Maggard-Letter&Attachment_Redacted — original pdf

From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Importance: High Wednesday, October 20, 2021 1:34 PM SETLD - Data Analyst / Data Science / Geospatial - Staffing & Project Help setld_Maggard_Resume.pdf *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** ================================================== ============= SETLD - Data Analyst / Data Science / Geospatial - Staffing & Project Help ================================================== ============= Greetings, It’s not always easy to hire the right people for data jobs. SETLD offers no-risk, innovative and helpful data contractor packaging and project support that continues to work well at major energy clients in the Houston, TX area. SETLD prides itself in growing talent and delivering projects the right way and would like to share our methodologies with you. Our founder, Jacob Maggard, has 23+ yrs. experience in geospatial and data science leadership (resume attached). Jacob comes as a world class senior data consultant – offering high-end advice and skills where needed (part time or less, usually remote) o Jacob can understand all aspects of any IT/IS/IM goals or projects you lay out, offer meaningful advice, collaborate with stakeholders and help create and execute action plans SETLD also brings cost-effective junior or mid-range data / geospatial analysts that we (you and SETLD) will train on your goals and processes (full time) o This full time analyst will be more accountable and grow faster (than someone off the street) with the support we (you and SETLD) provide as a team SETLD maintains a back office staffed with diverse talent; this contingent labor pool is available to you for special projects and overflow work (as needed) You get a world class data consultant (to frame and guide), a long-term, loyal person (to build) plus a contingent labor pool (as insurance) -- all for the price of one employee. 1 Jacob Maggard Experienced leader and information systems specialist with expertise in managing information, applications and staff within a multi-discipline team environment. Excellent project management and value-based prioritization skills in geospatial, subsurface and operations realms with a strong desire to drive business performance through improved workflows, business methodologies and analyses. Experience setld President 04 / 2016 – Present Turning Data Into Actionable Information setld (settled) is a brand new information solutions startup based in the Houston, TX area. On April 1st, 2016, we set out to create a next generation “geospatial+” data and service provider (current primary focus is oil and gas). We offer foundational and custom data products, consulting (from data flows to dissemination innovation), and GIS / BI as-a-Service platforms. Some of our goals: • Provide cleaner and more cost effective data products (better mousetraps) • Provide geospatial and BI platform and analysis capability to organizations who’ve been shutout due to resource constraints (GIS and BI as-a-Service) • Help customers efficiently transform raw data into actionable information in order to reduce risk and make better decisions (prove the value of GIS and BI) About us / accreditation: proven industry experience, esri Emerging Business Partner, AWS Activate Partner, Microsoft BizSpark Member, 1 of 15 authorized Safe Software Solution Providers in the Western Hemisphere, our founder (Jacob Maggard) is 1 of 28 Certified FME Professionals in the United States BP 02 / 2015 – 04 / 2016 Manager Technical Information Management Supporting US Lower 48 Onshore Business Unit (Onshore United States E&P: Anadarko, Arkoma, East Texas, Fayetteville, Haynesville, San Juan, South Texas, Wyoming and Exploration) Responsible for reducing risk, improving decision making and driving efficiencies across all BUs and functions through maximizing return on data and information assets. The L48 Technical Information Management organization is comprised of the following 7 teams (102 staff): • (Geomatics) Survey & Positioning • (Geomatics) Geospatial Data Management • Subsurface & Wells Data Management • Operations Data Management • Technologists (Geo, Petro, Engineering, Wells, Production) • Records Management & Document Control • Projects & Solutions (Shared "Back Office" ) • Framed, sold and rolled a massive re-organization of disparate DM teams and staff into the above construct in order to load balance and create one accurate budget / one "true value" priority stack • Leveraged success from building and leading Geomatics and applied those learnings toward delivering a step-change in value reaped from all data and information in the company • Eliminated waste (tens of millions of dollars per year); taught new leaders the true "culture of care"; empowered the team and company to ask why / think broadly; "there is no they" • Strategically led the team (unabashedly while we all learned) to build sustainable new frameworks for: database views, QC methods, web form entry, dashboards, Spotfire