Mexican American Cultural Center Advisory BoardJan. 10, 2024

Approved Minutes — original pdf

Approved Minutes
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EMMA S. BARRIENROS MEXICAN AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER REGULAR MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2024 The Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center convened in a Regular meeting on Wednesday, January 10, 2024, at Permitting and Development Center – Event Center, First Floor, Room 1406 located at 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive in Austin, Texas 78752. (Some members of the ESB-MACC Advisory Board participated via videoconference.) Vice Chair Amaro called the Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center Meeting to order at 6:13pm. Board Members in Attendance: Board Members in Attendance Remotely: Hilario “Larry” Amaro, Vice Chair Gerardo Gandy, Member (Left at 8:52pm) John Estrada, Member Anthony Martinez, Member Cynthia “Cy” Herrera, Member Eduardo “Eddie” Rodriguez, Member (Left at 6:56pm) Lily Zamarripa-Saenz, Member Board Members Absent: Angelica Navarro, Chair Noemi Castro, Member Raul “Roy” Reyna, Member Staff in Attendance: Laura Esparza, PARD Division Manager of Museums and Cultural Programs Michelle Rojas, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Manager Marie Ortiz, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Supervisor Tina Davila, ESB-MACC Administrative Specialist PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Speaker 1: Robert Ojeda, Bronze Community Band Project, Artistic Director introduced himself informing the Board that his group had been collaborating with the Mexican American Cultural Center since 2016 letting them know they were a community-based program where they reach out to the community and teach the history of music. Ojeda requested to be able to provide a presentation at the February Advisory Board meeting. Speaker 2: Christina Gonzales, Austin Tejano Music Coalition (ATMC), Vice President, asked that the MACC provide a space for ATMC to host their events. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. The minutes from the Regular meeting of December 6, 2023, were approved on Member Zamarripa- Saenz’s motion. Member Gandy seconded the motion. Unanimous vote (7.0). Motion passed. Chair Navarro and Members Castro and Reyna were absent. 1 STAFF BRIEFINGS 2. Staff Report on ESB-MACC programs during December and upcoming programs in January. Olivia Tamzarian, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Marketing & Outreach Representative gave a report on the Holistic Wellness programs, Education, Caminos Teen Leadership, and Academia Cuauhtli programming, sharing highlights for the month of December along with upcoming programs & events for the month of January. She also provided an update of current and upcoming marketing and outreach events and shared the dates and locations for the MACC’s 2024 Signature Events. (Please see the Board and Commissions Website for backup material.) DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 3. Presentation by Heidi Tse on the Phase 2 project, followed by discussion and possible action. Heidi Tse, Capital Delivery Services Department, Capital Delivery Project Manager provided a monthly update on the current project phase, construction progress, and scheduled milestones. She also announced the Art in Public Places Call for Artist(s) for the MACC AIPP Phase 2 Improvement project was closed as of 12/19/23 and invited members of the Board to an escorted tour of the site with the team to witness the exciting progress at hand. She noted safety is paramount so personal protective equipment such as a hard hat, safety vest, closed toe shoes, must be worn. • Vice Chair Amaro asked when the best time would be for a tour. Tse responded with anytime between 6am and 3pm to see the team in action. • Member Martinez requested Tse to provide an email response on the cost for permanent fencing at the MACC as well as the process for the approval and finalization along with the entities that approved. Tse stated she would provide a follow-up with the requested information by the February Board meeting or sooner. • Alyssa Tharrett, Project Manager Supervisor for the Parks and Recreation Architectural Development Division explained her understanding was the Board was looking to ask for additional funds to incorporate items back into the project plan. Member Herrera asked what items could easily be incorporated back into the project. Tharrett stated the items that could be incorporated back into the project would be the add alternates only. (Please see the Board and Commissions Website for backup material.) 4. Presentation, discussion, and possible on the Music Creative Hubs. Alex Vallejo, EQ Austin Board of Directors let the Board know they would be concluding their final report on the creative music hubs focus groups and town hall meetings and informed the Board that their last meeting would be held Saturday, January 13th at the Asian American Resource Center. • Vallejo reported 3 studies had been completed with local Latin music managers, artists, producers, and studio owners. He also stated focus group participants emphasized the need for space driven by and for Latinos and Latinas, including Spanish speaking members and presenters and commented the hub would showcase a reverence for Latin Culture offering affordable resources, facilities for both production and business aspects of music and Latin music in Austin. The focus groups also stressed the importance of engaging the youth with accessible programs with beginner instruments and after school initiatives. 5. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on the process for renaming 64 Rainey parkland. Laura Esparza, PARD Division Manager of Museums and Cultural Programs informed the Board that 64 Rainey could be renamed to the ESB-MACC Pocket Park as a placeholder and later renamed in the future. • Michelle Rojas, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Manager read aloud Ordinance No. 20160324-021 (DEDICATION OF OR NAMING A PUBLIC FACILITY OR PROPERTY) (Please see the Board and Commissions Website for backup material.) 2 6. Discussion and possible action to create a 64 Rainey Working Group and its scope of work. Lily Zamarripa-Saenz motioned to create a 64 Rainey Working Group that would follow the progress and development of the pocket park, consult with community members regarding development and progress, and address any task that may arise. Member Herrera seconded. Unanimous vote (6.0). Motion passed. Chair Navarro and Members Castro, Reyna, and Rodriguez were absent. 7. Presentation by Vice Chair Larry Amaro on demographics to discuss the possible action of creating multiple working groups for ESB-MACC Cultural Arts Activities. Michelle Rojas, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Manager announced that Member Gandy had dropped off the call and that Vice Chair Amaro could not proceed with the meeting or adjourn due to loss of quorum. WORKING GROUP UPDATES 8. Update from Phase 2 Project Working Group No update due to loss of quorum. 9. Update from Budget Working Group No update due to loss of quorum. 10. Update from Ethnographic Working Group No update due to loss of quorum. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Presentation by Robert Ojeda on Bronze Community Band Project Update from EQ Austin on Music Creative Hubs ADJOURNMENT Meeting ended at 8:52pm due to loss of quorum. The minutes were approved at the February 7, 2024, Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center meeting on Member Zamarripa-Saenz’s motion, Vice Chair Amaro second on a 6-0 vote with one vacancy. Board Members Gandy, Herrera, Martinez, and Rodriguez absent. 3