Mexican American Cultural Center Advisory BoardAug. 7, 2024

Approved Minutes — original pdf

Approved Minutes
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EMMA S. BARRIENROS MEXICAN AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER REGULAR MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 2024 The Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center convened in a Regular meeting on Wednesday, August 7, 2024, at City Hall Boards and Commissions Room. (Some members of the ESB- MACC Advisory Board participated via videoconference.) Vice Chair Zamarripa-Saenz called the Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center Meeting to order at 6:08pm. Board Members in Attendance: Board Members in Attendance Remotely: Lily Zamarripa-Saenz, Vice Chair Gerardo Gandy, Member Hilario “Larry” Amaro, Member Noemi Castro, Member John Estrada, Member Eduardo “Eddie” Rodriguez, Member Cynthia “Cy” Herrera, Member Board Members Absent: Angelica Navarro, Chair Anthony Martinez, Member Raul “Roy” Reyna, Member Staff in Attendance: Michelle Rojas, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Manager Marie Ortiz, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Supervisor Tina Davila, ESB-MACC Administrative Specialist PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Laura Esparza, former Parks and Recreation Division Manager for Museums and Cultural Programs announced that she was the Executive Director for A3 Art Alliance Austin. She explained that A3 was created to raise money for artists, musicians, and performers that share their work for free within the city of Austin and mentioned that after retiring from PARD in March her intentions were for her to find a way to allow the public to make contributions to artists so the community could enjoy the work artist do on city property. She let the board know there would be a kickoff party for A3 and invited them to attend the event on September 12, 2024, beginning at 7:00pm at Canopy Arts Center. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. The minutes from the Regular meeting of July 10, 2024, were approved on Vice Chair Zamarripa- Saenz’s motion. Member Herrera seconded the motion. Unanimous vote (7.0). Motion passed. Chair Navarro and Members Martinez and Reyna were absent. STAFF BRIEFINGS 1 2. Staff briefing on staffing updates, July and August programs, marketing and outreach efforts, and updates on signature event planning. Marie Ortiz, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Supervisor gave a report on the Holistic Wellness programs, Education, Academia Cuauhtli, and Caminos Teen Leadership programming. Michelle Rojas, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Manager gave an update on current and upcoming marketing and outreach events, collaborations, and provided details on the Pan Am Hillside Concerts. In closing she welcomed Marjorie Flanagan, announcing that Flanagan was the new Division Manager for Museums and Cultural Programs and asked her to introduce herself. Flanagan let the board know she previously worked for Texas State University System as the first Director of Public Art where she helped them go through the public art process from selection to installation for 15 campuses across Texas. She also mentioned that she was the Interim Program Manager for the City of Austin's Art in Public Places Program in the Economic Development Department for six years. She expressed her excitement to be a part of the community and hopes to have many successes collaborating with the museums and cultural centers. (Please see the Board and Commissions Website for backup material.) DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. Update on Phase 2 Construction Project. Michelle Rojas, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Manager provided a brief overview of the current project timeline, announcements, scheduled milestones, as well as photos showing the construction progress. Rojas noted the Art in Public Places (AIPP) MACC Phase 2 artist had been selected and was scheduled to go before council on August 29th. She clarified that until then, they were not able to announce publicly who the selected artist was but once the contract was approved a formal announcement would be made. (Please see the Board and Commissions Website for backup material.) DISCUSSION AND ACTION 4. Approve an alternate meeting location(s) for ESB-MACC Advisory Board Meetings. Michelle Rojas, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Manager stated the City Clerk’s office informed her that to get support from City Hall’s Audio-Visual Technicians the only locations meetings could be held were City Hall, the Planning and Permitting Development Center, and Austin Energy Headquarters. Member Amaro stated his reasoning for wanting to approve an alternate location was so community members from south, southeast and east Austin could attend the meetings in person. Vice Chair Zamarripa-Saenz acknowledged Member Amaro’s reasoning and stated it could be an option for community members to call in to attend meetings if they were not able to attend meetings in person due to the meeting location. Rojas also noted that once the MACC opened back up, the expectation would be to go back to hosting the advisory board meetings at the center. The board decided there was no need to vote on an alternate location and no further action was taken. WORKING GROUP UPDATES 5. Update from Budget Working Group Working group had not met. No updates were reported. 6. Update from Ethnographic Working Group Working group had not met. No updates were reported. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Discussion to allow board members to share what they have been communicating to their appointed City Council members. (Sponsors: Herrera, Zamarripa-Saenz) ADJOURNMENT 2 Member Amaro motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:01pm. Member Herrera seconded. Unanimous vote (7.0). Motion passed. Chair Navarro and Members Martinez and Reyna were absent. The minutes were approved at the October 2, 2024, Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center meeting on Vice Chair Zamarripa-Saenz’s motion, Member Reyna seconded on a 9-0 vote with two vacancies. 3