Item3C_08262021 ANC ICRC(presentation).pdf — original pdf

“We do for neighborhoods what the Chamber of Commerce does for business.” –Joan Bartz 1973 • Community Building • Advocacy • Civic Education • Policy Education • Land Use Education • Connecting Council with Neighbors • Environmental Justice • Equity ANC Executive Committee Justin Irving President Barbara McArthur Vice-President 1 Mary Ingle Joyce Basciano Chip Harris TBD Vice-President 2 Vice-President 3 Secretary Co-Secretary Sheryl Cheatham Treasurer Alexandria Anderson Marc Duchen Randy Ortega Seth Fowler Jim Lear Megan Meisenbach Daniel Llanes Julie Woods Jeff Bowen Communications Coordinator Sector 1 Representative Sector 2 Representative Sector 3 Representative Sector 4 Representative Sector 5 Representative Sector 6 Representative Sector 7 Representative Sector 8 Representative Andy Anderson Sector 9 Representative TBD Patricia King Sector 10 Representative Immediate Past President Neighborhood Planning Areas • Each area consists of many neighborhoods • Only represent neighborhoods in the city “core”. • Quasi governmental • ault/files/files/Planning/Neighborhood_ Planning/npstatus_tab_9-19-18.pdf ANC and 10-1 “The Austin Neighborhoods Council also supported the 10-1 plan. Past president Steve Aleman says that he looks forward to a more even representation across the entire city. "Last year when I was president, driving from one far end of town to the other for neighborhood meetings," Aleman recalled, "I was struck by how diverse the city is. ... It personally hit home how important this was to ensure that all the neighborhoods have a voice.“ “ -Austin Chronicle FRI., FEB. 1, 2013 Do neighborhood associations have their own boundary maps? If so, could those be shared with the commissioners? •