Mexican American Cultural Center Advisory BoardApril 7, 2021

Approved Minutes — original pdf

Approved Minutes
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EMMA S. BARRIENTOS MEXICAN AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER REGULAR MEETING ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES Wednesday, April 7, 2021 The Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Advisory Board convened via video conferencing. Board Members in Attendance: David Goujon, Chair Art Navarro, Vice Chair Olga Campos-Benz, Member Wayne Lopes, Member Ricardo Maga Rojas, Member Claudia Massey, Member Endi Silva, Member Board Member Absent: Tomas Salas, Member Gerardo Gandy, Member Diana Gomez, Member Staff in Attendance: Laura Esparza, PARD Division Manager Michelle Rojas, ESB-MACC Manager Olivia Tamzarian, ESB-MACC Supervisor CALL TO ORDER: Chair Goujon called the Board Meeting to order at 6:05 pm. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION Dr. Angela Valenzuela, Professor of Education at UT Austin, spoke about Academia Cuauhtli and its affiliate organization, Nuestro Grupo. Valenzuela proposed the endorsement of two propositions to transmit to the Hispanic Quality of Life Commission and the Austin City Council. The request is for funding support for a full time position as Program Director for Academia Cuauhtli and funding for a graduate researcher at the MACC to prepare an oral history of the MACC that would include an acquisition of print and media archives that would be housed at the MACC and the Austin History Center. She then described the background of Academia Cuauhtli and requested that the resolutions be put on the agenda for the May 5th Advisory Board meeting. Maria Del Carmen Unda, UT Education Graduate, also represented Academia Cuauhtli and Nuestro Grupo and provided her testimonio. Unda described the program and expressed the need to expand their services. She mentioned the low numbers of teachers that are people of color and mentioned the importance of providing resources for parents. Chair Goujon approved Nuestro Grupo as an agenda item for the next Board Meeting agenda. He mentioned the possibility to connect with Cassie Smith who is also collecting and conducting research on the MACC. 1 Chair Goujon stated the ESB MACC mission statement. PUBLIC INPUT N/A 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (AGENDA ITEM 1) Member Ricardo Rojas motioned to approve the minutes. Member Endi Silva seconded. Vote Passed. 2. CHAIR REPORT (AGENDA ITEM 2) Chair Goujon presented the chair report and mentioned the ESB MACC has persevered through this past challenging year. He thanked the staff of the MACC and the support they have continued to offer the community including LAAP and the Caminos program. Chair Goujon also stated the issues of transportation and safety continue as things open. He mentioned that Senator Gonzalo Barrientos was interested in donating a portrait of his late wife Emma Barrientos and stressed the importance of continuing our stories. 3. PRESENTATIONS (AGENDA ITEM 3) A) PRESENTATION BY LANA DENKELER FROM PARKS AND RECREATION FOR THE WATERLOO GREENWAY PROJECT Chair Goujon introduced Lana Denkeler from Parks and Recreation. Lisa Storer from Parks and Recreation and John Rigdon from the Waterloo Greenway Conservancy were also in attendance as part of the presentation. Lana Denkeler introduced herself and provided her background. Denkeler presented a recap on the project’s coordination efforts and asked for the boards support on the Creek Delta project. Various points of the presentation detailed the Creek Delta timeline, construction access, trail connection, fill acceptance, communication protocols, and the coordination with the MACC community. She also delineated the project’s list of commitments including construction access through the MACC parking lot, use of parking spaces for contractor staging area, restricted hours for construction, safety plan, mutual leveraging of the project to include the trail connection from the MACC to the hike and bike trail, and sustainability certification including operations and maintenance in that area. She also mentioned coordination with the Phase 2 project team to use reuse the infill from Phase 2 and use it in the Creek Delta project. The Phase 2 would then not have to pay to haul the material. Communication protocols would be set up between the creek delta project contractor, the Phase 2 contractor and MACC operations staff. Chair Goujon asked questions about various issues concerning the Creek Delta project and the ESB MACC operations, such as planting, removal of trees, and the parking area. He also asked about the protection of the parking lot including the milk snake path. Denkler clarified the points asked about the parking lot coordination between the Creek Delta contractor and the Phase 2 contractor. 