charting / reporting and automatic emailing of reports, charts, alerts • Guided delivery of numerous new, sustainable, automated information products for Health & Safety, Regulatory Compliance & Environmental, Exploration, Land & Finance, Drilling & Completions, Operations (Production) • Continued to expand upon our world-class One Map platform; personally created several novel, ongoing Geospatial analyses; One Map Portal unique daily user average increased another 25% (300) despite 25% company staff reduction BP Geomatics Team Lead 07 / 2014 - 02 / 2015 Supporting US Lower 48 Onshore Business Unit (Onshore United States E&P: Anadarko, Arkoma, East Texas, Fayetteville, Haynesville, Ohio, San Juan, South Texas, Wyoming and Exploration) Responsible for leading the US Lower 48 Onshore Geomatics team; accountable across Survey & Positioning, Geospatial Data Management and Geospatial Capabilities teams • Led 28 staff and contractors (+ numerous field crews) in delivering sustainable Geomatics solutions to drive business performance • Invented and drove delivery of intuitive, million-maps-in-one "Matrix" iterative web mapping applications for L48-wide production, activity and completions data mated to interactive Spotfire charting • Moved everyone away from the philosophy of "kitchen sink" functional map clusters toward publishing "targeted web maps" to highlight themes / answer certain questions rather than requiring users to tick layer state boxes in confusing ToCs to create numerous individual themes • Established "Cartography Wolfpack" workgroup to build shared understanding of map purpose, cartography compromises and collective rules for display of base and detailed datasets; resulted in a step-change in web map utility, user acceptance and value reaped from our world class Enterprise GIS • Led PODS migration and novel automated spatialization initiatives • Quadrupled One Map web mapping system unique daily user average from July 2014 (60) to February 2015 (240) BP 06 / 2012 - 06 / 2014 Geospatial Capabilities Team Lead Supporting NAG / US Lower 48 Onshore Region (Onshore United States E&P: Anadarko, Arkoma, East Texas, Fayetteville, Haynesville, Ohio, San Juan, South Texas, Wyoming and Renewal) • Team lead for 12 people: developed and mentored Geomatics Data Analysts and Geomatics Specialists • Analyzed existing, fragmented GIS landscape (IT infrastructure, data structure, use cases, data & apps portfolio) and contributed heavily in the building of a sustainable "umbrella" Geomatics organization (the first of its kind in BP) • Framed and implemented entirely new Enterprise GIS, which aids sustainable data loading, systems integration and clear dissemination • Rationalized and compiled numerous vendor and internal spatial datasets to allow for defined business analysis, better decision making / reporting which has minimized safety, business and legal risk • Identified key business needs, piloted innovative solutions, delivered numerous game changing auto-analyses and "data to information" products using FME; shared best practices • Optimized staffing allocation, defined expectations and standardized workflows • Created an open, honest and engaging environment that aided development of mutual respect and camaraderie amongst my staff, the larger Geomatics discipline and the NAG community 11 / 2011 - 06 / 2012 Swift Energy GIS Supervisor Supporting Entire Company (Onshore United States E&P: South Texas, East Texas, Louisiana, Colorado and Strategic Growth) • Supervised four people: developed and mentored three GIS Technicians and one Engineering / GIS Applications Analyst • Framed, rolled out and populated an enterprise GIS data management structure (SDE and flat-file systems) • Worked with IT, land, regulatory, engineering, development, facilities, exploration and production staff to frame business needs, advise on possibilities, establish GIS analysis best practices and revise mapping processes • Created novel, streamlined vendor data loading, manipulation and analysis procedures using FME • Outlined plans to streamline corporate well and land data loading, maintenance & specialization; provided temporary bridging solutions while departments planned their approaches • Leveraged the “store once, use many” data management principle and developed a sustainable framework which enabled consumption of new, GIS-owned, solidified master datasets in multiple G&G and Engineering applications (SMT, OFM) • Assisted in the structural re-development of Swift's Schlumberger OFM backend and provided sustainable solutions for production data loading 08 / 2008 - 11 / 2011 Shell Geo-Information Analyst South Atlantic Exploration & Appraisal Team (Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname) • GIS and spatial data management focal point for a team of 30+ exploration, Production and appraisal Geologists & Geophysicists / reservoir engineers / basin modelers / development planning staff Led and managed junior GIS staff toward efficacy through project creation / framing, business task