Item 5b: Staff Response - Questions from Member Lanetta Cooper submitted at the August 7, 2015 Meeting — original pdf

1 MEMORANDUM TO: Low Income Consumer Advisory Task Force FROM: Liz Jambor, Customer Energy Solutions DATE: August 21, 2015 SUBJECT: Response to Lanetta Cooper’s Questions for August 7 Meeting During the August 7 Low Income Advisory Task Force (LICATF) meeting, Lanetta Cooper submitted questions for AE staff response. The questions and related responses follow. Please note that when mapping program data, premise addresses are used. Should a mailing address be captured that is outside of the AE service territory, it is not mapped. The majority of the responses are related to data provided to the Austin American Statesman in terms of program reach by zip code. Zip code data cannot be read in isolation because there are other factors to consider such as the overall population of the zip code, housing stock, and the percent of poverty per zip code. Statistically, many of the zip codes for population, percent poverty and rebates are within the norm. It is not a universality that “wealthier residents” get more in rebates than other customers. Additional factors, such as dwelling type, age of home and home ownership, play into the eventual participation in rebate programs. For example, a zip code dense with multifamily properties may “map” into a lower participation rate because the property with multiple apartment units is counted as one rebate (for a commercial customer) when the one rebate has actually served hundreds of residential customers. Overall, the programs are meeting the needs of our customers based on their ability and need to participate. 2 3 4 Reponses 1. The time periods varied by program but covered from program inception through 2014. Data was based on residential programs only. Please note that data provided on map may not be complete program data but only data that could be mapped accurately. 2. The map captured unaudited rebate data from program inceptions through 2014 and totaled $181,189,101. Please note that data provided on the map may not be complete program data but only data that could be mapped accurately and where financial records exist (for example, for the period 1982 – 1995, there is not separate accounting for low income weatherization, or other programs). 3. No non multifamily commercial rebates were included. 4. NA 5. See table of unaudited data below. Please note that data provided on the map may not be complete program data but only data that could be mapped accurately and where financial records exist. ZipCodeIncentives/RebatesZipCodeIncentives/Rebates78610660$ 787318,344,968$ 7861329,019$ 787325,112,232$ 78617697,521$ 787334,006,220$ 786452,203$ 787342,281,669$ 7865216,890$ 787353,828,458$ 78653110,978$ 787362,011,436$ 786603,001,696$ 7873720,868$ 78701340,956$ 787381,883,944$ 787025,123,101$ 78739240,457$ 787034,644,209$ 787412,267,374$ 787047,003,461$ 78742102,210$ 787051,375,206$ 787443,775,846$ 787092,509$ 7874515,716,350$ 78717214,675$ 787469,364,951$ 787184,290$ 787471,903,417$ 7871910,133$ 787489,998,353$ 78720250$ 7874912,398,438$ 787212,217,678$ 787503,080,169$ 787221,249,585$ 787514,736,208$ 787237,383,030$ 787521,477,192$ 787242,875,044$ 787535,680,926$ 78725966,545$ 787541,452,912$ 78726141,148$ 787552,840$ 787276,721,212$ 787561,461,604$ 787281,070,468$ 787574,888,993$ 787299,991,588$ 787585,898,244$ 787303,002,069$ 7875911,056,696$ 5 6. Yes, there are ARRA grants accounted for on the map. 7. See table of unaudited data below. Please note that data provided on map may not be complete program data but only data that could be mapped accurately and where financial records exist. 