REGULAR MEETING of the LGBTQ QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISORY COMMISSION Monday, March 3rd, at 6:45 P.M. City of Austin Permitting and Development Center, Room 1405 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr., Austin, Texas 78752 Some members of the Commission may be participating by videoconference. Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once, either in-person or remotely, and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. Speakers may also register to speak in-person using this Registration Form. To register to speak remotely, contact Ryan Sperling, Office of the City Clerk, at 512-974-3568 or CURRENT COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Kitty McLeod Katie Coyne VACANT Brigitte Bandit VACANT J. Scott Neal (Chair) Garry Brown District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 6 District 7 District 8 Appointment Commissioner Mariana Krueger Appointment District 9 Brandon Wollerson District 10 Rocío Fierro-Pérez Mayor Alexander Andersen Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder Morgan Davis Taylor Treviño Jerry Joe Benson (Vice Chair) District 5 KB Brookins 6:30 PM – Performance & Special Guests Drag performance by Brigitte Bandit Words from Councilmember José Velasquez 6:45 PM - LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission Convenes CALL TO ORDER AGENDA Page 1 of 4 PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first ten speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three- minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission's regular meeting on February 10, 2025. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS WORKING GROUP UPDATES STAFF BRIEFINGS 2. Amend the annual schedule to change Commission meetings from the second Monday of every month to the third Monday of every month. 3. Update on the history of the LGBTQIA+ Cultural Center project. Presentation by the LGBTQIA+ Cultural Center Town Hall Working Group. 4. Briefing regarding the state of the LGBTQIA+ Cultural Center Feasibility Study as described in Resolution 20240814-022. Briefing by Christine Maguire, Redevelopment Division Manager, Financial Services Department. 5. Receive input from members of the public on the LGBTQIA+ Cultural Center’s potential vision and 6. Receive input from members of the public on the LGBTQIA+ Cultural Center’s potential amenities, services, and programming, and explain methods of collecting feedback. 7. …
LGBTQ QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISORY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES February 10, 2025 The LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission convened in a regular meeting on Monday, February 10, 2025, at 6:30 PM at the City of Austin Permitting and Development Center, 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr., Austin, Texas, 78752, Room #1401/1402. Commissioners in attendance in person: J. Scott Neal (Chair) Jerry Joe Benson (Vice Chair) Alexander Andersen Brigitte Bandit KB Brookins Garry Brown Katie Coyne Morgan Davis Mariana Krueger Kitty McLeod Taylor Treviño Brandon Wollerson Commissioners in attendance remotely: Rocío Fierro-Pérez Chair Neal called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission’s regular meeting on January 13, 2025. The minutes were approved on Commissioner Krueger’s motion, Commissioner Wollerson’s second, on a 13-0 vote. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Presentation regarding CommUnityCare’s new IDEALhealth program. Presentation by Dr. Crystal Walker, Associate Director of Sexual health program, CommUnityCare. The presentation was made by Dr. Crystal Walker, Associate Director of the Sexual Health program, CommUnityCare. Page 1 of 4 3. Presentation regarding federal and state policies impacting the LGBTQIA+ community and advice on how the community can engage with legislators. Presentation by Rachel Gonzales, Senior Regional Organizing Lead, Human Rights Campaign. Withdrawn without objection. 4. Presentation regarding the status of immigrant communities in Austin. Presentation by Roberto Lopez, Beyond Borders Senior Advocacy manager, Texas Civil Rights Project. The presentation was made by Roberto Lopez, Beyond Borders Senior Advocacy Manager, Texas Civil Rights Project. 5. Discussion on potential budget recommendations relating to the LGBTQIA+ community in Austin. Discussion was held. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 6. Approve the formation of a working group to review budget recommendations by the Joint Inclusion Committee and propose potential budget recommendations to the LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission. The motion to form a working group to review budget recommendations by the Joint Inclusion Committee and propose potential budget recommendations to the LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission was approved on Chair Neal’s motion, Commissioner Davis’ second, on a 13-0 vote. The members include Commissioners Brown, Benson, McLeod, Neal, and Wollerson. 7. Approve a motion to amend the annual schedule to move the March 10 regular meeting to March 3rd. The annual schedule was amended to move the March 10 regular meeting to March 3 on Commissioner Brown’s motion, Commissioner Krueger’s second, on a …