prioritization, teaching / mentoring and effective communication • Organized, maintained and matured GIS data for efficient use in ArcGIS and other subsurface apps such as: OpenWorks, Petrel, SeisWorks, SMT Kingdom Suite and Shell’s internal subsurface interpretation package • Saved the company one FTE through creation of highly efficient Safe Software FME scripts to procure, process, manipulate, load and QC numerous GIS datasets automatically, without human interaction • Improved both file-based and SDE (Oracle-based) GIS data management structure and naming conventions • Created novel approach to synchronize key G&G spatial data from OpenWorks / Linux / Oracle to ArcGIS / PC / ESRI FGDB using FME scripting; fed back to Landmark and the user community through presentations • Performed economic / portfolio, well planning, farm-in / out spatial analyses and compiled an extensive GIS-based competitive intelligence database • Completed GIS-based play and common risk segment mapping and played an integral role in several regional hydrocarbon yet-to-find (scope for recovery) GIS analyses 01 / 2006 - 08 / 2008 Shell Survey Coordinator EPW Survey Operations (Offshore Western Hemisphere: Gulf of Mexico, Northern Alaska, SE Brazil) Supervised numerous project teams of up to 30 service contractors on major survey, drilling and construction operations projects; included both technical and HSE responsibilities • Used GIS, CAD and MS Project daily to plan, execute and QC complex and highly- contingent survey work • Experience in following NTLs and government guidelines, compiling data and working with legal & regulatory staff in order to obtain BLM / MMS/ BOEMRE / Brazil ANP drilling, construction and pipeline permits • Oversaw rig moves (jack-up, semi-sub, drillship) and subsea development / positioning projects; demonstrated strong geodetic competency and obtained significant field experience • Designed and managed critical shallow hazard, pipeline and site clearance seabed geophysical surveys (utilizing AUV, ROV, streamer, hull and frame systems) from scope design (GIS/CAD), RFP, contractor selection, HSE bridging and project execution to project follow-up; managed budgets • Survey Operations team spatial data, software, workflow and GIS analysis focal point • Multibeam bathymetry, sidescan sonar, sub-bottom profiler and high res • 2D data collected and analyzed in GIS and other subsurface applications Developed innovative ArcGIS, FME, Fledermaus and Autodesk Civil 3D spatial analysis processes and workflows to make better engineering, logistical and strategic decisions • Improved SDE-based GIS / CAD data management and promoted integration with engineering software 06 / 2002 - 01 / 2006 Shell Geo-Information Technician Latin America Exploration (Brazil, Venezuela, Trinidad & Tobago) and Offshore Drilling Hazards Assessment / Turbidite Research Team (International projects spanning 6 continents) • Supported 50+ ArcGIS users with training, extensive GIS / well data management and • Compiled, loaded and maintained many large E&P GIS datasets into flat file and SDE • Loaded well data to OpenWorks and performed SeisWorks / Zmap tasks like fault- tolerant gridding and ZGF creation • Developed an ArcMap menu delivery system to provide high-graded, published lists of • Participated in early global reserves assessment framework and planning using ESRI • Performed GIS analysis used to plan 3D seismic purchases, solidify ANP bid round • Demonstrated strong knowledge of coordinate reference systems, transformations and specialty GIS analysis systems GIS data to G&G staff ModelBuilder strategy and compile C.I. geodesy standards sections • Completed ArcGIS / CAD shallow hazards analysis & maps; created cartographic • Drafted Corel / Canvas well correlation panels & prepared annotated seismic cross • Prepared shallow hazard well assessment packages for DWOP / kick off meetings and government briefings • Supported the Turbidite Research Team on international academic-grade studies using ArcGIS mapping, graphics, CAD drafting and generated associated figures / text • Supported Bellaire Research Laboratory with spatial and statistical analysis and completed publication-grade drafting / graphics relating to sample chemical properties, production techniques and mini-refining processes EP Energy 05 / 2001 - 06 / 2002 Drafting Coordinator U.S. based, IT company - broadband switching and co-location facilities • Designed floor plan space allocation and footprint drawings, schematics, isometric detail drawings, relay rack elevation drawings in CAD and coordinated project requirements with engineers • Issued facility design packages for construction using AutoCAD Map, integrated long- haul ArcGIS / MapInfo data and performed follow-up construction site visits • Contributed substantially to EPGN CAD facilities planning standards, championed data management, developed a publishing process for frequently used CAD blocks and set our focus on productivity and simplicity through various successful AutoLISP and VBA