Joint Sustainability CommitteeMay 27, 2020

Backup_JSC_Climate_Plan_Revision_Update_ZB_20200527 — original pdf

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Joint Sust ainabilit y Commit t ee Climat e Program Manager Updat e May 27, 2020 Current Status ● The First DRAFT of Goals / Strategies from the Advisory Groups are in (with a few additions coming later this week). ● Friday 6/5 – Steering Committee comments due. ● Monday 6/15 – Advisory Groups submit final goals/strategies to Steering Committee ● Friday 6/19 – First full draft of the Revised Climate Plan Complete ● Next JSC Meeting in June 24 – Another update with more details Schedule - Revised as of 5/15 July 3 - OOS Finalize 2nd Draft July 3-10 - 2nd Draft Review July 10 - 24 - Finalize 2nd Draft July 24 - Deliver Executive Summary to Designer Boards and Commissions Tour Aug 3 - Draft Final Plan released for Public Comment Aug 10-21- Address Public Comments, Review & Finalization of Plan July 24 - 31 Layout 2nd Draft into Plan Template Aug 21-28 - FINAL REVIEW Sept 1 -11 FINALIZATION OF ALL MATERIALS CMO Presentation Prepare for Council Action Oct 1 - Council Meeting May 22 - first draft goals / Strategies Due June 12 - OOS Finalize 1st Draft May 26- June 5 - Review & Finalization of Strategies OOS Full Plan Drafting June 12-19 - 1st Review June 19 - July 3 - Address Comments and create 2nd Draft May June July August September 1st view of the DRAFT goals DRAFT Transport at ion and Land Use - Goals 1. By 2030, 70% of new housing units are located within the growth centers and corridors and 80% of new non-residential development are located within the growth centers and corridors. 2. Preserve 10,000 deeply affordable housing units and produce 1000 deeply affordable units by 2030. 3. By 2030, Public Transit will make up 20% of total commutes in Austin. 4. By 2030, 20% of Austin residents will work from home. 5. By 2030, People-powered Transportation (bicycle, walking, wheelchairs, etc.) will make up 15% of total commutes in Austin. DRAFT Transport at ion Elect rificat ion - Goals 1: By 2030, 40% of total vehicle miles traveled in the City of Austin are electrified (approximately 460,000 electric vehicles) and vehicle ownership is diverse culturally, geographically and economically. 2. By 2030, has adequate and equitably distributed charging infrastructure that is a mix of level 1, 2, and DC fast charging to accommodate 40% of total vehicle miles traveled electrified in the City. This translates to 226 Megawatts of electrical load just to support public, workplace, multifamily, and fleet applications. and could mean over 37,000 charging ports 3. The Austin-Round Rock MSA will be a global leader in transportation electrification by adopting policies and technologies that evolve with and define the growth of this emerging industry to maximize the economic and health benefits for all. DRAFT Nat ural Syst ems - Goals 1. Prot ect at least 40,000* acres of carbon pools on nat ural lands by having t hese lands under legal prot ect ions and being act ively rest ored or managed for resilience. (*exact quant ificat ion of percent age and acreage t arget st ill under review ) 2. Prot ect 10-30%* of t he acres of prime farmland soils or farmland of unique and local significance in t he 5-count y region by having t hese lands under legal prot ect ions and/ or part icipat ing in a regenerat ive agricult ure program. (*exact quant ificat ion of percent age and acreage t arget st ill under review ) 3. Move t ow ards achieving 50% t ree canopy cover cit y-w ide by 2050, focus on increasing canopy cover in areas w here t here is current ly low er t han average canopy. 4. Have all Cit y-ow ned lands under a landscape management plan t hat result s in neut ral or negat ive carbon emissions and maximizes communit y co-benefit s. DRAFT Consumpt ion - Goals 1. By 2030, position Austin as a national and global waste reduction leader by reducing the community-wide per capita disposal rate to be among the top 5 lowest measured disposal rates (in pounds per capita) in the US and among C40 cities. 2. By 2030, reduce GHG emissions by at least 50% as it relates to non-residential level (institutional, commercial, governmental) purchasing. 3. FOOD GOALS AND STRATEGIES ARRIVING ON MAY 29 DRAFT Sust ainable Buildings - Goals 1. All new buildings w ill be Net Zero Carbon by 2030, and all exist ing buildings w ill be Net Zero Carbon by 2040, w hile st riving t o reduce energy burden across t he cit y. 2. By 2030, reduce em bodied carbon foot print of building m at erials used in local const ruct ion by 40% from a 2020 baseline. Target cannot exceed 500 kg CO2e/ m 2 (~100 lbs CO2e/ sf). 3. By 2030, reduce com m unit y-w ide greenhouse gas em issions from refrigerant leakage by 25%. 4. Im plem ent Aust in W at er’s W at er Forw ard plan st rat egies of conservat ion, w at er reuse, prot ect ing our Core Colorado River supplies, increasing drought supplies, and com m unit y engagem ent t o m eet t he 2040 w at er dem and t arget of 182,000 AFY (acre- foot of w at er per year). Thank you!