the city’s premiere walkable music row” - Austin American-Statesman (1.17.23) “This is one of the best areas in the city for venue hopping, and there are plenty of food trucks around” - CultureMap Austin (3.9.23) “If you’re in Austin during the first week of January, don’t miss a chance to see about 100 bands play in the Red River Cultural District’s Free Week festival” - Lonely Planet (8.25.22) “Free Week 2023 landed the largest in recent memory. Long lines wrapped venues in the Red River Cultural District...” - Austin Chronicle (1.9.23) Thank You