programming initiatives • Utilized AutoCAD VBA, AutoLISP, DIESEL and MS Access VBA programming to standardize outputs and track project status and cost dynamically OTM Engineering 05 / 2000 - 05 / 2001 Lead Designer / Junior Network Consultant U.S. based, IT company - major telecommunications infrastructure specification and facility layout projects • Produced voice, data and video system construction documents / drawings for large end- • Created data quality standards, custom AutoCAD menus, layouts and LISP routines for use facilities maximum efficiency • Designed and reviewed space allocations, hardware and wiring / cabling requirements, cost analysis and bid preparation, fire code and network dB or packet loss over various construction site plans for such clients as: • Methodist Hospital System, Grove City College, Deer Park ISD, Houston Airport System and Enron • Managed a multi-client spatial data repository and provided office IT / IS support 01 / 1998 - 05 / 2000 CDI Engineering Piping / Mechanical Designer I • Worked on site at Celanese Chemicals flagship Clear Lake Plant • Performed field verification, designed piping routings and coordinated project requirements with engineers • Issued P/M & minor I/E engineering design packages for construction using AutoCAD & estimating software • Engineering design packages included: equipment spec. sheets, installation details, piping isometrics, piping diagrams, electrical schematics, work orders, P&IDs and material requisitions • Assisted in maintaining network and individual workstation hardware / software performance Education University of Houston-Clear Lake M.B.A. , w/ Concentration in Environmental Management Beta Gamma Sigma International Honor Society, The National Society of Leadership and Success - Presidential Member University of Houston-Downtown B.B.A. , General Business Beta Gamma Sigma International Honor Society University of Houston-Downtown B.S. , Interdisciplinary Studies Alvin Community College A.A. , General Studies Alvin High School Diploma VICA Drafting Program - Sergeant at Arms 2010 – 2011 2009 – 2010 2008 – 2009 1996 – 1999 1991 – 1995 Jacob Maggard 24 people have recommended Jacob "Jacob Maggard has been the most influential manager I’ve had during my career. I have learned more in the last 2.5 years about the data we consume, data flow, and leadership than I have in my entire career. He is genuinely interested in helping others succeed and is driven to ensure everyone on his team understands his pragmatic approach and is working to add value to the organization. There are not many managers that will sit with you for hours after work to help you understand the problem, the correct approach and even the tool (in my case FME) to reach a valuable solution. He’s unafraid to let people learn and to allow processes to play out with the understanding that not every process is a winner. He's willing to push for what he feels is right for not only the company but also for his employees. This working spirit is a major reason why the Geomatics team has been successful. With this success, he was able to build a wider information management organization leveraging that same pragmatic approach. Working for Jake is challenging, fun, and I have far exceeded my own personal career goals for the last 2+ years by being a part of his team. " — Josh Davis, reported to Jacob "Jacob is the most dedicated manager I've ever had the pleasure for whom to work. His vision is clear, his intentions and resulting direction are also. The no BS attitude is not a managerial technique, he's just no nonsense and gets things done and helps his people do the same. My three years working with Jacob at BP have been the best growth period in my life since I first left college 20 years ago. I hope to have the chance to work for Jacob again." — Matthew Petre, reported to Jacob "Over the past 3+ years I have had the pleasure to see Jacob cultivate a caring, high performance culture that delivers true business value that has not been seen before at BP. His ability to create, take, and actually make a big-vision idea happen sets him apart and speaks volumes of his leadership ability. He invests time in developing his people, both in our technical and interpersonal skills. It's easy to see that he genuinely cares and it's not just an act to get us to do what he wants. People are what make businesses what they are and there is not a more shining example of someone who gets that than Jacob! Favorite Quote: "Culture eats strategy for breakfast, lunch & dinner!"