Certification Report — original pdf

CERTIFICATION MBE/WBE ADVISORY COMMITTEE UPDATE Total number of Certification TYPES (Not number of firms) FY 2020 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Item 3b4 MBE WBE DBE/ACDBE (ACDBE Only) SBE Total Certification TYPES MBE Certifications by ethnicity Asian African-American Hispanic Native American Total WBE Certifications by ethnicity Asian African-American Hispanic Native American Caucasian Total DBE/ACDBE Certifications Asian African-American Hispanic Native American Non Minority Female Total Total Apps Annual Updates Recertifications DBE/ACDBE New Expansion of Services MBE/WBE New SBE New PENDING CERTIFICATION APPLICATIONS in CCS 730 635 514 88 152 2119 738 630 519 90 150 2127 729 617 511 90 150 2097 739 628 511 91 154 2123 123 215 371 21 730 45 89 133 4 364 635 54 114 180 9 157 514 123 16 12 10 1 77 7 124 220 373 21 738 45 91 133 4 357 630 54 115 184 9 157 519 121 20 17 10 1 70 3 121 221 366 21 729 44 94 131 4 344 617 53 115 178 9 156 511 112 14 10 9 0 74 5 123 223 372 21 739 44 95 132 4 353 628 53 115 178 9 156 511 114 9 10 11 0 78 5 Pending Submission 9/30/20 Pending Submission 10/31/20 Pending Submission 11/30/20 Pending Submission 12/30/20