Item 2-2013 Single Family Rating Scorecard_Michael Wong — original pdf

POINTS 1 StarNone 2 Stars25 3 Stars50 4 Stars75 5 Stars100TCV score 1. Use this Excel document as a design, specification and pre-ratingsubmittal tool.Consult with your Rater and the "Guide to the Single-Family Rating 2013" for help.Basic Requirements must be met for all Ratings for new construction. Exceptions may be made for renovations. 2. When starting the design please begin the online rating process. 3. You will be charged a service fee of $50 for each rating. After an online rating application has been accepted, you will be sent an invoice.You must make payment to Austin Energy before your rating can be completed. 4. If your project is located outside the AE service area but is inside the Extended Rating Area:You must work with an Extended Area Rater (see for information).Use the online rating, just as for ratings in the AE service area.Not FulfilledBR + 4-Star Requirements + pointsSquare feet per ton of coolingBasic RequirementsBR + 2-Star Requirements + points BR + 3-Star Requirements + pointsTotal Points0BR + 5-Star Requirements + pointsPRESCRIPTIVEBasic Requirements (BR) Place an x in each yellow box at left and fill in other relevant yellow cells. All Basic Requirements must be checked for a home to rate.0No Stars2-5 Star Special Requirements metPRE-SUBMITTAL WORKSHEETS T A R L E V E L S No StarsR A T I N G R E S U L T SStars Achieved 2013.0 AUSTIN ENERGY GREEN BUILDINGThis form is for planning and field use only (not a legally-binding document). Use online Rating to submit actual Rating.I N S T R U C T I O N S TO S U B M I T T E R (A R C H I T E C T / D E S I G N E R OR B U I L D E R)See "Guide to the Single-Family Rating" for explanations of all measures.Codes and testing Modeling score (applies only to new-construction, detached homes)Minimum IC3-Austin score required in 2013 is 0.0. OR minimum HERS score required in 2013 is 70 Current City of Austin IRC, IECC Codes and Amendments must be met, regardless of project location Among others, note that the following City of Austin required standards must be met:IRC with Austin amendmentsIECC with Austin amendmentsUPC with Austin amendments Including Austin Irrigation Design CriteriaHVAC efficiency and designCooling and heating equipment and duct sizing determined by correct Manual J and D calculation based on orientation, plans and specifications aUse "ACCA Manual J Inputs for Mechanical Equipment Sizing" for homes in the AE service area and appropriate ACCA inputs for other climate areas. Equipment installed must match calculation.bIf correct Manual J calculation results in fewer than 600 sf of living space per ton of cooling, the design is inappropriate for Central Texas and the home will not be rated.cHomes for which split systems are too large (approx. <900 sf) must be equipped with a mini-split or other appropriate system. dHome design and construction must accommodate the selected equipment and the correctly sized and insulated ductwork.eSubmit full Manual J and D Report with equipment specified; split-system equipment must be an AHRI match.fSubmit AHRI certificate for split system installed. For mini/multi-split or alternative system, submit website printout.Cooling and heating equipment minimum efficiency for split systems: Cooling: 15 SEER/12 EER; Heating: gas furnace 80 AFUE; heat pump 8.2 HSPFAir handlers must meet the Florida building code, Section 13-610.2.A.2.1 standard; see manufacturer's specifications.Ductwork system is masked / sealed at supplies and returns during construction Ceiling registers: curved blade-type--fixed or adjustable; wall registers may be flat-blade, installed/adjusted to direct airflow across ceilingInsulation installationInsulation installation meets Energy Star Grade I + No added urea formaldehyde; sealing of thermal enclosure/envelope meets current IECC standard for limiting air infiltrationSkylights Indoor environmemtal qualityExhaust fans venting to outside for cooktops and bathrooms with tub or showerKitchen exhaust that equals or exceeds 400cfm has make-up air providedBathroom exhaust fans are connected to timer or humidistat (not motion-sensor); recommended sone rating: < 1.0Low-VOC interior wall and ceiling paint: VOC <50 grams per liter or is CoA recycled paint; Carbon monoxide detector installed, exceptions include; no gas appliances, detached garages (may be combined with smoke detector)Electricallight fixtures, ceiling fans Ceiling fans: minimum of 2 installed within heated and cooled spaceLandscapingPlanting beds have a minimum depth of 6" of soil containing 25% compost (such as Dillo Dirt) and minimum depth of 2" organic mulchA minimum of 90% of new plants are from current Grow Green plant list All Basic Requirements FulfilledREQUIREDNo skylights into conditioned space OR any skylights installed meet current Energy Star criteria for SHGC and U-factorEnergy Star appliances / fixtures-- >4 from following list: appliances, ventilation fansStar RequirementsPoints for Measurex53325433222333221143332113212103. Roof solar reflectance - Five Star Requirement524. Overhangs and glazing333221Green by Design attended by homeowner: AEGB Green by Design workshop attended by homeowner before home plans are finalizedGlazing on east and west walls combined does not exceed 25% of total glazing area; glazing on west wall does not exceed 10% of the west wall; and glazing on east wall does not exceed 10% of the east