Mexican American Cultural Center Advisory BoardApril 3, 2024

Approved Minutes — original pdf

Approved Minutes
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EMMA S. BARRIENROS MEXICAN AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER REGULAR MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 2024 The Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center convened in a Regular meeting on Wednesday, April 3, 2024, at City Hall – Board and Commissions Room located at 301 West Second Street in Austin, Texas 78701. (Some members of the ESB-MACC Advisory Board participated via videoconference.) Chair Navarro called the Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center Meeting to order at 6:00pm. Board Members in Attendance: Board Members in Attendance Remotely: Angelica Navarro, Chair Noemi Castro, Member Hilario “Larry” Amaro, Vice Chair John Estrada, Member Lily Zamarripa-Saenz, Member Cynthia “Cy” Herrera, Member Anthony Martinez, Member Raul “Roy” Reyna, Member (Left at 6:19pm) Board Members Absent: Gerardo Gandy, Member Eduardo “Eddie” Rodriguez, Member Staff in Attendance: Michelle Rojas, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Manager Marie Ortiz, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Supervisor Tina Davila, ESB-MACC Administrative Specialist PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Anna Maciel, Former ESB-MACC Advisory Board Member signed up to speak on agenda item 4, “Presentation and discussion on Phase 2 Construction Project Updates” and item 5, “Update on Awards of Excellence Working Group”. Chair Navarro commented that Maciel would be called to speak on the item during each discussion. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. The minutes from the Regular meeting of March 6, 2024, were approved on Member Zamarripa-Saenz’s motion. Member Reyna seconded the motion. Unanimous vote (8.0). Motion passed. Member Gandy and Rodriguez were absent. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 2. Conduct officer elections for the Chair and Vice Chair of the Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Advisory Board. 1 Chair Navarro went over the role of responsibilities for Chair, Vice Chair, and Board Members before opening the floor for nominations. • Member Reyna moved to nominate Chair Navarro to serve as Chair for the ESB-MACC Advisory Board for a second term. Member Zamarripa-Saenz seconded. Chair Navarro consented to the nomination. Unanimous vote (8.0). Motion passed. Member Gandy and Rodriguez were absent. • Member Castro nominated Member Zamarripa-Saenz for Vice Chair. Member Estrada seconded. Member Zamarripa-Saenz consented to the nomination. Unanimous vote (8.0). Motion passed. Member Gandy and Rodriguez were absent. STAFF BRIEFINGS 3. Staff Report by Olivia Tamzarian, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Marketing & Outreach Representative on staffing updates, March and April programs, marketing and outreach efforts, and updates on signature event planning. Olivia Tamzarian, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Marketing and Outreach Representative gave a report on the Holistic Wellness programs, Education, Caminos Teen Leadership, and Academia Cuauhtli programming, sharing highlights for the month of March along with upcoming programs & events for the month of April. She gave an update of current and upcoming marketing and outreach events and provided details on the upcoming La Mujer event that would take place Sunday, April 21, 2024. She also reminded the board to save the date for the Awards of Excellence event letting them know the ceremony would take place at the Long Center on June 29, 2024. Michelle Rojas, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Manager announced that the Division Manager position for Museums and Cultural Programs was accepting applications and would send the link to the board so they could share with any potential applicants. (Please see the Board and Commissions Website for backup material.) DISCUSSION ITEMS 4. Presentation and discussion on Phase 2 Construction Project Updates. Public Communication General Speaker: Anna Maciel, Former ESB-MACC Advisory Board Chair stated that she was proud to know that everything was moving forward with the expansion. She commented that it would not have happened if she had not gone after the 2018 bond, but the bond funding was not going to complete the project. She recommended that a working group for Phase 3 be created to start working on plans and to get former Chair and Board Members to participate and try to raise money for the MACC. Michelle Rojas, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Manager shared the project updates on Heidi Tse, Capital Deliver Project Managers behalf providing a brief overview of the current project phase, announcements, scheduled milestones, as well as photos showing the current construction progress. (Please see the Board and Commissions Website for backup material.) WORKING GROUP DISCUSSION 5. Update on Awards of Excellence Working Group Public Communication General Speaker: Anna Maciel commented that there were many organizations that held the same type of events as the Awards of Excellence where they fundraise. She discussed the difficulty of raising funds to hold events like the Awards of Excellence. She wanted to see what could be done to get more funding. She also stated that she hoped there would not be members from the board on the panel. Her opinion was it would be best to have a panel that was diverse and would take the time to gather the correct information. 2 Estrella de León, ESB-MACC Cultural and Arts Special Events Coordinator provided a reminder of who was currently listed on the working group. She proposed a couple of dates for the group to come together and begin discussing preparation for the event. The following dates were proposed: Monday, April 8th at 6:00pm Tuesday, April 9th at 6:00pm Thursday, April 11th at 6:00pm Chair Navarro, Member Castro, and Estrada agreed to meet Thursday, April 11th at 6:00pm via TEAMS. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS General standing working group analysis on current working groups to discuss the continuation or creation of new working groups. (Herrera, Zamarripa-Saenz) ADJOURNMENT Vice Chair Amaro motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:21pm. Member Zamarripa-Saenz seconded. Unanimous vote (7.0). Motion passed. Member Gandy, Reyna, and Rodriguez were absent. The minutes were approved at the June 5, 2024, Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center meeting on Vice Chair Zamarripa-Saenz’s motion, Member Reyna seconded on a 9-0 vote with one vacancy. Board Member Gandy absent. 3