RFC Report — original pdf

Request for Change Report - November 2020 Qty Reviewer DateAssigned Contract Amount Prime Contractor Project Description Subcontractor Certified Y/N Scope of Work Managing Department Project Manager Required? Action Date Notes Solicitation Number Add/Delete/ Contract Change/ Substitution- A(Add) or D(Delete) Contract Change Increase/ Like-Kind Decrease/Scope Substitution Like-Kind Availability Subcontract Amount or Percentage GFE Y/N RFC Approved Y/N Violation Letter Total No. of Issued this Month Y/N Firm's Violation(s) Total # RFCs KK KK JWS JWS 11/23/2020 11/23/2020 11/23/2020 11/23/2020 $66,068 $66,068 No Contract in eCAPRIS $750,528 CLMP290 HVJ Associates, Inc. CLMP290 HVJ Associates, Inc. CLMC781 Smith Contracting, Co., Inc. CLMC741 Facilities Rehabilitation, Inc. Contract Change MWM Design Group, Inc. Contract Change Thompson-Hamilton Engineering Llc/Atlas Design Services Add Add Alpha Ready Mix, LLC Penhall Company $0.00 Civil engineering $0.00 Civil engineering $1.00 Ready-mix concrete $0.00 Services not otherwise classified: Concrete cutting and sawing PW PW AWU AWU Octaviano Garza Octaviano Garza Colleen Kirk Michael Russ RD 11/20/2020 $46,829,811 GAL0022 MasTec North American, Inc. Substitution - Delete McKinney Drilling Services ($427,472.00) Pier drilling work AE Amelie Gonzalez 12/11/2020 Name change only 5a RD 11/20/2020 $46,829,811 GAL0022 MasTec North American, Inc. Substitution - Add Keller North America, Inc. $427,472.00 Pier drilling work AE Amelie Gonzalez 12/11/2020 Name change only 11/19/2020 $12,521,474 CLMA025 Southwest Corporation Contract Change Austin Roofing and Siding, Inc. Increase $2,045.66 Roofing Increasing an existing scope of work 11/18/2020 $61,496,414 CLMB329 JE Dunn Construction Jewel's Commercial Cleaning, LLC $40,709.00 Cleaning services 11/18/2020 $874,809 CLMB331 Gadberry Construction Company, Inc. $161,750.00 Fire supression; Fire alarm PARD Ellen Colfax 11/18/2020 $874,809 CLMB331 Gadberry Construction Company, Inc. 11/18/2020 $1,968,059 CLMP157 KSA Engineers, Inc. D R Kidd Co, Inc. Johnson Controls, Inc Adisa Public Relations Wiss, Janney Elstner, Associates, Inc. $27,203.23 Caps, tin, roofing (for roofing repair); Flashing, eave strips, gravel guards, ridge rolls; Roofing, gutters, and downspouts maintenance and Repair process $0.00 $0.00 Multiple flooring codes: Adheive floor installation; Vinyl; Cement patching; Base, cove, resilient; Carpets and rugs; Floor covering, etc. Comm & media related svcs; Comm; Pub relations consulting; Event planning svcs; Graphic design svcs for printing ABIA/PW Scott Hilton 11/23/2020 11/23/2020 $22,879,103 CLMC643A PLW Waterworks, LLC $2,200.00 Testing services Erik Kunkel 11/24/2020 Existing scope of work 11/16/2020 $6,285,774 CLMB328 Hensel Phelps Construction, Co Gomez Floor Covering, Inc. Riley Triggs 12/2/2020 11/16/2020 $6,285,773 CLMB328 Hensel Phelps Construction Centex Personnel Services, LLC $0.00 Laborers (common labor) , personnel, temporary 11/13/2020 $3,144,000 CLMC747 Gadberry Construction Company, Inc. Substitution - Delete Clear Water Commercial Lanscape ($44,077.00) Construction irrigation / landscape 14a 11/13/2020 $3,144,000 CLMC747 Gadberry Construction Company, Inc. $6,732.00 Construction irrigation / landscape 11/11/2020 $12,521,474 CLMA025 Southwest Corporation Increase $87,701.00 Plumbing Substitution - Add Contract Change Maldonado Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. CLC Plumbing LLC / LJ Cross Plumbing LLC 11/10/2020 No Contract in eCAPRIS CLMP287 Baer Engineering & Environmental Consulting, Inc. Add Ortiz Construction Group, LLC $7,450.00 Roofing Sergio Altamirano 11/12/2020 Adding a certified 2nd tier subcontractor 11/9/2020 $1,252,174 CLMA025 Southwest Corporation Contract Change Liquid Waste Solutions, LLC $1,732.35 Toilets, portable, rental or lease 11/9/2020 $3,330,964 CLMP259 Freese & Nichols, Inc. Contract Change EDGE Engineering, PLLC $0.00 Civil Engineering for hydrologic and hydraulic modeling 11/9/2020 $3,330,964 CLMP259 Freese & Nichols, Inc. Contract Change MWM Designgroup, Inc. 11/9/2020 $12,521,474 CLMA025 Southwest Corporation Contract Change Austex Concrete Construction $209,378.30 Irrigation design $10,125.00 Concrete Contract Change Graef-Usa Inc. / Graef ($27,420.00) Design services PW/ABIA Joseph Medici 11/5/2020 $1,213,775 CLMA031 11/5/2020 $10,074,935 CLMC758 11/5/2020 $1,004,427 CLMP030 11/5/2020 11/3/2020 11/3/2020 $1,213,775 $531,409 $531,409 CLMA031 CLMP187 The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company Dalrymple Gravel & Contracting Co., Inc. Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company Weston Solutions, Inc. CLMP187 Weston Solutions, Inc. 2016 Small W&WW Stripes & Stops Company, Inc. Pine Environmental Services, Inc. Texas Geo Bore Drilling, LLC HVJ South Central Texas - M&J, Inc. $25,500.00 Pavement marking $3,748.00 Filter paper & membrnes; Detectors & parts, dist & gas; Pumps, vaccuum & pressure $1,285.00 Boring, drilling, testing and soundings $11,634.00 Engineering services, professional Contract Change AvAirPros, Inc. Increase $27,420.00 Consulting services PW/ABIA Joseph Medici 11/3/2020 $669,948 CLMP200 HVJ South Central Texas - M&J, Inc. Cutting Edge Core Drilling, Inc. $6,585.00 Engineering services, professional PARD Kevin Johnson 11/10/2020 2nd Tier Subcontractor 11/2/2020 $61,496,414 CLMB329 JE Dunn Construction Garratt-Callahan Company $13,640.00 Chemicals, water treatment 11/2/2020 $61,496,414 CLMB329 JE Dunn Construction Contract Change Southwest Solutions Group, Inc. Addition $268,066.01 Trade services, construction (not otherwise classified) 11/2/2020 $61,496,414 CLMB329 JE Dunn Construction Add TNT System Solutions, Inc. $33,900.00 HVAC N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N 11/24/2020 11/24/2020 11/23/2020 11/23/2020 12/4/2020 11/18/2020 12/7/2020 12/8/2020 11/24/2020 11/16/2020 11/16/2020 11/20/2020 11/20/2020 11/13/2020 11/13/2020 11/20/2020 12/8/2020 11/5/2020 11/9/2020 12/8/2020 11/12/2020 11/12/2020 11/4/2020 11/4/2020 11/4/2020 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N PW PW Will Massingill David Kim Taylor PARD Ellen Colfax PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW PW Riley Triggs Andrew Clements Andrew Clements Will Massingill Will Massingill David Hernandez David Hernandez Will Massingill Murtha Donovan Craig McColloch Javi Gonzalez Javi Gonzalez David Kim Taylor David Kim Taylor David Kim Taylor Item 3b3 Increasing an existing scope of work Increasing an existing scope of work Changing scope of work Goals met 2 1 5 2 4 4a 40 66 3 4 5 7 17 18 21 39 1 38 11 12 38 8 13 4a 9 8 4 1 63 64 65 Goal met Goals met Goals met Goals met GFE approved GFE approved Unable to commit due to Covid Like kind substitution 21a Increasing an existing scope of work Increasing an existing scope of work Subcontractor is now certified Increasing an existing scope of work Increasing an existing scope of work