Item 5b-Data Request on July 17, 2015: Questions for Austin Energy from Member Lanetta Cooper — original pdf

Questions for Austin Energy 1. The 2012 GDS report provided the Task Force stated at p. 2 that AE uses “” to store data. a. Please explain how AE uses “” including an explanation of what data is stored and how it is stored. b. How does, if at all, AE track pre and post weatherization installations consumption involving its customers (include energy performance star) c. Has AE formatted its billing histories so that it can pull up by energy efficiency program pre and post EE program installations consumptions? If not, why not and what would AE need to do to be able to create a data base that could be accessible by EE program. (I am assuming the use of billing data aggregated by EE program and not individual customer data). 2. Please verify that the attached documents were created by AE. For each document, please identify when it was created and its purpose. 3. Please provide copies of any histories of AE low income weatherization program,. The following questions Nos. 4-6 do not have to be answered if AE has provided the information in any histories of the program in no. 3 above Please just note that where in the proffered document the answer is located. 4. When did AE start providing low income weatherization? 5. For each year since it has started providing low income weatherization, how has AE funded the program? (if AE provided utility funding in addition to D.O.E. grant funds, please break out) 6. What EE services for the low income weatherization program have been provided since the start of the low income weatherization program? Please note changes and the times the changes were made. 7. Please describe how AE tracks the demographics of its customers who participate in AE’s EE programs. In your description, please address whether AE is tracking applications as well as participations. If AE is not tracking application demographics, please explain why not? If AE is not currently tracking the demographics of its customers but it is intending to in the near future, please describe how it plans to do so.