REGULAR MEETING of the LGBTQ QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISORY COMMISSION Monday, February 10, 2025, at 6:30 P.M. City of Austin Permitting and Development Center, Room 1401 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr., Austin, Texas 78752 Some members of the LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission may be participating by videoconference. Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once, either in-person or remotely, and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, contact Ryan Sperling, Office of the City Clerk, at 512-974-3568 or Jerry Joe Benson (Vice Chair) District 5 KB Brookins CURRENT COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Kitty McLeod Katie Coyne VACANT Brigitte Bandit VACANT J. Scott Neal (Chair) Garry Brown CALL TO ORDER District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 6 District 7 District 8 PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Appointment Commissioner Mariana Krueger Appointment District 9 Brandon Wollerson District 10 Rocío Fierro-Pérez Mayor Alexander Andersen Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder Morgan Davis Taylor Treviño AGENDA The first ten speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three- minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission's regular meeting on January 13, 2025. Page 1 of 4 DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Presentation regarding CommUnityCare’s new IDEALhealth program. Presentation by Dr. Crystal Walker, Associate Director of Sexual Health Program, CommUnityCare. 3. Presentation regarding federal and state policies impacting the LGBTQIA+ community and how the community can engage with legislators. Presentation by Rachel Gonzales, Senior Regional Organizing Lead, Human Rights Campaign. 4. Presentation regarding the status of immigrant communities in Austin. Presentation by Roberto Lopez, Beyond Borders Senior Advocacy manager, Texas Civil Rights Project. 5. Discussion on potential budget recommendations relating to the LGBTQIA+ community in Austin. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 6. Approve the formation of a working group to review budget recommendations by the Joint Inclusion Committee and propose potential budget recommendations to the LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission. 7. Amend the annual schedule to change the March 10 regular meeting to March 3. 8. Approve a statement reaffirming the commission’s solidarity with and support of the LGBTQIA+ Community in Austin. …
LGBTQ QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISORY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 2025 The LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission convened in a regular meeting on Monday, January 13, 2025, at 6:30 PM at the City of Austin Permitting and Development Center, 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr., Austin, Texas, 78752, Room #1401/1402. Commissioners in attendance in person: J. Scott Neal (Chair) Jerry Joe Benson (Vice Chair) Alexander Andersen Brigitte Bandit KB Brookins Garry Brown Katie Coyne Morgan Davis Mariana Krueger Taylor Treviño Brandon Wollerson Commissioners in attendance remotely: Rocío Fierro-Pérez Kitty McLeod Chair Neal called the meeting to order at 6:40 PM. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Clayton Gibson spoke on the LGBTQ Cultural Center Feasibility Study. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission's regular meeting on December 9, 2024 The minutes were approved on Commissioner Krueger’s motion, Commissioner Benson’s second, on a 13-0 vote. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Presentation regarding the upcoming Texas Legislature Session and potential draft bills pertaining to the LGBTQ+ Community. Presentation by Equality Texas. Presentation provided by Landon Richie, Policy Coordinator, TENT. 3. Presentation regarding the status of the transgender community in Austin Presentation by Landon Richie, Policy Coordinator, Transgender Education Network of Texas (TENT). Page 1 of 4 Presentation provided by Landon Richie, Policy Coordinator, TENT. 4. Presentation regarding the state of the transgender youth community in Austin. Presentation by Jaryn Holbrook Janeway, Director, OutYouth. Presentation provided by Jaryn Holbrook Janeway, Director of Operations, OutYouth. 5. Presentation regarding Austin’s LGBTQIA+ healthcare outlook. Presentation by Christopher Hamilton, Texas Health Action. Presentation provided by Christopher Hamilton, CEO, Texas Health Action. 