Mexican American Cultural Center Advisory Board - July 10, 2024

Mexican American Cultural Center Advisory Board Regular Meeting of the Mexican American Cultural Center Advisory Board

Agenda original pdf

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REGULAR MEETING of the EMMA S. BARRIENTOS MEXICAN AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER ADVISORY BOARD Wednesday, July 10, 2024, 6:00 PM Permitting and Development Center – Event Center, First Floor, Room 1406 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr., Austin, TX 78752 Some members of the Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center Advisory Board may be participating by videoconference. Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely by telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. To speak in person, registration is required at least 10 min prior to the start of the meeting. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation. To register call or email the board liaison at 512-974-3771 or BOARD MEMBERS Angelica Navarro, Chair (D-8) Lillian “Lily” Zamarripa-Saenz, Vice Chair (Mayor) Hilario “Larry” Amaro, Member (D-10) Noemi Castro, Member (D-2) John Estrada, Member (D-3) Gerardo Gandy, Member (D-7) Vacant, Member (D-6) Cynthia “Cy” Herrera, Member (D-5) Anthony Martinez, Member (D-4) Raul “Roy” Reyna, Member (D-1) Eduardo “Eddie” Rodriguez, Member (D-9) AGENDA CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a (3) three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center Regular Meeting of June 5, 2024. STAFF BRIEFINGS 2. Staff briefing on staffing updates, June and July programs, marketing and outreach efforts, and updates on signature event planning. (Sponsors: Navarro, Zamarripa-Saenz) Presenter(s): Olivia Tamzarian, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Marketing & Outreach Representative and Michelle Rojas, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Manager DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. Update on Phase 2 Construction Project Updates. (Sponsors: Navarro, Zamarripa-Saenz) Presenters(s): Michelle Rojas, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Manager 4. Update on 64 Rainey alley vacation. (Sponsors: Navarro, Herrera) Presenters(s): Michelle Rojas, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Manager 5. Discussion on Annual Internal Review Report. (Sponsors: Zamarripa-Saenz, Estrada) WORKING GROUP UPDATES 6. Update from Budget Working Group 7. Update from Ethnographic Working Group FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring …

Scraped at: July 3, 2024, 4:20 p.m.

Backup original pdf

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EMMA S. BARRIENROS MEXICAN AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER REGULAR MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 2024 The Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center convened in a Regular meeting on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, at Austin Energy Headquarters – Mueller Assembly Room 1111A located at 4815 Mueller Blvd in Austin, Texas 78723. (Some members of the ESB-MACC Advisory Board participated via videoconference.) Vice Chair Amaro called the Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center Meeting to order at 6:06pm. Board Members in Attendance: Board Members in Attendance Remotely: Angelica Navarro, Chair Noemi Castro, Member Lily Zamarripa-Saenz, Vice Chair Cynthia “Cy” Herrera, Member (Arrived at 6:12pm) Hilario “Larry” Amaro, Member Anthony Martinez, Member John Estrada, Member Eduardo “Eddie” Rodriguez, Member Raul “Roy” Reyna, Member (Arrived at 6:13pm/Left at 7:32pm) Board Members Absent: Gerardo Gandy, Member Staff in Attendance: Michelle Rojas, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Manager Marie Ortiz, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Supervisor Tina Davila, ESB-MACC Administrative Specialist PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Speaker 1: Bertha Rendon Delgado, citizen and activist voiced her concern regarding the MACC’s mission statement. She stated she felt the MACC was not fulfilling their mission, commenting that there was a lack of arts and cultural advocating for the Latinx community in their programming and events by not providing musical experiences and cultural activities. She believed with the new budget, the board would have an opportunity to make sure they were implementing a way to bring back Chicano, Mexican American, and Tejano music when planning future events. She commented that they should start by creating working groups that would allow the community to be involved in sharing their ideas to provide transparency and inclusiveness and felt it was important not to make decisions based on statistics and surveys only. She also let the board know they were doing a great job and she supported them but felt there was a gap that needed to be fixed. Speaker 2: Anna Maciel, former ESB-MACC Advisory Board Member signed up to speak on agenda item 3, “Presentation by Heidi Tse, Capital Delivery Project Manager and Miro Rivera Architects in collaboration with Tatiana Bilbao Studios on Phase 2 Construction Project Updates” and item 5, “Update on Awards of Excellence Working Group”. Chair Navarro commented that Maciel would be called to speak on the item during each discussion. 1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. The minutes from the Regular meeting of April 3, 2024, were approved …

Scraped at: July 6, 2024, 2:20 a.m.

