Item 5a-Staff Update: Weatherization Program Status Update as of August 3, 2015 — original pdf

AE Weatherization Program job status as of August 3, 2015 1 Referrals Unscreened Screened Referrals Duplicates Loaded to SF Homeowners Renters Unable to Serve Unable to Contact Able to Serve Total Screened 11,245 2,037 9,208 3,966 1,364 2,365 843 670 3,878 AE Weatherization Contractors Clients Assigned Assessments in Process and Completed Inspections Passed Inspections Failed Homes Invoiced YTD Homes with DO Amt Obligated YTD Amt Paid YTD Avg Days to Complete Airtech 66 66 30 6 25 66 $223,294 $67,833 36.8 American Conservation 101 101 56 11 51 101 $456,616 $188,383 35.7 American Youth Works 22 22 11 4 10 22 $71,278 $26,281 80.8 City Conservation 106 106 69 18 67 106 $404,075 $217,294 25.3 Climate Mechanical 22 22 15 11 11 22 $81,189 $33,309 77.5 Conservation Specialist 43 43 35 0 35 43 $164,921 $126,032 33.4 Go Green 81 81 55 14 52 81 $282,723 $144,542 22.7 McCullough 60 60 17 4 12 60 $247,424 $49,979 57.3 Valdez 30 30 23 7 12 30 $98,609 $36,844 60.3 Total 531 531 311 75 275 531 $2,030,130 $890,497 37.8 Note: Of the 531 homes, 46 are renters