6. Discussion on ways in which commissioners may assist members of the LGBTQIA+ community with U.S. Passport applications. Discussion was held. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 7. Discussion and possible action to create a working group to monitor the upcoming Texas Legislative Session and provide a report on what LGBTQIA+ related laws have been passed. The motion to form a working group to monitor the upcoming Texas Legislative Session and provide a report on what LGBTQIA+ related laws have been passed was approved on Commissioner Krueger’s motion, Commissioner Davis’ second, on a 13-0 vote. Members include Commissioners Anderson, Bandit, Davis, Fierro-Pérez, and Treviño. 8. Discussion and possible action to create a working group to form a comprehensive resource packet for transgender and gender-expansive Austin residents needing related resources. The motion to form a …
Idealhealth: A sex positive, status neutral, and affirming sexual health clinic at CUC Presentation Overview • What is the Idealhealth clinic? • Where is it located? • What services will be provided? • What are the hours of operation? • Who can be seen at the sexual health clinic? • How to get connected to the sexual health clinic 2 The Idealhealth clinic: Inclusivity, diversity, equality, accessibility, and sex liberation 3 Sandra Joy Anderson (SJA) Clinic (campus of Huston-Tillotson University) 1705 E 11th St, Austin, Tx 78702 4 Idealhealth services offered • STI testing and treatment, including rapid HIV start • HIV prevention/PrEP and PEP • Gender affirming care • Contraceptive options (i.e. Nexplanon, Nuvaring, birth control pills, etc.) • Evaluation and management of sexual dysfunction (i.e. vaginal atrophy and dryness related to menopause, erectile dysfunction, and more) • Sexual health related vaccines: HPV, Hepatitis A and B, MPOX • DoxyPEP • Expedited Partner Therapy • Linkage to primary care and more!! 5 Hours of Operation and Staff First day of operation: November 4, 2024 • Clinic hours: Monday – Friday 8am- • • 5pm Lab hours: Monday-Friday 8am- 4:30pm (closed 11:30am-1:30pm for lunch) • The clinic will not serve minors • Sexual health staff • 3 Providers, 1 nurse, and 2 medical assistants 6 7 Getting connected to the Idealhealth clinic • Internal referrals • Walk-ins • Self-scheduling option through Mychart for established patients • Call 512-978-9015 to schedule an appointment 88 Thank you!
LGBTQIA+ Quality of Life Commission & Immigrant Communities 02/10/25 Roberto Lopez Senior Advocacy Director Texas Civil Rights Project Agenda ● Grounding ● Texas Legislature ● Resources ● Practices Limits to what I can address today ● Can: ○ Broad Attacks on Immigrant Communities ○ Movement Ecosystem, Resources to Access ○ How the commission can help ● Can’t: questions ○ Specific “Know Your Rights” material & legal Advocacy: Texas Legislature ● Troubling Bills: ○ SB 1 - 6.5 Billion for “Operation Lone Star” (State Immigration Enforcement) ○ 287 (g) requirements ■ SB 134, HB 2361, etc. ○ Undocumented Youth in Education - HB 160, strips residency status for Higher Ed, requires campus to alert police if there’s an undocumented person. Texas Legislature - Weekly Updates on happenings at the lege -Volunteer options to advocate with us. What else can you do? 1. Undertake Preventive Measures 2. Prepare for an Emergency Response 3. Support Advocacy Work Preventive Resources ● “Know Your Rights” (KYR) material ○ ILRC Red Cards: ○ We Have Rights videos: ● Upcoming KYR Presentations: ○ TCRP @ Frida Friday ATX 2/16 ○ through March -------------------> ● Austin Sanctuary Network: 512-640-9080 ○ “Resources and events related to deportation defense and/or ways to get involved with ASN” Emergency Resources ● ICE Detainee Locator: ○ ● Austin’s Legal Support post arrest: ○ RAICES ○ American Gateways ○ Private Immigration Firms ● *Potential Hotlines* Practice ● Refresh: 10 - 20 minutes every other meeting to refresh on latest resources, immigration news, policy changes. ● Learn: Every member of the commission attends at least 1 immigration related KYR in the next 3 months. ● Advocate: The commission supports local policy pushes in the coming months to protect immigrant communities. Questions? ● Follow us on social media! Tiktok/Instagram/Facebo ok/LinkedIn: @TXCivilRights Questions & Answers