wall (calculations must be provided)4. Site Work and LandscapePermeable materials- used for a minimum of 25% of driveways, parking areas, walkways, and patios; not installed over impermeable base - excluding decomposed granite31. Attic systems1. DensityFour or more community resources within a 1/2 mile walk (public park/trail, school, post office, community center/daycare/community garden)Exterior lighting- All exterior lighting has motion detectors with photocell controllersOR Alternative rain water management system to direct water off of the roof and away from the building onto a non-splatter pervious surface. Uncovered patio (minimum side dimension: 6'; minimum area 150 sf)Covered, usable porch other than front porch (minimum side dimension: 6'; minimum area 100 sf)One of the above porches is fully screenedBuilt-in outdoor kitchenBuilt-in outdoor fireplace (no indoor fireplace installed)Site work diverts water to onsite infiltration- retaining walls, berms, french drains to a rain garden, vegetated filter strip, swale, or detention pondPlumbed outdoor showerDocumented design team meeting held in design stage; team includes owner, architect/designer, builder, mechanical contractorFood store is within a 1/2 mile walkPublic transit stop is within a 1/4 mile walkClosed/sealed attic system: unvented; polyurethane foam insulation at roof; minimum 5.5" depth Street, electricity, water and wastewater have been in place for a minimum of 25 yearsLot size is less than 5,750 sq. ft.SITE3. Homeowner Training manualLot has more than one dwelling unitHomeowner training manual2. Community Shading or buffer spaces on west/southwest walls of living space for at least 50% of wall area (e.g. porch, pergola, garage, closets)OR R-2 or greater exterior insulation Overhang projection factor of >0.5 met for all windows facing southwest to northwest (225o through 315o)Roofing solar reflectance + Solar Reflectance Index (SRI): slope >5/12= >0.20/16; >3/12--<5/12: >0.30/30; <3/12: >0.55/64OR Insulated headers are sized for the loads they bear; no headers in non-load-bearing wallOR the building is a remodelAll roof overhangs project a minimum of 24" horizontallyTotal glazing area is no greater than 15% of conditioned floor area2. Team documentationGreen By Design attended by professional: AEGB Green by Design workshop attended by member of current design +/or builder staff EDUCATIONB. Measures For Points Place an x in the yellow column to the left of the measures you intend to select1. Green Building educationGreen Boots Graduate: Applicant is a certified graduate of Green Boots, additional points available for each trade who attends the trade specific Green Boots sessionComplete gutter and downspout system directs stormwater away from foundation to landscaping or catchment systemRecessed-can lighting fixtures do not penetrate the thermal enclosure; OR no recessed-can fixtures are installed2. Insulation and thermal bridging - Four Star RequirementCovered, usable front porch protects entry door (minimum depth: 6'; minimum area: 100 sf)3. Rain gutters - Four Star Requirement45. Outdoor living4Landscaping- All new plants, shrubs and trees have trunk, base or stem located at least 36" from foundationLight pollution- All exterior light fixtures are designed to reduce up-lighting/light pollution; or fixture locations are shielded from aboveENERGYVented attic system: continuous ridge and continuous soffit vents; no other functioning vents installed "Total fill" insulation in walls (blown cellulose, BIBS, spray foam) AND > R-2 exterior sheathing (corner-brace sheathing excepted);or 2 x 6 exterior framing total fill or SIPs Window and exterior door glass: -< 0.30 U-Factor5. Mechanical within the thermal envelope - Four Star Requiremnt45436. High performance systems542227. Water heater efficiency - 3 Star Requirement54222008. Controls and monitoring - Five Star Requirement53109. Commissioning: blower door, duct blaster3310. Fans, lighting, and additional Energy Star appliances433111. Solar ready / photovoltaic systems / EV Charging52211. Water heating design - Four Star Requirement4443432. Indoor water conservation3223. Turfgrass and irrigation - Four Star Requirement4. Auxiliary water554311. CWM plans - Two Star Requirement332. Durable finished floor - Four Star Requirement423. Recycled and reuse of existing buildings and materials543Variable-speed air handlerDual capacity compressor Water heater is solar thermal; meets Austin Energy requirementsElectric car charging station installedOR Home is wired as solar-ready with roof area >400 sf: oriented within 75 degrees of due south, unshaded, no penetrations, 9:12 max pitch Project is renovation of, and/or addition to existing home OR Existing home removed from site is relocated for use at another siteSolar photovoltaic (PV) power system: minimum of 2.5 kW Fresh air commissioning / testing for exhaust fans: + 20% 50 cfm for Bath and 100 CFM for Kitchen exhaustOR Power Partner internet connected approved thermostat Blower door test performed results in envelope leakage no greater than 3 ACH50Toilet is ultra HET modelAnd/OR Push-button on-demand, hot-water recirculation system (not continuously recirculating; not motion-activated)OR auxiliary water harvesting: 1001-5,000 gallons storageOR auxiliary water harvesting: 110-500 gallons storageOR auxiliary water harvesting: 501-1,000 gallons storage3OR Thermostat has integral hygrometer or humidistat (or fixed