8. None of the solar projects on the map were funded through the energy efficiency program. 9. NA 10. None of the solar projects on the map were funded through the energy efficiency program. 11. No Green Building projects were reflected on the map. 12. NA 13. No Green Building projects are funded out of the energy efficiency rebate budget. 14. Yes. The only DR program reflected on the map was the radio thermostat program, also known as the “free thermostat program”. 15. See table of unaudited data below. Please note that data provided on map may not be complete program data but only data that could be mapped accurately and where financial records exist. ZIP Job Cost ZIP Job Cost 78617 $ 19,528 78735 $ 7,776 78653 $ 3,304 78736 $ 5,084 78660 $ 21,829 78738 $ 990 78702 $ 951,968 78741 $ 156,752 78703 $ 14,594 78744 $ 252,497 78704 $ 205,259 78745 $1,416,757 78705 $ 5,536 78746 $ 8,309 78721 $ 451,621 78747 $ 8,018 78722 $ 85,396 78748 $ 340,329 78723 $ 817,889 78749 $ 27,315 78724 $ 200,578 78750 $ 21,937 78725 $ 73,889 78751 $ 6,864 78727 $ 40,691 78752 $ 98,741 78728 $ 10,250 78753 $ 379,760 78729 $ 15,070 78754 $ 9,343 78731 $ 3,770 78756 $ 33,437 78732 $ 9,214 78757 $ 474,884 78733 $ 5,530 78758 $ 141,621 78734 $ 5,586 78759 $ 26,325 6 16. NA 17. All funds reported on the map were energy efficiency funds only. 18. NA 19. This is not possible to answer as the data is not consistent across programs. Providing total expenditures for the programs would not contain the same data as was provided in the map. Financial expenditures are not tracked by zip code but by general ledger code. 20. See table of unaudited FY14 residential rebate data below. Please note that data provided may not be complete program data but data that could be mapped to a zip code accurately. Zip CodeCostsZip CodeCosts78613430$ 7873352,890$ 7861736,980$ 7873449,880$ 78652430$ 7873592,665$ 786533,225$ 7873635,260$ 7866053,320$ 7873810,965$ 7870127,950$ 787392,150$ 78702121,905$ 78741583,725$ 78703246,175$ 787423,010$ 78704625,650$ 78744454,295$ 78705343,785$ 787451,033,505$ 78717101,910$ 78746387,645$ 78719215$ 78747117,820$ 7872174,390$ 78748448,920$ 7872266,435$ 78749619,845$ 78723472,785$ 78750141,470$ 7872492,450$ 78751283,585$ 7872531,820$ 78752210,915$ 7872647,515$ 78753849,035$ 78727307,665$ 7875495,890$ 78728150,715$ 7875658,910$ 78729635,755$ 78757253,700$ 7873083,635$ 78758906,225$ 78731549,970$ 787591,199,055$ 7873218,060$ 7 21. See table of unaudited FY14 solar rebate data below. Please note that data provided may not be complete program data but only data that could be mapped to a zip code accurately. Zip CodeResidential RebateZip CodeResidential Rebate78610494$ 78731132,985$ 786137,359$ 7873238,350$ 786175,100$ 7873349,085$ 78619350$ 7873450,652$ 7864127,375$ 7873588,135$ 7865228,858$ 7873612,900$ 786531,450$ 78737500$ 78660530,576$ 7873864,153$ 78665400$ 787391,900$ 7868117,457$ 7874111,650$ 787014,150$ 78742250$ 7870214,645$ 7874434,288$ 7870379,020$ 78745601,318$ 7870474,735$ 78746197,644$ 7870510,895$ 7874722,285$ 78717750$ 78748288,992$ 787218,850$ 78749144,486$ 787225,005$ 7875036,535$ 78723261,692$ 7875118,905$ 78724136,074$ 78752967,829$ 787253,850$ 78753250,793$ 78726150$ 787546,950$ 7872751,815$ 7875661,707$ 78728216,824$ 78757435,813$ 7872944,180$ 78758263,314$ 7873041,650$ 78759150,850$ 8 22. There are no FY14 Green Building projects that receive rebates or incentives exclusively from Green Building. Any Green Building projects would have been accounted for in the Commercial rebates. While Green Buiding (AEGB) does provide performance modeling incentives to commercial properties that go through the program, AEGB projects do not entail rebate. The CBC includes staff time spent providing technical support on residential and commercial