Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes
REGULAR MEETING of the LGBTQ QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISORY COMMISSION Monday, May 13, 2024 at 7:00 P.M. City of Austin Permitting and Development Center, Room 1401 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr., Austin, Texas 78752 MEETING MINUTES Some members of the Commission may be participating by videoconference. Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once, either in-person or remotely, and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, contact Alyssa Parra, the Commission’s staff liaison, at 512-974-2934 or Appointment Commissioner Gary Brown District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 District 6 District 7 Mariana Krueger Brandon Wollerson VACANT Charles Curry Dr. Melissa Taylor Morgan Davis Alexander Andersen Minutes Appointment District 8 District 9 District 10 Mayor Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder CURRENT COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Dereca Sims Christian Aguirre Yuri G Barragán VACANT Jerome Benson David Garza J. Scott Neal, Chair CALL TO ORDER Chair Scott called to order at 7:08 PM ROLL CALL: Absent: • Dereca Sims • Christian Aguirre • Mariana Krueger Page 1 of 4 • Charles Curry Jerome Benson (Jerry Joe) (virtual) John Scott Neal Present: • • Yuri G Barragán (virtual) • • Gary Brown • Brandon Wollerson • Alexander Andersen • David Garza • Melissa Taylor (virtual) • Morgan Davis PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None APPROVAL OF MINUTES STAFF BRIEFINGS Office of Sustainability. DISCUSSION ITEMS MOTION TO SUSPEND ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER Motioned by Commissioner Neal and seconded by Commissioner Brown, it passed unanimously by roll call vote with Commissioner Taylor off the dais and Commissioner Garza Abstaining. 1. Motion by Commissioner Wollerson, Seconded by Commissioner Garza, to approve the minutes of the Commission’s Regular Meeting on April 15, 2024, passed unanimously by roll call vote. 2. Equity-Based Preservation Plan briefing, presented by Cara Bertron, Program Manager II, Planning Department. 3. Austin/Travis County Food Plan briefing, presented by Sergio Torres-Peralta, Food & Resilience Coordinator, 4. Discussion regarding feedback from last month’s community forum. Motion From Neal, Seconded by Brown, To create a Cultural center working group, to include Commissioners, Wollerson, Anderson, Davis, Barragain, Benson, and staff liaison Alyssa Parra, with Commissioner Benson as Chair to develop a recommendation for the council to do a feasibility study for an LGBTQIA+ Cultural Center due June 10, 2024, passed unanimously with commissioner Taylor off the dais. 5. Discussion regarding upcoming community events related to the Commission's mission and goals. Postponed to next month 6. Discussion regarding the Lesbian Gay Police Officer’s Association (LGPOA) conference in 2025. Postponed to next Page 2 of 4 month. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 7. Approve membership and chair for the following working groups: Communication, Community Outreach, Budget, New Commissioner, Housing, Cultural Center, and Demographic Data. To be determined in individual working group meetings, and report back by our next meeting on June 10, 2024. 8. Discussion and approval of a recommendation from the New Commissioner Working Group regarding recommendations for applicants for the vacant commissioner positions. Motion by Commissioner Neal Seconded by Garza to create a new commissioner working group with Commissioners Garza, Anderson, and Brown, with Garza as Chair, tasked with bringing back four new commissioner recommendations to fill vacancies by July 8. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. 9. Discussion and approval of a recommendation related to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity tabled until next meeting. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Vice Chair Election Budget recommendations and working groups Updates from each of the working groups and who is their chair Community Outreach to present schedule of events Equity-based preservation plan ADJOURNMENT The chair adjourned at 8:57 PM. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least two days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please get in touch with Alyssa Parra, the Commission’s staff liaison, at 512-974-2934 or for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission, please get in touch with Alyssa Parra, the Commission’s staff liaison, at 512-974-2934 or The minutes were approved at the 6/10/24 meeting on Commissioner Wollerson’ s motion, Commissioner Garza’s second on a 10-0 vote. Page 3 of 4