stand-alone)3AND Turfgrass area installed or planned does not exceed 2000 sq. ft.or equal to the foot print of the house or uses Water SenseAny installed irrigation system must include water-efficiency features listed in Rating GuideOccupancy sensors control >50% of interior lighting And/OR Plumbing runs- All water heaters in 1-story home are located within 20 piped feet of appliances +/or fixtures they serve; 30 piped feet for 2-storyOR if no gas is available in right-of way:>40 Gallon electric WH with >.94 EFGround source heat pumpVariable-capacity compressor5OR Gas water heater is sealed-combustion/direct vent model; minimum efficiency: 0.80 EF (Energy Factor)OR Gas water heater is tankless/on-demand; minimum efficiency: 0.82 EFOR Plug and play monitoring system, includes smart appliancesOR building is a remodelComplete energy management monitoring and control system, Austin Energy Power Partner preferred OR Water heater is integral heat pump; minimum efficiency: 2.0 EFOR Energy Star rated gas tankOR existing home removed from site is deconstructed and materials are >75% reclaimed/reused (not landfilled)MATERIALS AND RESOURCES4OR Finish floor is durable material for a minimum 50% of all floor area (e.g. ceramic tile, concrete, wood)and All non-durable flooring installed is rapidly renewable or CRI Green LabelAll shower heads have maximum flow of 1.5 gallons per minute; no more than one shower head per shower or tubAll bathroom sink faucets are WaterSense models2Flooring is 100% durable material 4WATER>R-4 insulation of hot water lines located outside the thermal envelope/enclosure and in exterior wallsEnergy Star appliances/fixtures: >2 in addition to 4 of Basic Requirements90% LED lightingOR Dedicated 240 volt outlet for future electic car chargingEnergy Star Advanced Lighting Package requirements metRainwater is sole source of potable water; 20,000 gallon minimum storage; back-up well allowedAuxiliary harvesting: >5,001 gallons storageMinimum 50%-by-weight of waste is recycled/reused, not landfilled; documentation requiredOR Construction waste management plan, approved by Rater at commencement of project; documentation required Whole-house, inverter driven mini- or multi-split heating and cooling systemOR Indoor cooling equipment is located within the thermal enclosure/envelope, Duct work is located in the attic, R-40 attic insulation, and Duct leakage of < 2 CFM per 100sf All duct work and indoor cooling equipments is located within the thermal enclosure/envelope; OR home has no duct work4. Durable, locally sourced, and recycled materials222225. House size4326. Framing2117. Pest control - Three Star Requirement221. Mechanical ventilation - Four Star Requirement432. Natural ventilation and daylighting32213. IEQ design: garages and fireplaces323214. Finishes3215. Universal design3Home incorporates other barrier-free/universal design/ADA elements: MUST SELECT 5 OF 15 OPTIONS IN GUIDE TO MEET MEASURE221111Describe other green measures incorporated in this project. Your AEGB Rater will determine points.123Energy Star tubular daylighting device/solar tube: spaces lacking natural lighting have an Energy Star tubular day-lighting device/solar, such as internal stairwell, powder room OR Less than 1200 s.f.Interior wall and ceiling paint has maximum VOC level of 10 grams per literCabinet materials + adhesives: a) meet E1Standard; or b) CARB Phase I Standard; or c) have no added urea-formaldehydeNo fireplace is located within conditioned spaceADDITIONS AND INNOVATIONS Basic access to house provided according to City of Austin Visitability Ordinance Garage is detached from the house or house has no garageOR attached garage is thermally broken and air-sealed from conditioned living spaceOR Attached garage has exhaust fan with timer or passive vents installed 18" above floorAll doors have lever handlesAll interior doors are 2'-6" or wider (doors to non-walk-in closets excepted)Grab bars installed in tub +/or shower of at least one bathroom Grab blocking install at all tubs and showers; ADA compliantToilet in at least one bath/powder room is WaterSense ADA model (located on entry-level floor; >2'-8" door width) Dedicated kitchen recycling center; approved by RaterHVAC filter: > 4" pleated-media, or electronic (not electrostatic); easily accessed; HVAC system designed for filter type43Significant use of reclaimed/reused materials, such as doors, hardware, flooring, trim Roofing: metal or tileUse of recycled-content products Decking material of raised porch/deck is recycled-plastic/composite lumberUse of local materials/products for major elements of the home; harvested or manufactured within 500 miles Less than 900 s.fExterior wall framing is 24" o.c.Interior wall framing is 24" o.c.INDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 2-stud corners and ladder blocking, drywall clipsAll wood framing is treated with borate to a minimum of 3 feet above the foundationDesigned, effective cross-ventilation: operable windows in main living areasAND/OR Mechanical-barrier termite control system is usedERV (enthalpy recovery ventilator) with dedicated duct systemOR Mechanical ventilation with automatic damper, timer, humidity, and temperature controls provides fresh air into return-air plenum Designed, effective stack ventilation: operable windows in cupola, clerestory or top of stairwellWindows are designed for daylighting: placed high on walls, not requiring privacy treatmentOR Less than 1500 s.f.