2 B) PRESENTATION BY VANORDA RICHARDSON, PARD FINANCE MANAGER ON FY2022 BUDGET Chair Goujon introduced Vanorda Richardson. Vanorda Richardson introduced herself and presented details on the FY2022 PARD budget, such as Budget Highlights, Expenditure Budget, PARD SD23 Goals and Measures, Department Budget Overview, General Fund Dept. Revenue Forecast, and Next Steps. Vice Chair Art Navarro asked budget questions regarding the ESB MACC part-time employees, ESB MACC’s special events, and maintenance issues. Manager Michelle Rojas explained that during the pandemic between 5 and 8 temporary staff continued to work. Division Manager Laura Esparza explained the temporary staff budget. Vice Chair Navarro asked about future signature events budgets. Rojas mentioned that funding for signature events has remained the same between fiscal years and has not been decreased for FY22. Vice Chair Navarro asked about deferred maintenance that has cost more money in the long run. Richardson explained that maintenance issues are had throughout the department. Chillers were discussed in detail. Manager Rojas mentioned that the chillers would be replaced during Phase 2. Chair Goujon asked about the items on the audit, if audit items that pertain to budget were ADA repairs and if those have been completed. Esparza detailed percentage of completion and how incomplete repairs will be addressed. Chair Goujon asked about next steps and how the Board recommendations may pertain in the schedule. Vanorda Richardson detailed the process of the Board recommendations. Chair Goujon thanked Vanorda Richardson for her presentation. 4. STAFF BRIEFINGS (AGENDA ITEM 4) A) STAFF REPORT ON ESB-MACC PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS MACC Supervisor Olivia Tamzarian gave the Staff Report, which included summaries, details of the La Mujer special event, provided possible options for the Awards of Excellence event, etc. Vice Chair Navarro asked if there is any subsidy money to pay for Summer Camp. Olivia mentioned Financial Aid available and resources. Vice Chair Navarro mentioned also including inspiring women in Awards of Excellence event. Chair Goujon asked if there is a date in mind for Awards of Excellence. Tamzarian stated that she is thinking early July. 5. OLD BUSINESS (AGENDA ITEM 5) A) DISCUSSION OF PHASE 2 RENOVATION AND EXPANSION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (CIP) Heidi Tse project manager from Public Works stated there is a third party commissioning agent contract has been finalized and the geotechnical engineer this month. Tse mentioned that reconciliation efforts are in progress for the project cost with the design team and the construction manager at risk (CMAR). She explained that the remaining portion of the joint venture design contract for the remaining phases will be negotiated. Tse also discussed that due to the request 3 for more extensive community engagement, they are looking into adding a community engagement consultant, Pink Consulting Bobby Hernandez, was selected. Tse clarified they are in the finalizing stage and coordinating with the capital contracting office. Member Claudia Massey asked if she will plan to present to the Board. Heidi Tse clarified that she will continue to have communication in monthly forums and communicate with the community. Vice Chair Navarro stated Bobby Hernandez has decades of involvement with the community and he is glad to hear about her involvement. Chair Goujon asked if she would be able to present in the May Board meeting. Heidi Tse confirmed. She also clarified that during phase 2, the MACC would be connected to the Austin Energy’s District Cooling station and replacing the two existing chillers. Chair Goujon stated he would like to discuss support for the Delta Creek Waterloo Greenway project. Member Lopes mentioned having to be integrated to the project because of its connection to the MACC. Member Campos Benz requested that the messaging of the progress of the project needs to be front and center. Vice Chair Navarro mentioned compensation to the MACC for use of the MACC property for the creek project. Denkeler discussed that because they are both Parks and Recreation funded and sponsored projects it doesn’t work for PARD to pay itself but that the projects working together to leverage and elevate the benefits to the entire area. Vice Chair Navarro asked about warranties on items paid for out of bond funding. Tse explained that warranties typically