LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory CommissionApril 12, 2021

Approved Minutes — original pdf

Approved Minutes
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LGBTQ QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISORY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES The LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission convened in a regular meeting on Monday, April 12, 2021, via videoconference. Chair Victor Martinez called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. Members in Attendance: Martinez, Baeza, Chavez, Curette, Curry, Doughty, Dowling, Kathryn Gonzales, Taylor, Wollerson Staff in Attendance: Staff Liaison Neal Falgoust PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: None 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – The minutes of March 8, 2021, were amended and approved without objection. 2. NEW BUSINESS a. Charles Robbins of Health Management Associates provided an update to the LGBTQ Quality of Life study. Efforts are focused on collecting responses from youth and older adults and ensuring a statistically valid sample. b. Vanorda Richardson and Nicholas Johnson of PARD presented a budget forecast for FY 2022. c. Chair Martinez presented budget recommendations proposed by the commission’s Budget Working Group. Commissioner Curry moved adoption of a recommendation related to arts funding, Commissioner Wollerson provided a second, and the commission approved the recommendation 10-0. Commissioner Baeza moved adoption of a recommendation related to mental health funding, Commissioner Chavez provided a second, and the commission approved the recommendation 8-0. Vice Chair Gonzales and Commissioner Wollerson recused from the vote. d. The commission discussed appointing a member to the City Council’s Winter Storm Task Force. Vice Chair Gonzales volunteered to be appointed. Commissioner Dowling moved to appoint Vice Chair Gonzales, and Commissioner Taylor provided a second. The Commission approved the appointment of Vice Chair Gonzales 9-0-1, with Vice Chair Gonzales in abstention. e. The commission considered the appointment of a Chair for the 2021/2022 term. Commissioner Dowling nominated Vice Chair Gonzales to the position of Chair, and Chair Martinez provided a second. The commission approved, 9-0-1, with Vice Chair Gonzales in abstention. The Commission considered the appointment of a Vice Chair for the 2021/2022 term. Commissioner Wollerson nominated Commissioner Taylor, Commissioner Dowling provided a second. The commission approved 10-0. f. The commission discussed vacant positions representing District 6 and an at-large stakeholder. The commission will form a working group to recruit applicants for the at-large position, review applications, and make recommendations to the full commission for an appointment. ADJOURNMENT – Chair Martinez adjourned the meeting at 8:29 p.m. without objection.