Mexican American Cultural Center Advisory BoardOct. 7, 2020

3a - City Cultural Centers Audit Presentation — original pdf

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AUDIT REPORT City Cultural Centers Audit OFFICE OF THE CITY AUDITOR – AUGUST 19, 2020 Background Asian American Resource Center (AARC) Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center (ESB-MACC) George Washington African American Carver Museum, Cultural Cultural and and Genealogy Center Heritage Facility Facility Opened 2013 2007 Facility managed and operated by Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation Department Department Department (GWC) 1980 (AACHF) 2013 Economic Development Department Square Feet 16,000 34,000 39,000 4,770 NOTE: THIS AUDIT WAS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL THROUGH COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 20190619-086. August 2020 OFFICE OF THE CITY AUDITOR 2 Overall Summary of Findings Ineffective strategic direction and operational inefficiencies threaten the City’s ability to further cultural opportunities. Finding 1 - Strategic Planning Finding 6 - Performance Measurement Finding 2 - Maintenance Finding 7 - Fees Finding 3 - Space Use Finding 8 - IT Access Rights Finding 4 - Accessibility Finding 9 - Staff Training Finding 5 - Program Planning Finding 10 - Peer Cities August 2020 OFFICE OF THE CITY AUDITOR 3 Finding 1 – Strategic Planning The City did not plan for current and future space needs impacting strategic allocation of bond funding and City’s mission to increase cultural opportunities. August 2020 OFFICE OF THE CITY AUDITOR 4 Finding 1 – Strategic Planning Facility Bond Task Force Recommendation Allocated Bond Funds Updated Plan at Time of Allocation $5 million $7 million In-process (now completed) $15 million $27 million $7.5 million $7.5 million No funds recommended No funds allocated Does not have Yes No plan Asian American Resource Center ESB Mexican American Cultural Center George Washington Carver Museum African American Cultural and Heritage Facility Recommendation The PARD Director should ensure facilities have updated facility plans. The EDD Director should work to establish a strategic plan for the Heritage Facility. August 2020 OFFICE OF THE CITY AUDITOR 5 Finding 2 – Maintenance The City has not timely addressed accessibility and maintenance issues at centers, which could result in injury to patrons and increased maintenance costs in the future. August 2020 OFFICE OF THE CITY AUDITOR 6 Finding 2 - Maintenance Asian American ESB Mexican Resource Center American Cultural Center George Washington Carver Museum Number of ADA items Estimated cost for ADA items Number of maintenance items 3 1 $3,550 $2,800 $23,100 4 8 13 42 Estimated cost for maintenance items At least $150 At least $380,400* At least $700,866** * Total represents only 6 of the 8 open maintenance items. ** Total represents only 5 of the 42 open maintenance items. Recommendation The PARD Director should work with the City Manager and Budget Office to identify and prioritize necessary funding. August 2020 OFFICE OF THE CITY AUDITOR 7 Finding 3 – Space Use Multiple constraints prevent centers from fully using the available space and the way centers track usage limits their ability to assess and report this data. August 2020 OFFICE OF THE CITY AUDITOR 8 Finding 3 – Space Use Issues noted: • Some spaces not listed on websites • Facility issues prevent use of all spaces • Space use is not effectively tracked • Potential misalignment of operating hours Percent of facility use outside operating hours Asian American ESB Mexican George African American American Washington Cultural and Cultural Center Carver Museum Heritage Facility 43% 22% 88% Resource Center 27% Recommendation The PARD and EDD Directors should ensure that the use of facility space is optimized, and the hours of operation meet the needs of community. August 2020 OFFICE OF THE CITY AUDITOR 9 Finding 4 – Accessibility Barriers impact accessibility at cultural centers, which could lead to reduced community use. August 2020 OFFICE OF THE CITY AUDITOR 10 Finding 4 – Accessibility Fees • Most community members surveyed find fees affordable, some do not Transportation Options • Most community members satisfied with the Carver Museum and Heritage Facility. • Some expressed concerns accessing the Asian American Resource Center and the ESB-Mexican American Cultural Center Recommendation The PARD Director should work with stakeholders to resolve barriers