Municipal Civil Service CommissionAug. 26, 2024

Item 5 - 2024 MCSC Annual Report_Final — original pdf

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Annual Review and Work Plan Municipal Civil Service Commission – Reporting Period 7/1/2023 – 6/30/2024 Page # 1 Annual Internal Review This report covers the time period of 7/1/2023 to 6/30/2024 Municipal Civil Service Commission The Board/Commission mission statement is: The Municipal Civil Service (MCS) Commission is established and governed by City Charter Article IX (Personnel). The purpose of the Commission is to: 1. hear appeals and make final, binding decisions in the case of municipal civil service employees covered under Article IX of the City Charter who have been discharged, suspended, demoted, denied a promotion, or put on disciplinary probation; recommend the adoption of civil service rules after receipt of proposed rules by the Human Resources Director and perform services under the civil service rules as provided in Article IX, Section 2 of the City Charter; 2. 3. perform other duties regarding the municipal civil service, not inconsistent with Article IX of the 4. City Charter, that the City Council may require; issue subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum to witnesses, whether at the request of interested parties or on its own motion, when reasonably necessary to obtain pertinent evidence at a hearing or investigation; 5. administer oaths to witnesses appearing at a hearing or investigation; and 6. conduct any investigations it may consider desirable or which it may be required by the City Council or the City Manager concerning the administration of municipal civil service, and report its findings and recommendations to the City Council. Further information regarding the Municipal Civil Service Commission is found in § 2-1-164 of the Austin City Code, which states: (A) The Municipal Civil Service Commission is established and governed by City Charter Article IX (Personnel). The Charter provisions supersede this chapter to the extent of conflict. (B) The Council Audit and Finance Committee shall review applications received by the city clerk from persons seeking appointment as a commissioner. Notwithstanding § 2-1-4(C), the Audit and Finance Committee, or any council member, may nominate a person for appointment to the commission. (C) A city employee may not serve as a member of the commission. (D) The council shall designate the commission chair annually at the time new commissioners are appointed. (E) Subsection (A) of Section 2-1-43 (Meeting Requirements) does not apply to the Municipal Civil Service Commission. The commission may meet as necessary to carry out its duties under City Charter Article IX (Personnel). Source: Ord. 20130214-045; Ord. 20130321-043. Annual Review and Work Plan Municipal Civil Service Commission – Reporting Period 7/1/2023 – 6/30/2024 Page # 2 1. Describe the board’s actions supporting their mission during the previous calendar year. Address all elements of the board’s mission statement as provided in the relevant sections of the City Code. In fulfillment of Article IX of the City Charter, the Commission hears appeals and makes final, binding decisions in the case of any municipal civil service employee who is discharged, suspended, demoted, denied a promotion, or put on disciplinary probation; issues subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum to witnesses, when reasonably necessary to obtain pertinent evidence at a hearing or investigation; and administers oaths to witnesses appearing at a hearing or investigation. The Municipal Civil Service Commission held eight (8) regularly scheduled meetings during this reporting period. Many of those meetings were to hear appeals and make decisions regarding those appeals. Commissioner Frazier submitted his resignation from the Commission effective November 1, 2023. Chair Mormon submitted his resignation from the commission effective December 31, 2023, but agreed to the holdover provision until an appointment could be made. A call for applicants was released on October 16, 2023. The Office of the City Clerk presented to the Audit and Finance Committee on December 6, 2023, regarding the process for recruitment and appointment due to Chair Mormon’s and Commissioner Frazier’s resignation from the Municipal Service Commission. The Audit and Finance Committee interviewed applicants on January 24, 2024, and made a recommendation to Council to appoint Melissa Rogers and Mapi Vigil to fill the unexpired terms and full three-year terms. Additionally, the Audit and Finance Committee made a recommendation to Council to appoint Kevin Mullen as Chair of the Commission. On February 15, 2024, the Austin City Council approved a resolution appointing Melissa Rogers and Mapi Vigil as commissioners of the Municipal Civil Service Commission to serve the remainder terms of the vacated positions expiring May 8, 2024, and to serve three-year terms expiring May 8, 2027. Council designated Kevin Mullen as the Chair of the Municipal Civil Service Commission. Additionally, City Council approved a waiver of the requirement in Section 2-1-21(H) of the City Code for the appointment of Melissa Rogers, thereby allowing her simultaneous service on the Municipal Civil Service Commission and City of Austin Firefighters ' Police Officers' and Emergency Medical Services Personnel Civil Service Commission. Annual Review and Work Plan Municipal Civil Service Commission – Reporting Period 7/1/2023 – 6/30/2024 Page # 3 Below is summary of the Municipal Civil Service Commission meetings held during this reporting period: Appeal Reporting Period July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024 - MCSC Meetings Date 08/28/2023 09/25/2023 10/09/2023 11/13/2023 12/18/2023 02/26/2024 03/25/2024 06/10/2024 Details Denial of Promotion (Denied) Denial of Promotion (Denied) Discharge (Granted) Denial of Promotion (Denied) Business Meeting Business Meeting Disciplinary Probation (Granted) Demotion (Denied) Regular Meeting – Appeal Heard Regular Meeting – Appeal Heard Regular Meeting – Appeal Heard Regular Meeting – Appeal Heard Regular Meeting – No Appeal Heard Regular Meeting – No Appeal Heard Regular Meeting – Appeal Heard Regular Meeting – Appeal Heard 2. Determine if the board’s actions throughout the year comply with the mission statement. All actions of the Municipal Civil Service Commission comply with Article IX of the City Charter, which serves as the Commission’s Mission Statement. 3. List the board’s goals and objectives for the new calendar year. In calendar year 2024, the MCS Commission (in accord with Article IX of the City Charter) will: 1. Schedule and hold as many meetings as necessary to hear appeals for any municipal civil service employee who is discharged, suspended, demoted, denied a promotion, or put on disciplinary probation. 2. Fulfill any other requirements under Article IX that become apparent and necessary throughout the year.