1. Minutes from July 8 Special Called Meeting for approval — original pdf
JOINT SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING SPECIAL CALLED MEETING MINUTES July 8, 2024 The Joint Sustainability Committee convened in a hybrid meeting via videoconferencing and at Austin Energy Headquarters. Board Members in Attendance in Person: Diana Wheeler Board Members in Attendance Remotely: Lane Becker, Kaiba White, Heather Houser, Jon Salinas, Alberta Philipps, Anna Scott, Rodrigo Leal, Melissa Rothrock, Chris Campbell, Haris Qureshi Board Members Absent: Larry Franklin, Chris Maxwell-Gaines, Yure Suarez, Amy Noel, Charlotte Davis City Staff in Attendance: Rohan Lilauwala CALL TO ORDER Acting Chair Diana Wheeler called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm. 1. Approval of minutes from the Jun 24th meeting of the Joint Sustainability Committee. • Salinas motions to approve with amendment to include all members absent, Scott seconds, passes 10-0 with Qureshi off dais. 2. Recommendation of investments the City should fund as part of council resolution 20240215-025 ‘Environmental Investment Plan’. • Leal – where did the $250-300 million number come from? o White – number discussed by council subquorum. Should be $250-350 million range. • Qureshi provides minor copy edits • Qureshi amendment to increase number to $250-300 million • Leal - What about water conservation? o White – city-owned solar can offset Austin Water’s energy costs to allow for reinvestments into water conservation. Conserving land improves source water quality. • Scott motions to approve as amended, Campbell seconds, passes 11-0. 3. Recommendation in support of a ‘Climate Fee’ as outlined in the staff response to council resolution 20240215-025 ‘Environmental Investment Plan’. • Discussion of progressive vs regressive nature of tax. Intention to steer options to reduce impact on low-income earners. • White amends last paragraph to “This new fee should be structured to be equitable and responsive to Austin’s wealth gaps and the fee should provide predictable revenue. A legal analysis of options that could be paid by residents, businesses, corporations and/or visitors should be conducted and presented to the City Council for consideration as soon as possible.” • Scott motions to approve as amended, Phillips seconds, passes 11-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:43 pm. ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Zach Baumer with the Office of Sustainability at 512-974-2836, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Joint Sustainability Committee, please contact Zach Baumer at (zach.baumer@austintexas.gov or 512-974-2836).