Mexican American Cultural Center Advisory BoardJan. 10, 2024

Item 1. Approval of Minutes — original pdf

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EMMA S. BARRIENROS MEXICAN AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER REGULAR MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2023 The Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center convened in a Regular meeting on Wednesday, December 6, 2023, at City Hall – Board and Commissions Room located at 301 West Second Street in Austin, Texas 78701. (Some members of the ESB-MACC Advisory Board participated via videoconference.) Chair Navarro called the Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center Meeting to order at 6:05pm. Board Members in Attendance: Board Members Absent: Angelica Navarro, Chair Gerardo Gandy, Member Hilario “Larry” Amaro, Vice Chair Eduardo “Eddie” Rodriguez, Member Noemi Castro, Member John Estrada, Member Cynthia “Cy” Herrera, Member (Left at 7:15pm) Anthony Martinez, Member Raul “Roy” Reyna, Member Lily Zamarripa-Saenz, Member Staff in Attendance: Laura Esparza, PARD Division Manager of Museums and Cultural Programs Michelle Rojas, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Manager Marie Ortiz, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Supervisor Tina Davila, ESB-MACC Administrative Specialist PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Dr. Angelica Valenzuela, Professor at The University of Texas at Austin announced that she was the organizer of activities for Academia Cuauhtli. She expressed her excitement of support from the community, Laura Esparza, Parks and Recreation Department Museums and Cultural Programs Manager, Katya Guzman, ESB-MACC Academia Cuauhtli Coordinator, ESB-MACC Staff, and the City of Austin. She mentioned she was open to their advice on improvements and how to expand their partnership where they can provide community initiatives and cultural relevant enriching education that nurtures not just the Spanish language but a love of it and everything Latinx. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. The minutes from the Regular meeting of November 1, 2023, were approved on Member Zamarripa- Saenz’s motion. Member Martinez seconded the motion. Unanimous vote (8.0). Motion passed. Members Gandy and Rodriguez were absent. STAFF BRIEFINGS 1 2. Staff Report on ESB-MACC programs during November and upcoming programs in December. Olivia Tamzarian, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Marketing & Outreach Representative gave a report on the Holistic Wellness programs, Education, Caminos Teen Leadership, and Academia Cuauhtli programming, sharing highlights for the month of November along with upcoming programs & events for the month of December. She also provided an update of current and upcoming marketing and outreach events. (Please see the Board and Commissions Website for backup material.) Katya Guzman, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Coordinator for Academia Cuauhtli provided a presentation on the vision and mission of the program. Guzman discussed the barriers and challenges that teachers face in dual language classrooms. She also provided a timeline of their partnership with the MACC from 2005-2023 and shared future dates of events that will be held in 2024. (Please see the Board and Commissions Website for backup material.) DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 3. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on the Phase 2 project. Christine Bies, Parks and Recreation Associate Project Manager shared the December updates on the current work completed as well as a list of the work proposed and ongoing. Including announcements, scheduled milestones, and a list of contacts for safety and/or questions concerning the construction of the MACC. In addition to, Bies shared a list of the prioritized alternates and value-engineered items that were requested by the ESB-MACC Advisory Board.  Chair Navarro thanked Bies for her presentation and commented that she would like to reiterate the ask from the November Board meeting, stating what was specifically asked was for a list of the value engineered items along with the cost associated with each line item and a list of priorities in order of reintroduction. Chair Navarro stated the information requested was not presented and asked if the information was available. Bies responded that the GMP (guaranteed maximum price) contract had not yet been executed so pricing information cannot be released because it is still in the bidding and negotiation phase but provided the list, so the Board was aware of it.  Chair Navarro questioned when the bidding process would be complete. Bies stated it was scheduled to be complete in December.  Chair Navarro also mentioned there was a request for a detailed presentation on how the current design plans have changed from the original scope. Bies replied that the project team was currently working on a report but would double check with Heidi Tse, PARD Project Manager and would get back to the Board with an answer on when they would be able to provide the requested report.  Chair Navarro further commented that it was disappointing to her personally that the repeated request for information seemed to go ignored from Capital Delivery Services and that it was very concerning to her and the rest of the Board. She stated they are again asking for the information that has been asked for numerous times to be provided at the next meeting, and if the information will not be provided at the January meeting, she requested that the project team send an email update explaining why to all Board Members. (Please see the Board and Commissions Website for backup material.) 4. Presentation, discussion, and possible on the Music Creative Hubs. Michelle Rojas, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Manager informed the Board that EQ Austin was not able to present due to scheduling issues. However, they provided a message for Rojas to relay. Rojas informed the Board that three focus groups had been completed for each of the centers and EQ Austin was currently putting together the documentation assessment and planned to share the recommendation via follow up at Town Hall in early January. 2 5. Discussion and possible action to create a 64 Rainey Working Group and its scope of work. Laura Esparza, PARD Division Manager of Museums and Cultural Programs shared an update on the alley vacation letting the Board know the process continues and was being vetted by all City departments.  Esparza suggested a working group be formed specifically for the tasks that needed to be done, such as community responses to the interpretive panels, process for naming the park, and updates to the community on the progress of the alley vacation.  Chair Navarro stated it is the Boards intent to proceed with a working group. However, she decided to pass on the item to establish a more defined scope and would revisit at the January Board meeting. 6. Discussion and possible action to reestablish a Budget Working Group. Michelle Rojas, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Manager provided background on the budget process informing the Board that the City of Austin sends out a formal email notifying Advisory Board Members about the fiscal year budget process. The email will then include when meetings will take place, when things need to be submitted, etcetera.  Vice Chair Amaro motioned to reestablish the budget working group so recommendations can be made to City Council for the MACC by March. Member Estrada seconded. Unanimous vote (7.0). Motion passed. Members Gandy, Herrera, and Rodriguez were absent.  Chair Navarro opened the floor for Board Members to join the Budget Working Group. Confirmed Members are as follows: - Chair Navarro - Vice Chair Amaro - Member Castro - Member Martinez - Member Reyna WORKING GROUP UPDATES 7. Update from Phase 2 Project Working Group Tabled discussion for January meeting. 8. Update from Ethnographic Working Group Tabled discussion for January meeting. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Update from EQ Austin on the Music Creative Hubs. Presentation from PARD Planning on the naming process for parkland. Discussion and possible action to create a 64 Rainey Working Group and its scope of work. Presentation by Vice Chair Larry Amaro on demographics to discuss the possible action of creating multiple working groups for ESB-MACC Cultural Arts Activities. ADJOURNMENT Member Martinez motioned to adjourn the December 6, 2023, Advisory Board meeting at 8:10pm. Member Zamarripa-Saenz seconded. Unanimous vote (7.0). Motion passed. Members Gandy, Herrera, and Rodriguez were absent. 3