REGULAR MEETING of the LGBTQ QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISORY COMMISSION Monday, January 13, 2025, at 6:30 P.M. City of Austin Permitting and Development Center, Room 1401 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr., Austin, Texas 78752 Some members of the Commission may be participating by videoconference. Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once, either in-person or remotely, and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, contact Ryan Sperling, Office of the City Clerk, at 512-974-3568 or CURRENT COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Appointment Kitty McLeod Katie Coyne VACANT Brigitte Bandit Jerome Benson VACANT J. Scott Neal, Chair District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 District 6 District 7 Taylor Trevino Stakeholder Commissioner Garry Brown Mariana Krueger Brandon Wollerson Rocío Fierro-Pérez Morgan Davis Alexander Andersen KB Brookins Appointment District 8 District 9 District 10 Mayor Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2024 AGENDA Page 1 of 4 1. Approve the minutes of the LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission's regular meeting on December 9, DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Presentation regarding the upcoming Texas Legislature Session and potential draft bills pertaining to the LGBTQ+ Community. Presentation by Equality Texas. 2. Presentation regarding the status of the transgender community in Austin Presentation by Landon Richie, Policy Coordinator, Transgender Education Network of Texas (TENT). 3. Presentation regarding the state of the transgender youth community in Austin. Presentation by Jaryn Holbrook Janeway, Director, OutYouth. 4. Presentation regarding Austin’s LGBTQIA+ healthcare outlook. Presentation by Christopher Hamilton, Texas 5. Discussion on ways in which commissioners may assist members of the LGBTQIA+ community with U.S. Health Action. Passport applications. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 6. Discussion and possible action to create a working group to monitor the upcoming Texas Legislative Session and provide a report on what LGBTQIA+ related laws have been passed. 7. Discussion and possible action to create a working group to form a comprehensive resource packet for transgender and gender-expansive Austin residents needing related resources. 8. Discussion and approval of a statement reaffirming the commission’s solidarity with and support of the LGBTQIA+ Community in Austin. 9. Discussion and possible action authorizing a commissioner to speak to media representatives regarding the commission’s interests and perspectives …
LGBTQ QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISORY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2024 The LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission convened in a regular meeting on Monday, December 9, 2024, at 7:00 PM at the City of Austin Permitting and Development Center, 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr., Austin, Texas, 78752, Room #1401/1402. Commissioners in attendance in person: Jerry Joe Benson, Morgan Davis, David Garza, KB Brookins, Kitty McLeod, Garry Brown, Mariana Krueger, Brandon Wollerson Commissioners in attendance remotely: Alexander Andersen, Katie Coyne, Brigitte Bandit Vice Chair Benson called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission's regular meeting on November 4, 2024 The minutes were approved on Commissioner Krueger’s motion, Commissioner Garza’s second on an 11-0 vote. Commissioners Fierro-Pérez and Neal were absent. 2. Approve the minutes of the LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission’s regular meeting on January 9, 2023. The minutes were approved on Commissioner Krueger’s motion, Commissioner Garza’s second on an 11-0 vote with the below amendments. Commissioners Fierro-Pérez and Neal were absent. Amended to substitute “2022” with “2023”. DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. Discussion on the upcoming Texas Legislature Session and its expected draft bills pertaining to the LGBTQIA+ and performing arts communities Presentation provided by Miriam Laeky, Government Affairs Director, Equality Texas. Discussion was held. 4. Discussion on public safety needs for the LGBTQIA+ community in Austin, especially with regards to fear of physical violence, and the ways in which the City and Austin Police Department may be able to address them. Discussion was held. 5. Discussion of last month’s presentation by City Manager T.C. Broadnax, including lessons learned and potential follow-up questions. Discussion was held. Page 1 of 4 6. Discussion on planning the Austin LGBTQIA+ Community Center Updates and Input Session Town Hall, including its agenda, format, and whether this will be a commission meeting or a working group event. Discussion was held. 7. Discussion of coordination with City departments that may be interested in hosting a job/resource fair or vaccine clinic before the Austin LGBTQIA+ Community Center Updates and Input Session Town Hall. Discussion was held. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 8. Discussion and possible action on authorizing commissioners to make social media posts advertising the January commission meeting and Austin LGBTQIA+ Community Center Updates and Input Town Hall, including inviting certain demographic groups. Discussion was held. No …
