Item 3a-Tracking Data Amendment_Lanetta Cooper — original pdf

Amend Section III (A)(5)(d) by adding the term “energy efficiency program and by” between the words “better tracking data by” and “city council” in the sub paragraph heading and amending the first full paragraph on p. 23 of the 8th draft final report to state as follows: Tracking energy use and demand before and after energy efficiency improvements are installed by program will ensure all demand and energy savings are captured when Austin Energy leverages its resources with other funds. One example is Austin Energy leveraging its weatherization program with the home repairs funded by the city and implemented through Neighborhood Housing. Energy and demand savings realized from home repairs which are not currently captured would be credited to the energy efficiency program. Data tracked by program can also be used to serve as a check on the reasonableness of deemed savings assumptions that are in general use to estimate program savings. For instance, AE has informed the Task Force that its deemed savings assumptions for its Multi-family program overstated actual bill savings.1 Austin Energy’s success of partnership with the city’s affordable housing programs should be tracked to ensure that the city and Austin Energy maximize the effect public and utility resources can have when merged. 1 July 17, 2015 Task Force Meeting, AE response to question on Multi-family Retrofit Report (Audio at 85:09 minuites).