Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

AUSTIN MUSIC COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES The Austin Music Commission convened on February 1, 2021 via videoconference. February 1, 2021 BOARD MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chair – Jonathan “Chaka” Mahone, Vice-chair – Anne-Charlotte Patterson, Al Duarte, Doug Leveton, Paul Pinon, Graham Reynolds, Stuart Sullivan Staff in Attendance: Erica Shamaly, Kim McCarson, Stephanie Bergara CALL TO ORDER 6:37pm MUSICAL PERFORMANCE CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL: Tiesa Leggett speaks in support of AmptUp. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of minutes from the January 4, 2021 Music Commission meeting. Commissioner Reynolds motions to approve, Commissioner Pinon seconds. Motion passes 7-0. 2. OLD BUSINESS a. Discussion and Possible Action on music permitting during COVID following presentations by Monica Caivano, Director of Esquina Tango and Brian Block, Entertainment Services Manager, Development Services Department. Speakers on item 2a: Jennifer Geisecke speaks against, Eric Dryden speaks against, Raul Cruz speaks against, Doris Cruz speaks against, Bobby Younger speaks against, Erin Knipp speaks in support, Rena Schrader speaks in support, Irene Dooling speaks in support, Raul Alvarez speaks in support, Ryan Lowery speaks in support, Amit Motwani speaks in support, Martha Ramos Duffer speaks in support, Rachel Tilghman speaks in support, Kate Martin speaks in support, Ann Ciccollela speaks in support, AJ Garcia- Rameau speaks in support. No action taken. b. Discussion and Possible Action on the review of Art in Public Places (AIPP) funding, and exploring opportunities for music. No action taken. c. Discussion and Possible Action after update from Systemic Racism Working Group. No d. Discussion and Possible Action following update on Downtown Commission. No action action taken. taken. 1 AUSTIN MUSIC COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES 3. NEW BUSINESS February 1, 2021 a. Discussion and Possible Action on music performances at each Music Commission meeting. Commissioner Reynolds motions for D-Madness to perform at the next meeting. Vice-chair Patterson seconds. Motion carries 7-0. b. Discussion and Possible Action on digital outreach and creation of social media landing page by Music Commission. No action taken. c. Discussion and Possible Action on a Music Commissioner retreat to discuss goals and vision for 2021. No action taken. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Commissioner Reynolds motions for Discussion and Possible Action on Esquina Tango update, including amendments to the Shop the Block program. Vice-chair Patterson motions to expand the item to include Discussion and Possible Action on downtown activation resolution, Shop the Block amendments, and city support for leveraging underutilized and open spaces for creative use during COVID. Commissioner Reynolds seconds. Commissioner Reynolds motions for Discussion and Possible Action after update from Systemic Racism Working Group. Vice-chair Patterson seconds. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Reynolds motions, Commissioner Pinon seconds. Meeting adjourns at 9:07pm. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Kim McCarson 512-974-7963, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Music Commission please contact Kim McCarson at, 512- 974-7963. 2