LGBTQ QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISORY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 2025 The LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission convened in a regular meeting on Monday, January 13, 2025, at 6:30 PM at the City of Austin Permitting and Development Center, 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr., Austin, Texas, 78752, Room #1401/1402. Commissioners in attendance in person: J. Scott Neal (Chair) Jerry Joe Benson (Vice Chair) Alexander Andersen Brigitte Bandit KB Brookins Garry Brown Katie Coyne Morgan Davis Mariana Krueger Taylor Treviño Brandon Wollerson Commissioners in attendance remotely: Rocío Fierro-Pérez Kitty McLeod Chair Neal called the meeting to order at 6:40 PM. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Clayton Gibson spoke on the LGBTQ Cultural Center Feasibility Study. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission's regular meeting on December 9, 2024 The minutes were approved on Commissioner Krueger’s motion, Commissioner Benson’s second, on a 13-0 vote. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Presentation regarding the upcoming Texas Legislature Session and potential draft bills pertaining to the LGBTQ+ Community. Presentation by Equality Texas. Presentation provided by Landon Richie, Policy Coordinator, TENT. 3. Presentation regarding the status of the transgender community in Austin Presentation by Landon Richie, Policy Coordinator, Transgender Education Network of Texas (TENT). Page 1 of 4 Presentation provided by Landon Richie, Policy Coordinator, TENT. 4. Presentation regarding the state of the transgender youth community in Austin. Presentation by Jaryn Holbrook Janeway, Director, OutYouth. Presentation provided by Jaryn Holbrook Janeway, Director of Operations, OutYouth. 5. Presentation regarding Austin’s LGBTQIA+ healthcare outlook. Presentation by Christopher Hamilton, Texas Health Action. Presentation provided by Christopher Hamilton, CEO, Texas Health Action. 6. Discussion on ways in which commissioners may assist members of the LGBTQIA+ community with U.S. Passport applications. Discussion was held. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 7. Discussion and possible action to create a working group to monitor the upcoming Texas Legislative Session and provide a report on what LGBTQIA+ related laws have been passed. The motion to form a working group to monitor the upcoming Texas Legislative Session and provide a report on what LGBTQIA+ related laws have been passed was approved on Commissioner Krueger’s motion, Commissioner Davis’ second, on a 13-0 vote. Members include Commissioners Anderson, Bandit, Davis, Fierro-Pérez, and Treviño. 8. Discussion and possible action to create a working group to form a comprehensive resource packet for transgender and gender-expansive Austin residents needing related resources. The motion to form a …
REGULAR MEETING OF THE LGBTQ QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISORY COMMISSION Monday, December 9, 2024, at 7:00 P.M. City of Austin Permitting and Development Center, Room 1401 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr., Austin, Texas 78752 MEETING AGENDA Some members of the Commission may be participating by videoconference. Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once, either in-person or remotely, and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, contact Ryan Sperling, Office of the City Clerk, at 512-974-3568 or CURRENT COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Appointment Jerry Joe Benson, Vice Chair District 5 Morgan Davis District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 6 District 7 Commissioner Garry Brown Mariana Krueger Brandon Wollerson Rocío Fierro-Perez Alexander Andersen KB Brookins VACANT Appointment District 8 District 9 District 10 Mayor Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder VACANT Katie Coyne VACANT Brigitte Bandit David Garza J. Scott Neal, Chair CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first ten speakers signed up before the meeting is called to order will each be allowed a three- minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. Distinguished Service Award – To be presented by Councilmember Alison Alter APPROVAL OF MINUTES AGENDA Page 1 of 4 1. Approve the minutes of the LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission's regular meeting on 2. Approve the minutes of the LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission’s regular meeting on November 4, 2024. January 9, 2023. DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. Discussion on the upcoming Texas Legislature Session and its expected draft bills pertaining to the LGBTQIA+ and performing arts communities. 4. Discussion on public safety needs for the LGBTQIA+ community in Austin, especially with regards to fear of physical violence, and the ways in which the City and Austin Police Department may be able to address them. 5. Discussion of last month’s presentation by City Manager T.C. Broadnax, including lessons learned and potential follow-up questions. 6. Discussion on planning the Austin LGBTQIA+ Community Center Updates and Input Session Town Hall, including its agenda, format, and whether this will be a commission meeting or a working group event. 7. Discussion of coordination with City departments that may be interested in hosting a job/resource fair or vaccine clinic …
