Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

FLOOD MITIGATION TASK FORCE MEETING MINUTES May 4, 2016 1 FLOOD MITIGATION TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES (May 4, 2016) The Flood Mitigation Task Force convened in a regular meeting on May 4, 2016 at One Texas Center, 505 Barton Springs Road in Austin, Texas. Task Force Members in Attendance: Ana Aguirre, Marvin Chaney, Rolando Delgado, John Gleason, Dale Gray, Jeff Henke, Ken Jacob, Robert Kibbie, Rollin MacRae, Richard Maness, Elloa Matthews, Carol Olewin, John Pitts, Matthew L. Rienstra, and Dorsey Twidwell Staff in Attendance: Jean Drew, Joydeep Goswami, Jose Guerrero, Matt Hollon, Roxanne Jackson, Larry Jantzen, Pam Kearfott, Lynne Lightsey, Keith Noble, Joe Pantalion, Katie Pfeil, Scott Prinsen, Jerry Reynolds, Kathy Rock, Kevin Shunk, and Kelly Strickler Chair Matthew L. Rienstra called the Task Force meeting to order at 6:42 p.m. 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Dick Perrone (Upper Onion Creek neighborhood) spoke about his concerns with the Regional Stormwater Management Program (RSMP). 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes from the meeting of 4/25/2016 were approved on Task Force Member Dale Gray’s motion and Task Force Member John Pitts’ second on a 15-0 vote. Task Force Members Ray Canfield, Robert Henneke, Ben Hodges, Rose Marie Klee, Kate Mason-Murphy, Paul Morales, and Jay Scanlon were absent. 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Flood Mitigation Task Force Final Report to Council; approval process of final report No action taken. b. Discuss Specific Subsections of the Flood Mitigation Task Force Final Report to Council and receive staff input on Report Subsections Discussed sections 1a (“Flood Mitigation and Preparedness Strategies”), 1b (“Buyout and Variance Recommendations”), 1c (“Structure and Use of the DUF”), 1d (“Impacts to Equity and Affordability”), 1e (“Public Education”), 1f (“Standard and Green Infrastructure”), 2 (“Identify Available Funds”), 3 (“Peer Cities”), 4 (“Onion Creek Mitigation”), 5 (“Collaborating with the Environmental Commission”), and 6 (“Collaborating with Other Jurisdictions”) of the Final Report to Council. No action taken. 4. VOTING ITEMS FLOOD MITIGATION TASK FORCE MEETING MINUTES May 4, 2016 2 a. Specific Subsections of Flood Mitigation Task Force Final Report to Council Subsection 1a There was a motion by Task Force Member Dorsey Twidwell, seconded by Task Force Member Dale Gray, to adopt the non-substantive clarifications to subsection 1a provided by the Watershed Protection Department. The motion was approved on a vote of 15-0. Task Force Members Ray Canfield, Robert Henneke, Ben Hodges, Rose Marie Klee, Kate Mason-Murphy, Paul Morales, and Jay Scanlon were absent. There was a motion by Task Force Member Dorsey Twidwell, seconded by Task Force Member Elloa Matthews, to revise the language of recommendation 7 to read, “Set goals to reduce the number of habitable structures at risk of flooding based on all mitigation solutions and tools, e.g., retention and detention ponds; street gutters, drainage pipes; flood walls; individual floodproofing such as garden walls, elevation, and individual property floodwalls; and maintenance of closed and open waterways,” and to revise the language of recommendation 8 to read, “Review and revise the prioritization methods used to address problem flooding, combining multiple approaches that would include risk and event-based, as well as individual property damage and clustered property damage.” The motion was approved on a vote of 14-1, with Task Force Member Carol Olewin opposed. Task Force Members Ray Canfield, Robert Henneke, Ben Hodges, Rose Marie Klee, Kate Mason-Murphy, Paul Morales, and Jay Scanlon were absent. There was a motion by Task Force Member John Pitts, seconded by