green building projects and is not tracked by zip code. 23. See table of unaudited FY14 multifamily rebate data below. Please note that data provided may not be complete program data but only data that could be mapped to a zip code accurately. Zip CodeSolar RebateZip CodeSolar Rebate78617$6,105.6078735$260,723.1178653$30,000.0078736$99,065.8778660$19,869.1078738$409,949.3478702$94,989.1678741$51,806.3378703$235,218.6178742$10,857.6078704$326,926.1178744$85,019.2078705$24,907.2078745$251,986.0678717$19,151.1378746$511,911.1478721$27,493.3278747$285,147.8778722$27,106.3878748$262,476.6078723$201,671.5878749$215,673.8978724$93,147.1778750$91,522.8078725$86,888.9678751$22,356.6478727$227,481.7378752$4,217.0678728$17,974.9578753$82,602.8078729$66,785.8778754$97,511.5078730$301,717.3378756$47,704.7878731$373,365.4178757$54,046.2078732$690,850.6278758$90,202.7278733$399,941.3678759$449,226.9278734$303,360.759 24. See table of unaudited FY14 demand management rebate data below. Please note that data provided may not be complete program data but only data that could be mapped to a zip code accurately. ZipCodeRebate78702$34,169.2078703$30,299.0078704$112,995.0078705$196,760.0078717$120,878.0078722$9,488.0078723$3,400.0078729$133,499.0078730$170,225.3078741$277,361.1078744$1,400.0078745$58,349.0078746$122,053.1578748$4,525.0078750$225,968.9078751$98,825.8578752$258,811.0578753$321,040.5578756$6,500.0078757$153,226.0078758$25,645.0078759$222,503.5010 25. See table of unaudited FY14 commercial rebate data below. Please note that data provided may not be complete program data but only data that could be mapped to a zip code accurately. Zip CodeDR RebatesZip CodeDR Rebates78613765$ 7873212,665$ 786173,480$ 787334,505$ 78652170$ 787347,395$ 786601,615$ 7873510,625$ 78664170$ 787363,400$ 7870158,431$ 78737170$ 7870210,285$ 7873812,215$ 7870313,345$ 78739340$ 7870429,580$ 787416,205$ 787053,315$ 78742 $ 24,624.68 7870985$ 7874415,378$ 7871385$ 7874519,885$ 7871485$ 7874629,041$ 787171,020$ 787474,930$ 78720170$ 7874854,368$ 787213,665$ 7874952,253$ 787222,890$ 787506,885$ 7872314,974$ 7875135,957$ 7872411,729$ 787525,166$ 78725935$ 7875320,949$ 78726340$ 787545,440$ 7872711,645$ 78755255$ 787281,275$ 787564,165$ 7872926,408$ 7875718,275$ 787308,755$ 7875820,646$ 7873117,255$ 7875920,731$ 11 26. See table of unaudited FY14 CAP fund data below. Please note that data provided may not be complete program data but only data that could be mapped to a zip code accurately. Zip CodeCommercial RebateZip CodeCommercial Rebate78613$17,158.7578733$9,757.8178617$30,357.3578734$13,681.6778660$98,979.1778735$141,114.5378701$303,642.5078736$9,256.1078702$141,114.9478738$38,942.7978703$19,684.2378739$300.0078704$273,970.7978741$181,115.4378705$103,556.0178744$252,158.3378708$902.8378745$368,632.5478717$21,324.3878746$320,745.1578719$18,713.7378747$23,035.2378721$11,334.4778748$51,981.1178722$53,707.2778749$21,926.1278723$97,962.5678750$63,349.1278724$60,362.9978751$57,190.8378725$11,042.4678752$245,128.7278726$1,656.4978753$499,004.6178727$188,145.8678754$145,427.0178728$41,002.4578756$36,090.0878729$91,133.6978757$244,822.2978730$69,406.0778758$656,859.1178731$47,960.8478759$195,582.9578732$12,452.6112 Zip CodeWeatherization CAP Funds Zip CodeWeatherization CAP Funds 78617$37,549.70 78741$21,855.10 78653$11,829.74 78744$189,153.90 78660$24,084.89 78745$121,958.99 78702$58,750.46 78746$1,083.36 78704$5,610.85 78747$13,186.90 78721$36,397.97 78748$42,317.09 78723$141,912.24 78749$1,650.77 78724$148,515.85 78750$14,988.48 78725$43,100.00 78752$14,119.14 78727$31,182.48 78753$72,615.93 78729$47,563.41 78754$34,177.65 78731$4,376.00 78757$26,758.48 78732$7,344.14 78758$73,637.85 78734$16,815.10 78759$11,486.05 78736$14,272.83