Item 4b-Staff Response Regarding Number of Unable to Serve due to Structural Repair Limits — original pdf

MEMORANDUM TO: Low Income Consumer Advisory Task Force (LICATF) FROM: Denise Kuehn, Energy Efficiency Services Director DATE: September 26, 2015 SUBJECT: Response to Low Income Consumer Advisory Task Force (LICTF) Question Regarding Number of Unable to Serve due to Structural Repair Limits Question: “In 2015, how many of the Unable to Serve customers were due to the structural repairs exceeding the $500 cap?” Answer: In 2015, forty one homes were forwarded to the Housing Repair Coalition as they were unable to be served due to the need to replace roofs or significant other repairs. Unable to Serve customers were also forwarded to other agencies. Other reasons for the Unable to Serve were the possible candidates included some multifamily, mobile homes, had been weatherized in the last ten years, and exceeded $250,000 without the land value or the landlord denied. Below are the approximate percentages for the screened customers: * The percentages are subject to change as Austin Energy continually vets customers resulting in changes.