Item 1 - MCSC 12/18/23 Meeting Minutes - DRAFT — original pdf

MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Monday, December 18, 2023 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2023 MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MINUTES The Municipal Civil Service Commission convened in a regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, December 18, 2023, at the Human Resources Department, Learning & Research Center (LRC) 5202 E. Ben White Blvd., Suite 500, Austin, TX 78741. Commissioners in Attendance: Andy Mormon, Chair Kevin Mullen, Vice Chair John Umphress Kavita Gupta Commissioners Absent: McKenzie Frazier Staff in Attendance: Matthew Chustz, Municipal & Civil Service Manager, HRD April Roberts, Municipal Civil Service Coordinator, HRD Abby Varela, Municipal Civil Service Coordinator, HRD Cyndi Gordon, Civil Service Coordinator, HRD Sarah Williams, Civil Service Coordinator, HRD Omar Francia, IT Systems Administrator, HRD Teena Gray-Hale, Employee Relations, HRD CALL TO ORDER Chair Andy Mormon called the Commission meeting to order at 9:05 AM. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes from the Municipal Civil Service Commission regular meeting on November 13, 2023. The minutes from the meeting of November 13, 2023, were approved on Vice Chair Mullen’s motion, Commissioner Umphress’ second on a 4-0 vote. 1 MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Monday, December 18, 2023 MEETING MINUTES DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 3. Discussion and possible action regarding the Disciplinary Probation appeal filed by Colin Wright from the Austin Water Utility. After the appeal was filed, the Disciplinary Action was changed to a written reprimand. Carol Guthrie, Business Manager with AFSCME Local 1624 and representative for Colin Wright, addressed the commission regarding this item. Megan Mosby, Assistant City Attorney and representative for the Austin Water Utility, addressed the commission regarding this item. Discussion was held and no action was taken. EXECUTIVE SESSION 5. Discuss legal issues related to Item 3, discussion and possible action regarding the Disciplinary Probation appeal filed by Colin Wright from the Austin Water Utility. (Private consultation with legal counsel – Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code). Chair Mormon recessed the Municipal Civil Service Commission meeting to go to closed session at 9:50 AM. The Commission deliberated received legal counsel in closed session on Item 3 of the agenda. Closed session ended, and Chair Mormon called the Municipal Civil Service Commission meeting back to order at 10:25 AM. STAFF BRIEFINGS 2. Staff briefing from the Human Resources Department regarding City of Austin procedures for investigations and disciplinary actions. Teena Gray-Hale, Employee Relations Division Manager with the Human Resources Department, provided a briefing regarding City of Austin procedures for investigations and disciplinary actions. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 4. Discussion and possible action on future meeting dates, times, and locations. Discussion was held regarding future meeting dates, times, and locations. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT Chair Mormon adjourned the meeting at 11:00 AM without objection. 2