LGBTQ QUALITY OF LIFE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES January 9, 2022 REGULAR MEETING of the LGBTQ QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISORY COMMISSION MONDAY, January 9, 2022 7:00 P.M. City of Austin Permitting and Development Center, Room 1401 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr., Austin, Texas 78752 MEETING MINUTES Some members of the Commission may be participating by videoconference. Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, contact Alyssa Parra the Commission’s staff liaison, at 512-974-2934, or CURRENT COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Ryn Gonzales, Chair Kannou Curette, Vice Chair Christian Vieira Dr. Victor Martinez Darcy Rendon Emily Bush VACANT VACANT District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 Marti Bier District 5 District 6 District 7 Appointment Stakeholder District 8 District 9 District 10 Mayor Stakeholder Stakeholder Appointment Commissioner Stakeholder Melissa Taylor Katie Jones Nan Dowling Brandon Wollerson Charles Curry VACANT AGENDA CALL TO ORDER By Chair Ryn Gonzales at 7:00pm. ROLL CALL: Absent: None Present: ● Ryn Gonzales ● Kannou Curette ● Marti Bier LGBTQ QUALITY OF LIFE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES January 9, 2022 ● Emily Bush ● Charles Curry ● Katelyn Jones ● Victor Martinez ● Melissa Taylor ● Darcy Rendon ● Christian Vieira ● Brandon Wollerson ● Nan Dowling PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first ten speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. No speakers MOTION TO SUSPEND ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER Motion made by Commissioner Curry, seconded by Commissioner Wollerson. All members present voted in favor; motion approved unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Motion made by Commissioner Wollerson, seconded by Commissioner Gonzales to approve the minutes of the Commission’s Regular Meeting on November 14, 2022, as. All members present voted in favor; motion approved unanimously. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 2. 3. 4. Discussion of the JIC budget work session. Discussion of yearly retreat organizing. Discussion of meeting with Jason Alexander regarding the LGBTQ Community Liaison position in the City Manager's Office. Discussion of the Joint Inclusion Committee's Q&A document regarding working groups from the City Clerk's Office. Discussion of …
REGULAR MEETING of the LGBTQ QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISORY COMMISSION Tuesday, November 4, 2024, at 7:00 P.M. City of Austin Permitting and Development Center, Room 1401 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr., Austin, Texas 78752 MEETING MINUTES Some members of the Commission may be participating by videoconference. Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once, either in-person or remotely, and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, contact Ryan Sperling, Office of the City Clerk, at 512-974-3568 or CURRENT COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Appointment District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 District 6 District 7 Commissioner Garry Brown Mariana Krueger Brandon Wollerson Rocío Fierro-Perez Morgan Davis Alexander Andersen KB Brookins Appointment District 8 District 9 District 10 Mayor Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder VACANT Katie Coyne VACANT Brigitte Bandit Jerry Joe Benson David Garza J. Scott Neal, Chair CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Chair Neal called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M. Present in person: J. Scott Neal, Chair Jerry Joe Benson, Vice Chair • • • Alexander Andersen Minutes Page 1 of 4 • Brigitte Bandit • KB Brookins • Garry Brown • Katie Coyne • David Garza • Brandon Wollerson Present virtually: • Rocío Fierro-Pérez • Katie Coyne • Morgan Davis PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission's regular meeting on October 14, 2024. The minutes were approved on Commissioner Brown’s motion, Commissioner Krueger’s second on a 10-0 vote with Commissioners Davis and Fierro-Pérez off the dais, with the following amendments: Substitute “Gary” with “Garry”. Substitute the “10-0” vote count on item 15 with “10-1”. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Discussion of the history of the LGBQT+ Community and LGBTQ+ Quality of Life Advisory Commission in Austin. Presenter: Garry Brown, LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission commissioner. Presentation by Garry Brown, LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission commissioner. Discussion was held. 3. Discussion of items that the LGBTQ+ Quality of Life Advisory Commission has identified as high- priority needs of the LGBT Community, and potential avenues for partnership between the Commission and the City Manager on these items. Presentation by Jerry Joe Benson, Vice Chair, LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission. …
