Item2-Locations-of-City-of-Austin-Annexations-in-2022 — original pdf

Locations of City of Austin Annexations in 2022 # Case No. Area Name Annexation Type Council Date Total Acres Adjacent to 1 C7L 2022-0001 9/1/2022 2 C7a 2022-0010 11/3/2022 ETJ to limited purpose ~51 acres D2 LTD/ETJ to full purpose ~3,067 acres D8 3 C7a 2022-0009 11/3/2022 ETJ to full purpose D8 ~658 acres 4 C7a 2022-0008 11/3/2022 5 C7a 2022-0007 11/3/2022 LTD/ETJ to full purpose ~877 acres D10 LTD/ETJ to full purpose ~508 acres D6 & D10 Pilot Knob Limited Purpose Annexation Area Water Quality Protection Lands - South annexation area Water Quality Protection Lands - North annexation area Balcones Canyonlands Preserve - South annexation area Balcones Canyonlands Preserve - North annexation area 1Annexation #1: Case C7L-2022-0001 Pilot Knob Limited Purpose Annexation Area (approximately 50.9-acres) located in southeastern Travis County and south of East Slaughter Lane and just west of Thaxton Road. This area was within the City of Austin’s extraterritorial jurisdiction and will now be part of City Council District 2. The three subject tracts will all be added to Pilot Knob MUD No. 4. This limited purpose annexation was in conjunction with an amendment to the Pilot Knob Planned Unit Development (C814-2012-0152.04). This limited purpose annexation does not have an impact on taxation or on the boundaries of Austin’s extraterritorial jurisdiction. Approved by council on September 1, 2021. *Annexation area noted in gray color. 2District 2 District 2 *Annexation area noted within red circle. 3Annexation #2: Case C7a-2022-0009, Water Quality Protection Lands - North annexation area (approximately 658 acres), located in Travis County south of Slaughter Lane, west of Escarpment Boulevard, and north of La Crosse Avenue. The area is currently in Austin extraterritorial jurisdiction adjacent to Council District 8. All land in the area is owned by the City of Austin. The current use of the area is conservation land. Approved by council on November 3, 2022. District 8 *Annexation area noted in gray color. 4District 8 District 5 *Annexation area noted within red circle. 5Annexation #3: Case C7a-2022-0010, Water Quality Protection Lands - South annexation area (approximately 3,067 acres), located in Hays County and Travis County southwest of State Highway 45 and near the intersection of Spanish Oak Trail and Live Oak Drive. The area is currently in Austin limited purpose jurisdiction and extraterritorial jurisdiction adjacent to Council District 8. All land in the area is owned by the City of Austin. The current use of the area is conservation land. Approved by council on November 3, 2022. District 8 District 8 *Annexation area noted in gray color. 6District 8 District 5 *Annexation area located within red circle. 7Annexation #4: Case C7a-2022-0008, Balcones Canyonlands Preserve - South annexation area (approximately 877 acres), located in Travis County west of the intersection of Ranch to Market Road 2222 and City Park Road. The area is currently in Austin limited purpose jurisdiction as well as extraterritorial jurisdiction adjacent to Council District 10. All land in the area is owned by the City of Austin. The current use of the area is conservation land. Approved by council on November 3, 2022. District 10 District 10 *Annexation area noted in gray color. District 8 8District 6 District 10 *Annexation area within red circle. 9Annexation #5: Case C7a-2022-0007, Balcones Canyonlands Preserve - North annexation area (approximately 508 acres), located in Travis County northwest of the intersection of Yaupon Drive and Spicewood Springs Road. The area is currently in Austin limited purpose jurisdiction as well as extraterritorial jurisdiction adjacent to Council Districts 6 and 10. All land in the area is owned by the City of Austin. The current use of the area is conservation land with some recreational uses. Approved by council on November 3, 2022. District 6 r t s t c i 0 1 i D District 10 *Annexation area noted in gray color. *District 6 located within turquoise/teal color border. 10District 6 District 10 *Annexation area noted within red circle. 11On June 8, 2023, Austin City Council approved: Case C7a-2022-0012, 10701 Dessau Road annexation area (approximately 11.9 acres), located in Travis County near the intersection of Dessau Road and Wandering Way. Full purpose annexation into Austin’s city limits has been requested for this property by its owner. The area is currently in Austin limited purpose jurisdiction within City Council District 1 and is privately owned. The proposed annexation is associated with zoning case C14-2022-0133. The current use of the area is low density single family residential. Annexation of this parcel is not expected to affect the boundaries of Austin’s Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. This annexation was previously in limited purpose jurisdiction and therefore is already included in the City’s voting jurisdiction. No action required. 12