-Jacob Maggard " — Hewes, Nathan, reported to Jacob "I’ve had the privilege of working with Jake for little more than 8 months now and in that time I have known Jake to be a well-grounded, Open minded and down to earth business partner and colleague. Jake head's the BP L48 Technical Information Management Team with over 15 direct and 60 indirect reportee's. He is a calculated risk taker, pragmatic leader and realist who seems to grasp ideas holistically whilst still taking note to the more acute details. These qualities most notably translate his ability to motivate a team to care about its project and be invested in Project’s success. Though he’s never one to draw attention to himself, Jake’s positive attitude and the respect others feel toward him are palpable. I have no hesitation in recommending Jake and know that he will always give of his best in any endeavor." — Kumar Nagaraju, was a consultant or contractor to Jacob "After 2 years working with Jake, it is easy for me to endorse his qualifications as an outstanding leader and a truly transformational geospatial mind. By taking a results-driven and pragmatic approach to enterprise GIS, Jake has led our team to provide BP with a location intelligence platform that is second to none. Across all flavors of oil & gas disciplines, Jake excels at complex data and pattern analysis with a specific goal of optimizing and enabling business goals. The really tricky part is that he figures out how to make the resulting answers accessible to all facets of business, regardless of GIS acumen through easy-to-use web maps and other end-user tools. Jake leads by example and continually strives for improvement of even the best spatial datasets, visualizations, platforms, tools and technologies. He understands that teams are made up of individuals and strives to ensure each team member is able to perform at their highest level. While this is difficult in itself, Jake succeeds at this while enabling and encouraging team members to build skills for the next level of their career. Few people I have ever worked with have made such on impact on the way that I approach geospatial problems. The word "impossible" has no place in Jake's lexicon and those who work for him are better for it." — Scott Bateman, reported to Jacob I can certainly vouch for Jacob's ability to get things done and lead teams to get products out of the development arena and into actual use. Jacob invokes a development mantra about iterating on the fly to improve geospatial products real- time, based on user feedback. He calls it like he sees it, which can be refreshing and help cut through stifling process in these times where speed and efficiency are critical. Jacob brings a lot of pertinent knowledge and skills to bear in an ever- digital (and spatial) world. Jacob can lead teams and is also capable and willing to roll up his own sleeves, garnering credibility with those who are often behind the scenes making things work. — Brant Hasebe VP Reservoir Development, managed Jacob at BP Jake is the epitome of everything I could have hoped for in a manager. Not only is he a great mentor, but highly competent - both technically and professionally. As a manger, he has a clear vision of how his team can enable the business work smarter and more efficiently. He is passionate about this vision and equally as passionate about the growth and performance of his team. There have been countless times where I have reached out to Jake for his assistance and we were able to work together to find a solution - no matter how long it took. Professionally, he has the skills to effectively communicate and understand the needs of the business and translate that into a pragmatic and technically sound working solution. At times, it was evident that Jake had a solution for the business before the need was even known. Jake truly has all of the attributes that you would look for in a manager and a colleague. There is no doubt in my mind that I would not be in the position I am today without his guidance. — Justin McCreight, GIS Analyst BP, reported to Jacob "Jacob is a talented, hard-working and true leader whose influence inspires people to apply new ideas, technologies and business processes across business units within BP. He is a strong sense of responsibility person who is willing to sacrifice his personal time for the highest standard of works to be delivered on time. I personally enjoyed and learned a lot from Jacob, especially his critical thinking and deep analytics skills. Jacob’s ability to lead a team is unlikely I have seen before. He knows his staffs’ strengths to ensure the right people, with the right skills are assigned with the right projects in order to achieve team’s goals. I am so fortunate to have the opportunity to report to a team leader who is also a coach and mentor. Jacob earns my highest recommendation." — Jeffrey Vu, reported to Jacob "I've had the pleasure of being on Jake's team for 2 years and can say without a doubt that I have learned more about GIS analysis and capabilities from him than anyone else I've ever met. One of the aspects that makes Jake different is his ability to decipher not only spatial data but user needs at the same time. Even if you aren't quite sure what it is that will help you do your job more efficiently, spend a few minutes talking with him and you'll find out. If I had the power to choose between any of the supervisors I've worked for in my 20+ years working, I can honestly say it would be Jacob." — Matthew Petre, reported to Jacob "I have worked