ICRC Public Forum D5_agenda_Revised_08172021 — original pdf
Revised Agenda

Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission (ICRC) August 17, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Via Videoconference Register in advance for this Zoom webinar: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3TZ4Ii3KQOmzO92w8p4Inw After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Members: Joshua Blank Camellia Falcon Shaina Kambo Hoang Le Eugene Schneider CALL TO ORDER Sara Inés Calderón Luis Gonzalez, Vice-Chair Prabhu Kannan Brigham Morris Selina Yee Erin Dempsey Errol Hardin Dr. Sterling Lands Christina Puentes, Chair REVISED AGENDA DEFINING THE ICRC: WHY WE ARE HERE TODAY 1. INTRODUCTION TO PUBLIC FORUM 1. Logistics 2. Public Forum Rules 2. 3. 4. MAP ACTIVITY SESSION CITY DEMOGRAPHICS PRESENTATION A. To Identify Aspects/Areas of the District that Matters to You/the Community B. District Map Drawing Priority Discussion (ICRC Charter: Section 3E) CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: INDIVIDUAL – Must Have Signed In Prior to Meeting (Each speaker will be limited to 3 minutes) 5. ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please the Housing and Planning Department, at 512-974-7665 and call Matt Dugan at matthew.dugan@austintexas.gov, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission, please contact Matt Dugan at 512-974-7665 and matthew.dugan@austintexas.gov or Lisa Rodriguez at 512-974-3119 and lisa.rodriguez@austintexas.gov. Versión en español a continuación. Public Forum Procedure 1. Purpose: to receive public input on redistricting matters prior to approval of preliminary redistricting plan • Logistics: request that all cell phones and electronic devices be silenced, and identify location of restrooms, entrances, and exits. Discourage speakers from repetitious or irrelevant testimony. • Chair: move meeting along • Vice-Chair: assist chair with time, schedule, and speaker names • Staff: MC/host, assist with handouts and speakers • Commissioners: limit questions to clarifications only. Specific questions shall be written and handed to Chair. Chair will have the discretion to approve questions and ask them of the speakers. 2. Public Forum Rules: Chair. • All individuals wishing to make comments must sign in prior to the meeting. • Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes, unless additional time is granted by the • Those in attendance are asked to refrain from disrupting the meeting by making noise of any kind (clapping, verbal feedback, etc); anyone who disrupts the proceedings will be asked to leave. • The Commission is interested in gathering data on citizens’ view of neighborhoods, maps, and the redistricting plan. • Everyone is asked to abide by these guidelines so that the public forum process can proceed smoothly and all who wish to speak have the opportunity to do so. Procedimiento de foro publico 1. Propósito: recibir comentarios del público sobre asuntos de redistribución de distritos antes de la aprobación del plan preliminar de redistribución de distritos. • Logística: solicite que todos los teléfonos celulares y dispositivos electrónicos sean silenciados e identifique la ubicación de los baños, entradas y salidas. Desaliente a los oradores de testimonios repetitivos o irrelevantes. • Presidente: mover la reunión a lo largo • Vicepresidente: ayude al presidente con la hora, el horario y los nombres de los oradores • Personal: MC / anfitrión, ayuda con folletos y oradores • Comisionados: limite las preguntas a aclaraciones únicamente. Las preguntas específicas se escribirán y se entregarán al presidente. El presidente tendrá la discreción de aprobar las preguntas y hacerlas a los oradores. 2. Reglas del foro público: • Todas las personas que deseen hacer comentarios deben registrarse antes de la reunión. • Cada orador está limitado a 3 minutos, a menos que el presidente otorgue tiempo adicional. • Se pide a los asistentes que se abstengan de interrumpir la reunión haciendo ruido de cualquier tipo (aplausos, comentarios verbales, etc.); se le pedirá a cualquier persona que interrumpa los procedimientos que se retire. • La Comisión está interesada en recopilar datos sobre la opinión de los ciudadanos sobre los vecindarios, mapas y el plan de redistribución de distritos. • Se les pide a todos que cumplan con estas pautas para que el proceso del foro público se desarrolle sin problemas y todos los que deseen hablar tengan la oportunidad de hacerlo.