REGULAR MEETING of the LGBTQ QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISORY COMMISSION Monday, November 4, 2024 , at 7:00 P.M. City of Austin Permitting and Development Center, Room 1401/1402 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr., Austin, Texas 78752 MEETING AGENDA Some members of the Commission may be participating by videoconference. Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once, either in-person or remotely, and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, please contact Ryan Sperling, Office of the City Clerk, at 512-974-3568 or CURRENT COMMISSIONERS: J. Scott Neal (Chair) Alexander Andersen KB Brookins Katie Coyne Rocío Fierro-Perez Mariana Krueger CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Jerry Joe Benson (Vice Chair) Brigitte Bandit Garry Brown Morgan Davis David Garza Brandon Wollerson AGENDA The first ten speakers signed up before the meeting is called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. Page 1 of 4 1. Approve the minutes of the LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission regular meeting on October 14, 2. Discussion of the history of the LGBQT+ Community and LGBTQ+ Quality of Life Advisory Commission in Austin. Presenter: Gary Brown, LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission commissioner. 3. Discussion of items that the LGBTQ+ Quality of Life Advisory Commission has identified as high-priority needs of the LGBT Community, and potential avenues for partnership between the Commission and the City Manager on these items. Introduction of the new City Manager TC Broadnax to the Commission, and questions from the LGBTQ+ Quality of Life Advisory Commission related to his presentation. 4. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 5. Approve the creation of a working group to provide recommendations on the content, placement, and queer figures to highlight on a potential historic marker as per Resolution No. 20230914-078. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2024. DISCUSSION ITEMS FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least two days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please contact Ryan Sperling, Office …
REGULAR MEETING of the LGBTQ QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISORY COMMISSION Monday, October 14, 2024, at 7:00 P.M. City of Austin Permitting and Development Center, Room 1401 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr., Austin, Texas 78752 MEETING MINUTES Some members of the Commission may be participating by videoconference. Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once, either in-person or remotely, and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, contact Alyssa Parra, the Commission’s staff liaison, at 512-974-2934 or CURRENT COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Appointment VACANT Katie Coyne Yuri G Barragán Brigitte Bandit Jerry Joe Benson David Garza J. Scott Neal, Chair District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 District 6 District 7 Commissioner Gary Brown Mariana Krueger Brandon Wollerson Rocío Fierro-Perez VACANT VACANT Morgan Davis Alexander Andersen Appointment District 8 District 9 District 10 Mayor Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder CALL TO ORDER Chair Scott called to order at 7:03 PM ROLL CALL: Present in person: Minutes Page 1 of 4 John Scott Neal (Chair) Jerome (Jerry Joe) Benson (Vice Chair) • • • Gary Brown • Brigitte Bandit • Rocío Fierro-Perez • David Garza • Mariana Krueger • Brandon Wollerson Present virtually: • Alexander Andersen • Katie Coyne • Morgan Davis PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission's regular meeting on September 9, 2024. The minutes of the LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission’s regular meeting on September 9, 2024 were approved without objection on Chair Neal’s motion on an 11-0 vote. Commissioner Barragán was absent. STAFF BRIEFINGS 2. Briefing about Austin Public Health’s Request for Proposals for LGBTQ2S+ Services. Presentation by Helen Howell, Funding Specialist Senior, Austin Public Health. Presentation provided by Helen Howell, Funding Specialist Senior, Austin Public Health. 3. Briefing regarding Resolution No. 20230914-078, which directs the City to develop a historical marker on 4th and Colorado streets. Presentation by Kim McKnight, Program Manager, Parks and Recreation Department. Presentation provided by Kim McKnight, Program Manager, Parks and Recreation Department. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4. Discussion informing the commission and community of Austin's Dyke March, to be held on Oct. 5. Discussion on the LGBTQ+ Quality of Life Advisory Commission hosting …