with Jake and the BP Geomatics team for several years. Jake is both an excellent leader and skillful technical analyst. From day one, he set a new vision and has transformed the way the team works. He emphasizes that all projects add value across all assets and are repeatable. Workflows are now routinely automated. Jake breaks complex problems down into simpler ones, builds consensus, coaches the team and drives projects to completion. Jake often empowers the team to accomplish tasks beyond their individual capabilities and has earned loyalty along the way. He has an excellent grasp on the E&P business which helps in the cross functional environment that GIS lives in. I am always impressed by his technical GIS skills and his python programming knowledge. He has a great way of balancing a demanding work load while building employee productivity and morale. I highly recommend Jake! " — Brian Meyer, reported to Jacob " Jake is an innovative perfectionist, with good sense of humor. He is Proactive and perfectly organized person. It is a pleasure to work together with Jake, who is a loyal natural leader. He is a result driven, careful, highly motivated and proactive team player with a great skill to analyze and summarize ideas. He denotes a strong determination to fulfill his goals, while being honest to others. He has natural ability to manage people. He is a forward thinking expert and very good strategist with boundless energy. " — Sreejith ks, reported to Jacob "Jake is focused and result oriented Individual and i had the pleasure of working with him at BP. He is a technically savvy manager with in depth knowledge on Geospatial and Data Management as it corresponds to the Oil & Gas industry. He was pivotal in transforming BP's L48 way of operations and making Data an asset for the business. His team management skills are quite unique as he maintains a very open environment and promote new ideas from the team. He is your guy for any high profile, high intense, get it done Data, Information and Geospatial Program / Leadership" — Meenakshisundaram T, worked with Jacob "Jake is one of the most impressive analytical minds I know – he has the ability to take large complex issues and break them down into solvable chunks and then bring them back together for a final answer. He is extremely dedicated to his work and always puts in the necessary effort to produce the answer on schedule. Jake has also evolved into a strong team leader – openly sharing his knowledge and experience with others – constantly coaching those around him on best practices and workflow possibilities – as well as taking lead on business critical projects and managing them start to finish. Some of his ideas are changing the way we work – and the way we leverage geospatial technologies to deliver value for the business. I have worked with Jake at two different companies now - and I would have him back on any future team without hesitation!" — Brian Boulmay, Geomatics Team Lead (North America Gas - NAG), BP, managed Jacob at BP North America Gas "I have been working for Jake for almost 1 year and have enjoyed it immensely. He takes the time to help teach step-by- step until you even surprise yourself with what you know! His vast experience through the Oil & Gas industry enables him to talk across the entire E&P business and effectively communicate and lead cross functional groups. Beyond his leadership skills, he possesses a very unique talent to see a problem, deduce it into small steps, solve it, and then automate the problem solving process for future use. This is the stuff that makes your jaw drop and say "WOW."" — Hewes, Nathan, Geospatial Data Analyst, BP, reported to Jacob at BP North America Gas "Jacob is a very technical, very knowledgeable lead for geo-spatial capabilities. His understanding of both, the oil and gas industry, and the application of GIS towards data mining, analysis and results oriented mapping is downright phenomenal. He is very hands on, and yet can effectively manage a large team of GIS analysts and specialists. He leads by example and is a great resource on our team!" — Tarun Chandrasekhar, Geospatial Data Management Lead & GIS Track Lead, BP North American Gas, worked directly with Jacob at BP North America Gas "Had the pleasure of working/reporting to Jacob for the past year. He is brilliant when it comes to GIS and integration with third party applications. He brought a set of skills to Swift that we have not seen before and redesigned the GIS department. Jacob is exceptional when it comes to motivating and helping his staff understand not just what is happening but why something is being done the way it is. I would love to work with Jacob again and recommend him thoroughly!" — Scott Newton, Engineering Business Analyst, Swift Energy Company, reported to Jacob at Swift Energy Company "I enjoyed working for Jake during his time at Swift Energy. He is one of the most knowledgeable GIS managers I have learned from or worked for. He has extensive knowledge in the oil and gas industry along