LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory CommissionFeb. 10, 2025

January 13, 2025 Draft Minutes — original pdf

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LGBTQ QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISORY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 2025 The LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission convened in a regular meeting on Monday, January 13, 2025, at 6:30 PM at the City of Austin Permitting and Development Center, 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr., Austin, Texas, 78752, Room #1401/1402. Commissioners in attendance in person: J. Scott Neal (Chair) Jerry Joe Benson (Vice Chair) Alexander Andersen Brigitte Bandit KB Brookins Garry Brown Katie Coyne Morgan Davis Mariana Krueger Taylor Treviño Brandon Wollerson Commissioners in attendance remotely: Rocío Fierro-Pérez Kitty McLeod Chair Neal called the meeting to order at 6:40 PM. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Clayton Gibson spoke on the LGBTQ Cultural Center Feasibility Study. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission's regular meeting on December 9, 2024 The minutes were approved on Commissioner Krueger’s motion, Commissioner Benson’s second, on a 13-0 vote. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Presentation regarding the upcoming Texas Legislature Session and potential draft bills pertaining to the LGBTQ+ Community. Presentation by Equality Texas. Presentation provided by Landon Richie, Policy Coordinator, TENT. 3. Presentation regarding the status of the transgender community in Austin Presentation by Landon Richie, Policy Coordinator, Transgender Education Network of Texas (TENT). Page 1 of 4 Presentation provided by Landon Richie, Policy Coordinator, TENT. 4. Presentation regarding the state of the transgender youth community in Austin. Presentation by Jaryn Holbrook Janeway, Director, OutYouth. Presentation provided by Jaryn Holbrook Janeway, Director of Operations, OutYouth. 5. Presentation regarding Austin’s LGBTQIA+ healthcare outlook. Presentation by Christopher Hamilton, Texas Health Action. Presentation provided by Christopher Hamilton, CEO, Texas Health Action. 6. Discussion on ways in which commissioners may assist members of the LGBTQIA+ community with U.S. Passport applications. Discussion was held. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 7. Discussion and possible action to create a working group to monitor the upcoming Texas Legislative Session and provide a report on what LGBTQIA+ related laws have been passed. The motion to form a working group to monitor the upcoming Texas Legislative Session and provide a report on what LGBTQIA+ related laws have been passed was approved on Commissioner Krueger’s motion, Commissioner Davis’ second, on a 13-0 vote. Members include Commissioners Anderson, Bandit, Davis, Fierro-Pérez, and Treviño. 8. Discussion and possible action to create a working group to form a comprehensive resource packet for transgender and gender-expansive Austin residents needing related resources. The motion to form a working group to form a comprehensive resource packet for transgender and gender-expansive Austin residents needing related resources was approved on Commissioner Neal’s motion, Commissioner Benson’s second on a 13-0 vote. Members include commissioners Andersen, Bandit, Benson, Brookins, Coyne, Davis, and McLeod. 9. Discussion and approval of a statement reaffirming the commission’s solidarity with and support of the LGBTQIA+ Community in Austin. Discussion was held. No action was taken. 10. Discussion and possible action authorizing a commissioner to speak to media representatives regarding the commission’s interests and perspectives on transgender issues. The motion to nominate Commissioners Bandit, Brookins, and Neal to speak to media representatives regarding the commissions’ interests and perspectives on transgender issues was approved on Commissioner Krueger’s motion, Commissioner Brown’s second, on a 13-0 vote. 11. Discussion on the agenda and logistics for the upcoming LGBTQ Community Center Updates and Input Session Town Hall, and possible action moving the Town Hall from February to March. Discussion was held. No action was taken. 12. Approve nominations to fill stakeholder commissioner seats, term effective March 1, 2025. The motion to nominate commissioners Andersen, Brookins, Davis, and Treviño to fill the commission’s stakeholder seats effective March 1, 2025, was approved on Commissioner Krueger’s motion, Commissioner Neal’s second, on a 13-0 vote. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT Chair Neal adjourned the meeting without objection at 9:17 PM. Page 2 of 4