last for one year. Tse also explained the connection to Austin Energy’s district cooling station. Vice Chair Navarro inquired about the cost for that part of the project. Tse mentioned that it was a little over 1 million dollars. Chair Goujon motioned to support the Waterloo Greenway Creek Delta project with the request to continued engagement between the project team, the advisory board, and the phase 2 team. Vice Chair Navarro seconded. Motion passed. (7.0) B) DISCUSSION ON POSSIBLE FUNDING FROM THE CREATIVE SPACES BOND FOR A MUSIC HUB Chair Goujon stated this item is currently through the Arts Working Group and the Working Group is working on a letter for support of the music hub. Chair Goujon stated once the letter is completed, they have to follow up on it to communicate that it is a priority. He also mentioned discussion about supporting artists getting back to work. Member Campos-Benz mentioned seeing musical artists playing along the trail and expressed support for something like that to happen at the MACC. Chair Goujon recapped the Creative Spaces bond funding. He entertained a motion to support LAAP artists getting back to work through any City initiatives as part of our recovery. Vice Chair Navarro seconded. Motion passed. (7.0) 4 6. NEW BUSINESS (AGENDA ITEM 6) A) DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON FY22 BUDGET PROPOSAL Chair Goujon detailed the items recommended for FY22 as 1) hiring of all vacant positions 2) convert long standing part time employees to full time employees 3) recommendation that funding be approved to replace the MACC’s maintenance vehicle. Vice Chair Navarro expressed his support especially for number two. Chair Goujon recapped how the Latino Arts Residency Program (LARP) began through a Board recommendation. Goujon expressed the importance of supporting the music hub to support Latino artist and recommends as a second motion for a feasibility assessment for the Music Hub and asked for the City to provide the funding needed to complete it at the MACC. Vice Chair Navarro asked if the request was for recording equipment or space. Chair Goujon explained that the Creative Spaces funding would pay for brick and mortar but not for staffing, therefor he wanted to add that the feasibility study take place to build a program and provide funding for it. Chair Goujon requested Laura Esparza to provide detail of how the LARP program was created. Laura Esparza explained that LARP was created as a model and that it took about a year. She expressed the need to have a community engagement process to engage musicians and see what they would like to see as part of the hub. Chair Goujon emphasized three different action items and motioned to support the working group recommendations on the three items detailed. Vice Chair Navarro seconded. Motion passed. (7.0) Chair Goujon motioned to have an assessment for a music residency program at the ESB-MACC. Chair Goujon asked if this needs to be part of the budget assessment. Laura Esparza clarified the budget is the only time and way to get additional funding. Member Ricardo Maga Rojas seconded Chair Goujon’s motion. Motion passed. (7.0) B) DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE MOTION ON CREATING A JOINT CULTURAL WORKING GROUP Member Ricardo Maga Rojas stated he found out the Joint Cultural group has been inactive for some time and would like to put forward a motion to create a working group. He expressed the benefits of having the joint cultural committee. Member Olga Campos-Benz motions for the Arts Working Group to expand to provide a basis for the Joint Cultural Working Group. Member Wayne Lopes seconded. Motion passed. (7.0) C) REPORTS ON ALL WORKING GROUPS 5. Ethnographic Research: Chair Goujon asked to support the ethnographic survey that Cassie Smith developed. 3. Transportation: Chair Goujon took the information that the Rainey Neighborhood Association shared group from the last meeting presented and will provide an update. 7. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS (AGENDA ITEM 7) 5 Translating Communities project by Housing and Planning staff Cara Bertram. Chair Goujon stated a Nuestro Grupo presentation from the 1st individuals who presented in the Citizen Communication. Chair Goujon also stated a Bobby Hernandez presentation on Phase 2. Laura Esparza mentioned scheduling in the Board Elections which Chair Goujon agreed. Heidi Tse stated her preference to present on Phase 2 as more comprehensive community engagement process. Member Maga Rojas made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Olga Campos-Benz seconded. The motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm. 6