Task Force Member Dale Gray, to approve subsection 1a. The motion was approved with the following friendly amendment on a motion by Task Force Member Ken Jacob, seconded by Task Force Member Robert Kibbie, on a 15-0 vote. The friendly amendment by Task Force Member Ken Jacob was to revise the language of recommendation 9 to read, “Conduct a third‐party evaluation of the effectiveness and accountability of the Regional Stormwater Management Program (RSMP) to mitigate flooding and consider whether revisions and expansion of the program should be made.” This was accepted by the maker of the motion and approved on a 15-0 vote. Task Force Members Ray Canfield, Robert Henneke, Ben Hodges, Rose Marie Klee, Kate Mason-Murphy, Paul Morales, and Jay Scanlon were absent. Subsection 1b There was a motion by Task Force Member Dale Gray, seconded by Task Force Member Robert Kibbie, to approve subsection 1b. There was a friendly amendment by Task Force Member Ana Aguirre, seconded by Task Force Member Robert Kibbie, to revise the language of recommendation 13 to read, “Evaluate the LOC outreach program and determine if there are improvements that can be made for the current buyouts and only future buyouts if all other mitigation strategies have been analyzed for effectiveness” and to delete recommendation 14. This friendly amendment was withdrawn by Task Force Member Ana Aguirre after subheading for this section was revised to read “Flood Buyout Policy – Lower Onion Creek (LOC) Buyout Project (855 properties in the program).” The motion to approve subsection 1b was approved on a 15-0 vote. Task Force Members Ray Canfield, Robert Henneke, Ben Hodges, Rose Marie Klee, Kate Mason-Murphy, Paul Morales, and Jay Scanlon were absent. FLOOD MITIGATION TASK FORCE MEETING MINUTES May 4, 2016 3 Subsection 1c There was a motion made by Task Force Member John Pitts, seconded by Task Force Member Dorsey Twidwell, to approve subsection 1c. The motion was approved on a 15-0 vote. Task Force Members Ray Canfield, Robert Henneke, Ben Hodges, Rose Marie Klee, Kate Mason-Murphy, Paul Morales, and Jay Scanlon were absent. Subsection 1d There was a motion made by Task Force Member Dorsey Twidwell, seconded by Task Force Member Ken Jacob, to approve subsection 1d. The motion was approved on a 15-0 vote. Task Force Members Ray Canfield, Robert Henneke, Ben Hodges, Rose Marie Klee, Kate Mason-Murphy, Paul Morales, and Jay Scanlon were absent. Subsection 1e There was a motion made by Task Force Member Dorsey Twidwell, seconded by Task Force Member Rollin MacRae, to approve subsection 1e. The motion was approved on a 15-0 vote. Task Force Members Ray Canfield, Robert Henneke, Ben Hodges, Rose Marie Klee, Kate Mason-Murphy, Paul Morales, and Jay Scanlon were absent. Subsection 1f There was a motion by Task Force Member Dorsey Twidwell, seconded by Task Force Member John Gleason, to adopt the non-substantive clarifications to subsection 1f provided by the Watershed Protection Department. The motion was approved on a vote of 15-0. Task Force Members Ray Canfield, Robert Henneke, Ben Hodges, Rose Marie Klee, Kate Mason-Murphy, Paul Morales, and Jay Scanlon were absent. There was a motion made by Task Force Member Dorsey Twidwell, seconded by Task Force Member Ken Jacob, to approve subsection 1f. The motion was approved on a 15-0 vote. Task Force Members Ray Canfield, Robert Henneke, Ben Hodges, Rose Marie Klee, Kate Mason-Murphy, Paul Morales, and Jay Scanlon were absent. Section 2 There was a motion by Task Force Member Robert Kibbie, seconded by Task Force Member Ken Jacob, to adopt the non-substantive clarifications to section 2 provided by the Watershed Protection Department. The motion was approved on a vote of 15-0. Task Force Members Ray Canfield, Robert Henneke, Ben Hodges, Rose Marie Klee, Kate Mason-Murphy, Paul Morales, and