Decreasing an existing scope of work GFE Approved GFE Approved Increasing an existing scope of work 2nd Tier Subcontractor Adding a 2nd tier subcontractor Goals met Goals met Goals met 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Addition Increase Increase N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Increase Addition Increase Increase Decrease N/A N/A N/A N/A Y Y N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Y Y N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Y N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y N Y N N Y Y N N N N N/A N/A N/A N/A Y Y N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Y Y N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Y N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Civil Engineering Services for Street Pavement Prog Civil Engineering Services for Street Pavement Prog Goodnight Ranch Phase Two Waterline Improvements Wastewater IDIQ (2019-2022) Manhole Rehab & Installation Underground Transmission and Distribution Services (Project goals will be AA-1.96%, Hisp- 7.03%, N/A-0.11%, WBE-2.26%) Underground Transmission and Distribution Services (Project goals will be AA-1.96%, Hisp- 7.03%, N/A-0.11%, WBE-2.26%) AFD Locker Room Project Phase 6 ABIA Consolidated Maintenance Facility Brush Square - O. Henry Museum Restoration Brush Square - O. Henry Museum Restoration 2015 ABIA Architectural & Engineering Services Rotation List Walnut Creek WWTP Secondary Process Improvements - REBID 2017 Job Order Contracting for City Facility Improvements 2017 Job Order Contracting for City Facility Improvements Harold Court Nichols Building Renovations Harold Court Nichols Building Renovations AFD Locker Room Project Phase 6 Branch Library Roof Replacement & System Upgrades AFD Locker Room Project Phase 6 2019 Watershed Protection Flood Hazard Mitigation RL 2019 Watershed Protection Flood Hazard Mitigation RL AFD Locker Room Project Phase 6 Existing Terminal Centralized BHS Upgrades Airfield Electrical & Pavement Improvements Environmental Services Rotation List 2010 - 2012 Existing Terminal Centralized BHS Upgrades 2016 Small W&WW 2016 Construction Mat, Geotechnical & Forensic Engr Services Rotation List ABIA Consolidated Maintenance Facility ABIA Consolidated Maintenance Facility ABIA Consolidated Maintenance Facility Add Add Add Add Add Add Add Add Add Add Add Add Add 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 LM VH CV CV VH RD LM LM KK KK LM KK LM VH VH LM JC JC KK JC JO JO LM VH VH VH Request for Change Report - Page 1 of 2 Request for Change Report - November 2020 Qty Reviewer DateAssigned Contract Amount Prime Contractor Project Description Subcontractor Certified Y/N Scope of Work Managing Department Project Manager Required? Action Date Notes Solicitation Number Add/Delete/ Contract Change/ Substitution- A(Add) or D(Delete) Contract Change Increase/ Like-Kind Decrease/Scope Substitution Like-Kind Availability Addition Subcontract Amount or Percentage GFE Y/N RFC Approved Y/N Violation Letter Total No. of Issued this Month Y/N Firm's Violation(s) Total # RFCs Request for Change Summary for November 2020 Additions Deletions Substitutions Contract Changes Total All Certified 17 5 Non-Certified 12 Not Approved Violations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 Like Kind 5 Increase 0 Decrease 1 Addition 0 Scope Addition(s) 0 Scope Deletion(s) 2 Like Kind 3 Increase 1 Decrease 1 Addition 11 6 5 0 0 30 11 19 0 0 Request for Change Report - Page 2 of 2