Council Awards Report — original pdf

# 1 Solicitation No CLMC804 Prime Subs 2 CLMC803 Prime Subs 3 CLMB333 Prime Prime Prime Prime Prime Prime Prime Prime Prime Subs 4 CLMP296 5 CLMC800 Prime Subs 6 CLMA038 Prime Subs San Antonio St. Chilled Water Distribution Extension (MH) Santa Clara Construction, Ltd. (MB) Earthco Landscape Construction, LLC (MA) Benqwest, LLC (FW) Compliance Resources, Inc. (FW) S&R Investments, Inc. Non-M/WBE Subs Total St. Elmo Cheatham Building Renovations Balfour Beatty Construction, LLC (MB) Ceda-Tex Svcs, Inc. (MH) Mario L. Carlin Management, LLC (FW) NEIHI Glass, Inc. Non-M/WBE Subs Total 2020 Job Order Contract (JOC) Brown & Root Industrial Services, LLC Jamail & Smith Construction, LP Warden Construction Corporation Hensel Phelps Construction Co. Alpha Building Corporation Centennial Contractors Enterprises, Inc. (MH) Veliz Company, LLC Basic IDIQ, Inc. Urban Trails Plan and Sidewalk/ADA Transition Update Toole Design Group, LLC (MB) Reach Out Austin! (MB) A Drone's Eye View, LLC (MH) Altura Solutions, LP (MH) Cultural Strategies, Inc. (MA) Asakura Robinson Company, LLC (FW) MWM Design Group, Inc. Transportation Safety and Mobility Improvements IDIQ (MH) Muniz Concrete & Contracting, Inc. (MB) Robert E Ashford (MB) Avery's Lawn Care & Landscaping, LLC (MH) Pena's Traffic Services, LLC (MA) Benqwest, LLC (FH) Austin Constructors, LLC Non-M/WBE Subs Total Mueller Energy Center Chiller Capacity Addition Stellar Energy Americas, Inc. (MB) HVJ Associates, Inc. (MH) Garza EMC, LLC (MH) Casabella Architects (MA) Aptus Engineering, LLC (MA) Encotech Engineering Consultants, Inc. (FA) KWH Engineering, LLC (FW) Studio Balcones, LLC (FW) MWM Design Group, Inc. (FW) Dickensheets Design Associates, LLC (FW) Baer Engineering & Environmental Consulting, Inc. (FW) Balcones Geotechnical, LLC Non-M/WBE Subs Total Goal Information SG MG No Goals Compliant Compliant Compliant Compliant Compliant Compliant Compliant Compliant SG MG SG MG SG MG SG GFE SG MG SG MG Cost Estimate Award Amount Prime MBE AA H A/NA WBE DBE SMBR Liaison Project Manager Dept Goals Met Type John W. Smith Richard Duane Austin Energy Yes Construction Item 3b1 Council Date 10/1/2020 FY21 Council Awards Report October 2020 MBE/ WBE $6,000,000 $4,322,891 75.88 10.81 2.70 2.73 2.73 0.34 0.36 0.36 SG GFE $1,200,000 $1,247,733 27.58 2.47 7.43 7.43 3.24 2.91 2.91 1.51 0.00 1.88 6.72 John W. Smith Andrew Clements Public Works 10/1/2020 No Construction $2,178,568 John Smith Kevin Benson Contracting 10/1/2020 Yes Construction Capital $1,000,000 51.30 9.00 11.00 4.90 20.00 15.80 15.80 Rachelle Delouis Craig McColloch Public Works 10/1/2020 Yes Professional $2,000,000 $2,500,000 UNK Laura Moreno Manuel Gallegos Transportation 10/15/2020 Yes Construction 58.70 9.00 12.00 4.90 8.00 15.80 18.30 Veronica Hawkins Annette Guerra Austin Energy 10/15/2020 Yes Professional 3.07 3.11 0.11 3.00 6.72 7.00 1.00 0.70 1.60 4.00 4.00 2.33 0.70 0.62 0.08 0.51 0.52 0.39 0.13 Non Sub 17.92 17.92 55.36 UNK UNK 0.50 0.50 17.38 17.38 27.82 27.82 1.90 1.90 1.60 0.30 1.93 1.93 0.965 0.965 1.90 2.50 2.50 3.50 7.50 20.00 7.71 7.71 0.66 0.66 15.80 1.33 1.33 7.71 0.66 1.33 4.00 8.00 4.00 4.00 CLMC806 Williamson Creek - Village at Western Oaks Wetpond Project $1,300,000 Laura Moreno Tony Lopez Public Works 10/29/2020 No Construction $1,217,865 81.92 2.82 0.00 7.04 0.00 0.64 0.00 7 8 Prime Subs CLMC797 Prime Subs 9 CLMC743 Prime Subs MAC, Inc. (FW) Champion Fuel Solutions (FW) Liquid Waste Solutions, LLC Non-M/WBE Subs Total Morrow and Gault Water & Wastewater Pipeline (MH) Santa Clara Construction, Ltd. (MB) Earthco Landscape Construction, LLC (MA) Benqwest, LLC (FW) S&R Investments, Inc. (FW) Compliance Resources, Inc. Non-M/WBE Subs Total East Allandale White Rock Neighborhood Water & Wastewater System Renewal Vaca Underground Utilities, Inc. (MB) Earthco Landscape Construction, LLC (MH) Jose Mendez/Mendez Excavation & Road Boring (MA) Alpha Paving Industries, LLC (FH) Serna's Trucking, LLC $6,694,688 $5,341,070 67.74 6.58 2.80 2.81 2.81 1.10 1.11 1.11 $3,809,500 $3,468,020 89.14 2.33 2.33 2.33 7.03 7.03 7.03 0.67 0.67 0.83 0.83 0.67 0.83 Kenneth Kalu Demira Wyatt Austin Water 10/29/2020 Yes Construction Amy Amaya Tomas Rodriguez Austin Water 10/29/2020 Yes Construction Council Awards Report PAGE 1 OF 2 # 10 Solicitation No CLMA037 Prime Subs Dougherty Arts Center Facility Replacement - CMR Bartlett Cocke General Contractors, LLC (FB) Adisa Public Relations (MH) Vaquero Commercial, Inc. (MA) Civilitude, LLC (FW) Studio D Consulting + Design, LLC Percent of "Met Goal" Awards for October 77.78% Percent of "Met Goal" Awards for FY21 To-Date 77.78% Goal Information SG MG $19,000,000 82.31 Cost Estimate Award Amount Prime MBE AA H A/NA WBE DBE SMBR Liaison Project Manager Dept Goals Met Type Rachelle Delouis Kevin Johnson 10/29/2020 Yes Construction Council Date Parks and Recreation FY21 Council Awards Report October 2020 MBE/ WBE Non Sub 3.59 3.95 3.95 4.65 5.12 5.12 2.73 3.00 5.11 5.62 3.00 5.62 Council Awards Report PAGE 2 OF 2 B= African American/ BlackH= Hispanic/ LatinoA/N= Asian/Asian/Native AmericanW= Caucasian/WhiteF= FemaleM= MaleSG= Solicitation GoalMG= Met GoalGFE= Good Faith Effort