Item 3c-Recommendation Regarding AE Leverage with Austin Housing Authority_Lanetta Cooper — original pdf

Recommendation No. ___ Recommend AE leverage with Austin Housing Authority Recommendation: AE should leverage its EE programs with Austin Housing Authority rehab and building programs. The council may need to enter into a memorandum of understanding to establish the relationship with Austin Housing Authority. Reasoning One of the problems AE faces with providing EE to low income tenants involving multi-family units is determining income eligibility. For the most part, AE utilizes third sources for eligibility determinations in its residential low income program. This recommendation would allow AE to utilize third party determination for income eligibility for tenants. Public housing’s tenants are all low income. Consequently, AE will be assured that it is using EE funds to low income tenants through the provision of EE services to public housing multi-family housing stock .