Item1-ICRC Draft Minutes_20220810 — original pdf

INDEPENDENT CITIZENS REDISTRICTING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING DRAFT MINUTES AUGUST 10, 2022 in a The INDEPENDENT CITIZENS REDISTRICTING COMMISSION convened REGULAR meeting on AUGUST 10, 2022, at The Permitting and Development Center, Room 1401, 6310 Wilhelmina Dr., in Austin, Texas 78752. Some members of the commission participated by video conference. CALL TO ORDER Chair Gonzalez called the meeting to order at 6:16 p.m. with 13 members present. Members in Attendance Luis Gonzalez, Chair Selina Yee, Interim Vice Chair Joshua Blank Sara Inés Calderón Erin Dempsey Camellia Falcon Shaina Kambo Prabhu Kannan Errol Hardin John McKiernan-Gonzalez Nancy Palma Christina Puentes Eugene Schneider Staff In Attendance Andrei Lubomudrov, Housing and Planning Dept Matt Dugan, Housing and Planning Dept PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL No members of the public signed up to speak. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission regular meeting on The June 29, 2022, ICRC meeting minutes were approved unanimously without objection. June 29, 2022. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 2. Discussion and possible action on annexations. Commissioner Harden moved to adopt the staff recommendation for annexation #3 Case No. 2022-0002, Blue Goose Road Full Purpose into District 1 and Commissioner Kanan seconded. Commissioner Falcon moved to adopt the recommendation with a friendly amendment to state the staff recommendation in the August 3, 2022 memo. Commissioner Harden accepted. The staff recommendation for annexation #3 Case No. 2022-0002, Blue Goose Road Full Purpose into District 1 was approved with Commissioner Falcon’s friendly amendment on a 13-0 vote. Commissioner Calderon moved to adopt the staff recommendation in the August 3, 2022 memo for annexation #6, Case No. 2022-0006, Slaughter and Thaxton Full Purpose into District 2. Commissioner Puentes seconded, and the motion was approved on a 13-0 vote. Commissioner McKiernan-Gonzalez moved to postpone annexation #7, Case No. 2022-001 Pilot Knob MUD No. 4 Limited Purpose to their next meeting. Commissioner Puentes seconded, and the motion was approved on a 13-0 vote. 3. Discussion and possible action to identify candidates to fill open seat on commission. On Commissioner Blank’s motion, Commissioner Kambo’s second, the board unanimously approved Patty Prado to serve on the ICRC, replacing Commissioner Schneider who has resigned. 4. Conduct officer election for the role of Vice Chair. Commissioner Schneider nominated Commissioner Yee to serve as Vice President. Commissioner Calderon nominated Commissioner Hardin. The motion to elect Commissioner Hardin as Vice Chair failed on a 5-7-0 vote. Ayes were Commissioners Calderon, Dempsey, Falcon, Gonzalez, Hardin, and Kannan. Nays were Commissioners Blank, Lands, McKiernan-Gonzalez, Palma, Puentes, Schneider, and Yee. Commissioner Hardin withdrew his nomination. On Commissioner Schneider’s motion, Commissioner Yee was approved to serve on the ICRC on a 13-0 vote. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS • Budget for Zoom software • Work session on drafting motions ADJOURNMENT Chair Gonzalez adjourned the meeting at 7:14 p.m. with no objections.