ICRCMemo_6.22.2022 — original pdf

City of Austin Housing and Planning Departmen t P.O. Box 1088, Austin, TX 78767 -1088 (512) 974-3100 Fax (512) 974-3112 w ww .c it yofaus t in. o rg/h o us ing June 24, 2022 Status of City of Austin Annexations in 2022 Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission Andrei Lubomudrov, Senior Planner Housing and Planning Department To: From: Subject: Date: This memorandum is to provide an update on annexations that have been completed and proposed in 2022. Staff has compiled ordinance information as well as case numbers and other pertinent information for all potential annexations. Annexation information, including an interactive map, is available at: https://austintexas.gov/page/annexation. As of the date of this memo, two annexations have been completed in 2022. Both annexations were full purpose annexations of limited purpose jurisdiction areas and therefore do not require any changes to the single member districts map. All limited purpose jurisdiction areas were assigned Council Districts when the ICRC adopted the revised District map in October, 2021. The additional annexations planned at the time of this memo have been scheduled for Council consideration on July 28, 2022. Most of these annexations were scheduled for earlier Council meetings but were postponed for various reasons. City of Austin Annexations in 2022 The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act and will provide reasonable modifications and equal access to communications upon request. Ordinance No.Council DateEffective dateArea NameAnnexation TypeTotal Acres Proposed Future Land UseNotesC7a2022-000120220324-0663/24/20223/24/2022Canyon Creek Station Full PurposeLimited purpose to full purpose16.4Civic UseCouncil District 10 - no action neededC7a2022-000320220421-0324/21/20225/2/2022Texas Childrens Full Purpose AnnexationLimited purpose to full purpose24.2Commercial UseCouncil District 5 - no action neededC7a2022-00027/28/2022Blue Goose Road Full PurposeETJ to full purpose194.5Residential UseC7a2022-0004Old Lockhart Road Full PurposeETJ to full purpose87.9Residential UseIndefinitely postponedC7a2022-00057/28/2022Apple Campus Expansion Full PurposeLimited purpose to full purpose52.6Commercial UseCouncil District 6 - no action neededC7a2022-00067/28/2022Slaughter and Thaxton Full PurposeETJ to full purpose50.908Residential UseC7L2022-00017/28/2022Pilot Knob MUD No. 4 Limited PurposeETJ to limited purpose17.5Residential UseCase No.