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FY 2020-21 Budget Overview City of Austin Budget TimelineKEYDATES:March 13 –5-year Financial Forecast UpdateMay 8 –Department budget submittals due to Budget OfficeJuly 13 –Presentation of Proposed Budget to City CouncilJuly 23, 30 –Public Hearings August 12 –Budget and tax rate adoption1/13/20202Policy Input & ForecastingBudget DevelopmentCouncil Deliberation & AdoptionCommunity EngagementBoards and CommissionsCouncil Town Hall MeetingsPublic HearingsJANUARY -APRILMAY -JUNEJULY -AUGUST1/13/20203Austin Energy31%Austin Water14%Other31%General Fund24%FY 2019-20 ALLFUNDSBUDGET$4.2 BILLIONFY 2019-20 CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROGRAM$1.2 BILLIONSPENDPLAN$289.4M$201.0M$81.8M$175.4M$198.0M$254.7M$0$100$200$300OtherVoter-Approved BondsPlanning &Development CenterAustin WaterAviationAustin Energy1/13/20204Police38.9%Fire17.9%Emergency Medical Services8.3%Parks and Recreation8.8%Austin Public Health7.7%Austin Public Library4.9%Transfers & Other13.5%FY 2019-20 GENERALFUNDBUDGET$1,088 MILLIONFY 2019-20 GENERALFUNDREVENUE$1,088MILLION48.8%23.1%14.6%13.5%Property TaxSales TaxUtility TransfersOther Revenue0.0%20.0%40.0%60.0%General Fund Budget Forecast 1/13/20205FY 2020-21 Budget Initiatives •Review of the equity and efficiency of Fire and EMS services•Develop homelessness services performance framework and review service contracts•Strategic Direction 2023 program alignment and operational efficiency improvements •Explore opportunities to broaden and increase General Fund revenues•Develop fiscal sustainability plans for City retirement systems1/13/20206FY 2020-21 Equity Focus•Examine equity of existingprograms and resource allocation1/13/20207$1.2 M Chamber of Commerce Funding•Reviewed the distribution of City funding to all chambers of commerce•Recommended an equitable distribution formula and new methodology $12.8 M Cultural Arts Funding •Community input and program review occurred in 2019•Goal to have recommendations for future program structure and operations to broaden and deepen access to resources and opportunitiesFor more Questions/Comments?