Item 2. Staff Report original pdf

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MACC Staff Report – 7/8/24 Website - Facebook - Instagram Please share our social media posts, sign up for our newsletter, and check out our upcoming events! Holistic Wellness Programming HWP June: Taller Abierto: Pain�ng/Drawing Workshop (15+): June 6 @ 10- 11:30am (Atendance: 11) George Morales Dove Springs Recrea�on Center Art classes for ages 15+. Includes explora�on of different techniques. All materials provided! Chair Yoga: Wednesday, June 12 @ 11am (Atendance: 8) George Morales Dove Springs Recrea�on Center A gentle form of yoga that can be done while seated in a chair. These modifica�ons make yoga accessible to people with various physical abili�es. Home Ownership Workshop: Wednesday, June 12 @ 6-7:30pm (Atendance: 9) Litle Walnut Creek Library Get started on the journey towards purchasing a home of your own. The first steps are ge�ng your finances and credit scores in order - we’re here to help you! Pre-registra�on requested by Fri, June 7th. Chair Yoga: 3rd Friday of each month @ 10:30am - Yarborough Library (Atendance: 4) Chair Yoga: Monday, June 24 @11am - Willie Mae Kirk Library (Atendance: 2) A gentle form of yoga that can be done while seated in a chair. These modifica�ons make yoga accessible to people with various physical abili�es. Cine de Oro: Tuesday, June 25 @ 9-12pm (Atendance: 36) Conley-Guerrero Senior Ac�vity Center It’s back! Join us for a screening of a film from the golden age of Mexican cinema. Lunch will be served. Community Exhibit: The Diosa Energy Within Opening Recep�on (Atendance: 25) Thursday, June 27 @ 6-7:30pm Ruiz Branch Library All people can harness their Diosa (goddess) Energy. The artwork exhibited may be inspired by the ar�st or the influen�al Diosas in the ar�sts’ lives who ignite, empower, nurture, persevere, upli�, and make waves of change in our world. Learn to Kayak/Paddleboard (18+): 4th Thursday of each month @ 6-7:30pm Aus�n Rowing Club (Atendance: 14) Join us on Lady Bird Lake and paddle through the heart of Downtown Aus�n. Choose a single or double kayak or paddleboard. Pre-registra�on required. HWP Upcoming: Chair Yoga: 3rd Friday of each month @ 10:30am Yarborough Library A gentle form of yoga that can be done while seated in a chair. These modifica�ons make yoga accessible to people with various physical abili�es. Cooking Demo: Healthy Snacks (15+): Wednesday, July 17 @ 6-7:30pm Central Library - Demo Area/Kitchen Learn how to make delicious and nutri�ous sweet n’ salty …

Scraped at: July 10, 2024, 10:20 p.m.

Item 3. Phase 2 Construction Updates original pdf

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Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center Phase 2 Improvements Project Update July 3, 2024 Heidi Tse, Capital Delivery Project Manager PROJECT TIMELINE: • Parking Lot Closure – 3/10/23. • ESB MACC Groundbreaking for Phase 2 Improvements / Move-Out Began– 12/10/22. • Contractor Mobilization/Pre-construction Inspections – Began 3/11/23. • Permitting (Site) – Approved on 7/25/23. • Bidding & Negotiation (GMP1/Site) – Executed contract on 8/28/23. • Construction (site) – Underway since 8/28/23. • Permitting (building) – Approved on 3/4/24. • Bidding & Negotiation (GMP2/Building) – Executed contract on 3/7/24. • Construction (Site + Building) – Currently underway. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS: Foundation work continues with the installation of grade beams for the south and north wing. The foundation slabs are expected to be poured this month. The existing elevator is under demolition while a new elevator slab is being formed. Austin Energy (AE) Chilled Water District Cooling Network is preparing for chilled water to flow through the lines in late August with piping supported, flushing completed, pumps installed and equipment ready for energizing. Electrical disconnects have been installed, and the housekeeping concrete pad is ready for the boiler equipment in the Pump Room at the Central Utility Plant. Mock-ups such as samples of stucco, sealed concrete floors, brick detailing, and metal railings are being evaluated for adherence to the design. ANNOUNCEMENTS: • Foundation system is ongoing with concrete pours continuing. Work hours will adhere to the City’s noise ordinance. Ordinance information can be found here. • The Confluence, a separate public/private partnership project to stabilize and protect the ecology of Waller Creek, improve water quality, and create a continuous hike and bike trail along the creek is expected to increase activities at the ESB MACC. The parking lot is the construction access point for the east side of the creek delta. Additional information can be found here. • The Rainey Street Trailhead Park Improvements Project, a Parks and Recreation Department partnership project with The Trail Conservancy, is purposed to improve connections between Rainey Street and the Trail. This trailhead and park are in the construction phase. • Art in Public Places (AIPP) has met with the art selection panel for a second round of deliberations. • Drone video illustrating ESB MACC site work can be found here. SCHEDULED MILESTONES: • Construction began – August 28, 2023 • Anticipated completion of all major construction activity – Summer 2025 • Anticipated grand opening – …

