NAACP-HispanicCoalition-Letter — original pdf

Request to present Maps to ICRC Chairs and ICRC Members: We are officially notifying the City of Austin Independent Citizen's Redistricting Commission that it has always been and continues to be our intent to present district maps for 4 minority districts, for your consideration. We believe these districts will constitute one African American opportunity district, two majority Hispanic districts and one majority or opportunity Hispanic district. We plan to have this plan presented to your body for potential inclusion in your final plan, before you present a plan before your Commissioner District hearings. . We will request time for a full presentation of this plan when it is ready. We plan to provide all data for plan to Mr. Korbel We will expect your full consideration of this proposal when it is presented. Nelson Linder Gonzalo Barrientos Co-Chairs of NAACP Hispanic Coalition