Jay Scanlon were absent. There was a motion made by Task Force Member Elloa Matthews, seconded by Task Force Member Dorsey Twidwell, to approve section 2. The motion was approved on a 15-0 vote. Task Force Members Ray Canfield, Robert Henneke, Ben Hodges, Rose Marie Klee, Kate Mason-Murphy, Paul Morales, and Jay Scanlon were absent. Section 3 There was a motion made by Task Force Member Dorsey Twidwell, seconded by Task Force Member Ana Aguirre, to approve section 3. The motion was approved on a 15-0 vote. Task Force Members Ray Canfield, Robert Henneke, Ben Hodges, Rose Marie Klee, Kate Mason-Murphy, Paul Morales, and Jay Scanlon were absent. FLOOD MITIGATION TASK FORCE MEETING MINUTES May 4, 2016 4 Section 4 There was a motion by Task Force Member Elloa Matthews, seconded by Task Force Member John Pitts, to approve section 4. There was a friendly amendment by Task Force Member Rollin MacRae, seconded by Task Force Member Ken Jacob, to revise the language of recommendation 1f to read, “A large-scale floodwall option is destructive and should be considered only as a last resort and in specific limited areas. Any floodwall options must consider downstream impacts. Evaluate individual property floodproofing, including elevation of structures and/or individual structure floodwalls (‘garden walls’).” This was accepted by the maker of the motion and approved on a 15-0 vote. Task Force Members Ray Canfield, Robert Henneke, Ben Hodges, Rose Marie Klee, Kate Mason-Murphy, Paul Morales, and Jay Scanlon were absent. There was an additional friendly amendment by Task Force Member Ken Jacob, seconded by Task Force Member Dale Gray, to revise the language of recommendation 8 to read, “Conduct a third-party evaluation of the effectiveness and accountability of the Regional Stormwater Management Program (RSMP) to mitigate flooding and consider whether revisions and expansion of the program should be made.” This was accepted by the maker of the motion and approved on a 15-0 vote. Task Force Members Ray Canfield, Robert Henneke, Ben Hodges, Rose Marie Klee, Kate Mason-Murphy, Paul Morales, and Jay Scanlon were absent. There was a substitute motion made by Task Force Member John Gleason, seconded by Task Force Member Elloa Matthews, to approve section 4 with the revised language from the above friendly amendments. The motion as approved on a 15-0 vote. Task Force Members Ray Canfield, Robert Henneke, Ben Hodges, Rose Marie Klee, Kate Mason-Murphy, Paul Morales, and Jay Scanlon were absent. Section 5 There was a motion made by Task Force Member John Pitts, seconded by Task Force Member Dorsey Twidwell, to approve section 5. The motion was approved on a 15-0 vote. Task Force Members Ray Canfield, Robert Henneke, Ben Hodges, Rose Marie Klee, Kate Mason-Murphy, Paul Morales, and Jay Scanlon were absent. Section 6 There was a motion made by Task Force Member Dorsey Twidwell, seconded by Task Force Member John Pitts, to approve section 6. The motion was approved on a 15-0 vote. Task Force Members Ray Canfield, Robert Henneke, Ben Hodges, Rose Marie Klee, Kate Mason-Murphy, Paul Morales, and Jay Scanlon were absent. 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS a. Future meeting topics and staff input Task Force Members discussed two possible meeting dates for the following week: Monday, May 9 and Tuesday, May 10. A meeting date will be selected based on Task Force Member availability. ADJOURNMENT Chair Matthew L. Rienstra adjourned the meeting at 9:18 p.m. without objection. FLOOD MITIGATION TASK FORCE MEETING MINUTES May 4, 2016 5 The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Katie Pfeil, Watershed Protection Department, at 512-974-3377 for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Flood Mitigation Task Force, please contact Katie Pfeil, Watershed Protection Department, at 512-974-3377 or