Item 5a-Presentation regarding Public Information Act, Records Retention, and Texas Open Meetings Act_Cynthia Tom — original pdf

Low Income Consumer Advisory Task Force Public Information Act Records Retention Texas Open Meetings Act June 19, 2015 Purpose of Presentation •Low Income Consumer Advisory Task Force is set to dissolve October 1, 2015, if not sooner •As work of the task force is wrapping up, keep in mind requirements of the Public Information Act and records retention •Refresher on requirements of the Texas Open Meetings Act Purpose of Presentation •This presentation is intended to be a general overview •For individual questions, please contact me for a one-on-one conversation –Cindy Tom –Assistant City Attorney –(512) 974-3042 – What Is The Public Information Act? The Public Information Act is a Texas statute that gives the public the right to ask for government information. This body is subject to the Public Information Act (Texas Government Code Chapter 552). What does PIA Compliance Require? The Public Information Act requires that the city and its officials provide certain documents regarding city business upon written request. Documents may be paper or electronic format. Any email – including city business on your personal email account – or social media communication regarding city business is subject to the Public Information Act. 5 Records Retention Requirements •Records retention guidelines let us know when it is ok to dispose of a document. •Please allow city staff to determine whether you may dispose of a document. 6 What is the Texas Open Meetings Act? The Texas Open Meetings Act is a Texas statute that provides for public access to meetings of governmental bodies. This body is subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act (Res. No. 20140828-158; City Code 2-1-3(D)). What does TOMA Compliance Require? Meeting notice (agenda) must be posted, and… –72-hour notice –Must include subject of what will be discussed –General citizen communication cannot be discussed 8 What does TOMA Compliance Require? Discussions of official business by a quorum or more must occur in public: –Exchanges by email and social media can constitute an inappropriate discussion of official business –Do not “reply all” to emails sent to entire panel –Walking quorums –Working groups must be made up of less than a quorum –Official business does not include ceremonies/social events 9 Questions? Thank you very much for your service!