LGBTQIA2S HISTORY IN AUSTIN LGBTQ Austin timeline 1958 The Manhattan Club, possibly Austin’s 1st gay bar, opens at 911 Congress 1970 Gay Liberation Front local chapter founded- 1st public gay and lesbian meeting in Austin 1971 First National Gay National Liberation Front Conference held in Austin 1974 After a 3-year court challenge, UT-Austin recognizes its first gay organization 1975 - Austin Lesbian Organization established, which eventually led to the opening of Bookwoman, an LGBTQ-owned business still open today - Austin City Council passes an Equal Employment Opportunity Ordinance that included an anti-discrimination protection for sexual orientation – a first for Texas 1976 - Austin City Council passes a Public Accommodations Ordinance with sexual orientation protection - Austin Mayor Jeff Friedman declared June 20-26 as Gay Pride Celebration Week 1982 - Lesbian/Gay Rights Advocates “LGRA” was established - Austin voters defeat a referendum (with 63% of the vote) that would make it legal to discriminate based on sexual orientation 1985 ALLGO, Austin Latino/a Lesbian and Gay Organization, is established to provide space, HIV/AIDS care, and outreach to LGBTQ communities of color LGBTQ Austin timeline 1986 LGRA becomes Lesbian/Gay Rights Lobby of Texas “LGRL” 1989 March on Austin for Lesbian/Gay Rights, at the time the largest demonstration in Austin’s history 1990 the 1st modern day Austin Pride Festival was held 1991 Glen Maxey becomes the first openly gay man elected to the Texas Legislature, representing Southeast Austin and Travis County 2002 the 1st Austin Pride Parade 2004 Austin City Council unanimously passes comprehensive non-discrimination protections to Transgender individuals 2005 LGRL becomes Equality Texas 2009 Queerbomb was established as an alternative to Austin Pride 2021 Austin Trans Pride was established Sources: The History of the LGBTQ Movement in Austin: From Stonewall to today, how Pride has progressed in our city - News - The Austin Chronicle LGBTQ+ History in Austin
REGULAR MEETING of the LGBTQ QUALITY OF LIFE ADVISORY COMMISSION Tuesday, November 4, 2024, at 7:00 P.M. City of Austin Permitting and Development Center, Room 1401 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr., Austin, Texas 78752 MEETING MINUTES Some members of the Commission may be participating by videoconference. Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once, either in-person or remotely, and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, contact Ryan Sperling, Office of the City Clerk, at 512-974-3568 or CURRENT COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Appointment District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 District 6 District 7 Commissioner Garry Brown Mariana Krueger Brandon Wollerson Rocío Fierro-Pérez Morgan Davis Alexander Andersen KB Brookins Appointment District 8 District 9 District 10 Mayor Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder VACANT Katie Coyne VACANT Brigitte Bandit Jerry Joe Benson David Garza J. Scott Neal, Chair CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Chair Neal called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M. Present in person: J. Scott Neal, Chair Jerry Joe Benson, Vice Chair • • • Alexander Andersen Minutes Page 1 of 4 • Brigitte Bandit • KB Brookins • Garry Brown • Katie Coyne • David Garza • Brandon Wollerson Present virtually: • Rocío Fierro-Pérez • Katie Coyne • Morgan Davis PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission's regular meeting on October 14, 2024. The minutes were approved on Commissioner Brown’s motion, Commissioner Krueger’s second on a 10-0 vote with Commissioners Davis and Fierro-Pérez off the dais, with the following amendments: Substitute “Gary” with “Garry”. Substitute the “10-0” vote count on item 15 with “10-1”. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Discussion of the history of the LGBQT+ Community and LGBTQ+ Quality of Life Advisory Commission in Austin. Presenter: Garry Brown, LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission commissioner. Presentation by Garry Brown, LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission commissioner. Discussion was held. 3. Discussion of items that the LGBTQ+ Quality of Life Advisory Commission has identified as high- priority needs of the LGBT Community, and potential avenues for partnership between the Commission and the City Manager on these items. Presentation by Jerry Joe Benson, Vice Chair, LGBTQ Quality of Life Advisory Commission. …