LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission - Oct. 10, 2022
LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission Regular Meeting of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Quality of Life Advisory Commission - City of Austin Permitting and Development Center, 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr., Austin, Texas 78752
REGULAR MEETING of the LGBTQ QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISORY COMMISSION MONDAY, October 10, 2022 7:00 P.M. City of Austin Permitting and Development Center, Room 1401 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr., Austin, Texas 78752 Some members of the Commission may be participating by videoconference. Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once, either in-person or remotely, and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, contact Alyssa Parra, the Commission’s staff liaison, at 512-974-2934 or CURRENT COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Ryn Gonzales, Chair Kannou Curette Christian Vieira Dr. Victor Martinez Darcy Rendon Emily Bush VACANT VACANT Appointment Commissioner Stakeholder Melissa Taylor, Vice Chair Katie Jones Nan Dowling Brandon Wollerson District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 Marti Bier District 5 District 6 District 7 Appointment Stakeholder District 8 District 9 District 10 Mayor Stakeholder Stakeholder Charles Curry VACANT AGENDA CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first ten speakers signed up before the meeting is called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. MOTION TO SUSPEND ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Commission’s Regular Meeting on September 12, 2022. STAFF BRIEFINGS 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Staff briefing regarding ATX Bike, Walk, Roll, centered on equity. Presented by Craig McColloch, Project Manager, Capital Delivery Program, Public Works Department. (Sponsor: Staff; Strategic Outcome: Government That Works for All) Staff briefing regarding the city's role in facilitating and managing affordable housing in the Austin area. Presented by Mandy DeMayo, Deputy Director of the Housing and Planning Department. (Sponsor: Staff; Strategic Outcome: Government That Works for All) DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 4. Discussion and possible action regarding reconnecting Communities Pilot Grant Application Letters of Support Discussion and possible action of the FY23 regular meeting schedule Discussion and possible action on yearly retreat date and agenda items. Discussion and possible action on the 2nd annual LGBTQIA+ Health and Resource Fair. Discussion of the Joint Inclusion Committee's Q&A document regarding working groups from the City Clerk's Office. Discussion and possible action on creating and appointing members to a new workgroup on Housing; including authorization for those workgroup …
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Quality of Life Advisory Commission ATX Walk Bike Roll Project Update Agenda • ATX Walk Bike Roll Overview • What We Learned • Urban Trails & Bikeways • Sidewalks & Shared Streets • What’s Next Goals of ATX Walk Bike Roll • Update three modal plans that identify where to build sidewalks and crossings, urban trails, and bikeways • Embed social and racial equity within the programs • Add maintenance into plans and update project prioritization • Work with partners to create a safer, more connected network • Identify ways to build high quality bicycle and pedestrian pathways in less time Timeline • Phase 1: Winter 2021 – Summer 2021 • Equity Framework; Conditions Analysis; Outreach Planning • Outreach goal: introduce project, discuss community needs and priorities to shape guiding values of ATXWBR. • Phase 2: Fall 2021 – Fall 2022 • Programs & Policies; Scenario Evaluation; Project Prioritization; Buildout • Outreach goal: determine where we build, how we prioritize projects, and what we base decisions on. • Phase 3: Fall 2022 – Spring 2023 • Plan Document Development and Revisions • Outreach goal: review and discuss the plans and priorities – did we get Plans it right? • Anticipated Adoption: Spring / Summer 2023 Equity Focus Equity is achieved when race no longer predicts a person’s quality of life outcomes in our community. The City of Austin recognizes that past plans and investments have not met the needs of all Austinites or have actively harmed communities - especially low-income communities and communities of color. This furthered inequalities in transportation, health, safety, housing, and income. What We Learned What We Learned – Concerns Around Housing “The City needs to invest more resources in listening to residents of color and implementing policies that vulnerable populations want. I want to see sidewalk and bike lane improvements that are coupled with “right of return” and other housing policies that keep people in their homes and prevent gentrification.” How We Are Moving Forward Policy Ideas As Austin is experiencing an affordability crisis, ATXWBR is considering policy ideas to reduce transportation cost, such as: • Making transit and bikeshare completely free for all residents • A "Guaranteed Basic Mobility Program" (transportation debit card for low-income residents that can be used for transit, bikeshare, rideshare, scooters, taxis, etc.) • Explore ways to provide a fair allocation of transportation services for …
Housing Affordability Overview & Briefing LGBTQ+ Quality of Life Advisory Commission October 10, 2022 Content Overview of HPD Strategic Housing Blueprint Housing Investments City of Austin Housing and Planning Housing and Planning Department Mission: The Housing & Planning Department partners with the community to shape a more equitable Austin and to prevent the displacement of people and services, using planning disciplines and affordable housing resources. Goals •Create people centered plans and policies to support pedestrian oriented places that promote transit, jobs, and affordable housing opportunities •Facilitate long-range planning opportunities to promote the creation of walkable, mixed-use, and mixed-income communities •Collaborate with community members to honor and learn from Austin’s distinctive physical and cultural qualities to help sustain a multi-ethnic city •Prevent displacement of renters by providing tenant stabilization resources •Address housing challenges in Austin by creating and preserving affordable housing units especially in high opportunity and gentrifying areas •Transform community engagement processes to yield more inclusive, equitable, and effective outcomes for people of color, low-income persons, and renters •Identify and address systemic municipal racial bias and discrimination in housing and planning by focusing programs, plans, and projects to benefit historically excluded communities 4 Housing and Planning Department 5 Austin Strategic Housing Blueprint Austin Strategic Housing Blueprint (2017) • Goals: • Disperse Affordable Housing to all 10 Districts • Create 60K Units of Affordable Housing across 0% - 80% Median Family Income • Count & track all new and existing housing • Develop along Imagine Austin Centers/Corridors & near High Opportunity Areas • Preserve 10K Affordable Housing Units • Create Permanent Supportive Housing and Continuum of Care Units for people experiencing homelessness 7 8 Housing Market Conditions (2022) 9 Blueprint Scorecard 2021 Housing Blueprint Scorecard 10 4-Year Blueprint Progress 11 Housing Investments Proposition A 2018 Bond Ballot Language 13 2018 Affordable Housing Bond Spend Plan Project Name FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 Total Prop A- Affordable Housing Land Acquisition $ 20 million $30 million $30 million $20 million - $100 million RHDA OHDA $16 million $18 million $20 million $20 million $20 million $94 million $4 million $6 million $6 million $6 million $6 million $28 million Home Repair $2 million $5 million $6 million $7 million $8 million $28 million $42 million $59 million $62 million $53 million $34 million $ 250 million 14 Investment by Funding Type FY11-12 – FY20-21 AHFC Investment >$181 million 75% from GO Bonds 5,000+ …