Scraped at: July 10, 2024, 10:20 p.m.

Item 4. 64 Rainey Alley Vacation Update (MACC Pocket Park) original pdf

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MACC Pocket Park Project Update • Location is now being referred to as MACC Pocket Park. MACC Pocket Park | • Temporary park improvements have been installed as of June 2024. The temporary activation features furniture donated by CANVUS. The furniture will be decorated with murals by ESB-MACC Caminos students in the fall of 2024. • Temporary sign with a description of the future work will be installed soon. • PARD Planning began the formal process of an alley vacation for the area between 64 Rainey and the ESB-MACC parking lot. The item is scheduled to go to Council at the July 18 meeting. • AIPP approved re-creation of historic mural by Raul Valdez from MACC Phase 2 AIPP funds. • City Council approved a contract with artist Raul Valdez to re-create his historic mural that was destroyed when the Juarez-Lincoln University was demolished. The mural will be featured full-scale in the park at 64 Rainey Street. • No funds have been expended from Rainey Street Heritage fund.

Scraped at: July 10, 2024, 10:20 p.m.

Approved Minutes original pdf

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EMMA S. BARRIENROS MEXICAN AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER REGULAR MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 2024 The Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center convened in a Regular meeting on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, at Permitting Development Center – Event Center, First Floor, Room 1406 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive in Austin, Texas 78752. (Some members of the ESB-MACC Advisory Board participated via videoconference.) Chair Navarro called the Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center Meeting to order at 6:03pm. Board Members in Attendance: Board Members in Attendance Remotely: Angelica Navarro, Chair Lily Zamarripa-Saenz, Vice Chair Hilario “Larry” Amaro, Member Noemi Castro, Member Raul “Roy” Reyna, Member Gerardo Gandy, Member Cynthia “Cy” Herrera, Member Board Members Absent: John Estrada, Member Anthony Martinez, Member Eduardo “Eddie” Rodriguez, Member Staff in Attendance: Jodi Jay, Parks and Recreation Assistant Director Tina Davila, ESB-MACC Administrative Specialist Olivia Tamzarian, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Marketing and Outreach Representative PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Vice Chair Zamarripa-Saenz motioned to approve the June 5, 2024, minutes with the amended change to the second paragraph from “Vice Chair Amaro called the Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center Meeting to order…” to “Chair Navarro”. Member Reyna seconded the motion. Unanimous vote (7.0). Motion passed. Members Estrada, Martinez, and Rodriguez were absent. STAFF BRIEFINGS 2. Staff briefing on staffing updates, June and July programs, marketing and outreach efforts, and updates on signature event planning. Olivia Tamzarian, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Marketing and Outreach Representative gave a report on the Holistic Wellness programs, Education, Academia Cuauhtli, and Caminos Teen Leadership programming. She also gave an update on current and upcoming marketing and outreach events and 1 provided details on the 2024 Awards of Excellence Ceremony, thanking the staff and board for their help in ensuring the event was successful. In closing, Tamzarian announced that the Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) was in the process of interviewing their finalists for the Museums and Cultural Programs Division Manager position and that PARD would be hosting a virtual meet and greet to allow attendees to hear about the hiring process, candidates' backgrounds, and provide feedback on each candidate on Thursday, July 11th from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., encouraging the board to attend. (Please see the Board and Commissions Website for backup material.) DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. Update on Phase 2 Construction Project. Michelle Rojas, ESB-MACC Culture and Arts Education Manager provided a brief overview …

Scraped at: Sept. 17, 2024, 7:30 p.m.