with an incredible ability to problem solve. He has taught himself countless software in order to help create innovative solutions to key problems in data workflow. He has a keen eye for detail and always produces a thorough product, even under tight deadlines. As a manger he is very good at teaching and bringing out a person's abilities. I learned more in my time working for Jake than in all the years I have been a professional. He was a great mentor to me while working for him and has continued to mentor me since then." — Garrett Rimel, GIS Analyst II, Swift Energy Company, reported to Jacob at Swift Energy Company "Jacob is a detail-oriented person who quickly grasps the needs of a department through observation, conversation and intelligent questions. He greatly impacted a project in our department, thus saving a great deal of time and increasing accuracy on activity in and around our areas of interest. I found him to be very pleasant, thorough and conscientious to work with." — Barbara Burgdorff, GeoTech Specialist, Swift Energy Company, worked indirectly for Jacob at Swift Energy Company "I worked with Jake while in the Brazil Pre-salt project in Shell. Jake is Very talented and hard worker, not only does he understands the questions/problem, but he tries to solve it on the most effective way, thinking and optimizing the data extraction from the application in this case ArcGIS. We achieved highly success rates on extracting, and cross reference data from the database that become a standard way of working in the team. I highly recommend Jake; any company will be acquiring a valuable asset." — Paula De Oliveira, Senior Petroleum Geologist-Pre Salt Brazil, Shell, worked directly with Jacob at Shell Exploration & Production "Jacob is very professional at what he does, and clearly communicates when discussing a project. He was very thorough in gathering the required information needed, and also presenting a GIS strategy for contractors. Jacob also is very active in the industry, with a keen interest improving efficiencies through technology. He recommended and assisted me with the implementation and use of FME software, as well as other technical assistance." — Jack Brandon Cooley, Support Services Supervisor, Geoscience Earth & Marine Services, Inc., was with another company when working with Jacob at Shell Exploration & Production "Jake is a very hard working and dedicated employee – He enjoys new challenges and is always focused on self- improvement. He has been a technical leader at Shell in leveraging GIS in support of Exploration and I would happily have him again on any team that I am responsible." — Brian Boulmay, Various Positions, Shell, managed Jacob at Shell Oil Company "I worked with Jake in the Brazil Exploration and Regional teams at Shell. He was a fastidious and dedicated individual. he consistently delivered high quality products on time and was not afraid to undertake and test new and novel geospatial approaches and techniques. I found Jake a great guy to communicate and co-create solutions with. He was attentive, dedicated and extremely knowledgeable in his field, with a sincere need to continually improve his knowledge and capabilities. I would have Jake in my team anytime. Cheers, Eskil" — Eskil Jersing, Regional Team Leader Brazil, Shell, managed Jacob at Shell Oil Company "Jake has a great work ethic. Very punctual and very detail oriented. Not afraid to put his foot forward and take the initiative. Handles criticism exceptionally well. I enjoyed my time working alongside Jake at El Paso Global Networks. He helped me out of a corner on more than one occasion. He is a real stand-up guy that I can recommend to anyone's team. Thanks Jake!" — Jeffrey Hill, GIS Specialist, El Paso Global Networks, worked directly with Jacob at El Paso "Jacob Maggard is one of the most honest, talented and experienced professionals I have ever had the pleasure to work with. His dedication to continual development of his professional skills has set him apart and above most in this industry. A driven, intelligent and insightful problem-solver he will be an asset to any organization's Management Team." — Brad Walker, Senior Designer, CDI Professional Services, worked directly with Jacob at CDI Professional Services "Jacob's work ethic and technical expertise saved our graduate project! He was always willing to take on more responsibilities and he put an extraordinary amount of effort into getting the project done. We were lucky to have him." — Sara Trevino, Project Manager, Houston Shutters, studied with Jacob at University of Houston-Clear Lake "Jacob and I worked together on a team during a class held at UHCL. Jacob was responsible, hard-working, and timely with all of his responsibilities. He pulled his weight in the group and was a true asset. Working on a team with Jacob was a very positive experience and showed how responsible he is." — Omar Abotteen, Student, University of Houston-Clear Lake, studied with Jacob at University of Houston-Clear Lake Contact Jacob on LinkedIn