to access. August 2020 OFFICE OF THE CITY AUDITOR 11 Finding 5 – Program Planning PARD has not effectively managed the program planning process at cultural centers. This impacts the accuracy and reliability of information and results in the duplication of work. August 2020 OFFICE OF THE CITY AUDITOR 12 Finding 5 – Program Planning PARD • Community engagement not consistent and belief that planning is done without community input • Duplicative work processes • Documents not completed EDD • Did not offer internally developed programs Recommendation The PARD Director should ensure the program planning process is managed efficiently and effectively. August 2020 OFFICE OF THE CITY AUDITOR 13 Finding 6 – Performance Measurement PARD has established performance measures, but these measures have no targets. Some measures did not provide reliable data and were not reported accurately. August 2020 OFFICE OF THE CITY AUDITOR 14 Finding 6 – Performance Measurement PARD • No targets for performance measures • Reliability issues with some key performance measures • Calculation errors in the reported data EDD • No established performance measures PARD has established performance measures, but these measures have no targets. Some measures did not provide reliable data and were not reported Recommendation accurately. The PARD Director should ensure measures have targets and are accurate and reliable; the EDD Director should establish performance measures and targets. August 2020 OFFICE OF THE CITY AUDITOR 15 Finding 7 – Fees Cultural centers did not charge some fees according to the Council-approved fee schedule, which may result in inconsistent charges to customers and lost revenue. August 2020 OFFICE OF THE CITY AUDITOR 16 Finding 7 – Fees Asian American Resource Center ESB Mexican George African American American Cultural Washington Cultural and Center Carver Museum Heritage Facility $16,740 $4,840 $2,150 $134,625 Amount not charged according to fee schedule Reasons for undercharges include: • Using outdated fee-schedule • Memos outlining different fees than fee • Offering discounted rates if booked for schedule longer times Recommendation The PARD Director should take steps to ensure fees are appropriately charged and tracked; the EDD Director should follow process for waiving fees. August 2020 OFFICE OF THE CITY AUDITOR 17 Finding 8 – IT Access Rights PARD’s processes to manage access to their reservation software are inadequate, increasing the risk of unauthorized access to customer information and that errors and misuse of funds may not be detected. August 2020 OFFICE OF THE CITY AUDITOR 18 Finding 8 – IT Access Rights IT Security Procedures Granting Access Password Requirements Periodic Review Access removal Job based Recommendation The PARD Director should take steps to increase IT security for its RecTrac application. August 2020 OFFICE OF THE CITY AUDITOR 19 Finding 9 – Staff Training The lack of fully trained staff in customer service and cultural competency may reduce the City’s ability to create positive relationships with the communities it serves August 2020 OFFICE OF THE CITY AUDITOR 20 Finding 9 –Staff Training PARD • Few temporary staff receive customer service and cultural sensitivity training • Usefulness of training: Staff Survey • Community feedback EDD • No cultural sensitivity or customer service to the staff Recommendation The PARD and EDD Directors should ensure that all cultural center staff receive customer service training and cultural sensitivity training to better serve the community. August 2020 OFFICE OF THE CITY AUDITOR 21 Finding 10 – Peer Cities While the City of Austin operates its four cultural centers, nonprofits run most city-owned centers in peer cities. In addition, most of these cities have a department- level arts and culture agency. August 2020 OFFICE OF THE CITY AUDITOR 22 Finding 10 –Peer Cities Government-run 6 22 Peer City Cultural Centers Fee-for-service Run by nonprofits* None 16 *Non-profits under either the “user-run” or “non-profit run” governance models August 2020 OFFICE OF THE CITY AUDITOR 23 Finding 10 –Peer Cities 6 of the 7 cities have a department- level arts and culture agency Recommendation The City Manager should assess the existing governance structure for each center and determine whether governance structure change is needed. August 2020 OFFICE OF THE CITY AUDITOR 24 Conclusion PARD, EDD, and City Management has agreed with all of our recommendations August 2020 OFFICE OF THE CITY AUDITOR 25